cur_page = 'haitao'; } public function info() { $per_page = 2; $page = I('',1); $offset = ($page - 1) * $per_page; $subject_id = I('get.subject_id',0); $this->subject_id = $subject_id; $this->fromindex = I('get.fromindex',0); $subject = M('guobie')->where( array('id' => $subject_id) )->find(); $this->subject = $subject; $sql = 'select g.goods_id,,g.quantity,g.pinprice,g.price,g.danprice,g.pin_count,g.image,g.fan_image,g.store_id,g.seller_count from '.C('DB_PREFIX')."guobie as sg , ".C('DB_PREFIX')."goods as g where ={$subject_id} and g.type='haitao' and = g.guobie_id and g.status =1 and g.quantity >0 order by asc limit {$offset},{$per_page}"; $list = M()->query($sql); if(!empty($list)) { foreach($list as $key => $v){ if(!empty($v['fan_image'])){ $list[$key]['image']=resize($v['fan_image'], C('common_image_thumb_width'), C('common_image_thumb_height')); }else { $list[$key]['image']=resize($v['image'], C('common_image_thumb_width'), C('common_image_thumb_height')); } } } $this->list = $list; $type_template = array(); $type_template['haitao'] = array('html' => 'haitao_info', 'fetch_html' => 'Haitao:haitao_ajax_info_fetch'); if($page > 1) { $result = array('code' => 0); if(!empty($list)) { $result['code'] = 1; $result['html'] = $this->fetch($type_template['haitao']['fetch_html']); } echo json_encode($result); die(); } $this->display($type_template['haitao']['html']); } //进行中 public function index(){ $haitao_list = M('guobie')->where( array('is_index' => 1) )->order('id asc')->limit(5)->select(); $this->haitao_list = $haitao_list; $parent_category = M('goods_category')->where( array('is_haitao' => 1,'pid' => 0) )->order('sort_order asc')->find(); $category_list = M('goods_category')->where( array('pid' =>$parent_category['id'],'is_haitao' => 1 ) )->order('sort_order asc')->select(); $this->category_list = $category_list; $per_page = 4; $page = I('',1); $offset = ($page - 1) * $per_page; $this->fromindex = I('get.fromindex',0); $sql = 'select g.goods_id,,g.quantity,g.pinprice,g.price,g.danprice,g.pin_count,g.image,g.store_id,g.seller_count from '.C('DB_PREFIX')."guobie as sg , ".C('DB_PREFIX')."goods as g where g.type='haitao' and sg.is_index =1 and = g.guobie_id and g.status =1 and g.quantity >0 order by asc limit {$offset},{$per_page}"; $list = M()->query($sql); $this->list = $list; $type_template = array(); $type_template['haitao'] = array('html' => 'haitao_index', 'fetch_html' => 'Haitao:haitao_ajax_fetch'); if($page > 1) { $result = array('code' => 0); if(!empty($list)) { $result['code'] = 1; $result['html'] = $this->fetch($type_template['haitao']['fetch_html']); } echo json_encode($result); die(); } $this->display($type_template['haitao']['html']); } }