Quellcode durchsuchen


shaoguo vor 7 Monaten

+ 5794 - 6059

@@ -1,6060 +1,5795 @@
- * lionfish 商城系统
- *
- * ==========================================================================
- * @link      http://www.liofis.com/
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2015 liofis.com. 
- * @license   http://www.liofis.com/license.html License
- * ==========================================================================
- *
- * @author    fish
- *
- */
-class CarController extends \Home\Controller\CommonController
-	//--------begin
-	public function reduce_car_goods()
-	{
-		$_GPC = I('request.');
-		$data = array();
-		$data['goods_id'] = $_GPC['goods_id'];
-		$data['community_id'] = $_GPC['community_id'];
-		$data['quantity'] = $_GPC['quantity'];
-		$data['sku_str'] = $_GPC['sku_str'];
-		if($_GPC['sku_str'] == 'undefined')
-		{
-			$_GPC['sku_str'] = '';
-			$data['sku_str']  = '';
-		}
-		$data['buy_type'] = $_GPC['buy_type'];
-		$data['pin_id'] = $_GPC['pin_id'];
-		$data['is_just_addcar'] = $_GPC['is_just_addcar'];
-		$data['soli_id'] = isset($_GPC['soli_id']) ? intval($_GPC['soli_id']) : '';
-		if( !isset($data['buy_type']) || empty($data['buy_type']) )
-		{
-		  $data['buy_type'] = 'dan';
-		}
-		$token = $_GPC['token'];
-		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where( array('token' => $token) )->find();
-		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
-		$is_just_addcar = empty($data['is_just_addcar']) ? 0: 1;
-		$goods_id = $data['goods_id'];
-		if( empty($member_id))
-		{			
-		    $result = array('code' =>4);
-		    echo json_encode($result);
-		    die();
-		}
-		if (isset($data['goods_id'])) {
-			$goods_id = $data['goods_id'];
-		} else {
-			$goods_id = 0;
-		}
-		$goods_param = array();
-		$product = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->where( array('id' => $goods_id ) )->find();
-		if( $product['grounding'] != 1)
-		{
-			$json['code'] =6;
-			$json['msg']='商品已下架!';
-			echo json_encode($json);
-			die();
-		}
-		$is_community = D('Seller/Communityhead')->is_community($data['community_id']);
-		if( !$is_community )
-		{
-			$json['code'] =6;
-			$json['msg']='该小区已经不存在!';
-			echo json_encode($json);
-			die();
-		}
-		//6 
-		if($is_just_addcar == 1)
-		{
-			if($product['pick_just'] > 0)
-			{
-				$json['code'] =6;
-				$json['msg']='自提商品,请立即购买';
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-		}
-		//商品存在
-		if($product){
-			$cart= D('Home/Car');
-			if (isset($data['quantity'])) {
-				$quantity = $data['quantity'];
-			} else {
-				$quantity = 1;
-			}
-			$option = array();
-			if( !empty($data['sku_str'])){
-			    $option = explode('_', $data['sku_str']);
-			}
-            $cart_goods_quantity = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id'] ,$token,$data['soli_id'] );
-			$key = (int)$goods_id . ':'.$data['community_id'].':';
-			if( !empty($data['soli_id']) )
-			{
-				$key .= $data['soli_id'].':';
-			}
-			if ($data['sku_str']) {
-				$key.= base64_encode($data['sku_str']) . ':';
-			} else {
-			   $key.= ':';//xx
-			}
-			$car_prefix = 'cart.';
-			if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'soitaire' )
-			{
-				$key = 'soitairecart.' . $key;
-				$car_prefix = 'soitairecart.';
-			}else{
-				$key = 'cart.' . $key;
-			}
-			$json=array('code' =>0);
-			$car_info = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where( array('carkey' => $key,'community_id' => $data['community_id'] ) )->find();
-			$tmp_format_data = unserialize($car_info['format_data']);
-			//$tmp_format_data['quantity']
-			if($tmp_format_data['quantity'] == 1 || $tmp_format_data['quantity'] <= $quantity)
-			{
-				$all_cart = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where( array('carkey' => $key ,'community_id' =>$data['community_id'],'token' => $token  ) )->delete();
-			}else{
-				$tmp_format_data['quantity'] = $tmp_format_data['quantity'] - $quantity;
-				M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where( array('id' => $car_info['id'], 'community_id' => $data['community_id'] ) )->save( array('format_data' => serialize($tmp_format_data) ) );
-			}
-			$cart= D('Home/Car');
-			$total=$cart->count_goodscar($token, $data['community_id']);
-			$json ['code']  = 1;
-			if( $data['buy_type'] != 'dan' )
-			{
-			    $json ['code']  = 2;
-			}
-			$cart_goods_quantity = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id'] ,$token);
-			$json['success']='成功加入购物车!!';
-			$json['total']=$total;
-			$json['cur_count']=$cart_goods_quantity;
-			$is_limit_distance_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_limit_buy_distance');	
-			$json['is_limit_distance_buy']=$is_limit_distance_buy;
-			$json['goods_total_count'] = 0;
-			if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'soitaire' )
-			{
-				$json['goods_total_count'] = $cart->get_wecart_goods_solicount($goods_id, $data['community_id'],$token, $data['soli_id'] );
-				$json['cur_count'] = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'],$token,$car_prefix,$data['soli_id'] );
-			}
-			echo json_encode($json);
-			die();
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-		pintuan_newman_notice
-	**/
-	public function add_newcar()
-	{
-		$_GPC = I('request.');
-		$data = array();
-		$data['goods_id'] = $_GPC['goods_id'];
-		$data['buy_type'] = 'pintuan';
-		$data['community_id'] = $_GPC['community_id'];
-		$community_id= $data['community_id'];
-		$data['quantity'] = 1;
-		$token = $_GPC['token'];
-		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where( array('token' => $token) )->find();
-		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
-		$goods_id = $data['goods_id'];
-		if( empty($member_id))
-		{			
-		    $result = array('code' =>4);
-		    echo json_encode($result);
-		    die();
-		}
-		$goods_param = array();
-		$product = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->where( array('id' => $goods_id ) )->find();
-		if( $product['grounding'] != 1)
-		{
-			$json['code'] =6;
-			$json['msg']='商品已下架!';
-			echo json_encode($json);
-			die();
-		}
-		$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id , 'total_limit_count,one_limit_count,is_new_buy');
-		$pin_model = D('Home/Pin');
-		$iszero_opentuan = $pin_model->check_goods_iszero_opentuan( $goods_id );
-		if($iszero_opentuan != 1)
-		{
-			$json['code'] =6;
-			$json['msg']='非邀请团商品!';
-			echo json_encode($json);
-			die();
-		}
-		$cart= D('Home/Car');
-		if($product){
-			if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pintuan' )
-			{
-				$car_prefix = 'pintuancart.';
-			}
-            $cart_goods_quantity = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id'] ,$token,$car_prefix);
-			$json=array('code' =>0);
-			//$goods_model = D('Home/Goods');
-			$goods_quantity=$cart->get_goods_quantity($goods_id);
-			//检测商品限购 6 one_limit_count
-			/**
-			$can_buy_count = D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_count($member_id, $goods_id);
-			if(!empty($cart_goods_quantity) && $cart_goods_quantity > 0)
-			{
-				if($goods_description['one_limit_count'] > 0 && $cart_goods_quantity >= $goods_description['one_limit_count'] )
-				{
-					$json['code'] =6;
-					//$json['msg']='已经不能再买了';
-					$json['msg']='您本次只能购买'.$goods_description['one_limit_count'].'个';
-					$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['one_limit_count'];
-					echo json_encode($json);
-					die();
-				}
-				$can_buy_count = $can_buy_count - $cart_goods_quantity;
-				if($can_buy_count <= 0)
-				{
-					$can_buy_count = -1;
-				}
-			}
-			if($can_buy_count == -1 && $goods_description['total_limit_count'] >0)
-			{
-				$json['code'] =6;
-				//$json['msg']='已经不能再买了';
-				$json['msg']='您本次只能购买'.$goods_description['total_limit_count'].'个';
-				$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['total_limit_count'];
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}else if($can_buy_count >0 && $quantity >$can_buy_count)
-			{
-				$json['code'] =6;
-				$json['msg']='您还能购买'.$can_buy_count.'份';
-				$json['max_quantity'] = $can_buy_count;
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-			//已加入购物车的总数
-			if($goods_quantity<$quantity+$cart_goods_quantity){
-			    $json['code'] =3;
-			    if ($goods_quantity==0) {
-			    	$json['msg']='已抢光';
-			    }else{
-					// $json['msg']='商品数量不足,剩余'.$goods_quantity.'个!!';
-					$json['msg']='商品数量不足';
-					$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_quantity;
-			    }
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-			**/
-			//开始生产订单 TODO...
-			$payment = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id ) )->find();
-			$data = array();
-			$data['member_id']=$member_id;
-			$data['name']= $payment['username'];
-			$data['use_score']= 0;//是否使用积分抵扣
-			$data['telephone']= '0000';
-			$data['shipping_name']= '0000';
-			$data['shipping_tel']= '0000';
-			$data['shipping_address'] = '';
-			$data['shipping_province_id']=0;
-			$data['shipping_city_id']=0;
-			$data['shipping_stree_id']=0;
-			$data['shipping_country_id']=0;
-			$data['shipping_method'] = 0;
-			$data['delivery']='express';
-			$data['pick_up_id']=$community_id;
-			$data['ziti_name']='';
-			$data['ziti_mobile']='';
-			$data['payment_method']='yuer';
-			$data['address_id']= 0;
-			$data['voucher_id'] = 0;//目前都是平台券
-			$data['user_agent']=$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
-			$data['date_added']=time();		
-			$data['type'] = 'pintuan';
-			$data['shipping_fare'] = 0;
-			$goods_data = array();
-			$goods_data[] = array(
-				'goods_id'   => $product['id'],
-				'store_id' => 0,
-				'name'       => $product['goodsname'],
-				'model'      => '',
-				'is_pin' => 1,
-				'pin_id' => 0,
-				'header_disc' => 0,
-				'member_disc' => 0,
-				'level_name' => '',
-				'option'     => '',
-				'quantity'   => 1,
-				'shipping_fare' => 0,
-				'price'      => $product['price'],
-				'card_price' => 0,
-				'costprice' => 0,
-				'total'      => 0,
-				'card_total' => 0 ,
-				'is_take_vipcard' => 0,
-				'fenbi_li'      => 0,
-				'can_man_jian'  => 0,
-				'comment' => ''
-			);
-			$data['is_free_shipping_fare']= 0;
-			$data['store_id']= 0;
-			$data['order_goods_total_money']= 0;
-			$data['goodss'] = $goods_data;
-			$data['order_num_alias']=build_order_no($member_id);
-			$data['voucher_credit'] = 0;
-			$data['score_for_money'] = 0;
-			$data['reduce_money'] = 0;
-			$data['man_total_free'] = 0;
-			$oid = D('Home/Frontorder')->addOrder($data);// D('Order')->addOrder($data);
-			$o = array();
-			$o['payment_code'] = 'yuer';
-			$o['order_status_id'] =  2;
-			$o['date_modified']=time();
-			$o['pay_time']=time();
-			$o['transaction_id'] = '余额支付';
-			$o['type'] = 'ignore';
-			//ims_ 
-			M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where( array('order_id' => $oid ) )->save( $o );
-			//更新到0元开团订单类型
-			echo json_encode( array('code' => 0, 'order_id' => $oid ) );
-			die();
-		}
-	}
-	//end--
-	public function add()
-	{
-		$gpc = I('request.');
-		$data = array();
-		$data['goods_id'] = $gpc['goods_id'];
-		$data['community_id'] = $gpc['community_id'];
-		$data['quantity'] = $gpc['quantity'];
-		$data['sku_str'] = $gpc['sku_str'];
-		$data['is_just_addcar'] = $gpc['is_just_addcar'];
-		$data['soli_id'] = isset($gpc['soli_id']) ? intval($gpc['soli_id']) :'';
-		if($gpc['sku_str'] == 'undefined')
-		{
-			$gpc['sku_str'] = '';
-			$data['sku_str']  = '';
-		}
-		$pintuan_model_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('pintuan_model_buy');
-		if( empty($pintuan_model_buy) || $pintuan_model_buy ==0 )
-		{
-			$pintuan_model_buy = 0;
-		}
-		$data['buy_type'] = $gpc['buy_type'];
-		$data['pin_id'] = $gpc['pin_id'];
-		$data['is_just_addcar'] = $gpc['is_just_addcar'];
-		if( !isset($data['buy_type']) || empty($data['buy_type']) )
-		{
-		  $data['buy_type'] = 'dan';
-		}
-		else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'soitaire' )
-		{
-			$data['buy_type'] = 'soitaire';
-		}
-		else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pindan' )
-		{
-			$data['buy_type'] = 'pindan';
-		}else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pintuan' )
-		{
-			$data['buy_type'] = 'pintuan';
-		}
-		else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'presale' )
-        {
-            $data['buy_type'] = 'presale';
-        }
-        else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'virtualcard' )
-        {
-            $data['buy_type'] = 'virtualcard';
-        }
-		else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) &&  $data['buy_type'] == 'integral' )
-		{
-			$data['buy_type'] = 'integral';
-		}
-		$token = $gpc['token'];
-		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where( array('token' => $token) )->find();
-		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
-		$puis_not_buy =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('puis_not_buy');
-        $member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id) )->find();
-        if( !empty($puis_not_buy) && $puis_not_buy ==1 )
-		{
-			if($member_info['level_id'] == 0)
-			{
-				$json['code'] =6;
-				$json['msg']='普通会员不能购买!';
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-		}
-        //1、判断是否开启审核,2、如果开启审核,判断会员状态是否审核
-        $is_user_shenhe = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_user_shenhe');
-        //1
-        if( isset($is_user_shenhe) && $is_user_shenhe == 1 )
-        {
-            if( $member_info['is_apply_state'] != 1 )
-            {
-                $json['code'] = 6;
-                $json['msg'] = '会员未审核不能购买';
-                echo json_encode( $json );
-                die();
-            }
-        }
-		//团长休息
-		$community_id = $gpc['community_id'];
-		$group_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('group_name');
-		if( isset($community_id) && $community_id > 0 )
-		{
-			$is_can_buy = D('Seller/Communityhead')-> check_goods_can_community($gpc['goods_id'], $community_id);
-			if( !$is_can_buy )
-			{
-				$json['code'] =6;
-				$json['msg']='此商品在您所属'.$group_name.'不可参与!';
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-			// is_all_sale
-		}
-        $is_just_addcar = empty($data['is_just_addcar']) ? 0: 1;
-		$goods_id = $data['goods_id'];
-		if( empty($member_id))
-		{			
-		    $result = array('code' =>4);
-		    echo json_encode($result);
-		    die();
-		}
-		if (isset($data['goods_id'])) {
-			$goods_id = $data['goods_id'];
-		} else {
-			$goods_id = 0;
-		}
-		$product = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->where( array('id' => $goods_id ) )->find();
-		if( $product['grounding'] != 1)
-		{
-			$json['code'] =6;
-			$json['msg']='商品已下架!';
-			echo json_encode($json);
-			die();
-		}
-		$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id , 'total_limit_count,one_limit_count,oneday_limit_count,is_new_buy,is_limit_levelunbuy,is_limit_vipmember_buy,goods_start_count');
-		//is_limit_levelunbuy
-		//$is_default_levellimit_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_default_levellimit_buy');
-		//isset($is_default_levellimit_buy) && $is_default_levellimit_buy == 1 &&
-		if(  $goods_description['is_limit_levelunbuy'] == 1 )
-		{
-			// member_id
-			$mb_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('level_id')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id ) )->find();
-			if( $mb_info['level_id'] == 0 )
-			{
-				$json['code'] =6;
-				$json['msg']='默认等级不能购买,请联系客服';
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-		}	
-		//is_limit_vipmember_buy 付费会员专享
-		//$is_default_vipmember_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_default_vipmember_buy');
-		//isset($is_default_vipmember_buy) && $is_default_vipmember_buy == 1 &&
-		if(  $goods_description['is_limit_vipmember_buy'] == 1 )
-		{
-			$mb_vip = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('card_id,card_begin_time,card_end_time')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id ) )->find();
-			//当前时间
-			$present_time = time();
-			if( $mb_vip['card_id'] == 0 || ( $present_time > $mb_vip['card_end_time'] ) )
-			{
-				$is_pop_vipmember_buytip = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_pop_vipmember_buytip');
-				$is_open_vipcard_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_vipcard_buy');
-				$pop_vipmember_buyimage = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('pop_vipmember_buyimage');
-				$json['has_image'] = 0;
-				$is_open_vipcard_buy = isset($is_open_vipcard_buy) ? $is_open_vipcard_buy : 0;
-				if( isset($is_pop_vipmember_buytip) && $is_pop_vipmember_buytip ==1 )
-				{
-					if( isset($pop_vipmember_buyimage) && !empty($pop_vipmember_buyimage) )
-					{
-						$pop_vipmember_buyimage = tomedia($pop_vipmember_buyimage);
-						$json['has_image'] = 1;
-						$json['pop_vipmember_buyimage'] = $pop_vipmember_buyimage;
-					}
-				}
-				$json['code'] =7;
-				$json['msg']='付费会员专享,普通会员不能购买';
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}			
-		}
-		if( !empty($goods_description['is_new_buy']) &&  $goods_description['is_new_buy'] == 1)
-		{
-			$ck_buy_order = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->field('order_id')->where( "member_id={$member_id} and order_status_id in (1,4,6,7,10,11,12,14)"  )->find();
-			if( !empty($ck_buy_order) )
-			{
-				$json['code'] =6;
-				$json['msg']='新人专享!';
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-			$is_new_buy_limit = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_new_buy_limit');
-			$new_buy_limit_num = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('new_buy_limit_num');
-			if(!empty($is_new_buy_limit) && $is_new_buy_limit == 1){//新人专享限制
-				$goods_cate_count = D('Home/Car')->get_new_goods_count($token,$goods_id,$data['sku_str']);
-				if($goods_cate_count >= $new_buy_limit_num){
-					$json['code'] = 6;
-					$json['msg']='超出新人专享限制!';
-					echo json_encode($json);
-					die();
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		//$data['community_id']
-		if( $data['buy_type'] == 'dan' || $data['buy_type'] =='soitaire'  || ($pintuan_model_buy ==1 && $data['buy_type'] != 'dan') )
-		{
-			$is_community = D('Seller/Communityhead')->is_community($data['community_id']);
-			if( !$is_community )
-			{
-				$json['code'] =6;
-				$json['msg']='该小区已经不存在!';
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-		}
-		//判断是否积分兑换
-		if( $product['type'] == 'integral')
-		{
-			//判断积分是否足够 member_id 暂时关闭以下代码
-			$integral_model = D('Home/Integral');
-			if (isset($data['quantity'])) {
-				$quantity = $data['quantity'];
-			} else {
-				$quantity = 1;
-			}
-			if(intval($quantity) < 1){
-				$json['code'] =6;
-				$json['msg']='数量不能小于1!';
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-			$check_result = $integral_model->check_user_score_quantity_can_pay($member_id, $data['sku_str'], $goods_id,$quantity);
-			if( $check_result['code'] == 1 )
-			{
-				$json['code'] =6;
-				$json['msg']='剩余'.$check_result['cur_score'].'积分,积分不足!';
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-			/****/
-		}
-		//6 
-		if($is_just_addcar == 1)
-		{
-			if($product['pick_just'] > 0)
-			{
-				$json['code'] =6;
-				$json['msg']='自提商品,请立即购买';
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-		}
-		//商品存在
-		if($product){
-			$cart= D('Home/Car');
-			if (isset($data['quantity'])) {
-				$quantity = $data['quantity'];
-			} else {
-				$quantity = 1;
-			}
-			$option = array();
-			if( !empty($data['sku_str'])){
-			    $option = explode('_', $data['sku_str']);
-			}
-			$car_prefix = "cart.";
-			if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pindan' )
-			{
-				$car_prefix = 'pindancart.';//cart.
-			}
-			else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'soitaire' )
-			{
-				$car_prefix = 'soitairecart.';
-			}
-			else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pintuan' )
-			{
-				$car_prefix = 'pintuancart.';
-			}
-            else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'presale' )
-            {
-                $car_prefix = 'presalecart.';
-            }
-            else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'virtualcard' )
-            {
-                $car_prefix = 'virtualcardcart.';
-            }
-			else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'integral' ){
-				$car_prefix = 'integralcart.';
-			}
-			//$data['soli_id']
-            if($data['is_just_addcar'] == 0){
-                $cart_goods_quantity = 0;
-            }else{
-                $cart_goods_quantity = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id'] ,$token,$car_prefix,$data['soli_id']);
-            }
-			$cart_goods_all_quantity = $cart->get_wecartall_goods($goods_id,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id'] ,$token,$car_prefix);
-			$json=array('code' =>0);
-			//$goods_model = D('Home/Goods');
-			$goods_quantity=$cart->get_goods_quantity($goods_id);
-            if(!empty($data['sku_str'])){
-                $goods_option_item_value = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->field('stock')->where(array('goods_id' =>$goods_id,'option_item_ids'=>$data['sku_str']))->find();
-                if(!empty($goods_option_item_value)){
-                    $goods_quantity = $goods_option_item_value['stock'];
-                }
-            }
-			//rela_goodsoption_valueid
-			if($goods_quantity < $goods_description['goods_start_count']){
-				$json['code'] =6;
-				$json['msg']='起售数量'.$goods_description['goods_start_count'].',库存不足,剩余'.$goods_quantity.'个';
-				$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['goods_start_count'];
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-			//起售数量判断
-			if($quantity+$cart_goods_quantity < $goods_description['goods_start_count'])
-			{
-				$json['code'] = 6;
-				$json['msg'] =  $goods_description['goods_start_count'].'份起售';
-				$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['goods_start_count'];
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-            //$can_buy_count = D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_count($member_id, $goods_id);
-			/**
-            //单次限购
-            if(!empty($cart_goods_all_quantity) && $cart_goods_all_quantity > 0 && $data['buy_type'] != 'pintuan' )
-            {
-                if($goods_description['one_limit_count'] > 0 && $cart_goods_all_quantity >= $goods_description['one_limit_count'] )
-                {
-                    $json['code'] =6;
-                    //$json['msg']='已经不能再买了';
-                    $json['msg'] = '您本次只能购买'.$goods_description['one_limit_count'].'个';
-                    $json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['one_limit_count'];
-                    echo json_encode($json);
-                    die();
-                }
-                $can_buy_count = $can_buy_count - $cart_goods_all_quantity;
-                if($can_buy_count <= 0)
-                {
-                    $can_buy_count = -1;
-                }
-            }
-            //每单限购
-            if($can_buy_count > 0 && $quantity > $can_buy_count)
-            {
-                $json['code'] =6;
-                $json['msg']='您每次只能购买'.$can_buy_count.'份';
-                $json['max_quantity'] = $can_buy_count;
-                echo json_encode($json);
-                die();
-            }
-            //每日限购 6
-            $can_buy_day_count =  D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_day_count($member_id, $goods_id);
-            if ($goods_description['oneday_limit_count'] >0){
-                if($can_buy_day_count == -1 || ($can_buy_day_count > 0 && ($cart_goods_all_quantity+$quantity) > $can_buy_day_count))
-                {
-                    $json['code'] =6;
-                    //$json['msg']='已经不能再买了';
-                    $json['msg']='您每天只能购买'.$goods_description['oneday_limit_count'].'个';
-                    $json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['oneday_limit_count'];
-                    echo json_encode($json);
-                    die();
-                }
-            }
-			//历史限购判断
-			if($can_buy_count == -1 && $goods_description['total_limit_count'] >0)
-			{
-				$json['code'] =6;
-				//$json['msg']='已经不能再买了';
-				$json['msg']='您还能购买'.$goods_description['total_limit_count'].'个';
-				$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['total_limit_count'];
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-			**/
-			$can_buy_one_count = D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_one_count($member_id, $goods_id);
-			/*$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id , 'total_limit_count,one_limit_count,oneday_limit_count,is_new_buy,is_limit_levelunbuy,is_limit_vipmember_buy,goods_start_count');
-			if($quantity < $goods_description['goods_start_count']){
-				$json['code'] = 6;
-				//$json['msg'] = '您本次只能购买'.$goods_description['one_limit_count'].'份';
-				$json['msg'] = $goods_description['goods_start_count'].'件起售';
-				$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['goods_start_count'];
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}*/
-			//单次限购判断
-			if($goods_description['one_limit_count'] > 0 && $quantity+$cart_goods_quantity > $goods_description['one_limit_count'])
-			{
-				$json['code'] = 6;
-				//$json['msg'] = '您本次只能购买'.$goods_description['one_limit_count'].'份';
-				$json['msg'] = '购物车总数已满或超出每次购买数量';
-                $json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['one_limit_count']-$cart_goods_all_quantity;
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-			$can_buy_day_count =  D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_day_count($member_id, $goods_id);
-			if($can_buy_day_count == -1 || ($can_buy_day_count > 0 && $quantity > $can_buy_day_count))
-			{
-				$json['code'] =6;
-				//$json['msg'] = '您今天只能购买'.$goods_description['oneday_limit_count'].'份';
-				$json['msg'] = '购物车总数已满或超出每天购买数量';
-				$json['max_quantity'] = $can_buy_day_count-$cart_goods_all_quantity;
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}else if($can_buy_day_count > 0 && ($quantity+$cart_goods_quantity) > $can_buy_day_count){
-				$json['code'] =6;
-				//$json['msg'] = '您今天还能购买'.$can_buy_day_count.'份';
-				$json['msg'] = '购物车总数已满或超出每天购买数量';
-				$json['max_quantity']=$can_buy_day_count-$cart_goods_all_quantity;
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-			$can_buy_all_count =  D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_all_count($member_id, $goods_id);
-            if($data['buy_type'] == 'pintuan' || $data['buy_type'] == 'pindan' || $data['buy_type'] == 'presale'){
-                $cart_goods_all_quantity = 0;
-            }
-			//历史限购判断
-			if($can_buy_all_count == -1 && $goods_description['total_limit_count'] >0)
-			{
-				$json['code'] =6;
-				//$json['msg']='您最多只能购买'.$goods_description['total_limit_count'].'份';
-				$json['msg'] = '购物车总数已满或超出历史购买数量';
-				$json['max_quantity'] = 1;
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}else if($can_buy_all_count > 0 && ($cart_goods_all_quantity+$quantity) > $can_buy_all_count){
-				$json['code'] =6;
-				$json['msg']='购物车总数已满或超出历史购买数量';
-				$json['max_quantity'] = $can_buy_all_count-$cart_goods_all_quantity;
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-			//已加入购物车的总数
-			if($goods_quantity < $quantity+$cart_goods_quantity){
-			    $json['code'] =3;
-			    if ($goods_quantity==0) {
-			    	$json['msg']='已抢光';
-			    }else{
-					$json['msg']='商品数量不足';
-					$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_quantity;
-			    }
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-			if(!empty($option))
-			{
-				$mul_opt_arr = array();
-				//ims_ 
-				//$goods_option_mult_value = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id,'option_item_ids' => $data['sku_str']) )->find();
-				$open_redis_server = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('open_redis_server');
-                if(!empty($open_redis_server) && $open_redis_server == 1)
-                {
-                    $goods_option_mult_value_stock = D('Seller/Redisorder')->get_goods_sku_quantity($goods_id, $data['sku_str']);
-                }else{
-                	$goods_option_mult_value = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id,'option_item_ids' => $data['sku_str']) )->find();
-                }
-				if( !empty($goods_option_mult_value_stock) )
-				{
-					if($goods_option_mult_value_stock<$quantity+$cart_goods_quantity){
-					    $json['code'] =3;
-						$json['msg']='商品数量不足,剩余'.$goods_option_mult_value_stock.'个!!';
-						$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_option_mult_value['stock'];
-						echo json_encode($json);
-						die();
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			//buy_type
-		   // $this->clear_all_cart(); $data['community_id']
-			$format_data_array = array(
-									'quantity' => $quantity,
-									'community_id' => $data['community_id'],
-									'goods_id' => $goods_id,
-									'sku_str'=>$data['sku_str'],
-									'buy_type' =>$data['buy_type'],
-									'soli_id' => $data['soli_id']
-								);
-			//区分活动商品还是普通商品。做两个购物车,活动商品是需要直接购买的,单独购买商品加入正常的购物车TODO....
-		    //is_just_addcar 0  1
-			if($data['buy_type'] == 'dan' && $is_just_addcar == 0)
-		    {
-				//$cart->removedancar($token);
-				//清空一下购物车
-				//singledel
-				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 0;
-				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
-		        $cart->addwecar($token,$goods_id,$format_data_array,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id']);
-				$total=$cart->count_goodscar($token ,$data['community_id']);
-		    }
-			else if($data['buy_type'] == 'dan' && $is_just_addcar == 1)
-			{
-				//singledel
-				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 1;
-				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
-				$cart->addwecar($token,$goods_id,$format_data_array,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id']);
-				$total=$cart->count_goodscar($token, $data['community_id']);
-			}
-			else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'soitaire' )
-			{
-				//清理单独购买的商品
-				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 1;
-				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
-		        $cart->addwecar($token,$goods_id,$format_data_array,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id'],$car_prefix,$data['soli_id']);
-				$total=0;
-			}
-			else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pindan' )
-			{
-				//清理单独购买的商品
-				$cart->removeActivityAllcar($token, 'pindancart.');
-				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 0;
-				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
-		        $cart->addwecar($token,$goods_id,$format_data_array,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id'],$car_prefix);
-				$total=0;
-			}
-			else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pintuan' )
-			{
-				$pin_id = isset($data['pin_id']) ? $data['pin_id'] : 0;
-				if( $pin_id > 0 )
-				{
-					$pin_info_tmp = M('lionfish_comshop_pin')->where( array('pin_id' => $pin_id ) )->find();
-					if( !empty($pin_info_tmp) && $pin_info_tmp['is_newman_takein'] == 1 )
-					{
-						//检测是否新人
-						//检测是否购买过
-						$od_status = "1,2,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14";
-						$od_buy_count = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where("order_status_id in ({$od_status}) and member_id=".$member_id)->count();
-						if( !empty($od_buy_count) && $od_buy_count >0 )
-						{
-							$json['code'] =3;
-							$json['msg']='新人专享';
-							echo json_encode($json);
-							die();
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				//清理拼团的商品
-				$cart->removeActivityAllcar($token, 'pintuancart.');
-				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 0;
-				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
-				$format_data_array['pin_id'] = $pin_id;
-		        $cart->addwecar($token,$goods_id,$format_data_array,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id'],$car_prefix);
-				$total=0;
-			}
-            else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'presale' )
-            {
-                //清理预售的商品
-                $cart->removeActivityAllcar($token, 'presalecart.');
-                $format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 0;
-                $format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
-                $cart->addwecar($token,$goods_id,$format_data_array,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id'],$car_prefix);
-                $total=0;
-            }
-            else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'virtualcard' )
-            {
-                //清理预售的商品
-                $cart->removeActivityAllcar($token, 'virtualcardcart.');
-                $format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 0;
-                $format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
-                $cart->addwecar($token,$goods_id,$format_data_array,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id'],$car_prefix);
-                $total=0;
-            }
-			else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'integral' )
-			{
-				//清理拼团的商品 $data['pin_id']
-				$cart->removeActivityAllcar($token, 'integralcart.');
-				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 0;
-				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
-		        $cart->addwecar($token,$goods_id,$format_data_array,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id'],$car_prefix);
-				$total=0;
-			}
-			else {
-		        //buy_type:pin  活动购物车。
-		        $pin_id = isset($data['pin_id']) ? $data['pin_id'] : 0;
-				//lottery
-				if( $product['type'] == 'lottery' && $product['type'] == 'lottery' )
-				{
-					/**
-					//等待把抽奖的活动打开
-					$now_time = time();
-					$lottery_goods_info =  M('lottery_goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find();
-					if($lottery_goods_info['end_time'] < $now_time)
-					{
-						$json['code'] =6;
-						$json['msg']='抽奖活动已结束';
-						echo json_encode($json);
-						die();
-					}
-					**/
-				}
-				//检测商品是否老带新,新人才能参团
-				if($pin_id > 0 )
-				{
-					//等待把老带新的活动打开
-					/**
-					if($product['type'] == 'newman')
-					{
-						$new_mamn_buy = $goods_model->check_goods_new_manbug($member_id);
-						if($new_mamn_buy>0)
-						{
-							$json['code'] =5;
-							$json['msg']='该商品只能新人参团';
-							echo json_encode($json);
-							die();
-						}
-					}
-					**/
-				}
-		        $format_data_array['pin_id'] = $pin_id;
-		        $cart->add_activitycar($token, $goods_id,$format_data_array,$data['sku_str']);
-				$total=$cart->count_activitycar($token);
-		    }
-			$carts = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where( array('token' => $token,'community_id' => $data['community_id'],'carkey' => 'cart_total') )->find();
-			if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'dan' )
-			{
-				if( !empty($carts) )			
-				{
-					$car_data = array();
-					$car_data['format_data'] = serialize(array('quantity' => $total));
-					$car_data['modifytime'] = 1;
-					M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where( array('token' => $token,'community_id' => $data['community_id'],'carkey' => 'cart_total') )->save($car_data);
-				} else{				
-					$car_data = array();
-					$car_data['token'] = $token;
-					$car_data['community_id'] = $data['community_id'];
-					$car_data['carkey'] = 'cart_total';
-					$car_data['format_data'] = serialize(array('quantity' => $total));
-					M('lionfish_comshop_car')->add($car_data);
-				}
-			}
-			//session('cart_total',$total);
-			$json ['code']  = 1;
-			if( $data['buy_type'] != 'dan' )
-			{
-			    $json ['code']  = 2;
-			}
-			$json['success']='成功加入购物车!!';
-			$json['total']=$total;
-			$cart_goods_quantity = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id'] ,$token , $car_prefix);
-			$json['cur_count']=$cart_goods_quantity;
-			//soitaire 
-			$is_limit_distance_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_limit_buy_distance');	
-			$json['is_limit_distance_buy']=$is_limit_distance_buy;
-			$json['goods_total_count'] = 0;
-			if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'soitaire' )
-			{
-				$json['goods_total_count'] = $cart->get_wecart_goods_solicount($goods_id, $data['community_id'],$token, $data['soli_id'] );
-				$cart_goods_quantity = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id'] ,$token , $car_prefix, $data['soli_id']);
-				$json['cur_count']=$cart_goods_quantity;
-			}
-			echo json_encode($json);
-			die();
-		}	
-	}
-	//显示购物车中商品列表
-	function show_cart_goods(){
-		$gpc = I('request.');
-		$token = $gpc['token'];
-		$community_id = $gpc['community_id'];
-		$soli_id = isset($gpc['soli_id']) ? intval($gpc['soli_id']) : '';
-		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where( array('token' => $token) )->find();
-		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
-		$is_open_vipcard_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_vipcard_buy');
-		$is_open_vipcard_buy = !empty($is_open_vipcard_buy) && $is_open_vipcard_buy ==1 ? 1:0;
-		$modify_vipcard_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('modify_vipcard_name');
-		$is_vip_card_member = 0;
-		$is_member_level_buy = 0;
-		if( $member_id > 0 )
-		{
-			$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id ) )->find();
-			if( !empty($is_open_vipcard_buy) && $is_open_vipcard_buy == 1 )
-			{
-				$now_time = time();
-				if( $member_info['card_id'] >0 && $member_info['card_end_time'] > $now_time )
-				{
-					$is_vip_card_member = 1;//还是会员
-				}else if( $member_info['card_id'] >0 && $member_info['card_end_time'] < $now_time ){
-					$is_vip_card_member = 2;//已过期
-				}
-			}
-			if($is_vip_card_member != 1 && $member_info['level_id'] >0 )
-			{
-				$is_member_level_buy = 1;
-			}
-		}
-		$buy_type = isset($gpc['buy_type']) ? $gpc['buy_type']: 'dan';
-		if( empty($member_id) )
-		{
-			  //需要登录
-			  echo json_encode( array('code' =>5) );
-			  die();
-		}
-		$cart =  D('Home/Car');
-		$goods = $cart->get_all_goodswecar($buy_type, $token, 0, $community_id,$soli_id);
-		$seller_goodss = array();
-		$seller_goodss_mult = array();
-		//is_only_express
-		$tp_ar = array();
-		foreach($goods as $key => $val)
-		{
-			//$goods_store_field =  M('goods')->field('store_id')->where( array('goods_id' => $val['goods_id']) )->find();
-			//$seller_goodss[ $goods_store_field['store_id'] ]['goods'][$key] = $val;
-			$supply_id = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_supply_id($val['goods_id']);
-			if($supply_id > 0)
-			{
-				$supply_info = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_info($supply_id);
-				if($supply_info['type'] ==0)
-				{
-					$supply_id = 0;
-				}
-			}
-			$seller_goodss[ $supply_id ]['goods'][$key] = $val;
-			$tp_ar[] = $val['is_only_express'];
-			$seller_goodss_mult[$val['is_only_express']][ $supply_id ]['goods'][$key] = $val;//new 0719
-		}
-		$ck_goodstype_count = 0;
-		$vipcard_save_money = 0;
-		$level_save_money = 0;
-		//$max_can_orderbuy_money = 0 ;
-		foreach($seller_goodss_mult as $key => $seller_goodss_tp)
-		{
-			foreach($seller_goodss_tp as $store_id => $val)
-			{
-				//total
-				$seller_voucher_list = array();
-				$seller_total_fee = 0;
-				$total_trans_free = 0;
-				$tmp_goods = array();
-				$is_store_ck = false;
-				foreach($val['goods'] as $kk =>$d_goods)
-				{
-					$seller_total_fee += $d_goods['total'];
-					$total_trans_free  += $d_goods[$kk]['trans_free'];
-					$val['goods'][$kk] = $d_goods;
-					$tp_val = array();
-					$tp_val['id'] = $d_goods['goods_id'];
-					$tp_val['key'] = $d_goods['key'];
-					if($d_goods['singledel'] == 1)
-					{ 
-						$tp_val['isselect'] = true;
-						$is_store_ck = true;
-						$ck_goodstype_count++;
-						if($d_goods['is_take_vipcard'] == 1)
-						{	
-							$vipcard_save_money = $d_goods['total'] - $d_goods['card_total'];
-						}else if($d_goods['is_mb_level_buy']  == 1 ){
-							$level_save_money = $d_goods['total'] - $d_goods['level_total'];
-						}
-					} else {
-						$tp_val['isselect'] = false;
-					}
-					$tp_val['imgurl'] = $d_goods['image'];
-					$tp_val['edit'] = 'inline';
-					$tp_val['title'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($d_goods['name']);
-					$tp_val['finish'] = 'none';
-					$tp_val['description'] = 'description';
-					$option_arr  = array();
-					$option_str = "";
-					foreach($d_goods['option'] as $option_val)
-					{
-						//$option_arr[] = $option_val['name'].':'.$option_val['value'];
-						$option_arr[] = $option_val['value'];
-					}
-					if(!empty($option_arr))
-					{
-						$option_str = implode(';', $option_arr);
-					}
-					$tp_val['can_buy'] = D('Home/Pingoods')->get_goods_time_can_buy($d_goods['goods_id']);
-					$tp_val['option_can_buy'] = D('Home/Pingoods')->get_goods_option_can_buy( $d_goods['goods_id'], $d_goods['sku_str']);
-					$tp_val['goodstype'] = $option_str;
-					$tp_val['goodstypeedit'] = $option_str;
-					$tp_val['goodsnum'] = $d_goods['quantity'];
-					$tp_val['can_man_jian'] = $d_goods['can_man_jian'];
-					$tp_val['max_quantity'] = $d_goods['max_quantity'];
-					$tp_val['cartype'] = 'inline';
-					$tp_val['currntprice'] = $d_goods['price'];
-					$tp_val['card_price'] = $d_goods['card_price'];
-					$tp_val['levelprice'] = $d_goods['levelprice'];// 会员等级价格
-					$tp_val['is_mb_level_buy'] = $d_goods['is_mb_level_buy'];//是否可以会员等级价格购买
-					$tp_val['is_take_vipcard'] = $d_goods['is_take_vipcard'];
-					$tp_val['price'] = $d_goods['shop_price'];
-					$tp_val['is_new_buy'] = $d_goods['is_new_buy'];
-					$tp_val['goods_start_count'] = $d_goods['goods_start_count'];
-					$tp_val['store_id'] = $store_id;
-					$tmp_goods[] = $tp_val;
-				}
-				//$store_info = M('seller')->field('s_id,s_true_name,s_logo')->where( array('s_id' => $store_id) )->find();
-				//$store_info['s_logo'] = C('SITE_URL').'Uploads/image/'.$store_info['s_logo'];
-				$store_info = array('s_true_name' => '','s_id' => 1);
-				$s_logo = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shoplogo');
-				if( !empty($s_logo) )
-				{
-					$s_logo = tomedia($s_logo);
-				}
-				$val['store_info'] = $store_info;
-				$store_data = array();
-				$store_data['id'] = $store_info['s_id'];
-				if($is_store_ck)
-				{
-					$store_data['isselect'] = true;
-				} else {
-					$store_data['isselect'] = false;
-				}
-				$store_data['shopname'] = $store_info['s_true_name'];
-				$store_data['caredit'] = 'inline';
-				$store_data['finish'] = 'none';
-				$store_data['count'] = '0.00';
-				$is_open_fullreduction = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_fullreduction');
-				$full_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_money');
-				$full_reducemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_reducemoney');
-				if(empty($full_reducemoney) || $full_reducemoney <= 0)
-				{
-					$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
-				}
-				$store_data['is_open_fullreduction'] = $is_open_fullreduction;
-				$store_data['full_money'] = $full_money;
-				$store_data['full_reducemoney'] = $full_reducemoney;
-				$store_data['goodstype'] = 2;
-				$store_data['goodstypeselect'] = 0;
-				$store_data['shopcarts'] = $tmp_goods;
-				//起送价格
-				$localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney = 0;
-				//达到金额免配送费
-				$localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney = 0;
-				$localtown_fixed_list = array();
-				if($key == 3){//同城配送商品
-					$storename = "";
-					if($store_id == 0){
-						//配送费类型:0、固定金额,1、按距离收取
-						$localtown_delivery_moneytype = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_delivery_moneytype');
-						if($localtown_delivery_moneytype == 0){
-							$localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney');
-							$localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney');
-						}
-						$storename = "平台";
-					}else{
-						$isopen_localtown_delivery = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('isopen_localtown_delivery',$store_id);
-						//配送费类型:0、固定金额,1、按距离收取
-						$localtown_delivery_moneytype = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('localtown_delivery_moneytype',$store_id);
-						if($isopen_localtown_delivery == 1 && $localtown_delivery_moneytype == 0){
-							$localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney',$store_id);
-							$localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney',$store_id);
-						}
-						$supply_info_data = M('lionfish_comshop_supply')->field('storename')->where( array('id' => $store_id) )->find();
-						$storename = $supply_info_data['storename'];
-					}
-					$localtown_fixed_list['localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney'] = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney;
-					//if($localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney > $max_can_orderbuy_money){
-						//获取起送最大下单金额限制
-						//$max_can_orderbuy_money = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney;
-					//}
-					$localtown_fixed_list['localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney'] = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney;
-					$localtown_fixed_list['store_name'] = $storename;
-				}else if($key == 2){
-					if($store_id == 0){
-						$storename = "平台";
-					}else{
-						$supply_info_data = M('lionfish_comshop_supply')->field('storename')->where( array('id' => $store_id) )->find();
-						$storename = $supply_info_data['storename'];
-					}
-					$localtown_fixed_list['store_name'] = $storename;
-				}
-				$store_data['localtown_fixed_list'] = $localtown_fixed_list;
-				$seller_goodss_tp[$store_id] = $store_data;
-				$i++;
-			}
-			$seller_goodss_mult[$key] = $seller_goodss_tp;
-		}
-		foreach($seller_goodss as $store_id => $val)
-		{
-			//total
-			$seller_voucher_list = array();
-			$seller_total_fee = 0;
-			$total_trans_free = 0;
-			$tmp_goods = array();
-			$is_store_ck = false;
-			foreach($val['goods'] as $kk =>$d_goods)
-			{
-				$seller_total_fee += $d_goods['total'];
-				$total_trans_free  += $d_goods[$kk]['trans_free'];
-				$val['goods'][$kk] = $d_goods;
-				$tp_val = array();
-				$tp_val['id'] = $d_goods['goods_id'];
-				$tp_val['key'] = $d_goods['key'];
-				if($d_goods['singledel'] == 1)
-				{ 
-					$tp_val['isselect'] = true;
-					$is_store_ck = true;
-					$ck_goodstype_count++;
-				} else {
-					$tp_val['isselect'] = false;
-				}
-				$tp_val['imgurl'] = $d_goods['image'];
-				$tp_val['edit'] = 'inline';
-				$tp_val['title'] = $d_goods['name'];
-				$tp_val['finish'] = 'none';
-				$tp_val['description'] = 'description';
-				$option_arr  = array();
-				$option_str = "";
-				foreach($d_goods['option'] as $option_val)
-				{
-					//$option_arr[] = $option_val['name'].':'.$option_val['value'];
-					$option_arr[] = $option_val['value'];
-				}
-				if(!empty($option_arr))
-				{
-					$option_str = implode(';', $option_arr);
-				}
-				$tp_val['can_buy'] = D('Home/Pingoods')->get_goods_time_can_buy($d_goods['goods_id']);
-				$tp_val['goodstype'] = $option_str;
-				$tp_val['goodstypeedit'] = $option_str;
-				$tp_val['goodsnum'] = $d_goods['quantity'];
-				$tp_val['can_man_jian'] = $d_goods['can_man_jian'];
-				$tp_val['max_quantity'] = $d_goods['max_quantity'];
-				$tp_val['cartype'] = 'inline';
-				$tp_val['currntprice'] = $d_goods['price'];
-				$tp_val['price'] = $d_goods['shop_price'];
-				$tp_val['card_price'] = $d_goods['card_price'];
-				$tp_val['is_take_vipcard'] = $d_goods['is_take_vipcard'];
-				$tp_val['is_new_buy'] = $d_goods['is_new_buy'];
-				$tmp_goods[] = $tp_val;
-			}
-			//$store_info = M('seller')->field('s_id,s_true_name,s_logo')->where( array('s_id' => $store_id) )->find();
-			//$store_info['s_logo'] = C('SITE_URL').'Uploads/image/'.$store_info['s_logo'];
-			$store_info = array('s_true_name' => '','s_id' => 1);
-			$s_logo = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shoplogo');
-			if( !empty($s_logo) )
-			{
-				$s_logo = tomedia($s_logo);
-			}
-			$val['store_info'] = $store_info;
-			$store_data = array();
-			$store_data['id'] = $store_info['s_id'];
-			if($is_store_ck)
-			{
-				$store_data['isselect'] = true;
-			} else {
-				$store_data['isselect'] = false;
-			}
-			$store_data['shopname'] = $store_info['s_true_name'];
-			$store_data['caredit'] = 'inline';
-			$store_data['finish'] = 'none';
-			$store_data['count'] = '0.00';
-			$is_open_fullreduction = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_fullreduction');
-			$full_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_money');
-			$full_reducemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_reducemoney');
-			if(empty($full_reducemoney) || $full_reducemoney <= 0)
-			{
-				$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
-			}
-			$store_data['is_open_fullreduction'] = $is_open_fullreduction;
-			$store_data['full_money'] = $full_money;
-			$store_data['full_reducemoney'] = $full_reducemoney;
-			$store_data['goodstype'] = 2;
-			$store_data['goodstypeselect'] = 0;
-			$store_data['shopcarts'] = $tmp_goods;
-			$seller_goodss[$store_id] = $store_data;
-			$i++;
-		}
-		// 商家是否休息
-		$is_comunity_rest = D('Seller/Communityhead')->is_community_rest($community_id);
-		$open_man_orderbuy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('open_man_orderbuy');
-		$man_orderbuy_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_orderbuy_money');
-		//if($man_orderbuy_money > $max_can_orderbuy_money){
-			//$max_can_orderbuy_money = $man_orderbuy_money;
-		//}
-		$is_show_guess_like = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_show_guess_like');
-		// 免配送 man_free_tuanzshipping>0开启
-		$delivery_type_ziti = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_type_ziti');
-		$delivery_type_express = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_type_express');
-		$delivery_type_tuanz = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_type_tuanz');
-		$man_free_tuanzshipping = $delivery_tuanz_money = 0;
-		//暂时屏蔽,2020.02.13.14:57
-		/**
-		if($delivery_type_ziti!=1 && $delivery_type_express!=1 && $delivery_type_tuanz==1) {
-			$man_free_tuanzshipping = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_free_tuanzshipping');
-			if($man_free_tuanzshipping>1 && !empty($man_free_tuanzshipping)) {
-				$delivery_tuanz_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_tuanz_money');
-			}
-		}
-		**/
-		if($delivery_type_tuanz==1) {
-			$man_free_tuanzshipping = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_free_tuanzshipping');
-		}else{
-			$man_free_tuanzshipping =  0;
-		}
-		$open_tuan_ship = $delivery_type_tuanz;
-		//团长自定义配送开关
-		if($community_id&&$man_free_tuanzshipping>1) {
-			$community_modify_shipping = M('lionfish_community_head')->field('is_modify_shipping_method')->where( array('id' => $community_id) )->find();
-			$is_modify_shipping_method = $community_modify_shipping['is_modify_shipping_method'];
-			if($is_modify_shipping_method==1) {
-				$open_tuan_ship = 1;
-			} else if($is_modify_shipping_method==2){
-				$open_tuan_ship = 0;
-			}
-		}
-		$delivery_tuanz_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_tuanz_money');
-		$shopcar_tab_all_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shopcar_tab_all_name');
-		$shopcar_tab_express_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shopcar_tab_express_name');
-		$is_open_fullreduction = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_fullreduction');
-        if($is_open_fullreduction){
-        	$full_list = D('Home/Front')->get_fullreduction();
-        }else{
-        	$full_list[0]['full_money']= 0 ;
-        	$full_list[0]['full_reducemoney']= 0 ;
-        }
-        //同城配送信息
-        //配送费类型:0、固定金额,1、按距离收取
-        $localtown_delivery_moneytype = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_delivery_moneytype');
-        $localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney = 0;
-        $localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney = 0;
-        if($localtown_delivery_moneytype == 0){
-            //起送价格
-            $localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney');
-            //达到金额免配送费
-            $localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney');
-        }
-		$need_data = array();
-		$need_data['code'] = 0;
-		$need_data['carts'] = $seller_goodss;
-		$need_data['mult_carts'] = $seller_goodss_mult;
-		$need_data['is_comunity_rest'] = $is_comunity_rest;
-		$need_data['open_man_orderbuy'] = $open_man_orderbuy;
-		$need_data['man_orderbuy_money'] = $man_orderbuy_money;
-		//$need_data['max_can_orderbuy_money'] = $max_can_orderbuy_money;
-		$need_data['is_show_guess_like'] = $is_show_guess_like;
-		$need_data['man_free_tuanzshipping'] = $man_free_tuanzshipping;
-		$need_data['delivery_tuanz_money'] = $delivery_tuanz_money;
-		$need_data['is_member_level_buy'] = $is_member_level_buy;//当前会员折扣 购买,1是,0否
-		$need_data['level_save_money'] = $level_save_money;//会员折扣省的钱
-		$need_data['is_vip_card_member'] = $is_vip_card_member;//当前会员是否是 会员卡会员 0 不是,1是,2已过期
-		$need_data['vipcard_save_money'] = $vipcard_save_money;//vip能节约的金额
-		$need_data['is_open_vipcard_buy'] = $is_open_vipcard_buy;//vip能节约的金额
-		$need_data['modify_vipcard_name'] = $modify_vipcard_name;
-		$need_data['shopcar_tab_all_name'] = $shopcar_tab_all_name;
-		$need_data['shopcar_tab_express_name'] = $shopcar_tab_express_name;
-		$need_data['open_tuan_ship'] = $open_tuan_ship;
-		$need_data['is_open_fullreduction'] = $is_open_fullreduction;
-        $need_data['full_list'] = $full_list;
-		//平台和供应商 起送价格和免配送费价格
-		//$need_data['localtown_fixed_list'] = $localtown_fixed_list;
-        $need_data['localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney'] = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney;//起送价格
-        $need_data['localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney'] = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney;//达到金额免配送费
-		echo json_encode( $need_data );
-		die();
-	}
-	public function checkout_flushall()
-	{
-		$gpc = I('request.');
-		$token = $gpc['token'];
-		$community_id = $gpc['community_id'];
-		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where( array('token' => $token) )->find();
-		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
-		//dan soitaire
-		$buy_type  = isset($gpc['buy_type']) ? $gpc['buy_type'] : 'dan';
-		//$car_prefix = 'soitairecart.';
-		//buy_type和soli_id吗
-		$is_community = D('Seller/Communityhead')->is_community($community_id);
-		if( !$is_community )
-		{
-			$json['code'] =6;
-			$json['msg']='该小区已经不存在!';
-			echo json_encode($json);
-			die();
-		}
-		$data = array();
-		$data['car_key'] = $gpc['car_key'];
-		$data['all_keys_arr'] = $gpc['all_keys_arr'];
-		$data['cur_car_key'] = $gpc['cur_car_key'];
-		//car_key:cart.6:MTc0:,cart.13:MjcwXzI3Mw==:
-		//all_keys_arr:cart.6:MTc0:_1,cart.13:MjcwXzI3Mw==:_1
-		$car_key = explode(',', $data['car_key']);
-		$all_keys_arr = explode(',', $data['all_keys_arr']) ;
-		if(!empty($data['cur_car_key'])){
-			$car_key = array($data['cur_car_key']);
-		}
-		$save_keys = array();
-		if(!empty($all_keys_arr)){
-			foreach($all_keys_arr as $val)
-			{
-				$tmp_val = explode('_', $val);
-				$save_keys[ $tmp_val[0] ] = $tmp_val[1];
-			}
-		}
-		if( $buy_type == 'dan')
-		{
-			$all_cart = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where("community_id={$community_id} and token='{$token}' and carkey like 'cart.%'")->select();
-		}else if( $buy_type == 'soitaire' ){
-			$all_cart = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where("community_id={$community_id} and token='{$token}' and carkey like 'soitairecart.%'")->select();	
-		}
-		if(!empty($all_cart))
-		{
-			foreach($all_cart as $val)
-			{
-				$tmp_format_data = unserialize($val['format_data']);
-				$tmp_format_data['singledel'] = 0;
-				$tmp_format_data['quantity'] = isset( $save_keys[$val['carkey']] ) ? $save_keys[$val['carkey']] : $tmp_format_data['quantity'];
-				M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where( array('id' => $val['id'] ,'community_id' => $community_id) )->save( array('format_data' => serialize($tmp_format_data) ) );
-			}
-		}
-		if(!empty($car_key)){
-			foreach( $car_key as $key )
-			{
-				$car_info = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where( array('community_id' => $community_id,'carkey' => $key ,'token' => $token) )->find();
-				if( !empty($car_info) )
-				{
-					$tmp_format_data = unserialize($car_info['format_data']);
-					$tmp_format_data['singledel'] = 1;
-					$quantity = $tmp_format_data['quantity'];
-					$sku_quantity_one = $tmp_format_data['quantity'];
-					$goods_id = $tmp_format_data['goods_id'];
-					$sku_str = $tmp_format_data['sku_str'];
-					//同一个商品不同规格 总数量合计
-					$sku_quantity = $this->_check_goods_sku_quantity($community_id,$key,$token);
-					if($sku_quantity > $quantity) {
-						$quantity = $sku_quantity;
-					}
-					$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id , 'goods_start_count');
-					//起售数量判断
-					if($sku_quantity_one < $goods_description['goods_start_count'])
-					{
-						$json['code'] = 6;
-						$json['msg'] =  $goods_description['goods_start_count'].'份起售';
-						$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['goods_start_count'];
-						echo json_encode( $json );
-						die();
-					}
-					$check_json = $this->_check_can_buy($member_id, $goods_id,$quantity);
-					if($check_json['code'] != 0)
-					{
-						$tmp_format_data['quantity'] = $check_json['count'];
-						M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where( array('id' =>  $car_info['id'], 'community_id' => $community_id) )->save( array('format_data' => serialize($tmp_format_data) ) );
-						echo json_encode( array('code' => 6,'msg' => $check_json['msg']) );
-						die();
-					}
-					//check sku is ok 
-					$check_json = $this->_check_goods_sku_canbuy($goods_id,$sku_str);
-					if($check_json['code'] != 0)
-					{
-						echo json_encode( array('code' => 6,'msg' => $check_json['msg']) );
-						die();
-					}
-					$check_json = $this->_check_goods_quantity($goods_id,$sku_quantity_one,$sku_str);
-					if($check_json['code'] != 0)
-					{
-						echo json_encode( array('code' => 6,'msg' => $check_json['msg']) );
-						die();
-					}
-					M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where( array('id' => $car_info['id'], 'community_id' => $community_id) )->save( array('format_data' => serialize($tmp_format_data) ) );	
-				}		
-			}	
-		}
-		$is_limit_distance_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_limit_buy_distance');
-		echo json_encode( array('code' => 0, 'data' => $is_limit_distance_buy) );
-		die();
-	}
-	public function _check_goods_sku_quantity($community_id,$key,$token){
-		$quantity = 0;
-		$key_array = explode(":",$key);
-		$key_result = "";
-		foreach($key_array as $k=>$v){
-			if($k < 2){
-				if(empty($key_result)){
-					$key_result = $v;
-				}else{
-					$key_result = $key_result.":".$v;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		$sql = "SELECT format_data FROM ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_car "
-			 . " WHERE carkey LIKE  '".$key_result."%' and community_id = '".$community_id."' "
-			 . " and token='".$token."'";
-		$cart_goods_list = M()->query($sql);
-		if(!empty($cart_goods_list)){
-			foreach($cart_goods_list as $val)
-			{
-				$tmp_format_data = unserialize($val['format_data']);
-				$quantity = $quantity + $tmp_format_data['quantity'];
-			}
-		}
-		return $quantity;
-	}
-	public function _check_goods_sku_canbuy($goods_id,$sku_str)
-	{
-		$json = array('code' => 0);
-		$goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('goodsname as name')->where( array('id' => $goods_id ) )->find();
-		if(!empty($sku_str))
-		{
-			$goods_option_mult_value = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->field('stock as quantity')->where( array('option_item_ids' => $sku_str,'goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find();
-			if( empty($goods_option_mult_value) )
-			{
-				$json['code'] =3;
-				$json['msg']=mb_substr($goods_info['name'],0,4,'utf-8').',规格已失效,删除后再结算';
-			}
-		}
-		return $json;
-	}
-	public function del_car_goods()
-	{
-		$gpc = I('request.');
-		$token = $gpc['token'];
-		$community_id = $gpc['community_id'];
-		$carkey = $gpc['carkey'];
-		M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where( "community_id={$community_id} and token='{$token}' and carkey='{$carkey}'" )->delete();
-		echo json_encode( array('code' => 0) );
-		die();
-	}
-	public function _check_goods_quantity($goods_id,$quantity,$sku_str)
-	{
-		$gpc = I('request.');
-		$goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('goodsname as name')->where( array('id' => $goods_id) )->find();
-		$goods_quantity= D('Home/Car')->get_goods_quantity($goods_id);
-		$json = array('code' => 0);
-		if($goods_quantity<$quantity){
-			$json['code'] =3;
-			$json['msg']= mb_substr($goods_info['name'],0,4,'utf-8').'...,商品数量不足,剩余'.$goods_quantity.'个!!';
-		}else if(!empty($sku_str)){
-			$mul_opt_arr = array();
-			$goods_option_mult_value = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->field('stock as quantity')->where( array('option_item_ids' => $sku_str,'goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find();
-			if( !empty($goods_option_mult_value) )
-			{
-				if($goods_option_mult_value['quantity']<$quantity){
-					$json['code'] =3;
-					$json['msg']=mb_substr($goods_info['name'],0,4,'utf-8').'...,商品数量不足,剩余'.$goods_option_mult_value['quantity'].'个!!';
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return $json;
-	}
-	private function _check_can_buy($member_id, $goods_id,$quantity)
-	{
-		$gpc = I('request.');
-		//$can_buy_count =  D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_count($member_id, $goods_id);
-		$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id , 'total_limit_count,one_limit_count,oneday_limit_count,is_new_buy,is_limit_levelunbuy,is_limit_vipmember_buy,goods_start_count');
-		//单次限购判断
-		if($goods_description['one_limit_count'] > 0 && $quantity > $goods_description['one_limit_count'])
-		{
-			$json['code'] = 6;
-			$json['msg'] = '您本次只能购买'.$goods_description['one_limit_count'].'份';
-			$json['count'] = $goods_description['one_limit_count'];
-			return $json;
-		}
-		$can_buy_day_count =  D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_day_count($member_id, $goods_id);
-		if($can_buy_day_count == -1 || ($can_buy_day_count > 0 && $quantity >$can_buy_day_count))
-		{
-			$json['code'] =6;
-			$json['msg'] = '您今天只能购买'.$goods_description['oneday_limit_count'].'份';
-			$json['count']=1;
-			return $json;
-		}else if($can_buy_day_count > 0 && $quantity > $can_buy_day_count){
-			$json['code'] =6;
-			$json['msg'] = '您今天还能购买'.$can_buy_day_count.'份';
-			$json['count']=$can_buy_day_count;
-			return $json;
-		}
-		$can_buy_all_count =  D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_all_count($member_id, $goods_id);
-		//历史限购判断
-		if($can_buy_all_count == -1 && $goods_description['total_limit_count'] >0)
-		{
-			$json['code'] =6;
-			$json['msg']='您最多只能购买'.$goods_description['total_limit_count'].'个';
-			$json['count'] = 1;
-			return $json;
-		}else if($can_buy_all_count > 0 && $quantity > $can_buy_all_count)
-		{
-			$json['code'] =6;
-			$json['msg']='您还能购买'.$can_buy_all_count.'份';
-			$json['count'] = $can_buy_all_count;
-			return $json;
-		}
-		$goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->where( array('id' => $goods_id) )->find();
-		$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id , 'per_number');
-		$can_buy_count =  D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_count($member_id, $goods_id);
-		$json = array();
-		if($can_buy_count == -1 || $can_buy_day_count == -1)
-		{
-			$json['code'] =6;
-			$json['msg']=mb_substr($goods_info['name'],0,4,'utf-8').'...,您本次只能购买'.$goods_description['per_number'].'个';
-		}else if($can_buy_count >0 && $quantity >$can_buy_count)
-		{
-			$json['code'] =6;
-			//$json['msg']=mb_substr($goods_info['name'],0,4,'utf-8').'...,您还能购买'.$can_buy_count.'份';
-			$json['msg']='本次最多购买'.$can_buy_count.'份';
-			$json['count']=$can_buy_count;
-		}else{
-			$json['code'] = 0;
-		}
-		return $json;
-	}
-	private function _add_address($token,$userName,$telNumber,$provinceName,$cityName, $countyName,$detailInfo,$latitude='',$longitude='',$lou_meng_hao='')
-	{
-		$_GPC = I('request.');
-		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where( array('token' => $token) )->find();
-		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];	
-		//  lionfish_comshop_area
-		$province_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where("name like '%{$provinceName}%' ")->find();
-		if( !empty($province_info))
-		{
-			$province_id = $province_info['id'];
-		}else{
-			$area_data = array();
-			$area_data['name'] = $provinceName;
-			$area_data['pid'] = 0;
-			$area_data['code'] = $max_dp['code']+1;
-			$province_id = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->add($area_data);
-			$up_data = array();
-			$up_data['code'] = $province_id;
-			M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where( array('id' => $province_id ) )->save($up_data);
-		}
-        $guding_arr = ['鞍山市'];
-        if( in_array($cityName , $guding_arr) )
-        {
-            $city_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where("name = '{$cityName}'")->find();
-        }else{
-            $city_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where("name like '%{$cityName}%'")->find();
-        }
-		//$city_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where("name like '%{$cityName}%'")->find();
-		if( !empty($city_info))
-		{
-			$city_id = $city_info['id'];
-		}else{
-			$max_dp = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->order('code desc')->find();
-			$area_data = array();
-			$area_data['name'] = $cityName;
-			$area_data['pid'] = $province_id;
-			$area_data['code'] = $max_dp['code']+1;
-			$city_id = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->add( $area_data);
-			$up_data = array();
-			$up_data['code'] = $city_id;
-			M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where( array('id' => $city_id ) )->save($up_data);
-		}
-		//city_name: 东莞市
-		if( empty($countyName)   )
-		{
-			if( $cityName == '东莞市' )
-			{
-				$countyName = '东莞';
-			}
-			if( $cityName == '中山市' )
-			{
-				$countyName = '中山';
-				//453
-			}
-		}
-		$country_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where( "name like '%{$countyName}%' " )->find();
-		if( $countyName == '中山' )
-		{
-			$country_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where( array('id' => 453 ) )->find();
-			//
-		}
-		if( !empty($country_info))
-		{
-			$country_id = $country_info['id'];
-		}else{
-			$max_dp = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->order('code desc')->find();
-			$area_data = array();
-			$area_data['name'] = $countyName;
-			$area_data['pid'] = $city_id;
-			$area_data['code'] = $max_dp['code']+1;
-			$country_id = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->add( $area_data );
-			$up_data = array();
-			$up_data['code'] = $country_id;
-			M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where( array('id' => $country_id ) )->save( $up_data );
-		}
-		$address_param = array();
-		$address_param['member_id'] = $member_id;
-		$address_param['province_id'] = $province_id;
-		$address_param['country_id'] = $country_id;
-		$address_param['city_id'] = $city_id;
-		$address_param['address'] = $detailInfo;
-		$address_param['name'] = $userName;
-		$address_param['telephone'] = $telNumber;
-		$address_param['lon_lat'] = '';
-		$address_param['lou_meng_hao'] = $lou_meng_hao;
-		if(!empty($latitude))
-		{
-			$address_param['lon_lat'] = $longitude.','.$latitude; 
-		}
-		$has_addre = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where($address_param)->find();
-		if(empty($has_addre))
-		{
-			$has_default_address = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where( array('is_default' => 1,'member_id' => $member_id) )->find();
-			$address_data = array();
-			$address_data['member_id'] = $member_id;
-			$address_data['name'] = $userName;
-			$address_data['telephone'] = $telNumber;
-			$address_data['lou_meng_hao'] = $lou_meng_hao;
-			if(!empty($latitude))
-			{
-				$address_data['lon_lat'] = $longitude.','.$latitude; 
-			}else{
-				$address_data['lon_lat'] = ''; 
-			}
-			$address_data['address'] = $detailInfo;
-			$address_data['address_name'] = empty($data['address_name']) ? 'HOME' : $data['address_name'];
-			if(!empty($has_default_address) && false)
-			{
-				$address_data['is_default'] = 0;
-			}else{
-				$data = array();
-				$data['is_default'] = 0;
-				M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id ) )->save($data);
-				$address_data['is_default'] = 1;
-			}
-			$address_data['city_id'] = $city_id;
-			$address_data['country_id'] = $country_id;
-			$address_data['province_id'] = $province_id;
-			$res = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->add($address_data);
-		}else{
-			$res = $has_addre['address_id'];
-		}
-		return $res;
-	}
-	public function checkout()
-	{
-		$gpc = I('request.');
-	  $buy_type = isset($gpc['buy_type']) ? $gpc['buy_type'] : 'dan';
-	  $pintuan_model_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('pintuan_model_buy');
-	  if( empty($pintuan_model_buy) || $pintuan_model_buy ==0 )
-	  {
-		  $pintuan_model_buy = 0;
-	  }
-	  $mb_city_name = isset($gpc['mb_city_name']) ? $gpc['mb_city_name'] : '';
-	  if($buy_type == 'undefined')
-	  {
-		 $buy_type = 'dan'; 
-	  }
-	  $community_id = $gpc['community_id'];
-	  $token = $gpc['token'];
-	  $voucher_id = isset($gpc['voucher_id']) ? $gpc['voucher_id'] : 0;
-	  $soli_id = isset($gpc['soli_id']) ? intval($gpc['soli_id']) : '';
-	  $use_quan_str = isset($gpc['use_quan_str']) ? $gpc['use_quan_str'] : '';
-	  $use_quan_arr = array();
-	  if($use_quan_str != '')
-	  {
-		  $use_quan_arr_tmp = explode('@',$use_quan_str );
-		  foreach($use_quan_arr_tmp as $val)
-		  {
-			 $tmp_arr = explode('_', $val);
-			 $use_quan_arr[$tmp_arr[0]] = $tmp_arr[1];
-		  }
-	  }
-	  $weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where( array('token' => $token) )->find();
-	  $member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
-		$is_open_vipcard_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_vipcard_buy');
-		$is_open_vipcard_buy = !empty($is_open_vipcard_buy) && $is_open_vipcard_buy ==1 ? 1:0; 
-		$is_vip_card_member = 0;
-		$is_member_level_buy = 0;
-		if( $member_id > 0 )
-		{
-			$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id ) )->find();
-			if( !empty($is_open_vipcard_buy) && $is_open_vipcard_buy == 1 )
-			{
-				$now_time = time();
-				if( $member_info['card_id'] >0 && $member_info['card_end_time'] > $now_time )
-				{
-					$is_vip_card_member = 1;//还是会员
-				}else if( $member_info['card_id'] >0 && $member_info['card_end_time'] < $now_time ){
-					$is_vip_card_member = 2;//已过期
-				}
-			}
-			if($is_vip_card_member != 1 && $member_info['level_id'] >0 )
-			{
-				$is_member_level_buy = 1;
-			}
-		}
-        //预售不开启会员卡
-		if($buy_type == 'pesale')
-        {
-           $is_member_level_buy = 0;
-          $is_vip_card_member = 0;
-        }
-	  if( empty($member_id) )
-	  {
-		  //需要登录
-		  echo json_encode( array('code' =>5) );
-		  die();
-	  }
-	$cart = D('Home/Car');
-	if ((!$cart->has_goodswecar($buy_type,$token,$community_id) ) ) {
-		//购物车中没有商品
-		echo json_encode( array('code' =>4) );
-		die();
-	}
-	$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id) )->find();
-	//soitaire
-	$goods=$cart->get_all_goodswecar($buy_type, $token,1,$community_id,$soli_id);
-	$address = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id) )->order('is_default desc,address_id desc')->find();
-	$add_old_order = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->field('address_id')->where(  " (delivery ='localtown_delivery' or delivery = 'express') and member_id = {$member_id} " )->order('order_id desc')->find();
-	if( !empty($add_old_order) && $add_old_order['address_id'] > 0)
-	{
-		$address = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where( array('address_id' => $add_old_order['address_id'],'member_id' => $member_id) )->find();	
-	}
-	$mb_city_id = 0;
-	if(!empty($mb_city_name))
-	{
-		$mb_city_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where(" name='{$mb_city_name}' ")->find();
-		if( !empty($mb_city_info) )
-		{
-			$mb_city_id = $mb_city_info['id'];
-		}			
-	}
-	if($address){
-		//get_area_info($id)
-		$province_info =  D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($address['province_id']);// M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['province_id']) )->find();
-		$city_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($address['city_id']);//M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['city_id']) )->find();
-		$country_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($address['country_id']);//M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['country_id']) )->find();
-		$address['province_name'] = $province_info['name'];
-		$address['city_name'] = $city_info['name'];
-		$address['country_name'] = $country_info['name'];
-	}else{
-		$address = array();
-	}
-	$seller_goodss = array();
-	$show_voucher = 0;
-	//判断是否仅快递的配送方式  is_only_express
-	$is_open_only_express = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_only_express');
-	$is_only_express = 0;
-	if( !empty($is_open_only_express) && $is_open_only_express == 1)
-	{
-		$is_only_express = 1;
-	}
-	/**
-	if($is_vip_card_member != 1 && $member_info['level_id'] >0 )
-	{
-	    $is_member_level_buy = 1;
-	}
-	**/
-	foreach($goods as $key => $val)
-	{
-		//$goods_store_field =  M('goods')->field('store_id')->where( array('goods_id' => $val['goods_id']) )->find();
-		if( $is_only_express == 1 && $val['is_only_express'] != 1 )
-		{
-			$is_only_express = 0;
-		}
-		if($is_only_express == 0 && $val['is_only_express'] == 3 )
-		{
-			$is_only_express = 3;
-		}
-		if($is_only_express == 0 && $val['is_only_express'] == 2 )
-		{
-			$is_only_express = 2;
-		}
-		$supply_id = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_supply_id($val['goods_id']);
-		if($supply_id > 0)
-		{
-			$supply_info = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_info($supply_id);
-			if($supply_info['type'] ==0)
-			{
-				$supply_id = 0;
-			}
-		}
-		$val['name'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($val['name']);
-		$seller_goodss[ $supply_id ]['goods'][$key] = $val;
-	}
-	//begin 如果是同城配送 ,查一查有没有新提交的地址,如果有,按照新的来处理
-    $localtown_address = array();
-    if( $is_only_express  == 3 )
-    {
-        $localtown_old_order = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->field('address_id')->where(  array('delivery' => 'localtown_delivery','member_id' => $member_id) )->order('order_id desc')->find();
-        $localtown_id = 0;
-        if( !empty($localtown_old_order) && $localtown_old_order['address_id'] > 0)
-        {
-            $localtown_address = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where( array('address_id' => $localtown_old_order['address_id'],'member_id' => $member_id) )->find();
-            if(!empty($localtown_address))
-            {
-                $province_info =  D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($address['province_id']);// M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['province_id']) )->find();
-                $city_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($address['city_id']);//M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['city_id']) )->find();
-                $country_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($address['country_id']);//M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['country_id']) )->find();
-                $localtown_address['province_name'] = $province_info['name'];
-                $localtown_address['city_name'] = $city_info['name'];
-                $localtown_address['country_name'] = $country_info['name'];
-            }else if( isset($gpc['longitude']) && isset($gpc['latitude']) )
-            {
-                $localtown_address['lon_lat'] = $gpc['longitude'].','.$gpc['latitude'];
-            }
-        }else{
-            $address = array();
-        }
-    }
-    //end同城配送
-	$quan_model = D('Home/Voucher'); 
-	$pin_model = D('Home/Pin');
-	$voucher_price = 0;
-	$reduce_money = 0;
-	$cha_reduce_money = 0;
-	$is_pin_over = 0;
-	$is_moban =  false;
-	$is_open_fullreduction = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_fullreduction');
-	$full_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_money');
-	$full_reducemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_reducemoney');
-	if(empty($full_reducemoney) || $full_reducemoney <= 0)
-	{
-		$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
-	}
-	$show_voucher = 0;
-	$voucher_can_use =1;//目前都是平台券,
-	$man_total_free = 0;
-	$store_buy_total_money = 0;
-	$pin_id = 0;
-	$presale_goods_id = 0;//预售商品id
-    $presale_goods_total = 0;//预售商品价格
-	$is_zero_buy = 0;
-	$vipcard_save_money = 0;
-	$level_save_money = 0;
-	$today_time = time();
-	$arr = array('天','一','二','三','四','五','六');
-	//计算优惠券
-	foreach($seller_goodss as $store_id => $val)
-	{
-		$seller_voucher_list = array();
-		$seller_total_fee = 0;
-		$total_trans_free = 0;
-		$is_no_quan = false;
-		$total_weight = 0;
-		$total_quantity = 0;
-		$vch_goods_ids =  array();
-		foreach($val['goods'] as $kk =>$d_goods)
-		{
-		    //预售不参与会员卡
-			if($d_goods['is_take_vipcard'] == 1)
-			{	
-				$vipcard_save_money += $d_goods['total'] - $d_goods['card_total'];
-			}else if( $d_goods['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $d_goods['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $is_member_level_buy == 1)
-			{
-				$level_save_money += $d_goods['total'] - $d_goods['level_total'];
-			}
-			if( $is_vip_card_member == 1 && $d_goods['is_take_vipcard'] == 1 )
-			{
-				$seller_total_fee += $d_goods['card_total'];
-				if( $store_id == 0 )
-				{
-					$store_buy_total_money += $d_goods['card_total'];
-				}
-				if( $d_goods['can_man_jian'] == 1)
-				{
-					$man_total_free += $d_goods['card_total'];
-				}
-			}
-			else if( $d_goods['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $member_info['level_id'] >0 )
-			{
-				$seller_total_fee += $d_goods['level_total'];
-				if( $store_id == 0 )
-				{
-					$store_buy_total_money += $d_goods['level_total'];
-				}
-				if( $d_goods['can_man_jian'] == 1)
-				{
-					$man_total_free += $d_goods['level_total'];
-				}
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				$seller_total_fee += $d_goods['total'];
-				if( $store_id == 0 )
-				{
-					$store_buy_total_money += $d_goods['total'];
-				}
-				if( $d_goods['can_man_jian'] == 1)
-				{
-					$man_total_free += $d_goods['total'];
-				}
-			}
-			if($buy_type == 'pintuan' && $d_goods['pin_id'] > 0)
-			{
-				$is_pin_over = $pin_model->getNowPinState($d_goods['pin_id']);
-				if( $is_pin_over == 2 )
-				{
-					$is_zero_buy = $pin_model->check_goods_iszero_opentuan( $d_goods['goods_id'] );
-				}
-			}else if($buy_type == 'pintuan' && $d_goods['pin_id'] == 0)
-			{
-				$is_zero_buy = $pin_model->check_goods_iszero_opentuan( $d_goods['goods_id'] );
-			}
-			if( $buy_type == 'presale' )
-            {
-                $presale_goods_id = $d_goods['goods_id'];
-                $presale_goods_total = $seller_total_fee;
-            }
-			$tp_goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('type')->where( array('id' => $d_goods['goods_id']) )->find();	
-			$vch_goods_ids[$d_goods['goods_id']] = $vch_goods_ids[$d_goods['goods_id']] + $d_goods['total'];
-			//$is_no_quan = true;
-			//预售不开启优惠券 
-			if($tp_goods_info['type'] == 'integral' || $tp_goods_info['type'] == 'presale' )
-			{
-				$is_no_quan = true;
-			}
-			if($d_goods['shipping']==0)
-			{
-				$is_moban = true;
-				$val['is_moban'] = true;
-				$total_weight += $d_goods['weight']*$d_goods['quantity'];
-				$total_quantity += $d_goods['quantity'];
-			}
-			$d_goods[$kk]['trans_free'] = 0;
-			/**
-			if($d_goods['shipping']==1)
-			{
-				//统一运费
-				$d_goods[$kk]['trans_free'] = $d_goods['goods_freight'];
-			}else {
-				//运费模板
-				 if(!empty($address))
-				{
-					$trans_free = load_model_class('transport')->calc_transport($d_goods['transport_id'], $d_goods['quantity'],$d_goods['quantity']*$d_goods['weight'], $address['city_id'] );
-				}else{
-					$trans_free = 0;
-				}
-			   $d_goods[$kk]['trans_free'] = $trans_free;
-			}
-			**/
-			$total_trans_free  += $d_goods[$kk]['trans_free'];
-			//自提时间
-			$goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_good_common')->field('pick_up_type,pick_up_modify')->where( array('goods_id' => $d_goods['goods_id']) )->find();
-			$pick_up_type = -1;
-			if($pick_up_type == -1 || $goods_info['pick_up_type'] > $pick_up_type)
-			{
-				$pick_up_type = $goods_info['pick_up_type'];
-				if($pick_up_type == 0)
-				{
-					$pick_up_time = date('m-d', $today_time);
-					$pick_up_weekday = '周'.$arr[date('w',$today_time)];
-				}else if( $pick_up_type == 1 ){
-					$pick_up_time = date('m-d', $today_time+86400);
-					$pick_up_weekday = '周'.$arr[date('w',$today_time+86400)];
-				}else if( $pick_up_type == 2 )
-				{
-					$pick_up_time = date('m-d', $today_time+86400*2);
-					$pick_up_weekday = '周'.$arr[date('w',$today_time+86400*2)];
-				}else if($pick_up_type == 3)
-				{
-					$pick_up_time = $goods_info['pick_up_modify'];
-				}
-			}
-			$d_goods['pick_up_type'] = $pick_up_type;
-			$d_goods['pick_up_time'] = $pick_up_time;
-			$d_goods['pick_up_weekday'] = $pick_up_weekday;
-			$val['goods'][$kk] = $d_goods;
-		}
-		$val['reduce_money'] = 0;
-		//pindan (拼团商品单独购买)   pintuan (拼团)
-		//预售关闭满减 
-		if($buy_type == 'pindan' || $buy_type == 'pintuan' || $buy_type == 'integral' || $buy_type == 'presale')
-		{
-		    $is_open_fullreduction = 0;
-		}
-		//原来满级计算man_total_free
-		/*if($is_open_fullreduction == 1 && $man_total_free >= $full_money )
-		 {
-		 $val['reduce_money'] = $full_reducemoney;
-		 $reduce_money = $full_reducemoney;
-		 }else if($is_open_fullreduction == 1 && $man_total_free < $full_money)
-		 {
-		 $cha_reduce_money = $full_money - $man_total_free;
-		 }*/
-		/**
-		 * 新满减计算
-		 */
-		if($is_open_fullreduction == 1)
-		{
-		    $reduce_result = D('Home/Front')->get_reduce_money($man_total_free);
-		    $val['reduce_money'] = $reduce_result['reduce_money'];
-		    $reduce_money = $reduce_result['reduce_money'];
-		    $cha_reduce_money = $reduce_result['cha_reduce_money'];
-		}
-		$chose_vouche = array();
-		if(!$is_no_quan)
-		{
-			$vouche_list = $quan_model->get_user_canpay_voucher($member_id,$store_id,$seller_total_fee,'',$vch_goods_ids);
-			$vouche_list = $quan_model->get_voucher_amout_bygoods($vouche_list,$val['goods'],$reduce_money);
-			//var_dump(  $vouche_list );
-			//die();
-			if(!empty($vouche_list) && empty($use_quan_arr) ) {
-				$ling_vouche_list = $vouche_list;
-				if($voucher_can_use == 1)
-				{
-					$voucher_can_use++;
-					$show_voucher = 1;
-					reset($ling_vouche_list);
-					$chose_vouche = current($ling_vouche_list);
-					//$voucher_price += $chose_vouche['credit'];
-					$voucher_price += $chose_vouche['can_vouche_amount'];
-					//$seller_total_fee = round( $seller_total_fee - $chose_vouche['credit'], 2);
-					$seller_total_fee = round( $seller_total_fee - $chose_vouche['can_vouche_amount'], 2);
-				}
-			}else if( !empty($vouche_list) &&  !empty($use_quan_arr) )
-			{
-				foreach($vouche_list as $tmp_voucher)
-				{
-					if($tmp_voucher['id'] == $use_quan_arr[$store_id]) 
-					{
-						$show_voucher = 1;
-						$chose_vouche = $tmp_voucher;
-						//$seller_total_fee = round( $seller_total_fee - $chose_vouche['credit'], 2);
-						//$voucher_price += $chose_vouche['credit'];
-						$seller_total_fee = round( $seller_total_fee - $chose_vouche['can_vouche_amount'], 2);
-						$voucher_price += $chose_vouche['can_vouche_amount'];
-						break;
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		$val['chose_vouche'] = $chose_vouche;
-		$val['show_voucher'] = $show_voucher;
-		$val['voucher_list'] = $vouche_list;
-		$val['total'] = $seller_total_fee;
-		if($val['total'] < 0)
-		{
-			$val['total'] = 0;
-		}
-		$val['trans_free'] = $total_trans_free;
-		$val['total_weight'] = $total_weight;
-		$val['total_quantity'] = $total_quantity;
-		$s_logo = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shoplogo');
-		$shoname = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shoname');
-		if( !empty($s_logo) )
-		{
-			$s_logo = tomedia( $s_logo );
-		}
-		$store_info = array('s_id' => $store_id,'s_true_name' => $shoname,'s_logo' => $s_logo );
-		if( !empty($store_id) && $store_id > 0 )
-		{
-			 $supply_info = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_info($store_id);
-			 //logo
-			 if( !empty($supply_info) )
-			 {
-				 $store_info['s_true_name'] = $supply_info['shopname'];
-				 $store_info['s_logo'] = tomedia( $supply_info['logo'] );
-			 }
-		}
-		$val['store_info'] = $store_info;
-		$seller_goodss[$store_id] = $val;
-	}
-	$trans_free_toal = 0;//运费
-	//delivery_type_ziti  delivery_type_express    delivery_type_tuanz  delivery_tuanz_money
-	$delivery_type_ziti = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_type_ziti');
-	$delivery_type_express = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_type_express');
-	$delivery_type_tuanz = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_type_tuanz');
-	$delivery_tuanz_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_tuanz_money');
-	//---
-	$man_free_tuanzshipping = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_free_tuanzshipping');
-	$man_free_shipping = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_free_shipping');
-	$delivery_express_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_express_name');
-	if( empty($man_free_tuanzshipping) || $buy_type == 'integral')
-    {
-        $man_free_tuanzshipping = 0;
-    }
-    //关闭团长配送费 免  预售 
-    if( empty($man_free_tuanzshipping) || $buy_type == 'presale' )
-    {
-        $man_free_tuanzshipping = 0;
-    }
-	if( empty($man_free_shipping) || $buy_type == 'integral' )
-	{
-		$man_free_shipping = 0;
-	}
-        //关闭快递配送费 免  预售 
-	if( empty($man_free_shipping) || $buy_type == 'presale' )
-	{
-		$man_free_shipping = 0;
-	}
-	//if( $buy_type == 'dan' )
-	if( $buy_type == 'dan'  || $buy_type == 'soitaire' || ($pintuan_model_buy == 1 && $buy_type != 'dan' && $buy_type != 'integral'  ) )			
-	{
-		//...判断团长是否开启自定义的情况 store_buy_total_money
-		$community_info_modify = M('lionfish_community_head')->field('is_modify_shipping_method,is_modify_shipping_fare,shipping_fare')->where( array('id' => $community_id) )->find();				
-		if( !empty($community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_method']) && $community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_method'] == 1 && $delivery_type_tuanz == 1)
-		{
-			//开启配送
-			$delivery_type_tuanz = 1;
-			if( !empty($community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_fare']) && $community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_fare'] == 1 && $community_info_modify['shipping_fare'] > 0 )
-			{
-				$delivery_tuanz_money = $community_info_modify['shipping_fare'];
-			}
-		}else if( !empty($community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_method']) && $community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_method'] == 2 )
-		{
-			//关闭配送
-			$delivery_type_tuanz = 0;
-		}
-	}else if( $buy_type == 'pindan' || $buy_type == 'pintuan' ){
-		if($pintuan_model_buy == 0)
-		{
-			$delivery_type_tuanz = 0;
-			$delivery_type_express = 1;
-			$delivery_type_ziti = 2;
-		}
-	}else if( $buy_type == 'integral' )
-	{
-		$delivery_type_tuanz = 0;
-		$delivery_type_express = 1;
-		$delivery_type_ziti = 2;
-	}
-	foreach($val['goods'] as $kk =>$d_goods)
-	{
-		if($d_goods['is_only_express'] == 1){
-			$delivery_type_express = 1;
-		}
-	}
-	$is_man_delivery_tuanz_fare = 0;//是否达到满xx减团长配送费
-	$fare_man_delivery_tuanz_fare_money = 0;//达到满xx减团长配送费, 减了多少钱
-	if( ( $buy_type == 'dan' || $buy_type == 'soitaire' ) && !empty($man_free_tuanzshipping) && $man_free_tuanzshipping > 0 && $man_free_tuanzshipping <= $store_buy_total_money )
-	{
-		//$delivery_tuanz_money = 0;
-		$is_man_delivery_tuanz_fare = 1;
-		$fare_man_delivery_tuanz_fare_money = $delivery_tuanz_money;
-	}
-	$is_man_shipping_fare = 0;//是否达到满xx减运费
-	$fare_man_shipping_fare_money = 0;//达到满xx减运费,司机减了多少运费
-	//----开始计算运费 //dispatchtype
-	if($delivery_type_express == 1)
-	{
-		//ims_ 
-		$store_trans_free_toal = 0;
-		 if($mb_city_id > 0){
-			$shipping_default = M('lionfish_comshop_shipping')->where(array('enabled' => 1))->order('isdefault desc,id desc')->find();
-			foreach($seller_goodss as $store_id => $val)
-			{
-				//$val['is_moban'] = true;
-				$store_shipping_fare = 0;
-				if(  isset($val['is_moban']) && $val['is_moban'] )
-				{
-					$store_shipping_fare = D('Home/Transport')->calc_transport($shipping_default['id'], $val['total_quantity'],$val['total_weight'], $mb_city_id );
-				}
-				$val['store_shipping_fare'] = $store_shipping_fare;
-				$trans_free_toal += $store_shipping_fare;
-				if( $store_id == 0 )
-				{
-					$store_trans_free_toal += $store_shipping_fare;
-				}
-				foreach($val['goods'] as $kk =>$d_goods)
-				{
-					if($d_goods['shipping']==1)
-					{
-						//统一运费
-						$trans_free_toal += $d_goods['goods_freight'];
-						if( $store_id == 0 )
-						{
-							$store_trans_free_toal += $d_goods['goods_freight'];
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}else if(!empty($address) && $mb_city_id == 0)
-		{
-			$shipping_default = M('lionfish_comshop_shipping')->where( array('enabled' => 1) )->order('isdefault desc,id desc')->find();
-			foreach($seller_goodss as $store_id => $val)
-			{
-				$store_shipping_fare = 0;
-				if(isset($val['is_moban']) && $val['is_moban'])
-				{
-					$store_shipping_fare = D('Home/Transport')->calc_transport($shipping_default['id'], $val['total_quantity'],$val['total_weight'], $address['city_id'] );
-				}
-				$val['store_shipping_fare'] = $store_shipping_fare;
-				$trans_free_toal += $store_shipping_fare;
-				if( $store_id == 0 )
-				{
-					$store_trans_free_toal += $store_shipping_fare;
-				}
-				foreach($val['goods'] as $kk =>$d_goods)
-				{
-					if($d_goods['shipping']==1)
-					{
-						//统一运费
-						$trans_free_toal += $d_goods['goods_freight'];
-						$val['store_shipping_fare'] += $d_goods['goods_freight'];
-						if( $store_id == 0 )
-						{
-							$store_trans_free_toal += $d_goods['goods_freight'];
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}else{
-			$trans_free_toal = 0;
-		}
-		//
-		if( !empty($man_free_shipping) && $man_free_shipping > 0 && $man_free_shipping <= $store_buy_total_money )
-		{
-			$fare_man_shipping_fare_money = $store_trans_free_toal;
-			$is_man_shipping_fare = 1;
-			//$trans_free_toal = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	//礼品卡配送费0
-	if( $buy_type == 'virtualcard' )
-    {
-        $trans_free_toal = 0;
-    }
-	//---结束结算运费
-	if( empty($delivery_type_ziti) )
-	{
-		$delivery_type_ziti = 1;//开启
-	}
-	if( empty($delivery_type_express) )
-	{
-		$delivery_type_express = 2;
-	}
-	if( empty($delivery_type_tuanz) )
-	{
-		$delivery_type_tuanz = 2;
-	}
-	//默认关闭同城配送
-    $delivery_type_localtown = 0;
-	//默认关闭核销商品
-	$delvery_type_hexiao = 0;
-	//is_only_express
-	if( $is_only_express == 1 )
-	{
-		$delivery_type_ziti = 2;
-		$delivery_type_express = 1;
-		$delivery_type_tuanz = 2;
-	}else if( $is_only_express == 3 )
-	{
-		//同城配送
-		$delivery_type_ziti = 0;
-		$delivery_type_express = 0;
-		$delivery_type_tuanz = 0;
-        $delivery_type_localtown = 1;
-	}else if( $is_only_express == 2 )
-	{
-		//核销商品
-		$delivery_type_ziti = 0;
-		$delivery_type_express = 0;
-		$delivery_type_tuanz = 0;
-		$delivery_type_localtown = 0;
-		$delvery_type_hexiao = 1;
-	}
-	$total_free = 0;
-	$is_ziti = 2;
-	$pick_up_time = "";
-	$pick_up_type = -1;
-	$pick_up_weekday = '';
-	$today_time = time();
-	$arr = array('天','一','二','三','四','五','六');
-	$pick_up_arr = array();
-	foreach($goods as $key => $good)
-	{
-		//暂时关闭
-		//ims_lionfish_comshop_goods
-		//ims_ lionfish_comshop_good_common
-		$goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_good_common')->field('pick_up_type,pick_up_modify')->where( array('goods_id' => $good['goods_id']) )->find();				
-		if($pick_up_type == -1 || $goods_info['pick_up_type'] > $pick_up_type)
-		{
-			$pick_up_type = $goods_info['pick_up_type'];
-			if($pick_up_type == 0)
-			{
-				$pick_up_time = date('m-d', $today_time);
-				$pick_up_weekday = '周'.$arr[date('w',$today_time)];
-			}else if( $pick_up_type == 1 ){
-				$pick_up_time = date('m-d', $today_time+86400);
-				$pick_up_weekday = '周'.$arr[date('w',$today_time+86400)];
-			}else if( $pick_up_type == 2 )
-			{
-				$pick_up_time = date('m-d', $today_time+86400*2);
-				$pick_up_weekday = '周'.$arr[date('w',$today_time+86400*2)];
-			}else if($pick_up_type == 3)
-			{
-				$pick_up_time = $goods_info['pick_up_modify'];
-			}
-		}
-		$goods[$key]['trans_free'] = $good['goods_freight'];
-		if( $is_vip_card_member == 1 && $good['is_take_vipcard'] == 1 )
-		{
-			$total_free += $good['card_total'];
-		}
-		else if( $good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1  && $member_info['level_id'] >0 )
-		{
-			$total_free += $good['level_total'];
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			$total_free += $good['total'];
-		}
-	}
-    //同城配送费
-    $localtown_shipping_fare = 0;
-    //包装费
-    $picking_fare = 0;
-    $picking_fare_arr = array();
-    $localtown_shipping_fare_arr = array();
-    $localtown_dispatchtime = 0;//预计一共需要配送多少分钟
-	$localtown_expected_delivery = array();//预计送达时间段
-	$localtown_modifypickingname = "";//包装费标题
-    if( $is_only_express == 3 )
-    {
-        $picking_fare_arr =  D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->calc_packing_money( $seller_goodss );// $seller_goodss;
-        $picking_fare = $picking_fare_arr['total_picking_fare'];
-        $localtown_dispatchtime = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->get_order_dispatchtime($seller_goodss);
-        if(  isset($gpc['latitude']) && !empty($gpc['latitude'])  &&  isset($gpc['longitude']) && !empty($gpc['longitude']) )
-        {
-            $lon = $gpc['longitude'];
-            $lat = $gpc['latitude'];
-            $localtown_shipping_fare_arr = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->calc_shipping_fare( $lon, $lat , $seller_goodss );
-            $localtown_shipping_fare = $localtown_shipping_fare_arr['total_shipping_fare'];
-            $trans_free_toal = $localtown_shipping_fare;
-        }else if( !empty($localtown_address) )
-        {
-            list($lon,$lat) = explode(',', $localtown_address['lon_lat'] );
-            $localtown_shipping_fare_arr = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->calc_shipping_fare( $lon, $lat , $seller_goodss );
-            $localtown_shipping_fare = $localtown_shipping_fare_arr['total_shipping_fare'];
-            $trans_free_toal = $localtown_shipping_fare;
-        }
-		//配送时间段间隔
-		$localtown_expected_delivery = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->get_expected_delivery($localtown_dispatchtime);
-		$localtown_modifypickingname = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_modifypickingname');
-		$localtown_modifypickingname = !empty($localtown_modifypickingname) ? $localtown_modifypickingname: '包装费';
-    }
-	//暂时关闭自提代码
-	/**
-	if(!empty($pick_up))
-	{
-		$pick_up = unserialize($pick_up);
-		$pick_up_ids = implode(',',$pick_up);
-		$pick_up_arr = M('pick_up')->where( array('id'=>array('in',$pick_up_ids)) )->select();
-	}
-	**/		
-	$pick_up_name = '';
-	$pick_up_mobile = '';
-	$tuan_send_address = '';
-	$order_note_content = '';
-	$tuan_send_address_info = array();
-	$shop_limit_buy_distance = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_limit_buy_distance');
-	if($is_ziti >= 1)
-	{
-		//寻找上一个订单的自提电话 自提姓名  
-		$last_order_info = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id,'delivery' => 'pickup') )->order('order_id desc')->find();
-		if(empty($last_order_info)){
-			$last_order_info = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id,'delivery' => 'hexiao') )->order('order_id desc')->find();
-		}
-		if(!empty($last_order_info))
-		{
-			$pick_up_name = $last_order_info['shipping_name'];
-			$pick_up_mobile = $last_order_info['telephone'];
-			$order_note_content = $last_order_info['note_content'];
-		}
-		//order_note_content
-		$last_tuanz_send_order_info = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->field('tuan_send_address,address_id,note_content,order_id')->where( array('member_id' =>$member_id,'delivery' => 'tuanz_send' ) )->order('order_id desc')->find();					
-		if(!empty($last_tuanz_send_order_info))
-		{
-			$tuan_send_address = $last_tuanz_send_order_info['tuan_send_address'];
-			if( !empty($last_tuanz_send_order_info['note_content']) && $last_tuanz_send_order_info['order_id'] > $last_order_info['order_id'] )
-			{
-				$order_note_content = $last_tuanz_send_order_info['note_content'];
-			}
-			if( !empty($last_tuanz_send_order_info['address_id']) )
-			{
-				if($shop_limit_buy_distance == 1)
-				{
-					$tuan_send_address_info = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where( "address_id=".$last_tuanz_send_order_info['address_id']." and lon_lat != '' " )->find();
-				}else{
-					$tuan_send_address_info = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where( "address_id=".$last_tuanz_send_order_info['address_id'] )->find();
-				}
-				if( !empty($tuan_send_address) && !empty($tuan_send_address_info['lon_lat']) )
-				{
-					$province_info =  D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($tuan_send_address_info['province_id']);// M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['province_id']) )->find();
-					$city_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($tuan_send_address_info['city_id']);//M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['city_id']) )->find();
-					$country_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($tuan_send_address_info['country_id']);//M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['country_id']) )->find();
-					$tuan_send_address_info['province_name'] = $province_info['name'];
-					$tuan_send_address_info['city_name'] = $city_info['name'];
-					$tuan_send_address_info['country_name'] = $country_info['name'];
-					$tuan_send_address = $tuan_send_address_info['address'];
-				}else{
-					//todo...
-					$tuan_send_address = '';
-				}
-			}else{
-				$tuan_send_address = '';
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-	**/
-	/**
-	tuan_region
-	store_buy_total_money
-	**/
-	//open_score_buy_score $shop_limit_buy_distance = load_model_class('front')->get_config_by_name('shop_limit_buy_distance');
-	/**
-	$delivery_ziti_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_ziti_name');
-	$delivery_tuanzshipping_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_tuanzshipping_name');
-	$delivery_diy_sort = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_diy_sort');
-	if(empty($delivery_diy_sort) || !isset($delivery_diy_sort)) $delivery_diy_sort = '0,1,2';
-	if( empty($tuan_send_address_info) )
-	{
-		$tuan_send_address_info = array();
-	}
-	//判断是否预售,给出预售的信息 begin todo
-    $presale_info = [];
-    if( $buy_type == 'presale' )
-    {
-        // $presale_goods_id
-        $presale_result = D('Home/PresaleGoods')->getCheckOutPresaleGoodsInfo( $presale_goods_id , $presale_goods_total );
-        if( $presale_result['code'] == 0 )
-        {
-            $presale_info = $presale_result['data'];
-        }
-    }
-	//end
-	$open_score_buy_score =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('open_score_buy_score');
-	if( empty($open_score_buy_score) || $buy_type == 'integral' )
-	{
-		$open_score_buy_score = 0;
-	}
-	$score_forbuy_money_maxbi = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('score_forbuy_money_maxbi');
-	if( empty($score_forbuy_money_maxbi) )
-	{
-		$score_forbuy_money_maxbi = 100;
-	}
-	$score_for_money = 0;
-	$bue_use_score = 0;
-	if( $open_score_buy_score == 1 )
-	{
-		if( $member_info['score'] > 0 )
-		{
-			$score_can_max = $store_buy_total_money - $voucher_price - $reduce_money;
-			//计算能兑换多少钱
-			$score_forbuy_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('score_forbuy_money');
-			//只有兑换比例大于0才能允许兑换
-			if( !empty($score_forbuy_money) && $score_forbuy_money >0 )
-			{
-				$score_for_money = sprintf("%.2f",$member_info['score'] / $score_forbuy_money);
-				if( $score_can_max < $score_for_money )
-				{
-					$score_for_money = $score_can_max;
-					$bue_use_score = floor($score_can_max * $score_forbuy_money);
-					$score_for_money = round($bue_use_score/$score_forbuy_money,2);
-				}
-				$max_store_buy_total_money = sprintf("%.2f",($score_forbuy_money_maxbi * $score_can_max) /100);
-				if($score_for_money > $max_store_buy_total_money)
-				{
-					$score_for_money = $max_store_buy_total_money;
-					$bue_use_score = floor($max_store_buy_total_money * $score_forbuy_money);
-					$score_for_money = round($bue_use_score/$score_forbuy_money,2);
-				}else if($bue_use_score <= $max_store_buy_total_money){
-				    $bue_use_score = floor($score_for_money * $score_forbuy_money);
-					//$bue_use_score = $member_info['score'];
-					if($bue_use_score > $member_info['score'] )
-					{
-					    $bue_use_score = floor($member_info['score']);
-					}
-					$score_for_money = round($bue_use_score/$score_forbuy_money,2);
-				}
-			}
-			//预售
-			//if($buy_type == 'presale'){
-			//	$sum_deduction_money =  $goods[0]["quantity"] * $presale_info['deduction_money'] ;
-			//}	
-		}
-	}
-	//score_forbuy_money score
-	$delivery_ziti_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_ziti_name');
-	$delivery_tuanzshipping_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_tuanzshipping_name');
-	$delivery_diy_sort = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_diy_sort');
-	if(empty($delivery_diy_sort) || !isset($delivery_diy_sort)) $delivery_diy_sort = '0,1,2';
-	if( empty($tuan_send_address_info) )
-	{
-		$tuan_send_address_info = array();
-	}
-	//判断是否预售,给出预售的信息 begin todo
-    $presale_info = [];
-    if( $buy_type == 'presale' )
-    {
-        // $presale_goods_id
-        $presale_result = D('Home/PresaleGoods')->getCheckOutPresaleGoodsInfo( $presale_goods_id , $presale_goods_total );
-        if( $presale_result['code'] == 0 )
-        {
-            $presale_info = $presale_result['data'];
-        }
-    }
-	//end
-	$need_data = array();
-	$need_data['code'] = 1;
-	$need_data['open_score_buy_score'] = $open_score_buy_score;//1开启积分抵扣
-	$need_data['score'] = $member_info['score'];//会员持有的积分
-	$need_data['score_for_money'] = $score_for_money;//会员能抵扣的金额
-	$need_data['bue_use_score'] = $bue_use_score;//会员能抵扣的积分数
-	$need_data['delivery_type_ziti'] = $delivery_type_ziti;
-	$need_data['delivery_type_express'] = $delivery_type_express;
-	$need_data['delivery_type_tuanz'] = $delivery_type_tuanz;
-	$need_data['delivery_type_localtown'] = $delivery_type_localtown;
-	$need_data['delvery_type_hexiao'] = $delvery_type_hexiao;
-	$need_data['delivery_express_name'] = $delivery_express_name;
-	$need_data['delivery_ziti_name'] = $delivery_ziti_name;
-	$need_data['delivery_tuanzshipping_name'] = $delivery_tuanzshipping_name;
-	$need_data['delivery_diy_sort'] = $delivery_diy_sort;
-	$need_data['presale_info'] = $presale_info;//预售信息
-	$seller_goodss_keys = array_keys($seller_goodss);
-	$need_data['delivery_tuanz_money'] = round($delivery_tuanz_money * count($seller_goodss_keys) , 2);
-	//$need_data['delivery_tuanz_money'] = $delivery_tuanz_money;
-	$need_data['man_free_tuanzshipping'] = empty($man_free_tuanzshipping) ? 0 : $man_free_tuanzshipping;//团长配送,满多少免配送费,0或者为空表示不减免
-	$need_data['man_free_shipping'] = empty($man_free_shipping) ? 0 : $man_free_shipping;//快递配送,满多少免配送费,0或者为空表示不减免
-	$need_data['address'] = $address;
-	$need_data['pick_up_time'] = $pick_up_time;
-	$need_data['pick_up_type'] = $pick_up_type;
-	$need_data['pick_up_weekday'] = $pick_up_weekday;
-	$need_data['is_pin_over'] = $is_pin_over;
-	$need_data['is_integer'] = 0;//$is_no_quan ? 1: 0;
-	$need_data['pick_up_arr'] = $pick_up_arr;
-	$need_data['is_ziti'] = 2;
-	$need_data['ziti_name'] = $pick_up_name;
-	$need_data['ziti_mobile'] = $pick_up_mobile;
-	$need_data['tuan_send_address'] = $tuan_send_address;
-	$need_data['tuan_send_address_info'] = $tuan_send_address_info;
-	$need_data['seller_goodss'] = $seller_goodss;
-	$need_data['show_voucher'] = $show_voucher;
-	$need_data['buy_type'] = $buy_type;
-	$need_data['address'] = $address;
-	$need_data['trans_free_toal'] = $trans_free_toal;
-	$need_data['is_limit_distance_buy'] = 0;
-	$need_data['limit_distance'] = 100;//km
-	$need_data['is_member_level_buy'] = $is_member_level_buy;//km
-	$need_data['level_save_money'] = $level_save_money;//km
-    //begin
-    $need_data['localtown_shipping_fare'] = $localtown_shipping_fare;//同城配送配送费
-    $need_data['pickingup_fare'] = $picking_fare;//包装费
-    $need_data['localtown_dispatchtime'] = $localtown_dispatchtime;//预计一共需要配送多少分钟
-    $need_data['picking_fare_arr'] = $picking_fare_arr;
-    $need_data['localtown_shipping_fare_arr'] = $localtown_shipping_fare_arr;
-	$need_data['localtown_expected_delivery'] = $localtown_expected_delivery;
-    //end
-	$need_data['is_vip_card_member'] = $is_vip_card_member;//km
-	$need_data['vipcard_save_money'] = $vipcard_save_money;//km
-	$need_data['is_open_vipcard_buy'] = $is_open_vipcard_buy;//km
-	if( !empty($shop_limit_buy_distance) && $shop_limit_buy_distance ==1 )
-	{
-		$latitude = 0;
-		$longitude = 0;
-		if( !empty($tuan_send_address_info) && !empty($tuan_send_address_info['lon_lat']) )
-		{
-			//lon_lat
-			$lon_lat_arr = explode(',', $tuan_send_address_info['lon_lat']);
-			$longitude = $lon_lat_arr[0];
-			$latitude = $lon_lat_arr[1];
-		}
-		if( isset($gpc['latitude']) && !empty($gpc['latitude']) )
-		{
-			$latitude = $gpc['latitude'];
-		}
-		if( isset($gpc['longitude']) && !empty($gpc['longitude']) )
-		{
-			$longitude = $gpc['longitude'];
-		}
-		if( !empty($latitude) && !empty($longitude) )
-		{
-			$shop_buy_distance = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_buy_distance');
-			$shop_buy_distance = $shop_buy_distance * 1000;
-			$community_info = M('lionfish_community_head')->field('lon,lat')->where( array('id' => $community_id ) )->find();
-			$distince = D('Seller/Communityhead')->GetDistance($longitude,$latitude,$community_info['lon'],$community_info['lat']);
-			$need_data['current_distance'] = $distince;
-			$need_data['shop_buy_distance'] = $shop_buy_distance;
-			if($distince > $shop_buy_distance )
-			{
-				$need_data['is_limit_distance_buy'] = 1;
-				$need_data['limit_distance'] = $distince/1000;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	$need_data['reduce_money'] = $reduce_money;
-	$need_data['is_open_fullreduction'] = $is_open_fullreduction;
-	$need_data['cha_reduce_money'] = $cha_reduce_money;
-	$need_data['is_man_delivery_tuanz_fare'] = $is_man_delivery_tuanz_fare; //是否达到满xx减团长配送费
-	$need_data['fare_man_delivery_tuanz_fare_money'] = $fare_man_delivery_tuanz_fare_money;	//达到满xx减团长配送费, 减了多少钱
-	$need_data['is_man_shipping_fare'] = $is_man_shipping_fare; //是否达到满xx减运费
-	$need_data['fare_man_shipping_fare_money'] = $fare_man_shipping_fare_money;	//达到满xx减运费,司机减了多少运费
-	$dispatching = isset($gpc['dispatching']) ? $gpc['dispatching']:'pickup';
-	//is_ziti == 2
-	if($dispatching == 'express')
-	{
-		$need_data['total_free'] = $total_free + $trans_free_toal - $voucher_price -$reduce_money;
-	}
-	else if( $dispatching == 'localtown_delivery' )
-    {
-        $need_data['total_free'] = $total_free + $localtown_shipping_fare + $picking_fare - $voucher_price - $reduce_money;
-    }
-	else{
-		$need_data['total_free'] = $total_free  - $voucher_price -$reduce_money;
-	}
-	if($is_ziti == 2)
-	{
-		$need_data['total_free'] = $total_free  - $voucher_price -$reduce_money;
-	}
-	//积分兑换 不算总金额,但是算总积分
-	if( $buy_type == 'integral' )
-	{
-		$need_data['total_free'] = $trans_free_toal;
-		$need_data['total_integral'] = $total_free;
-	}
-	if($need_data['total_free'] < 0)
-	{
-		$need_data['total_free'] = 0;
-	}
-	//判断是否可以余额支付
-	//暂时关闭 会员余额功能
-	/**
-	$is_yue_open_info =	M('config')->where( array('name' => 'is_yue_open') )->find();
-	$is_yue_open =  $is_yue_open_info['value'];
-	**/
-	$is_yue_open = 0;
-	$is_yue_open = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_yue_pay');
-	if( empty($is_yue_open) )
-	{
-		$is_yue_open = 0;
-	}
-	$need_data['is_yue_open'] = $is_yue_open;
-	$need_data['can_yupay'] = 0;
-	//暂时关闭 会员余额功能
-	if($is_yue_open == 1 && $need_data['total_free'] >=0 && $member_info['account_money'] >= $need_data['total_free'])
-	{
-		$need_data['can_yupay'] = 1;
-	}
-	//前端隐藏 团长信息
-	$index_hide_headdetail_address = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('index_hide_headdetail_address');
-	if( empty($index_hide_headdetail_address) )
-	{
-		$index_hide_headdetail_address = 0;
-	}
-	$need_data['index_hide_headdetail_address'] = $index_hide_headdetail_address;
-	//订单留言
-	$is_open_order_message = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_order_message');
-	$need_data['yu_money'] = $member_info['account_money'];
-	$need_data['goods'] = $goods;
-	$need_data['is_open_order_message'] = $is_open_order_message;
-	$need_data['is_zero_opentuan'] = 0;
-	//拼团特殊情况0元开团
-	if( $buy_type == 'pintuan' && $is_zero_buy == 1 )
-	{
-		//$need_data['total_free'] = 0;
-		//$need_data['trans_free_toal'] = 0;
-		//$need_data['is_zero_opentuan'] = 1;
-	}
-	//订阅消息begin
-	$is_need_subscript = 0;
-	$need_subscript_template = array();
-		//'pay_order','send_order','hexiao_success','apply_community','open_tuan','take_tuan','pin_tuansuccess','apply_tixian'
-		//$member_id
-		if( $buy_type == 'pintuan' )
-		{
-			//pin_tuansuccess
-			//send_order  parameter[weprogram_subtemplate_pin_tuansuccess]
-			//hexiao_success
-			$pin_tuansuccess_info = M('lionfish_comshop_subscribe')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id, 'type' => 'pin_tuansuccess' ) )->find();
-			//if( empty($pin_tuansuccess_info) )
-			//{
-				$weprogram_subtemplate_pin_tuansuccess = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('weprogram_subtemplate_pin_tuansuccess');
-				if( !empty($weprogram_subtemplate_pin_tuansuccess) )
-				{
-					$need_subscript_template['pin_tuansuccess'] = $weprogram_subtemplate_pin_tuansuccess;
-				}
-			//}
-		}else{
-			//pay_order
-			$pay_order_info = M('lionfish_comshop_subscribe')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id , 'type' => 'pay_order') )->find();
-			//if( empty($pay_order_info) )
-			//{
-				$weprogram_subtemplate_pay_order = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('weprogram_subtemplate_pay_order');
-				if( !empty($weprogram_subtemplate_pay_order) )
-				{
-					$need_subscript_template['pay_order'] = $weprogram_subtemplate_pay_order;
-				}
-			//}
-		}
-		//send_order
-		$send_order_info = M('lionfish_comshop_subscribe')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id, 'type' => 'send_order' ) )->find();
-		//if( empty($send_order_info) )
-		//{
-			$weprogram_subtemplate_send_order = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('weprogram_subtemplate_send_order');
-			if( !empty($weprogram_subtemplate_send_order) )
-			{
-				$need_subscript_template['send_order'] = $weprogram_subtemplate_send_order;
-			}
-		//}
-		//hexiao_success
-		$hexiao_success_info = M('lionfish_comshop_subscribe')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id, 'type' => 'hexiao_success' ) )->find();
-		//if( empty($hexiao_success_info) )
-		//{
-			$weprogram_subtemplate_hexiao_success = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('weprogram_subtemplate_hexiao_success');
-			if( !empty($weprogram_subtemplate_hexiao_success) )
-			{
-				$need_subscript_template['hexiao_success'] = $weprogram_subtemplate_hexiao_success;
-			}
-		//}
-		if( !empty($need_subscript_template) )
-		{
-			$is_need_subscript = 1;
-		}
-	//下单万能表单
-	$need_data['allform'] = D('Home/Allform')->getOrderForms();
-	//判断是否使用货到付款
-	$cashondelivery_data = D('Home/Front')->getCashonDeliveryAction($buy_type, $seller_goodss);
-	$need_data['cashondelivery_data'] = $cashondelivery_data;
-	//订阅消息end
-	$need_data['is_need_subscript'] = $is_need_subscript;
-	$need_data['need_subscript_template'] = $need_subscript_template;
-	//订单提交页面备注信息
-	$order_note_open = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('order_note_open');
-	$order_note_open = isset($order_note_open) && $order_note_open == 1 ? 1: 0;
-	$order_note_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('order_note_name');
-	$order_note_name =  !isset($order_note_name) || empty($order_note_name) ?  '店名' : $order_note_name;
-	$need_data['order_note_open'] = $order_note_open;//开启下单页面备注,仅 自提跟 团长配送时需要
-	$need_data['order_note_name'] = $order_note_name;//备注名称,默认是店名
-	$need_data['order_note_content'] = $order_note_content;//备注名称,默认是店名
-	$need_data['localtown_modifypickingname'] = $localtown_modifypickingname;//备注名称,默认是店名
-	//配送费类型:0、固定金额,1、按距离收取
-	$localtown_delivery_moneytype = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_delivery_moneytype');
-	//起送价格
-	$localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney');
-	//达到金额免配送费
-	$localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney');
-	//加价配送
-	$localtown_makeup_delivery_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_makeup_delivery_money');
-	//1、固定金额,订单价格超过起送价格 无加价配送费,2、按距离收取 无加价配送费 3、固定金额,起送价格为0 无加价配送费
-	if(($localtown_delivery_moneytype == 0 && ($localtown_shipping_fare_arr[0]['is_can_qisong'] == 1 || $localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney == 0)) || $localtown_delivery_moneytype == 1){
-	    $localtown_makeup_delivery_money = 0;
-	}else{
-		$localtown_makeup_delivery_money = 0;
-	}
-	$need_data['localtown_delivery_moneytype'] = $localtown_delivery_moneytype;
-	$need_data['localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney'] = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney;
-	$need_data['localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney'] = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney;
-	$need_data['localtown_makeup_delivery_money'] = $localtown_makeup_delivery_money;
-	$need_data['order_lou_meng_hao'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('order_lou_meng_hao');
-	$need_data['order_lou_meng_hao_placeholder'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('order_lou_meng_hao_placeholder');
-	echo json_encode($need_data);
-	die();
-public function sub_order()
-	$gpc = I('request.');
-    $buy_type = isset($gpc['buy_type']) ? $gpc['buy_type'] : 'dan';
-	$token = $gpc['token'];
-	$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where( array('token' => $token) )->find();
-	$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
-	$pintuan_model_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('pintuan_model_buy');
-	$allform_id = $gpc['allform_id'];
-	$allform_list = $gpc['allform_list'];
-	if( empty($pintuan_model_buy) || $pintuan_model_buy ==0 )
-	{
-		$pintuan_model_buy = 0;
-	}
-	$is_open_vipcard_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_vipcard_buy');
-	$is_open_vipcard_buy = !empty($is_open_vipcard_buy) && $is_open_vipcard_buy ==1 ? 1:0; 
-	$is_vip_card_member = 0;
-	$is_member_level_buy = 0;
-	if( $member_id > 0 )
-	{
-		$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id ) )->find();
-		if( !empty($is_open_vipcard_buy) && $is_open_vipcard_buy == 1 )
-		{
-			$now_time = time();
-			if( $member_info['card_id'] >0 && $member_info['card_end_time'] > $now_time )
-			{
-				$is_vip_card_member = 1;//还是会员
-			}else if( $member_info['card_id'] >0 && $member_info['card_end_time'] < $now_time ){
-				$is_vip_card_member = 2;//已过期
-			}
-		}
-		if($is_vip_card_member != 1 && $member_info['level_id'] >0 )
-		{
-			$is_member_level_buy = 1;
-		}
-	}
-	if($buy_type == 'presale')
-    {
-        $is_vip_card_member = 0;
-        $is_member_level_buy = 0;
-    }
-	//use_score = 1
-	$use_score = isset($gpc['use_score']) ? intval($gpc['use_score']) : 0;
-	$puis_not_buy =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('puis_not_buy');
-	if( !empty($puis_not_buy) && $puis_not_buy ==1 )
-	{
-		$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('level_id')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id) )->find();
-		if($member_info['level_id'] == 0)
-		{
-			echo json_encode( array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '普通会员不能购买') );
-			die();
-		}
-	}
-		//$buy_type == 'presale'
-	$data_s  = array();
-	$data_s['pay_method'] = $gpc['wxpay'];
-	$data_s['buy_type'] = isset($gpc['buy_type']) ? $gpc['buy_type'] : 'dan';
-	$data_s['pick_up_id'] = $gpc['pick_up_id'];
-	$data_s['dispatching'] = $gpc['dispatching'];
-	$order_note_open = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('order_note_open');
-	if($order_note_open == 1){
-		$data_s['note_content'] = $gpc['note_content'];
-	}else{
-		$data_s['note_content'] = '';
-	}
-	$data_s['soli_id'] = isset($gpc['soli_id']) ? intval($gpc['soli_id']) : 0 ;
-	if($data_s['dispatching'] != 'express' && empty($data_s['pick_up_id']))
-	{
-		$last_community = M('lionfish_community_history')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id) )->order('id desc')->find();
-		if( !empty($last_community) )
-		{
-			$data_s['pick_up_id'] = $last_community['head_id'];
-		}
-		//$data_s['pick_up_id']
-	}
-	//礼品卡不用配送地址begin
-	if( $data_s['buy_type'] == 'virtualcard' )
-    {
-        $data_s['dispatching'] = 'express';
-        $data_s['address_id'] = 0;
-    }
-    //end
-	if( $data_s['buy_type'] == 'dan' || $data_s['buy_type'] == 'soitaire' || $data_s['buy_type'] == 'presale' || ($pintuan_model_buy == 1 && $data_s['buy_type'] != 'dan' && $data_s['buy_type'] != 'integral'  ) )
-	{
-		D('Seller/Community')->in_community_history($member_id,$data_s['pick_up_id']);
-	}
-	//'express'  快递, 'pickup'  自提, 'tuanz_send'  团长配送)   tuan_send_address 
-	$data_s['ziti_name'] = $gpc['ziti_name'];
-	$data_s['quan_arr'] = $gpc['quan_arr'];
-	$data_s['comment'] = $gpc['comment'];
-	$data_s['ziti_mobile'] = $gpc['ziti_mobile'];
-	$data_s['tuan_send_address'] = $gpc['tuan_send_address'];
-	$data_s['ck_yupay'] = $gpc['ck_yupay'];
-	//是否货到付款
-	$data_s['cashon_delivery'] = $gpc['cashon_delivery'];
-	$data_s['province_name'] = isset($gpc['province_name']) ? $gpc['province_name']:'' ;
-	$data_s['city_name'] = isset($gpc['city_name']) ? $gpc['city_name']: '';
-	$data_s['country_name'] = isset($gpc['country_name']) ? $gpc['country_name']: '';
-	$data_s['address_name'] = isset($gpc['address_name']) ? $gpc['address_name']:'' ;
-	$data_s['latitude'] = isset($gpc['latitude']) ? $gpc['latitude']:'' ;
-	$data_s['longitude'] = isset($gpc['longitude']) ? $gpc['longitude']:'' ;
-	$data_s['lou_meng_hao'] = isset($gpc['lou_meng_hao']) ? $gpc['lou_meng_hao']:'' ;
-	$data_s['expected_delivery_time'] = isset($gpc['expected_delivery_time']) ? $gpc['expected_delivery_time']:'' ;
-	//$data_s['tuan_send_address'] .= $data_s['lou_meng_hao'];
-	//$data_s['tuan_send_address'] .= $data_s['lou_meng_hao'];
-	//tuan_send_address
-	$province_name = isset($data_s['province_name']) ? $data_s['province_name'] : '';
-	$city_name = isset($data_s['city_name']) ? $data_s['city_name'] : '';
-	$country_name = isset($data_s['country_name']) ? $data_s['country_name'] : '';
-	$address_name = isset($data_s['address_name']) ? $data_s['address_name'] : '';
-	//判断配送距离
-	/*if($data_s['dispatching'] == 'localtown_delivery'){
-		//服务距离
-		$localtown_servvice_maxdistance =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_servvice_maxdistance');
-		//商家经纬度
-		$localtown_shop_lon =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_shop_lon');
-		$localtown_shop_lat =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_shop_lat');
-		$distince = D('Seller/Communityhead')->GetDistance($data_s['longitude'],$data_s['latitude'], $localtown_shop_lon, $localtown_shop_lat);
-		$distince = round($distince/1000,2);
-		if($distince > $localtown_servvice_maxdistance){
-			//echo json_encode( array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '超出服务距离'.$localtown_servvice_maxdistance.'KM') );
-		    echo json_encode( array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '您与商家的距离过远,商家的配送范围是'.$localtown_servvice_maxdistance.'KM内') );
-			die();
-		}
-	}*/
-	$json=array();
-	$pay_method = $data_s['pay_method'];//支付类型
-	$order_msg_str = $data_s['order_msg_str'];//商品订单留言
-	$comment = $data_s['comment'];//商品订单留言
-	$comment_arr = array();
-	if( !empty($data_s['comment']) )
-	{
-		$comment_arr1 = explode('@EOF@', $data_s['comment']);
-		foreach($comment_arr1  as  $var){
-			$count = substr_count($var, '_');
-			$a = explode('_', $var);
-			for($i=1 ; $i<$count ; $i++ ){
-				$comment_arr[$a[$i]] =  $a[$count];
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	$pick_up_id = $data_s['pick_up_id'];
-	$dispatching = $data_s['dispatching'];
-	$ziti_name = $data_s['ziti_name'];
-	$ziti_mobile = $data_s['ziti_mobile'];
-	//新增快递
-	$province_name = isset($data_s['province_name']) ? $data_s['province_name'] : '';
-	$city_name = isset($data_s['city_name']) ? $data_s['city_name'] : '';
-	$country_name = isset($data_s['country_name']) ? $data_s['country_name'] : '';
-	$address_name = isset($data_s['address_name']) ? $data_s['address_name'] : '';
-	$ck_yupay = $data_s['ck_yupay'];
-	$cashon_delivery = $data_s['cashon_delivery'];
-	if($dispatching == 'express')
-	{
-		$data_s['address_id'] = $this->_add_address($token,$ziti_name,$ziti_mobile,$province_name,$city_name, $country_name,$address_name);
-	}
-	else if( $dispatching == 'localtown_delivery' )
-    {
-        $data_s['address_id'] = $this->_add_address($token,$ziti_name,$ziti_mobile,$province_name,$city_name, $country_name,$address_name,$data_s['latitude'],$data_s['longitude'],$data_s['lou_meng_hao'] );
-    }
-	else if($dispatching == 'tuanz_send'){
-		$data_s['address_id'] = $this->_add_address($token,$ziti_name,$ziti_mobile,$province_name,$city_name, $country_name,$data_s['tuan_send_address'],$data_s['latitude'],$data_s['longitude'],$data_s['lou_meng_hao'] );
-		$data_s['tuan_send_address'] .= $data_s['lou_meng_hao'];
-	}
-	/**
-	pick_up_id: that.data.pick_up_id,
-	dispatching: that.data.dispatching, //express  pickup
-	ziti_name: t_ziti_name,
-	ziti_mobile: t_ziti_mobile
-	**/
-	$order_msg_arr = explode('@,@', $order_msg_str);
-	$quan_arr = $data_s['quan_arr'];//商品订单留言
-	$order_quan_arr = array();
-	if( !empty($quan_arr) )
-	{
-		if( !is_array($quan_arr) )
-		{
-			$quan_arr = array($quan_arr);
-		}
-		foreach($quan_arr as $q_val)
-		{
-			$tmp_q = array();
-			$tmp_q = explode('_',$q_val);
-			$voucher_info = M('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list')->where("consume='N' and id=".$tmp_q[1]." and user_id=".$member_id." and end_time >".time())->find();
-			if( !empty($voucher_info) )
-			{
-				//$order_quan_arr[$tmp_q[0]] = $tmp_q[1];
-				$order_quan_arr[1] = $tmp_q[1];
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	$msg_arr = array();
-	foreach($order_msg_arr as $val)
-	{
-		$tmp_val = explode('@_@', $val);
-		$msg_arr[ $tmp_val[0] ] = $tmp_val[1];
-	}
-	$cart= D('Home/Car');
-	// 验证商品数量
-	//buy_type:buy_type
-	$buy_type = $data_s['buy_type'];//I('post.buy_type');
-	$is_pin = 0;
-	if($buy_type == 'pintuan')
-	{
-		$is_pin = 1;
-	}
-	$goodss = $cart->get_all_goodswecar($buy_type,$token,1,$data_s['pick_up_id'], $data_s['soli_id']);
-	//付款人
-	$payment = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id) )->find();
-	//收货人
-	$addr_param = array();
-	$addr_param[':uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid'];
-	$addr_param[':member_id'] = $member_id;
-	//$addr_sql = "select * from ".tablename('lionfish_comshop_address')." where uniacid=:uniacid and member_id=:member_id order by  is_default desc,address_id desc limit 1";
-	//$address = pdo_fetch($addr_sql, $addr_param);
-	$seller_goodss = array();
-	/** 计算每个订单的优惠券占比begin */
-	$zanbi_total_money = 0;
-	//是否需要校验ticket 交易组件
-    $scene = $gpc['scene'];
-    $is_need_scene_check = 0;
-    if(!empty($scene))
-    {
-        $is_need_scene_check = D('Seller/MpModifyTradeComponts')->sceneCheck( $scene );
-    }
-	foreach($goodss as $key => $val) {
-		//单商户先屏蔽
-		//$goods_store_field =  M('goods')->field('store_id')->where( array('goods_id' => $val['goods_id']) )->find();
-		$supply_id = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_supply_id($val['goods_id']);
-		if ($supply_id > 0) {
-			$supply_info = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_info($supply_id);
-			if ($supply_info['type'] == 0) {
-				$supply_id = 0;
-			}
-		}
-		if($data_s['dispatching'] == 'localtown_delivery'){
-			if($supply_id > 0){
-				$isopen_localtown_delivery =  D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('isopen_localtown_delivery',$supply_id);
-				if($isopen_localtown_delivery == 1){
-					//服务距离
-					$localtown_servvice_maxdistance =  D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('localtown_servvice_maxdistance',$supply_id);
-					//商家经纬度
-					$localtown_shop_lon =  D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('localtown_shop_lon',$supply_id);
-					$localtown_shop_lat =  D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('localtown_shop_lat',$supply_id);
-					$distince = D('Seller/Communityhead')->GetDistance($data_s['longitude'],$data_s['latitude'], $localtown_shop_lon, $localtown_shop_lat);
-					$distince = round($distince/1000,2);
-					if($distince > $localtown_servvice_maxdistance){
-						echo json_encode( array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '您与商家的距离过远,商家的配送范围是'.$localtown_servvice_maxdistance.'KM内') );
-						die();
-					}
-				}
-			}else{
-				//服务距离
-				$localtown_servvice_maxdistance =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_servvice_maxdistance');
-				//商家经纬度
-				$localtown_shop_lon =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_shop_lon');
-				$localtown_shop_lat =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_shop_lat');
-				$distince = D('Seller/Communityhead')->GetDistance($data_s['longitude'],$data_s['latitude'], $localtown_shop_lon, $localtown_shop_lat);
-				$distince = round($distince/1000,2);
-				if($distince > $localtown_servvice_maxdistance){
-					echo json_encode( array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '您与商家的距离过远,商家的配送范围是'.$localtown_servvice_maxdistance.'KM内') );
-					die();
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		$seller_goodss[$supply_id][$key] = $val;
-		//$cart->removecar($val['key'],$token);
-		if ($is_vip_card_member == 1 && $val['is_take_vipcard'] == 1) {
-			$zanbi_total_money += $val['card_total'];
-		} else if ($val['is_mb_level_buy'] > 0 && $is_member_level_buy == 1) {
-			$zanbi_total_money += $val['level_total'];
-		} else if ($val['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $member_info['level_id'] > 0){
-			$zanbi_total_money += $val['level_total'];
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			$zanbi_total_money += $val['total'];
-		}
-		//检测是否场景符合begin
-		if( $is_need_scene_check == 1 )
-        {
-            if( $val['isTradeComponts'] == 0 )
-            {
-                echo json_encode( array('code' => 2,'msg' => $val['name'].':未提交小程序交易组件' ) );
-                die();
-            }
-        }
-        //检测是否场景符合end
-	}
-	//判断是否可以货到付款
-	if($cashon_delivery == 1){
-		$cashondelivery_data = D('Home/Front')->getCashonDeliveryAction($buy_type, $seller_goodss);
-		if($cashondelivery_data['isopen_cashondelivery'] == 1){
-			if($dispatching == 'express' && $cashondelivery_data['isopen_cashondelivery_express'] == 0){
-				echo json_encode( array('code' => 3,'msg' => '货到付款未开启' ) );
-				die();
-			}else if($dispatching == 'tuanz_send' && $cashondelivery_data['isopen_cashondelivery_communityhead'] == 0){
-				echo json_encode( array('code' => 3,'msg' => '货到付款未开启' ) );
-				die();
-			}else if($dispatching == 'localtown_delivery' && $cashondelivery_data['isopen_cashondelivery_localtown'] == 0){
-				echo json_encode( array('code' => 3,'msg' => '货到付款未开启' ) );
-				die();
-			}else if($dispatching == 'hexiao' && $cashondelivery_data['isopen_cashondelivery_hexiao'] == 0){
-				echo json_encode( array('code' => 3,'msg' => '货到付款未开启' ) );
-				die();
-			}else if($dispatching == 'pickup' && $cashondelivery_data['isopen_cashondelivery_ziti'] == 0){
-				echo json_encode( array('code' => 3,'msg' => '货到付款未开启' ) );
-				die();
-			}
-		}else{
-			echo json_encode( array('code' => 3,'msg' => '货到付款未开启' ) );
-			die();
-		}
-	}
-	//....看看有没有满多少才能下单begin
-	$open_man_orderbuy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('open_man_orderbuy');
-	$man_orderbuy_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_orderbuy_money');
-	//pindan (拼团商品单独购买)   pintuan (拼团)
-	if($buy_type == 'pintuan' || $buy_type == 'pindan' || $buy_type == 'integral' )
-	{
-		$open_man_orderbuy = 0;
-	}
-	if( !empty($open_man_orderbuy) &&  $open_man_orderbuy == 1 )
-	{
-		if( !empty($man_orderbuy_money) && $man_orderbuy_money >0 )
-		{
-			if($man_orderbuy_money > $zanbi_total_money)
-			{
-				echo json_encode( array('code' => 2,'msg' => '满'.$man_orderbuy_money.'元才可以下单' , 'is_forb' => 1) );
-				die();
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	//....看看有没有满多少才能下单end
-	//清除购物车
-	foreach($goodss as $key => $val)
-	{
-		$cart->removecar($val['key'],$token);
-	}
-	/** 计算每个订单的优惠券占比end */
-	$pay_total = 0;
-	//M('order_all')
-	$order_all_data = array();
-	$order_all_data['member_id'] = $member_id;
-	$order_all_data['order_num_alias'] = build_order_no($member_id);
-	$order_all_data['transaction_id'] = '';
-	$order_all_data['order_status_id'] = 3;
-	$order_all_data['is_pin'] = $is_pin;
-	$order_all_data['paytime'] = 0;
-	$order_all_data['addtime'] = time();
-	$order_all_id = M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->add($order_all_data);
-	//暂时屏蔽积分商城模块
-	$integral_model = D('Home/Integral');
-	$order_ids_arr = array();
-	$del_integral = 0;
-	if( ($buy_type == 'pintuan' || $buy_type == 'pindan') && $pintuan_model_buy == 0 )
-	{
-		$community_info = array();
-		$community_detail_info = array();
-	}
-	else if( $buy_type == 'integral' )
-	{
-		$community_info = array();
-		$community_detail_info = array();
-	}
-	else if( ($buy_type == 'pintuan' || $buy_type == 'pindan') && $pintuan_model_buy == 1 )
-	{
-		$community_info = M('lionfish_community_head')->where( array('id' => $data_s['pick_up_id'] ) )->find();	
-		$community_detail_info = D('Home/Front')->get_community_byid($data_s['pick_up_id']);
-	}else{			
-		$community_info = M('lionfish_community_head')->where( array('id' => $data_s['pick_up_id'] ) )->find();	
-		$community_detail_info = D('Home/Front')->get_community_byid($data_s['pick_up_id']);
-	}
-	$address_info = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where( array('address_id' => $data_s['address_id'] ) )->find();					
-	$is_open_fullreduction = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_fullreduction');
-	$full_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_money');
-	$full_reducemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_reducemoney');
-	$man_free_tuanzshipping = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_free_tuanzshipping');
-	$man_free_shipping = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_free_shipping');
-	if( empty($man_free_tuanzshipping) )
-	{
-		$man_free_tuanzshipping = 0;
-	}
-	if( empty($man_free_shipping) )
-	{
-		$man_free_shipping = 0;
-	}
-	if(empty($full_reducemoney) || $full_reducemoney <= 0)
-	{
-		$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
-	}
-	if( ($buy_type == 'pintuan' || $buy_type == 'pindan') && $pintuan_model_buy == 0  )
-	{
-		$man_free_tuanzshipping = 0;
-		$man_free_shipping = 0;
-		$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
-	}
-	else if( $buy_type == 'integral' )
-	{
-		$man_free_tuanzshipping = 0;
-		$man_free_shipping = 0;
-		$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
-	}
-	else if( ($buy_type == 'pintuan' || $buy_type == 'pindan') && $pintuan_model_buy == 1 )
-	{
-		$man_free_shipping = 0;
-		$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
-	}
-	//预售不参与满减
-    if($buy_type == 'presale')
-    {
-        $man_free_tuanzshipping = 0;
-        $man_free_shipping = 0;
-        $is_open_fullreduction = 0;
-    }
-	$is_moban = false;	
-	$cart = D('Home/Car');
-	$is_just_1 = 0;
-	$index_comment = 0;
-	$pay_goods_name = "";
-	$store_buy_total_money = 0;
-	$open_score_buy_score = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('open_score_buy_score');
-	$score_for_money = 0;//use_score
-	if( $buy_type == 'integral' )
-	{
-		$open_score_buy_score = 0;
-	}
-	//预售不参与积分抵扣
-	if($open_score_buy_score == 1 && $use_score == 1 && $payment['score'] > 0 && $buy_type != 'presale')
-	{
-		//计算能兑换多少钱
-		$score_forbuy_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('score_forbuy_money');
-		//只有兑换比例大于0才能允许兑换
-		if( !empty($score_forbuy_money) && $score_forbuy_money >0 )
-		{
-			$score_for_money =  sprintf('%.2f', $payment['score'] / $score_forbuy_money);
-		}
-	}
-	foreach($seller_goodss as $kk => $vv)
-	{
-		$is_just_1++;
-		$data = array();
-		$data['member_id']=$member_id;
-		$data['name']= $payment['username'];
-		$data['use_score']= $use_score;//是否使用积分抵扣
-		$data['telephone']= $data_s['ziti_mobile'];
-		$data['note_content']= $data_s['note_content'];
-		$data['shipping_name']= $data_s['ziti_name'];
-		$data['shipping_tel']= $data_s['ziti_mobile'];
-		if($dispatching == 'express' || $dispatching == 'tuanz_send' || $dispatching == 'localtown_delivery')
-		{
-			$data['shipping_address'] = $address_info['address'];
-			$data['shipping_province_id']=$address_info['province_id'];
-			$data['shipping_city_id']=$address_info['city_id'];
-			$data['shipping_stree_id']= 0;
-			$data['shipping_country_id']=$address_info['country_id'];
-		}else{
-			$data['shipping_address'] = $community_detail_info['fullAddress'];
-			$data['shipping_province_id']=$community_info['province_id'];
-			$data['shipping_city_id']=$community_info['city_id'];
-			$data['shipping_stree_id']=$community_info['country_id'];
-			$data['shipping_country_id']=$community_info['area_id'];
-		}
-		$data['shipping_method'] = 0;
-		$data['delivery']=$dispatching;
-		$data['pick_up_id']=$pick_up_id;
-		$data['ziti_name']=$community_info['head_name'];
-		$data['ziti_mobile']=$community_info['head_mobile'];
-		$data['payment_method']=$pay_method;
-		$data['address_id']= $data_s['address_id'];
-		$data['voucher_id'] = isset($order_quan_arr[1]) ? $order_quan_arr[1]:0;//目前都是平台券
-		$data['user_agent']=$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
-		$data['date_added']=time();
-		$subject='';
-		$fare = 0;
-		$order_total = 0;
-		$trans_free_toal = 0;//运费
-		$is_localtown_free_shipping_fare = 0;
-        $localtown_shipping_fare_total = 0;//同城配送费
-		$localtown_free_shipping_fare = 0;//满减的同城配送费用
-		$reduce_money = 0;
-		$man_total_free = 0;
-		$score_buy_money = 0;
-		$is_lottery = 0;
-		$is_integral = 0;
-		$is_spike = 0;
-		$is_hexiao = 0;
-		$total_weight = 0;
-		$total_quantity = 0;
-		$redis_has_add_list = array();
-		$is_free_shipping_fare = 0;//是否免除运费
-		$order_goods_total_money = 0;
-		$goods_data = array();
-		$is_moban = false;
-		//comment_arr comment_arr
-        $packing_fare = 0;
-        $iscan_fu_packing = 1;
-        if('localtown_delivery' == $dispatching)
-        {
-            $tmp_sellergd = array($kk => array('goods'=>$vv) );
-            $town_address = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where( array('address_id' => $data_s['address_id'] ) )->find();
-            list($lon, $lat ) = explode(",",$town_address['lon_lat'] );
-            $localtown_shippingfare_arr = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->calc_shipping_fare( $lon, $lat , $tmp_sellergd );
-            $trans_free_toal = $localtown_shippingfare_arr['total_shipping_fare'];
-            $localtown_shipping_fare_total = $trans_free_toal;
-            $packing_fare_arr = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->calc_packing_money( array( $kk => array('goods' => $vv ) ) );
-            $packing_fare = $packing_fare_arr['total_picking_fare'];
-			$localtown_shipping_fare = $localtown_shippingfare_arr['total_shipping_fare'];
-			$localtown_yl_shipping_fare = $localtown_shippingfare_arr['total_yl_shipping_fare'];
-			if($localtown_shipping_fare != $localtown_yl_shipping_fare && $localtown_shipping_fare == 0){
-				$is_localtown_free_shipping_fare = 1;
-				$localtown_free_shipping_fare = $localtown_shippingfare_arr['total_yl_shipping_fare'];
-			}
-			$data['localtown_add_shipping_fare'] = $localtown_shippingfare_arr[$kk]['localtown_add_shipping_fare'];
-        }
-		$data['expected_delivery_time'] = $data_s['expected_delivery_time'];
-        $data['packing_fare'] = floatval($packing_fare);
-		foreach($vv as $key => $good)
-		{
-			if( $kk == 0 )
-			{
-				if( $is_vip_card_member == 1 && $good['is_take_vipcard'] == 1 )
-				{
-					$store_buy_total_money += $good['card_total'];
-				}
-				else if( $good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $member_info['level_id'] >0 )
-				{
-					$store_buy_total_money += $good['level_total'];
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					$store_buy_total_money += $good['total'];
-				}
-			}
-			/**
-			if($good['shipping']==1)
-			{
-				//统一运费
-				$trans_free_toal += $good['goods_freight'];
-				$trans_free = $good['goods_freight'];
-			}else {
-				//运费模板
-				$trans_free = load_model_class('transport')->calc_transport($good['transport_id'], $good['quantity'], $good['quantity']*$good['weight'], $address['city_id'] );
-				//$trans_free = D('Home/Transport')->calc_transport($good['transport_id'], $good['quantity']*$good['weight'], $address['city_id'] );
-				$trans_free_toal +=$trans_free;
-			}
-			**/
-			$trans_free = 0;
-			//$trans_free_toal +=$trans_free;
-		   //sku_str 
-			if( $is_vip_card_member == 1 && $good['is_take_vipcard'] == 1 )
-			{
-				$order_goods_total_money += $good['card_total'];
-				$order_total += $good['card_total'];
-			}
-			else if( $good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $member_info['level_id'] >0 )
-			{
-				$order_goods_total_money += $good['level_total'];
-				$order_total += $good['level_total'];
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				$order_goods_total_money += $good['total'];
-				$order_total += $good['total'];
-			}
-			$tp_goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('type')->where( array('id' => $good['goods_id']) )->find();
-			$tp_goods_info['store_id'] = 1;
-			if($tp_goods_info['type'] == 'lottery')
-			{
-				$is_lottery = 1;
-			}
-			if($tp_goods_info['type'] == 'spike')
-			{
-				$is_spike = 1;
-				$is_pin = 0;
-			}
-			//暂时屏蔽积分商城模块
-			if($tp_goods_info['type'] == 'integral')
-			{
-				$is_integral = 1;
-				$is_pin = 0;
-				$check_result = $integral_model->check_user_score_can_pay($member_id, $good['sku_str'], $good['goods_id'] );
-				if($check_result['code'] == 1)
-				{
-					echo json_encode( array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '剩余'.$check_result['cur_score'].'积分,积分不足!' , 'is_forb' => 1 ) );
-					die();
-				}
-			}
-			//is_hexiao is_only_express
-			if($good['is_only_express']==2)
-			{
-				$is_hexiao = 2;
-				$is_pin = 0;
-			}
-			if($good['shipping']==0)
-			{
-				$is_moban = true;
-				//统一运费
-				$total_weight += $good['weight']*$good['quantity'];
-				$total_quantity += $good['quantity'];
-			}
-			$fenbi_li = 1;
-			if(  $zanbi_total_money > 0 )
-			{
-				if( $is_vip_card_member == 1 && $good['is_take_vipcard'] == 1 )
-				{
-					$fenbi_li = round($good['card_total'] / $zanbi_total_money, 2);
-				}
-				else if( $good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $member_info['level_id'] >0 )
-				{
-					$fenbi_li = round($good['level_total'] / $zanbi_total_money, 2);
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					$fenbi_li = round($good['total'] / $zanbi_total_money, 2);
-				}
-			}
-			//if( isset($comment_arr[$index_comment]) )
-			//{
-			//	$comment = $comment_arr[$index_comment];
-			//}
-			//$good['goods_id']
-			if( isset($comment_arr) )
-			{
-				foreach($comment_arr as $key => $var){
-				   if($good['goods_id'] == $key ){
-					   $comment = $var;
-				   }	
-				}
-			}
-			//监测库存数量
-			$quantity_flag = D('Seller/Redisorder')->check_goods_can_buy($good['goods_id'], $good['sku_str'],$good['quantity']);
-			if( $quantity_flag <=0 )
-			{
-				if( !empty($redis_has_add_list) )
-				{
-					D('Seller/Redisorder')->bu_car_has_delquantity($redis_has_add_list);
-				}
-				echo json_encode(  array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '已抢光' , 'is_forb' => 1) );
-				die();
-			}
-			//如果是下单减库存,那么用占坑法来避免超库存---begin
-			$kucun_method = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('kucun_method');
-			if( empty($kucun_method) )
-			{
-				$kucun_method = 0;
-			}
-			if($kucun_method == 0)
-			{
-				//$ret = $redis->rPush('city', 'guangzhou');
-				$check_redis_quantity = D('Seller/Redisorder')->add_goods_buy_user($good['goods_id'], $good['sku_str'],$good['quantity'],$member_id);
-				//注意要回滚
-				//$key = "user_goods_{$member_id}_{$goods_id}_{$sku_str}";
-				if($check_redis_quantity == 0)
-				{
-					//cancle_redis_user_list 
-					if( !empty($redis_has_add_list) )
-					{
-					    D('Seller/Redisorder')->bu_car_has_delquantity($redis_has_add_list);
-					}
-					echo json_encode( array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '已抢光' , 'is_forb' => 1) );
-					die();
-				}
-				$redis_has_add_list[]  = array('member_id' => $member_id, 'goods_id' => $good['goods_id'], 'sku_str' => $good['sku_str'],'quantity' => $good['quantity'] );
-			}
-			//----------------redis   end
-			if( $good['can_man_jian'] == 1)
-			{
-				//$man_total_free += $good['total'];
-				//begggg
-				if( $is_vip_card_member == 1 && $good['is_take_vipcard'] == 1 )
-				{
-					if( $good['can_man_jian'] == 1)
-					{
-						$man_total_free += $good['card_total'];
-					}
-				}
-				else if( $good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $member_info['level_id'] >0 )
-				{
-					if( $good['can_man_jian'] == 1)
-					{
-						$man_total_free += $good['level_total'];
-					}
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					if( $good['can_man_jian'] == 1)
-					{
-						$man_total_free += $good['total'];
-					}
-				}
-				//eddddd
-			}
-			$pay_goods_name .= $good['name'];
-			if( $good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $is_vip_card_member ==0 && $member_info['level_id'] >0 )
-			{
-				$good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1;
-			}else{
-				$good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 0;
-			}
-            $localtown_superposition_pickingmoney = 0;
-            $localtown_superposition_pickingmoney = isset($localtown_superposition_pickingmoney) ? $localtown_superposition_pickingmoney : 0;
-            $gd_packing_fare = 0;
-            if( $localtown_superposition_pickingmoney == 0  )
-            {
-                $gd_packing_fare = $good['packing_free'];
-            } else
-            {
-                if( $packing_fare == $good['packing_free'] && $iscan_fu_packing == 1)
-                {
-                    $iscan_fu_packing = 0;
-                    $gd_packing_fare = $good['packing_free'];
-                }
-            }
-            $goods_data[] = array(
-				'goods_id'   => $good['goods_id'],
-				'store_id' => $tp_goods_info['store_id'],
-				'name'       => $good['name'],
-				'model'      => $good['model'],
-				'is_pin' => $is_pin,
-				'pin_id' => $good['pin_id'],
-				'header_disc' => $good['header_disc'],
-				'member_disc' => $good['member_disc'],
-				'level_name' => $good['level_name'],
-				'option'     => $good['sku_str']== 'undefined' ? '':$good['sku_str'],
-				'quantity'   => $good['quantity'],
-				'shipping_fare' => $trans_free,
-				'price'      => $good['price'],
-				'costprice'  => $good['costprice'],
-				'card_price' => $good['card_price'],
-				'levelprice' => $good['levelprice'],
-				'total'      => $good['total'],
-				'packing_fare' => $gd_packing_fare,
-				'card_total' => $good['card_total'] ,
-				'level_total' => $good['level_total'] ,
-				'is_mb_level_buy' => $good['is_mb_level_buy']  ,
-				'is_take_vipcard' => $good['is_take_vipcard'],
-				'fenbi_li'      => $fenbi_li,
-				'can_man_jian'      => $good['can_man_jian'],
-				'soli_id'      => $good['soli_id'],
-				'comment' => htmlspecialchars($comment)
-			);
-		}
-		$index_comment++;
-		//$total_weight = 0;
-		//$total_quantity = 0;
-		if($dispatching == 'express')
-		{
-			//结算运费新模式
-			$trans_free_toal = 0;//运费
-			//----开始计算运费
-			//ims_ 
-			$shipping_default = M('lionfish_comshop_shipping')->where("enabled=1")->order('isdefault desc,id desc')->find();
-			$seller_goodss_re = $seller_goodss;
-				$store_shipping_fare = 0;
-				if($is_moban)
-				{
-					$store_shipping_fare = D('Home/Transport')->calc_transport($shipping_default['id'], $total_quantity,$total_weight, $address_info['city_id'] );
-				}
-				$trans_free_toal += $store_shipping_fare;
-				foreach($vv as $kkc =>$d_goods)
-				{
-					if($d_goods['shipping']==1)
-					{
-						//统一运费
-						$trans_free_toal += $d_goods['goods_freight'];
-					}
-				}
-			if( $kk == 0 && !empty($man_free_shipping) && $man_free_shipping > 0 && $order_goods_total_money >= $man_free_shipping )
-			{
-				//$trans_free_toal = 0;
-				$is_free_shipping_fare = 1;
-			}
-			//---结束结算运费 address_id
-			$data_s['address_id'] = $this->_add_address($token,$ziti_name,$ziti_mobile,$province_name,$city_name, $country_name,$address_name);
-		}
-		else if('tuanz_send' == $dispatching)
-		{
-			$trans_free_toal = 0;
-			$delivery_tuanz_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_tuanz_money');
-			$community_info_modify = $community_info;
-			if( !empty($community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_method']) && $community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_method'] == 1 )
-			{
-				if( !empty($community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_fare']) && $community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_fare'] == 1 && $community_info_modify['shipping_fare'] > 0 )
-				{
-					$delivery_tuanz_money = $community_info_modify['shipping_fare'];
-				}
-			}
-			$trans_free_toal = $delivery_tuanz_money;
-			$data['tuan_send_address'] = $data_s['tuan_send_address'];
-			if( $kk == 0 && !empty($man_free_tuanzshipping) && $man_free_tuanzshipping > 0 && $order_goods_total_money >= $man_free_tuanzshipping )
-			{
-				$is_free_shipping_fare = 1;
-				//$trans_free_toal = 0;
-			}
-		}
-		//$is_pin; is_lottery
-		//'pintuan', 'normal', 'lottery'
-		$data['type'] = 'normal';
-		if($is_pin == 1)
-		{
-			$data['type'] = 'pintuan';
-			if($is_lottery == 1)
-			{
-				$data['type'] = 'lottery';
-			}
-		}
-		if($is_integral == 1)
-		{
-			$data['type'] = 'integral';
-			$is_pin = 0;
-		}
-		if($is_hexiao == 1)
-		{
-			$data['type'] = 'virtual';
-			$is_pin = 0;
-		}
-		if($is_spike == 1)
-		{
-			$data['type'] = 'spike';
-			$is_pin = 0;
-		}
-        //礼品卡配送费0
-        if( $buy_type == 'virtualcard' )
-        {
-            $trans_free_toal = 0;
-        }
-		$data['shipping_fare'] = floatval($trans_free_toal);
-		if($is_free_shipping_fare == 1)
-		{
-			$trans_free_toal = 0;
-		}
-		//原先计算满减金额
-		/*if($is_open_fullreduction == 1 && $man_total_free >= $full_money )
-		{
-			$reduce_money = $full_reducemoney ;
-		}*/
-        //多组满减金额计算
-        if($is_open_fullreduction == 1)
-        {
-            $reduce_result = D('Home/Front')->get_reduce_money($man_total_free);
-            $reduce_money = $reduce_result['reduce_money'];
-        }
-		$data['is_free_shipping_fare']= $is_free_shipping_fare;
-		$data['store_id']= $kk;
-		$data['order_goods_total_money']= $order_goods_total_money;
-		$data['is_localtown_free_shipping_fare']= $is_localtown_free_shipping_fare;
-		$data['localtown_free_shipping_fare']= $localtown_free_shipping_fare;
-		$data['goodss'] = $goods_data;
-		$data['order_num_alias']=build_order_no($member_id);
-		$data['totals'][0]=array(
-			'code'=>'sub_total',
-			'title'=>'商品价格',
-			'text'=>'¥'.$order_total,
-			'value'=>$order_total
-		);
-		$data['totals'][1]=array(
-			'code'=>'shipping',
-			'title'=>'运费',
-			'text'=>'¥'.$trans_free_toal,
-			'value'=>$trans_free_toal
-		);
-		$data['totals'][2]=array(
-			'code'=>'total',
-			'title'=>'总价',
-			'text'=>'¥'.($order_total+$trans_free_toal-$reduce_money),
-			'value'=>($order_total+$trans_free_toal-$reduce_money)
-		);
-		$data['from_type'] = 'wepro';
-		//目前都是平台券
-		if($data['voucher_id'] > 0) {
-			//暂时屏蔽优惠券,等待开启 
-			/**
-			$voucher_info = pdo_fetch("select * from ".tablename('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list')." where uniacid=:uniacid and id=:id ", 
-									array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'],':id' => $data['voucher_id']));
-			$data['voucher_credit'] = $voucher_info['credit'];
-			pdo_update('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list', array('ordersn' => $data['order_num_alias'],'consume' => 'Y','usetime' => time()), array('id' => $data['voucher_id'] ));
-			**/
-			$voucher_info = M('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list')->where( array('id' => $data['voucher_id']) )->find();	
-			//检查优惠券指定商品或指定商品分类 优惠金额 begin
-			$voucher_list[0] = $voucher_info;
-			$voucher_list = D('Home/Voucher')->get_voucher_amout_bygoods($voucher_list,$goods_data, 0);
-			$voucher_info = $voucher_list[0];
-			//检查优惠券指定商品或指定商品分类 优惠金额 end
-			$data['voucher_credit'] = $voucher_info['can_vouche_amount'];
-			$bili = 1;
-			if( $zanbi_total_money > 0 )
-			{
-				$bili = round( ($order_goods_total_money / $zanbi_total_money), 2);
-			}
-			$data['voucher_credit'] = $data['voucher_credit'] * $bili;
-			//判断是否超出订单商品金额,不算运费
-			//if($data['voucher_credit'] > $order_total+$trans_free_toal - $reduce_money )
-			if($data['voucher_credit'] > $order_total - $reduce_money )
-			{
-				$data['voucher_credit'] = $order_total - $reduce_money;
-			}
-			M('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list')->where( array('id' => $data['voucher_id'] ) )->save( array('ordersn' => $data['order_num_alias'],'consume' => 'Y','usetime' => time() ) );
-		} else {
-			$data['voucher_credit'] = 0;
-		}
-		$use_score_total = 0;//用掉用户多少积分了.
-		$data['score_for_money'] = 0;
-		if( $kk == 0 && $score_for_money  > 0)
-		{
-			if( $order_total+$trans_free_toal - $reduce_money - $data['voucher_credit'] <= 0)
-			{
-				//没必要扣积分了,单价已经是0
-			}else{
-				//只能抵扣扣除优惠券部分的金额
-				$del_money = $order_total - $data['voucher_credit']  - $reduce_money;
-				//var_dump($del_money, $score_for_money);die();
-				//score_for_money 会员能抵扣的最大金额
-				//计算多少积分了。
-				$score_forbuy_money_maxbi = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('score_forbuy_money_maxbi');
-				$score_forbuy_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('score_forbuy_money');
-				if( empty($score_forbuy_money_maxbi) )
-				{
-					$score_forbuy_money_maxbi = 100;
-				}
-				//$max_dikou_money =  sprintf('%.2f', ($del_money * $score_forbuy_money_maxbi) /100);
-				$max_dikou_score = floor($del_money * $score_forbuy_money_maxbi * $score_forbuy_money / 100 );
-				$max_dikou_money =  sprintf('%.2f', ($max_dikou_score / $score_forbuy_money));
-				if($max_dikou_money < $score_for_money)
-				{
-					$score_for_money = $max_dikou_money;
-				}
-				//$score_buy_money = 0;
-				$data['score_for_money'] = $score_for_money;
-				//TODO...扣除会员积分,将积分分拆入每个商品订单,写入日志
-				//var_dump($data['score_for_money'], $max_dikou_money);die();
-			}
-		}
-		$data['comment'] = htmlspecialchars($comment);
-		$data['reduce_money'] = $reduce_money;
-		$data['man_total_free'] = $man_total_free;
-		//判断自提 dispatching:"pickup"
-		//dispatching, //express  pickup
-		if($dispatching == 'express')
-		{
-			$data['total']=($order_total);//+$fare - $data['voucher_credit']
-		}else if('tuanz_send' == $dispatching){
-			$data['total']=($order_total);// - $data['voucher_credit']);
-		}
-		else{
-			$data['total'] = ($order_total );// - $data['voucher_credit']
-		}
-		//积分商城
-		//暂时屏蔽积分商城模块
-		if($data['type'] == 'integral')
-		{
-			$del_integral += $order_total;//扣除积分
-			$data['total'] = $order_total;
-		}
-        $data['buy_type'] = $buy_type;//判断预售使用
-		//万能表单数据
-		$data['allform_id'] = $allform_id;
-		$data['allform_list'] = $allform_list;
-		$oid=  D('Home/Frontorder')->addOrder($data);// D('Order')->addOrder($data);
-		//暂时屏蔽自提模块
-		/**
-		if($data['delivery'] == 'pickup')
-		{
-			$verify_bool = true;
-			$verifycode = 0;
-			while($verify_bool)
-			{
-				$code  = (ceil(time()/100)+rand(10000000,40000000)).rand(1000,9999);
-				$verifycode = $code ? $code : rand(100000,999999);
-				$verifycode = str_replace('1989','9819',$verifycode);
-				$verifycode = str_replace('1259','9521',$verifycode);
-				$verifycode = str_replace('12590','95210',$verifycode);
-				$verifycode = str_replace('10086','68001',$verifycode);
-				$pick_order = M('pick_order')->where( array('pick_sn' => $verifycode) )->find();
-				if(empty($pick_order))
-				{
-					$verify_bool = false;
-				}
-			}
-			$pick_data = array();
-			$pick_data['pick_sn'] = $verifycode;
-			$pick_data['pick_id'] = $pick_up_id;
-			$pick_data['order_id'] = $oid;
-			$pick_data['state'] = 0;
-			$pick_data['ziti_name'] = $ziti_name;
-			$pick_data['ziti_mobile'] = $ziti_mobile;
-			$pick_data['addtime'] = time();
-			M('pick_order')->add($pick_data);
-		}
-		**/
-		$order_ids_arr[] = $oid;
-		//$pay_total = $pay_total + $order_total+$trans_free_toal - $data['voucher_credit'];
-		if($dispatching == 'express' && $data['type'] != 'integral')
-		{
-			$pay_total = $pay_total + $order_total+$trans_free_toal - $data['voucher_credit']- $reduce_money - $data['score_for_money'];
-		}
-		else if( $dispatching == 'express' && $data['type'] == 'integral' )
-		{
-			$pay_total = $trans_free_toal;
-		}
-		else if('localtown_delivery' == $dispatching)
-        {
-            $pay_total = $pay_total + $order_total+ $packing_fare + $trans_free_toal - $data['voucher_credit'] -$reduce_money - $data['score_for_money'] + $data['localtown_add_shipping_fare'];
-        }
-		else if('tuanz_send' == $dispatching){
-			$pay_total = $pay_total + $order_total+$trans_free_toal - $data['voucher_credit'] -$reduce_money - $data['score_for_money'];
-		}
-		else{
-			$pay_total = $pay_total + $order_total - $data['voucher_credit'] -$reduce_money - $data['score_for_money'];
-		}
-        if( $buy_type == 'presale' )
-        {
-            //如果是预售,此处支付的就是定金
-            $presale_order_info =  M('lionfish_comshop_order_presale')->where(['order_id' => $oid ])->find();
-            if( $presale_order_info['presale_type'] == 1 )
-            {
-                M('lionfish_comshop_order_presale')->where( ['id' => $presale_order_info['id'] ] )->save( ['presale_ding_money' => $pay_total ] );
-            }else{
-                $pay_total = $presale_order_info['presale_ding_money'];
-            }
-        }
-            $pay_total = round($pay_total, 2);
-		$order_relate_data = array();
-		$order_relate_data['order_all_id'] = $order_all_id;
-		$order_relate_data['order_id'] = $oid;
-		$order_relate_data['addtime'] = time();
-		M('lionfish_comshop_order_relate')->add($order_relate_data);
-	}
-	$order_all_data = array();
-	$order_all_data['total_money'] = $pay_total;
-	M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->where(  array('id' => $order_all_id) )->save($order_all_data);	
-	if($order_all_id){
-		$order = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where( array('order_id' => $oid) )->find();	
-		$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('we_openid,account_money')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id ) )->find();				
-		$is_yue_open = 0;
-		$is_yue_open = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_yue_pay');
-		if( empty($is_yue_open) )
-		{
-			$is_yue_open = 0;
-		}
-	    //检测是否需要扣除积分
-		if($data['type'] == 'integral' && $del_integral> 0 && $is_integral == 1)
-		{
-			$order_goods_tp = M('lionfish_comshop_order_goods')->field('order_goods_id')->where( array('order_id' => $oid ) )->find();
-			D('Admin/Member')->sendMemberPointChange($member_id,$del_integral, 1 ,'积分兑换商品', 'integral_exchange', $oid ,$order_goods_tp['order_goods_id']);
-		}
-		$is_open_yinpay = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_yinpay');
-		if( $order['type'] == 'ignore' || $pay_total<=0 || ($is_yue_open == 1 && $ck_yupay == 1 && $member_info['account_money'] >= $pay_total) )
-		{
-			//余额支付独立方法
-			D('Home/OrderV2')->carOrderYuerPay( $order_all_id, $order ,$pay_total , $ck_yupay ,$buy_type, $is_integral, $is_spike , $is_just_1 );
-		}else if($buy_type == 'dan' && $cashon_delivery == 1){//货到付款订单
-			//货到付款支付独立方法
-			D('Home/OrderV2')->carOrderCashonPay( $order_all_id, $order ,$pay_total , $cashon_delivery , $buy_type , $is_spike , $is_just_1);
-		}
-		else if( isset($is_open_yinpay) && $is_open_yinpay == 3 )
-		{
-		    //begin
-		    $fee = $pay_total;
-		    $appid = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
-		    $body =  $pay_goods_name;//'商品购买';
-		    $body = mb_substr($body,0,32,'utf-8');
-		    if( empty($body) )
-		    {
-		        $body = '商品购买';
-		    }
-		    $mch_id =       D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_partnerid');
-		    $nonce_str =    nonce_str();
-		    $shop_domain = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_domain');
-		    $notify_url =   $shop_domain.'/notify.php';
-		    $openid =       $payment['we_openid'];
-		    $out_trade_no = $order_all_id.'-'.time();
-		    //out_trade_no
-		    M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->where( array('id' => $order_all_id ) )->save( array('out_trade_no' => $out_trade_no ) );
-		    $spbill_create_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
-		    $total_fee = $fee*100;
-		    //float(0.99999999999998)
-		    $trade_type = 'JSAPI';
-		    $pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
-		    $post['appid'] =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_fuwu_appid');// 'wx7c38e2f177e0af59';
-		    $post['body'] = $body;
-		    $post['mch_id'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_fuwu_partnerid');//'1562705521';
-		    $post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
-		    $post['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
-		    //$post['openid'] = $openid;
-		    $post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-		    $post['spbill_create_ip'] = $spbill_create_ip;
-		    $post['sub_appid'] = $appid;
-		    $post['sub_mch_id'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_sub_mch_id');
-		    $post['sub_openid'] = $openid;
-		    $post['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
-		    $post['trade_type'] = $trade_type;
-		    $sign = sign($post,$pay_key);
-		    //var_dump( $notify_url );die();
-		    $post_xml = '<xml>
-				   <appid>'.$post['appid'].'</appid>
-				   <body>'.$body.'</body>
-				   <mch_id>'.$post['mch_id'].'</mch_id>
-				   <nonce_str>'.$nonce_str.'</nonce_str>
-				   <notify_url>'.$notify_url.'</notify_url>
-				   <out_trade_no>'.$out_trade_no.'</out_trade_no>
-				   <spbill_create_ip>'.$spbill_create_ip.'</spbill_create_ip>
-				   <sub_appid>'.$post['sub_appid'].'</sub_appid>
-				   <sub_mch_id>'.$post['sub_mch_id'].'</sub_mch_id>
-				   <sub_openid>'.$openid.'</sub_openid>
-				   <total_fee>'.$total_fee.'</total_fee>
-				   <trade_type>'.$trade_type.'</trade_type>
-				   <sign>'.$sign.'</sign>
-				</xml> ';
-		    $url = 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder';
-		    $xml = http_request($url,$post_xml);
-		    $array = xml($xml);
-		    if($array['RETURN_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS' && $array['RESULT_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS'){
-				D('Home/Pin')->insertNotifyOrder($order['order_id']);
-				$time = time();
-				$tmp=array();
-				$tmp['appId'] = $appid;
-				$tmp['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
-				$tmp['package'] = 'prepay_id='.$array['PREPAY_ID'];
-				$tmp['signType'] = 'MD5';
-				$tmp['timeStamp'] = "$time";
-				$prepay_id = (string)$array['PREPAY_ID'];
-				M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where( array('order_id' => array('in', $order_ids_arr)) )->save( array('perpay_id' => $prepay_id) );
-				//M('order')->where( array('order_id' => array('in',$order_ids_arr) ) )->save( array('perpay_id' => (string)$array['PREPAY_ID']) );
-				$data = array();
-				$data['code'] = 0;
-				$data['appid'] = $appid;
-				$data['timeStamp'] = "$time";
-				$data['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
-				$data['signType'] = 'MD5';
-				$data['package'] = 'prepay_id='.$array['PREPAY_ID'];
-				$data['paySign'] = sign($tmp,$pay_key);
-				$data['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-				$data['is_go_orderlist'] = $is_just_1;
-				if($is_pin == 1)
-				{
-					$data['redirect_url'] = '../groups/group?id='.$oid.'&is_show=1';
-				} else {
-					$data['redirect_url'] = '../orders/order_show_all?order_all_id=' + $order_all_id;
-				}
-			}else{
-		        $data = array();
-		        $data['code'] = 1;
-		        $data['text'] = "错误";
-		        $data['RETURN_CODE'] = $array['RETURN_CODE'];
-		        $data['RETURN_MSG'] = $array['RETURN_MSG'];
-		    }
-		    $data['has_yupay'] = 0;
-		    //end
-		}
-		else{
-			$fee = $pay_total;
-			$appid = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
-			$body =  $pay_goods_name;//'商品购买';
-			$body = mb_substr($body,0,32,'utf-8');
-			if( empty($body) )
-			{
-				$body = '商品购买';
-			}
-			$mch_id =       D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_partnerid');
-			$shop_domain = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_domain');
-			$nonce_str =    nonce_str();
-			$notify_url =   $shop_domain.'/notify.php';
-			$openid =       $payment['we_openid'];
-			$out_trade_no = $order_all_id.'-'.time();
-			//out_trade_no 
-			M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->where( array('id' => $order_all_id ) )->save( array('out_trade_no' => $out_trade_no ) );
-			$spbill_create_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
-			$total_fee =    $fee*100;
-			$trade_type = 'JSAPI';
-			$pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
-			$post['appid'] = $appid;
-			$post['body'] = $body;
-			$post['mch_id'] = $mch_id;
-			$post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
-			$post['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
-			$post['openid'] = $openid;
-			$post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-			$post['spbill_create_ip'] = $spbill_create_ip;
-			$post['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
-			$post['trade_type'] = $trade_type;
-			$sign = sign($post,$pay_key);
-			$post_xml = '<xml>
-				   <appid>'.$appid.'</appid>
-				   <body>'.$body.'</body>
-				   <mch_id>'.$mch_id.'</mch_id>
-				   <nonce_str>'.$nonce_str.'</nonce_str>
-				   <notify_url>'.$notify_url.'</notify_url>
-				   <openid>'.$openid.'</openid>
-				   <out_trade_no>'.$out_trade_no.'</out_trade_no>
-				   <spbill_create_ip>'.$spbill_create_ip.'</spbill_create_ip>
-				   <total_fee>'.$total_fee.'</total_fee>
-				   <trade_type>'.$trade_type.'</trade_type>
-				   <sign>'.$sign.'</sign>
-				</xml> ';
-			$url = 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder';
-			$xml = http_request($url,$post_xml);
-			$array = xml($xml);
-			if($array['RETURN_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS' && $array['RESULT_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS'){
-				D('Home/Pin')->insertNotifyOrder($order['order_id']);
-				$time = time();
-				$tmp=array();
-				$tmp['appId'] = $appid;
-				$tmp['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
-				$tmp['package'] = 'prepay_id='.$array['PREPAY_ID'];
-				$tmp['signType'] = 'MD5';
-				$tmp['timeStamp'] = "$time";
-				$prepay_id = (string)$array['PREPAY_ID'];
-				M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where( array('order_id' => array('in', $order_ids_arr)) )->save( array('perpay_id' => $prepay_id) );
-				//M('order')->where( array('order_id' => array('in',$order_ids_arr) ) )->save( array('perpay_id' => (string)$array['PREPAY_ID']) );
-				$data = array();
-				$data['code'] = 0;
-				$data['appid'] = $appid;
-				$data['timeStamp'] = "$time";
-				$data['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
-				$data['signType'] = 'MD5';
-				$data['package'] = 'prepay_id='.$array['PREPAY_ID'];
-				$data['paySign'] = sign($tmp,$pay_key);
-				$data['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-				$data['is_go_orderlist'] = $is_just_1;
-                //如果是微信小程序交易组件begin---新支付方法 wx.requestOrderPayment
-                $data['order_info'] = [];
-                $data['isRequestOrderPayment'] = $is_need_scene_check;
-                if($is_need_scene_check == 1)
-                {
-                    $orderPamentResult = D('Seller/MpModifyTradeComponts')->getTradeOrderInfo( $oid , $time , $pay_total );
-                    //如果是微信小程序交易组件,提供订单信息 end
-                    $data['order_info'] = $orderPamentResult['order_info'];
-                }
-                if($is_pin == 1)
-				{
-					$data['redirect_url'] = '../groups/group?id='.$oid.'&is_show=1';
-				} else {
-					$data['redirect_url'] = '../orders/order_show_all?order_all_id=' + $order_all_id;
-				}
-			}else{
-				$data = array();
-				$data['code'] = 1;
-				$data['text'] = "错误";
-				$data['RETURN_CODE'] = $array['RETURN_CODE'];
-				$data['RETURN_MSG'] = $array['RETURN_MSG'];
-				}
-				$data['has_yupay'] = 0;
-			}
-			if($is_pin == 1)
-			{
-				$data['order_id'] = $oid;
-				$data['order_all_id'] = $order_all_id;
-			}else{
-				$data['order_id'] = $oid;
-				$data['order_all_id'] = $order_all_id;
-			}
-			$data['is_go_orderlist'] = $is_just_1;
-			$data['is_spike'] = $is_spike;
-			echo json_encode($data);
-			die();	
-		}else{
-			echo json_encode( array('code' =>1,'order_all_id' =>$order_all_id) );
-			die();
-		}
-	}
-	function requestAsHttpPOST($data, $service_url){
-        $HTTP_TIME_OUT= "20";
-        ksort(array_filter($data)); //删除数组中的空值并排序
-        $post_data = http_build_query($data);
-        $options = array(
-            'http' => array(
-                'method'  => 'POST',
-                'header'  => 'Content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=MD5',
-                'content' => $post_data,
-                'timeout' => $HTTP_TIME_OUT * 1000 //超时时间,*1000将毫秒变为秒(单位:s)
-            )
-        );
-        $context = stream_context_create($options);
-        $result = file_get_contents($service_url, false, $context);
-        return $result;
-    }
-	/**
-		微信充值
-	**/
-	public function wxcharge()
-	{
-		$_GPC = I('request.');
-		$token = $_GPC['token'];
-		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where( array('token' => $token) )->find();
-		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
-		if( empty($member_id) )
-		{
-			echo json_encode( array('code' =>1,'msg' =>'未登录') );
-			die();
-		}
-		$money = $_GPC['money'];
-		$rech_id = isset($_GPC['rech_id']) && $_GPC['rech_id'] > 0 ? $_GPC['rech_id'] : 0;
-		$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('we_openid')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id) )->find();
-		$give_money = 0;
-		if( $rech_id > 0 )
-		{
-			$rech_info = M('lionfish_comshop_chargetype')->where( array('id' => $rech_id ) )->find();
-			if( !empty($rech_info) )
-			{
-				$give_money = $rech_info['send_money'];
-			}
-			$money = $rech_info['money'];
-		}else{
-			$recharge_get_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('recharge_get_money');
-			if(isset($recharge_get_money) && $recharge_get_money == 1){
-				$rech_info = M('lionfish_comshop_chargetype')->where( "money <= ".$money )->order('money desc')->limit(1)->find();
-				if( !empty($rech_info) )
-				{
-					$give_money = $rech_info['send_money'];
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		$member_charge_flow_data = array();
-		$member_charge_flow_data['member_id'] = $member_id;
-		$member_charge_flow_data['money'] = $money;
-		$member_charge_flow_data['state'] = 0;
-		$member_charge_flow_data['give_money'] = $give_money;
-		$member_charge_flow_data['charge_time'] = 0;
-		$member_charge_flow_data['remark'] = '会员前台微信充值';
-		$member_charge_flow_data['add_time'] = time();
-		$order_id = M('lionfish_comshop_member_charge_flow')->add( $member_charge_flow_data );
-		$shop_domain = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_domain');
-		$fee = $money;
-		$appid = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
-		$body =         '会员充值';
-		$mch_id =      D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_partnerid');
-		$nonce_str =    nonce_str();
-		$notify_url =   $shop_domain.'/notify.php';
-		$openid =       $member_info['we_openid'];
-		$out_trade_no = $order_id.'-'.time().'-charge-'.$id;
-		$spbill_create_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
-		$total_fee =    $fee*100;
-		$is_open_yinpay = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_yinpay');
-		if( isset($is_open_yinpay) && $is_open_yinpay == 3 )
-		{
-		    $trade_type = 'JSAPI';
-		    $pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
-		    $post = array();
-			$post['appid'] =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_fuwu_appid');// 'wx7c38e2f177e0af59';
-		    $post['body'] = $body;
-		    $post['mch_id'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_fuwu_partnerid');//'1562705521';
-		    $post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
-		    $post['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
-		    //$post['openid'] = $openid;
-		    $post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-		    $post['spbill_create_ip'] = $spbill_create_ip;
-		    $post['sub_appid'] = $appid;
-		    $post['sub_mch_id'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_sub_mch_id');
-		    $post['sub_openid'] = $openid;
-		    $post['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
-		    $post['trade_type'] = $trade_type;
-		    $sign = sign($post,$pay_key);
-		    $post_xml = '<xml>
-				   <appid>'.$post['appid'].'</appid>
-				   <body>'.$body.'</body>
-				   <mch_id>'.$post['mch_id'].'</mch_id>
-				   <nonce_str>'.$nonce_str.'</nonce_str>
-				   <notify_url>'.$notify_url.'</notify_url>
-				   <out_trade_no>'.$out_trade_no.'</out_trade_no>
-				   <spbill_create_ip>'.$spbill_create_ip.'</spbill_create_ip>
-				   <sub_appid>'.$post['sub_appid'].'</sub_appid>
-				   <sub_mch_id>'.$post['sub_mch_id'].'</sub_mch_id>
-				   <sub_openid>'.$openid.'</sub_openid>
-				   <total_fee>'.$total_fee.'</total_fee>
-				   <trade_type>'.$trade_type.'</trade_type>
-				   <sign>'.$sign.'</sign>
-				</xml> ';
-		    $url = 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder';
-		    $xml = http_request($url,$post_xml);
-		    $array = xml($xml);
-		    //end
-		}else{
-			$trade_type = 'JSAPI';
-			$pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
-			$post = array();
-			$post['appid'] = $appid;
-			$post['body'] = $body;
-			$post['mch_id'] = $mch_id;
-			$post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
-			$post['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
-			$post['openid'] = $openid;
-			$post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-			$post['spbill_create_ip'] = $spbill_create_ip;
-			$post['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
-			$post['trade_type'] = $trade_type;
-			$sign = sign($post,$pay_key);
-			//sign()
-			$post_xml = '<xml>
-				   <appid>'.$appid.'</appid>
-				   <body>'.$body.'</body>
-				   <mch_id>'.$mch_id.'</mch_id>
-				   <nonce_str>'.$nonce_str.'</nonce_str>
-				   <notify_url>'.$notify_url.'</notify_url>
-				   <openid>'.$openid.'</openid>
-				   <out_trade_no>'.$out_trade_no.'</out_trade_no>
-				   <spbill_create_ip>'.$spbill_create_ip.'</spbill_create_ip>
-				   <total_fee>'.$total_fee.'</total_fee>
-				   <trade_type>'.$trade_type.'</trade_type>
-				   <sign>'.$sign.'</sign>
-				</xml> ';
-			$url = 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder';
-			$xml = http_request($url,$post_xml);
-			$array = xml($xml);
-		}
-		if($array['RETURN_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS' && $array['RESULT_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS'){
-			$time = time();
-			$tmp= array();
-			$tmp['appId'] = $appid;
-			$tmp['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
-			$tmp['package'] = 'prepay_id='.$array['PREPAY_ID'];
-			$tmp['signType'] = 'MD5';
-			$tmp['timeStamp'] = "$time";
-			M('lionfish_comshop_member_charge_flow')->where( array('id' => $order_id) )->save( array('formid' => $array['PREPAY_ID'] ) );
-			$data['code'] = 0;
-			$data['timeStamp'] = "$time";
-			$data['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
-			$data['signType'] = 'MD5';
-			$data['package'] = 'prepay_id='.$array['PREPAY_ID'];
-			$data['paySign'] =   sign($tmp, $pay_key);
-			$data['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-			$data['redirect_url'] = '../dan/me';
-		}else{
-			$data['code'] = 1;
-			$data['text'] = "错误";
-			$data['RETURN_CODE'] = $array['RETURN_CODE'];
-			$data['RETURN_MSG'] = $array['RETURN_MSG'];
-		}
-		echo json_encode($data);
-		die();
-	}
-	public function wxpay()
-	{
-		$gpc = I('request.');
-		$token = $gpc['token'];
-		$order_id = $gpc['order_id'];
-        $scene = $gpc['scene'];
-        $is_need_scene_check = 0;
-        if(!empty($scene))
-        {
-            $is_need_scene_check = D('Seller/MpModifyTradeComponts')->sceneCheck( $scene );
-        }
-		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where( array('token' => $token) )->find();
-		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
-		if( empty($member_id) )
-		{
-			echo json_encode( array('code' =>1,'msg' =>'未登录') );
-			die();
-		}
-		$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('we_openid')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id) )->find();
-		$order = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where( array('order_id' => $order_id ) )->find();
-		//order_status_id
-		if( $order['order_status_id'] != 3 && $order['order_status_id'] != 15 )
-		{
-			$json = array();
-			$json['msg']='商品已下架!';
-			$json['code'] = 2;
-			if($order['order_status_id'] == 1)
-			{
-				$json['msg']='订单已付款,请勿重新付款!';
-			}
-			else if( $order['order_status_id'] == 5){
-				$json['msg']='订单已取消,请重新选择商品下单!';
-			}
-			echo json_encode($json);
-			die();
-		}
-		//检测商品是否下架 begin
-		$sql = "select name,quantity,rela_goodsoption_valueid,goods_id from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order_goods  
-					where order_id={$order_id} ";
-		$order_goods_list = M()->query($sql);
-		foreach($order_goods_list as $tp_val)
-		{
-			$tp_gd_info = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('grounding')->where( array('id' => $tp_val['goods_id'] ) )->find();
-			if( empty($tp_gd_info) || $tp_gd_info['grounding'] != 1 )
-			{
-				$json['code'] = 2;
-				$json['msg']='商品已下架!';
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-		}
-		//检测商品是否下架end   
-		//检测是否预售商品。预售商品不需要检测二次支付问题
-        $presale_info = [];
-        $presale_result = D('Home/PresaleGoods')->getOrderPresaleInfo( $order_id );
-        if( $presale_result['code'] == 0 )
-        {
-            $presale_info = $presale_result['data'];
-        }
-		//检测是否已经支付过了begin
-		$order_relate_info = M('lionfish_comshop_order_relate')->where( array('order_id' => $order_id ) )->order('id desc')->find();
-		if( !empty($order_relate_info) && $order_relate_info['order_all_id'] > 0  && empty($presale_info) )
-		{
-			$order_all_info = M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->where( array('id' => $order_relate_info['order_all_id'] ) )->find();
-			if( !empty($order_all_info) && !empty($order_all_info['out_trade_no']) )
-			{
-				$out_trade_no = $order_all_info['out_trade_no'];
-				$appid =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
-				$mch_id =      D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_partnerid');
-				$nonce_str =    nonce_str();
-				$pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
-				$post = array();
-				$post['appid'] = $appid;
-				$post['mch_id'] = $mch_id;
-				$post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
-				$post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-				$sign = sign($post,$pay_key);
-				$post_xml = '<xml>
-							   <appid>'.$appid.'</appid>
-							   <mch_id>'.$mch_id.'</mch_id>
-							   <nonce_str>'.$nonce_str.'</nonce_str>
-							   <out_trade_no>'.$out_trade_no.'</out_trade_no>
-							   <sign>'.$sign.'</sign>
-							</xml>';
-				$url = "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/orderquery";
-				$result = http_request($url,$post_xml);
-				$array = xml($result);
-				if( $array['RETURN_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS' && $array['RETURN_MSG'] == 'OK' )
-				{
-					if( $array['TRADE_STATE'] == 'SUCCESS' )
-					{
-						$json = array();
-						$json['msg']='商品已下架!';
-						$json['code'] = 2;
-						$json['msg']='订单已付款,请勿重新付款,请刷新页面!';
-						echo json_encode($json);
-						die();
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		//检测是否已经支付过了end  
-		//支付才减库存,才需要判断
-		$kucun_method = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('kucun_method');
-		if( empty($kucun_method) )
-		{
-			$kucun_method = 0;
-		}
-		if($kucun_method == 1 && ( empty($presale_info) || $presale_info['state'] != 1 ) )
-		{
-			/*** 检测商品库存begin  **/
-			//goods_id
-			foreach($order_goods_list as $val)
-			{
-				$quantity = $val['quantity'];
-				$goods_id = $val['goods_id'];
-				$can_buy_count = D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_count($member_id, $goods_id);
-				$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id , 'total_limit_count');
-				if($can_buy_count == -1)
-				{
-					$json['code'] = 2;
-					$json['msg']='您还能购买'.$goods_description['total_limit_count'].'个';
-					echo json_encode($json);
-					die();
-				}else if($can_buy_count >0 && $quantity >$can_buy_count)
-				{
-					$json['code'] = 2;
-					$json['msg']='您还能购买'.$can_buy_count.'份';
-					echo json_encode($json);
-					die();
-				}
-				//rela_goodsoption_valueid
-				if(!empty($val['rela_goodsoption_valueid']))
-				{
-					$mul_opt_arr = array();
-					//ims_ 
-					$goods_option_mult_value = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id,'option_item_ids' => $val['rela_goodsoption_valueid']) )->find();				
-					if( !empty($goods_option_mult_value) )
-					{
-						if($goods_option_mult_value['stock']<$quantity){
-							$json['code'] =2;
-							$json['msg']='商品数量不足,剩余'.$goods_option_mult_value['stock'].'个!!';
-							echo json_encode($json);
-							die();
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			/*** 检测商品库存end **/
-		}
-		$pin_order = array();
-		if( !empty($pin_order) )
-		{
-			/**
-			$pin_model =  load_model_class('pin');
-			$is_pin_over = $pin_model->getNowPinState($pin_order['pin_id']);
-			if($is_pin_over != 0)
-			{
-				 pdo_query("delete from ".tablename('lionfish_comshop_pin_order')." where order_id = {$order_id} ");
-				 pdo_query("delete from ".tablename('lionfish_comshop_pin')." where pin_id = ".$pin_order['pin_id']." and order_id = ".$order_id);
-				$order_goods_info = pdo_fetch("select goods_id from ".tablename('lionfish_comshop_order_goods')." where uniacid=:uniacid and order_id=:order_id ", array(':order_id' => $order_id,':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid']));
-				//新开团
-				$pin_id = $pin_model->openNewTuan($order_id,$order_goods_info['goods_id'],$member_id);
-				//插入拼团订单
-	            $pin_model->insertTuanOrder($pin_id,$order_id);
-			}
-			**/
-		}
-		//单独支付一个店铺的订单
-		//M('lionfish_comshop_order_relate')->where( array('order_id' => $order_id) )->delete();
-		$order_all_data = array();
-		$order_all_data['member_id'] = $member_id;
-		$order_all_data['order_num_alias'] = build_order_no($member_id);
-		$order_all_data['transaction_id'] = '';
-		$order_all_data['order_status_id'] = 3;
-		$order_all_data['is_pin'] = $order['is_pin'];
-		$order_all_data['paytime'] = 0;
-		$order_all_data['total_money'] = $order['total']+ $order['shipping_fare']-$order['voucher_credit']-$order['fullreduction_money'];
-		$order_all_data['addtime'] = time();
-		$order_all_id = M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->add($order_all_data);
-		$order_relate_data = array();
-		$order_relate_data['order_all_id'] = $order_all_id;
-		$order_relate_data['order_id'] = $order_id;
-		$order_relate_data['addtime'] = time();
-		M('lionfish_comshop_order_relate')->add($order_relate_data);
-		if( $order['delivery'] == 'pickup' )
-		{
-			$fee = $order['total']+ $order['shipping_fare']-$order['voucher_credit']-$order['fullreduction_money'] - $order['score_for_money'] - $order['fare_shipping_free'];
-		}else if($order['delivery'] == 'localtown_delivery'){
-			$fee = $order['total'] + $order['packing_fare'] + $order['shipping_fare']-$order['voucher_credit'] - $order['fullreduction_money'] - $order['score_for_money'] + $order['localtown_add_shipping_fare'] - $order['fare_shipping_free'];
-		}else {
-			$fee = $order['total']+ $order['shipping_fare']-$order['voucher_credit']-$order['fullreduction_money'] - $order['score_for_money'] - $order['fare_shipping_free'];
-		}
-		//如果是预售 begin
-        if( !empty($presale_info) )
-        {
-            if( $presale_info['state'] == 0 )
-            {
-                //首次支付,
-                $fee = $presale_info['presale_ding_money'];
-            }else if( $presale_info['state'] == 1 )
-            {
-                //第二次支付
-                if( !empty($presale_info['presale_deduction_money']) && false )
-                {
-                    $fee = $fee - $presale_info['presale_deduction_money'];
-                }else{
-                    $fee = $fee - $presale_info['presale_ding_money'];
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        //end
-		$fee = round($fee , 2);
-		$appid = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
-		$body =  $pay_goods_name;//'商品购买';
-		$body = mb_substr($body,0,32,'utf-8');
-		if( empty($body) )
-		{
-		    $body =         '商品购买';
-		}
-		$mch_id =       D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_partnerid');
-		$nonce_str =    nonce_str();
-		$shop_domain = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_domain');
-		$notify_url =    $shop_domain.'/notify.php';
-		$openid =       $member_info['we_openid'];
-		$out_trade_no = $order_all_id.'-'.time();
-		$spbill_create_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
-		$total_fee =    $fee*100;
-		$trade_type = 'JSAPI';
-		$pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
-		$is_open_yinpay = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_yinpay');
-		//begin
-		if( isset($is_open_yinpay) && $is_open_yinpay == 3 )
-		{
-		    $pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
-		    $body = '商品购买';
-		    $post = array();
-		    $post['appid'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_fuwu_appid');
-		    $post['body'] = $body;
-		    $post['mch_id'] =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_fuwu_partnerid');
-		    $post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
-		    $post['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
-		    //$post['openid'] = $openid;
-		    $post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-		    $post['spbill_create_ip'] = $spbill_create_ip;
-		    $post['sub_appid'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
-		    $post['sub_mch_id'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_sub_mch_id');
-			$post['sub_openid'] = $openid;
-		    $post['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
-		    $post['trade_type'] = $trade_type;
-		    $sign = sign($post,$pay_key);
-		    $post_xml = '<xml>
-				   <appid>'.$post['appid'].'</appid>
-				   <body>'.$body.'</body>
-				   <mch_id>'.$post['mch_id'].'</mch_id>
-				   <nonce_str>'.$nonce_str.'</nonce_str>
-				   <notify_url>'.$notify_url.'</notify_url>
-				   <out_trade_no>'.$out_trade_no.'</out_trade_no>
-				   <spbill_create_ip>'.$spbill_create_ip.'</spbill_create_ip>
-				   <sub_appid>'.$post['sub_appid'].'</sub_appid>
-				   <sub_mch_id>'.$post['sub_mch_id'].'</sub_mch_id>
-				   <sub_openid>'.$openid.'</sub_openid>
-				   <total_fee>'.$total_fee.'</total_fee>
-				   <trade_type>'.$trade_type.'</trade_type>
-				   <sign>'.$sign.'</sign>
-				</xml>';
-		    $url = 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder';
-		    $xml = http_request($url,$post_xml);
-		    $array = xml($xml);
-    		if($array['RETURN_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS' && $array['RESULT_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS'){
-    			$time = time();
-    			$tmp= array();
-    			$tmp['appId'] = $appid;
-    			$tmp['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
-    			$tmp['package'] = 'prepay_id='.$array['PREPAY_ID'];
-    			$tmp['signType'] = 'MD5';
-    			$tmp['timeStamp'] = "$time";
-    			$prepay_id = (string)$array['PREPAY_ID'];
-    			M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where( array('order_id' => $order_id) )->save( array('perpay_id' => $prepay_id) );
-    			$data['code'] = 0;
-    			$data['timeStamp'] = "$time";
-    			$data['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
-    			$data['signType'] = 'MD5';
-    			$data['package'] = 'prepay_id='.$array['PREPAY_ID'];
-    			$data['paySign'] = sign($tmp, $pay_key);
-    			$data['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-    			$data['is_pin'] = $order['is_pin'];
-    			if($order['is_pin'] == 1)
-    			{
-    				$data['redirect_url'] = '../groups/group?id='.$order_id.'&is_show=1';
-    			} else {
-    				$data['redirect_url'] = '../orders/order?id=' + $order_id;
-    			}
-    		}else{
-    		        $data['code'] = 1;
-    		        $data['text'] = "错误";
-    		        $data['RETURN_CODE'] = $array['RETURN_CODE'];
-    		        $data['RETURN_MSG'] = $array['RETURN_MSG'];
-		    }
-		    echo json_encode($data);
-		    die();
-		}
-		//end
-		$post = array();
-		$post['appid'] = $appid;
-		$post['body'] = $body;
-		$post['mch_id'] = $mch_id;
-		$post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
-		$post['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
-		$post['openid'] = $openid;
-		$post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-		$post['spbill_create_ip'] = $spbill_create_ip;
-		$post['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
-		$post['trade_type'] = $trade_type;
-		$sign = sign($post,$pay_key);
-		$post_xml = '<xml>
-			   <appid>'.$appid.'</appid>
-			   <body>'.$body.'</body>
-			   <mch_id>'.$mch_id.'</mch_id>
-			   <nonce_str>'.$nonce_str.'</nonce_str>
-			   <notify_url>'.$notify_url.'</notify_url>
-			   <openid>'.$openid.'</openid>
-			   <out_trade_no>'.$out_trade_no.'</out_trade_no>
-			   <spbill_create_ip>'.$spbill_create_ip.'</spbill_create_ip>
-			   <total_fee>'.$total_fee.'</total_fee>
-			   <trade_type>'.$trade_type.'</trade_type>
-			   <sign>'.$sign.'</sign>
-			</xml> ';
-		$url = 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder';
-		$xml = http_request($url,$post_xml);
-		$array = xml($xml);
-		if($array['RETURN_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS' && $array['RESULT_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS'){
-			$time = time();
-			$tmp= array();
-			$tmp['appId'] = $appid;
-			$tmp['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
-			$tmp['package'] = 'prepay_id='.$array['PREPAY_ID'];
-			$tmp['signType'] = 'MD5';
-			$tmp['timeStamp'] = "$time";
-			$prepay_id = (string)$array['PREPAY_ID'];
-			M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where( array('order_id' => $order_id) )->save( array('perpay_id' => $prepay_id) );
-			$data['code'] = 0;
-			$data['timeStamp'] = "$time";
-			$data['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
-			$data['signType'] = 'MD5';
-			$data['package'] = 'prepay_id='.$array['PREPAY_ID'];
-			$data['paySign'] = sign($tmp, $pay_key);
-			$data['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-			$data['is_pin'] = $order['is_pin'];
-            //如果是微信小程序交易组件begin---新支付方法 wx.requestOrderPayment
-            $data['order_info'] = [];
-            $data['isRequestOrderPayment'] = $is_need_scene_check;
-            if($is_need_scene_check == 1)
-            {
-                $orderPamentResult = D('Seller/MpModifyTradeComponts')->getTradeOrderInfo( $order_id , $time , $fee );
-                //如果是微信小程序交易组件,提供订单信息 end
-                $data['order_info'] = $orderPamentResult['order_info'];
-            }
-			if($order['is_pin'] == 1)
-			{
-				$data['redirect_url'] = '../groups/group?id='.$order_id.'&is_show=1';
-			} else {
-				$data['redirect_url'] = '../orders/order?id=' + $order_id;
-			}
-		}else{
-			$data['code'] = 1;
-			$data['text'] = "错误";
-			$data['RETURN_CODE'] = $array['RETURN_CODE'];
-			$data['RETURN_MSG'] = $array['RETURN_MSG'];
-		}
-		echo json_encode($data);
-		die();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * 获取购物车总数
-	 */
-	public function count() {
-		$gpc = I('request.');
-		$data = array();
-		$token = $gpc['token'];
-		$community_id = $gpc['community_id'];
-		$cart= D('Home/Car');
-		$total=$cart->count_goodscar($token, $community_id);
-		$data['code'] = 0;
-		$data['data'] = $total;
-		echo json_encode($data);
-		die();
-	}
+ *
+ */
+namespace Home\Controller;
+class CarController extends CommonController
+	//--------begin
+	public function reduce_car_goods()
+	{
+		$_GPC = I('request.');
+		$data = array();
+		$data['goods_id'] = $_GPC['goods_id'];
+		$data['community_id'] = $_GPC['community_id'];
+		$data['quantity'] = $_GPC['quantity'];
+		$data['sku_str'] = $_GPC['sku_str'];
+		if ($_GPC['sku_str'] == 'undefined') {
+			$_GPC['sku_str'] = '';
+			$data['sku_str'] = '';
+		}
+		$data['buy_type'] = $_GPC['buy_type'];
+		$data['pin_id'] = $_GPC['pin_id'];
+		$data['is_just_addcar'] = $_GPC['is_just_addcar'];
+		$data['soli_id'] = isset($_GPC['soli_id']) ? intval($_GPC['soli_id']) : '';
+		if (!isset($data['buy_type']) || empty($data['buy_type'])) {
+			$data['buy_type'] = 'dan';
+		}
+		$token = $_GPC['token'];
+		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where(array('token' => $token))->find();
+		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
+		$is_just_addcar = empty($data['is_just_addcar']) ? 0 : 1;
+		$goods_id = $data['goods_id'];
+		if (empty($member_id)) {
+			$result = array('code' => 4);
+			echo json_encode($result);
+			die();
+		}
+		if (isset($data['goods_id'])) {
+			$goods_id = $data['goods_id'];
+		} else {
+			$goods_id = 0;
+		}
+		$goods_param = array();
+		$product = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->where(array('id' => $goods_id))->find();
+		if ($product['grounding'] != 1) {
+			$json['code'] = 6;
+			$json['msg'] = '商品已下架!';
+			echo json_encode($json);
+			die();
+		}
+		$is_community = D('Seller/Communityhead')->is_community($data['community_id']);
+		if (!$is_community) {
+			$json['code'] = 6;
+			$json['msg'] = '该小区已经不存在!';
+			echo json_encode($json);
+			die();
+		}
+		//6 
+		if ($is_just_addcar == 1) {
+			if ($product['pick_just'] > 0) {
+				$json['code'] = 6;
+				$json['msg'] = '自提商品,请立即购买';
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+		}
+		//商品存在
+		if ($product) {
+			$cart = D('Home/Car');
+			if (isset($data['quantity'])) {
+				$quantity = $data['quantity'];
+			} else {
+				$quantity = 1;
+			}
+			$option = array();
+			if (!empty($data['sku_str'])) {
+				$option = explode('_', $data['sku_str']);
+			}
+			$cart_goods_quantity = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $token, $data['soli_id']);
+			$key = (int) $goods_id . ':' . $data['community_id'] . ':';
+			if (!empty($data['soli_id'])) {
+				$key .= $data['soli_id'] . ':';
+			}
+			if ($data['sku_str']) {
+				$key .= base64_encode($data['sku_str']) . ':';
+			} else {
+				$key .= ':'; //xx
+			}
+			$car_prefix = 'cart.';
+			if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'soitaire') {
+				$key = 'soitairecart.' . $key;
+				$car_prefix = 'soitairecart.';
+			} else {
+				$key = 'cart.' . $key;
+			}
+			$json = array('code' => 0);
+			$car_info = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where(array('carkey' => $key, 'community_id' => $data['community_id']))->find();
+			$tmp_format_data = unserialize($car_info['format_data']);
+			//$tmp_format_data['quantity']
+			if ($tmp_format_data['quantity'] == 1 || $tmp_format_data['quantity'] <= $quantity) {
+				$all_cart = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where(array('carkey' => $key, 'community_id' => $data['community_id'], 'token' => $token))->delete();
+			} else {
+				$tmp_format_data['quantity'] = $tmp_format_data['quantity'] - $quantity;
+				M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where(array('id' => $car_info['id'], 'community_id' => $data['community_id']))->save(array('format_data' => serialize($tmp_format_data)));
+			}
+			$cart = D('Home/Car');
+			$total = $cart->count_goodscar($token, $data['community_id']);
+			$json['code'] = 1;
+			if ($data['buy_type'] != 'dan') {
+				$json['code'] = 2;
+			}
+			$cart_goods_quantity = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $token);
+			$json['success'] = '成功加入购物车!!';
+			$json['total'] = $total;
+			$json['cur_count'] = $cart_goods_quantity;
+			$is_limit_distance_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_limit_buy_distance');
+			$json['is_limit_distance_buy'] = $is_limit_distance_buy;
+			$json['goods_total_count'] = 0;
+			if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'soitaire') {
+				$json['goods_total_count'] = $cart->get_wecart_goods_solicount($goods_id, $data['community_id'], $token, $data['soli_id']);
+				$json['cur_count'] = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $token, $car_prefix, $data['soli_id']);
+			}
+			echo json_encode($json);
+			die();
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+		   pintuan_newman_notice
+	   **/
+	public function add_newcar()
+	{
+		$_GPC = I('request.');
+		$data = array();
+		$data['goods_id'] = $_GPC['goods_id'];
+		$data['buy_type'] = 'pintuan';
+		$data['community_id'] = $_GPC['community_id'];
+		$community_id = $data['community_id'];
+		$data['quantity'] = 1;
+		$token = $_GPC['token'];
+		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where(array('token' => $token))->find();
+		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
+		$goods_id = $data['goods_id'];
+		if (empty($member_id)) {
+			$result = array('code' => 4);
+			echo json_encode($result);
+			die();
+		}
+		$goods_param = array();
+		$product = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->where(array('id' => $goods_id))->find();
+		if ($product['grounding'] != 1) {
+			$json['code'] = 6;
+			$json['msg'] = '商品已下架!';
+			echo json_encode($json);
+			die();
+		}
+		$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id, 'total_limit_count,one_limit_count,is_new_buy');
+		$pin_model = D('Home/Pin');
+		$iszero_opentuan = $pin_model->check_goods_iszero_opentuan($goods_id);
+		if ($iszero_opentuan != 1) {
+			$json['code'] = 6;
+			$json['msg'] = '非邀请团商品!';
+			echo json_encode($json);
+			die();
+		}
+		$cart = D('Home/Car');
+		if ($product) {
+			if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pintuan') {
+				$car_prefix = 'pintuancart.';
+			}
+			$cart_goods_quantity = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $token, $car_prefix);
+			$json = array('code' => 0);
+			//$goods_model = D('Home/Goods');
+			$goods_quantity = $cart->get_goods_quantity($goods_id);
+			//检测商品限购 6 one_limit_count
+			/**
+					 $can_buy_count = D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_count($member_id, $goods_id);
+					 if(!empty($cart_goods_quantity) && $cart_goods_quantity > 0)
+					 {
+						 if($goods_description['one_limit_count'] > 0 && $cart_goods_quantity >= $goods_description['one_limit_count'] )
+						 {
+							 $json['code'] =6;
+							 //$json['msg']='已经不能再买了';
+							 $json['msg']='您本次只能购买'.$goods_description['one_limit_count'].'个';
+							 $json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['one_limit_count'];
+							 echo json_encode($json);
+							 die();
+						 }
+						 $can_buy_count = $can_buy_count - $cart_goods_quantity;
+						 if($can_buy_count <= 0)
+						 {
+							 $can_buy_count = -1;
+						 }
+					 }
+					 if($can_buy_count == -1 && $goods_description['total_limit_count'] >0)
+					 {
+						 $json['code'] =6;
+						 //$json['msg']='已经不能再买了';
+						 $json['msg']='您本次只能购买'.$goods_description['total_limit_count'].'个';
+						 $json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['total_limit_count'];
+						 echo json_encode($json);
+						 die();
+					 }else if($can_buy_count >0 && $quantity >$can_buy_count)
+					 {
+						 $json['code'] =6;
+						 $json['msg']='您还能购买'.$can_buy_count.'份';
+						 $json['max_quantity'] = $can_buy_count;
+						 echo json_encode($json);
+						 die();
+					 }
+					 //已加入购物车的总数
+					 if($goods_quantity<$quantity+$cart_goods_quantity){
+						 $json['code'] =3;
+						 if ($goods_quantity==0) {
+							 $json['msg']='已抢光';
+						 }else{
+							 // $json['msg']='商品数量不足,剩余'.$goods_quantity.'个!!';
+							 $json['msg']='商品数量不足';
+							 $json['max_quantity'] = $goods_quantity;
+						 }
+						 echo json_encode($json);
+						 die();
+					 }
+					 **/
+			//开始生产订单 TODO...
+			$payment = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->find();
+			$data = array();
+			$data['member_id'] = $member_id;
+			$data['name'] = $payment['username'];
+			$data['use_score'] = 0; //是否使用积分抵扣
+			$data['telephone'] = '0000';
+			$data['shipping_name'] = '0000';
+			$data['shipping_tel'] = '0000';
+			$data['shipping_address'] = '';
+			$data['shipping_province_id'] = 0;
+			$data['shipping_city_id'] = 0;
+			$data['shipping_stree_id'] = 0;
+			$data['shipping_country_id'] = 0;
+			$data['shipping_method'] = 0;
+			$data['delivery'] = 'express';
+			$data['pick_up_id'] = $community_id;
+			$data['ziti_name'] = '';
+			$data['ziti_mobile'] = '';
+			$data['payment_method'] = 'yuer';
+			$data['address_id'] = 0;
+			$data['voucher_id'] = 0; //目前都是平台券
+			$data['user_agent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
+			$data['date_added'] = time();
+			$data['type'] = 'pintuan';
+			$data['shipping_fare'] = 0;
+			$goods_data = array();
+			$goods_data[] = array(
+				'goods_id' => $product['id'],
+				'store_id' => 0,
+				'name' => $product['goodsname'],
+				'model' => '',
+				'is_pin' => 1,
+				'pin_id' => 0,
+				'header_disc' => 0,
+				'member_disc' => 0,
+				'level_name' => '',
+				'option' => '',
+				'quantity' => 1,
+				'shipping_fare' => 0,
+				'price' => $product['price'],
+				'card_price' => 0,
+				'costprice' => 0,
+				'total' => 0,
+				'card_total' => 0,
+				'is_take_vipcard' => 0,
+				'fenbi_li' => 0,
+				'can_man_jian' => 0,
+				'comment' => ''
+			);
+			$data['is_free_shipping_fare'] = 0;
+			$data['store_id'] = 0;
+			$data['order_goods_total_money'] = 0;
+			$data['goodss'] = $goods_data;
+			$data['order_num_alias'] = build_order_no($member_id);
+			$data['voucher_credit'] = 0;
+			$data['score_for_money'] = 0;
+			$data['reduce_money'] = 0;
+			$data['man_total_free'] = 0;
+			$oid = D('Home/Frontorder')->addOrder($data); // D('Order')->addOrder($data);
+			$o = array();
+			$o['payment_code'] = 'yuer';
+			$o['order_status_id'] = 2;
+			$o['date_modified'] = time();
+			$o['pay_time'] = time();
+			$o['transaction_id'] = '余额支付';
+			$o['type'] = 'ignore';
+			//ims_ 
+			M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(array('order_id' => $oid))->save($o);
+			//更新到0元开团订单类型
+			echo json_encode(array('code' => 0, 'order_id' => $oid));
+			die();
+		}
+	}
+	//end--
+	public function add()
+	{
+		$gpc = I('request.');
+		$data = array();
+		$data['goods_id'] = $gpc['goods_id'];
+		$data['community_id'] = $gpc['community_id'];
+		$data['quantity'] = $gpc['quantity'];
+		$data['sku_str'] = $gpc['sku_str'];
+		$data['is_just_addcar'] = $gpc['is_just_addcar'];
+		$data['soli_id'] = isset($gpc['soli_id']) ? intval($gpc['soli_id']) : '';
+		if ($gpc['sku_str'] == 'undefined') {
+			$gpc['sku_str'] = '';
+			$data['sku_str'] = '';
+		}
+		$pintuan_model_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('pintuan_model_buy');
+		if (empty($pintuan_model_buy) || $pintuan_model_buy == 0) {
+			$pintuan_model_buy = 0;
+		}
+		$data['buy_type'] = $gpc['buy_type'];
+		$data['pin_id'] = $gpc['pin_id'];
+		$data['is_just_addcar'] = $gpc['is_just_addcar'];
+		if (!isset($data['buy_type']) || empty($data['buy_type'])) {
+			$data['buy_type'] = 'dan';
+		} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'soitaire') {
+			$data['buy_type'] = 'soitaire';
+		} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pindan') {
+			$data['buy_type'] = 'pindan';
+		} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pintuan') {
+			$data['buy_type'] = 'pintuan';
+		} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'presale') {
+			$data['buy_type'] = 'presale';
+		} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'virtualcard') {
+			$data['buy_type'] = 'virtualcard';
+		} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'integral') {
+			$data['buy_type'] = 'integral';
+		}
+		$token = $gpc['token'];
+		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where(array('token' => $token))->find();
+		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
+		$puis_not_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('puis_not_buy');
+		$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->find();
+		if (!empty($puis_not_buy) && $puis_not_buy == 1) {
+			if ($member_info['level_id'] == 0) {
+				$json['code'] = 6;
+				$json['msg'] = '普通会员不能购买!';
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+		}
+		//1、判断是否开启审核,2、如果开启审核,判断会员状态是否审核
+		$is_user_shenhe = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_user_shenhe');
+		//1
+		if (isset($is_user_shenhe) && $is_user_shenhe == 1) {
+			if ($member_info['is_apply_state'] != 1) {
+				$json['code'] = 6;
+				$json['msg'] = '会员未审核不能购买';
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+		}
+		//团长休息
+		$community_id = $gpc['community_id'];
+		$group_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('group_name');
+		if (isset($community_id) && $community_id > 0) {
+			$is_can_buy = D('Seller/Communityhead')->check_goods_can_community($gpc['goods_id'], $community_id);
+			if (!$is_can_buy) {
+				$json['code'] = 6;
+				$json['msg'] = '此商品在您所属' . $group_name . '不可参与!';
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+			// is_all_sale
+		}
+		$is_just_addcar = empty($data['is_just_addcar']) ? 0 : 1;
+		$goods_id = $data['goods_id'];
+		if (empty($member_id)) {
+			$result = array('code' => 4);
+			echo json_encode($result);
+			die();
+		}
+		if (isset($data['goods_id'])) {
+			$goods_id = $data['goods_id'];
+		} else {
+			$goods_id = 0;
+		}
+		$product = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->where(array('id' => $goods_id))->find();
+		if ($product['grounding'] != 1) {
+			$json['code'] = 6;
+			$json['msg'] = '商品已下架!';
+			echo json_encode($json);
+			die();
+		}
+		$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id, 'total_limit_count,one_limit_count,oneday_limit_count,is_new_buy,is_limit_levelunbuy,is_limit_vipmember_buy,goods_start_count');
+		//is_limit_levelunbuy
+		//$is_default_levellimit_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_default_levellimit_buy');
+		//isset($is_default_levellimit_buy) && $is_default_levellimit_buy == 1 &&
+		if ($goods_description['is_limit_levelunbuy'] == 1) {
+			// member_id
+			$mb_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('level_id')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->find();
+			if ($mb_info['level_id'] == 0) {
+				$json['code'] = 6;
+				$json['msg'] = '默认等级不能购买,请联系客服';
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+		}
+		//is_limit_vipmember_buy 付费会员专享
+		//$is_default_vipmember_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_default_vipmember_buy');
+		//isset($is_default_vipmember_buy) && $is_default_vipmember_buy == 1 &&
+		if ($goods_description['is_limit_vipmember_buy'] == 1) {
+			$mb_vip = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('card_id,card_begin_time,card_end_time')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->find();
+			//当前时间
+			$present_time = time();
+			if ($mb_vip['card_id'] == 0 || ($present_time > $mb_vip['card_end_time'])) {
+				$is_pop_vipmember_buytip = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_pop_vipmember_buytip');
+				$is_open_vipcard_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_vipcard_buy');
+				$pop_vipmember_buyimage = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('pop_vipmember_buyimage');
+				$json['has_image'] = 0;
+				$is_open_vipcard_buy = isset($is_open_vipcard_buy) ? $is_open_vipcard_buy : 0;
+				if (isset($is_pop_vipmember_buytip) && $is_pop_vipmember_buytip == 1) {
+					if (isset($pop_vipmember_buyimage) && !empty($pop_vipmember_buyimage)) {
+						$pop_vipmember_buyimage = tomedia($pop_vipmember_buyimage);
+						$json['has_image'] = 1;
+						$json['pop_vipmember_buyimage'] = $pop_vipmember_buyimage;
+					}
+				}
+				$json['code'] = 7;
+				$json['msg'] = '付费会员专享,普通会员不能购买';
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+		}
+		if (!empty($goods_description['is_new_buy']) && $goods_description['is_new_buy'] == 1) {
+			$ck_buy_order = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->field('order_id')->where("member_id={$member_id} and order_status_id in (1,4,6,7,10,11,12,14)")->find();
+			if (!empty($ck_buy_order)) {
+				$json['code'] = 6;
+				$json['msg'] = '新人专享!';
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+			$is_new_buy_limit = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_new_buy_limit');
+			$new_buy_limit_num = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('new_buy_limit_num');
+			if (!empty($is_new_buy_limit) && $is_new_buy_limit == 1) { //新人专享限制
+				$goods_cate_count = D('Home/Car')->get_new_goods_count($token, $goods_id, $data['sku_str']);
+				if ($goods_cate_count >= $new_buy_limit_num) {
+					$json['code'] = 6;
+					$json['msg'] = '超出新人专享限制!';
+					echo json_encode($json);
+					die();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		//$data['community_id']
+		if ($data['buy_type'] == 'dan' || $data['buy_type'] == 'soitaire' || ($pintuan_model_buy == 1 && $data['buy_type'] != 'dan')) {
+			$is_community = D('Seller/Communityhead')->is_community($data['community_id']);
+			if (!$is_community) {
+				$json['code'] = 6;
+				$json['msg'] = '该小区已经不存在!';
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+		}
+		//判断是否积分兑换
+		if ($product['type'] == 'integral') {
+			//判断积分是否足够 member_id 暂时关闭以下代码
+			$integral_model = D('Home/Integral');
+			if (isset($data['quantity'])) {
+				$quantity = $data['quantity'];
+			} else {
+				$quantity = 1;
+			}
+			if (intval($quantity) < 1) {
+				$json['code'] = 6;
+				$json['msg'] = '数量不能小于1!';
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+			$check_result = $integral_model->check_user_score_quantity_can_pay($member_id, $data['sku_str'], $goods_id, $quantity);
+			if ($check_result['code'] == 1) {
+				$json['code'] = 6;
+				$json['msg'] = '剩余' . $check_result['cur_score'] . '积分,积分不足!';
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+			/****/
+		}
+		//6 
+		if ($is_just_addcar == 1) {
+			if ($product['pick_just'] > 0) {
+				$json['code'] = 6;
+				$json['msg'] = '自提商品,请立即购买';
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+		}
+		//商品存在
+		if ($product) {
+			$cart = D('Home/Car');
+			if (isset($data['quantity'])) {
+				$quantity = $data['quantity'];
+			} else {
+				$quantity = 1;
+			}
+			$option = array();
+			if (!empty($data['sku_str'])) {
+				$option = explode('_', $data['sku_str']);
+			}
+			$car_prefix = "cart.";
+			if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pindan') {
+				$car_prefix = 'pindancart.'; //cart.
+			} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'soitaire') {
+				$car_prefix = 'soitairecart.';
+			} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pintuan') {
+				$car_prefix = 'pintuancart.';
+			} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'presale') {
+				$car_prefix = 'presalecart.';
+			} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'virtualcard') {
+				$car_prefix = 'virtualcardcart.';
+			} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'integral') {
+				$car_prefix = 'integralcart.';
+			}
+			//$data['soli_id']
+			if ($data['is_just_addcar'] == 0) {
+				$cart_goods_quantity = 0;
+			} else {
+				$cart_goods_quantity = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $token, $car_prefix, $data['soli_id']);
+			}
+			$cart_goods_all_quantity = $cart->get_wecartall_goods($goods_id, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $token, $car_prefix);
+			$json = array('code' => 0);
+			//$goods_model = D('Home/Goods');
+			$goods_quantity = $cart->get_goods_quantity($goods_id);
+			if (!empty($data['sku_str'])) {
+				$goods_option_item_value = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->field('stock')->where(array('goods_id' => $goods_id, 'option_item_ids' => $data['sku_str']))->find();
+				if (!empty($goods_option_item_value)) {
+					$goods_quantity = $goods_option_item_value['stock'];
+				}
+			}
+			//rela_goodsoption_valueid
+			if ($goods_quantity < $goods_description['goods_start_count']) {
+				$json['code'] = 6;
+				$json['msg'] = '起售数量' . $goods_description['goods_start_count'] . ',库存不足,剩余' . $goods_quantity . '个';
+				$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['goods_start_count'];
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+			//起售数量判断
+			if ($quantity + $cart_goods_quantity < $goods_description['goods_start_count']) {
+				$json['code'] = 6;
+				$json['msg'] = $goods_description['goods_start_count'] . '份起售';
+				$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['goods_start_count'];
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+			//$can_buy_count = D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_count($member_id, $goods_id);
+			/**
+					 //单次限购
+					 if(!empty($cart_goods_all_quantity) && $cart_goods_all_quantity > 0 && $data['buy_type'] != 'pintuan' )
+					 {
+						 if($goods_description['one_limit_count'] > 0 && $cart_goods_all_quantity >= $goods_description['one_limit_count'] )
+						 {
+							 $json['code'] =6;
+							 //$json['msg']='已经不能再买了';
+							 $json['msg'] = '您本次只能购买'.$goods_description['one_limit_count'].'个';
+							 $json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['one_limit_count'];
+							 echo json_encode($json);
+							 die();
+						 }
+						 $can_buy_count = $can_buy_count - $cart_goods_all_quantity;
+						 if($can_buy_count <= 0)
+						 {
+							 $can_buy_count = -1;
+						 }
+					 }
+					 //每单限购
+					 if($can_buy_count > 0 && $quantity > $can_buy_count)
+					 {
+						 $json['code'] =6;
+						 $json['msg']='您每次只能购买'.$can_buy_count.'份';
+						 $json['max_quantity'] = $can_buy_count;
+						 echo json_encode($json);
+						 die();
+					 }
+					 //每日限购 6
+					 $can_buy_day_count =  D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_day_count($member_id, $goods_id);
+					 if ($goods_description['oneday_limit_count'] >0){
+						 if($can_buy_day_count == -1 || ($can_buy_day_count > 0 && ($cart_goods_all_quantity+$quantity) > $can_buy_day_count))
+						 {
+							 $json['code'] =6;
+							 //$json['msg']='已经不能再买了';
+							 $json['msg']='您每天只能购买'.$goods_description['oneday_limit_count'].'个';
+							 $json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['oneday_limit_count'];
+							 echo json_encode($json);
+							 die();
+						 }
+					 }
+					 //历史限购判断
+					 if($can_buy_count == -1 && $goods_description['total_limit_count'] >0)
+					 {
+						 $json['code'] =6;
+						 //$json['msg']='已经不能再买了';
+						 $json['msg']='您还能购买'.$goods_description['total_limit_count'].'个';
+						 $json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['total_limit_count'];
+						 echo json_encode($json);
+						 die();
+					 }
+					 **/
+			$can_buy_one_count = D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_one_count($member_id, $goods_id);
+			/*$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id , 'total_limit_count,one_limit_count,oneday_limit_count,is_new_buy,is_limit_levelunbuy,is_limit_vipmember_buy,goods_start_count');
+					 if($quantity < $goods_description['goods_start_count']){
+						 $json['code'] = 6;
+						 //$json['msg'] = '您本次只能购买'.$goods_description['one_limit_count'].'份';
+						 $json['msg'] = $goods_description['goods_start_count'].'件起售';
+						 $json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['goods_start_count'];
+						 echo json_encode($json);
+						 die();
+					 }*/
+			//单次限购判断
+			if ($goods_description['one_limit_count'] > 0 && $quantity + $cart_goods_quantity > $goods_description['one_limit_count']) {
+				$json['code'] = 6;
+				//$json['msg'] = '您本次只能购买'.$goods_description['one_limit_count'].'份';
+				$json['msg'] = '购物车总数已满或超出每次购买数量';
+				$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['one_limit_count'] - $cart_goods_all_quantity;
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+			$can_buy_day_count = D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_day_count($member_id, $goods_id);
+			if ($can_buy_day_count == -1 || ($can_buy_day_count > 0 && $quantity > $can_buy_day_count)) {
+				$json['code'] = 6;
+				//$json['msg'] = '您今天只能购买'.$goods_description['oneday_limit_count'].'份';
+				$json['msg'] = '购物车总数已满或超出每天购买数量';
+				$json['max_quantity'] = $can_buy_day_count - $cart_goods_all_quantity;
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			} else if ($can_buy_day_count > 0 && ($quantity + $cart_goods_quantity) > $can_buy_day_count) {
+				$json['code'] = 6;
+				//$json['msg'] = '您今天还能购买'.$can_buy_day_count.'份';
+				$json['msg'] = '购物车总数已满或超出每天购买数量';
+				$json['max_quantity'] = $can_buy_day_count - $cart_goods_all_quantity;
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+			$can_buy_all_count = D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_all_count($member_id, $goods_id);
+			if ($data['buy_type'] == 'pintuan' || $data['buy_type'] == 'pindan' || $data['buy_type'] == 'presale') {
+				$cart_goods_all_quantity = 0;
+			}
+			//历史限购判断
+			if ($can_buy_all_count == -1 && $goods_description['total_limit_count'] > 0) {
+				$json['code'] = 6;
+				//$json['msg']='您最多只能购买'.$goods_description['total_limit_count'].'份';
+				$json['msg'] = '购物车总数已满或超出历史购买数量';
+				$json['max_quantity'] = 1;
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			} else if ($can_buy_all_count > 0 && ($cart_goods_all_quantity + $quantity) > $can_buy_all_count) {
+				$json['code'] = 6;
+				$json['msg'] = '购物车总数已满或超出历史购买数量';
+				$json['max_quantity'] = $can_buy_all_count - $cart_goods_all_quantity;
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+			//已加入购物车的总数
+			if ($goods_quantity < $quantity + $cart_goods_quantity) {
+				$json['code'] = 3;
+				if ($goods_quantity == 0) {
+					$json['msg'] = '已抢光';
+				} else {
+					$json['msg'] = '商品数量不足';
+					$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_quantity;
+				}
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+			if (!empty($option)) {
+				$mul_opt_arr = array();
+				//ims_ 
+				//$goods_option_mult_value = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id,'option_item_ids' => $data['sku_str']) )->find();
+				$open_redis_server = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('open_redis_server');
+				if (!empty($open_redis_server) && $open_redis_server == 1) {
+					$goods_option_mult_value_stock = D('Seller/Redisorder')->get_goods_sku_quantity($goods_id, $data['sku_str']);
+				} else {
+					$goods_option_mult_value = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->where(array('goods_id' => $goods_id, 'option_item_ids' => $data['sku_str']))->find();
+				}
+				if (!empty($goods_option_mult_value_stock)) {
+					if ($goods_option_mult_value_stock < $quantity + $cart_goods_quantity) {
+						$json['code'] = 3;
+						$json['msg'] = '商品数量不足,剩余' . $goods_option_mult_value_stock . '个!!';
+						$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_option_mult_value['stock'];
+						echo json_encode($json);
+						die();
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			//buy_type
+			// $this->clear_all_cart(); $data['community_id']
+			$format_data_array = array(
+				'quantity' => $quantity,
+				'community_id' => $data['community_id'],
+				'goods_id' => $goods_id,
+				'sku_str' => $data['sku_str'],
+				'buy_type' => $data['buy_type'],
+				'soli_id' => $data['soli_id']
+			);
+			//区分活动商品还是普通商品。做两个购物车,活动商品是需要直接购买的,单独购买商品加入正常的购物车TODO....
+			//is_just_addcar 0  1
+			if ($data['buy_type'] == 'dan' && $is_just_addcar == 0) {
+				//$cart->removedancar($token);
+				//清空一下购物车
+				//singledel
+				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 0;
+				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
+				$cart->addwecar($token, $goods_id, $format_data_array, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id']);
+				$total = $cart->count_goodscar($token, $data['community_id']);
+			} else if ($data['buy_type'] == 'dan' && $is_just_addcar == 1) {
+				//singledel
+				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 1;
+				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
+				$cart->addwecar($token, $goods_id, $format_data_array, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id']);
+				$total = $cart->count_goodscar($token, $data['community_id']);
+			} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'soitaire') {
+				//清理单独购买的商品
+				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 1;
+				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
+				$cart->addwecar($token, $goods_id, $format_data_array, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $car_prefix, $data['soli_id']);
+				$total = 0;
+			} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pindan') {
+				//清理单独购买的商品
+				$cart->removeActivityAllcar($token, 'pindancart.');
+				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 0;
+				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
+				$cart->addwecar($token, $goods_id, $format_data_array, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $car_prefix);
+				$total = 0;
+			} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pintuan') {
+				$pin_id = isset($data['pin_id']) ? $data['pin_id'] : 0;
+				if ($pin_id > 0) {
+					$pin_info_tmp = M('lionfish_comshop_pin')->where(array('pin_id' => $pin_id))->find();
+					if (!empty($pin_info_tmp) && $pin_info_tmp['is_newman_takein'] == 1) {
+						//检测是否新人
+						//检测是否购买过
+						$od_status = "1,2,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14";
+						$od_buy_count = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where("order_status_id in ({$od_status}) and member_id=" . $member_id)->count();
+						if (!empty($od_buy_count) && $od_buy_count > 0) {
+							$json['code'] = 3;
+							$json['msg'] = '新人专享';
+							echo json_encode($json);
+							die();
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				//清理拼团的商品
+				$cart->removeActivityAllcar($token, 'pintuancart.');
+				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 0;
+				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
+				$format_data_array['pin_id'] = $pin_id;
+				$cart->addwecar($token, $goods_id, $format_data_array, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $car_prefix);
+				$total = 0;
+			} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'presale') {
+				//清理预售的商品
+				$cart->removeActivityAllcar($token, 'presalecart.');
+				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 0;
+				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
+				$cart->addwecar($token, $goods_id, $format_data_array, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $car_prefix);
+				$total = 0;
+			} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'virtualcard') {
+				//清理预售的商品
+				$cart->removeActivityAllcar($token, 'virtualcardcart.');
+				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 0;
+				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
+				$cart->addwecar($token, $goods_id, $format_data_array, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $car_prefix);
+				$total = 0;
+			} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'integral') {
+				//清理拼团的商品 $data['pin_id']
+				$cart->removeActivityAllcar($token, 'integralcart.');
+				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 0;
+				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
+				$cart->addwecar($token, $goods_id, $format_data_array, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $car_prefix);
+				$total = 0;
+			} else {
+				//buy_type:pin  活动购物车。
+				$pin_id = isset($data['pin_id']) ? $data['pin_id'] : 0;
+				//lottery
+				if ($product['type'] == 'lottery' && $product['type'] == 'lottery') {
+					/**
+								   //等待把抽奖的活动打开
+								   $now_time = time();
+								   $lottery_goods_info =  M('lottery_goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find();
+								   if($lottery_goods_info['end_time'] < $now_time)
+								   {
+									   $json['code'] =6;
+									   $json['msg']='抽奖活动已结束';
+									   echo json_encode($json);
+									   die();
+								   }
+								   **/
+				}
+				//检测商品是否老带新,新人才能参团
+				if ($pin_id > 0) {
+					//等待把老带新的活动打开
+					/**
+								   if($product['type'] == 'newman')
+								   {
+									   $new_mamn_buy = $goods_model->check_goods_new_manbug($member_id);
+									   if($new_mamn_buy>0)
+									   {
+										   $json['code'] =5;
+										   $json['msg']='该商品只能新人参团';
+										   echo json_encode($json);
+										   die();
+									   }
+								   }
+								   **/
+				}
+				$format_data_array['pin_id'] = $pin_id;
+				$cart->add_activitycar($token, $goods_id, $format_data_array, $data['sku_str']);
+				$total = $cart->count_activitycar($token);
+			}
+			$carts = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where(array('token' => $token, 'community_id' => $data['community_id'], 'carkey' => 'cart_total'))->find();
+			if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'dan') {
+				if (!empty($carts)) {
+					$car_data = array();
+					$car_data['format_data'] = serialize(array('quantity' => $total));
+					$car_data['modifytime'] = 1;
+					M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where(array('token' => $token, 'community_id' => $data['community_id'], 'carkey' => 'cart_total'))->save($car_data);
+				} else {
+					$car_data = array();
+					$car_data['token'] = $token;
+					$car_data['community_id'] = $data['community_id'];
+					$car_data['carkey'] = 'cart_total';
+					$car_data['format_data'] = serialize(array('quantity' => $total));
+					M('lionfish_comshop_car')->add($car_data);
+				}
+			}
+			//session('cart_total',$total);
+			$json['code'] = 1;
+			if ($data['buy_type'] != 'dan') {
+				$json['code'] = 2;
+			}
+			$json['success'] = '成功加入购物车!!';
+			$json['total'] = $total;
+			$cart_goods_quantity = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $token, $car_prefix);
+			$json['cur_count'] = $cart_goods_quantity;
+			//soitaire 
+			$is_limit_distance_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_limit_buy_distance');
+			$json['is_limit_distance_buy'] = $is_limit_distance_buy;
+			$json['goods_total_count'] = 0;
+			if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'soitaire') {
+				$json['goods_total_count'] = $cart->get_wecart_goods_solicount($goods_id, $data['community_id'], $token, $data['soli_id']);
+				$cart_goods_quantity = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $token, $car_prefix, $data['soli_id']);
+				$json['cur_count'] = $cart_goods_quantity;
+			}
+			echo json_encode($json);
+			die();
+		}
+	}
+	//显示购物车中商品列表
+	function show_cart_goods()
+	{
+		$gpc = I('request.');
+		$token = $gpc['token'];
+		$community_id = $gpc['community_id'];
+		$soli_id = isset($gpc['soli_id']) ? intval($gpc['soli_id']) : '';
+		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where(array('token' => $token))->find();
+		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
+		$is_open_vipcard_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_vipcard_buy');
+		$is_open_vipcard_buy = !empty($is_open_vipcard_buy) && $is_open_vipcard_buy == 1 ? 1 : 0;
+		$modify_vipcard_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('modify_vipcard_name');
+		$is_vip_card_member = 0;
+		$is_member_level_buy = 0;
+		if ($member_id > 0) {
+			$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->find();
+			if (!empty($is_open_vipcard_buy) && $is_open_vipcard_buy == 1) {
+				$now_time = time();
+				if ($member_info['card_id'] > 0 && $member_info['card_end_time'] > $now_time) {
+					$is_vip_card_member = 1; //还是会员
+				} else if ($member_info['card_id'] > 0 && $member_info['card_end_time'] < $now_time) {
+					$is_vip_card_member = 2; //已过期
+				}
+			}
+			if ($is_vip_card_member != 1 && $member_info['level_id'] > 0) {
+				$is_member_level_buy = 1;
+			}
+		}
+		$buy_type = isset($gpc['buy_type']) ? $gpc['buy_type'] : 'dan';
+		if (empty($member_id)) {
+			//需要登录
+			echo json_encode(array('code' => 5));
+			die();
+		}
+		$cart = D('Home/Car');
+		$goods = $cart->get_all_goodswecar($buy_type, $token, 0, $community_id, $soli_id);
+		$seller_goodss = array();
+		$seller_goodss_mult = array();
+		//is_only_express
+		$tp_ar = array();
+		foreach ($goods as $key => $val) {
+			//$goods_store_field =  M('goods')->field('store_id')->where( array('goods_id' => $val['goods_id']) )->find();
+			//$seller_goodss[ $goods_store_field['store_id'] ]['goods'][$key] = $val;
+			$supply_id = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_supply_id($val['goods_id']);
+			if ($supply_id > 0) {
+				$supply_info = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_info($supply_id);
+				if ($supply_info['type'] == 0) {
+					$supply_id = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			$seller_goodss[$supply_id]['goods'][$key] = $val;
+			$tp_ar[] = $val['is_only_express'];
+			$seller_goodss_mult[$val['is_only_express']][$supply_id]['goods'][$key] = $val; //new 0719
+		}
+		$ck_goodstype_count = 0;
+		$vipcard_save_money = 0;
+		$level_save_money = 0;
+		//$max_can_orderbuy_money = 0 ;
+		foreach ($seller_goodss_mult as $key => $seller_goodss_tp) {
+			foreach ($seller_goodss_tp as $store_id => $val) {
+				//total
+				$seller_voucher_list = array();
+				$seller_total_fee = 0;
+				$total_trans_free = 0;
+				$tmp_goods = array();
+				$is_store_ck = false;
+				foreach ($val['goods'] as $kk => $d_goods) {
+					$seller_total_fee += $d_goods['total'];
+					$total_trans_free += $d_goods[$kk]['trans_free'];
+					$val['goods'][$kk] = $d_goods;
+					$tp_val = array();
+					$tp_val['id'] = $d_goods['goods_id'];
+					$tp_val['key'] = $d_goods['key'];
+					if ($d_goods['singledel'] == 1) {
+						$tp_val['isselect'] = true;
+						$is_store_ck = true;
+						$ck_goodstype_count++;
+						if ($d_goods['is_take_vipcard'] == 1) {
+							$vipcard_save_money = $d_goods['total'] - $d_goods['card_total'];
+						} else if ($d_goods['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1) {
+							$level_save_money = $d_goods['total'] - $d_goods['level_total'];
+						}
+					} else {
+						$tp_val['isselect'] = false;
+					}
+					$tp_val['imgurl'] = $d_goods['image'];
+					$tp_val['edit'] = 'inline';
+					$tp_val['title'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($d_goods['name']);
+					$tp_val['finish'] = 'none';
+					$tp_val['description'] = 'description';
+					$option_arr = array();
+					$option_str = "";
+					foreach ($d_goods['option'] as $option_val) {
+						//$option_arr[] = $option_val['name'].':'.$option_val['value'];
+						$option_arr[] = $option_val['value'];
+					}
+					if (!empty($option_arr)) {
+						$option_str = implode(';', $option_arr);
+					}
+					$tp_val['can_buy'] = D('Home/Pingoods')->get_goods_time_can_buy($d_goods['goods_id']);
+					$tp_val['option_can_buy'] = D('Home/Pingoods')->get_goods_option_can_buy($d_goods['goods_id'], $d_goods['sku_str']);
+					$tp_val['goodstype'] = $option_str;
+					$tp_val['goodstypeedit'] = $option_str;
+					$tp_val['goodsnum'] = $d_goods['quantity'];
+					$tp_val['can_man_jian'] = $d_goods['can_man_jian'];
+					$tp_val['max_quantity'] = $d_goods['max_quantity'];
+					$tp_val['cartype'] = 'inline';
+					$tp_val['currntprice'] = $d_goods['price'];
+					$tp_val['card_price'] = $d_goods['card_price'];
+					$tp_val['levelprice'] = $d_goods['levelprice']; // 会员等级价格
+					$tp_val['is_mb_level_buy'] = $d_goods['is_mb_level_buy']; //是否可以会员等级价格购买
+					$tp_val['is_take_vipcard'] = $d_goods['is_take_vipcard'];
+					$tp_val['price'] = $d_goods['shop_price'];
+					$tp_val['is_new_buy'] = $d_goods['is_new_buy'];
+					$tp_val['goods_start_count'] = $d_goods['goods_start_count'];
+					$tp_val['store_id'] = $store_id;
+					$tmp_goods[] = $tp_val;
+				}
+				//$store_info = M('seller')->field('s_id,s_true_name,s_logo')->where( array('s_id' => $store_id) )->find();
+				//$store_info['s_logo'] = C('SITE_URL').'Uploads/image/'.$store_info['s_logo'];
+				$store_info = array('s_true_name' => '', 's_id' => 1);
+				$s_logo = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shoplogo');
+				if (!empty($s_logo)) {
+					$s_logo = tomedia($s_logo);
+				}
+				$val['store_info'] = $store_info;
+				$store_data = array();
+				$store_data['id'] = $store_info['s_id'];
+				if ($is_store_ck) {
+					$store_data['isselect'] = true;
+				} else {
+					$store_data['isselect'] = false;
+				}
+				$store_data['shopname'] = $store_info['s_true_name'];
+				$store_data['caredit'] = 'inline';
+				$store_data['finish'] = 'none';
+				$store_data['count'] = '0.00';
+				$is_open_fullreduction = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_fullreduction');
+				$full_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_money');
+				$full_reducemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_reducemoney');
+				if (empty($full_reducemoney) || $full_reducemoney <= 0) {
+					$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
+				}
+				$store_data['is_open_fullreduction'] = $is_open_fullreduction;
+				$store_data['full_money'] = $full_money;
+				$store_data['full_reducemoney'] = $full_reducemoney;
+				$store_data['goodstype'] = 2;
+				$store_data['goodstypeselect'] = 0;
+				$store_data['shopcarts'] = $tmp_goods;
+				//起送价格
+				$localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney = 0;
+				//达到金额免配送费
+				$localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney = 0;
+				$localtown_fixed_list = array();
+				if ($key == 3) { //同城配送商品
+					$storename = "";
+					if ($store_id == 0) {
+						//配送费类型:0、固定金额,1、按距离收取
+						$localtown_delivery_moneytype = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_delivery_moneytype');
+						if ($localtown_delivery_moneytype == 0) {
+							$localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney');
+							$localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney');
+						}
+						$storename = "平台";
+					} else {
+						$isopen_localtown_delivery = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('isopen_localtown_delivery', $store_id);
+						//配送费类型:0、固定金额,1、按距离收取
+						$localtown_delivery_moneytype = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('localtown_delivery_moneytype', $store_id);
+						if ($isopen_localtown_delivery == 1 && $localtown_delivery_moneytype == 0) {
+							$localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney', $store_id);
+							$localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney', $store_id);
+						}
+						$supply_info_data = M('lionfish_comshop_supply')->field('storename')->where(array('id' => $store_id))->find();
+						$storename = $supply_info_data['storename'];
+					}
+					$localtown_fixed_list['localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney'] = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney;
+					//if($localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney > $max_can_orderbuy_money){
+					//获取起送最大下单金额限制
+					//$max_can_orderbuy_money = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney;
+					//}
+					$localtown_fixed_list['localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney'] = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney;
+					$localtown_fixed_list['store_name'] = $storename;
+				} else if ($key == 2) {
+					if ($store_id == 0) {
+						$storename = "平台";
+					} else {
+						$supply_info_data = M('lionfish_comshop_supply')->field('storename')->where(array('id' => $store_id))->find();
+						$storename = $supply_info_data['storename'];
+					}
+					$localtown_fixed_list['store_name'] = $storename;
+				}
+				$store_data['localtown_fixed_list'] = $localtown_fixed_list;
+				$seller_goodss_tp[$store_id] = $store_data;
+				$i++;
+			}
+			$seller_goodss_mult[$key] = $seller_goodss_tp;
+		}
+		foreach ($seller_goodss as $store_id => $val) {
+			//total
+			$seller_voucher_list = array();
+			$seller_total_fee = 0;
+			$total_trans_free = 0;
+			$tmp_goods = array();
+			$is_store_ck = false;
+			foreach ($val['goods'] as $kk => $d_goods) {
+				$seller_total_fee += $d_goods['total'];
+				$total_trans_free += $d_goods[$kk]['trans_free'];
+				$val['goods'][$kk] = $d_goods;
+				$tp_val = array();
+				$tp_val['id'] = $d_goods['goods_id'];
+				$tp_val['key'] = $d_goods['key'];
+				if ($d_goods['singledel'] == 1) {
+					$tp_val['isselect'] = true;
+					$is_store_ck = true;
+					$ck_goodstype_count++;
+				} else {
+					$tp_val['isselect'] = false;
+				}
+				$tp_val['imgurl'] = $d_goods['image'];
+				$tp_val['edit'] = 'inline';
+				$tp_val['title'] = $d_goods['name'];
+				$tp_val['finish'] = 'none';
+				$tp_val['description'] = 'description';
+				$option_arr = array();
+				$option_str = "";
+				foreach ($d_goods['option'] as $option_val) {
+					//$option_arr[] = $option_val['name'].':'.$option_val['value'];
+					$option_arr[] = $option_val['value'];
+				}
+				if (!empty($option_arr)) {
+					$option_str = implode(';', $option_arr);
+				}
+				$tp_val['can_buy'] = D('Home/Pingoods')->get_goods_time_can_buy($d_goods['goods_id']);
+				$tp_val['goodstype'] = $option_str;
+				$tp_val['goodstypeedit'] = $option_str;
+				$tp_val['goodsnum'] = $d_goods['quantity'];
+				$tp_val['can_man_jian'] = $d_goods['can_man_jian'];
+				$tp_val['max_quantity'] = $d_goods['max_quantity'];
+				$tp_val['cartype'] = 'inline';
+				$tp_val['currntprice'] = $d_goods['price'];
+				$tp_val['price'] = $d_goods['shop_price'];
+				$tp_val['card_price'] = $d_goods['card_price'];
+				$tp_val['is_take_vipcard'] = $d_goods['is_take_vipcard'];
+				$tp_val['is_new_buy'] = $d_goods['is_new_buy'];
+				$tmp_goods[] = $tp_val;
+			}
+			//$store_info = M('seller')->field('s_id,s_true_name,s_logo')->where( array('s_id' => $store_id) )->find();
+			//$store_info['s_logo'] = C('SITE_URL').'Uploads/image/'.$store_info['s_logo'];
+			$store_info = array('s_true_name' => '', 's_id' => 1);
+			$s_logo = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shoplogo');
+			if (!empty($s_logo)) {
+				$s_logo = tomedia($s_logo);
+			}
+			$val['store_info'] = $store_info;
+			$store_data = array();
+			$store_data['id'] = $store_info['s_id'];
+			if ($is_store_ck) {
+				$store_data['isselect'] = true;
+			} else {
+				$store_data['isselect'] = false;
+			}
+			$store_data['shopname'] = $store_info['s_true_name'];
+			$store_data['caredit'] = 'inline';
+			$store_data['finish'] = 'none';
+			$store_data['count'] = '0.00';
+			$is_open_fullreduction = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_fullreduction');
+			$full_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_money');
+			$full_reducemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_reducemoney');
+			if (empty($full_reducemoney) || $full_reducemoney <= 0) {
+				$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
+			}
+			$store_data['is_open_fullreduction'] = $is_open_fullreduction;
+			$store_data['full_money'] = $full_money;
+			$store_data['full_reducemoney'] = $full_reducemoney;
+			$store_data['goodstype'] = 2;
+			$store_data['goodstypeselect'] = 0;
+			$store_data['shopcarts'] = $tmp_goods;
+			$seller_goodss[$store_id] = $store_data;
+			$i++;
+		}
+		// 商家是否休息
+		$is_comunity_rest = D('Seller/Communityhead')->is_community_rest($community_id);
+		$open_man_orderbuy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('open_man_orderbuy');
+		$man_orderbuy_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_orderbuy_money');
+		//if($man_orderbuy_money > $max_can_orderbuy_money){
+		//$max_can_orderbuy_money = $man_orderbuy_money;
+		//}
+		$is_show_guess_like = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_show_guess_like');
+		// 免配送 man_free_tuanzshipping>0开启
+		$delivery_type_ziti = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_type_ziti');
+		$delivery_type_express = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_type_express');
+		$delivery_type_tuanz = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_type_tuanz');
+		$man_free_tuanzshipping = $delivery_tuanz_money = 0;
+		//暂时屏蔽,2020.02.13.14:57
+		/**
+			  if($delivery_type_ziti!=1 && $delivery_type_express!=1 && $delivery_type_tuanz==1) {
+				  $man_free_tuanzshipping = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_free_tuanzshipping');
+				  if($man_free_tuanzshipping>1 && !empty($man_free_tuanzshipping)) {
+					  $delivery_tuanz_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_tuanz_money');
+				  }
+			  }
+			  **/
+		if ($delivery_type_tuanz == 1) {
+			$man_free_tuanzshipping = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_free_tuanzshipping');
+		} else {
+			$man_free_tuanzshipping = 0;
+		}
+		$open_tuan_ship = $delivery_type_tuanz;
+		//团长自定义配送开关
+		if ($community_id && $man_free_tuanzshipping > 1) {
+			$community_modify_shipping = M('lionfish_community_head')->field('is_modify_shipping_method')->where(array('id' => $community_id))->find();
+			$is_modify_shipping_method = $community_modify_shipping['is_modify_shipping_method'];
+			if ($is_modify_shipping_method == 1) {
+				$open_tuan_ship = 1;
+			} else if ($is_modify_shipping_method == 2) {
+				$open_tuan_ship = 0;
+			}
+		}
+		$delivery_tuanz_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_tuanz_money');
+		$shopcar_tab_all_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shopcar_tab_all_name');
+		$shopcar_tab_express_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shopcar_tab_express_name');
+		$is_open_fullreduction = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_fullreduction');
+		if ($is_open_fullreduction) {
+			$full_list = D('Home/Front')->get_fullreduction();
+		} else {
+			$full_list[0]['full_money'] = 0;
+			$full_list[0]['full_reducemoney'] = 0;
+		}
+		//同城配送信息
+		//配送费类型:0、固定金额,1、按距离收取
+		$localtown_delivery_moneytype = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_delivery_moneytype');
+		$localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney = 0;
+		$localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney = 0;
+		if ($localtown_delivery_moneytype == 0) {
+			//起送价格
+			$localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney');
+			//达到金额免配送费
+			$localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney');
+		}
+		$need_data = array();
+		$need_data['code'] = 0;
+		$need_data['carts'] = $seller_goodss;
+		$need_data['mult_carts'] = $seller_goodss_mult;
+		$need_data['is_comunity_rest'] = $is_comunity_rest;
+		$need_data['open_man_orderbuy'] = $open_man_orderbuy;
+		$need_data['man_orderbuy_money'] = $man_orderbuy_money;
+		//$need_data['max_can_orderbuy_money'] = $max_can_orderbuy_money;
+		$need_data['is_show_guess_like'] = $is_show_guess_like;
+		$need_data['man_free_tuanzshipping'] = $man_free_tuanzshipping;
+		$need_data['delivery_tuanz_money'] = $delivery_tuanz_money;
+		$need_data['is_member_level_buy'] = $is_member_level_buy; //当前会员折扣 购买,1是,0否
+		$need_data['level_save_money'] = $level_save_money; //会员折扣省的钱
+		$need_data['is_vip_card_member'] = $is_vip_card_member; //当前会员是否是 会员卡会员 0 不是,1是,2已过期
+		$need_data['vipcard_save_money'] = $vipcard_save_money; //vip能节约的金额
+		$need_data['is_open_vipcard_buy'] = $is_open_vipcard_buy; //vip能节约的金额
+		$need_data['modify_vipcard_name'] = $modify_vipcard_name;
+		$need_data['shopcar_tab_all_name'] = $shopcar_tab_all_name;
+		$need_data['shopcar_tab_express_name'] = $shopcar_tab_express_name;
+		$need_data['open_tuan_ship'] = $open_tuan_ship;
+		$need_data['is_open_fullreduction'] = $is_open_fullreduction;
+		$need_data['full_list'] = $full_list;
+		//平台和供应商 起送价格和免配送费价格
+		//$need_data['localtown_fixed_list'] = $localtown_fixed_list;
+		$need_data['localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney'] = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney; //起送价格
+		$need_data['localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney'] = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney; //达到金额免配送费
+		echo json_encode($need_data);
+		die();
+	}
+	public function checkout_flushall()
+	{
+		$gpc = I('request.');
+		$token = $gpc['token'];
+		$community_id = $gpc['community_id'];
+		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where(array('token' => $token))->find();
+		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
+		//dan soitaire
+		$buy_type = isset($gpc['buy_type']) ? $gpc['buy_type'] : 'dan';
+		//$car_prefix = 'soitairecart.';
+		//buy_type和soli_id吗
+		$is_community = D('Seller/Communityhead')->is_community($community_id);
+		if (!$is_community) {
+			$json['code'] = 6;
+			$json['msg'] = '该小区已经不存在!';
+			echo json_encode($json);
+			die();
+		}
+		$data = array();
+		$data['car_key'] = $gpc['car_key'];
+		$data['all_keys_arr'] = $gpc['all_keys_arr'];
+		$data['cur_car_key'] = $gpc['cur_car_key'];
+		//car_key:cart.6:MTc0:,cart.13:MjcwXzI3Mw==:
+		//all_keys_arr:cart.6:MTc0:_1,cart.13:MjcwXzI3Mw==:_1
+		$car_key = explode(',', $data['car_key']);
+		$all_keys_arr = explode(',', $data['all_keys_arr']);
+		if (!empty($data['cur_car_key'])) {
+			$car_key = array($data['cur_car_key']);
+		}
+		$save_keys = array();
+		if (!empty($all_keys_arr)) {
+			foreach ($all_keys_arr as $val) {
+				$tmp_val = explode('_', $val);
+				$save_keys[$tmp_val[0]] = $tmp_val[1];
+			}
+		}
+		if ($buy_type == 'dan') {
+			$all_cart = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where("community_id={$community_id} and token='{$token}' and carkey like 'cart.%'")->select();
+		} else if ($buy_type == 'soitaire') {
+			$all_cart = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where("community_id={$community_id} and token='{$token}' and carkey like 'soitairecart.%'")->select();
+		}
+		if (!empty($all_cart)) {
+			foreach ($all_cart as $val) {
+				$tmp_format_data = unserialize($val['format_data']);
+				$tmp_format_data['singledel'] = 0;
+				$tmp_format_data['quantity'] = isset($save_keys[$val['carkey']]) ? $save_keys[$val['carkey']] : $tmp_format_data['quantity'];
+				M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where(array('id' => $val['id'], 'community_id' => $community_id))->save(array('format_data' => serialize($tmp_format_data)));
+			}
+		}
+		if (!empty($car_key)) {
+			foreach ($car_key as $key) {
+				$car_info = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where(array('community_id' => $community_id, 'carkey' => $key, 'token' => $token))->find();
+				if (!empty($car_info)) {
+					$tmp_format_data = unserialize($car_info['format_data']);
+					$tmp_format_data['singledel'] = 1;
+					$quantity = $tmp_format_data['quantity'];
+					$sku_quantity_one = $tmp_format_data['quantity'];
+					$goods_id = $tmp_format_data['goods_id'];
+					$sku_str = $tmp_format_data['sku_str'];
+					//同一个商品不同规格 总数量合计
+					$sku_quantity = $this->_check_goods_sku_quantity($community_id, $key, $token);
+					if ($sku_quantity > $quantity) {
+						$quantity = $sku_quantity;
+					}
+					$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id, 'goods_start_count');
+					//起售数量判断
+					if ($sku_quantity_one < $goods_description['goods_start_count']) {
+						$json['code'] = 6;
+						$json['msg'] = $goods_description['goods_start_count'] . '份起售';
+						$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['goods_start_count'];
+						echo json_encode($json);
+						die();
+					}
+					$check_json = $this->_check_can_buy($member_id, $goods_id, $quantity);
+					if ($check_json['code'] != 0) {
+						$tmp_format_data['quantity'] = $check_json['count'];
+						M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where(array('id' => $car_info['id'], 'community_id' => $community_id))->save(array('format_data' => serialize($tmp_format_data)));
+						echo json_encode(array('code' => 6, 'msg' => $check_json['msg']));
+						die();
+					}
+					//check sku is ok 
+					$check_json = $this->_check_goods_sku_canbuy($goods_id, $sku_str);
+					if ($check_json['code'] != 0) {
+						echo json_encode(array('code' => 6, 'msg' => $check_json['msg']));
+						die();
+					}
+					$check_json = $this->_check_goods_quantity($goods_id, $sku_quantity_one, $sku_str);
+					if ($check_json['code'] != 0) {
+						echo json_encode(array('code' => 6, 'msg' => $check_json['msg']));
+						die();
+					}
+					M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where(array('id' => $car_info['id'], 'community_id' => $community_id))->save(array('format_data' => serialize($tmp_format_data)));
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		$is_limit_distance_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_limit_buy_distance');
+		echo json_encode(array('code' => 0, 'data' => $is_limit_distance_buy));
+		die();
+	}
+	public function _check_goods_sku_quantity($community_id, $key, $token)
+	{
+		$quantity = 0;
+		$key_array = explode(":", $key);
+		$key_result = "";
+		foreach ($key_array as $k => $v) {
+			if ($k < 2) {
+				if (empty($key_result)) {
+					$key_result = $v;
+				} else {
+					$key_result = $key_result . ":" . $v;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		$sql = "SELECT format_data FROM " . C('DB_PREFIX') . "lionfish_comshop_car "
+			. " WHERE carkey LIKE  '" . $key_result . "%' and community_id = '" . $community_id . "' "
+			. " and token='" . $token . "'";
+		$cart_goods_list = M()->query($sql);
+		if (!empty($cart_goods_list)) {
+			foreach ($cart_goods_list as $val) {
+				$tmp_format_data = unserialize($val['format_data']);
+				$quantity = $quantity + $tmp_format_data['quantity'];
+			}
+		}
+		return $quantity;
+	}
+	public function _check_goods_sku_canbuy($goods_id, $sku_str)
+	{
+		$json = array('code' => 0);
+		$goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('goodsname as name')->where(array('id' => $goods_id))->find();
+		if (!empty($sku_str)) {
+			$goods_option_mult_value = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->field('stock as quantity')->where(array('option_item_ids' => $sku_str, 'goods_id' => $goods_id))->find();
+			if (empty($goods_option_mult_value)) {
+				$json['code'] = 3;
+				$json['msg'] = mb_substr($goods_info['name'], 0, 4, 'utf-8') . ',规格已失效,删除后再结算';
+			}
+		}
+		return $json;
+	}
+	public function del_car_goods()
+	{
+		$gpc = I('request.');
+		$token = $gpc['token'];
+		$community_id = $gpc['community_id'];
+		$carkey = $gpc['carkey'];
+		M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where("community_id={$community_id} and token='{$token}' and carkey='{$carkey}'")->delete();
+		echo json_encode(array('code' => 0));
+		die();
+	}
+	public function _check_goods_quantity($goods_id, $quantity, $sku_str)
+	{
+		$gpc = I('request.');
+		$goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('goodsname as name')->where(array('id' => $goods_id))->find();
+		$goods_quantity = D('Home/Car')->get_goods_quantity($goods_id);
+		$json = array('code' => 0);
+		if ($goods_quantity < $quantity) {
+			$json['code'] = 3;
+			$json['msg'] = mb_substr($goods_info['name'], 0, 4, 'utf-8') . '...,商品数量不足,剩余' . $goods_quantity . '个!!';
+		} else if (!empty($sku_str)) {
+			$mul_opt_arr = array();
+			$goods_option_mult_value = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->field('stock as quantity')->where(array('option_item_ids' => $sku_str, 'goods_id' => $goods_id))->find();
+			if (!empty($goods_option_mult_value)) {
+				if ($goods_option_mult_value['quantity'] < $quantity) {
+					$json['code'] = 3;
+					$json['msg'] = mb_substr($goods_info['name'], 0, 4, 'utf-8') . '...,商品数量不足,剩余' . $goods_option_mult_value['quantity'] . '个!!';
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return $json;
+	}
+	private function _check_can_buy($member_id, $goods_id, $quantity)
+	{
+		$gpc = I('request.');
+		//$can_buy_count =  D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_count($member_id, $goods_id);
+		$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id, 'total_limit_count,one_limit_count,oneday_limit_count,is_new_buy,is_limit_levelunbuy,is_limit_vipmember_buy,goods_start_count');
+		//单次限购判断
+		if ($goods_description['one_limit_count'] > 0 && $quantity > $goods_description['one_limit_count']) {
+			$json['code'] = 6;
+			$json['msg'] = '您本次只能购买' . $goods_description['one_limit_count'] . '份';
+			$json['count'] = $goods_description['one_limit_count'];
+			return $json;
+		}
+		$can_buy_day_count = D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_day_count($member_id, $goods_id);
+		if ($can_buy_day_count == -1 || ($can_buy_day_count > 0 && $quantity > $can_buy_day_count)) {
+			$json['code'] = 6;
+			$json['msg'] = '您今天只能购买' . $goods_description['oneday_limit_count'] . '份';
+			$json['count'] = 1;
+			return $json;
+		} else if ($can_buy_day_count > 0 && $quantity > $can_buy_day_count) {
+			$json['code'] = 6;
+			$json['msg'] = '您今天还能购买' . $can_buy_day_count . '份';
+			$json['count'] = $can_buy_day_count;
+			return $json;
+		}
+		$can_buy_all_count = D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_all_count($member_id, $goods_id);
+		//历史限购判断
+		if ($can_buy_all_count == -1 && $goods_description['total_limit_count'] > 0) {
+			$json['code'] = 6;
+			$json['msg'] = '您最多只能购买' . $goods_description['total_limit_count'] . '个';
+			$json['count'] = 1;
+			return $json;
+		} else if ($can_buy_all_count > 0 && $quantity > $can_buy_all_count) {
+			$json['code'] = 6;
+			$json['msg'] = '您还能购买' . $can_buy_all_count . '份';
+			$json['count'] = $can_buy_all_count;
+			return $json;
+		}
+		$goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->where(array('id' => $goods_id))->find();
+		$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id, 'per_number');
+		$can_buy_count = D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_count($member_id, $goods_id);
+		$json = array();
+		if ($can_buy_count == -1 || $can_buy_day_count == -1) {
+			$json['code'] = 6;
+			$json['msg'] = mb_substr($goods_info['name'], 0, 4, 'utf-8') . '...,您本次只能购买' . $goods_description['per_number'] . '个';
+		} else if ($can_buy_count > 0 && $quantity > $can_buy_count) {
+			$json['code'] = 6;
+			//$json['msg']=mb_substr($goods_info['name'],0,4,'utf-8').'...,您还能购买'.$can_buy_count.'份';
+			$json['msg'] = '本次最多购买' . $can_buy_count . '份';
+			$json['count'] = $can_buy_count;
+		} else {
+			$json['code'] = 0;
+		}
+		return $json;
+	}
+	private function _add_address($token, $userName, $telNumber, $provinceName, $cityName, $countyName, $detailInfo, $latitude = '', $longitude = '', $lou_meng_hao = '')
+	{
+		$_GPC = I('request.');
+		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where(array('token' => $token))->find();
+		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
+		//  lionfish_comshop_area
+		$province_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where("name like '%{$provinceName}%' ")->find();
+		if (!empty($province_info)) {
+			$province_id = $province_info['id'];
+		} else {
+			$area_data = array();
+			$area_data['name'] = $provinceName;
+			$area_data['pid'] = 0;
+			$area_data['code'] = $max_dp['code'] + 1;
+			$province_id = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->add($area_data);
+			$up_data = array();
+			$up_data['code'] = $province_id;
+			M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where(array('id' => $province_id))->save($up_data);
+		}
+		$guding_arr = ['鞍山市'];
+		if (in_array($cityName, $guding_arr)) {
+			$city_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where("name = '{$cityName}'")->find();
+		} else {
+			$city_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where("name like '%{$cityName}%'")->find();
+		}
+		//$city_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where("name like '%{$cityName}%'")->find();
+		if (!empty($city_info)) {
+			$city_id = $city_info['id'];
+		} else {
+			$max_dp = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->order('code desc')->find();
+			$area_data = array();
+			$area_data['name'] = $cityName;
+			$area_data['pid'] = $province_id;
+			$area_data['code'] = $max_dp['code'] + 1;
+			$city_id = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->add($area_data);
+			$up_data = array();
+			$up_data['code'] = $city_id;
+			M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where(array('id' => $city_id))->save($up_data);
+		}
+		//city_name: 东莞市
+		if (empty($countyName)) {
+			if ($cityName == '东莞市') {
+				$countyName = '东莞';
+			}
+			if ($cityName == '中山市') {
+				$countyName = '中山';
+				//453
+			}
+		}
+		$country_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where("name like '%{$countyName}%' ")->find();
+		if ($countyName == '中山') {
+			$country_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where(array('id' => 453))->find();
+			//
+		}
+		if (!empty($country_info)) {
+			$country_id = $country_info['id'];
+		} else {
+			$max_dp = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->order('code desc')->find();
+			$area_data = array();
+			$area_data['name'] = $countyName;
+			$area_data['pid'] = $city_id;
+			$area_data['code'] = $max_dp['code'] + 1;
+			$country_id = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->add($area_data);
+			$up_data = array();
+			$up_data['code'] = $country_id;
+			M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where(array('id' => $country_id))->save($up_data);
+		}
+		$address_param = array();
+		$address_param['member_id'] = $member_id;
+		$address_param['province_id'] = $province_id;
+		$address_param['country_id'] = $country_id;
+		$address_param['city_id'] = $city_id;
+		$address_param['address'] = $detailInfo;
+		$address_param['name'] = $userName;
+		$address_param['telephone'] = $telNumber;
+		$address_param['lon_lat'] = '';
+		$address_param['lou_meng_hao'] = $lou_meng_hao;
+		if (!empty($latitude)) {
+			$address_param['lon_lat'] = $longitude . ',' . $latitude;
+		}
+		$has_addre = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where($address_param)->find();
+		if (empty($has_addre)) {
+			$has_default_address = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where(array('is_default' => 1, 'member_id' => $member_id))->find();
+			$address_data = array();
+			$address_data['member_id'] = $member_id;
+			$address_data['name'] = $userName;
+			$address_data['telephone'] = $telNumber;
+			$address_data['lou_meng_hao'] = $lou_meng_hao;
+			if (!empty($latitude)) {
+				$address_data['lon_lat'] = $longitude . ',' . $latitude;
+			} else {
+				$address_data['lon_lat'] = '';
+			}
+			$address_data['address'] = $detailInfo;
+			$address_data['address_name'] = empty($data['address_name']) ? 'HOME' : $data['address_name'];
+			if (!empty($has_default_address) && false) {
+				$address_data['is_default'] = 0;
+			} else {
+				$data = array();
+				$data['is_default'] = 0;
+				M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->save($data);
+				$address_data['is_default'] = 1;
+			}
+			$address_data['city_id'] = $city_id;
+			$address_data['country_id'] = $country_id;
+			$address_data['province_id'] = $province_id;
+			$res = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->add($address_data);
+		} else {
+			$res = $has_addre['address_id'];
+		}
+		return $res;
+	}
+	public function checkout()
+	{
+		$gpc = I('request.');
+		$buy_type = isset($gpc['buy_type']) ? $gpc['buy_type'] : 'dan';
+		$pintuan_model_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('pintuan_model_buy');
+		if (empty($pintuan_model_buy) || $pintuan_model_buy == 0) {
+			$pintuan_model_buy = 0;
+		}
+		$mb_city_name = isset($gpc['mb_city_name']) ? $gpc['mb_city_name'] : '';
+		if ($buy_type == 'undefined') {
+			$buy_type = 'dan';
+		}
+		$community_id = $gpc['community_id'];
+		$token = $gpc['token'];
+		$voucher_id = isset($gpc['voucher_id']) ? $gpc['voucher_id'] : 0;
+		$soli_id = isset($gpc['soli_id']) ? intval($gpc['soli_id']) : '';
+		$use_quan_str = isset($gpc['use_quan_str']) ? $gpc['use_quan_str'] : '';
+		$use_quan_arr = array();
+		if ($use_quan_str != '') {
+			$use_quan_arr_tmp = explode('@', $use_quan_str);
+			foreach ($use_quan_arr_tmp as $val) {
+				$tmp_arr = explode('_', $val);
+				$use_quan_arr[$tmp_arr[0]] = $tmp_arr[1];
+			}
+		}
+		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where(array('token' => $token))->find();
+		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
+		$is_open_vipcard_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_vipcard_buy');
+		$is_open_vipcard_buy = !empty($is_open_vipcard_buy) && $is_open_vipcard_buy == 1 ? 1 : 0;
+		$is_vip_card_member = 0;
+		$is_member_level_buy = 0;
+		if ($member_id > 0) {
+			$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->find();
+			if (!empty($is_open_vipcard_buy) && $is_open_vipcard_buy == 1) {
+				$now_time = time();
+				if ($member_info['card_id'] > 0 && $member_info['card_end_time'] > $now_time) {
+					$is_vip_card_member = 1; //还是会员
+				} else if ($member_info['card_id'] > 0 && $member_info['card_end_time'] < $now_time) {
+					$is_vip_card_member = 2; //已过期
+				}
+			}
+			if ($is_vip_card_member != 1 && $member_info['level_id'] > 0) {
+				$is_member_level_buy = 1;
+			}
+		}
+		//预售不开启会员卡
+		if ($buy_type == 'pesale') {
+			$is_member_level_buy = 0;
+			$is_vip_card_member = 0;
+		}
+		if (empty($member_id)) {
+			//需要登录
+			echo json_encode(array('code' => 5));
+			die();
+		}
+		$cart = D('Home/Car');
+		if ((!$cart->has_goodswecar($buy_type, $token, $community_id))) {
+			//购物车中没有商品
+			echo json_encode(array('code' => 4));
+			die();
+		}
+		$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->find();
+		//soitaire
+		$goods = $cart->get_all_goodswecar($buy_type, $token, 1, $community_id, $soli_id);
+		$address = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->order('is_default desc,address_id desc')->find();
+		$add_old_order = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->field('address_id')->where(" (delivery ='localtown_delivery' or delivery = 'express') and member_id = {$member_id} ")->order('order_id desc')->find();
+		if (!empty($add_old_order) && $add_old_order['address_id'] > 0) {
+			$address = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where(array('address_id' => $add_old_order['address_id'], 'member_id' => $member_id))->find();
+		}
+		$mb_city_id = 0;
+		if (!empty($mb_city_name)) {
+			$mb_city_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where(" name='{$mb_city_name}' ")->find();
+			if (!empty($mb_city_info)) {
+				$mb_city_id = $mb_city_info['id'];
+			}
+		}
+		if ($address) {
+			//get_area_info($id)
+			$province_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($address['province_id']); // M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['province_id']) )->find();
+			$city_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($address['city_id']); //M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['city_id']) )->find();
+			$country_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($address['country_id']); //M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['country_id']) )->find();
+			$address['province_name'] = $province_info['name'];
+			$address['city_name'] = $city_info['name'];
+			$address['country_name'] = $country_info['name'];
+		} else {
+			$address = array();
+		}
+		$seller_goodss = array();
+		$show_voucher = 0;
+		//判断是否仅快递的配送方式  is_only_express
+		$is_open_only_express = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_only_express');
+		$is_only_express = 0;
+		if (!empty($is_open_only_express) && $is_open_only_express == 1) {
+			$is_only_express = 1;
+		}
+		/**
+		   if($is_vip_card_member != 1 && $member_info['level_id'] >0 )
+		   {
+			   $is_member_level_buy = 1;
+		   }
+		   **/
+		foreach ($goods as $key => $val) {
+			//$goods_store_field =  M('goods')->field('store_id')->where( array('goods_id' => $val['goods_id']) )->find();
+			if ($is_only_express == 1 && $val['is_only_express'] != 1) {
+				$is_only_express = 0;
+			}
+			if ($is_only_express == 0 && $val['is_only_express'] == 3) {
+				$is_only_express = 3;
+			}
+			if ($is_only_express == 0 && $val['is_only_express'] == 2) {
+				$is_only_express = 2;
+			}
+			$supply_id = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_supply_id($val['goods_id']);
+			if ($supply_id > 0) {
+				$supply_info = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_info($supply_id);
+				if ($supply_info['type'] == 0) {
+					$supply_id = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			$val['name'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($val['name']);
+			$seller_goodss[$supply_id]['goods'][$key] = $val;
+		}
+		//begin 如果是同城配送 ,查一查有没有新提交的地址,如果有,按照新的来处理
+		$localtown_address = array();
+		if ($is_only_express == 3) {
+			$localtown_old_order = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->field('address_id')->where(array('delivery' => 'localtown_delivery', 'member_id' => $member_id))->order('order_id desc')->find();
+			$localtown_id = 0;
+			if (!empty($localtown_old_order) && $localtown_old_order['address_id'] > 0) {
+				$localtown_address = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where(array('address_id' => $localtown_old_order['address_id'], 'member_id' => $member_id))->find();
+				if (!empty($localtown_address)) {
+					$province_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($address['province_id']); // M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['province_id']) )->find();
+					$city_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($address['city_id']); //M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['city_id']) )->find();
+					$country_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($address['country_id']); //M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['country_id']) )->find();
+					$localtown_address['province_name'] = $province_info['name'];
+					$localtown_address['city_name'] = $city_info['name'];
+					$localtown_address['country_name'] = $country_info['name'];
+				} else if (isset($gpc['longitude']) && isset($gpc['latitude'])) {
+					$localtown_address['lon_lat'] = $gpc['longitude'] . ',' . $gpc['latitude'];
+				}
+			} else {
+				$address = array();
+			}
+		}
+		//end同城配送
+		$quan_model = D('Home/Voucher');
+		$pin_model = D('Home/Pin');
+		$voucher_price = 0;
+		$reduce_money = 0;
+		$cha_reduce_money = 0;
+		$is_pin_over = 0;
+		$is_moban = false;
+		$is_open_fullreduction = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_fullreduction');
+		$full_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_money');
+		$full_reducemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_reducemoney');
+		if (empty($full_reducemoney) || $full_reducemoney <= 0) {
+			$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
+		}
+		$show_voucher = 0;
+		$voucher_can_use = 1; //目前都是平台券,
+		$man_total_free = 0;
+		$store_buy_total_money = 0;
+		$pin_id = 0;
+		$presale_goods_id = 0; //预售商品id
+		$presale_goods_total = 0; //预售商品价格
+		$is_zero_buy = 0;
+		$vipcard_save_money = 0;
+		$level_save_money = 0;
+		$today_time = time();
+		$arr = array('天', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六');
+		//计算优惠券
+		foreach ($seller_goodss as $store_id => $val) {
+			$seller_voucher_list = array();
+			$seller_total_fee = 0;
+			$total_trans_free = 0;
+			$is_no_quan = false;
+			$total_weight = 0;
+			$total_quantity = 0;
+			$vch_goods_ids = array();
+			foreach ($val['goods'] as $kk => $d_goods) {
+				//预售不参与会员卡
+				if ($d_goods['is_take_vipcard'] == 1) {
+					$vipcard_save_money += $d_goods['total'] - $d_goods['card_total'];
+				} else if ($d_goods['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $d_goods['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $is_member_level_buy == 1) {
+					$level_save_money += $d_goods['total'] - $d_goods['level_total'];
+				}
+				if ($is_vip_card_member == 1 && $d_goods['is_take_vipcard'] == 1) {
+					$seller_total_fee += $d_goods['card_total'];
+					if ($store_id == 0) {
+						$store_buy_total_money += $d_goods['card_total'];
+					}
+					if ($d_goods['can_man_jian'] == 1) {
+						$man_total_free += $d_goods['card_total'];
+					}
+				} else if ($d_goods['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $member_info['level_id'] > 0) {
+					$seller_total_fee += $d_goods['level_total'];
+					if ($store_id == 0) {
+						$store_buy_total_money += $d_goods['level_total'];
+					}
+					if ($d_goods['can_man_jian'] == 1) {
+						$man_total_free += $d_goods['level_total'];
+					}
+				} else {
+					$seller_total_fee += $d_goods['total'];
+					if ($store_id == 0) {
+						$store_buy_total_money += $d_goods['total'];
+					}
+					if ($d_goods['can_man_jian'] == 1) {
+						$man_total_free += $d_goods['total'];
+					}
+				}
+				if ($buy_type == 'pintuan' && $d_goods['pin_id'] > 0) {
+					$is_pin_over = $pin_model->getNowPinState($d_goods['pin_id']);
+					if ($is_pin_over == 2) {
+						$is_zero_buy = $pin_model->check_goods_iszero_opentuan($d_goods['goods_id']);
+					}
+				} else if ($buy_type == 'pintuan' && $d_goods['pin_id'] == 0) {
+					$is_zero_buy = $pin_model->check_goods_iszero_opentuan($d_goods['goods_id']);
+				}
+				if ($buy_type == 'presale') {
+					$presale_goods_id = $d_goods['goods_id'];
+					$presale_goods_total = $seller_total_fee;
+				}
+				$tp_goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('type')->where(array('id' => $d_goods['goods_id']))->find();
+				$vch_goods_ids[$d_goods['goods_id']] = $vch_goods_ids[$d_goods['goods_id']] + $d_goods['total'];
+				//$is_no_quan = true;
+				//预售不开启优惠券 
+				if ($tp_goods_info['type'] == 'integral' || $tp_goods_info['type'] == 'presale') {
+					$is_no_quan = true;
+				}
+				if ($d_goods['shipping'] == 0) {
+					$is_moban = true;
+					$val['is_moban'] = true;
+					$total_weight += $d_goods['weight'] * $d_goods['quantity'];
+					$total_quantity += $d_goods['quantity'];
+				}
+				$d_goods[$kk]['trans_free'] = 0;
+				/**
+						 if($d_goods['shipping']==1)
+						 {
+							 //统一运费
+							 $d_goods[$kk]['trans_free'] = $d_goods['goods_freight'];
+						 }else {
+							 //运费模板
+							  if(!empty($address))
+							 {
+								 $trans_free = load_model_class('transport')->calc_transport($d_goods['transport_id'], $d_goods['quantity'],$d_goods['quantity']*$d_goods['weight'], $address['city_id'] );
+							 }else{
+								 $trans_free = 0;
+							 }
+							$d_goods[$kk]['trans_free'] = $trans_free;
+						 }
+						 **/
+				$total_trans_free += $d_goods[$kk]['trans_free'];
+				//自提时间
+				$goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_good_common')->field('pick_up_type,pick_up_modify')->where(array('goods_id' => $d_goods['goods_id']))->find();
+				$pick_up_type = -1;
+				if ($pick_up_type == -1 || $goods_info['pick_up_type'] > $pick_up_type) {
+					$pick_up_type = $goods_info['pick_up_type'];
+					if ($pick_up_type == 0) {
+						$pick_up_time = date('m-d', $today_time);
+						$pick_up_weekday = '周' . $arr[date('w', $today_time)];
+					} else if ($pick_up_type == 1) {
+						$pick_up_time = date('m-d', $today_time + 86400);
+						$pick_up_weekday = '周' . $arr[date('w', $today_time + 86400)];
+					} else if ($pick_up_type == 2) {
+						$pick_up_time = date('m-d', $today_time + 86400 * 2);
+						$pick_up_weekday = '周' . $arr[date('w', $today_time + 86400 * 2)];
+					} else if ($pick_up_type == 3) {
+						$pick_up_time = $goods_info['pick_up_modify'];
+					}
+				}
+				$d_goods['pick_up_type'] = $pick_up_type;
+				$d_goods['pick_up_time'] = $pick_up_time;
+				$d_goods['pick_up_weekday'] = $pick_up_weekday;
+				$val['goods'][$kk] = $d_goods;
+			}
+			$val['reduce_money'] = 0;
+			//pindan (拼团商品单独购买)   pintuan (拼团)
+			//预售关闭满减 
+			if ($buy_type == 'pindan' || $buy_type == 'pintuan' || $buy_type == 'integral' || $buy_type == 'presale') {
+				$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
+			}
+			//原来满级计算man_total_free
+			/*if($is_open_fullreduction == 1 && $man_total_free >= $full_money )
+				   {
+				   $val['reduce_money'] = $full_reducemoney;
+				   $reduce_money = $full_reducemoney;
+				   }else if($is_open_fullreduction == 1 && $man_total_free < $full_money)
+				   {
+				   $cha_reduce_money = $full_money - $man_total_free;
+				   }*/
+			/**
+			 * 新满减计算
+			 */
+			if ($is_open_fullreduction == 1) {
+				$reduce_result = D('Home/Front')->get_reduce_money($man_total_free);
+				$val['reduce_money'] = $reduce_result['reduce_money'];
+				$reduce_money = $reduce_result['reduce_money'];
+				$cha_reduce_money = $reduce_result['cha_reduce_money'];
+			}
+			$chose_vouche = array();
+			if (!$is_no_quan) {
+				$vouche_list = $quan_model->get_user_canpay_voucher($member_id, $store_id, $seller_total_fee, '', $vch_goods_ids);
+				$vouche_list = $quan_model->get_voucher_amout_bygoods($vouche_list, $val['goods'], $reduce_money);
+				//var_dump(  $vouche_list );
+				//die();
+				if (!empty($vouche_list) && empty($use_quan_arr)) {
+					$ling_vouche_list = $vouche_list;
+					if ($voucher_can_use == 1) {
+						$voucher_can_use++;
+						$show_voucher = 1;
+						reset($ling_vouche_list);
+						$chose_vouche = current($ling_vouche_list);
+						//$voucher_price += $chose_vouche['credit'];
+						$voucher_price += $chose_vouche['can_vouche_amount'];
+						//$seller_total_fee = round( $seller_total_fee - $chose_vouche['credit'], 2);
+						$seller_total_fee = round($seller_total_fee - $chose_vouche['can_vouche_amount'], 2);
+					}
+				} else if (!empty($vouche_list) && !empty($use_quan_arr)) {
+					foreach ($vouche_list as $tmp_voucher) {
+						if ($tmp_voucher['id'] == $use_quan_arr[$store_id]) {
+							$show_voucher = 1;
+							$chose_vouche = $tmp_voucher;
+							//$seller_total_fee = round( $seller_total_fee - $chose_vouche['credit'], 2);
+							//$voucher_price += $chose_vouche['credit'];
+							$seller_total_fee = round($seller_total_fee - $chose_vouche['can_vouche_amount'], 2);
+							$voucher_price += $chose_vouche['can_vouche_amount'];
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			$val['chose_vouche'] = $chose_vouche;
+			$val['show_voucher'] = $show_voucher;
+			$val['voucher_list'] = $vouche_list;
+			$val['total'] = $seller_total_fee;
+			if ($val['total'] < 0) {
+				$val['total'] = 0;
+			}
+			$val['trans_free'] = $total_trans_free;
+			$val['total_weight'] = $total_weight;
+			$val['total_quantity'] = $total_quantity;
+			$s_logo = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shoplogo');
+			$shoname = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shoname');
+			if (!empty($s_logo)) {
+				$s_logo = tomedia($s_logo);
+			}
+			$store_info = array('s_id' => $store_id, 's_true_name' => $shoname, 's_logo' => $s_logo);
+			if (!empty($store_id) && $store_id > 0) {
+				$supply_info = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_info($store_id);
+				//logo
+				if (!empty($supply_info)) {
+					$store_info['s_true_name'] = $supply_info['shopname'];
+					$store_info['s_logo'] = tomedia($supply_info['logo']);
+				}
+			}
+			$val['store_info'] = $store_info;
+			$seller_goodss[$store_id] = $val;
+		}
+		$trans_free_toal = 0; //运费
+		//delivery_type_ziti  delivery_type_express    delivery_type_tuanz  delivery_tuanz_money
+		$delivery_type_ziti = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_type_ziti');
+		$delivery_type_express = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_type_express');
+		$delivery_type_tuanz = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_type_tuanz');
+		$delivery_tuanz_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_tuanz_money');
+		//---
+		$man_free_tuanzshipping = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_free_tuanzshipping');
+		$man_free_shipping = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_free_shipping');
+		$delivery_express_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_express_name');
+		if (empty($man_free_tuanzshipping) || $buy_type == 'integral') {
+			$man_free_tuanzshipping = 0;
+		}
+		//关闭团长配送费 免  预售 
+		if (empty($man_free_tuanzshipping) || $buy_type == 'presale') {
+			$man_free_tuanzshipping = 0;
+		}
+		if (empty($man_free_shipping) || $buy_type == 'integral') {
+			$man_free_shipping = 0;
+		}
+		//关闭快递配送费 免  预售 
+		if (empty($man_free_shipping) || $buy_type == 'presale') {
+			$man_free_shipping = 0;
+		}
+		//if( $buy_type == 'dan' )
+		if ($buy_type == 'dan' || $buy_type == 'soitaire' || ($pintuan_model_buy == 1 && $buy_type != 'dan' && $buy_type != 'integral')) {
+			//...判断团长是否开启自定义的情况 store_buy_total_money
+			$community_info_modify = M('lionfish_community_head')->field('is_modify_shipping_method,is_modify_shipping_fare,shipping_fare')->where(array('id' => $community_id))->find();
+			if (!empty($community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_method']) && $community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_method'] == 1 && $delivery_type_tuanz == 1) {
+				//开启配送
+				$delivery_type_tuanz = 1;
+				if (!empty($community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_fare']) && $community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_fare'] == 1 && $community_info_modify['shipping_fare'] > 0) {
+					$delivery_tuanz_money = $community_info_modify['shipping_fare'];
+				}
+			} else if (!empty($community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_method']) && $community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_method'] == 2) {
+				//关闭配送
+				$delivery_type_tuanz = 0;
+			}
+		} else if ($buy_type == 'pindan' || $buy_type == 'pintuan') {
+			if ($pintuan_model_buy == 0) {
+				$delivery_type_tuanz = 0;
+				$delivery_type_express = 1;
+				$delivery_type_ziti = 2;
+			}
+		} else if ($buy_type == 'integral') {
+			$delivery_type_tuanz = 0;
+			$delivery_type_express = 1;
+			$delivery_type_ziti = 2;
+		}
+		foreach ($val['goods'] as $kk => $d_goods) {
+			if ($d_goods['is_only_express'] == 1) {
+				$delivery_type_express = 1;
+			}
+		}
+		$is_man_delivery_tuanz_fare = 0; //是否达到满xx减团长配送费
+		$fare_man_delivery_tuanz_fare_money = 0; //达到满xx减团长配送费, 减了多少钱
+		if (($buy_type == 'dan' || $buy_type == 'soitaire') && !empty($man_free_tuanzshipping) && $man_free_tuanzshipping > 0 && $man_free_tuanzshipping <= $store_buy_total_money) {
+			//$delivery_tuanz_money = 0;
+			$is_man_delivery_tuanz_fare = 1;
+			$fare_man_delivery_tuanz_fare_money = $delivery_tuanz_money;
+		}
+		$is_man_shipping_fare = 0; //是否达到满xx减运费
+		$fare_man_shipping_fare_money = 0; //达到满xx减运费,司机减了多少运费
+		//----开始计算运费 //dispatchtype
+		if ($delivery_type_express == 1) {
+			//ims_ 
+			$store_trans_free_toal = 0;
+			if ($mb_city_id > 0) {
+				$shipping_default = M('lionfish_comshop_shipping')->where(array('enabled' => 1))->order('isdefault desc,id desc')->find();
+				foreach ($seller_goodss as $store_id => $val) {
+					//$val['is_moban'] = true;
+					$store_shipping_fare = 0;
+					if (isset($val['is_moban']) && $val['is_moban']) {
+						$store_shipping_fare = D('Home/Transport')->calc_transport($shipping_default['id'], $val['total_quantity'], $val['total_weight'], $mb_city_id);
+					}
+					$val['store_shipping_fare'] = $store_shipping_fare;
+					$trans_free_toal += $store_shipping_fare;
+					if ($store_id == 0) {
+						$store_trans_free_toal += $store_shipping_fare;
+					}
+					foreach ($val['goods'] as $kk => $d_goods) {
+						if ($d_goods['shipping'] == 1) {
+							//统一运费
+							$trans_free_toal += $d_goods['goods_freight'];
+							if ($store_id == 0) {
+								$store_trans_free_toal += $d_goods['goods_freight'];
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			} else if (!empty($address) && $mb_city_id == 0) {
+				$shipping_default = M('lionfish_comshop_shipping')->where(array('enabled' => 1))->order('isdefault desc,id desc')->find();
+				foreach ($seller_goodss as $store_id => $val) {
+					$store_shipping_fare = 0;
+					if (isset($val['is_moban']) && $val['is_moban']) {
+						$store_shipping_fare = D('Home/Transport')->calc_transport($shipping_default['id'], $val['total_quantity'], $val['total_weight'], $address['city_id']);
+					}
+					$val['store_shipping_fare'] = $store_shipping_fare;
+					$trans_free_toal += $store_shipping_fare;
+					if ($store_id == 0) {
+						$store_trans_free_toal += $store_shipping_fare;
+					}
+					foreach ($val['goods'] as $kk => $d_goods) {
+						if ($d_goods['shipping'] == 1) {
+							//统一运费
+							$trans_free_toal += $d_goods['goods_freight'];
+							$val['store_shipping_fare'] += $d_goods['goods_freight'];
+							if ($store_id == 0) {
+								$store_trans_free_toal += $d_goods['goods_freight'];
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				$trans_free_toal = 0;
+			}
+			//
+			if (!empty($man_free_shipping) && $man_free_shipping > 0 && $man_free_shipping <= $store_buy_total_money) {
+				$fare_man_shipping_fare_money = $store_trans_free_toal;
+				$is_man_shipping_fare = 1;
+				//$trans_free_toal = 0;
+			}
+		}
+		//礼品卡配送费0
+		if ($buy_type == 'virtualcard') {
+			$trans_free_toal = 0;
+		}
+		//---结束结算运费
+		if (empty($delivery_type_ziti)) {
+			$delivery_type_ziti = 1; //开启
+		}
+		if (empty($delivery_type_express)) {
+			$delivery_type_express = 2;
+		}
+		if (empty($delivery_type_tuanz)) {
+			$delivery_type_tuanz = 2;
+		}
+		//默认关闭同城配送
+		$delivery_type_localtown = 0;
+		//默认关闭核销商品
+		$delvery_type_hexiao = 0;
+		//is_only_express
+		if ($is_only_express == 1) {
+			$delivery_type_ziti = 2;
+			$delivery_type_express = 1;
+			$delivery_type_tuanz = 2;
+		} else if ($is_only_express == 3) {
+			//同城配送
+			$delivery_type_ziti = 0;
+			$delivery_type_express = 0;
+			$delivery_type_tuanz = 0;
+			$delivery_type_localtown = 1;
+		} else if ($is_only_express == 2) {
+			//核销商品
+			$delivery_type_ziti = 0;
+			$delivery_type_express = 0;
+			$delivery_type_tuanz = 0;
+			$delivery_type_localtown = 0;
+			$delvery_type_hexiao = 1;
+		}
+		$total_free = 0;
+		$is_ziti = 2;
+		$pick_up_time = "";
+		$pick_up_type = -1;
+		$pick_up_weekday = '';
+		$today_time = time();
+		$arr = array('天', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六');
+		$pick_up_arr = array();
+		foreach ($goods as $key => $good) {
+			//暂时关闭
+			//ims_lionfish_comshop_goods
+			//ims_ lionfish_comshop_good_common
+			$goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_good_common')->field('pick_up_type,pick_up_modify')->where(array('goods_id' => $good['goods_id']))->find();
+			if ($pick_up_type == -1 || $goods_info['pick_up_type'] > $pick_up_type) {
+				$pick_up_type = $goods_info['pick_up_type'];
+				if ($pick_up_type == 0) {
+					$pick_up_time = date('m-d', $today_time);
+					$pick_up_weekday = '周' . $arr[date('w', $today_time)];
+				} else if ($pick_up_type == 1) {
+					$pick_up_time = date('m-d', $today_time + 86400);
+					$pick_up_weekday = '周' . $arr[date('w', $today_time + 86400)];
+				} else if ($pick_up_type == 2) {
+					$pick_up_time = date('m-d', $today_time + 86400 * 2);
+					$pick_up_weekday = '周' . $arr[date('w', $today_time + 86400 * 2)];
+				} else if ($pick_up_type == 3) {
+					$pick_up_time = $goods_info['pick_up_modify'];
+				}
+			}
+			$goods[$key]['trans_free'] = $good['goods_freight'];
+			if ($is_vip_card_member == 1 && $good['is_take_vipcard'] == 1) {
+				$total_free += $good['card_total'];
+			} else if ($good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $member_info['level_id'] > 0) {
+				$total_free += $good['level_total'];
+			} else {
+				$total_free += $good['total'];
+			}
+		}
+		//同城配送费
+		$localtown_shipping_fare = 0;
+		//包装费
+		$picking_fare = 0;
+		$picking_fare_arr = array();
+		$localtown_shipping_fare_arr = array();
+		$localtown_dispatchtime = 0; //预计一共需要配送多少分钟
+		$localtown_expected_delivery = array(); //预计送达时间段
+		$localtown_modifypickingname = ""; //包装费标题
+		if ($is_only_express == 3) {
+			$picking_fare_arr = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->calc_packing_money($seller_goodss); // $seller_goodss;
+			$picking_fare = $picking_fare_arr['total_picking_fare'];
+			$localtown_dispatchtime = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->get_order_dispatchtime($seller_goodss);
+			if (isset($gpc['latitude']) && !empty($gpc['latitude']) && isset($gpc['longitude']) && !empty($gpc['longitude'])) {
+				$lon = $gpc['longitude'];
+				$lat = $gpc['latitude'];
+				$localtown_shipping_fare_arr = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->calc_shipping_fare($lon, $lat, $seller_goodss);
+				$localtown_shipping_fare = $localtown_shipping_fare_arr['total_shipping_fare'];
+				$trans_free_toal = $localtown_shipping_fare;
+			} else if (!empty($localtown_address)) {
+				list($lon, $lat) = explode(',', $localtown_address['lon_lat']);
+				$localtown_shipping_fare_arr = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->calc_shipping_fare($lon, $lat, $seller_goodss);
+				$localtown_shipping_fare = $localtown_shipping_fare_arr['total_shipping_fare'];
+				$trans_free_toal = $localtown_shipping_fare;
+			}
+			//配送时间段间隔
+			$localtown_expected_delivery = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->get_expected_delivery($localtown_dispatchtime);
+			$localtown_modifypickingname = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_modifypickingname');
+			$localtown_modifypickingname = !empty($localtown_modifypickingname) ? $localtown_modifypickingname : '包装费';
+		}
+		//暂时关闭自提代码
+		/**
+		   if(!empty($pick_up))
+		   {
+			   $pick_up = unserialize($pick_up);
+			   $pick_up_ids = implode(',',$pick_up);
+			   $pick_up_arr = M('pick_up')->where( array('id'=>array('in',$pick_up_ids)) )->select();
+		   }
+		   **/
+		$pick_up_name = '';
+		$pick_up_mobile = '';
+		$tuan_send_address = '';
+		$order_note_content = '';
+		$tuan_send_address_info = array();
+		$shop_limit_buy_distance = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_limit_buy_distance');
+		if ($is_ziti >= 1) {
+			//寻找上一个订单的自提电话 自提姓名  
+			$last_order_info = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id, 'delivery' => 'pickup'))->order('order_id desc')->find();
+			if (empty($last_order_info)) {
+				$last_order_info = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id, 'delivery' => 'hexiao'))->order('order_id desc')->find();
+			}
+			if (!empty($last_order_info)) {
+				$pick_up_name = $last_order_info['shipping_name'];
+				$pick_up_mobile = $last_order_info['telephone'];
+				$order_note_content = $last_order_info['note_content'];
+			}
+			//order_note_content
+			$last_tuanz_send_order_info = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->field('tuan_send_address,address_id,note_content,order_id')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id, 'delivery' => 'tuanz_send'))->order('order_id desc')->find();
+			if (!empty($last_tuanz_send_order_info)) {
+				$tuan_send_address = $last_tuanz_send_order_info['tuan_send_address'];
+				if (!empty($last_tuanz_send_order_info['note_content']) && $last_tuanz_send_order_info['order_id'] > $last_order_info['order_id']) {
+					$order_note_content = $last_tuanz_send_order_info['note_content'];
+				}
+				if (!empty($last_tuanz_send_order_info['address_id'])) {
+					if ($shop_limit_buy_distance == 1) {
+						$tuan_send_address_info = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where("address_id=" . $last_tuanz_send_order_info['address_id'] . " and lon_lat != '' ")->find();
+					} else {
+						$tuan_send_address_info = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where("address_id=" . $last_tuanz_send_order_info['address_id'])->find();
+					}
+					if (!empty($tuan_send_address) && !empty($tuan_send_address_info['lon_lat'])) {
+						$province_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($tuan_send_address_info['province_id']); // M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['province_id']) )->find();
+						$city_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($tuan_send_address_info['city_id']); //M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['city_id']) )->find();
+						$country_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($tuan_send_address_info['country_id']); //M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['country_id']) )->find();
+						$tuan_send_address_info['province_name'] = $province_info['name'];
+						$tuan_send_address_info['city_name'] = $city_info['name'];
+						$tuan_send_address_info['country_name'] = $country_info['name'];
+						$tuan_send_address = $tuan_send_address_info['address'];
+					} else {
+						//todo...
+						$tuan_send_address = '';
+					}
+				} else {
+					$tuan_send_address = '';
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		/**
+		 **/
+		/**
+		   tuan_region
+		   store_buy_total_money
+		   **/
+		//open_score_buy_score $shop_limit_buy_distance = load_model_class('front')->get_config_by_name('shop_limit_buy_distance');
+		/**
+		   $delivery_ziti_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_ziti_name');
+		   $delivery_tuanzshipping_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_tuanzshipping_name');
+		   $delivery_diy_sort = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_diy_sort');
+		   if(empty($delivery_diy_sort) || !isset($delivery_diy_sort)) $delivery_diy_sort = '0,1,2';
+		   if( empty($tuan_send_address_info) )
+		   {
+			   $tuan_send_address_info = array();
+		   }
+		   //判断是否预售,给出预售的信息 begin todo
+		   $presale_info = [];
+		   if( $buy_type == 'presale' )
+		   {
+			   // $presale_goods_id
+			   $presale_result = D('Home/PresaleGoods')->getCheckOutPresaleGoodsInfo( $presale_goods_id , $presale_goods_total );
+			   if( $presale_result['code'] == 0 )
+			   {
+				   $presale_info = $presale_result['data'];
+			   }
+		   }
+		   //end
+	   **/
+		$open_score_buy_score = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('open_score_buy_score');
+		if (empty($open_score_buy_score) || $buy_type == 'integral') {
+			$open_score_buy_score = 0;
+		}
+		$score_forbuy_money_maxbi = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('score_forbuy_money_maxbi');
+		if (empty($score_forbuy_money_maxbi)) {
+			$score_forbuy_money_maxbi = 100;
+		}
+		$score_for_money = 0;
+		$bue_use_score = 0;
+		if ($open_score_buy_score == 1) {
+			if ($member_info['score'] > 0) {
+				$score_can_max = $store_buy_total_money - $voucher_price - $reduce_money;
+				//计算能兑换多少钱
+				$score_forbuy_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('score_forbuy_money');
+				//只有兑换比例大于0才能允许兑换
+				if (!empty($score_forbuy_money) && $score_forbuy_money > 0) {
+					$score_for_money = sprintf("%.2f", $member_info['score'] / $score_forbuy_money);
+					if ($score_can_max < $score_for_money) {
+						$score_for_money = $score_can_max;
+						$bue_use_score = floor($score_can_max * $score_forbuy_money);
+						$score_for_money = round($bue_use_score / $score_forbuy_money, 2);
+					}
+					$max_store_buy_total_money = sprintf("%.2f", ($score_forbuy_money_maxbi * $score_can_max) / 100);
+					if ($score_for_money > $max_store_buy_total_money) {
+						$score_for_money = $max_store_buy_total_money;
+						$bue_use_score = floor($max_store_buy_total_money * $score_forbuy_money);
+						$score_for_money = round($bue_use_score / $score_forbuy_money, 2);
+					} else if ($bue_use_score <= $max_store_buy_total_money) {
+						$bue_use_score = floor($score_for_money * $score_forbuy_money);
+						//$bue_use_score = $member_info['score'];
+						if ($bue_use_score > $member_info['score']) {
+							$bue_use_score = floor($member_info['score']);
+						}
+						$score_for_money = round($bue_use_score / $score_forbuy_money, 2);
+					}
+				}
+				//预售
+				//if($buy_type == 'presale'){
+				//	$sum_deduction_money =  $goods[0]["quantity"] * $presale_info['deduction_money'] ;
+				//}	
+			}
+		}
+		//score_forbuy_money score
+		$delivery_ziti_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_ziti_name');
+		$delivery_tuanzshipping_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_tuanzshipping_name');
+		$delivery_diy_sort = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_diy_sort');
+		if (empty($delivery_diy_sort) || !isset($delivery_diy_sort))
+			$delivery_diy_sort = '0,1,2';
+		if (empty($tuan_send_address_info)) {
+			$tuan_send_address_info = array();
+		}
+		//判断是否预售,给出预售的信息 begin todo
+		$presale_info = [];
+		if ($buy_type == 'presale') {
+			// $presale_goods_id
+			$presale_result = D('Home/PresaleGoods')->getCheckOutPresaleGoodsInfo($presale_goods_id, $presale_goods_total);
+			if ($presale_result['code'] == 0) {
+				$presale_info = $presale_result['data'];
+			}
+		}
+		//end
+		$need_data = array();
+		$need_data['code'] = 1;
+		$need_data['open_score_buy_score'] = $open_score_buy_score; //1开启积分抵扣
+		$need_data['score'] = $member_info['score']; //会员持有的积分
+		$need_data['score_for_money'] = $score_for_money; //会员能抵扣的金额
+		$need_data['bue_use_score'] = $bue_use_score; //会员能抵扣的积分数
+		$need_data['delivery_type_ziti'] = $delivery_type_ziti;
+		$need_data['delivery_type_express'] = $delivery_type_express;
+		$need_data['delivery_type_tuanz'] = $delivery_type_tuanz;
+		$need_data['delivery_type_localtown'] = $delivery_type_localtown;
+		$need_data['delvery_type_hexiao'] = $delvery_type_hexiao;
+		$need_data['delivery_express_name'] = $delivery_express_name;
+		$need_data['delivery_ziti_name'] = $delivery_ziti_name;
+		$need_data['delivery_tuanzshipping_name'] = $delivery_tuanzshipping_name;
+		$need_data['delivery_diy_sort'] = $delivery_diy_sort;
+		$need_data['presale_info'] = $presale_info; //预售信息
+		$seller_goodss_keys = array_keys($seller_goodss);
+		$need_data['delivery_tuanz_money'] = round($delivery_tuanz_money * count($seller_goodss_keys), 2);
+		//$need_data['delivery_tuanz_money'] = $delivery_tuanz_money;
+		$need_data['man_free_tuanzshipping'] = empty($man_free_tuanzshipping) ? 0 : $man_free_tuanzshipping; //团长配送,满多少免配送费,0或者为空表示不减免
+		$need_data['man_free_shipping'] = empty($man_free_shipping) ? 0 : $man_free_shipping; //快递配送,满多少免配送费,0或者为空表示不减免
+		$need_data['address'] = $address;
+		$need_data['pick_up_time'] = $pick_up_time;
+		$need_data['pick_up_type'] = $pick_up_type;
+		$need_data['pick_up_weekday'] = $pick_up_weekday;
+		$need_data['is_pin_over'] = $is_pin_over;
+		$need_data['is_integer'] = 0; //$is_no_quan ? 1: 0;
+		$need_data['pick_up_arr'] = $pick_up_arr;
+		$need_data['is_ziti'] = 2;
+		$need_data['ziti_name'] = $pick_up_name;
+		$need_data['ziti_mobile'] = $pick_up_mobile;
+		$need_data['tuan_send_address'] = $tuan_send_address;
+		$need_data['tuan_send_address_info'] = $tuan_send_address_info;
+		$need_data['seller_goodss'] = $seller_goodss;
+		$need_data['show_voucher'] = $show_voucher;
+		$need_data['buy_type'] = $buy_type;
+		$need_data['address'] = $address;
+		$need_data['trans_free_toal'] = $trans_free_toal;
+		$need_data['is_limit_distance_buy'] = 0;
+		$need_data['limit_distance'] = 100; //km
+		$need_data['is_member_level_buy'] = $is_member_level_buy; //km
+		$need_data['level_save_money'] = $level_save_money; //km
+		//begin
+		$need_data['localtown_shipping_fare'] = $localtown_shipping_fare; //同城配送配送费
+		$need_data['pickingup_fare'] = $picking_fare; //包装费
+		$need_data['localtown_dispatchtime'] = $localtown_dispatchtime; //预计一共需要配送多少分钟
+		$need_data['picking_fare_arr'] = $picking_fare_arr;
+		$need_data['localtown_shipping_fare_arr'] = $localtown_shipping_fare_arr;
+		$need_data['localtown_expected_delivery'] = $localtown_expected_delivery;
+		//end
+		$need_data['is_vip_card_member'] = $is_vip_card_member; //km
+		$need_data['vipcard_save_money'] = $vipcard_save_money; //km
+		$need_data['is_open_vipcard_buy'] = $is_open_vipcard_buy; //km
+		if (!empty($shop_limit_buy_distance) && $shop_limit_buy_distance == 1) {
+			$latitude = 0;
+			$longitude = 0;
+			if (!empty($tuan_send_address_info) && !empty($tuan_send_address_info['lon_lat'])) {
+				//lon_lat
+				$lon_lat_arr = explode(',', $tuan_send_address_info['lon_lat']);
+				$longitude = $lon_lat_arr[0];
+				$latitude = $lon_lat_arr[1];
+			}
+			if (isset($gpc['latitude']) && !empty($gpc['latitude'])) {
+				$latitude = $gpc['latitude'];
+			}
+			if (isset($gpc['longitude']) && !empty($gpc['longitude'])) {
+				$longitude = $gpc['longitude'];
+			}
+			if (!empty($latitude) && !empty($longitude)) {
+				$shop_buy_distance = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_buy_distance');
+				$shop_buy_distance = $shop_buy_distance * 1000;
+				$community_info = M('lionfish_community_head')->field('lon,lat')->where(array('id' => $community_id))->find();
+				$distince = D('Seller/Communityhead')->GetDistance($longitude, $latitude, $community_info['lon'], $community_info['lat']);
+				$need_data['current_distance'] = $distince;
+				$need_data['shop_buy_distance'] = $shop_buy_distance;
+				if ($distince > $shop_buy_distance) {
+					$need_data['is_limit_distance_buy'] = 1;
+					$need_data['limit_distance'] = $distince / 1000;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		$need_data['reduce_money'] = $reduce_money;
+		$need_data['is_open_fullreduction'] = $is_open_fullreduction;
+		$need_data['cha_reduce_money'] = $cha_reduce_money;
+		$need_data['is_man_delivery_tuanz_fare'] = $is_man_delivery_tuanz_fare; //是否达到满xx减团长配送费
+		$need_data['fare_man_delivery_tuanz_fare_money'] = $fare_man_delivery_tuanz_fare_money; //达到满xx减团长配送费, 减了多少钱
+		$need_data['is_man_shipping_fare'] = $is_man_shipping_fare; //是否达到满xx减运费
+		$need_data['fare_man_shipping_fare_money'] = $fare_man_shipping_fare_money; //达到满xx减运费,司机减了多少运费
+		$dispatching = isset($gpc['dispatching']) ? $gpc['dispatching'] : 'pickup';
+		//is_ziti == 2
+		if ($dispatching == 'express') {
+			$need_data['total_free'] = $total_free + $trans_free_toal - $voucher_price - $reduce_money;
+		} else if ($dispatching == 'localtown_delivery') {
+			$need_data['total_free'] = $total_free + $localtown_shipping_fare + $picking_fare - $voucher_price - $reduce_money;
+		} else {
+			$need_data['total_free'] = $total_free - $voucher_price - $reduce_money;
+		}
+		if ($is_ziti == 2) {
+			$need_data['total_free'] = $total_free - $voucher_price - $reduce_money;
+		}
+		//积分兑换 不算总金额,但是算总积分
+		if ($buy_type == 'integral') {
+			$need_data['total_free'] = $trans_free_toal;
+			$need_data['total_integral'] = $total_free;
+		}
+		if ($need_data['total_free'] < 0) {
+			$need_data['total_free'] = 0;
+		}
+		//判断是否可以余额支付
+		//暂时关闭 会员余额功能
+		/**
+		   $is_yue_open_info =	M('config')->where( array('name' => 'is_yue_open') )->find();
+		   $is_yue_open =  $is_yue_open_info['value'];
+		   **/
+		$is_yue_open = 0;
+		$is_yue_open = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_yue_pay');
+		if (empty($is_yue_open)) {
+			$is_yue_open = 0;
+		}
+		$need_data['is_yue_open'] = $is_yue_open;
+		$need_data['can_yupay'] = 0;
+		//暂时关闭 会员余额功能
+		if ($is_yue_open == 1 && $need_data['total_free'] >= 0 && $member_info['account_money'] >= $need_data['total_free']) {
+			$need_data['can_yupay'] = 1;
+		}
+		//前端隐藏 团长信息
+		$index_hide_headdetail_address = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('index_hide_headdetail_address');
+		if (empty($index_hide_headdetail_address)) {
+			$index_hide_headdetail_address = 0;
+		}
+		$need_data['index_hide_headdetail_address'] = $index_hide_headdetail_address;
+		//订单留言
+		$is_open_order_message = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_order_message');
+		$need_data['yu_money'] = $member_info['account_money'];
+		$need_data['goods'] = $goods;
+		$need_data['is_open_order_message'] = $is_open_order_message;
+		$need_data['is_zero_opentuan'] = 0;
+		//拼团特殊情况0元开团
+		if ($buy_type == 'pintuan' && $is_zero_buy == 1) {
+			//$need_data['total_free'] = 0;
+			//$need_data['trans_free_toal'] = 0;
+			//$need_data['is_zero_opentuan'] = 1;
+		}
+		//订阅消息begin
+		$is_need_subscript = 0;
+		$need_subscript_template = array();
+		//'pay_order','send_order','hexiao_success','apply_community','open_tuan','take_tuan','pin_tuansuccess','apply_tixian'
+		//$member_id
+		if ($buy_type == 'pintuan') {
+			//pin_tuansuccess
+			//send_order  parameter[weprogram_subtemplate_pin_tuansuccess]
+			//hexiao_success
+			$pin_tuansuccess_info = M('lionfish_comshop_subscribe')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id, 'type' => 'pin_tuansuccess'))->find();
+			//if( empty($pin_tuansuccess_info) )
+			//{
+			$weprogram_subtemplate_pin_tuansuccess = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('weprogram_subtemplate_pin_tuansuccess');
+			if (!empty($weprogram_subtemplate_pin_tuansuccess)) {
+				$need_subscript_template['pin_tuansuccess'] = $weprogram_subtemplate_pin_tuansuccess;
+			}
+			//}
+		} else {
+			//pay_order
+			$pay_order_info = M('lionfish_comshop_subscribe')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id, 'type' => 'pay_order'))->find();
+			//if( empty($pay_order_info) )
+			//{
+			$weprogram_subtemplate_pay_order = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('weprogram_subtemplate_pay_order');
+			if (!empty($weprogram_subtemplate_pay_order)) {
+				$need_subscript_template['pay_order'] = $weprogram_subtemplate_pay_order;
+			}
+			//}
+		}
+		//send_order
+		$send_order_info = M('lionfish_comshop_subscribe')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id, 'type' => 'send_order'))->find();
+		//if( empty($send_order_info) )
+		//{
+		$weprogram_subtemplate_send_order = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('weprogram_subtemplate_send_order');
+		if (!empty($weprogram_subtemplate_send_order)) {
+			$need_subscript_template['send_order'] = $weprogram_subtemplate_send_order;
+		}
+		//}
+		//hexiao_success
+		$hexiao_success_info = M('lionfish_comshop_subscribe')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id, 'type' => 'hexiao_success'))->find();
+		//if( empty($hexiao_success_info) )
+		//{
+		$weprogram_subtemplate_hexiao_success = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('weprogram_subtemplate_hexiao_success');
+		if (!empty($weprogram_subtemplate_hexiao_success)) {
+			$need_subscript_template['hexiao_success'] = $weprogram_subtemplate_hexiao_success;
+		}
+		//}
+		if (!empty($need_subscript_template)) {
+			$is_need_subscript = 1;
+		}
+		//下单万能表单
+		$need_data['allform'] = D('Home/Allform')->getOrderForms();
+		//判断是否使用货到付款
+		$cashondelivery_data = D('Home/Front')->getCashonDeliveryAction($buy_type, $seller_goodss);
+		$need_data['cashondelivery_data'] = $cashondelivery_data;
+		//订阅消息end
+		$need_data['is_need_subscript'] = $is_need_subscript;
+		$need_data['need_subscript_template'] = $need_subscript_template;
+		//订单提交页面备注信息
+		$order_note_open = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('order_note_open');
+		$order_note_open = isset($order_note_open) && $order_note_open == 1 ? 1 : 0;
+		$order_note_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('order_note_name');
+		$order_note_name = !isset($order_note_name) || empty($order_note_name) ? '店名' : $order_note_name;
+		$need_data['order_note_open'] = $order_note_open; //开启下单页面备注,仅 自提跟 团长配送时需要
+		$need_data['order_note_name'] = $order_note_name; //备注名称,默认是店名
+		$need_data['order_note_content'] = $order_note_content; //备注名称,默认是店名
+		$need_data['localtown_modifypickingname'] = $localtown_modifypickingname; //备注名称,默认是店名
+		//配送费类型:0、固定金额,1、按距离收取
+		$localtown_delivery_moneytype = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_delivery_moneytype');
+		//起送价格
+		$localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney');
+		//达到金额免配送费
+		$localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney');
+		//加价配送
+		$localtown_makeup_delivery_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_makeup_delivery_money');
+		//1、固定金额,订单价格超过起送价格 无加价配送费,2、按距离收取 无加价配送费 3、固定金额,起送价格为0 无加价配送费
+		if (($localtown_delivery_moneytype == 0 && ($localtown_shipping_fare_arr[0]['is_can_qisong'] == 1 || $localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney == 0)) || $localtown_delivery_moneytype == 1) {
+			$localtown_makeup_delivery_money = 0;
+		} else {
+			$localtown_makeup_delivery_money = 0;
+		}
+		$need_data['localtown_delivery_moneytype'] = $localtown_delivery_moneytype;
+		$need_data['localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney'] = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney;
+		$need_data['localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney'] = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney;
+		$need_data['localtown_makeup_delivery_money'] = $localtown_makeup_delivery_money;
+		$need_data['order_lou_meng_hao'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('order_lou_meng_hao');
+		$need_data['order_lou_meng_hao_placeholder'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('order_lou_meng_hao_placeholder');
+		echo json_encode($need_data);
+		die();
+	}
+	public function sub_order()
+	{
+		$gpc = I('request.');
+		$buy_type = isset($gpc['buy_type']) ? $gpc['buy_type'] : 'dan';
+		$token = $gpc['token'];
+		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where(array('token' => $token))->find();
+		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
+		$pintuan_model_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('pintuan_model_buy');
+		$allform_id = $gpc['allform_id'];
+		$allform_list = $gpc['allform_list'];
+		if (empty($pintuan_model_buy) || $pintuan_model_buy == 0) {
+			$pintuan_model_buy = 0;
+		}
+		$is_open_vipcard_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_vipcard_buy');
+		$is_open_vipcard_buy = !empty($is_open_vipcard_buy) && $is_open_vipcard_buy == 1 ? 1 : 0;
+		$is_vip_card_member = 0;
+		$is_member_level_buy = 0;
+		if ($member_id > 0) {
+			$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->find();
+			if (!empty($is_open_vipcard_buy) && $is_open_vipcard_buy == 1) {
+				$now_time = time();
+				if ($member_info['card_id'] > 0 && $member_info['card_end_time'] > $now_time) {
+					$is_vip_card_member = 1; //还是会员
+				} else if ($member_info['card_id'] > 0 && $member_info['card_end_time'] < $now_time) {
+					$is_vip_card_member = 2; //已过期
+				}
+			}
+			if ($is_vip_card_member != 1 && $member_info['level_id'] > 0) {
+				$is_member_level_buy = 1;
+			}
+		}
+		if ($buy_type == 'presale') {
+			$is_vip_card_member = 0;
+			$is_member_level_buy = 0;
+		}
+		//use_score = 1
+		$use_score = isset($gpc['use_score']) ? intval($gpc['use_score']) : 0;
+		$puis_not_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('puis_not_buy');
+		if (!empty($puis_not_buy) && $puis_not_buy == 1) {
+			$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('level_id')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->find();
+			if ($member_info['level_id'] == 0) {
+				echo json_encode(array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '普通会员不能购买'));
+				die();
+			}
+		}
+		//$buy_type == 'presale'
+		$data_s = array();
+		$data_s['pay_method'] = $gpc['wxpay'];
+		$data_s['buy_type'] = isset($gpc['buy_type']) ? $gpc['buy_type'] : 'dan';
+		$data_s['pick_up_id'] = $gpc['pick_up_id'];
+		$data_s['dispatching'] = $gpc['dispatching'];
+		$order_note_open = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('order_note_open');
+		if ($order_note_open == 1) {
+			$data_s['note_content'] = $gpc['note_content'];
+		} else {
+			$data_s['note_content'] = '';
+		}
+		$data_s['soli_id'] = isset($gpc['soli_id']) ? intval($gpc['soli_id']) : 0;
+		if ($data_s['dispatching'] != 'express' && empty($data_s['pick_up_id'])) {
+			$last_community = M('lionfish_community_history')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->order('id desc')->find();
+			if (!empty($last_community)) {
+				$data_s['pick_up_id'] = $last_community['head_id'];
+			}
+			//$data_s['pick_up_id']
+		}
+		//礼品卡不用配送地址begin
+		if ($data_s['buy_type'] == 'virtualcard') {
+			$data_s['dispatching'] = 'express';
+			$data_s['address_id'] = 0;
+		}
+		//end
+		if ($data_s['buy_type'] == 'dan' || $data_s['buy_type'] == 'soitaire' || $data_s['buy_type'] == 'presale' || ($pintuan_model_buy == 1 && $data_s['buy_type'] != 'dan' && $data_s['buy_type'] != 'integral')) {
+			D('Seller/Community')->in_community_history($member_id, $data_s['pick_up_id']);
+		}
+		//'express'  快递, 'pickup'  自提, 'tuanz_send'  团长配送)   tuan_send_address 
+		$data_s['ziti_name'] = $gpc['ziti_name'];
+		$data_s['quan_arr'] = $gpc['quan_arr'];
+		$data_s['comment'] = $gpc['comment'];
+		$data_s['ziti_mobile'] = $gpc['ziti_mobile'];
+		$data_s['tuan_send_address'] = $gpc['tuan_send_address'];
+		$data_s['ck_yupay'] = $gpc['ck_yupay'];
+		//是否货到付款
+		$data_s['cashon_delivery'] = $gpc['cashon_delivery'];
+		$data_s['province_name'] = isset($gpc['province_name']) ? $gpc['province_name'] : '';
+		$data_s['city_name'] = isset($gpc['city_name']) ? $gpc['city_name'] : '';
+		$data_s['country_name'] = isset($gpc['country_name']) ? $gpc['country_name'] : '';
+		$data_s['address_name'] = isset($gpc['address_name']) ? $gpc['address_name'] : '';
+		$data_s['latitude'] = isset($gpc['latitude']) ? $gpc['latitude'] : '';
+		$data_s['longitude'] = isset($gpc['longitude']) ? $gpc['longitude'] : '';
+		$data_s['lou_meng_hao'] = isset($gpc['lou_meng_hao']) ? $gpc['lou_meng_hao'] : '';
+		$data_s['expected_delivery_time'] = isset($gpc['expected_delivery_time']) ? $gpc['expected_delivery_time'] : '';
+		//$data_s['tuan_send_address'] .= $data_s['lou_meng_hao'];
+		//$data_s['tuan_send_address'] .= $data_s['lou_meng_hao'];
+		//tuan_send_address
+		$province_name = isset($data_s['province_name']) ? $data_s['province_name'] : '';
+		$city_name = isset($data_s['city_name']) ? $data_s['city_name'] : '';
+		$country_name = isset($data_s['country_name']) ? $data_s['country_name'] : '';
+		$address_name = isset($data_s['address_name']) ? $data_s['address_name'] : '';
+		//判断配送距离
+		/*if($data_s['dispatching'] == 'localtown_delivery'){
+			   //服务距离
+			   $localtown_servvice_maxdistance =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_servvice_maxdistance');
+			   //商家经纬度
+			   $localtown_shop_lon =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_shop_lon');
+			   $localtown_shop_lat =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_shop_lat');
+			   $distince = D('Seller/Communityhead')->GetDistance($data_s['longitude'],$data_s['latitude'], $localtown_shop_lon, $localtown_shop_lat);
+			   $distince = round($distince/1000,2);
+			   if($distince > $localtown_servvice_maxdistance){
+				   //echo json_encode( array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '超出服务距离'.$localtown_servvice_maxdistance.'KM') );
+				   echo json_encode( array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '您与商家的距离过远,商家的配送范围是'.$localtown_servvice_maxdistance.'KM内') );
+				   die();
+			   }
+		   }*/
+		$json = array();
+		$pay_method = $data_s['pay_method']; //支付类型
+		$order_msg_str = $data_s['order_msg_str']; //商品订单留言
+		$comment = $data_s['comment']; //商品订单留言
+		$comment_arr = array();
+		if (!empty($data_s['comment'])) {
+			$comment_arr1 = explode('@EOF@', $data_s['comment']);
+			foreach ($comment_arr1 as $var) {
+				$count = substr_count($var, '_');
+				$a = explode('_', $var);
+				for ($i = 1; $i < $count; $i++) {
+					$comment_arr[$a[$i]] = $a[$count];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		$pick_up_id = $data_s['pick_up_id'];
+		$dispatching = $data_s['dispatching'];
+		$ziti_name = $data_s['ziti_name'];
+		$ziti_mobile = $data_s['ziti_mobile'];
+		//新增快递
+		$province_name = isset($data_s['province_name']) ? $data_s['province_name'] : '';
+		$city_name = isset($data_s['city_name']) ? $data_s['city_name'] : '';
+		$country_name = isset($data_s['country_name']) ? $data_s['country_name'] : '';
+		$address_name = isset($data_s['address_name']) ? $data_s['address_name'] : '';
+		$ck_yupay = $data_s['ck_yupay'];
+		$cashon_delivery = $data_s['cashon_delivery'];
+		if ($dispatching == 'express') {
+			$data_s['address_id'] = $this->_add_address($token, $ziti_name, $ziti_mobile, $province_name, $city_name, $country_name, $address_name);
+		} else if ($dispatching == 'localtown_delivery') {
+			$data_s['address_id'] = $this->_add_address($token, $ziti_name, $ziti_mobile, $province_name, $city_name, $country_name, $address_name, $data_s['latitude'], $data_s['longitude'], $data_s['lou_meng_hao']);
+		} else if ($dispatching == 'tuanz_send') {
+			$data_s['address_id'] = $this->_add_address($token, $ziti_name, $ziti_mobile, $province_name, $city_name, $country_name, $data_s['tuan_send_address'], $data_s['latitude'], $data_s['longitude'], $data_s['lou_meng_hao']);
+			$data_s['tuan_send_address'] .= $data_s['lou_meng_hao'];
+		}
+		/**
+		   pick_up_id: that.data.pick_up_id,
+		   dispatching: that.data.dispatching, //express  pickup
+		   ziti_name: t_ziti_name,
+		   ziti_mobile: t_ziti_mobile
+		   **/
+		$order_msg_arr = explode('@,@', $order_msg_str);
+		$quan_arr = $data_s['quan_arr']; //商品订单留言
+		$order_quan_arr = array();
+		if (!empty($quan_arr)) {
+			if (!is_array($quan_arr)) {
+				$quan_arr = array($quan_arr);
+			}
+			foreach ($quan_arr as $q_val) {
+				$tmp_q = array();
+				$tmp_q = explode('_', $q_val);
+				$voucher_info = M('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list')->where("consume='N' and id=" . $tmp_q[1] . " and user_id=" . $member_id . " and end_time >" . time())->find();
+				if (!empty($voucher_info)) {
+					//$order_quan_arr[$tmp_q[0]] = $tmp_q[1];
+					$order_quan_arr[1] = $tmp_q[1];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		$msg_arr = array();
+		foreach ($order_msg_arr as $val) {
+			$tmp_val = explode('@_@', $val);
+			$msg_arr[$tmp_val[0]] = $tmp_val[1];
+		}
+		$cart = D('Home/Car');
+		// 验证商品数量
+		//buy_type:buy_type
+		$buy_type = $data_s['buy_type']; //I('post.buy_type');
+		$is_pin = 0;
+		if ($buy_type == 'pintuan') {
+			$is_pin = 1;
+		}
+		$goodss = $cart->get_all_goodswecar($buy_type, $token, 1, $data_s['pick_up_id'], $data_s['soli_id']);
+		//付款人
+		$payment = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->find();
+		//收货人
+		$addr_param = array();
+		$addr_param[':uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid'];
+		$addr_param[':member_id'] = $member_id;
+		//$addr_sql = "select * from ".tablename('lionfish_comshop_address')." where uniacid=:uniacid and member_id=:member_id order by  is_default desc,address_id desc limit 1";
+		//$address = pdo_fetch($addr_sql, $addr_param);
+		$seller_goodss = array();
+		/** 计算每个订单的优惠券占比begin */
+		$zanbi_total_money = 0;
+		//是否需要校验ticket 交易组件
+		$scene = $gpc['scene'];
+		$is_need_scene_check = 0;
+		if (!empty($scene)) {
+			$is_need_scene_check = D('Seller/MpModifyTradeComponts')->sceneCheck($scene);
+		}
+		foreach ($goodss as $key => $val) {
+			//单商户先屏蔽
+			//$goods_store_field =  M('goods')->field('store_id')->where( array('goods_id' => $val['goods_id']) )->find();
+			$supply_id = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_supply_id($val['goods_id']);
+			if ($supply_id > 0) {
+				$supply_info = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_info($supply_id);
+				if ($supply_info['type'] == 0) {
+					$supply_id = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			if ($data_s['dispatching'] == 'localtown_delivery') {
+				if ($supply_id > 0) {
+					$isopen_localtown_delivery = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('isopen_localtown_delivery', $supply_id);
+					if ($isopen_localtown_delivery == 1) {
+						//服务距离
+						$localtown_servvice_maxdistance = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('localtown_servvice_maxdistance', $supply_id);
+						//商家经纬度
+						$localtown_shop_lon = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('localtown_shop_lon', $supply_id);
+						$localtown_shop_lat = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('localtown_shop_lat', $supply_id);
+						$distince = D('Seller/Communityhead')->GetDistance($data_s['longitude'], $data_s['latitude'], $localtown_shop_lon, $localtown_shop_lat);
+						$distince = round($distince / 1000, 2);
+						if ($distince > $localtown_servvice_maxdistance) {
+							echo json_encode(array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '您与商家的距离过远,商家的配送范围是' . $localtown_servvice_maxdistance . 'KM内'));
+							die();
+						}
+					}
+				} else {
+					//服务距离
+					$localtown_servvice_maxdistance = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_servvice_maxdistance');
+					//商家经纬度
+					$localtown_shop_lon = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_shop_lon');
+					$localtown_shop_lat = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_shop_lat');
+					$distince = D('Seller/Communityhead')->GetDistance($data_s['longitude'], $data_s['latitude'], $localtown_shop_lon, $localtown_shop_lat);
+					$distince = round($distince / 1000, 2);
+					if ($distince > $localtown_servvice_maxdistance) {
+						echo json_encode(array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '您与商家的距离过远,商家的配送范围是' . $localtown_servvice_maxdistance . 'KM内'));
+						die();
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			$seller_goodss[$supply_id][$key] = $val;
+			//$cart->removecar($val['key'],$token);
+			if ($is_vip_card_member == 1 && $val['is_take_vipcard'] == 1) {
+				$zanbi_total_money += $val['card_total'];
+			} else if ($val['is_mb_level_buy'] > 0 && $is_member_level_buy == 1) {
+				$zanbi_total_money += $val['level_total'];
+			} else if ($val['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $member_info['level_id'] > 0) {
+				$zanbi_total_money += $val['level_total'];
+			} else {
+				$zanbi_total_money += $val['total'];
+			}
+			//检测是否场景符合begin
+			if ($is_need_scene_check == 1) {
+				if ($val['isTradeComponts'] == 0) {
+					echo json_encode(array('code' => 2, 'msg' => $val['name'] . ':未提交小程序交易组件'));
+					die();
+				}
+			}
+			//检测是否场景符合end
+		}
+		//判断是否可以货到付款
+		if ($cashon_delivery == 1) {
+			$cashondelivery_data = D('Home/Front')->getCashonDeliveryAction($buy_type, $seller_goodss);
+			if ($cashondelivery_data['isopen_cashondelivery'] == 1) {
+				if ($dispatching == 'express' && $cashondelivery_data['isopen_cashondelivery_express'] == 0) {
+					echo json_encode(array('code' => 3, 'msg' => '货到付款未开启'));
+					die();
+				} else if ($dispatching == 'tuanz_send' && $cashondelivery_data['isopen_cashondelivery_communityhead'] == 0) {
+					echo json_encode(array('code' => 3, 'msg' => '货到付款未开启'));
+					die();
+				} else if ($dispatching == 'localtown_delivery' && $cashondelivery_data['isopen_cashondelivery_localtown'] == 0) {
+					echo json_encode(array('code' => 3, 'msg' => '货到付款未开启'));
+					die();
+				} else if ($dispatching == 'hexiao' && $cashondelivery_data['isopen_cashondelivery_hexiao'] == 0) {
+					echo json_encode(array('code' => 3, 'msg' => '货到付款未开启'));
+					die();
+				} else if ($dispatching == 'pickup' && $cashondelivery_data['isopen_cashondelivery_ziti'] == 0) {
+					echo json_encode(array('code' => 3, 'msg' => '货到付款未开启'));
+					die();
+				}
+			} else {
+				echo json_encode(array('code' => 3, 'msg' => '货到付款未开启'));
+				die();
+			}
+		}
+		//....看看有没有满多少才能下单begin
+		$open_man_orderbuy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('open_man_orderbuy');
+		$man_orderbuy_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_orderbuy_money');
+		//pindan (拼团商品单独购买)   pintuan (拼团)
+		if ($buy_type == 'pintuan' || $buy_type == 'pindan' || $buy_type == 'integral') {
+			$open_man_orderbuy = 0;
+		}
+		if (!empty($open_man_orderbuy) && $open_man_orderbuy == 1) {
+			if (!empty($man_orderbuy_money) && $man_orderbuy_money > 0) {
+				if ($man_orderbuy_money > $zanbi_total_money) {
+					echo json_encode(array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '满' . $man_orderbuy_money . '元才可以下单', 'is_forb' => 1));
+					die();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		//....看看有没有满多少才能下单end
+		//清除购物车
+		foreach ($goodss as $key => $val) {
+			$cart->removecar($val['key'], $token);
+		}
+		/** 计算每个订单的优惠券占比end */
+		$pay_total = 0;
+		//M('order_all')
+		$order_all_data = array();
+		$order_all_data['member_id'] = $member_id;
+		$order_all_data['order_num_alias'] = build_order_no($member_id);
+		$order_all_data['transaction_id'] = '';
+		$order_all_data['order_status_id'] = 3;
+		$order_all_data['is_pin'] = $is_pin;
+		$order_all_data['paytime'] = 0;
+		$order_all_data['addtime'] = time();
+		$order_all_id = M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->add($order_all_data);
+		//暂时屏蔽积分商城模块
+		$integral_model = D('Home/Integral');
+		$order_ids_arr = array();
+		$del_integral = 0;
+		if (($buy_type == 'pintuan' || $buy_type == 'pindan') && $pintuan_model_buy == 0) {
+			$community_info = array();
+			$community_detail_info = array();
+		} else if ($buy_type == 'integral') {
+			$community_info = array();
+			$community_detail_info = array();
+		} else if (($buy_type == 'pintuan' || $buy_type == 'pindan') && $pintuan_model_buy == 1) {
+			$community_info = M('lionfish_community_head')->where(array('id' => $data_s['pick_up_id']))->find();
+			$community_detail_info = D('Home/Front')->get_community_byid($data_s['pick_up_id']);
+		} else {
+			$community_info = M('lionfish_community_head')->where(array('id' => $data_s['pick_up_id']))->find();
+			$community_detail_info = D('Home/Front')->get_community_byid($data_s['pick_up_id']);
+		}
+		$address_info = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where(array('address_id' => $data_s['address_id']))->find();
+		$is_open_fullreduction = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_fullreduction');
+		$full_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_money');
+		$full_reducemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_reducemoney');
+		$man_free_tuanzshipping = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_free_tuanzshipping');
+		$man_free_shipping = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_free_shipping');
+		if (empty($man_free_tuanzshipping)) {
+			$man_free_tuanzshipping = 0;
+		}
+		if (empty($man_free_shipping)) {
+			$man_free_shipping = 0;
+		}
+		if (empty($full_reducemoney) || $full_reducemoney <= 0) {
+			$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
+		}
+		if (($buy_type == 'pintuan' || $buy_type == 'pindan') && $pintuan_model_buy == 0) {
+			$man_free_tuanzshipping = 0;
+			$man_free_shipping = 0;
+			$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
+		} else if ($buy_type == 'integral') {
+			$man_free_tuanzshipping = 0;
+			$man_free_shipping = 0;
+			$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
+		} else if (($buy_type == 'pintuan' || $buy_type == 'pindan') && $pintuan_model_buy == 1) {
+			$man_free_shipping = 0;
+			$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
+		}
+		//预售不参与满减
+		if ($buy_type == 'presale') {
+			$man_free_tuanzshipping = 0;
+			$man_free_shipping = 0;
+			$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
+		}
+		$is_moban = false;
+		$cart = D('Home/Car');
+		$is_just_1 = 0;
+		$index_comment = 0;
+		$pay_goods_name = "";
+		$store_buy_total_money = 0;
+		$open_score_buy_score = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('open_score_buy_score');
+		$score_for_money = 0; //use_score
+		if ($buy_type == 'integral') {
+			$open_score_buy_score = 0;
+		}
+		//预售不参与积分抵扣
+		if ($open_score_buy_score == 1 && $use_score == 1 && $payment['score'] > 0 && $buy_type != 'presale') {
+			//计算能兑换多少钱
+			$score_forbuy_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('score_forbuy_money');
+			//只有兑换比例大于0才能允许兑换
+			if (!empty($score_forbuy_money) && $score_forbuy_money > 0) {
+				$score_for_money = sprintf('%.2f', $payment['score'] / $score_forbuy_money);
+			}
+		}
+		foreach ($seller_goodss as $kk => $vv) {
+			$is_just_1++;
+			$data = array();
+			$data['member_id'] = $member_id;
+			$data['name'] = $payment['username'];
+			$data['use_score'] = $use_score; //是否使用积分抵扣
+			$data['telephone'] = $data_s['ziti_mobile'];
+			$data['note_content'] = $data_s['note_content'];
+			$data['shipping_name'] = $data_s['ziti_name'];
+			$data['shipping_tel'] = $data_s['ziti_mobile'];
+			if ($dispatching == 'express' || $dispatching == 'tuanz_send' || $dispatching == 'localtown_delivery') {
+				$data['shipping_address'] = $address_info['address'];
+				$data['shipping_province_id'] = $address_info['province_id'];
+				$data['shipping_city_id'] = $address_info['city_id'];
+				$data['shipping_stree_id'] = 0;
+				$data['shipping_country_id'] = $address_info['country_id'];
+			} else {
+				$data['shipping_address'] = $community_detail_info['fullAddress'];
+				$data['shipping_province_id'] = $community_info['province_id'];
+				$data['shipping_city_id'] = $community_info['city_id'];
+				$data['shipping_stree_id'] = $community_info['country_id'];
+				$data['shipping_country_id'] = $community_info['area_id'];
+			}
+			$data['shipping_method'] = 0;
+			$data['delivery'] = $dispatching;
+			$data['pick_up_id'] = $pick_up_id;
+			$data['ziti_name'] = $community_info['head_name'];
+			$data['ziti_mobile'] = $community_info['head_mobile'];
+			$data['payment_method'] = $pay_method;
+			$data['address_id'] = $data_s['address_id'];
+			$data['voucher_id'] = isset($order_quan_arr[1]) ? $order_quan_arr[1] : 0; //目前都是平台券
+			$data['user_agent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
+			$data['date_added'] = time();
+			$subject = '';
+			$fare = 0;
+			$order_total = 0;
+			$trans_free_toal = 0; //运费
+			$is_localtown_free_shipping_fare = 0;
+			$localtown_shipping_fare_total = 0; //同城配送费
+			$localtown_free_shipping_fare = 0; //满减的同城配送费用
+			$reduce_money = 0;
+			$man_total_free = 0;
+			$score_buy_money = 0;
+			$is_lottery = 0;
+			$is_integral = 0;
+			$is_spike = 0;
+			$is_hexiao = 0;
+			$total_weight = 0;
+			$total_quantity = 0;
+			$redis_has_add_list = array();
+			$is_free_shipping_fare = 0; //是否免除运费
+			$order_goods_total_money = 0;
+			$goods_data = array();
+			$is_moban = false;
+			//comment_arr comment_arr
+			$packing_fare = 0;
+			$iscan_fu_packing = 1;
+			if ('localtown_delivery' == $dispatching) {
+				$tmp_sellergd = array($kk => array('goods' => $vv));
+				$town_address = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where(array('address_id' => $data_s['address_id']))->find();
+				list($lon, $lat) = explode(",", $town_address['lon_lat']);
+				$localtown_shippingfare_arr = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->calc_shipping_fare($lon, $lat, $tmp_sellergd);
+				$trans_free_toal = $localtown_shippingfare_arr['total_shipping_fare'];
+				$localtown_shipping_fare_total = $trans_free_toal;
+				$packing_fare_arr = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->calc_packing_money(array($kk => array('goods' => $vv)));
+				$packing_fare = $packing_fare_arr['total_picking_fare'];
+				$localtown_shipping_fare = $localtown_shippingfare_arr['total_shipping_fare'];
+				$localtown_yl_shipping_fare = $localtown_shippingfare_arr['total_yl_shipping_fare'];
+				if ($localtown_shipping_fare != $localtown_yl_shipping_fare && $localtown_shipping_fare == 0) {
+					$is_localtown_free_shipping_fare = 1;
+					$localtown_free_shipping_fare = $localtown_shippingfare_arr['total_yl_shipping_fare'];
+				}
+				$data['localtown_add_shipping_fare'] = $localtown_shippingfare_arr[$kk]['localtown_add_shipping_fare'];
+			}
+			$data['expected_delivery_time'] = $data_s['expected_delivery_time'];
+			$data['packing_fare'] = floatval($packing_fare);
+			foreach ($vv as $key => $good) {
+				if ($kk == 0) {
+					if ($is_vip_card_member == 1 && $good['is_take_vipcard'] == 1) {
+						$store_buy_total_money += $good['card_total'];
+					} else if ($good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $member_info['level_id'] > 0) {
+						$store_buy_total_money += $good['level_total'];
+					} else {
+						$store_buy_total_money += $good['total'];
+					}
+				}
+				/**
+						 if($good['shipping']==1)
+						 {
+							 //统一运费
+							 $trans_free_toal += $good['goods_freight'];
+							 $trans_free = $good['goods_freight'];
+						 }else {
+							 //运费模板
+							 $trans_free = load_model_class('transport')->calc_transport($good['transport_id'], $good['quantity'], $good['quantity']*$good['weight'], $address['city_id'] );
+							 //$trans_free = D('Home/Transport')->calc_transport($good['transport_id'], $good['quantity']*$good['weight'], $address['city_id'] );
+							 $trans_free_toal +=$trans_free;
+						 }
+						 **/
+				$trans_free = 0;
+				//$trans_free_toal +=$trans_free;
+				//sku_str 
+				if ($is_vip_card_member == 1 && $good['is_take_vipcard'] == 1) {
+					$order_goods_total_money += $good['card_total'];
+					$order_total += $good['card_total'];
+				} else if ($good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $member_info['level_id'] > 0) {
+					$order_goods_total_money += $good['level_total'];
+					$order_total += $good['level_total'];
+				} else {
+					$order_goods_total_money += $good['total'];
+					$order_total += $good['total'];
+				}
+				$tp_goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('type')->where(array('id' => $good['goods_id']))->find();
+				$tp_goods_info['store_id'] = 1;
+				if ($tp_goods_info['type'] == 'lottery') {
+					$is_lottery = 1;
+				}
+				if ($tp_goods_info['type'] == 'spike') {
+					$is_spike = 1;
+					$is_pin = 0;
+				}
+				//暂时屏蔽积分商城模块
+				if ($tp_goods_info['type'] == 'integral') {
+					$is_integral = 1;
+					$is_pin = 0;
+					$check_result = $integral_model->check_user_score_can_pay($member_id, $good['sku_str'], $good['goods_id']);
+					if ($check_result['code'] == 1) {
+						echo json_encode(array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '剩余' . $check_result['cur_score'] . '积分,积分不足!', 'is_forb' => 1));
+						die();
+					}
+				}
+				//is_hexiao is_only_express
+				if ($good['is_only_express'] == 2) {
+					$is_hexiao = 2;
+					$is_pin = 0;
+				}
+				if ($good['shipping'] == 0) {
+					$is_moban = true;
+					//统一运费
+					$total_weight += $good['weight'] * $good['quantity'];
+					$total_quantity += $good['quantity'];
+				}
+				$fenbi_li = 1;
+				if ($zanbi_total_money > 0) {
+					if ($is_vip_card_member == 1 && $good['is_take_vipcard'] == 1) {
+						$fenbi_li = round($good['card_total'] / $zanbi_total_money, 2);
+					} else if ($good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $member_info['level_id'] > 0) {
+						$fenbi_li = round($good['level_total'] / $zanbi_total_money, 2);
+					} else {
+						$fenbi_li = round($good['total'] / $zanbi_total_money, 2);
+					}
+				}
+				//if( isset($comment_arr[$index_comment]) )
+				//{
+				//	$comment = $comment_arr[$index_comment];
+				//}
+				//$good['goods_id']
+				if (isset($comment_arr)) {
+					foreach ($comment_arr as $key => $var) {
+						if ($good['goods_id'] == $key) {
+							$comment = $var;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				//监测库存数量
+				$quantity_flag = D('Seller/Redisorder')->check_goods_can_buy($good['goods_id'], $good['sku_str'], $good['quantity']);
+				if ($quantity_flag <= 0) {
+					if (!empty($redis_has_add_list)) {
+						D('Seller/Redisorder')->bu_car_has_delquantity($redis_has_add_list);
+					}
+					echo json_encode(array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '已抢光', 'is_forb' => 1));
+					die();
+				}
+				//如果是下单减库存,那么用占坑法来避免超库存---begin
+				$kucun_method = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('kucun_method');
+				if (empty($kucun_method)) {
+					$kucun_method = 0;
+				}
+				if ($kucun_method == 0) {
+					//$ret = $redis->rPush('city', 'guangzhou');
+					$check_redis_quantity = D('Seller/Redisorder')->add_goods_buy_user($good['goods_id'], $good['sku_str'], $good['quantity'], $member_id);
+					//注意要回滚
+					//$key = "user_goods_{$member_id}_{$goods_id}_{$sku_str}";
+					if ($check_redis_quantity == 0) {
+						//cancle_redis_user_list 
+						if (!empty($redis_has_add_list)) {
+							D('Seller/Redisorder')->bu_car_has_delquantity($redis_has_add_list);
+						}
+						echo json_encode(array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '已抢光', 'is_forb' => 1));
+						die();
+					}
+					$redis_has_add_list[] = array('member_id' => $member_id, 'goods_id' => $good['goods_id'], 'sku_str' => $good['sku_str'], 'quantity' => $good['quantity']);
+				}
+				//----------------redis   end
+				if ($good['can_man_jian'] == 1) {
+					//$man_total_free += $good['total'];
+					//begggg
+					if ($is_vip_card_member == 1 && $good['is_take_vipcard'] == 1) {
+						if ($good['can_man_jian'] == 1) {
+							$man_total_free += $good['card_total'];
+						}
+					} else if ($good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $member_info['level_id'] > 0) {
+						if ($good['can_man_jian'] == 1) {
+							$man_total_free += $good['level_total'];
+						}
+					} else {
+						if ($good['can_man_jian'] == 1) {
+							$man_total_free += $good['total'];
+						}
+					}
+					//eddddd
+				}
+				$pay_goods_name .= $good['name'];
+				if ($good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $is_vip_card_member == 0 && $member_info['level_id'] > 0) {
+					$good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1;
+				} else {
+					$good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 0;
+				}
+				$localtown_superposition_pickingmoney = 0;
+				$localtown_superposition_pickingmoney = isset($localtown_superposition_pickingmoney) ? $localtown_superposition_pickingmoney : 0;
+				$gd_packing_fare = 0;
+				if ($localtown_superposition_pickingmoney == 0) {
+					$gd_packing_fare = $good['packing_free'];
+				} else {
+					if ($packing_fare == $good['packing_free'] && $iscan_fu_packing == 1) {
+						$iscan_fu_packing = 0;
+						$gd_packing_fare = $good['packing_free'];
+					}
+				}
+				$goods_data[] = array(
+					'goods_id' => $good['goods_id'],
+					'store_id' => $tp_goods_info['store_id'],
+					'name' => $good['name'],
+					'model' => $good['model'],
+					'is_pin' => $is_pin,
+					'pin_id' => $good['pin_id'],
+					'header_disc' => $good['header_disc'],
+					'member_disc' => $good['member_disc'],
+					'level_name' => $good['level_name'],
+					'option' => $good['sku_str'] == 'undefined' ? '' : $good['sku_str'],
+					'quantity' => $good['quantity'],
+					'shipping_fare' => $trans_free,
+					'price' => $good['price'],
+					'costprice' => $good['costprice'],
+					'card_price' => $good['card_price'],
+					'levelprice' => $good['levelprice'],
+					'total' => $good['total'],
+					'packing_fare' => $gd_packing_fare,
+					'card_total' => $good['card_total'],
+					'level_total' => $good['level_total'],
+					'is_mb_level_buy' => $good['is_mb_level_buy'],
+					'is_take_vipcard' => $good['is_take_vipcard'],
+					'fenbi_li' => $fenbi_li,
+					'can_man_jian' => $good['can_man_jian'],
+					'soli_id' => $good['soli_id'],
+					'comment' => htmlspecialchars($comment)
+				);
+			}
+			$index_comment++;
+			//$total_weight = 0;
+			//$total_quantity = 0;
+			if ($dispatching == 'express') {
+				//结算运费新模式
+				$trans_free_toal = 0; //运费
+				//----开始计算运费
+				//ims_ 
+				$shipping_default = M('lionfish_comshop_shipping')->where("enabled=1")->order('isdefault desc,id desc')->find();
+				$seller_goodss_re = $seller_goodss;
+				$store_shipping_fare = 0;
+				if ($is_moban) {
+					$store_shipping_fare = D('Home/Transport')->calc_transport($shipping_default['id'], $total_quantity, $total_weight, $address_info['city_id']);
+				}
+				$trans_free_toal += $store_shipping_fare;
+				foreach ($vv as $kkc => $d_goods) {
+					if ($d_goods['shipping'] == 1) {
+						//统一运费
+						$trans_free_toal += $d_goods['goods_freight'];
+					}
+				}
+				if ($kk == 0 && !empty($man_free_shipping) && $man_free_shipping > 0 && $order_goods_total_money >= $man_free_shipping) {
+					//$trans_free_toal = 0;
+					$is_free_shipping_fare = 1;
+				}
+				//---结束结算运费 address_id
+				$data_s['address_id'] = $this->_add_address($token, $ziti_name, $ziti_mobile, $province_name, $city_name, $country_name, $address_name);
+			} else if ('tuanz_send' == $dispatching) {
+				$trans_free_toal = 0;
+				$delivery_tuanz_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_tuanz_money');
+				$community_info_modify = $community_info;
+				if (!empty($community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_method']) && $community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_method'] == 1) {
+					if (!empty($community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_fare']) && $community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_fare'] == 1 && $community_info_modify['shipping_fare'] > 0) {
+						$delivery_tuanz_money = $community_info_modify['shipping_fare'];
+					}
+				}
+				$trans_free_toal = $delivery_tuanz_money;
+				$data['tuan_send_address'] = $data_s['tuan_send_address'];
+				if ($kk == 0 && !empty($man_free_tuanzshipping) && $man_free_tuanzshipping > 0 && $order_goods_total_money >= $man_free_tuanzshipping) {
+					$is_free_shipping_fare = 1;
+					//$trans_free_toal = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			//$is_pin; is_lottery
+			//'pintuan', 'normal', 'lottery'
+			$data['type'] = 'normal';
+			if ($is_pin == 1) {
+				$data['type'] = 'pintuan';
+				if ($is_lottery == 1) {
+					$data['type'] = 'lottery';
+				}
+			}
+			if ($is_integral == 1) {
+				$data['type'] = 'integral';
+				$is_pin = 0;
+			}
+			if ($is_hexiao == 1) {
+				$data['type'] = 'virtual';
+				$is_pin = 0;
+			}
+			if ($is_spike == 1) {
+				$data['type'] = 'spike';
+				$is_pin = 0;
+			}
+			//礼品卡配送费0
+			if ($buy_type == 'virtualcard') {
+				$trans_free_toal = 0;
+			}
+			$data['shipping_fare'] = floatval($trans_free_toal);
+			if ($is_free_shipping_fare == 1) {
+				$trans_free_toal = 0;
+			}
+			//原先计算满减金额
+			/*if($is_open_fullreduction == 1 && $man_total_free >= $full_money )
+				  {
+					  $reduce_money = $full_reducemoney ;
+				  }*/
+			//多组满减金额计算
+			if ($is_open_fullreduction == 1) {
+				$reduce_result = D('Home/Front')->get_reduce_money($man_total_free);
+				$reduce_money = $reduce_result['reduce_money'];
+			}
+			$data['is_free_shipping_fare'] = $is_free_shipping_fare;
+			$data['store_id'] = $kk;
+			$data['order_goods_total_money'] = $order_goods_total_money;
+			$data['is_localtown_free_shipping_fare'] = $is_localtown_free_shipping_fare;
+			$data['localtown_free_shipping_fare'] = $localtown_free_shipping_fare;
+			$data['goodss'] = $goods_data;
+			$data['order_num_alias'] = build_order_no($member_id);
+			$data['totals'][0] = array(
+				'code' => 'sub_total',
+				'title' => '商品价格',
+				'text' => '¥' . $order_total,
+				'value' => $order_total
+			);
+			$data['totals'][1] = array(
+				'code' => 'shipping',
+				'title' => '运费',
+				'text' => '¥' . $trans_free_toal,
+				'value' => $trans_free_toal
+			);
+			$data['totals'][2] = array(
+				'code' => 'total',
+				'title' => '总价',
+				'text' => '¥' . ($order_total + $trans_free_toal - $reduce_money),
+				'value' => ($order_total + $trans_free_toal - $reduce_money)
+			);
+			$data['from_type'] = 'wepro';
+			//目前都是平台券
+			if ($data['voucher_id'] > 0) {
+				//暂时屏蔽优惠券,等待开启 
+				/**
+						 $voucher_info = pdo_fetch("select * from ".tablename('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list')." where uniacid=:uniacid and id=:id ", 
+												 array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'],':id' => $data['voucher_id']));
+						 $data['voucher_credit'] = $voucher_info['credit'];
+						 pdo_update('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list', array('ordersn' => $data['order_num_alias'],'consume' => 'Y','usetime' => time()), array('id' => $data['voucher_id'] ));
+						 **/
+				$voucher_info = M('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list')->where(array('id' => $data['voucher_id']))->find();
+				//检查优惠券指定商品或指定商品分类 优惠金额 begin
+				$voucher_list[0] = $voucher_info;
+				$voucher_list = D('Home/Voucher')->get_voucher_amout_bygoods($voucher_list, $goods_data, 0);
+				$voucher_info = $voucher_list[0];
+				//检查优惠券指定商品或指定商品分类 优惠金额 end
+				$data['voucher_credit'] = $voucher_info['can_vouche_amount'];
+				$bili = 1;
+				if ($zanbi_total_money > 0) {
+					$bili = round(($order_goods_total_money / $zanbi_total_money), 2);
+				}
+				$data['voucher_credit'] = $data['voucher_credit'] * $bili;
+				//判断是否超出订单商品金额,不算运费
+				//if($data['voucher_credit'] > $order_total+$trans_free_toal - $reduce_money )
+				if ($data['voucher_credit'] > $order_total - $reduce_money) {
+					$data['voucher_credit'] = $order_total - $reduce_money;
+				}
+				M('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list')->where(array('id' => $data['voucher_id']))->save(array('ordersn' => $data['order_num_alias'], 'consume' => 'Y', 'usetime' => time()));
+			} else {
+				$data['voucher_credit'] = 0;
+			}
+			$use_score_total = 0; //用掉用户多少积分了.
+			$data['score_for_money'] = 0;
+			if ($kk == 0 && $score_for_money > 0) {
+				if ($order_total + $trans_free_toal - $reduce_money - $data['voucher_credit'] <= 0) {
+					//没必要扣积分了,单价已经是0
+				} else {
+					//只能抵扣扣除优惠券部分的金额
+					$del_money = $order_total - $data['voucher_credit'] - $reduce_money;
+					//var_dump($del_money, $score_for_money);die();
+					//score_for_money 会员能抵扣的最大金额
+					//计算多少积分了。
+					$score_forbuy_money_maxbi = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('score_forbuy_money_maxbi');
+					$score_forbuy_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('score_forbuy_money');
+					if (empty($score_forbuy_money_maxbi)) {
+						$score_forbuy_money_maxbi = 100;
+					}
+					//$max_dikou_money =  sprintf('%.2f', ($del_money * $score_forbuy_money_maxbi) /100);
+					$max_dikou_score = floor($del_money * $score_forbuy_money_maxbi * $score_forbuy_money / 100);
+					$max_dikou_money = sprintf('%.2f', ($max_dikou_score / $score_forbuy_money));
+					if ($max_dikou_money < $score_for_money) {
+						$score_for_money = $max_dikou_money;
+					}
+					//$score_buy_money = 0;
+					$data['score_for_money'] = $score_for_money;
+					//TODO...扣除会员积分,将积分分拆入每个商品订单,写入日志
+					//var_dump($data['score_for_money'], $max_dikou_money);die();
+				}
+			}
+			$data['comment'] = htmlspecialchars($comment);
+			$data['reduce_money'] = $reduce_money;
+			$data['man_total_free'] = $man_total_free;
+			//判断自提 dispatching:"pickup"
+			//dispatching, //express  pickup
+			if ($dispatching == 'express') {
+				$data['total'] = ($order_total); //+$fare - $data['voucher_credit']
+			} else if ('tuanz_send' == $dispatching) {
+				$data['total'] = ($order_total); // - $data['voucher_credit']);
+			} else {
+				$data['total'] = ($order_total); // - $data['voucher_credit']
+			}
+			//积分商城
+			//暂时屏蔽积分商城模块
+			if ($data['type'] == 'integral') {
+				$del_integral += $order_total; //扣除积分
+				$data['total'] = $order_total;
+			}
+			$data['buy_type'] = $buy_type; //判断预售使用
+			//万能表单数据
+			$data['allform_id'] = $allform_id;
+			$data['allform_list'] = $allform_list;
+			$oid = D('Home/Frontorder')->addOrder($data); // D('Order')->addOrder($data);
+			//暂时屏蔽自提模块
+			/**
+				  if($data['delivery'] == 'pickup')
+				  {
+					  $verify_bool = true;
+					  $verifycode = 0;
+					  while($verify_bool)
+					  {
+						  $code  = (ceil(time()/100)+rand(10000000,40000000)).rand(1000,9999);
+						  $verifycode = $code ? $code : rand(100000,999999);
+						  $verifycode = str_replace('1989','9819',$verifycode);
+						  $verifycode = str_replace('1259','9521',$verifycode);
+						  $verifycode = str_replace('12590','95210',$verifycode);
+						  $verifycode = str_replace('10086','68001',$verifycode);
+						  $pick_order = M('pick_order')->where( array('pick_sn' => $verifycode) )->find();
+						  if(empty($pick_order))
+						  {
+							  $verify_bool = false;
+						  }
+					  }
+					  $pick_data = array();
+					  $pick_data['pick_sn'] = $verifycode;
+					  $pick_data['pick_id'] = $pick_up_id;
+					  $pick_data['order_id'] = $oid;
+					  $pick_data['state'] = 0;
+					  $pick_data['ziti_name'] = $ziti_name;
+					  $pick_data['ziti_mobile'] = $ziti_mobile;
+					  $pick_data['addtime'] = time();
+					  M('pick_order')->add($pick_data);
+				  }
+				  **/
+			$order_ids_arr[] = $oid;
+			//$pay_total = $pay_total + $order_total+$trans_free_toal - $data['voucher_credit'];
+			if ($dispatching == 'express' && $data['type'] != 'integral') {
+				$pay_total = $pay_total + $order_total + $trans_free_toal - $data['voucher_credit'] - $reduce_money - $data['score_for_money'];
+			} else if ($dispatching == 'express' && $data['type'] == 'integral') {
+				$pay_total = $trans_free_toal;
+			} else if ('localtown_delivery' == $dispatching) {
+				$pay_total = $pay_total + $order_total + $packing_fare + $trans_free_toal - $data['voucher_credit'] - $reduce_money - $data['score_for_money'] + $data['localtown_add_shipping_fare'];
+			} else if ('tuanz_send' == $dispatching) {
+				$pay_total = $pay_total + $order_total + $trans_free_toal - $data['voucher_credit'] - $reduce_money - $data['score_for_money'];
+			} else {
+				$pay_total = $pay_total + $order_total - $data['voucher_credit'] - $reduce_money - $data['score_for_money'];
+			}
+			if ($buy_type == 'presale') {
+				//如果是预售,此处支付的就是定金
+				$presale_order_info = M('lionfish_comshop_order_presale')->where(['order_id' => $oid])->find();
+				if ($presale_order_info['presale_type'] == 1) {
+					M('lionfish_comshop_order_presale')->where(['id' => $presale_order_info['id']])->save(['presale_ding_money' => $pay_total]);
+				} else {
+					$pay_total = $presale_order_info['presale_ding_money'];
+				}
+			}
+			$pay_total = round($pay_total, 2);
+			$order_relate_data = array();
+			$order_relate_data['order_all_id'] = $order_all_id;
+			$order_relate_data['order_id'] = $oid;
+			$order_relate_data['addtime'] = time();
+			M('lionfish_comshop_order_relate')->add($order_relate_data);
+		}
+		$order_all_data = array();
+		$order_all_data['total_money'] = $pay_total;
+		M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->where(array('id' => $order_all_id))->save($order_all_data);
+		if ($order_all_id) {
+			$order = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(array('order_id' => $oid))->find();
+			$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('we_openid,account_money')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->find();
+			$is_yue_open = 0;
+			$is_yue_open = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_yue_pay');
+			if (empty($is_yue_open)) {
+				$is_yue_open = 0;
+			}
+			//检测是否需要扣除积分
+			if ($data['type'] == 'integral' && $del_integral > 0 && $is_integral == 1) {
+				$order_goods_tp = M('lionfish_comshop_order_goods')->field('order_goods_id')->where(array('order_id' => $oid))->find();
+				D('Admin/Member')->sendMemberPointChange($member_id, $del_integral, 1, '积分兑换商品', 'integral_exchange', $oid, $order_goods_tp['order_goods_id']);
+			}
+			$is_open_yinpay = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_yinpay');
+			$shop_domain = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_domain');
+			if ($order['type'] == 'ignore' || $pay_total <= 0 || ($is_yue_open == 1 && $ck_yupay == 1 && $member_info['account_money'] >= $pay_total)) {
+				//余额支付独立方法
+				D('Home/OrderV2')->carOrderYuerPay($order_all_id, $order, $pay_total, $ck_yupay, $buy_type, $is_integral, $is_spike, $is_just_1);
+			} else if ($buy_type == 'dan' && $cashon_delivery == 1) { //货到付款订单
+				//货到付款支付独立方法
+				D('Home/OrderV2')->carOrderCashonPay($order_all_id, $order, $pay_total, $cashon_delivery, $buy_type, $is_spike, $is_just_1);
+			} else if ($ck_yupay == 3) {
+				$lib_path = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/Lib/';
+				require_once $lib_path . "/Weixin/Wxfy.class.php";
+				$wxfy = new \Wxfy();
+				$appid = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
+				$notify_url = $shop_domain . '/notify.php?type=fyfyfy';
+				$out_trade_no = $order_all_id . '-' . time();
+				$body = $pay_goods_name; //'商品购买';
+				if (empty($body) || mb_strlen($body)>30) {
+					$body = '购物车商品合并支付';
+				}
+				// $body=iconv('GB2312', 'UTF-8', $body);
+				$nonce_str = nonce_str();
+				$fee = $pay_total;
+				$total_fee = $fee * 100;
+				$wxfydata=array();
+				$wxfydata['debug'] = false;
+				$wxfydata['filepath'] = $lib_path . 'Weixin/cert/';
+				$prefix = 1450;
+				$wxfydata['mchnt_order_no'] = $prefix . $out_trade_no; //商户订单号, 商户系统内部的订单号(5 到 30 个字符、 只能包含字母数字,区分大小写)
+				$wxfydata['random_str'] = $nonce_str;
+				$wxfydata['goods_des'] = $body;
+				$wxfydata['term_ip'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
+				$wxfydata['order_amt'] = $total_fee;
+				$wxfydata['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
+				$wxfydata['sub_openid'] = $payment['we_openid'];
+				$wxfydata['sub_appid'] = $appid;
+			//	$wxfydata['debug'] = true;
+				$resfult = $wxfy->createOrder($wxfydata);
+			//	$res = json_decode($resfult, 1);
+				M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->where(array('id' => $order_all_id))->save(array('out_trade_no' => $out_trade_no));
+					D('Home/Pin')->insertNotifyOrder($order['order_id']);
+					$time = time();
+//					$prepay_id = $res['session_id'];
+//					M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(array('order_id' => array('in', $order_ids_arr)))->save(array('perpay_id' => $prepay_id));
+					$data = array();
+					$data['code'] = 0;
+//					$data['appid'] = $res['sdk_appid'];
+//					$data['timeStamp'] = $res['sdk_timestamp'];
+//					$data['nonceStr'] = $res['sdk_noncestr'];
+//					$data['signType'] = $res['sdk_signtype'];
+//					$data['package'] = 'prepay_id=' .$prepay_id;
+//					$data['paySign'] = $res['sdk_paysign'];
+					$data['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+					//$data['total_fee']=
+					$data['is_go_orderlist'] = $is_just_1;
+                    $data['xml'] = $resfult;
+					$data['total_fee']=$total_fee;
+					//如果是微信小程序交易组件begin---新支付方法 wx.requestOrderPayment
+					$data['order_info'] = [];
+					$data['isRequestOrderPayment'] = $is_need_scene_check;
+					if ($is_pin == 1) {
+						$data['redirect_url'] = '../groups/group?id=' . $oid . '&is_show=1';
+					} else {
+						$data['redirect_url'] = '../orders/order_show_all?order_all_id=' + $order_all_id;
+					}
+			} else if (isset($is_open_yinpay) && $is_open_yinpay == 3) {
+				//begin
+				$fee = $pay_total;
+				$appid = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
+				$body = $pay_goods_name; //'商品购买';
+				$body = mb_substr($body, 0, 32, 'utf-8');
+				if (empty($body)) {
+					$body = '商品购买';
+				}
+				$mch_id = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_partnerid');
+				$nonce_str = nonce_str();
+				$shop_domain = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_domain');
+				$notify_url = $shop_domain . '/notify.php';
+				$openid = $payment['we_openid'];
+				$out_trade_no = $order_all_id . '-' . time();
+				//out_trade_no
+				M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->where(array('id' => $order_all_id))->save(array('out_trade_no' => $out_trade_no));
+				$spbill_create_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
+				$total_fee = $fee * 100;
+				//float(0.99999999999998)
+				$trade_type = 'JSAPI';
+				$pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
+				$post['appid'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_fuwu_appid'); // 'wx7c38e2f177e0af59';
+				$post['body'] = $body;
+				$post['mch_id'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_fuwu_partnerid'); //'1562705521';
+				$post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
+				$post['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
+				//$post['openid'] = $openid;
+				$post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+				$post['spbill_create_ip'] = $spbill_create_ip;
+				$post['sub_appid'] = $appid;
+				$post['sub_mch_id'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_sub_mch_id');
+				$post['sub_openid'] = $openid;
+				$post['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
+				$post['trade_type'] = $trade_type;
+				$sign = sign($post, $pay_key);
+				//var_dump( $notify_url );die();
+				$post_xml = '<xml>
+				   <appid>' . $post['appid'] . '</appid>
+				   <body>' . $body . '</body>
+				   <mch_id>' . $post['mch_id'] . '</mch_id>
+				   <nonce_str>' . $nonce_str . '</nonce_str>
+				   <notify_url>' . $notify_url . '</notify_url>
+				   <out_trade_no>' . $out_trade_no . '</out_trade_no>
+				   <spbill_create_ip>' . $spbill_create_ip . '</spbill_create_ip>
+				   <sub_appid>' . $post['sub_appid'] . '</sub_appid>
+				   <sub_mch_id>' . $post['sub_mch_id'] . '</sub_mch_id>
+				   <sub_openid>' . $openid . '</sub_openid>
+				   <total_fee>' . $total_fee . '</total_fee>
+				   <trade_type>' . $trade_type . '</trade_type>
+				   <sign>' . $sign . '</sign>
+				</xml> ';
+				$url = 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder';
+				$xml = http_request($url, $post_xml);
+				$array = xml($xml);
+				if ($array['RETURN_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS' && $array['RESULT_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS') {
+					D('Home/Pin')->insertNotifyOrder($order['order_id']);
+					$time = time();
+					$tmp = array();
+					$tmp['appId'] = $appid;
+					$tmp['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
+					$tmp['package'] = 'prepay_id=' . $array['PREPAY_ID'];
+					$tmp['signType'] = 'MD5';
+					$tmp['timeStamp'] = "$time";
+					$prepay_id = (string) $array['PREPAY_ID'];
+					M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(array('order_id' => array('in', $order_ids_arr)))->save(array('perpay_id' => $prepay_id));
+					//M('order')->where( array('order_id' => array('in',$order_ids_arr) ) )->save( array('perpay_id' => (string)$array['PREPAY_ID']) );
+					$data = array();
+					$data['code'] = 0;
+					$data['appid'] = $appid;
+					$data['timeStamp'] = "$time";
+					$data['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
+					$data['signType'] = 'MD5';
+					$data['package'] = 'prepay_id=' . $array['PREPAY_ID'];
+					$data['paySign'] = sign($tmp, $pay_key);
+					$data['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+					$data['is_go_orderlist'] = $is_just_1;
+					if ($is_pin == 1) {
+						$data['redirect_url'] = '../groups/group?id=' . $oid . '&is_show=1';
+					} else {
+						$data['redirect_url'] = '../orders/order_show_all?order_all_id=' + $order_all_id;
+					}
+				} else {
+					$data = array();
+					$data['code'] = 1;
+					$data['text'] = "错误";
+					$data['RETURN_CODE'] = $array['RETURN_CODE'];
+					$data['RETURN_MSG'] = $array['RETURN_MSG'];
+				}
+				$data['has_yupay'] = 0;
+				//end
+			} else {
+				$fee = $pay_total;
+				$appid = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
+				$body = $pay_goods_name; //'商品购买';
+				$body = mb_substr($body, 0, 32, 'utf-8');
+				if (empty($body)) {
+					$body = '商品购买';
+				}
+				$mch_id = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_partnerid');
+				$nonce_str = nonce_str();
+				$notify_url = $shop_domain . '/notify.php';
+				$openid = $payment['we_openid'];
+				$out_trade_no = $order_all_id . '-' . time();
+				//out_trade_no 
+				M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->where(array('id' => $order_all_id))->save(array('out_trade_no' => $out_trade_no));
+				$spbill_create_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
+				$total_fee = $fee * 100;
+				$trade_type = 'JSAPI';
+				$pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
+				$post['appid'] = $appid;
+				$post['body'] = $body;
+				$post['mch_id'] = $mch_id;
+				$post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
+				$post['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
+				$post['openid'] = $openid;
+				$post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+				$post['spbill_create_ip'] = $spbill_create_ip;
+				$post['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
+				$post['trade_type'] = $trade_type;
+				$sign = sign($post, $pay_key);
+				$post_xml = '<xml>
+				   <appid>' . $appid . '</appid>
+				   <body>' . $body . '</body>
+				   <mch_id>' . $mch_id . '</mch_id>
+				   <nonce_str>' . $nonce_str . '</nonce_str>
+				   <notify_url>' . $notify_url . '</notify_url>
+				   <openid>' . $openid . '</openid>
+				   <out_trade_no>' . $out_trade_no . '</out_trade_no>
+				   <spbill_create_ip>' . $spbill_create_ip . '</spbill_create_ip>
+				   <total_fee>' . $total_fee . '</total_fee>
+				   <trade_type>' . $trade_type . '</trade_type>
+				   <sign>' . $sign . '</sign>
+				</xml> ';
+				$url = 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder';
+				$xml = http_request($url, $post_xml);
+				$array = xml($xml);
+				if ($array['RETURN_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS' && $array['RESULT_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS') {
+					D('Home/Pin')->insertNotifyOrder($order['order_id']);
+					$time = time();
+					$tmp = array();
+					$tmp['appId'] = $appid;
+					$tmp['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
+					$tmp['package'] = 'prepay_id=' . $array['PREPAY_ID'];
+					$tmp['signType'] = 'MD5';
+					$tmp['timeStamp'] = "$time";
+					$prepay_id = (string) $array['PREPAY_ID'];
+					M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(array('order_id' => array('in', $order_ids_arr)))->save(array('perpay_id' => $prepay_id));
+					//M('order')->where( array('order_id' => array('in',$order_ids_arr) ) )->save( array('perpay_id' => (string)$array['PREPAY_ID']) );
+					$data = array();
+					$data['code'] = 0;
+					$data['appid'] = $appid;
+					$data['timeStamp'] = "$time";
+					$data['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
+					$data['signType'] = 'MD5';
+					$data['package'] = 'prepay_id=' . $array['PREPAY_ID'];
+					$data['paySign'] = sign($tmp, $pay_key);
+					$data['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+					$data['is_go_orderlist'] = $is_just_1;
+					//如果是微信小程序交易组件begin---新支付方法 wx.requestOrderPayment
+					$data['order_info'] = [];
+					$data['isRequestOrderPayment'] = $is_need_scene_check;
+					if ($is_need_scene_check == 1) {
+						$orderPamentResult = D('Seller/MpModifyTradeComponts')->getTradeOrderInfo($oid, $time, $pay_total);
+						//如果是微信小程序交易组件,提供订单信息 end
+						$data['order_info'] = $orderPamentResult['order_info'];
+					}
+					if ($is_pin == 1) {
+						$data['redirect_url'] = '../groups/group?id=' . $oid . '&is_show=1';
+					} else {
+						$data['redirect_url'] = '../orders/order_show_all?order_all_id=' + $order_all_id;
+					}
+				} else {
+					$data = array();
+					$data['code'] = 1;
+					$data['text'] = "错误";
+					$data['RETURN_CODE'] = $array['RETURN_CODE'];
+					$data['RETURN_MSG'] = $array['RETURN_MSG'];
+				}
+				$data['has_yupay'] = 0;
+			}
+			if ($is_pin == 1) {
+				$data['order_id'] = $oid;
+				$data['order_all_id'] = $order_all_id;
+			} else {
+				$data['order_id'] = $oid;
+				$data['order_all_id'] = $order_all_id;
+			}
+			$data['is_go_orderlist'] = $is_just_1;
+			$data['is_spike'] = $is_spike;
+			echo json_encode($data);
+			die();
+		} else {
+			echo json_encode(array('code' => 1, 'order_all_id' => $order_all_id));
+			die();
+		}
+	}
+	function requestAsHttpPOST($data, $service_url)
+	{
+		$HTTP_TIME_OUT = "20";
+		ksort(array_filter($data)); //删除数组中的空值并排序
+		$post_data = http_build_query($data);
+		$options = array(
+			'http' => array(
+				'method' => 'POST',
+				'header' => 'Content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=MD5',
+				'content' => $post_data,
+				'timeout' => $HTTP_TIME_OUT * 1000 //超时时间,*1000将毫秒变为秒(单位:s)
+			)
+		);
+		$context = stream_context_create($options);
+		$result = file_get_contents($service_url, false, $context);
+		return $result;
+	}
+	/**
+		   微信充值
+	   **/
+	public function wxcharge()
+	{
+		$_GPC = I('request.');
+		$token = $_GPC['token'];
+		$pay_method=$_GPC['pay_method']=='fypay'?$_GPC['pay_method']:"";
+		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where(array('token' => $token))->find();
+		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
+		if (empty($member_id)) {
+			echo json_encode(array('code' => 1, 'msg' => '未登录'));
+			die();
+		}
+		$money = $_GPC['money'];
+		$rech_id = isset($_GPC['rech_id']) && $_GPC['rech_id'] > 0 ? $_GPC['rech_id'] : 0;
+		$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('we_openid')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->find();
+		$give_money = 0;
+		if ($rech_id > 0) {
+			$rech_info = M('lionfish_comshop_chargetype')->where(array('id' => $rech_id))->find();
+			if (!empty($rech_info)) {
+				$give_money = $rech_info['send_money'];
+			}
+			$money = $rech_info['money'];
+		} else {
+			$recharge_get_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('recharge_get_money');
+			if (isset($recharge_get_money) && $recharge_get_money == 1) {
+				$rech_info = M('lionfish_comshop_chargetype')->where("money <= " . $money)->order('money desc')->limit(1)->find();
+				if (!empty($rech_info)) {
+					$give_money = $rech_info['send_money'];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		$member_charge_flow_data = array();
+		$member_charge_flow_data['member_id'] = $member_id;
+		$member_charge_flow_data['money'] = $money;
+		$member_charge_flow_data['state'] = 0;
+		$member_charge_flow_data['give_money'] = $give_money;
+		$member_charge_flow_data['charge_time'] = 0;
+		$member_charge_flow_data['remark'] = '会员前台微信充值';
+		$member_charge_flow_data['add_time'] = time();
+		$order_id = M('lionfish_comshop_member_charge_flow')->add($member_charge_flow_data);
+		$shop_domain = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_domain');
+		$fee = $money;
+		$appid = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
+		$body = '会员充值';
+		$mch_id = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_partnerid');
+		$nonce_str = nonce_str();
+		$notify_url = $shop_domain . '/notify.php';
+		$openid = $member_info['we_openid'];
+		$out_trade_no = $order_id . '-' . time() . '-charge-' . $member_id;
+		$spbill_create_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
+		$total_fee = $fee * 100;
+		$is_open_yinpay = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_yinpay');
+		if($pay_method=='fypay'){
+			$lib_path = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/Lib/';
+			require_once $lib_path . "/Weixin/Wxfy.class.php";
+			$wxfy = new \Wxfy();
+			$notify_url = $shop_domain . '/notify.php?type=fyfyfy';
+			$nonce_str = nonce_str();
+			$wxfydata=array();
+			$wxfydata['debug'] = false;
+			$wxfydata['filepath'] = $lib_path . 'Weixin/cert/';
+			$prefix = 1450;
+			$wxfydata['mchnt_order_no'] = $prefix . $out_trade_no; //商户订单号, 商户系统内部的订单号(5 到 30 个字符、 只能包含字母数字,区分大小写)
+			$wxfydata['random_str'] = $nonce_str;
+			$wxfydata['goods_des'] = base64_encode($body);
+			$wxfydata['term_ip'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
+			$wxfydata['order_amt'] = $total_fee;
+			$wxfydata['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
+			$wxfydata['sub_openid'] = $member_info['we_openid'];
+			$wxfydata['sub_appid'] = $appid;
+			$resfult = $wxfy->createOrder($wxfydata);
+//			$fy_res = json_decode($resfult, 1);
+			if (false) {
+				$json = array();
+				$json['code'] = 2;
+				$json['msg'] = 'error:'.$fy_res['result_msg'];
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+		//	$prepay_id =(string)$fy_res['session_id'];
+			$data = array();
+			$data['code'] = 0;
+//			$data['appid'] = $fy_res['sdk_appid'];
+//			$data['timeStamp'] = $fy_res['sdk_timestamp'];
+//			$data['nonceStr'] = $fy_res['sdk_noncestr'];
+//			$data['signType'] = $fy_res['sdk_signtype'];
+//			$data['package'] = 'prepay_id=' .$prepay_id;
+//			$data['paySign'] = $fy_res['sdk_paysign'];
+			$data['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+            $data['xml'] = $resfult;
+			$data['pay_method']='fypay';
+			$data['total_fee'] =$total_fee;
+//			M('lionfish_comshop_member_charge_flow')->where(array('id' => $order_id))->save(array('formid' => $prepay_id));
+			$data['redirect_url'] = '../dan/me';
+			echo json_encode($data);
+			die();
+		}else if (isset($is_open_yinpay) && $is_open_yinpay == 3) {
+			$trade_type = 'JSAPI';
+			$pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
+			$post = array();
+			$post['appid'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_fuwu_appid'); // 'wx7c38e2f177e0af59';
+			$post['body'] = $body;
+			$post['mch_id'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_fuwu_partnerid'); //'1562705521';
+			$post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
+			$post['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
+			//$post['openid'] = $openid;
+			$post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+			$post['spbill_create_ip'] = $spbill_create_ip;
+			$post['sub_appid'] = $appid;
+			$post['sub_mch_id'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_sub_mch_id');
+			$post['sub_openid'] = $openid;
+			$post['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
+			$post['trade_type'] = $trade_type;
+			$sign = sign($post, $pay_key);
+			$post_xml = '<xml>
+				   <appid>' . $post['appid'] . '</appid>
+				   <body>' . $body . '</body>
+				   <mch_id>' . $post['mch_id'] . '</mch_id>
+				   <nonce_str>' . $nonce_str . '</nonce_str>
+				   <notify_url>' . $notify_url . '</notify_url>
+				   <out_trade_no>' . $out_trade_no . '</out_trade_no>
+				   <spbill_create_ip>' . $spbill_create_ip . '</spbill_create_ip>
+				   <sub_appid>' . $post['sub_appid'] . '</sub_appid>
+				   <sub_mch_id>' . $post['sub_mch_id'] . '</sub_mch_id>
+				   <sub_openid>' . $openid . '</sub_openid>
+				   <total_fee>' . $total_fee . '</total_fee>
+				   <trade_type>' . $trade_type . '</trade_type>
+				   <sign>' . $sign . '</sign>
+				</xml> ';
+			$url = 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder';
+			$xml = http_request($url, $post_xml);
+			$array = xml($xml);
+			//end
+		} else {
+			$trade_type = 'JSAPI';
+			$pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
+			$post = array();
+			$post['appid'] = $appid;
+			$post['body'] = $body;
+			$post['mch_id'] = $mch_id;
+			$post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
+			$post['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
+			$post['openid'] = $openid;
+			$post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+			$post['spbill_create_ip'] = $spbill_create_ip;
+			$post['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
+			$post['trade_type'] = $trade_type;
+			$sign = sign($post, $pay_key);
+			//sign()
+			$post_xml = '<xml>
+				   <appid>' . $appid . '</appid>
+				   <body>' . $body . '</body>
+				   <mch_id>' . $mch_id . '</mch_id>
+				   <nonce_str>' . $nonce_str . '</nonce_str>
+				   <notify_url>' . $notify_url . '</notify_url>
+				   <openid>' . $openid . '</openid>
+				   <out_trade_no>' . $out_trade_no . '</out_trade_no>
+				   <spbill_create_ip>' . $spbill_create_ip . '</spbill_create_ip>
+				   <total_fee>' . $total_fee . '</total_fee>
+				   <trade_type>' . $trade_type . '</trade_type>
+				   <sign>' . $sign . '</sign>
+				</xml> ';
+			$url = 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder';
+			$xml = http_request($url, $post_xml);
+			$array = xml($xml);
+		}
+		if ($array['RETURN_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS' && $array['RESULT_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS') {
+			$time = time();
+			$tmp = array();
+			$tmp['appId'] = $appid;
+			$tmp['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
+			$tmp['package'] = 'prepay_id=' . $array['PREPAY_ID'];
+			$tmp['signType'] = 'MD5';
+			$tmp['timeStamp'] = "$time";
+			M('lionfish_comshop_member_charge_flow')->where(array('id' => $order_id))->save(array('formid' => $array['PREPAY_ID']));
+			$data['code'] = 0;
+			$data['timeStamp'] = "$time";
+			$data['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
+			$data['signType'] = 'MD5';
+			$data['package'] = 'prepay_id=' . $array['PREPAY_ID'];
+			$data['paySign'] = sign($tmp, $pay_key);
+			$data['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+			$data['redirect_url'] = '../dan/me';
+		} else {
+			$data['code'] = 1;
+			$data['text'] = "错误";
+			$data['RETURN_CODE'] = $array['RETURN_CODE'];
+			$data['RETURN_MSG'] = $array['RETURN_MSG'];
+		}
+		echo json_encode($data);
+		die();
+	}
+	public function wxpay()
+	{
+		$gpc = I('request.');
+		$token = $gpc['token'];
+		$order_id = $gpc['order_id'];
+		$pay_method=$gpc['pay_method']=='fypay'?$gpc['pay_method']:"";
+		$scene = $gpc['scene'];
+		$is_need_scene_check = 0;
+		if (!empty($scene)) {
+			$is_need_scene_check = D('Seller/MpModifyTradeComponts')->sceneCheck($scene);
+		}
+		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where(array('token' => $token))->find();
+		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
+		if (empty($member_id)) {
+			echo json_encode(array('code' => 1, 'msg' => '未登录'));
+			die();
+		}
+		$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('we_openid')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->find();
+		$order = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(array('order_id' => $order_id))->find();
+		//order_status_id
+		if ($order['order_status_id'] != 3 && $order['order_status_id'] != 15) {
+			$json = array();
+			$json['msg'] = '商品已下架!';
+			$json['code'] = 2;
+			if ($order['order_status_id'] == 1) {
+				$json['msg'] = '订单已付款,请勿重新付款!';
+			} else if ($order['order_status_id'] == 5) {
+				$json['msg'] = '订单已取消,请重新选择商品下单!';
+			}
+			echo json_encode($json);
+			die();
+		}
+		//检测商品是否下架 begin
+		$sql = "select name,quantity,rela_goodsoption_valueid,goods_id from " . C('DB_PREFIX') . "lionfish_comshop_order_goods  
+					where order_id={$order_id} ";
+		$order_goods_list = M()->query($sql);
+		$goodsname="";
+		foreach ($order_goods_list as $tp_val) {
+			$tp_gd_info = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('grounding')->where(array('id' => $tp_val['goods_id']))->find();
+			if (empty($tp_gd_info) || $tp_gd_info['grounding'] != 1) {
+				$json['code'] = 2;
+				$json['msg'] = '商品已下架!';
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+			$goodsname.=$tp_val['name'];
+		}
+		//检测商品是否下架end   
+		//检测是否预售商品。预售商品不需要检测二次支付问题
+		$presale_info = [];
+		$presale_result = D('Home/PresaleGoods')->getOrderPresaleInfo($order_id);
+		if ($presale_result['code'] == 0) {
+			$presale_info = $presale_result['data'];
+		}
+		//检测是否已经支付过了begin
+		$order_relate_info = M('lionfish_comshop_order_relate')->where(array('order_id' => $order_id))->order('id desc')->find();
+		if (!empty($order_relate_info) && $order_relate_info['order_all_id'] > 0 && empty($presale_info)) {
+			$order_all_info = M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->where(array('id' => $order_relate_info['order_all_id']))->find();
+			if (!empty($order_all_info) && !empty($order_all_info['out_trade_no'])) {
+				$out_trade_no = $order_all_info['out_trade_no'];
+				$appid = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
+				$mch_id = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_partnerid');
+				$nonce_str = nonce_str();
+				$pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
+				$post = array();
+				if($pay_method=='fypay'){
+					//富友支付,写下去了
+				}else{
+					//主要是校验是否重复支付
+					$post['appid'] = $appid;
+					$post['mch_id'] = $mch_id;
+					$post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
+					$post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+					$sign = sign($post, $pay_key);
+					$post_xml = '<xml>
+								<appid>' . $appid . '</appid>
+								<mch_id>' . $mch_id . '</mch_id>
+								<nonce_str>' . $nonce_str . '</nonce_str>
+								<out_trade_no>' . $out_trade_no . '</out_trade_no>
+								<sign>' . $sign . '</sign>
+								</xml>';
+					$url = "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/orderquery";
+					$result = http_request($url, $post_xml);
+					$array = xml($result);
+					if ($array['RETURN_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS' && $array['RETURN_MSG'] == 'OK') {
+						if ($array['TRADE_STATE'] == 'SUCCESS') {
+							$json = array();
+							$json['msg'] = '商品已下架!';
+							$json['code'] = 2;
+							$json['msg'] = '订单已付款,请勿重新付款,请刷新页面!';
+							echo json_encode($json);
+							die();
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		//检测是否已经支付过了end  
+		//支付才减库存,才需要判断
+		$kucun_method = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('kucun_method');
+		if (empty($kucun_method)) {
+			$kucun_method = 0;
+		}
+		if ($kucun_method == 1 && (empty($presale_info) || $presale_info['state'] != 1)) {
+			/*** 检测商品库存begin  **/
+			//goods_id
+			foreach ($order_goods_list as $val) {
+				$quantity = $val['quantity'];
+				$goods_id = $val['goods_id'];
+				$can_buy_count = D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_count($member_id, $goods_id);
+				$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id, 'total_limit_count');
+				if ($can_buy_count == -1) {
+					$json['code'] = 2;
+					$json['msg'] = '您还能购买' . $goods_description['total_limit_count'] . '个';
+					echo json_encode($json);
+					die();
+				} else if ($can_buy_count > 0 && $quantity > $can_buy_count) {
+					$json['code'] = 2;
+					$json['msg'] = '您还能购买' . $can_buy_count . '份';
+					echo json_encode($json);
+					die();
+				}
+				//rela_goodsoption_valueid
+				if (!empty($val['rela_goodsoption_valueid'])) {
+					$mul_opt_arr = array();
+					//ims_ 
+					$goods_option_mult_value = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->where(array('goods_id' => $goods_id, 'option_item_ids' => $val['rela_goodsoption_valueid']))->find();
+					if (!empty($goods_option_mult_value)) {
+						if ($goods_option_mult_value['stock'] < $quantity) {
+							$json['code'] = 2;
+							$json['msg'] = '商品数量不足,剩余' . $goods_option_mult_value['stock'] . '个!!';
+							echo json_encode($json);
+							die();
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			/*** 检测商品库存end **/
+		}
+		$pin_order = array();
+		if (!empty($pin_order)) {
+			/**
+					 $pin_model =  load_model_class('pin');
+					 $is_pin_over = $pin_model->getNowPinState($pin_order['pin_id']);
+					 if($is_pin_over != 0)
+					 {
+						  pdo_query("delete from ".tablename('lionfish_comshop_pin_order')." where order_id = {$order_id} ");
+						  pdo_query("delete from ".tablename('lionfish_comshop_pin')." where pin_id = ".$pin_order['pin_id']." and order_id = ".$order_id);
+						 $order_goods_info = pdo_fetch("select goods_id from ".tablename('lionfish_comshop_order_goods')." where uniacid=:uniacid and order_id=:order_id ", array(':order_id' => $order_id,':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid']));
+						 //新开团
+						 $pin_id = $pin_model->openNewTuan($order_id,$order_goods_info['goods_id'],$member_id);
+						 //插入拼团订单
+						 $pin_model->insertTuanOrder($pin_id,$order_id);
+					 }
+					 **/
+		}
+		//单独支付一个店铺的订单
+		//M('lionfish_comshop_order_relate')->where( array('order_id' => $order_id) )->delete();
+		$order_all_data = array();
+		$order_all_data['member_id'] = $member_id;
+		$order_all_data['order_num_alias'] = build_order_no($member_id);
+		$order_all_data['transaction_id'] = '';
+		$order_all_data['order_status_id'] = 3;
+		$order_all_data['is_pin'] = $order['is_pin'];
+		$order_all_data['paytime'] = 0;
+		$order_all_data['total_money'] = $order['total'] + $order['shipping_fare'] - $order['voucher_credit'] - $order['fullreduction_money'];
+		$order_all_data['addtime'] = time();
+		$order_all_id = M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->add($order_all_data);
+		$order_relate_data = array();
+		$order_relate_data['order_all_id'] = $order_all_id;
+		$order_relate_data['order_id'] = $order_id;
+		$order_relate_data['addtime'] = time();
+		M('lionfish_comshop_order_relate')->add($order_relate_data);
+		if ($order['delivery'] == 'pickup') {
+			$fee = $order['total'] + $order['shipping_fare'] - $order['voucher_credit'] - $order['fullreduction_money'] - $order['score_for_money'] - $order['fare_shipping_free'];
+		} else if ($order['delivery'] == 'localtown_delivery') {
+			$fee = $order['total'] + $order['packing_fare'] + $order['shipping_fare'] - $order['voucher_credit'] - $order['fullreduction_money'] - $order['score_for_money'] + $order['localtown_add_shipping_fare'] - $order['fare_shipping_free'];
+		} else {
+			$fee = $order['total'] + $order['shipping_fare'] - $order['voucher_credit'] - $order['fullreduction_money'] - $order['score_for_money'] - $order['fare_shipping_free'];
+		}
+		//如果是预售 begin
+		if (!empty($presale_info)) {
+			if ($presale_info['state'] == 0) {
+				//首次支付,
+				$fee = $presale_info['presale_ding_money'];
+			} else if ($presale_info['state'] == 1) {
+				//第二次支付
+				if (!empty($presale_info['presale_deduction_money']) && false) {
+					$fee = $fee - $presale_info['presale_deduction_money'];
+				} else {
+					$fee = $fee - $presale_info['presale_ding_money'];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		//end
+		$fee = round($fee, 2);
+		$appid = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
+		$body = $pay_goods_name; //'商品购买';
+		$body = mb_substr($body, 0, 32, 'utf-8');
+		if (empty($body)) {
+			$body = '商品购买';
+		}
+		$mch_id = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_partnerid');
+		$nonce_str = nonce_str();
+		$shop_domain = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_domain');
+		$notify_url = $shop_domain . '/notify.php';
+		$openid = $member_info['we_openid'];
+		$spbill_create_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
+		$total_fee = $fee * 100;
+		$trade_type = 'JSAPI';
+		$pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
+		$out_trade_no = $order_all_id . '-' . time();
+		$is_open_yinpay = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_yinpay');
+		$appid = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
+		//begin
+		if($pay_method=='fypay'){
+		//富友支付
+			$shop_domain = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_domain');
+			$lib_path = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/Lib/';
+			require_once $lib_path . "/Weixin/Wxfy.class.php";
+			$wxfy = new \Wxfy();
+			$notify_url = $shop_domain . '/notify.php?type=fyfyfy';
+			$body = $goodsname; //'商品购买';
+			if (empty($body) || mb_strlen($body)>30) {
+				$body = '购物车商品合并支付';
+			}
+			// $body=iconv('GB2312', 'UTF-8', $body);
+			//富友一个订单号只能拉起一次支付,所以这里要改
+			M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->where(array('id' => $order_all_id))->save(array('out_trade_no' => $out_trade_no));
+			$nonce_str = nonce_str();
+			$wxfydata=array();
+			$wxfydata['debug'] = false;
+			$wxfydata['filepath'] = $lib_path . 'Weixin/cert/';
+			$prefix = 1450;
+			$wxfydata['mchnt_order_no'] = $prefix . $out_trade_no; //商户订单号, 商户系统内部的订单号(5 到 30 个字符、 只能包含字母数字,区分大小写)
+			$wxfydata['random_str'] = $nonce_str;
+			$wxfydata['goods_des'] = $body;
+			$wxfydata['term_ip'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
+			$wxfydata['order_amt'] = $total_fee;
+			$wxfydata['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
+			$wxfydata['sub_openid'] = $member_info['we_openid'];
+			$wxfydata['sub_appid'] = $appid;
+			$resfult = $wxfy->createOrder($wxfydata);
+		//	$fy_res = json_decode($resfult, 1);
+			if (false) {
+				$json = array();
+				$json['code'] = 2;
+				$json['msg'] = 'error:'.$fy_res['result_msg'];
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+			//$prepay_id =(string)$fy_res['session_id'];
+			//M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(array('order_id' => $order_id))->save(array('perpay_id' => $prepay_id));
+			$data = array();
+			$data['code'] = 0;
+		//	$data['appid'] = $fy_res['sdk_appid'];
+		//	$data['timeStamp'] = $fy_res['sdk_timestamp'];
+		//	$data['nonceStr'] = $fy_res['sdk_noncestr'];
+			//$data['signType'] = $fy_res['sdk_signtype'];
+		//	$data['package'] = 'prepay_id=' .$prepay_id;
+		//	$data['paySign'] = $fy_res['sdk_paysign'];
+			$data['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+			$data['xml'] = $resfult;
+			$data['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
+			$data['pay_method'] = 'fypay';
+			if ($order['is_pin'] == 1) {
+				$data['redirect_url'] = '../groups/group?id=' . $order_id . '&is_show=1';
+			} else {
+				$data['redirect_url'] = '../orders/order?id=' + $order_id;
+			}
+			echo json_encode($data);
+			die();
+		}
+		elseif (isset($is_open_yinpay) && $is_open_yinpay == 3) {
+			$pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
+			$body = '商品购买';
+			$post = array();
+			$post['appid'] =D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_fuwu_appid');
+			$post['body'] = $body;
+			$post['mch_id'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_fuwu_partnerid');
+			$post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
+			$post['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
+			//$post['openid'] = $openid;
+			$post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+			$post['spbill_create_ip'] = $spbill_create_ip;
+			$post['sub_appid'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
+			$post['sub_mch_id'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_sub_mch_id');
+			$post['sub_openid'] = $openid;
+			$post['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
+			$post['trade_type'] = $trade_type;
+			$sign = sign($post, $pay_key);
+			$post_xml = '<xml>
+				   <appid>' . $post['appid'] . '</appid>
+				   <body>' . $body . '</body>
+				   <mch_id>' . $post['mch_id'] . '</mch_id>
+				   <nonce_str>' . $nonce_str . '</nonce_str>
+				   <notify_url>' . $notify_url . '</notify_url>
+				   <out_trade_no>' . $out_trade_no . '</out_trade_no>
+				   <spbill_create_ip>' . $spbill_create_ip . '</spbill_create_ip>
+				   <sub_appid>' . $post['sub_appid'] . '</sub_appid>
+				   <sub_mch_id>' . $post['sub_mch_id'] . '</sub_mch_id>
+				   <sub_openid>' . $openid . '</sub_openid>
+				   <total_fee>' . $total_fee . '</total_fee>
+				   <trade_type>' . $trade_type . '</trade_type>
+				   <sign>' . $sign . '</sign>
+				</xml>';
+			$url = 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder';
+			$xml = http_request($url, $post_xml);
+			$array = xml($xml);
+			if ($array['RETURN_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS' && $array['RESULT_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS') {
+				$time = time();
+				$tmp = array();
+				$tmp['appId'] = $appid;
+				$tmp['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
+				$tmp['package'] = 'prepay_id=' . $array['PREPAY_ID'];
+				$tmp['signType'] = 'MD5';
+				$tmp['timeStamp'] = "$time";
+				$prepay_id = (string) $array['PREPAY_ID'];
+				M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(array('order_id' => $order_id))->save(array('perpay_id' => $prepay_id));
+				$data['code'] = 0;
+				$data['timeStamp'] = "$time";
+				$data['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
+				$data['signType'] = 'MD5';
+				$data['package'] = 'prepay_id=' . $array['PREPAY_ID'];
+				$data['paySign'] = sign($tmp, $pay_key);
+				$data['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+				$data['is_pin'] = $order['is_pin'];
+				if ($order['is_pin'] == 1) {
+					$data['redirect_url'] = '../groups/group?id=' . $order_id . '&is_show=1';
+				} else {
+					$data['redirect_url'] = '../orders/order?id=' + $order_id;
+				}
+			} else {
+				$data['code'] = 1;
+				$data['text'] = "错误";
+				$data['RETURN_CODE'] = $array['RETURN_CODE'];
+				$data['RETURN_MSG'] = $array['RETURN_MSG'];
+			}
+			echo json_encode($data);
+			die();
+		}else{
+			$json = array();
+				$json['code'] = 2;
+				$json['msg'] = '没有支付方式';
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+		}
+		//end
+		$post = array();
+		$post['appid'] = $appid;
+		$post['body'] = $body;
+		$post['mch_id'] = $mch_id;
+		$post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
+		$post['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
+		$post['openid'] = $openid;
+		$post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+		$post['spbill_create_ip'] = $spbill_create_ip;
+		$post['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
+		$post['trade_type'] = $trade_type;
+		$sign = sign($post, $pay_key);
+		$post_xml = '<xml>
+			   <appid>' . $appid . '</appid>
+			   <body>' . $body . '</body>
+			   <mch_id>' . $mch_id . '</mch_id>
+			   <nonce_str>' . $nonce_str . '</nonce_str>
+			   <notify_url>' . $notify_url . '</notify_url>
+			   <openid>' . $openid . '</openid>
+			   <out_trade_no>' . $out_trade_no . '</out_trade_no>
+			   <spbill_create_ip>' . $spbill_create_ip . '</spbill_create_ip>
+			   <total_fee>' . $total_fee . '</total_fee>
+			   <trade_type>' . $trade_type . '</trade_type>
+			   <sign>' . $sign . '</sign>
+			</xml> ';
+		$url = 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder';
+		$xml = http_request($url, $post_xml);
+		$array = xml($xml);
+		if ($array['RETURN_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS' && $array['RESULT_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS') {
+			$time = time();
+			$tmp = array();
+			$tmp['appId'] = $appid;
+			$tmp['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
+			$tmp['package'] = 'prepay_id=' . $array['PREPAY_ID'];
+			$tmp['signType'] = 'MD5';
+			$tmp['timeStamp'] = "$time";
+			$prepay_id = (string) $array['PREPAY_ID'];
+			M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(array('order_id' => $order_id))->save(array('perpay_id' => $prepay_id));
+			$data['code'] = 0;
+			$data['timeStamp'] = "$time";
+			$data['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
+			$data['signType'] = 'MD5';
+			$data['package'] = 'prepay_id=' . $array['PREPAY_ID'];
+			$data['paySign'] = sign($tmp, $pay_key);
+			$data['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+			$data['is_pin'] = $order['is_pin'];
+			//如果是微信小程序交易组件begin---新支付方法 wx.requestOrderPayment
+			$data['order_info'] = [];
+			$data['isRequestOrderPayment'] = $is_need_scene_check;
+			if ($is_need_scene_check == 1) {
+				$orderPamentResult = D('Seller/MpModifyTradeComponts')->getTradeOrderInfo($order_id, $time, $fee);
+				//如果是微信小程序交易组件,提供订单信息 end
+				$data['order_info'] = $orderPamentResult['order_info'];
+			}
+			if ($order['is_pin'] == 1) {
+				$data['redirect_url'] = '../groups/group?id=' . $order_id . '&is_show=1';
+			} else {
+				$data['redirect_url'] = '../orders/order?id=' + $order_id;
+			}
+		} else {
+			$data['code'] = 1;
+			$data['text'] = "错误";
+			$data['RETURN_CODE'] = $array['RETURN_CODE'];
+			$data['RETURN_MSG'] = $array['RETURN_MSG'];
+		}
+		echo json_encode($data);
+		die();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * 获取购物车总数
+	 */
+	public function count()
+	{
+		$gpc = I('request.');
+		$data = array();
+		$token = $gpc['token'];
+		$community_id = $gpc['community_id'];
+		$cart = D('Home/Car');
+		$total = $cart->count_goodscar($token, $community_id);
+		$data['code'] = 0;
+		$data['data'] = $total;
+		echo json_encode($data);
+		die();
+	}

+ 0 - 5795

@@ -1,5795 +0,0 @@
- *
- */
-namespace Home\Controller;
-class CarController extends CommonController
-	//--------begin
-	public function reduce_car_goods()
-	{
-		$_GPC = I('request.');
-		$data = array();
-		$data['goods_id'] = $_GPC['goods_id'];
-		$data['community_id'] = $_GPC['community_id'];
-		$data['quantity'] = $_GPC['quantity'];
-		$data['sku_str'] = $_GPC['sku_str'];
-		if ($_GPC['sku_str'] == 'undefined') {
-			$_GPC['sku_str'] = '';
-			$data['sku_str'] = '';
-		}
-		$data['buy_type'] = $_GPC['buy_type'];
-		$data['pin_id'] = $_GPC['pin_id'];
-		$data['is_just_addcar'] = $_GPC['is_just_addcar'];
-		$data['soli_id'] = isset($_GPC['soli_id']) ? intval($_GPC['soli_id']) : '';
-		if (!isset($data['buy_type']) || empty($data['buy_type'])) {
-			$data['buy_type'] = 'dan';
-		}
-		$token = $_GPC['token'];
-		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where(array('token' => $token))->find();
-		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
-		$is_just_addcar = empty($data['is_just_addcar']) ? 0 : 1;
-		$goods_id = $data['goods_id'];
-		if (empty($member_id)) {
-			$result = array('code' => 4);
-			echo json_encode($result);
-			die();
-		}
-		if (isset($data['goods_id'])) {
-			$goods_id = $data['goods_id'];
-		} else {
-			$goods_id = 0;
-		}
-		$goods_param = array();
-		$product = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->where(array('id' => $goods_id))->find();
-		if ($product['grounding'] != 1) {
-			$json['code'] = 6;
-			$json['msg'] = '商品已下架!';
-			echo json_encode($json);
-			die();
-		}
-		$is_community = D('Seller/Communityhead')->is_community($data['community_id']);
-		if (!$is_community) {
-			$json['code'] = 6;
-			$json['msg'] = '该小区已经不存在!';
-			echo json_encode($json);
-			die();
-		}
-		//6 
-		if ($is_just_addcar == 1) {
-			if ($product['pick_just'] > 0) {
-				$json['code'] = 6;
-				$json['msg'] = '自提商品,请立即购买';
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-		}
-		//商品存在
-		if ($product) {
-			$cart = D('Home/Car');
-			if (isset($data['quantity'])) {
-				$quantity = $data['quantity'];
-			} else {
-				$quantity = 1;
-			}
-			$option = array();
-			if (!empty($data['sku_str'])) {
-				$option = explode('_', $data['sku_str']);
-			}
-			$cart_goods_quantity = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $token, $data['soli_id']);
-			$key = (int) $goods_id . ':' . $data['community_id'] . ':';
-			if (!empty($data['soli_id'])) {
-				$key .= $data['soli_id'] . ':';
-			}
-			if ($data['sku_str']) {
-				$key .= base64_encode($data['sku_str']) . ':';
-			} else {
-				$key .= ':'; //xx
-			}
-			$car_prefix = 'cart.';
-			if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'soitaire') {
-				$key = 'soitairecart.' . $key;
-				$car_prefix = 'soitairecart.';
-			} else {
-				$key = 'cart.' . $key;
-			}
-			$json = array('code' => 0);
-			$car_info = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where(array('carkey' => $key, 'community_id' => $data['community_id']))->find();
-			$tmp_format_data = unserialize($car_info['format_data']);
-			//$tmp_format_data['quantity']
-			if ($tmp_format_data['quantity'] == 1 || $tmp_format_data['quantity'] <= $quantity) {
-				$all_cart = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where(array('carkey' => $key, 'community_id' => $data['community_id'], 'token' => $token))->delete();
-			} else {
-				$tmp_format_data['quantity'] = $tmp_format_data['quantity'] - $quantity;
-				M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where(array('id' => $car_info['id'], 'community_id' => $data['community_id']))->save(array('format_data' => serialize($tmp_format_data)));
-			}
-			$cart = D('Home/Car');
-			$total = $cart->count_goodscar($token, $data['community_id']);
-			$json['code'] = 1;
-			if ($data['buy_type'] != 'dan') {
-				$json['code'] = 2;
-			}
-			$cart_goods_quantity = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $token);
-			$json['success'] = '成功加入购物车!!';
-			$json['total'] = $total;
-			$json['cur_count'] = $cart_goods_quantity;
-			$is_limit_distance_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_limit_buy_distance');
-			$json['is_limit_distance_buy'] = $is_limit_distance_buy;
-			$json['goods_total_count'] = 0;
-			if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'soitaire') {
-				$json['goods_total_count'] = $cart->get_wecart_goods_solicount($goods_id, $data['community_id'], $token, $data['soli_id']);
-				$json['cur_count'] = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $token, $car_prefix, $data['soli_id']);
-			}
-			echo json_encode($json);
-			die();
-		}
-	}
-	/**
-		   pintuan_newman_notice
-	   **/
-	public function add_newcar()
-	{
-		$_GPC = I('request.');
-		$data = array();
-		$data['goods_id'] = $_GPC['goods_id'];
-		$data['buy_type'] = 'pintuan';
-		$data['community_id'] = $_GPC['community_id'];
-		$community_id = $data['community_id'];
-		$data['quantity'] = 1;
-		$token = $_GPC['token'];
-		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where(array('token' => $token))->find();
-		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
-		$goods_id = $data['goods_id'];
-		if (empty($member_id)) {
-			$result = array('code' => 4);
-			echo json_encode($result);
-			die();
-		}
-		$goods_param = array();
-		$product = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->where(array('id' => $goods_id))->find();
-		if ($product['grounding'] != 1) {
-			$json['code'] = 6;
-			$json['msg'] = '商品已下架!';
-			echo json_encode($json);
-			die();
-		}
-		$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id, 'total_limit_count,one_limit_count,is_new_buy');
-		$pin_model = D('Home/Pin');
-		$iszero_opentuan = $pin_model->check_goods_iszero_opentuan($goods_id);
-		if ($iszero_opentuan != 1) {
-			$json['code'] = 6;
-			$json['msg'] = '非邀请团商品!';
-			echo json_encode($json);
-			die();
-		}
-		$cart = D('Home/Car');
-		if ($product) {
-			if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pintuan') {
-				$car_prefix = 'pintuancart.';
-			}
-			$cart_goods_quantity = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $token, $car_prefix);
-			$json = array('code' => 0);
-			//$goods_model = D('Home/Goods');
-			$goods_quantity = $cart->get_goods_quantity($goods_id);
-			//检测商品限购 6 one_limit_count
-			/**
-					 $can_buy_count = D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_count($member_id, $goods_id);
-					 if(!empty($cart_goods_quantity) && $cart_goods_quantity > 0)
-					 {
-						 if($goods_description['one_limit_count'] > 0 && $cart_goods_quantity >= $goods_description['one_limit_count'] )
-						 {
-							 $json['code'] =6;
-							 //$json['msg']='已经不能再买了';
-							 $json['msg']='您本次只能购买'.$goods_description['one_limit_count'].'个';
-							 $json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['one_limit_count'];
-							 echo json_encode($json);
-							 die();
-						 }
-						 $can_buy_count = $can_buy_count - $cart_goods_quantity;
-						 if($can_buy_count <= 0)
-						 {
-							 $can_buy_count = -1;
-						 }
-					 }
-					 if($can_buy_count == -1 && $goods_description['total_limit_count'] >0)
-					 {
-						 $json['code'] =6;
-						 //$json['msg']='已经不能再买了';
-						 $json['msg']='您本次只能购买'.$goods_description['total_limit_count'].'个';
-						 $json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['total_limit_count'];
-						 echo json_encode($json);
-						 die();
-					 }else if($can_buy_count >0 && $quantity >$can_buy_count)
-					 {
-						 $json['code'] =6;
-						 $json['msg']='您还能购买'.$can_buy_count.'份';
-						 $json['max_quantity'] = $can_buy_count;
-						 echo json_encode($json);
-						 die();
-					 }
-					 //已加入购物车的总数
-					 if($goods_quantity<$quantity+$cart_goods_quantity){
-						 $json['code'] =3;
-						 if ($goods_quantity==0) {
-							 $json['msg']='已抢光';
-						 }else{
-							 // $json['msg']='商品数量不足,剩余'.$goods_quantity.'个!!';
-							 $json['msg']='商品数量不足';
-							 $json['max_quantity'] = $goods_quantity;
-						 }
-						 echo json_encode($json);
-						 die();
-					 }
-					 **/
-			//开始生产订单 TODO...
-			$payment = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->find();
-			$data = array();
-			$data['member_id'] = $member_id;
-			$data['name'] = $payment['username'];
-			$data['use_score'] = 0; //是否使用积分抵扣
-			$data['telephone'] = '0000';
-			$data['shipping_name'] = '0000';
-			$data['shipping_tel'] = '0000';
-			$data['shipping_address'] = '';
-			$data['shipping_province_id'] = 0;
-			$data['shipping_city_id'] = 0;
-			$data['shipping_stree_id'] = 0;
-			$data['shipping_country_id'] = 0;
-			$data['shipping_method'] = 0;
-			$data['delivery'] = 'express';
-			$data['pick_up_id'] = $community_id;
-			$data['ziti_name'] = '';
-			$data['ziti_mobile'] = '';
-			$data['payment_method'] = 'yuer';
-			$data['address_id'] = 0;
-			$data['voucher_id'] = 0; //目前都是平台券
-			$data['user_agent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
-			$data['date_added'] = time();
-			$data['type'] = 'pintuan';
-			$data['shipping_fare'] = 0;
-			$goods_data = array();
-			$goods_data[] = array(
-				'goods_id' => $product['id'],
-				'store_id' => 0,
-				'name' => $product['goodsname'],
-				'model' => '',
-				'is_pin' => 1,
-				'pin_id' => 0,
-				'header_disc' => 0,
-				'member_disc' => 0,
-				'level_name' => '',
-				'option' => '',
-				'quantity' => 1,
-				'shipping_fare' => 0,
-				'price' => $product['price'],
-				'card_price' => 0,
-				'costprice' => 0,
-				'total' => 0,
-				'card_total' => 0,
-				'is_take_vipcard' => 0,
-				'fenbi_li' => 0,
-				'can_man_jian' => 0,
-				'comment' => ''
-			);
-			$data['is_free_shipping_fare'] = 0;
-			$data['store_id'] = 0;
-			$data['order_goods_total_money'] = 0;
-			$data['goodss'] = $goods_data;
-			$data['order_num_alias'] = build_order_no($member_id);
-			$data['voucher_credit'] = 0;
-			$data['score_for_money'] = 0;
-			$data['reduce_money'] = 0;
-			$data['man_total_free'] = 0;
-			$oid = D('Home/Frontorder')->addOrder($data); // D('Order')->addOrder($data);
-			$o = array();
-			$o['payment_code'] = 'yuer';
-			$o['order_status_id'] = 2;
-			$o['date_modified'] = time();
-			$o['pay_time'] = time();
-			$o['transaction_id'] = '余额支付';
-			$o['type'] = 'ignore';
-			//ims_ 
-			M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(array('order_id' => $oid))->save($o);
-			//更新到0元开团订单类型
-			echo json_encode(array('code' => 0, 'order_id' => $oid));
-			die();
-		}
-	}
-	//end--
-	public function add()
-	{
-		$gpc = I('request.');
-		$data = array();
-		$data['goods_id'] = $gpc['goods_id'];
-		$data['community_id'] = $gpc['community_id'];
-		$data['quantity'] = $gpc['quantity'];
-		$data['sku_str'] = $gpc['sku_str'];
-		$data['is_just_addcar'] = $gpc['is_just_addcar'];
-		$data['soli_id'] = isset($gpc['soli_id']) ? intval($gpc['soli_id']) : '';
-		if ($gpc['sku_str'] == 'undefined') {
-			$gpc['sku_str'] = '';
-			$data['sku_str'] = '';
-		}
-		$pintuan_model_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('pintuan_model_buy');
-		if (empty($pintuan_model_buy) || $pintuan_model_buy == 0) {
-			$pintuan_model_buy = 0;
-		}
-		$data['buy_type'] = $gpc['buy_type'];
-		$data['pin_id'] = $gpc['pin_id'];
-		$data['is_just_addcar'] = $gpc['is_just_addcar'];
-		if (!isset($data['buy_type']) || empty($data['buy_type'])) {
-			$data['buy_type'] = 'dan';
-		} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'soitaire') {
-			$data['buy_type'] = 'soitaire';
-		} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pindan') {
-			$data['buy_type'] = 'pindan';
-		} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pintuan') {
-			$data['buy_type'] = 'pintuan';
-		} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'presale') {
-			$data['buy_type'] = 'presale';
-		} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'virtualcard') {
-			$data['buy_type'] = 'virtualcard';
-		} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'integral') {
-			$data['buy_type'] = 'integral';
-		}
-		$token = $gpc['token'];
-		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where(array('token' => $token))->find();
-		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
-		$puis_not_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('puis_not_buy');
-		$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->find();
-		if (!empty($puis_not_buy) && $puis_not_buy == 1) {
-			if ($member_info['level_id'] == 0) {
-				$json['code'] = 6;
-				$json['msg'] = '普通会员不能购买!';
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-		}
-		//1、判断是否开启审核,2、如果开启审核,判断会员状态是否审核
-		$is_user_shenhe = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_user_shenhe');
-		//1
-		if (isset($is_user_shenhe) && $is_user_shenhe == 1) {
-			if ($member_info['is_apply_state'] != 1) {
-				$json['code'] = 6;
-				$json['msg'] = '会员未审核不能购买';
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-		}
-		//团长休息
-		$community_id = $gpc['community_id'];
-		$group_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('group_name');
-		if (isset($community_id) && $community_id > 0) {
-			$is_can_buy = D('Seller/Communityhead')->check_goods_can_community($gpc['goods_id'], $community_id);
-			if (!$is_can_buy) {
-				$json['code'] = 6;
-				$json['msg'] = '此商品在您所属' . $group_name . '不可参与!';
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-			// is_all_sale
-		}
-		$is_just_addcar = empty($data['is_just_addcar']) ? 0 : 1;
-		$goods_id = $data['goods_id'];
-		if (empty($member_id)) {
-			$result = array('code' => 4);
-			echo json_encode($result);
-			die();
-		}
-		if (isset($data['goods_id'])) {
-			$goods_id = $data['goods_id'];
-		} else {
-			$goods_id = 0;
-		}
-		$product = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->where(array('id' => $goods_id))->find();
-		if ($product['grounding'] != 1) {
-			$json['code'] = 6;
-			$json['msg'] = '商品已下架!';
-			echo json_encode($json);
-			die();
-		}
-		$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id, 'total_limit_count,one_limit_count,oneday_limit_count,is_new_buy,is_limit_levelunbuy,is_limit_vipmember_buy,goods_start_count');
-		//is_limit_levelunbuy
-		//$is_default_levellimit_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_default_levellimit_buy');
-		//isset($is_default_levellimit_buy) && $is_default_levellimit_buy == 1 &&
-		if ($goods_description['is_limit_levelunbuy'] == 1) {
-			// member_id
-			$mb_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('level_id')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->find();
-			if ($mb_info['level_id'] == 0) {
-				$json['code'] = 6;
-				$json['msg'] = '默认等级不能购买,请联系客服';
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-		}
-		//is_limit_vipmember_buy 付费会员专享
-		//$is_default_vipmember_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_default_vipmember_buy');
-		//isset($is_default_vipmember_buy) && $is_default_vipmember_buy == 1 &&
-		if ($goods_description['is_limit_vipmember_buy'] == 1) {
-			$mb_vip = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('card_id,card_begin_time,card_end_time')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->find();
-			//当前时间
-			$present_time = time();
-			if ($mb_vip['card_id'] == 0 || ($present_time > $mb_vip['card_end_time'])) {
-				$is_pop_vipmember_buytip = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_pop_vipmember_buytip');
-				$is_open_vipcard_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_vipcard_buy');
-				$pop_vipmember_buyimage = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('pop_vipmember_buyimage');
-				$json['has_image'] = 0;
-				$is_open_vipcard_buy = isset($is_open_vipcard_buy) ? $is_open_vipcard_buy : 0;
-				if (isset($is_pop_vipmember_buytip) && $is_pop_vipmember_buytip == 1) {
-					if (isset($pop_vipmember_buyimage) && !empty($pop_vipmember_buyimage)) {
-						$pop_vipmember_buyimage = tomedia($pop_vipmember_buyimage);
-						$json['has_image'] = 1;
-						$json['pop_vipmember_buyimage'] = $pop_vipmember_buyimage;
-					}
-				}
-				$json['code'] = 7;
-				$json['msg'] = '付费会员专享,普通会员不能购买';
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-		}
-		if (!empty($goods_description['is_new_buy']) && $goods_description['is_new_buy'] == 1) {
-			$ck_buy_order = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->field('order_id')->where("member_id={$member_id} and order_status_id in (1,4,6,7,10,11,12,14)")->find();
-			if (!empty($ck_buy_order)) {
-				$json['code'] = 6;
-				$json['msg'] = '新人专享!';
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-			$is_new_buy_limit = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_new_buy_limit');
-			$new_buy_limit_num = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('new_buy_limit_num');
-			if (!empty($is_new_buy_limit) && $is_new_buy_limit == 1) { //新人专享限制
-				$goods_cate_count = D('Home/Car')->get_new_goods_count($token, $goods_id, $data['sku_str']);
-				if ($goods_cate_count >= $new_buy_limit_num) {
-					$json['code'] = 6;
-					$json['msg'] = '超出新人专享限制!';
-					echo json_encode($json);
-					die();
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		//$data['community_id']
-		if ($data['buy_type'] == 'dan' || $data['buy_type'] == 'soitaire' || ($pintuan_model_buy == 1 && $data['buy_type'] != 'dan')) {
-			$is_community = D('Seller/Communityhead')->is_community($data['community_id']);
-			if (!$is_community) {
-				$json['code'] = 6;
-				$json['msg'] = '该小区已经不存在!';
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-		}
-		//判断是否积分兑换
-		if ($product['type'] == 'integral') {
-			//判断积分是否足够 member_id 暂时关闭以下代码
-			$integral_model = D('Home/Integral');
-			if (isset($data['quantity'])) {
-				$quantity = $data['quantity'];
-			} else {
-				$quantity = 1;
-			}
-			if (intval($quantity) < 1) {
-				$json['code'] = 6;
-				$json['msg'] = '数量不能小于1!';
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-			$check_result = $integral_model->check_user_score_quantity_can_pay($member_id, $data['sku_str'], $goods_id, $quantity);
-			if ($check_result['code'] == 1) {
-				$json['code'] = 6;
-				$json['msg'] = '剩余' . $check_result['cur_score'] . '积分,积分不足!';
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-			/****/
-		}
-		//6 
-		if ($is_just_addcar == 1) {
-			if ($product['pick_just'] > 0) {
-				$json['code'] = 6;
-				$json['msg'] = '自提商品,请立即购买';
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-		}
-		//商品存在
-		if ($product) {
-			$cart = D('Home/Car');
-			if (isset($data['quantity'])) {
-				$quantity = $data['quantity'];
-			} else {
-				$quantity = 1;
-			}
-			$option = array();
-			if (!empty($data['sku_str'])) {
-				$option = explode('_', $data['sku_str']);
-			}
-			$car_prefix = "cart.";
-			if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pindan') {
-				$car_prefix = 'pindancart.'; //cart.
-			} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'soitaire') {
-				$car_prefix = 'soitairecart.';
-			} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pintuan') {
-				$car_prefix = 'pintuancart.';
-			} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'presale') {
-				$car_prefix = 'presalecart.';
-			} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'virtualcard') {
-				$car_prefix = 'virtualcardcart.';
-			} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'integral') {
-				$car_prefix = 'integralcart.';
-			}
-			//$data['soli_id']
-			if ($data['is_just_addcar'] == 0) {
-				$cart_goods_quantity = 0;
-			} else {
-				$cart_goods_quantity = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $token, $car_prefix, $data['soli_id']);
-			}
-			$cart_goods_all_quantity = $cart->get_wecartall_goods($goods_id, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $token, $car_prefix);
-			$json = array('code' => 0);
-			//$goods_model = D('Home/Goods');
-			$goods_quantity = $cart->get_goods_quantity($goods_id);
-			if (!empty($data['sku_str'])) {
-				$goods_option_item_value = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->field('stock')->where(array('goods_id' => $goods_id, 'option_item_ids' => $data['sku_str']))->find();
-				if (!empty($goods_option_item_value)) {
-					$goods_quantity = $goods_option_item_value['stock'];
-				}
-			}
-			//rela_goodsoption_valueid
-			if ($goods_quantity < $goods_description['goods_start_count']) {
-				$json['code'] = 6;
-				$json['msg'] = '起售数量' . $goods_description['goods_start_count'] . ',库存不足,剩余' . $goods_quantity . '个';
-				$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['goods_start_count'];
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-			//起售数量判断
-			if ($quantity + $cart_goods_quantity < $goods_description['goods_start_count']) {
-				$json['code'] = 6;
-				$json['msg'] = $goods_description['goods_start_count'] . '份起售';
-				$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['goods_start_count'];
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-			//$can_buy_count = D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_count($member_id, $goods_id);
-			/**
-					 //单次限购
-					 if(!empty($cart_goods_all_quantity) && $cart_goods_all_quantity > 0 && $data['buy_type'] != 'pintuan' )
-					 {
-						 if($goods_description['one_limit_count'] > 0 && $cart_goods_all_quantity >= $goods_description['one_limit_count'] )
-						 {
-							 $json['code'] =6;
-							 //$json['msg']='已经不能再买了';
-							 $json['msg'] = '您本次只能购买'.$goods_description['one_limit_count'].'个';
-							 $json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['one_limit_count'];
-							 echo json_encode($json);
-							 die();
-						 }
-						 $can_buy_count = $can_buy_count - $cart_goods_all_quantity;
-						 if($can_buy_count <= 0)
-						 {
-							 $can_buy_count = -1;
-						 }
-					 }
-					 //每单限购
-					 if($can_buy_count > 0 && $quantity > $can_buy_count)
-					 {
-						 $json['code'] =6;
-						 $json['msg']='您每次只能购买'.$can_buy_count.'份';
-						 $json['max_quantity'] = $can_buy_count;
-						 echo json_encode($json);
-						 die();
-					 }
-					 //每日限购 6
-					 $can_buy_day_count =  D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_day_count($member_id, $goods_id);
-					 if ($goods_description['oneday_limit_count'] >0){
-						 if($can_buy_day_count == -1 || ($can_buy_day_count > 0 && ($cart_goods_all_quantity+$quantity) > $can_buy_day_count))
-						 {
-							 $json['code'] =6;
-							 //$json['msg']='已经不能再买了';
-							 $json['msg']='您每天只能购买'.$goods_description['oneday_limit_count'].'个';
-							 $json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['oneday_limit_count'];
-							 echo json_encode($json);
-							 die();
-						 }
-					 }
-					 //历史限购判断
-					 if($can_buy_count == -1 && $goods_description['total_limit_count'] >0)
-					 {
-						 $json['code'] =6;
-						 //$json['msg']='已经不能再买了';
-						 $json['msg']='您还能购买'.$goods_description['total_limit_count'].'个';
-						 $json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['total_limit_count'];
-						 echo json_encode($json);
-						 die();
-					 }
-					 **/
-			$can_buy_one_count = D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_one_count($member_id, $goods_id);
-			/*$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id , 'total_limit_count,one_limit_count,oneday_limit_count,is_new_buy,is_limit_levelunbuy,is_limit_vipmember_buy,goods_start_count');
-					 if($quantity < $goods_description['goods_start_count']){
-						 $json['code'] = 6;
-						 //$json['msg'] = '您本次只能购买'.$goods_description['one_limit_count'].'份';
-						 $json['msg'] = $goods_description['goods_start_count'].'件起售';
-						 $json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['goods_start_count'];
-						 echo json_encode($json);
-						 die();
-					 }*/
-			//单次限购判断
-			if ($goods_description['one_limit_count'] > 0 && $quantity + $cart_goods_quantity > $goods_description['one_limit_count']) {
-				$json['code'] = 6;
-				//$json['msg'] = '您本次只能购买'.$goods_description['one_limit_count'].'份';
-				$json['msg'] = '购物车总数已满或超出每次购买数量';
-				$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['one_limit_count'] - $cart_goods_all_quantity;
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-			$can_buy_day_count = D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_day_count($member_id, $goods_id);
-			if ($can_buy_day_count == -1 || ($can_buy_day_count > 0 && $quantity > $can_buy_day_count)) {
-				$json['code'] = 6;
-				//$json['msg'] = '您今天只能购买'.$goods_description['oneday_limit_count'].'份';
-				$json['msg'] = '购物车总数已满或超出每天购买数量';
-				$json['max_quantity'] = $can_buy_day_count - $cart_goods_all_quantity;
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			} else if ($can_buy_day_count > 0 && ($quantity + $cart_goods_quantity) > $can_buy_day_count) {
-				$json['code'] = 6;
-				//$json['msg'] = '您今天还能购买'.$can_buy_day_count.'份';
-				$json['msg'] = '购物车总数已满或超出每天购买数量';
-				$json['max_quantity'] = $can_buy_day_count - $cart_goods_all_quantity;
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-			$can_buy_all_count = D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_all_count($member_id, $goods_id);
-			if ($data['buy_type'] == 'pintuan' || $data['buy_type'] == 'pindan' || $data['buy_type'] == 'presale') {
-				$cart_goods_all_quantity = 0;
-			}
-			//历史限购判断
-			if ($can_buy_all_count == -1 && $goods_description['total_limit_count'] > 0) {
-				$json['code'] = 6;
-				//$json['msg']='您最多只能购买'.$goods_description['total_limit_count'].'份';
-				$json['msg'] = '购物车总数已满或超出历史购买数量';
-				$json['max_quantity'] = 1;
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			} else if ($can_buy_all_count > 0 && ($cart_goods_all_quantity + $quantity) > $can_buy_all_count) {
-				$json['code'] = 6;
-				$json['msg'] = '购物车总数已满或超出历史购买数量';
-				$json['max_quantity'] = $can_buy_all_count - $cart_goods_all_quantity;
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-			//已加入购物车的总数
-			if ($goods_quantity < $quantity + $cart_goods_quantity) {
-				$json['code'] = 3;
-				if ($goods_quantity == 0) {
-					$json['msg'] = '已抢光';
-				} else {
-					$json['msg'] = '商品数量不足';
-					$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_quantity;
-				}
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-			if (!empty($option)) {
-				$mul_opt_arr = array();
-				//ims_ 
-				//$goods_option_mult_value = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id,'option_item_ids' => $data['sku_str']) )->find();
-				$open_redis_server = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('open_redis_server');
-				if (!empty($open_redis_server) && $open_redis_server == 1) {
-					$goods_option_mult_value_stock = D('Seller/Redisorder')->get_goods_sku_quantity($goods_id, $data['sku_str']);
-				} else {
-					$goods_option_mult_value = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->where(array('goods_id' => $goods_id, 'option_item_ids' => $data['sku_str']))->find();
-				}
-				if (!empty($goods_option_mult_value_stock)) {
-					if ($goods_option_mult_value_stock < $quantity + $cart_goods_quantity) {
-						$json['code'] = 3;
-						$json['msg'] = '商品数量不足,剩余' . $goods_option_mult_value_stock . '个!!';
-						$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_option_mult_value['stock'];
-						echo json_encode($json);
-						die();
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			//buy_type
-			// $this->clear_all_cart(); $data['community_id']
-			$format_data_array = array(
-				'quantity' => $quantity,
-				'community_id' => $data['community_id'],
-				'goods_id' => $goods_id,
-				'sku_str' => $data['sku_str'],
-				'buy_type' => $data['buy_type'],
-				'soli_id' => $data['soli_id']
-			);
-			//区分活动商品还是普通商品。做两个购物车,活动商品是需要直接购买的,单独购买商品加入正常的购物车TODO....
-			//is_just_addcar 0  1
-			if ($data['buy_type'] == 'dan' && $is_just_addcar == 0) {
-				//$cart->removedancar($token);
-				//清空一下购物车
-				//singledel
-				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 0;
-				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
-				$cart->addwecar($token, $goods_id, $format_data_array, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id']);
-				$total = $cart->count_goodscar($token, $data['community_id']);
-			} else if ($data['buy_type'] == 'dan' && $is_just_addcar == 1) {
-				//singledel
-				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 1;
-				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
-				$cart->addwecar($token, $goods_id, $format_data_array, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id']);
-				$total = $cart->count_goodscar($token, $data['community_id']);
-			} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'soitaire') {
-				//清理单独购买的商品
-				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 1;
-				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
-				$cart->addwecar($token, $goods_id, $format_data_array, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $car_prefix, $data['soli_id']);
-				$total = 0;
-			} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pindan') {
-				//清理单独购买的商品
-				$cart->removeActivityAllcar($token, 'pindancart.');
-				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 0;
-				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
-				$cart->addwecar($token, $goods_id, $format_data_array, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $car_prefix);
-				$total = 0;
-			} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pintuan') {
-				$pin_id = isset($data['pin_id']) ? $data['pin_id'] : 0;
-				if ($pin_id > 0) {
-					$pin_info_tmp = M('lionfish_comshop_pin')->where(array('pin_id' => $pin_id))->find();
-					if (!empty($pin_info_tmp) && $pin_info_tmp['is_newman_takein'] == 1) {
-						//检测是否新人
-						//检测是否购买过
-						$od_status = "1,2,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14";
-						$od_buy_count = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where("order_status_id in ({$od_status}) and member_id=" . $member_id)->count();
-						if (!empty($od_buy_count) && $od_buy_count > 0) {
-							$json['code'] = 3;
-							$json['msg'] = '新人专享';
-							echo json_encode($json);
-							die();
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				//清理拼团的商品
-				$cart->removeActivityAllcar($token, 'pintuancart.');
-				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 0;
-				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
-				$format_data_array['pin_id'] = $pin_id;
-				$cart->addwecar($token, $goods_id, $format_data_array, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $car_prefix);
-				$total = 0;
-			} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'presale') {
-				//清理预售的商品
-				$cart->removeActivityAllcar($token, 'presalecart.');
-				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 0;
-				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
-				$cart->addwecar($token, $goods_id, $format_data_array, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $car_prefix);
-				$total = 0;
-			} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'virtualcard') {
-				//清理预售的商品
-				$cart->removeActivityAllcar($token, 'virtualcardcart.');
-				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 0;
-				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
-				$cart->addwecar($token, $goods_id, $format_data_array, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $car_prefix);
-				$total = 0;
-			} else if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'integral') {
-				//清理拼团的商品 $data['pin_id']
-				$cart->removeActivityAllcar($token, 'integralcart.');
-				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 0;
-				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
-				$cart->addwecar($token, $goods_id, $format_data_array, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $car_prefix);
-				$total = 0;
-			} else {
-				//buy_type:pin  活动购物车。
-				$pin_id = isset($data['pin_id']) ? $data['pin_id'] : 0;
-				//lottery
-				if ($product['type'] == 'lottery' && $product['type'] == 'lottery') {
-					/**
-								   //等待把抽奖的活动打开
-								   $now_time = time();
-								   $lottery_goods_info =  M('lottery_goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find();
-								   if($lottery_goods_info['end_time'] < $now_time)
-								   {
-									   $json['code'] =6;
-									   $json['msg']='抽奖活动已结束';
-									   echo json_encode($json);
-									   die();
-								   }
-								   **/
-				}
-				//检测商品是否老带新,新人才能参团
-				if ($pin_id > 0) {
-					//等待把老带新的活动打开
-					/**
-								   if($product['type'] == 'newman')
-								   {
-									   $new_mamn_buy = $goods_model->check_goods_new_manbug($member_id);
-									   if($new_mamn_buy>0)
-									   {
-										   $json['code'] =5;
-										   $json['msg']='该商品只能新人参团';
-										   echo json_encode($json);
-										   die();
-									   }
-								   }
-								   **/
-				}
-				$format_data_array['pin_id'] = $pin_id;
-				$cart->add_activitycar($token, $goods_id, $format_data_array, $data['sku_str']);
-				$total = $cart->count_activitycar($token);
-			}
-			$carts = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where(array('token' => $token, 'community_id' => $data['community_id'], 'carkey' => 'cart_total'))->find();
-			if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'dan') {
-				if (!empty($carts)) {
-					$car_data = array();
-					$car_data['format_data'] = serialize(array('quantity' => $total));
-					$car_data['modifytime'] = 1;
-					M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where(array('token' => $token, 'community_id' => $data['community_id'], 'carkey' => 'cart_total'))->save($car_data);
-				} else {
-					$car_data = array();
-					$car_data['token'] = $token;
-					$car_data['community_id'] = $data['community_id'];
-					$car_data['carkey'] = 'cart_total';
-					$car_data['format_data'] = serialize(array('quantity' => $total));
-					M('lionfish_comshop_car')->add($car_data);
-				}
-			}
-			//session('cart_total',$total);
-			$json['code'] = 1;
-			if ($data['buy_type'] != 'dan') {
-				$json['code'] = 2;
-			}
-			$json['success'] = '成功加入购物车!!';
-			$json['total'] = $total;
-			$cart_goods_quantity = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $token, $car_prefix);
-			$json['cur_count'] = $cart_goods_quantity;
-			//soitaire 
-			$is_limit_distance_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_limit_buy_distance');
-			$json['is_limit_distance_buy'] = $is_limit_distance_buy;
-			$json['goods_total_count'] = 0;
-			if (!empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'soitaire') {
-				$json['goods_total_count'] = $cart->get_wecart_goods_solicount($goods_id, $data['community_id'], $token, $data['soli_id']);
-				$cart_goods_quantity = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'], $token, $car_prefix, $data['soli_id']);
-				$json['cur_count'] = $cart_goods_quantity;
-			}
-			echo json_encode($json);
-			die();
-		}
-	}
-	//显示购物车中商品列表
-	function show_cart_goods()
-	{
-		$gpc = I('request.');
-		$token = $gpc['token'];
-		$community_id = $gpc['community_id'];
-		$soli_id = isset($gpc['soli_id']) ? intval($gpc['soli_id']) : '';
-		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where(array('token' => $token))->find();
-		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
-		$is_open_vipcard_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_vipcard_buy');
-		$is_open_vipcard_buy = !empty($is_open_vipcard_buy) && $is_open_vipcard_buy == 1 ? 1 : 0;
-		$modify_vipcard_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('modify_vipcard_name');
-		$is_vip_card_member = 0;
-		$is_member_level_buy = 0;
-		if ($member_id > 0) {
-			$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->find();
-			if (!empty($is_open_vipcard_buy) && $is_open_vipcard_buy == 1) {
-				$now_time = time();
-				if ($member_info['card_id'] > 0 && $member_info['card_end_time'] > $now_time) {
-					$is_vip_card_member = 1; //还是会员
-				} else if ($member_info['card_id'] > 0 && $member_info['card_end_time'] < $now_time) {
-					$is_vip_card_member = 2; //已过期
-				}
-			}
-			if ($is_vip_card_member != 1 && $member_info['level_id'] > 0) {
-				$is_member_level_buy = 1;
-			}
-		}
-		$buy_type = isset($gpc['buy_type']) ? $gpc['buy_type'] : 'dan';
-		if (empty($member_id)) {
-			//需要登录
-			echo json_encode(array('code' => 5));
-			die();
-		}
-		$cart = D('Home/Car');
-		$goods = $cart->get_all_goodswecar($buy_type, $token, 0, $community_id, $soli_id);
-		$seller_goodss = array();
-		$seller_goodss_mult = array();
-		//is_only_express
-		$tp_ar = array();
-		foreach ($goods as $key => $val) {
-			//$goods_store_field =  M('goods')->field('store_id')->where( array('goods_id' => $val['goods_id']) )->find();
-			//$seller_goodss[ $goods_store_field['store_id'] ]['goods'][$key] = $val;
-			$supply_id = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_supply_id($val['goods_id']);
-			if ($supply_id > 0) {
-				$supply_info = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_info($supply_id);
-				if ($supply_info['type'] == 0) {
-					$supply_id = 0;
-				}
-			}
-			$seller_goodss[$supply_id]['goods'][$key] = $val;
-			$tp_ar[] = $val['is_only_express'];
-			$seller_goodss_mult[$val['is_only_express']][$supply_id]['goods'][$key] = $val; //new 0719
-		}
-		$ck_goodstype_count = 0;
-		$vipcard_save_money = 0;
-		$level_save_money = 0;
-		//$max_can_orderbuy_money = 0 ;
-		foreach ($seller_goodss_mult as $key => $seller_goodss_tp) {
-			foreach ($seller_goodss_tp as $store_id => $val) {
-				//total
-				$seller_voucher_list = array();
-				$seller_total_fee = 0;
-				$total_trans_free = 0;
-				$tmp_goods = array();
-				$is_store_ck = false;
-				foreach ($val['goods'] as $kk => $d_goods) {
-					$seller_total_fee += $d_goods['total'];
-					$total_trans_free += $d_goods[$kk]['trans_free'];
-					$val['goods'][$kk] = $d_goods;
-					$tp_val = array();
-					$tp_val['id'] = $d_goods['goods_id'];
-					$tp_val['key'] = $d_goods['key'];
-					if ($d_goods['singledel'] == 1) {
-						$tp_val['isselect'] = true;
-						$is_store_ck = true;
-						$ck_goodstype_count++;
-						if ($d_goods['is_take_vipcard'] == 1) {
-							$vipcard_save_money = $d_goods['total'] - $d_goods['card_total'];
-						} else if ($d_goods['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1) {
-							$level_save_money = $d_goods['total'] - $d_goods['level_total'];
-						}
-					} else {
-						$tp_val['isselect'] = false;
-					}
-					$tp_val['imgurl'] = $d_goods['image'];
-					$tp_val['edit'] = 'inline';
-					$tp_val['title'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($d_goods['name']);
-					$tp_val['finish'] = 'none';
-					$tp_val['description'] = 'description';
-					$option_arr = array();
-					$option_str = "";
-					foreach ($d_goods['option'] as $option_val) {
-						//$option_arr[] = $option_val['name'].':'.$option_val['value'];
-						$option_arr[] = $option_val['value'];
-					}
-					if (!empty($option_arr)) {
-						$option_str = implode(';', $option_arr);
-					}
-					$tp_val['can_buy'] = D('Home/Pingoods')->get_goods_time_can_buy($d_goods['goods_id']);
-					$tp_val['option_can_buy'] = D('Home/Pingoods')->get_goods_option_can_buy($d_goods['goods_id'], $d_goods['sku_str']);
-					$tp_val['goodstype'] = $option_str;
-					$tp_val['goodstypeedit'] = $option_str;
-					$tp_val['goodsnum'] = $d_goods['quantity'];
-					$tp_val['can_man_jian'] = $d_goods['can_man_jian'];
-					$tp_val['max_quantity'] = $d_goods['max_quantity'];
-					$tp_val['cartype'] = 'inline';
-					$tp_val['currntprice'] = $d_goods['price'];
-					$tp_val['card_price'] = $d_goods['card_price'];
-					$tp_val['levelprice'] = $d_goods['levelprice']; // 会员等级价格
-					$tp_val['is_mb_level_buy'] = $d_goods['is_mb_level_buy']; //是否可以会员等级价格购买
-					$tp_val['is_take_vipcard'] = $d_goods['is_take_vipcard'];
-					$tp_val['price'] = $d_goods['shop_price'];
-					$tp_val['is_new_buy'] = $d_goods['is_new_buy'];
-					$tp_val['goods_start_count'] = $d_goods['goods_start_count'];
-					$tp_val['store_id'] = $store_id;
-					$tmp_goods[] = $tp_val;
-				}
-				//$store_info = M('seller')->field('s_id,s_true_name,s_logo')->where( array('s_id' => $store_id) )->find();
-				//$store_info['s_logo'] = C('SITE_URL').'Uploads/image/'.$store_info['s_logo'];
-				$store_info = array('s_true_name' => '', 's_id' => 1);
-				$s_logo = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shoplogo');
-				if (!empty($s_logo)) {
-					$s_logo = tomedia($s_logo);
-				}
-				$val['store_info'] = $store_info;
-				$store_data = array();
-				$store_data['id'] = $store_info['s_id'];
-				if ($is_store_ck) {
-					$store_data['isselect'] = true;
-				} else {
-					$store_data['isselect'] = false;
-				}
-				$store_data['shopname'] = $store_info['s_true_name'];
-				$store_data['caredit'] = 'inline';
-				$store_data['finish'] = 'none';
-				$store_data['count'] = '0.00';
-				$is_open_fullreduction = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_fullreduction');
-				$full_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_money');
-				$full_reducemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_reducemoney');
-				if (empty($full_reducemoney) || $full_reducemoney <= 0) {
-					$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
-				}
-				$store_data['is_open_fullreduction'] = $is_open_fullreduction;
-				$store_data['full_money'] = $full_money;
-				$store_data['full_reducemoney'] = $full_reducemoney;
-				$store_data['goodstype'] = 2;
-				$store_data['goodstypeselect'] = 0;
-				$store_data['shopcarts'] = $tmp_goods;
-				//起送价格
-				$localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney = 0;
-				//达到金额免配送费
-				$localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney = 0;
-				$localtown_fixed_list = array();
-				if ($key == 3) { //同城配送商品
-					$storename = "";
-					if ($store_id == 0) {
-						//配送费类型:0、固定金额,1、按距离收取
-						$localtown_delivery_moneytype = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_delivery_moneytype');
-						if ($localtown_delivery_moneytype == 0) {
-							$localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney');
-							$localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney');
-						}
-						$storename = "平台";
-					} else {
-						$isopen_localtown_delivery = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('isopen_localtown_delivery', $store_id);
-						//配送费类型:0、固定金额,1、按距离收取
-						$localtown_delivery_moneytype = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('localtown_delivery_moneytype', $store_id);
-						if ($isopen_localtown_delivery == 1 && $localtown_delivery_moneytype == 0) {
-							$localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney', $store_id);
-							$localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney', $store_id);
-						}
-						$supply_info_data = M('lionfish_comshop_supply')->field('storename')->where(array('id' => $store_id))->find();
-						$storename = $supply_info_data['storename'];
-					}
-					$localtown_fixed_list['localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney'] = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney;
-					//if($localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney > $max_can_orderbuy_money){
-					//获取起送最大下单金额限制
-					//$max_can_orderbuy_money = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney;
-					//}
-					$localtown_fixed_list['localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney'] = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney;
-					$localtown_fixed_list['store_name'] = $storename;
-				} else if ($key == 2) {
-					if ($store_id == 0) {
-						$storename = "平台";
-					} else {
-						$supply_info_data = M('lionfish_comshop_supply')->field('storename')->where(array('id' => $store_id))->find();
-						$storename = $supply_info_data['storename'];
-					}
-					$localtown_fixed_list['store_name'] = $storename;
-				}
-				$store_data['localtown_fixed_list'] = $localtown_fixed_list;
-				$seller_goodss_tp[$store_id] = $store_data;
-				$i++;
-			}
-			$seller_goodss_mult[$key] = $seller_goodss_tp;
-		}
-		foreach ($seller_goodss as $store_id => $val) {
-			//total
-			$seller_voucher_list = array();
-			$seller_total_fee = 0;
-			$total_trans_free = 0;
-			$tmp_goods = array();
-			$is_store_ck = false;
-			foreach ($val['goods'] as $kk => $d_goods) {
-				$seller_total_fee += $d_goods['total'];
-				$total_trans_free += $d_goods[$kk]['trans_free'];
-				$val['goods'][$kk] = $d_goods;
-				$tp_val = array();
-				$tp_val['id'] = $d_goods['goods_id'];
-				$tp_val['key'] = $d_goods['key'];
-				if ($d_goods['singledel'] == 1) {
-					$tp_val['isselect'] = true;
-					$is_store_ck = true;
-					$ck_goodstype_count++;
-				} else {
-					$tp_val['isselect'] = false;
-				}
-				$tp_val['imgurl'] = $d_goods['image'];
-				$tp_val['edit'] = 'inline';
-				$tp_val['title'] = $d_goods['name'];
-				$tp_val['finish'] = 'none';
-				$tp_val['description'] = 'description';
-				$option_arr = array();
-				$option_str = "";
-				foreach ($d_goods['option'] as $option_val) {
-					//$option_arr[] = $option_val['name'].':'.$option_val['value'];
-					$option_arr[] = $option_val['value'];
-				}
-				if (!empty($option_arr)) {
-					$option_str = implode(';', $option_arr);
-				}
-				$tp_val['can_buy'] = D('Home/Pingoods')->get_goods_time_can_buy($d_goods['goods_id']);
-				$tp_val['goodstype'] = $option_str;
-				$tp_val['goodstypeedit'] = $option_str;
-				$tp_val['goodsnum'] = $d_goods['quantity'];
-				$tp_val['can_man_jian'] = $d_goods['can_man_jian'];
-				$tp_val['max_quantity'] = $d_goods['max_quantity'];
-				$tp_val['cartype'] = 'inline';
-				$tp_val['currntprice'] = $d_goods['price'];
-				$tp_val['price'] = $d_goods['shop_price'];
-				$tp_val['card_price'] = $d_goods['card_price'];
-				$tp_val['is_take_vipcard'] = $d_goods['is_take_vipcard'];
-				$tp_val['is_new_buy'] = $d_goods['is_new_buy'];
-				$tmp_goods[] = $tp_val;
-			}
-			//$store_info = M('seller')->field('s_id,s_true_name,s_logo')->where( array('s_id' => $store_id) )->find();
-			//$store_info['s_logo'] = C('SITE_URL').'Uploads/image/'.$store_info['s_logo'];
-			$store_info = array('s_true_name' => '', 's_id' => 1);
-			$s_logo = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shoplogo');
-			if (!empty($s_logo)) {
-				$s_logo = tomedia($s_logo);
-			}
-			$val['store_info'] = $store_info;
-			$store_data = array();
-			$store_data['id'] = $store_info['s_id'];
-			if ($is_store_ck) {
-				$store_data['isselect'] = true;
-			} else {
-				$store_data['isselect'] = false;
-			}
-			$store_data['shopname'] = $store_info['s_true_name'];
-			$store_data['caredit'] = 'inline';
-			$store_data['finish'] = 'none';
-			$store_data['count'] = '0.00';
-			$is_open_fullreduction = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_fullreduction');
-			$full_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_money');
-			$full_reducemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_reducemoney');
-			if (empty($full_reducemoney) || $full_reducemoney <= 0) {
-				$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
-			}
-			$store_data['is_open_fullreduction'] = $is_open_fullreduction;
-			$store_data['full_money'] = $full_money;
-			$store_data['full_reducemoney'] = $full_reducemoney;
-			$store_data['goodstype'] = 2;
-			$store_data['goodstypeselect'] = 0;
-			$store_data['shopcarts'] = $tmp_goods;
-			$seller_goodss[$store_id] = $store_data;
-			$i++;
-		}
-		// 商家是否休息
-		$is_comunity_rest = D('Seller/Communityhead')->is_community_rest($community_id);
-		$open_man_orderbuy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('open_man_orderbuy');
-		$man_orderbuy_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_orderbuy_money');
-		//if($man_orderbuy_money > $max_can_orderbuy_money){
-		//$max_can_orderbuy_money = $man_orderbuy_money;
-		//}
-		$is_show_guess_like = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_show_guess_like');
-		// 免配送 man_free_tuanzshipping>0开启
-		$delivery_type_ziti = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_type_ziti');
-		$delivery_type_express = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_type_express');
-		$delivery_type_tuanz = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_type_tuanz');
-		$man_free_tuanzshipping = $delivery_tuanz_money = 0;
-		//暂时屏蔽,2020.02.13.14:57
-		/**
-			  if($delivery_type_ziti!=1 && $delivery_type_express!=1 && $delivery_type_tuanz==1) {
-				  $man_free_tuanzshipping = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_free_tuanzshipping');
-				  if($man_free_tuanzshipping>1 && !empty($man_free_tuanzshipping)) {
-					  $delivery_tuanz_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_tuanz_money');
-				  }
-			  }
-			  **/
-		if ($delivery_type_tuanz == 1) {
-			$man_free_tuanzshipping = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_free_tuanzshipping');
-		} else {
-			$man_free_tuanzshipping = 0;
-		}
-		$open_tuan_ship = $delivery_type_tuanz;
-		//团长自定义配送开关
-		if ($community_id && $man_free_tuanzshipping > 1) {
-			$community_modify_shipping = M('lionfish_community_head')->field('is_modify_shipping_method')->where(array('id' => $community_id))->find();
-			$is_modify_shipping_method = $community_modify_shipping['is_modify_shipping_method'];
-			if ($is_modify_shipping_method == 1) {
-				$open_tuan_ship = 1;
-			} else if ($is_modify_shipping_method == 2) {
-				$open_tuan_ship = 0;
-			}
-		}
-		$delivery_tuanz_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_tuanz_money');
-		$shopcar_tab_all_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shopcar_tab_all_name');
-		$shopcar_tab_express_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shopcar_tab_express_name');
-		$is_open_fullreduction = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_fullreduction');
-		if ($is_open_fullreduction) {
-			$full_list = D('Home/Front')->get_fullreduction();
-		} else {
-			$full_list[0]['full_money'] = 0;
-			$full_list[0]['full_reducemoney'] = 0;
-		}
-		//同城配送信息
-		//配送费类型:0、固定金额,1、按距离收取
-		$localtown_delivery_moneytype = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_delivery_moneytype');
-		$localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney = 0;
-		$localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney = 0;
-		if ($localtown_delivery_moneytype == 0) {
-			//起送价格
-			$localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney');
-			//达到金额免配送费
-			$localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney');
-		}
-		$need_data = array();
-		$need_data['code'] = 0;
-		$need_data['carts'] = $seller_goodss;
-		$need_data['mult_carts'] = $seller_goodss_mult;
-		$need_data['is_comunity_rest'] = $is_comunity_rest;
-		$need_data['open_man_orderbuy'] = $open_man_orderbuy;
-		$need_data['man_orderbuy_money'] = $man_orderbuy_money;
-		//$need_data['max_can_orderbuy_money'] = $max_can_orderbuy_money;
-		$need_data['is_show_guess_like'] = $is_show_guess_like;
-		$need_data['man_free_tuanzshipping'] = $man_free_tuanzshipping;
-		$need_data['delivery_tuanz_money'] = $delivery_tuanz_money;
-		$need_data['is_member_level_buy'] = $is_member_level_buy; //当前会员折扣 购买,1是,0否
-		$need_data['level_save_money'] = $level_save_money; //会员折扣省的钱
-		$need_data['is_vip_card_member'] = $is_vip_card_member; //当前会员是否是 会员卡会员 0 不是,1是,2已过期
-		$need_data['vipcard_save_money'] = $vipcard_save_money; //vip能节约的金额
-		$need_data['is_open_vipcard_buy'] = $is_open_vipcard_buy; //vip能节约的金额
-		$need_data['modify_vipcard_name'] = $modify_vipcard_name;
-		$need_data['shopcar_tab_all_name'] = $shopcar_tab_all_name;
-		$need_data['shopcar_tab_express_name'] = $shopcar_tab_express_name;
-		$need_data['open_tuan_ship'] = $open_tuan_ship;
-		$need_data['is_open_fullreduction'] = $is_open_fullreduction;
-		$need_data['full_list'] = $full_list;
-		//平台和供应商 起送价格和免配送费价格
-		//$need_data['localtown_fixed_list'] = $localtown_fixed_list;
-		$need_data['localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney'] = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney; //起送价格
-		$need_data['localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney'] = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney; //达到金额免配送费
-		echo json_encode($need_data);
-		die();
-	}
-	public function checkout_flushall()
-	{
-		$gpc = I('request.');
-		$token = $gpc['token'];
-		$community_id = $gpc['community_id'];
-		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where(array('token' => $token))->find();
-		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
-		//dan soitaire
-		$buy_type = isset($gpc['buy_type']) ? $gpc['buy_type'] : 'dan';
-		//$car_prefix = 'soitairecart.';
-		//buy_type和soli_id吗
-		$is_community = D('Seller/Communityhead')->is_community($community_id);
-		if (!$is_community) {
-			$json['code'] = 6;
-			$json['msg'] = '该小区已经不存在!';
-			echo json_encode($json);
-			die();
-		}
-		$data = array();
-		$data['car_key'] = $gpc['car_key'];
-		$data['all_keys_arr'] = $gpc['all_keys_arr'];
-		$data['cur_car_key'] = $gpc['cur_car_key'];
-		//car_key:cart.6:MTc0:,cart.13:MjcwXzI3Mw==:
-		//all_keys_arr:cart.6:MTc0:_1,cart.13:MjcwXzI3Mw==:_1
-		$car_key = explode(',', $data['car_key']);
-		$all_keys_arr = explode(',', $data['all_keys_arr']);
-		if (!empty($data['cur_car_key'])) {
-			$car_key = array($data['cur_car_key']);
-		}
-		$save_keys = array();
-		if (!empty($all_keys_arr)) {
-			foreach ($all_keys_arr as $val) {
-				$tmp_val = explode('_', $val);
-				$save_keys[$tmp_val[0]] = $tmp_val[1];
-			}
-		}
-		if ($buy_type == 'dan') {
-			$all_cart = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where("community_id={$community_id} and token='{$token}' and carkey like 'cart.%'")->select();
-		} else if ($buy_type == 'soitaire') {
-			$all_cart = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where("community_id={$community_id} and token='{$token}' and carkey like 'soitairecart.%'")->select();
-		}
-		if (!empty($all_cart)) {
-			foreach ($all_cart as $val) {
-				$tmp_format_data = unserialize($val['format_data']);
-				$tmp_format_data['singledel'] = 0;
-				$tmp_format_data['quantity'] = isset($save_keys[$val['carkey']]) ? $save_keys[$val['carkey']] : $tmp_format_data['quantity'];
-				M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where(array('id' => $val['id'], 'community_id' => $community_id))->save(array('format_data' => serialize($tmp_format_data)));
-			}
-		}
-		if (!empty($car_key)) {
-			foreach ($car_key as $key) {
-				$car_info = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where(array('community_id' => $community_id, 'carkey' => $key, 'token' => $token))->find();
-				if (!empty($car_info)) {
-					$tmp_format_data = unserialize($car_info['format_data']);
-					$tmp_format_data['singledel'] = 1;
-					$quantity = $tmp_format_data['quantity'];
-					$sku_quantity_one = $tmp_format_data['quantity'];
-					$goods_id = $tmp_format_data['goods_id'];
-					$sku_str = $tmp_format_data['sku_str'];
-					//同一个商品不同规格 总数量合计
-					$sku_quantity = $this->_check_goods_sku_quantity($community_id, $key, $token);
-					if ($sku_quantity > $quantity) {
-						$quantity = $sku_quantity;
-					}
-					$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id, 'goods_start_count');
-					//起售数量判断
-					if ($sku_quantity_one < $goods_description['goods_start_count']) {
-						$json['code'] = 6;
-						$json['msg'] = $goods_description['goods_start_count'] . '份起售';
-						$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['goods_start_count'];
-						echo json_encode($json);
-						die();
-					}
-					$check_json = $this->_check_can_buy($member_id, $goods_id, $quantity);
-					if ($check_json['code'] != 0) {
-						$tmp_format_data['quantity'] = $check_json['count'];
-						M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where(array('id' => $car_info['id'], 'community_id' => $community_id))->save(array('format_data' => serialize($tmp_format_data)));
-						echo json_encode(array('code' => 6, 'msg' => $check_json['msg']));
-						die();
-					}
-					//check sku is ok 
-					$check_json = $this->_check_goods_sku_canbuy($goods_id, $sku_str);
-					if ($check_json['code'] != 0) {
-						echo json_encode(array('code' => 6, 'msg' => $check_json['msg']));
-						die();
-					}
-					$check_json = $this->_check_goods_quantity($goods_id, $sku_quantity_one, $sku_str);
-					if ($check_json['code'] != 0) {
-						echo json_encode(array('code' => 6, 'msg' => $check_json['msg']));
-						die();
-					}
-					M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where(array('id' => $car_info['id'], 'community_id' => $community_id))->save(array('format_data' => serialize($tmp_format_data)));
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		$is_limit_distance_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_limit_buy_distance');
-		echo json_encode(array('code' => 0, 'data' => $is_limit_distance_buy));
-		die();
-	}
-	public function _check_goods_sku_quantity($community_id, $key, $token)
-	{
-		$quantity = 0;
-		$key_array = explode(":", $key);
-		$key_result = "";
-		foreach ($key_array as $k => $v) {
-			if ($k < 2) {
-				if (empty($key_result)) {
-					$key_result = $v;
-				} else {
-					$key_result = $key_result . ":" . $v;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		$sql = "SELECT format_data FROM " . C('DB_PREFIX') . "lionfish_comshop_car "
-			. " WHERE carkey LIKE  '" . $key_result . "%' and community_id = '" . $community_id . "' "
-			. " and token='" . $token . "'";
-		$cart_goods_list = M()->query($sql);
-		if (!empty($cart_goods_list)) {
-			foreach ($cart_goods_list as $val) {
-				$tmp_format_data = unserialize($val['format_data']);
-				$quantity = $quantity + $tmp_format_data['quantity'];
-			}
-		}
-		return $quantity;
-	}
-	public function _check_goods_sku_canbuy($goods_id, $sku_str)
-	{
-		$json = array('code' => 0);
-		$goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('goodsname as name')->where(array('id' => $goods_id))->find();
-		if (!empty($sku_str)) {
-			$goods_option_mult_value = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->field('stock as quantity')->where(array('option_item_ids' => $sku_str, 'goods_id' => $goods_id))->find();
-			if (empty($goods_option_mult_value)) {
-				$json['code'] = 3;
-				$json['msg'] = mb_substr($goods_info['name'], 0, 4, 'utf-8') . ',规格已失效,删除后再结算';
-			}
-		}
-		return $json;
-	}
-	public function del_car_goods()
-	{
-		$gpc = I('request.');
-		$token = $gpc['token'];
-		$community_id = $gpc['community_id'];
-		$carkey = $gpc['carkey'];
-		M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where("community_id={$community_id} and token='{$token}' and carkey='{$carkey}'")->delete();
-		echo json_encode(array('code' => 0));
-		die();
-	}
-	public function _check_goods_quantity($goods_id, $quantity, $sku_str)
-	{
-		$gpc = I('request.');
-		$goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('goodsname as name')->where(array('id' => $goods_id))->find();
-		$goods_quantity = D('Home/Car')->get_goods_quantity($goods_id);
-		$json = array('code' => 0);
-		if ($goods_quantity < $quantity) {
-			$json['code'] = 3;
-			$json['msg'] = mb_substr($goods_info['name'], 0, 4, 'utf-8') . '...,商品数量不足,剩余' . $goods_quantity . '个!!';
-		} else if (!empty($sku_str)) {
-			$mul_opt_arr = array();
-			$goods_option_mult_value = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->field('stock as quantity')->where(array('option_item_ids' => $sku_str, 'goods_id' => $goods_id))->find();
-			if (!empty($goods_option_mult_value)) {
-				if ($goods_option_mult_value['quantity'] < $quantity) {
-					$json['code'] = 3;
-					$json['msg'] = mb_substr($goods_info['name'], 0, 4, 'utf-8') . '...,商品数量不足,剩余' . $goods_option_mult_value['quantity'] . '个!!';
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		return $json;
-	}
-	private function _check_can_buy($member_id, $goods_id, $quantity)
-	{
-		$gpc = I('request.');
-		//$can_buy_count =  D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_count($member_id, $goods_id);
-		$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id, 'total_limit_count,one_limit_count,oneday_limit_count,is_new_buy,is_limit_levelunbuy,is_limit_vipmember_buy,goods_start_count');
-		//单次限购判断
-		if ($goods_description['one_limit_count'] > 0 && $quantity > $goods_description['one_limit_count']) {
-			$json['code'] = 6;
-			$json['msg'] = '您本次只能购买' . $goods_description['one_limit_count'] . '份';
-			$json['count'] = $goods_description['one_limit_count'];
-			return $json;
-		}
-		$can_buy_day_count = D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_day_count($member_id, $goods_id);
-		if ($can_buy_day_count == -1 || ($can_buy_day_count > 0 && $quantity > $can_buy_day_count)) {
-			$json['code'] = 6;
-			$json['msg'] = '您今天只能购买' . $goods_description['oneday_limit_count'] . '份';
-			$json['count'] = 1;
-			return $json;
-		} else if ($can_buy_day_count > 0 && $quantity > $can_buy_day_count) {
-			$json['code'] = 6;
-			$json['msg'] = '您今天还能购买' . $can_buy_day_count . '份';
-			$json['count'] = $can_buy_day_count;
-			return $json;
-		}
-		$can_buy_all_count = D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_all_count($member_id, $goods_id);
-		//历史限购判断
-		if ($can_buy_all_count == -1 && $goods_description['total_limit_count'] > 0) {
-			$json['code'] = 6;
-			$json['msg'] = '您最多只能购买' . $goods_description['total_limit_count'] . '个';
-			$json['count'] = 1;
-			return $json;
-		} else if ($can_buy_all_count > 0 && $quantity > $can_buy_all_count) {
-			$json['code'] = 6;
-			$json['msg'] = '您还能购买' . $can_buy_all_count . '份';
-			$json['count'] = $can_buy_all_count;
-			return $json;
-		}
-		$goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->where(array('id' => $goods_id))->find();
-		$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id, 'per_number');
-		$can_buy_count = D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_count($member_id, $goods_id);
-		$json = array();
-		if ($can_buy_count == -1 || $can_buy_day_count == -1) {
-			$json['code'] = 6;
-			$json['msg'] = mb_substr($goods_info['name'], 0, 4, 'utf-8') . '...,您本次只能购买' . $goods_description['per_number'] . '个';
-		} else if ($can_buy_count > 0 && $quantity > $can_buy_count) {
-			$json['code'] = 6;
-			//$json['msg']=mb_substr($goods_info['name'],0,4,'utf-8').'...,您还能购买'.$can_buy_count.'份';
-			$json['msg'] = '本次最多购买' . $can_buy_count . '份';
-			$json['count'] = $can_buy_count;
-		} else {
-			$json['code'] = 0;
-		}
-		return $json;
-	}
-	private function _add_address($token, $userName, $telNumber, $provinceName, $cityName, $countyName, $detailInfo, $latitude = '', $longitude = '', $lou_meng_hao = '')
-	{
-		$_GPC = I('request.');
-		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where(array('token' => $token))->find();
-		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
-		//  lionfish_comshop_area
-		$province_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where("name like '%{$provinceName}%' ")->find();
-		if (!empty($province_info)) {
-			$province_id = $province_info['id'];
-		} else {
-			$area_data = array();
-			$area_data['name'] = $provinceName;
-			$area_data['pid'] = 0;
-			$area_data['code'] = $max_dp['code'] + 1;
-			$province_id = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->add($area_data);
-			$up_data = array();
-			$up_data['code'] = $province_id;
-			M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where(array('id' => $province_id))->save($up_data);
-		}
-		$guding_arr = ['鞍山市'];
-		if (in_array($cityName, $guding_arr)) {
-			$city_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where("name = '{$cityName}'")->find();
-		} else {
-			$city_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where("name like '%{$cityName}%'")->find();
-		}
-		//$city_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where("name like '%{$cityName}%'")->find();
-		if (!empty($city_info)) {
-			$city_id = $city_info['id'];
-		} else {
-			$max_dp = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->order('code desc')->find();
-			$area_data = array();
-			$area_data['name'] = $cityName;
-			$area_data['pid'] = $province_id;
-			$area_data['code'] = $max_dp['code'] + 1;
-			$city_id = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->add($area_data);
-			$up_data = array();
-			$up_data['code'] = $city_id;
-			M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where(array('id' => $city_id))->save($up_data);
-		}
-		//city_name: 东莞市
-		if (empty($countyName)) {
-			if ($cityName == '东莞市') {
-				$countyName = '东莞';
-			}
-			if ($cityName == '中山市') {
-				$countyName = '中山';
-				//453
-			}
-		}
-		$country_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where("name like '%{$countyName}%' ")->find();
-		if ($countyName == '中山') {
-			$country_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where(array('id' => 453))->find();
-			//
-		}
-		if (!empty($country_info)) {
-			$country_id = $country_info['id'];
-		} else {
-			$max_dp = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->order('code desc')->find();
-			$area_data = array();
-			$area_data['name'] = $countyName;
-			$area_data['pid'] = $city_id;
-			$area_data['code'] = $max_dp['code'] + 1;
-			$country_id = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->add($area_data);
-			$up_data = array();
-			$up_data['code'] = $country_id;
-			M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where(array('id' => $country_id))->save($up_data);
-		}
-		$address_param = array();
-		$address_param['member_id'] = $member_id;
-		$address_param['province_id'] = $province_id;
-		$address_param['country_id'] = $country_id;
-		$address_param['city_id'] = $city_id;
-		$address_param['address'] = $detailInfo;
-		$address_param['name'] = $userName;
-		$address_param['telephone'] = $telNumber;
-		$address_param['lon_lat'] = '';
-		$address_param['lou_meng_hao'] = $lou_meng_hao;
-		if (!empty($latitude)) {
-			$address_param['lon_lat'] = $longitude . ',' . $latitude;
-		}
-		$has_addre = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where($address_param)->find();
-		if (empty($has_addre)) {
-			$has_default_address = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where(array('is_default' => 1, 'member_id' => $member_id))->find();
-			$address_data = array();
-			$address_data['member_id'] = $member_id;
-			$address_data['name'] = $userName;
-			$address_data['telephone'] = $telNumber;
-			$address_data['lou_meng_hao'] = $lou_meng_hao;
-			if (!empty($latitude)) {
-				$address_data['lon_lat'] = $longitude . ',' . $latitude;
-			} else {
-				$address_data['lon_lat'] = '';
-			}
-			$address_data['address'] = $detailInfo;
-			$address_data['address_name'] = empty($data['address_name']) ? 'HOME' : $data['address_name'];
-			if (!empty($has_default_address) && false) {
-				$address_data['is_default'] = 0;
-			} else {
-				$data = array();
-				$data['is_default'] = 0;
-				M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->save($data);
-				$address_data['is_default'] = 1;
-			}
-			$address_data['city_id'] = $city_id;
-			$address_data['country_id'] = $country_id;
-			$address_data['province_id'] = $province_id;
-			$res = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->add($address_data);
-		} else {
-			$res = $has_addre['address_id'];
-		}
-		return $res;
-	}
-	public function checkout()
-	{
-		$gpc = I('request.');
-		$buy_type = isset($gpc['buy_type']) ? $gpc['buy_type'] : 'dan';
-		$pintuan_model_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('pintuan_model_buy');
-		if (empty($pintuan_model_buy) || $pintuan_model_buy == 0) {
-			$pintuan_model_buy = 0;
-		}
-		$mb_city_name = isset($gpc['mb_city_name']) ? $gpc['mb_city_name'] : '';
-		if ($buy_type == 'undefined') {
-			$buy_type = 'dan';
-		}
-		$community_id = $gpc['community_id'];
-		$token = $gpc['token'];
-		$voucher_id = isset($gpc['voucher_id']) ? $gpc['voucher_id'] : 0;
-		$soli_id = isset($gpc['soli_id']) ? intval($gpc['soli_id']) : '';
-		$use_quan_str = isset($gpc['use_quan_str']) ? $gpc['use_quan_str'] : '';
-		$use_quan_arr = array();
-		if ($use_quan_str != '') {
-			$use_quan_arr_tmp = explode('@', $use_quan_str);
-			foreach ($use_quan_arr_tmp as $val) {
-				$tmp_arr = explode('_', $val);
-				$use_quan_arr[$tmp_arr[0]] = $tmp_arr[1];
-			}
-		}
-		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where(array('token' => $token))->find();
-		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
-		$is_open_vipcard_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_vipcard_buy');
-		$is_open_vipcard_buy = !empty($is_open_vipcard_buy) && $is_open_vipcard_buy == 1 ? 1 : 0;
-		$is_vip_card_member = 0;
-		$is_member_level_buy = 0;
-		if ($member_id > 0) {
-			$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->find();
-			if (!empty($is_open_vipcard_buy) && $is_open_vipcard_buy == 1) {
-				$now_time = time();
-				if ($member_info['card_id'] > 0 && $member_info['card_end_time'] > $now_time) {
-					$is_vip_card_member = 1; //还是会员
-				} else if ($member_info['card_id'] > 0 && $member_info['card_end_time'] < $now_time) {
-					$is_vip_card_member = 2; //已过期
-				}
-			}
-			if ($is_vip_card_member != 1 && $member_info['level_id'] > 0) {
-				$is_member_level_buy = 1;
-			}
-		}
-		//预售不开启会员卡
-		if ($buy_type == 'pesale') {
-			$is_member_level_buy = 0;
-			$is_vip_card_member = 0;
-		}
-		if (empty($member_id)) {
-			//需要登录
-			echo json_encode(array('code' => 5));
-			die();
-		}
-		$cart = D('Home/Car');
-		if ((!$cart->has_goodswecar($buy_type, $token, $community_id))) {
-			//购物车中没有商品
-			echo json_encode(array('code' => 4));
-			die();
-		}
-		$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->find();
-		//soitaire
-		$goods = $cart->get_all_goodswecar($buy_type, $token, 1, $community_id, $soli_id);
-		$address = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->order('is_default desc,address_id desc')->find();
-		$add_old_order = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->field('address_id')->where(" (delivery ='localtown_delivery' or delivery = 'express') and member_id = {$member_id} ")->order('order_id desc')->find();
-		if (!empty($add_old_order) && $add_old_order['address_id'] > 0) {
-			$address = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where(array('address_id' => $add_old_order['address_id'], 'member_id' => $member_id))->find();
-		}
-		$mb_city_id = 0;
-		if (!empty($mb_city_name)) {
-			$mb_city_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where(" name='{$mb_city_name}' ")->find();
-			if (!empty($mb_city_info)) {
-				$mb_city_id = $mb_city_info['id'];
-			}
-		}
-		if ($address) {
-			//get_area_info($id)
-			$province_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($address['province_id']); // M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['province_id']) )->find();
-			$city_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($address['city_id']); //M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['city_id']) )->find();
-			$country_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($address['country_id']); //M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['country_id']) )->find();
-			$address['province_name'] = $province_info['name'];
-			$address['city_name'] = $city_info['name'];
-			$address['country_name'] = $country_info['name'];
-		} else {
-			$address = array();
-		}
-		$seller_goodss = array();
-		$show_voucher = 0;
-		//判断是否仅快递的配送方式  is_only_express
-		$is_open_only_express = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_only_express');
-		$is_only_express = 0;
-		if (!empty($is_open_only_express) && $is_open_only_express == 1) {
-			$is_only_express = 1;
-		}
-		/**
-		   if($is_vip_card_member != 1 && $member_info['level_id'] >0 )
-		   {
-			   $is_member_level_buy = 1;
-		   }
-		   **/
-		foreach ($goods as $key => $val) {
-			//$goods_store_field =  M('goods')->field('store_id')->where( array('goods_id' => $val['goods_id']) )->find();
-			if ($is_only_express == 1 && $val['is_only_express'] != 1) {
-				$is_only_express = 0;
-			}
-			if ($is_only_express == 0 && $val['is_only_express'] == 3) {
-				$is_only_express = 3;
-			}
-			if ($is_only_express == 0 && $val['is_only_express'] == 2) {
-				$is_only_express = 2;
-			}
-			$supply_id = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_supply_id($val['goods_id']);
-			if ($supply_id > 0) {
-				$supply_info = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_info($supply_id);
-				if ($supply_info['type'] == 0) {
-					$supply_id = 0;
-				}
-			}
-			$val['name'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($val['name']);
-			$seller_goodss[$supply_id]['goods'][$key] = $val;
-		}
-		//begin 如果是同城配送 ,查一查有没有新提交的地址,如果有,按照新的来处理
-		$localtown_address = array();
-		if ($is_only_express == 3) {
-			$localtown_old_order = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->field('address_id')->where(array('delivery' => 'localtown_delivery', 'member_id' => $member_id))->order('order_id desc')->find();
-			$localtown_id = 0;
-			if (!empty($localtown_old_order) && $localtown_old_order['address_id'] > 0) {
-				$localtown_address = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where(array('address_id' => $localtown_old_order['address_id'], 'member_id' => $member_id))->find();
-				if (!empty($localtown_address)) {
-					$province_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($address['province_id']); // M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['province_id']) )->find();
-					$city_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($address['city_id']); //M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['city_id']) )->find();
-					$country_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($address['country_id']); //M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['country_id']) )->find();
-					$localtown_address['province_name'] = $province_info['name'];
-					$localtown_address['city_name'] = $city_info['name'];
-					$localtown_address['country_name'] = $country_info['name'];
-				} else if (isset($gpc['longitude']) && isset($gpc['latitude'])) {
-					$localtown_address['lon_lat'] = $gpc['longitude'] . ',' . $gpc['latitude'];
-				}
-			} else {
-				$address = array();
-			}
-		}
-		//end同城配送
-		$quan_model = D('Home/Voucher');
-		$pin_model = D('Home/Pin');
-		$voucher_price = 0;
-		$reduce_money = 0;
-		$cha_reduce_money = 0;
-		$is_pin_over = 0;
-		$is_moban = false;
-		$is_open_fullreduction = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_fullreduction');
-		$full_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_money');
-		$full_reducemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_reducemoney');
-		if (empty($full_reducemoney) || $full_reducemoney <= 0) {
-			$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
-		}
-		$show_voucher = 0;
-		$voucher_can_use = 1; //目前都是平台券,
-		$man_total_free = 0;
-		$store_buy_total_money = 0;
-		$pin_id = 0;
-		$presale_goods_id = 0; //预售商品id
-		$presale_goods_total = 0; //预售商品价格
-		$is_zero_buy = 0;
-		$vipcard_save_money = 0;
-		$level_save_money = 0;
-		$today_time = time();
-		$arr = array('天', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六');
-		//计算优惠券
-		foreach ($seller_goodss as $store_id => $val) {
-			$seller_voucher_list = array();
-			$seller_total_fee = 0;
-			$total_trans_free = 0;
-			$is_no_quan = false;
-			$total_weight = 0;
-			$total_quantity = 0;
-			$vch_goods_ids = array();
-			foreach ($val['goods'] as $kk => $d_goods) {
-				//预售不参与会员卡
-				if ($d_goods['is_take_vipcard'] == 1) {
-					$vipcard_save_money += $d_goods['total'] - $d_goods['card_total'];
-				} else if ($d_goods['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $d_goods['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $is_member_level_buy == 1) {
-					$level_save_money += $d_goods['total'] - $d_goods['level_total'];
-				}
-				if ($is_vip_card_member == 1 && $d_goods['is_take_vipcard'] == 1) {
-					$seller_total_fee += $d_goods['card_total'];
-					if ($store_id == 0) {
-						$store_buy_total_money += $d_goods['card_total'];
-					}
-					if ($d_goods['can_man_jian'] == 1) {
-						$man_total_free += $d_goods['card_total'];
-					}
-				} else if ($d_goods['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $member_info['level_id'] > 0) {
-					$seller_total_fee += $d_goods['level_total'];
-					if ($store_id == 0) {
-						$store_buy_total_money += $d_goods['level_total'];
-					}
-					if ($d_goods['can_man_jian'] == 1) {
-						$man_total_free += $d_goods['level_total'];
-					}
-				} else {
-					$seller_total_fee += $d_goods['total'];
-					if ($store_id == 0) {
-						$store_buy_total_money += $d_goods['total'];
-					}
-					if ($d_goods['can_man_jian'] == 1) {
-						$man_total_free += $d_goods['total'];
-					}
-				}
-				if ($buy_type == 'pintuan' && $d_goods['pin_id'] > 0) {
-					$is_pin_over = $pin_model->getNowPinState($d_goods['pin_id']);
-					if ($is_pin_over == 2) {
-						$is_zero_buy = $pin_model->check_goods_iszero_opentuan($d_goods['goods_id']);
-					}
-				} else if ($buy_type == 'pintuan' && $d_goods['pin_id'] == 0) {
-					$is_zero_buy = $pin_model->check_goods_iszero_opentuan($d_goods['goods_id']);
-				}
-				if ($buy_type == 'presale') {
-					$presale_goods_id = $d_goods['goods_id'];
-					$presale_goods_total = $seller_total_fee;
-				}
-				$tp_goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('type')->where(array('id' => $d_goods['goods_id']))->find();
-				$vch_goods_ids[$d_goods['goods_id']] = $vch_goods_ids[$d_goods['goods_id']] + $d_goods['total'];
-				//$is_no_quan = true;
-				//预售不开启优惠券 
-				if ($tp_goods_info['type'] == 'integral' || $tp_goods_info['type'] == 'presale') {
-					$is_no_quan = true;
-				}
-				if ($d_goods['shipping'] == 0) {
-					$is_moban = true;
-					$val['is_moban'] = true;
-					$total_weight += $d_goods['weight'] * $d_goods['quantity'];
-					$total_quantity += $d_goods['quantity'];
-				}
-				$d_goods[$kk]['trans_free'] = 0;
-				/**
-						 if($d_goods['shipping']==1)
-						 {
-							 //统一运费
-							 $d_goods[$kk]['trans_free'] = $d_goods['goods_freight'];
-						 }else {
-							 //运费模板
-							  if(!empty($address))
-							 {
-								 $trans_free = load_model_class('transport')->calc_transport($d_goods['transport_id'], $d_goods['quantity'],$d_goods['quantity']*$d_goods['weight'], $address['city_id'] );
-							 }else{
-								 $trans_free = 0;
-							 }
-							$d_goods[$kk]['trans_free'] = $trans_free;
-						 }
-						 **/
-				$total_trans_free += $d_goods[$kk]['trans_free'];
-				//自提时间
-				$goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_good_common')->field('pick_up_type,pick_up_modify')->where(array('goods_id' => $d_goods['goods_id']))->find();
-				$pick_up_type = -1;
-				if ($pick_up_type == -1 || $goods_info['pick_up_type'] > $pick_up_type) {
-					$pick_up_type = $goods_info['pick_up_type'];
-					if ($pick_up_type == 0) {
-						$pick_up_time = date('m-d', $today_time);
-						$pick_up_weekday = '周' . $arr[date('w', $today_time)];
-					} else if ($pick_up_type == 1) {
-						$pick_up_time = date('m-d', $today_time + 86400);
-						$pick_up_weekday = '周' . $arr[date('w', $today_time + 86400)];
-					} else if ($pick_up_type == 2) {
-						$pick_up_time = date('m-d', $today_time + 86400 * 2);
-						$pick_up_weekday = '周' . $arr[date('w', $today_time + 86400 * 2)];
-					} else if ($pick_up_type == 3) {
-						$pick_up_time = $goods_info['pick_up_modify'];
-					}
-				}
-				$d_goods['pick_up_type'] = $pick_up_type;
-				$d_goods['pick_up_time'] = $pick_up_time;
-				$d_goods['pick_up_weekday'] = $pick_up_weekday;
-				$val['goods'][$kk] = $d_goods;
-			}
-			$val['reduce_money'] = 0;
-			//pindan (拼团商品单独购买)   pintuan (拼团)
-			//预售关闭满减 
-			if ($buy_type == 'pindan' || $buy_type == 'pintuan' || $buy_type == 'integral' || $buy_type == 'presale') {
-				$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
-			}
-			//原来满级计算man_total_free
-			/*if($is_open_fullreduction == 1 && $man_total_free >= $full_money )
-				   {
-				   $val['reduce_money'] = $full_reducemoney;
-				   $reduce_money = $full_reducemoney;
-				   }else if($is_open_fullreduction == 1 && $man_total_free < $full_money)
-				   {
-				   $cha_reduce_money = $full_money - $man_total_free;
-				   }*/
-			/**
-			 * 新满减计算
-			 */
-			if ($is_open_fullreduction == 1) {
-				$reduce_result = D('Home/Front')->get_reduce_money($man_total_free);
-				$val['reduce_money'] = $reduce_result['reduce_money'];
-				$reduce_money = $reduce_result['reduce_money'];
-				$cha_reduce_money = $reduce_result['cha_reduce_money'];
-			}
-			$chose_vouche = array();
-			if (!$is_no_quan) {
-				$vouche_list = $quan_model->get_user_canpay_voucher($member_id, $store_id, $seller_total_fee, '', $vch_goods_ids);
-				$vouche_list = $quan_model->get_voucher_amout_bygoods($vouche_list, $val['goods'], $reduce_money);
-				//var_dump(  $vouche_list );
-				//die();
-				if (!empty($vouche_list) && empty($use_quan_arr)) {
-					$ling_vouche_list = $vouche_list;
-					if ($voucher_can_use == 1) {
-						$voucher_can_use++;
-						$show_voucher = 1;
-						reset($ling_vouche_list);
-						$chose_vouche = current($ling_vouche_list);
-						//$voucher_price += $chose_vouche['credit'];
-						$voucher_price += $chose_vouche['can_vouche_amount'];
-						//$seller_total_fee = round( $seller_total_fee - $chose_vouche['credit'], 2);
-						$seller_total_fee = round($seller_total_fee - $chose_vouche['can_vouche_amount'], 2);
-					}
-				} else if (!empty($vouche_list) && !empty($use_quan_arr)) {
-					foreach ($vouche_list as $tmp_voucher) {
-						if ($tmp_voucher['id'] == $use_quan_arr[$store_id]) {
-							$show_voucher = 1;
-							$chose_vouche = $tmp_voucher;
-							//$seller_total_fee = round( $seller_total_fee - $chose_vouche['credit'], 2);
-							//$voucher_price += $chose_vouche['credit'];
-							$seller_total_fee = round($seller_total_fee - $chose_vouche['can_vouche_amount'], 2);
-							$voucher_price += $chose_vouche['can_vouche_amount'];
-							break;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			$val['chose_vouche'] = $chose_vouche;
-			$val['show_voucher'] = $show_voucher;
-			$val['voucher_list'] = $vouche_list;
-			$val['total'] = $seller_total_fee;
-			if ($val['total'] < 0) {
-				$val['total'] = 0;
-			}
-			$val['trans_free'] = $total_trans_free;
-			$val['total_weight'] = $total_weight;
-			$val['total_quantity'] = $total_quantity;
-			$s_logo = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shoplogo');
-			$shoname = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shoname');
-			if (!empty($s_logo)) {
-				$s_logo = tomedia($s_logo);
-			}
-			$store_info = array('s_id' => $store_id, 's_true_name' => $shoname, 's_logo' => $s_logo);
-			if (!empty($store_id) && $store_id > 0) {
-				$supply_info = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_info($store_id);
-				//logo
-				if (!empty($supply_info)) {
-					$store_info['s_true_name'] = $supply_info['shopname'];
-					$store_info['s_logo'] = tomedia($supply_info['logo']);
-				}
-			}
-			$val['store_info'] = $store_info;
-			$seller_goodss[$store_id] = $val;
-		}
-		$trans_free_toal = 0; //运费
-		//delivery_type_ziti  delivery_type_express    delivery_type_tuanz  delivery_tuanz_money
-		$delivery_type_ziti = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_type_ziti');
-		$delivery_type_express = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_type_express');
-		$delivery_type_tuanz = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_type_tuanz');
-		$delivery_tuanz_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_tuanz_money');
-		//---
-		$man_free_tuanzshipping = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_free_tuanzshipping');
-		$man_free_shipping = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_free_shipping');
-		$delivery_express_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_express_name');
-		if (empty($man_free_tuanzshipping) || $buy_type == 'integral') {
-			$man_free_tuanzshipping = 0;
-		}
-		//关闭团长配送费 免  预售 
-		if (empty($man_free_tuanzshipping) || $buy_type == 'presale') {
-			$man_free_tuanzshipping = 0;
-		}
-		if (empty($man_free_shipping) || $buy_type == 'integral') {
-			$man_free_shipping = 0;
-		}
-		//关闭快递配送费 免  预售 
-		if (empty($man_free_shipping) || $buy_type == 'presale') {
-			$man_free_shipping = 0;
-		}
-		//if( $buy_type == 'dan' )
-		if ($buy_type == 'dan' || $buy_type == 'soitaire' || ($pintuan_model_buy == 1 && $buy_type != 'dan' && $buy_type != 'integral')) {
-			//...判断团长是否开启自定义的情况 store_buy_total_money
-			$community_info_modify = M('lionfish_community_head')->field('is_modify_shipping_method,is_modify_shipping_fare,shipping_fare')->where(array('id' => $community_id))->find();
-			if (!empty($community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_method']) && $community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_method'] == 1 && $delivery_type_tuanz == 1) {
-				//开启配送
-				$delivery_type_tuanz = 1;
-				if (!empty($community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_fare']) && $community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_fare'] == 1 && $community_info_modify['shipping_fare'] > 0) {
-					$delivery_tuanz_money = $community_info_modify['shipping_fare'];
-				}
-			} else if (!empty($community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_method']) && $community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_method'] == 2) {
-				//关闭配送
-				$delivery_type_tuanz = 0;
-			}
-		} else if ($buy_type == 'pindan' || $buy_type == 'pintuan') {
-			if ($pintuan_model_buy == 0) {
-				$delivery_type_tuanz = 0;
-				$delivery_type_express = 1;
-				$delivery_type_ziti = 2;
-			}
-		} else if ($buy_type == 'integral') {
-			$delivery_type_tuanz = 0;
-			$delivery_type_express = 1;
-			$delivery_type_ziti = 2;
-		}
-		foreach ($val['goods'] as $kk => $d_goods) {
-			if ($d_goods['is_only_express'] == 1) {
-				$delivery_type_express = 1;
-			}
-		}
-		$is_man_delivery_tuanz_fare = 0; //是否达到满xx减团长配送费
-		$fare_man_delivery_tuanz_fare_money = 0; //达到满xx减团长配送费, 减了多少钱
-		if (($buy_type == 'dan' || $buy_type == 'soitaire') && !empty($man_free_tuanzshipping) && $man_free_tuanzshipping > 0 && $man_free_tuanzshipping <= $store_buy_total_money) {
-			//$delivery_tuanz_money = 0;
-			$is_man_delivery_tuanz_fare = 1;
-			$fare_man_delivery_tuanz_fare_money = $delivery_tuanz_money;
-		}
-		$is_man_shipping_fare = 0; //是否达到满xx减运费
-		$fare_man_shipping_fare_money = 0; //达到满xx减运费,司机减了多少运费
-		//----开始计算运费 //dispatchtype
-		if ($delivery_type_express == 1) {
-			//ims_ 
-			$store_trans_free_toal = 0;
-			if ($mb_city_id > 0) {
-				$shipping_default = M('lionfish_comshop_shipping')->where(array('enabled' => 1))->order('isdefault desc,id desc')->find();
-				foreach ($seller_goodss as $store_id => $val) {
-					//$val['is_moban'] = true;
-					$store_shipping_fare = 0;
-					if (isset($val['is_moban']) && $val['is_moban']) {
-						$store_shipping_fare = D('Home/Transport')->calc_transport($shipping_default['id'], $val['total_quantity'], $val['total_weight'], $mb_city_id);
-					}
-					$val['store_shipping_fare'] = $store_shipping_fare;
-					$trans_free_toal += $store_shipping_fare;
-					if ($store_id == 0) {
-						$store_trans_free_toal += $store_shipping_fare;
-					}
-					foreach ($val['goods'] as $kk => $d_goods) {
-						if ($d_goods['shipping'] == 1) {
-							//统一运费
-							$trans_free_toal += $d_goods['goods_freight'];
-							if ($store_id == 0) {
-								$store_trans_free_toal += $d_goods['goods_freight'];
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			} else if (!empty($address) && $mb_city_id == 0) {
-				$shipping_default = M('lionfish_comshop_shipping')->where(array('enabled' => 1))->order('isdefault desc,id desc')->find();
-				foreach ($seller_goodss as $store_id => $val) {
-					$store_shipping_fare = 0;
-					if (isset($val['is_moban']) && $val['is_moban']) {
-						$store_shipping_fare = D('Home/Transport')->calc_transport($shipping_default['id'], $val['total_quantity'], $val['total_weight'], $address['city_id']);
-					}
-					$val['store_shipping_fare'] = $store_shipping_fare;
-					$trans_free_toal += $store_shipping_fare;
-					if ($store_id == 0) {
-						$store_trans_free_toal += $store_shipping_fare;
-					}
-					foreach ($val['goods'] as $kk => $d_goods) {
-						if ($d_goods['shipping'] == 1) {
-							//统一运费
-							$trans_free_toal += $d_goods['goods_freight'];
-							$val['store_shipping_fare'] += $d_goods['goods_freight'];
-							if ($store_id == 0) {
-								$store_trans_free_toal += $d_goods['goods_freight'];
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				$trans_free_toal = 0;
-			}
-			//
-			if (!empty($man_free_shipping) && $man_free_shipping > 0 && $man_free_shipping <= $store_buy_total_money) {
-				$fare_man_shipping_fare_money = $store_trans_free_toal;
-				$is_man_shipping_fare = 1;
-				//$trans_free_toal = 0;
-			}
-		}
-		//礼品卡配送费0
-		if ($buy_type == 'virtualcard') {
-			$trans_free_toal = 0;
-		}
-		//---结束结算运费
-		if (empty($delivery_type_ziti)) {
-			$delivery_type_ziti = 1; //开启
-		}
-		if (empty($delivery_type_express)) {
-			$delivery_type_express = 2;
-		}
-		if (empty($delivery_type_tuanz)) {
-			$delivery_type_tuanz = 2;
-		}
-		//默认关闭同城配送
-		$delivery_type_localtown = 0;
-		//默认关闭核销商品
-		$delvery_type_hexiao = 0;
-		//is_only_express
-		if ($is_only_express == 1) {
-			$delivery_type_ziti = 2;
-			$delivery_type_express = 1;
-			$delivery_type_tuanz = 2;
-		} else if ($is_only_express == 3) {
-			//同城配送
-			$delivery_type_ziti = 0;
-			$delivery_type_express = 0;
-			$delivery_type_tuanz = 0;
-			$delivery_type_localtown = 1;
-		} else if ($is_only_express == 2) {
-			//核销商品
-			$delivery_type_ziti = 0;
-			$delivery_type_express = 0;
-			$delivery_type_tuanz = 0;
-			$delivery_type_localtown = 0;
-			$delvery_type_hexiao = 1;
-		}
-		$total_free = 0;
-		$is_ziti = 2;
-		$pick_up_time = "";
-		$pick_up_type = -1;
-		$pick_up_weekday = '';
-		$today_time = time();
-		$arr = array('天', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六');
-		$pick_up_arr = array();
-		foreach ($goods as $key => $good) {
-			//暂时关闭
-			//ims_lionfish_comshop_goods
-			//ims_ lionfish_comshop_good_common
-			$goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_good_common')->field('pick_up_type,pick_up_modify')->where(array('goods_id' => $good['goods_id']))->find();
-			if ($pick_up_type == -1 || $goods_info['pick_up_type'] > $pick_up_type) {
-				$pick_up_type = $goods_info['pick_up_type'];
-				if ($pick_up_type == 0) {
-					$pick_up_time = date('m-d', $today_time);
-					$pick_up_weekday = '周' . $arr[date('w', $today_time)];
-				} else if ($pick_up_type == 1) {
-					$pick_up_time = date('m-d', $today_time + 86400);
-					$pick_up_weekday = '周' . $arr[date('w', $today_time + 86400)];
-				} else if ($pick_up_type == 2) {
-					$pick_up_time = date('m-d', $today_time + 86400 * 2);
-					$pick_up_weekday = '周' . $arr[date('w', $today_time + 86400 * 2)];
-				} else if ($pick_up_type == 3) {
-					$pick_up_time = $goods_info['pick_up_modify'];
-				}
-			}
-			$goods[$key]['trans_free'] = $good['goods_freight'];
-			if ($is_vip_card_member == 1 && $good['is_take_vipcard'] == 1) {
-				$total_free += $good['card_total'];
-			} else if ($good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $member_info['level_id'] > 0) {
-				$total_free += $good['level_total'];
-			} else {
-				$total_free += $good['total'];
-			}
-		}
-		//同城配送费
-		$localtown_shipping_fare = 0;
-		//包装费
-		$picking_fare = 0;
-		$picking_fare_arr = array();
-		$localtown_shipping_fare_arr = array();
-		$localtown_dispatchtime = 0; //预计一共需要配送多少分钟
-		$localtown_expected_delivery = array(); //预计送达时间段
-		$localtown_modifypickingname = ""; //包装费标题
-		if ($is_only_express == 3) {
-			$picking_fare_arr = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->calc_packing_money($seller_goodss); // $seller_goodss;
-			$picking_fare = $picking_fare_arr['total_picking_fare'];
-			$localtown_dispatchtime = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->get_order_dispatchtime($seller_goodss);
-			if (isset($gpc['latitude']) && !empty($gpc['latitude']) && isset($gpc['longitude']) && !empty($gpc['longitude'])) {
-				$lon = $gpc['longitude'];
-				$lat = $gpc['latitude'];
-				$localtown_shipping_fare_arr = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->calc_shipping_fare($lon, $lat, $seller_goodss);
-				$localtown_shipping_fare = $localtown_shipping_fare_arr['total_shipping_fare'];
-				$trans_free_toal = $localtown_shipping_fare;
-			} else if (!empty($localtown_address)) {
-				list($lon, $lat) = explode(',', $localtown_address['lon_lat']);
-				$localtown_shipping_fare_arr = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->calc_shipping_fare($lon, $lat, $seller_goodss);
-				$localtown_shipping_fare = $localtown_shipping_fare_arr['total_shipping_fare'];
-				$trans_free_toal = $localtown_shipping_fare;
-			}
-			//配送时间段间隔
-			$localtown_expected_delivery = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->get_expected_delivery($localtown_dispatchtime);
-			$localtown_modifypickingname = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_modifypickingname');
-			$localtown_modifypickingname = !empty($localtown_modifypickingname) ? $localtown_modifypickingname : '包装费';
-		}
-		//暂时关闭自提代码
-		/**
-		   if(!empty($pick_up))
-		   {
-			   $pick_up = unserialize($pick_up);
-			   $pick_up_ids = implode(',',$pick_up);
-			   $pick_up_arr = M('pick_up')->where( array('id'=>array('in',$pick_up_ids)) )->select();
-		   }
-		   **/
-		$pick_up_name = '';
-		$pick_up_mobile = '';
-		$tuan_send_address = '';
-		$order_note_content = '';
-		$tuan_send_address_info = array();
-		$shop_limit_buy_distance = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_limit_buy_distance');
-		if ($is_ziti >= 1) {
-			//寻找上一个订单的自提电话 自提姓名  
-			$last_order_info = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id, 'delivery' => 'pickup'))->order('order_id desc')->find();
-			if (empty($last_order_info)) {
-				$last_order_info = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id, 'delivery' => 'hexiao'))->order('order_id desc')->find();
-			}
-			if (!empty($last_order_info)) {
-				$pick_up_name = $last_order_info['shipping_name'];
-				$pick_up_mobile = $last_order_info['telephone'];
-				$order_note_content = $last_order_info['note_content'];
-			}
-			//order_note_content
-			$last_tuanz_send_order_info = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->field('tuan_send_address,address_id,note_content,order_id')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id, 'delivery' => 'tuanz_send'))->order('order_id desc')->find();
-			if (!empty($last_tuanz_send_order_info)) {
-				$tuan_send_address = $last_tuanz_send_order_info['tuan_send_address'];
-				if (!empty($last_tuanz_send_order_info['note_content']) && $last_tuanz_send_order_info['order_id'] > $last_order_info['order_id']) {
-					$order_note_content = $last_tuanz_send_order_info['note_content'];
-				}
-				if (!empty($last_tuanz_send_order_info['address_id'])) {
-					if ($shop_limit_buy_distance == 1) {
-						$tuan_send_address_info = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where("address_id=" . $last_tuanz_send_order_info['address_id'] . " and lon_lat != '' ")->find();
-					} else {
-						$tuan_send_address_info = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where("address_id=" . $last_tuanz_send_order_info['address_id'])->find();
-					}
-					if (!empty($tuan_send_address) && !empty($tuan_send_address_info['lon_lat'])) {
-						$province_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($tuan_send_address_info['province_id']); // M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['province_id']) )->find();
-						$city_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($tuan_send_address_info['city_id']); //M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['city_id']) )->find();
-						$country_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($tuan_send_address_info['country_id']); //M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['country_id']) )->find();
-						$tuan_send_address_info['province_name'] = $province_info['name'];
-						$tuan_send_address_info['city_name'] = $city_info['name'];
-						$tuan_send_address_info['country_name'] = $country_info['name'];
-						$tuan_send_address = $tuan_send_address_info['address'];
-					} else {
-						//todo...
-						$tuan_send_address = '';
-					}
-				} else {
-					$tuan_send_address = '';
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		/**
-		 **/
-		/**
-		   tuan_region
-		   store_buy_total_money
-		   **/
-		//open_score_buy_score $shop_limit_buy_distance = load_model_class('front')->get_config_by_name('shop_limit_buy_distance');
-		/**
-		   $delivery_ziti_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_ziti_name');
-		   $delivery_tuanzshipping_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_tuanzshipping_name');
-		   $delivery_diy_sort = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_diy_sort');
-		   if(empty($delivery_diy_sort) || !isset($delivery_diy_sort)) $delivery_diy_sort = '0,1,2';
-		   if( empty($tuan_send_address_info) )
-		   {
-			   $tuan_send_address_info = array();
-		   }
-		   //判断是否预售,给出预售的信息 begin todo
-		   $presale_info = [];
-		   if( $buy_type == 'presale' )
-		   {
-			   // $presale_goods_id
-			   $presale_result = D('Home/PresaleGoods')->getCheckOutPresaleGoodsInfo( $presale_goods_id , $presale_goods_total );
-			   if( $presale_result['code'] == 0 )
-			   {
-				   $presale_info = $presale_result['data'];
-			   }
-		   }
-		   //end
-	   **/
-		$open_score_buy_score = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('open_score_buy_score');
-		if (empty($open_score_buy_score) || $buy_type == 'integral') {
-			$open_score_buy_score = 0;
-		}
-		$score_forbuy_money_maxbi = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('score_forbuy_money_maxbi');
-		if (empty($score_forbuy_money_maxbi)) {
-			$score_forbuy_money_maxbi = 100;
-		}
-		$score_for_money = 0;
-		$bue_use_score = 0;
-		if ($open_score_buy_score == 1) {
-			if ($member_info['score'] > 0) {
-				$score_can_max = $store_buy_total_money - $voucher_price - $reduce_money;
-				//计算能兑换多少钱
-				$score_forbuy_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('score_forbuy_money');
-				//只有兑换比例大于0才能允许兑换
-				if (!empty($score_forbuy_money) && $score_forbuy_money > 0) {
-					$score_for_money = sprintf("%.2f", $member_info['score'] / $score_forbuy_money);
-					if ($score_can_max < $score_for_money) {
-						$score_for_money = $score_can_max;
-						$bue_use_score = floor($score_can_max * $score_forbuy_money);
-						$score_for_money = round($bue_use_score / $score_forbuy_money, 2);
-					}
-					$max_store_buy_total_money = sprintf("%.2f", ($score_forbuy_money_maxbi * $score_can_max) / 100);
-					if ($score_for_money > $max_store_buy_total_money) {
-						$score_for_money = $max_store_buy_total_money;
-						$bue_use_score = floor($max_store_buy_total_money * $score_forbuy_money);
-						$score_for_money = round($bue_use_score / $score_forbuy_money, 2);
-					} else if ($bue_use_score <= $max_store_buy_total_money) {
-						$bue_use_score = floor($score_for_money * $score_forbuy_money);
-						//$bue_use_score = $member_info['score'];
-						if ($bue_use_score > $member_info['score']) {
-							$bue_use_score = floor($member_info['score']);
-						}
-						$score_for_money = round($bue_use_score / $score_forbuy_money, 2);
-					}
-				}
-				//预售
-				//if($buy_type == 'presale'){
-				//	$sum_deduction_money =  $goods[0]["quantity"] * $presale_info['deduction_money'] ;
-				//}	
-			}
-		}
-		//score_forbuy_money score
-		$delivery_ziti_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_ziti_name');
-		$delivery_tuanzshipping_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_tuanzshipping_name');
-		$delivery_diy_sort = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_diy_sort');
-		if (empty($delivery_diy_sort) || !isset($delivery_diy_sort))
-			$delivery_diy_sort = '0,1,2';
-		if (empty($tuan_send_address_info)) {
-			$tuan_send_address_info = array();
-		}
-		//判断是否预售,给出预售的信息 begin todo
-		$presale_info = [];
-		if ($buy_type == 'presale') {
-			// $presale_goods_id
-			$presale_result = D('Home/PresaleGoods')->getCheckOutPresaleGoodsInfo($presale_goods_id, $presale_goods_total);
-			if ($presale_result['code'] == 0) {
-				$presale_info = $presale_result['data'];
-			}
-		}
-		//end
-		$need_data = array();
-		$need_data['code'] = 1;
-		$need_data['open_score_buy_score'] = $open_score_buy_score; //1开启积分抵扣
-		$need_data['score'] = $member_info['score']; //会员持有的积分
-		$need_data['score_for_money'] = $score_for_money; //会员能抵扣的金额
-		$need_data['bue_use_score'] = $bue_use_score; //会员能抵扣的积分数
-		$need_data['delivery_type_ziti'] = $delivery_type_ziti;
-		$need_data['delivery_type_express'] = $delivery_type_express;
-		$need_data['delivery_type_tuanz'] = $delivery_type_tuanz;
-		$need_data['delivery_type_localtown'] = $delivery_type_localtown;
-		$need_data['delvery_type_hexiao'] = $delvery_type_hexiao;
-		$need_data['delivery_express_name'] = $delivery_express_name;
-		$need_data['delivery_ziti_name'] = $delivery_ziti_name;
-		$need_data['delivery_tuanzshipping_name'] = $delivery_tuanzshipping_name;
-		$need_data['delivery_diy_sort'] = $delivery_diy_sort;
-		$need_data['presale_info'] = $presale_info; //预售信息
-		$seller_goodss_keys = array_keys($seller_goodss);
-		$need_data['delivery_tuanz_money'] = round($delivery_tuanz_money * count($seller_goodss_keys), 2);
-		//$need_data['delivery_tuanz_money'] = $delivery_tuanz_money;
-		$need_data['man_free_tuanzshipping'] = empty($man_free_tuanzshipping) ? 0 : $man_free_tuanzshipping; //团长配送,满多少免配送费,0或者为空表示不减免
-		$need_data['man_free_shipping'] = empty($man_free_shipping) ? 0 : $man_free_shipping; //快递配送,满多少免配送费,0或者为空表示不减免
-		$need_data['address'] = $address;
-		$need_data['pick_up_time'] = $pick_up_time;
-		$need_data['pick_up_type'] = $pick_up_type;
-		$need_data['pick_up_weekday'] = $pick_up_weekday;
-		$need_data['is_pin_over'] = $is_pin_over;
-		$need_data['is_integer'] = 0; //$is_no_quan ? 1: 0;
-		$need_data['pick_up_arr'] = $pick_up_arr;
-		$need_data['is_ziti'] = 2;
-		$need_data['ziti_name'] = $pick_up_name;
-		$need_data['ziti_mobile'] = $pick_up_mobile;
-		$need_data['tuan_send_address'] = $tuan_send_address;
-		$need_data['tuan_send_address_info'] = $tuan_send_address_info;
-		$need_data['seller_goodss'] = $seller_goodss;
-		$need_data['show_voucher'] = $show_voucher;
-		$need_data['buy_type'] = $buy_type;
-		$need_data['address'] = $address;
-		$need_data['trans_free_toal'] = $trans_free_toal;
-		$need_data['is_limit_distance_buy'] = 0;
-		$need_data['limit_distance'] = 100; //km
-		$need_data['is_member_level_buy'] = $is_member_level_buy; //km
-		$need_data['level_save_money'] = $level_save_money; //km
-		//begin
-		$need_data['localtown_shipping_fare'] = $localtown_shipping_fare; //同城配送配送费
-		$need_data['pickingup_fare'] = $picking_fare; //包装费
-		$need_data['localtown_dispatchtime'] = $localtown_dispatchtime; //预计一共需要配送多少分钟
-		$need_data['picking_fare_arr'] = $picking_fare_arr;
-		$need_data['localtown_shipping_fare_arr'] = $localtown_shipping_fare_arr;
-		$need_data['localtown_expected_delivery'] = $localtown_expected_delivery;
-		//end
-		$need_data['is_vip_card_member'] = $is_vip_card_member; //km
-		$need_data['vipcard_save_money'] = $vipcard_save_money; //km
-		$need_data['is_open_vipcard_buy'] = $is_open_vipcard_buy; //km
-		if (!empty($shop_limit_buy_distance) && $shop_limit_buy_distance == 1) {
-			$latitude = 0;
-			$longitude = 0;
-			if (!empty($tuan_send_address_info) && !empty($tuan_send_address_info['lon_lat'])) {
-				//lon_lat
-				$lon_lat_arr = explode(',', $tuan_send_address_info['lon_lat']);
-				$longitude = $lon_lat_arr[0];
-				$latitude = $lon_lat_arr[1];
-			}
-			if (isset($gpc['latitude']) && !empty($gpc['latitude'])) {
-				$latitude = $gpc['latitude'];
-			}
-			if (isset($gpc['longitude']) && !empty($gpc['longitude'])) {
-				$longitude = $gpc['longitude'];
-			}
-			if (!empty($latitude) && !empty($longitude)) {
-				$shop_buy_distance = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_buy_distance');
-				$shop_buy_distance = $shop_buy_distance * 1000;
-				$community_info = M('lionfish_community_head')->field('lon,lat')->where(array('id' => $community_id))->find();
-				$distince = D('Seller/Communityhead')->GetDistance($longitude, $latitude, $community_info['lon'], $community_info['lat']);
-				$need_data['current_distance'] = $distince;
-				$need_data['shop_buy_distance'] = $shop_buy_distance;
-				if ($distince > $shop_buy_distance) {
-					$need_data['is_limit_distance_buy'] = 1;
-					$need_data['limit_distance'] = $distince / 1000;
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		$need_data['reduce_money'] = $reduce_money;
-		$need_data['is_open_fullreduction'] = $is_open_fullreduction;
-		$need_data['cha_reduce_money'] = $cha_reduce_money;
-		$need_data['is_man_delivery_tuanz_fare'] = $is_man_delivery_tuanz_fare; //是否达到满xx减团长配送费
-		$need_data['fare_man_delivery_tuanz_fare_money'] = $fare_man_delivery_tuanz_fare_money; //达到满xx减团长配送费, 减了多少钱
-		$need_data['is_man_shipping_fare'] = $is_man_shipping_fare; //是否达到满xx减运费
-		$need_data['fare_man_shipping_fare_money'] = $fare_man_shipping_fare_money; //达到满xx减运费,司机减了多少运费
-		$dispatching = isset($gpc['dispatching']) ? $gpc['dispatching'] : 'pickup';
-		//is_ziti == 2
-		if ($dispatching == 'express') {
-			$need_data['total_free'] = $total_free + $trans_free_toal - $voucher_price - $reduce_money;
-		} else if ($dispatching == 'localtown_delivery') {
-			$need_data['total_free'] = $total_free + $localtown_shipping_fare + $picking_fare - $voucher_price - $reduce_money;
-		} else {
-			$need_data['total_free'] = $total_free - $voucher_price - $reduce_money;
-		}
-		if ($is_ziti == 2) {
-			$need_data['total_free'] = $total_free - $voucher_price - $reduce_money;
-		}
-		//积分兑换 不算总金额,但是算总积分
-		if ($buy_type == 'integral') {
-			$need_data['total_free'] = $trans_free_toal;
-			$need_data['total_integral'] = $total_free;
-		}
-		if ($need_data['total_free'] < 0) {
-			$need_data['total_free'] = 0;
-		}
-		//判断是否可以余额支付
-		//暂时关闭 会员余额功能
-		/**
-		   $is_yue_open_info =	M('config')->where( array('name' => 'is_yue_open') )->find();
-		   $is_yue_open =  $is_yue_open_info['value'];
-		   **/
-		$is_yue_open = 0;
-		$is_yue_open = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_yue_pay');
-		if (empty($is_yue_open)) {
-			$is_yue_open = 0;
-		}
-		$need_data['is_yue_open'] = $is_yue_open;
-		$need_data['can_yupay'] = 0;
-		//暂时关闭 会员余额功能
-		if ($is_yue_open == 1 && $need_data['total_free'] >= 0 && $member_info['account_money'] >= $need_data['total_free']) {
-			$need_data['can_yupay'] = 1;
-		}
-		//前端隐藏 团长信息
-		$index_hide_headdetail_address = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('index_hide_headdetail_address');
-		if (empty($index_hide_headdetail_address)) {
-			$index_hide_headdetail_address = 0;
-		}
-		$need_data['index_hide_headdetail_address'] = $index_hide_headdetail_address;
-		//订单留言
-		$is_open_order_message = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_order_message');
-		$need_data['yu_money'] = $member_info['account_money'];
-		$need_data['goods'] = $goods;
-		$need_data['is_open_order_message'] = $is_open_order_message;
-		$need_data['is_zero_opentuan'] = 0;
-		//拼团特殊情况0元开团
-		if ($buy_type == 'pintuan' && $is_zero_buy == 1) {
-			//$need_data['total_free'] = 0;
-			//$need_data['trans_free_toal'] = 0;
-			//$need_data['is_zero_opentuan'] = 1;
-		}
-		//订阅消息begin
-		$is_need_subscript = 0;
-		$need_subscript_template = array();
-		//'pay_order','send_order','hexiao_success','apply_community','open_tuan','take_tuan','pin_tuansuccess','apply_tixian'
-		//$member_id
-		if ($buy_type == 'pintuan') {
-			//pin_tuansuccess
-			//send_order  parameter[weprogram_subtemplate_pin_tuansuccess]
-			//hexiao_success
-			$pin_tuansuccess_info = M('lionfish_comshop_subscribe')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id, 'type' => 'pin_tuansuccess'))->find();
-			//if( empty($pin_tuansuccess_info) )
-			//{
-			$weprogram_subtemplate_pin_tuansuccess = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('weprogram_subtemplate_pin_tuansuccess');
-			if (!empty($weprogram_subtemplate_pin_tuansuccess)) {
-				$need_subscript_template['pin_tuansuccess'] = $weprogram_subtemplate_pin_tuansuccess;
-			}
-			//}
-		} else {
-			//pay_order
-			$pay_order_info = M('lionfish_comshop_subscribe')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id, 'type' => 'pay_order'))->find();
-			//if( empty($pay_order_info) )
-			//{
-			$weprogram_subtemplate_pay_order = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('weprogram_subtemplate_pay_order');
-			if (!empty($weprogram_subtemplate_pay_order)) {
-				$need_subscript_template['pay_order'] = $weprogram_subtemplate_pay_order;
-			}
-			//}
-		}
-		//send_order
-		$send_order_info = M('lionfish_comshop_subscribe')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id, 'type' => 'send_order'))->find();
-		//if( empty($send_order_info) )
-		//{
-		$weprogram_subtemplate_send_order = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('weprogram_subtemplate_send_order');
-		if (!empty($weprogram_subtemplate_send_order)) {
-			$need_subscript_template['send_order'] = $weprogram_subtemplate_send_order;
-		}
-		//}
-		//hexiao_success
-		$hexiao_success_info = M('lionfish_comshop_subscribe')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id, 'type' => 'hexiao_success'))->find();
-		//if( empty($hexiao_success_info) )
-		//{
-		$weprogram_subtemplate_hexiao_success = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('weprogram_subtemplate_hexiao_success');
-		if (!empty($weprogram_subtemplate_hexiao_success)) {
-			$need_subscript_template['hexiao_success'] = $weprogram_subtemplate_hexiao_success;
-		}
-		//}
-		if (!empty($need_subscript_template)) {
-			$is_need_subscript = 1;
-		}
-		//下单万能表单
-		$need_data['allform'] = D('Home/Allform')->getOrderForms();
-		//判断是否使用货到付款
-		$cashondelivery_data = D('Home/Front')->getCashonDeliveryAction($buy_type, $seller_goodss);
-		$need_data['cashondelivery_data'] = $cashondelivery_data;
-		//订阅消息end
-		$need_data['is_need_subscript'] = $is_need_subscript;
-		$need_data['need_subscript_template'] = $need_subscript_template;
-		//订单提交页面备注信息
-		$order_note_open = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('order_note_open');
-		$order_note_open = isset($order_note_open) && $order_note_open == 1 ? 1 : 0;
-		$order_note_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('order_note_name');
-		$order_note_name = !isset($order_note_name) || empty($order_note_name) ? '店名' : $order_note_name;
-		$need_data['order_note_open'] = $order_note_open; //开启下单页面备注,仅 自提跟 团长配送时需要
-		$need_data['order_note_name'] = $order_note_name; //备注名称,默认是店名
-		$need_data['order_note_content'] = $order_note_content; //备注名称,默认是店名
-		$need_data['localtown_modifypickingname'] = $localtown_modifypickingname; //备注名称,默认是店名
-		//配送费类型:0、固定金额,1、按距离收取
-		$localtown_delivery_moneytype = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_delivery_moneytype');
-		//起送价格
-		$localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney');
-		//达到金额免配送费
-		$localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney');
-		//加价配送
-		$localtown_makeup_delivery_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_makeup_delivery_money');
-		//1、固定金额,订单价格超过起送价格 无加价配送费,2、按距离收取 无加价配送费 3、固定金额,起送价格为0 无加价配送费
-		if (($localtown_delivery_moneytype == 0 && ($localtown_shipping_fare_arr[0]['is_can_qisong'] == 1 || $localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney == 0)) || $localtown_delivery_moneytype == 1) {
-			$localtown_makeup_delivery_money = 0;
-		} else {
-			$localtown_makeup_delivery_money = 0;
-		}
-		$need_data['localtown_delivery_moneytype'] = $localtown_delivery_moneytype;
-		$need_data['localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney'] = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney;
-		$need_data['localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney'] = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney;
-		$need_data['localtown_makeup_delivery_money'] = $localtown_makeup_delivery_money;
-		$need_data['order_lou_meng_hao'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('order_lou_meng_hao');
-		$need_data['order_lou_meng_hao_placeholder'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('order_lou_meng_hao_placeholder');
-		echo json_encode($need_data);
-		die();
-	}
-	public function sub_order()
-	{
-		$gpc = I('request.');
-		$buy_type = isset($gpc['buy_type']) ? $gpc['buy_type'] : 'dan';
-		$token = $gpc['token'];
-		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where(array('token' => $token))->find();
-		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
-		$pintuan_model_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('pintuan_model_buy');
-		$allform_id = $gpc['allform_id'];
-		$allform_list = $gpc['allform_list'];
-		if (empty($pintuan_model_buy) || $pintuan_model_buy == 0) {
-			$pintuan_model_buy = 0;
-		}
-		$is_open_vipcard_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_vipcard_buy');
-		$is_open_vipcard_buy = !empty($is_open_vipcard_buy) && $is_open_vipcard_buy == 1 ? 1 : 0;
-		$is_vip_card_member = 0;
-		$is_member_level_buy = 0;
-		if ($member_id > 0) {
-			$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->find();
-			if (!empty($is_open_vipcard_buy) && $is_open_vipcard_buy == 1) {
-				$now_time = time();
-				if ($member_info['card_id'] > 0 && $member_info['card_end_time'] > $now_time) {
-					$is_vip_card_member = 1; //还是会员
-				} else if ($member_info['card_id'] > 0 && $member_info['card_end_time'] < $now_time) {
-					$is_vip_card_member = 2; //已过期
-				}
-			}
-			if ($is_vip_card_member != 1 && $member_info['level_id'] > 0) {
-				$is_member_level_buy = 1;
-			}
-		}
-		if ($buy_type == 'presale') {
-			$is_vip_card_member = 0;
-			$is_member_level_buy = 0;
-		}
-		//use_score = 1
-		$use_score = isset($gpc['use_score']) ? intval($gpc['use_score']) : 0;
-		$puis_not_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('puis_not_buy');
-		if (!empty($puis_not_buy) && $puis_not_buy == 1) {
-			$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('level_id')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->find();
-			if ($member_info['level_id'] == 0) {
-				echo json_encode(array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '普通会员不能购买'));
-				die();
-			}
-		}
-		//$buy_type == 'presale'
-		$data_s = array();
-		$data_s['pay_method'] = $gpc['wxpay'];
-		$data_s['buy_type'] = isset($gpc['buy_type']) ? $gpc['buy_type'] : 'dan';
-		$data_s['pick_up_id'] = $gpc['pick_up_id'];
-		$data_s['dispatching'] = $gpc['dispatching'];
-		$order_note_open = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('order_note_open');
-		if ($order_note_open == 1) {
-			$data_s['note_content'] = $gpc['note_content'];
-		} else {
-			$data_s['note_content'] = '';
-		}
-		$data_s['soli_id'] = isset($gpc['soli_id']) ? intval($gpc['soli_id']) : 0;
-		if ($data_s['dispatching'] != 'express' && empty($data_s['pick_up_id'])) {
-			$last_community = M('lionfish_community_history')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->order('id desc')->find();
-			if (!empty($last_community)) {
-				$data_s['pick_up_id'] = $last_community['head_id'];
-			}
-			//$data_s['pick_up_id']
-		}
-		//礼品卡不用配送地址begin
-		if ($data_s['buy_type'] == 'virtualcard') {
-			$data_s['dispatching'] = 'express';
-			$data_s['address_id'] = 0;
-		}
-		//end
-		if ($data_s['buy_type'] == 'dan' || $data_s['buy_type'] == 'soitaire' || $data_s['buy_type'] == 'presale' || ($pintuan_model_buy == 1 && $data_s['buy_type'] != 'dan' && $data_s['buy_type'] != 'integral')) {
-			D('Seller/Community')->in_community_history($member_id, $data_s['pick_up_id']);
-		}
-		//'express'  快递, 'pickup'  自提, 'tuanz_send'  团长配送)   tuan_send_address 
-		$data_s['ziti_name'] = $gpc['ziti_name'];
-		$data_s['quan_arr'] = $gpc['quan_arr'];
-		$data_s['comment'] = $gpc['comment'];
-		$data_s['ziti_mobile'] = $gpc['ziti_mobile'];
-		$data_s['tuan_send_address'] = $gpc['tuan_send_address'];
-		$data_s['ck_yupay'] = $gpc['ck_yupay'];
-		//是否货到付款
-		$data_s['cashon_delivery'] = $gpc['cashon_delivery'];
-		$data_s['province_name'] = isset($gpc['province_name']) ? $gpc['province_name'] : '';
-		$data_s['city_name'] = isset($gpc['city_name']) ? $gpc['city_name'] : '';
-		$data_s['country_name'] = isset($gpc['country_name']) ? $gpc['country_name'] : '';
-		$data_s['address_name'] = isset($gpc['address_name']) ? $gpc['address_name'] : '';
-		$data_s['latitude'] = isset($gpc['latitude']) ? $gpc['latitude'] : '';
-		$data_s['longitude'] = isset($gpc['longitude']) ? $gpc['longitude'] : '';
-		$data_s['lou_meng_hao'] = isset($gpc['lou_meng_hao']) ? $gpc['lou_meng_hao'] : '';
-		$data_s['expected_delivery_time'] = isset($gpc['expected_delivery_time']) ? $gpc['expected_delivery_time'] : '';
-		//$data_s['tuan_send_address'] .= $data_s['lou_meng_hao'];
-		//$data_s['tuan_send_address'] .= $data_s['lou_meng_hao'];
-		//tuan_send_address
-		$province_name = isset($data_s['province_name']) ? $data_s['province_name'] : '';
-		$city_name = isset($data_s['city_name']) ? $data_s['city_name'] : '';
-		$country_name = isset($data_s['country_name']) ? $data_s['country_name'] : '';
-		$address_name = isset($data_s['address_name']) ? $data_s['address_name'] : '';
-		//判断配送距离
-		/*if($data_s['dispatching'] == 'localtown_delivery'){
-			   //服务距离
-			   $localtown_servvice_maxdistance =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_servvice_maxdistance');
-			   //商家经纬度
-			   $localtown_shop_lon =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_shop_lon');
-			   $localtown_shop_lat =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_shop_lat');
-			   $distince = D('Seller/Communityhead')->GetDistance($data_s['longitude'],$data_s['latitude'], $localtown_shop_lon, $localtown_shop_lat);
-			   $distince = round($distince/1000,2);
-			   if($distince > $localtown_servvice_maxdistance){
-				   //echo json_encode( array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '超出服务距离'.$localtown_servvice_maxdistance.'KM') );
-				   echo json_encode( array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '您与商家的距离过远,商家的配送范围是'.$localtown_servvice_maxdistance.'KM内') );
-				   die();
-			   }
-		   }*/
-		$json = array();
-		$pay_method = $data_s['pay_method']; //支付类型
-		$order_msg_str = $data_s['order_msg_str']; //商品订单留言
-		$comment = $data_s['comment']; //商品订单留言
-		$comment_arr = array();
-		if (!empty($data_s['comment'])) {
-			$comment_arr1 = explode('@EOF@', $data_s['comment']);
-			foreach ($comment_arr1 as $var) {
-				$count = substr_count($var, '_');
-				$a = explode('_', $var);
-				for ($i = 1; $i < $count; $i++) {
-					$comment_arr[$a[$i]] = $a[$count];
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		$pick_up_id = $data_s['pick_up_id'];
-		$dispatching = $data_s['dispatching'];
-		$ziti_name = $data_s['ziti_name'];
-		$ziti_mobile = $data_s['ziti_mobile'];
-		//新增快递
-		$province_name = isset($data_s['province_name']) ? $data_s['province_name'] : '';
-		$city_name = isset($data_s['city_name']) ? $data_s['city_name'] : '';
-		$country_name = isset($data_s['country_name']) ? $data_s['country_name'] : '';
-		$address_name = isset($data_s['address_name']) ? $data_s['address_name'] : '';
-		$ck_yupay = $data_s['ck_yupay'];
-		$cashon_delivery = $data_s['cashon_delivery'];
-		if ($dispatching == 'express') {
-			$data_s['address_id'] = $this->_add_address($token, $ziti_name, $ziti_mobile, $province_name, $city_name, $country_name, $address_name);
-		} else if ($dispatching == 'localtown_delivery') {
-			$data_s['address_id'] = $this->_add_address($token, $ziti_name, $ziti_mobile, $province_name, $city_name, $country_name, $address_name, $data_s['latitude'], $data_s['longitude'], $data_s['lou_meng_hao']);
-		} else if ($dispatching == 'tuanz_send') {
-			$data_s['address_id'] = $this->_add_address($token, $ziti_name, $ziti_mobile, $province_name, $city_name, $country_name, $data_s['tuan_send_address'], $data_s['latitude'], $data_s['longitude'], $data_s['lou_meng_hao']);
-			$data_s['tuan_send_address'] .= $data_s['lou_meng_hao'];
-		}
-		/**
-		   pick_up_id: that.data.pick_up_id,
-		   dispatching: that.data.dispatching, //express  pickup
-		   ziti_name: t_ziti_name,
-		   ziti_mobile: t_ziti_mobile
-		   **/
-		$order_msg_arr = explode('@,@', $order_msg_str);
-		$quan_arr = $data_s['quan_arr']; //商品订单留言
-		$order_quan_arr = array();
-		if (!empty($quan_arr)) {
-			if (!is_array($quan_arr)) {
-				$quan_arr = array($quan_arr);
-			}
-			foreach ($quan_arr as $q_val) {
-				$tmp_q = array();
-				$tmp_q = explode('_', $q_val);
-				$voucher_info = M('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list')->where("consume='N' and id=" . $tmp_q[1] . " and user_id=" . $member_id . " and end_time >" . time())->find();
-				if (!empty($voucher_info)) {
-					//$order_quan_arr[$tmp_q[0]] = $tmp_q[1];
-					$order_quan_arr[1] = $tmp_q[1];
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		$msg_arr = array();
-		foreach ($order_msg_arr as $val) {
-			$tmp_val = explode('@_@', $val);
-			$msg_arr[$tmp_val[0]] = $tmp_val[1];
-		}
-		$cart = D('Home/Car');
-		// 验证商品数量
-		//buy_type:buy_type
-		$buy_type = $data_s['buy_type']; //I('post.buy_type');
-		$is_pin = 0;
-		if ($buy_type == 'pintuan') {
-			$is_pin = 1;
-		}
-		$goodss = $cart->get_all_goodswecar($buy_type, $token, 1, $data_s['pick_up_id'], $data_s['soli_id']);
-		//付款人
-		$payment = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->find();
-		//收货人
-		$addr_param = array();
-		$addr_param[':uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid'];
-		$addr_param[':member_id'] = $member_id;
-		//$addr_sql = "select * from ".tablename('lionfish_comshop_address')." where uniacid=:uniacid and member_id=:member_id order by  is_default desc,address_id desc limit 1";
-		//$address = pdo_fetch($addr_sql, $addr_param);
-		$seller_goodss = array();
-		/** 计算每个订单的优惠券占比begin */
-		$zanbi_total_money = 0;
-		//是否需要校验ticket 交易组件
-		$scene = $gpc['scene'];
-		$is_need_scene_check = 0;
-		if (!empty($scene)) {
-			$is_need_scene_check = D('Seller/MpModifyTradeComponts')->sceneCheck($scene);
-		}
-		foreach ($goodss as $key => $val) {
-			//单商户先屏蔽
-			//$goods_store_field =  M('goods')->field('store_id')->where( array('goods_id' => $val['goods_id']) )->find();
-			$supply_id = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_supply_id($val['goods_id']);
-			if ($supply_id > 0) {
-				$supply_info = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_info($supply_id);
-				if ($supply_info['type'] == 0) {
-					$supply_id = 0;
-				}
-			}
-			if ($data_s['dispatching'] == 'localtown_delivery') {
-				if ($supply_id > 0) {
-					$isopen_localtown_delivery = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('isopen_localtown_delivery', $supply_id);
-					if ($isopen_localtown_delivery == 1) {
-						//服务距离
-						$localtown_servvice_maxdistance = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('localtown_servvice_maxdistance', $supply_id);
-						//商家经纬度
-						$localtown_shop_lon = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('localtown_shop_lon', $supply_id);
-						$localtown_shop_lat = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('localtown_shop_lat', $supply_id);
-						$distince = D('Seller/Communityhead')->GetDistance($data_s['longitude'], $data_s['latitude'], $localtown_shop_lon, $localtown_shop_lat);
-						$distince = round($distince / 1000, 2);
-						if ($distince > $localtown_servvice_maxdistance) {
-							echo json_encode(array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '您与商家的距离过远,商家的配送范围是' . $localtown_servvice_maxdistance . 'KM内'));
-							die();
-						}
-					}
-				} else {
-					//服务距离
-					$localtown_servvice_maxdistance = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_servvice_maxdistance');
-					//商家经纬度
-					$localtown_shop_lon = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_shop_lon');
-					$localtown_shop_lat = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_shop_lat');
-					$distince = D('Seller/Communityhead')->GetDistance($data_s['longitude'], $data_s['latitude'], $localtown_shop_lon, $localtown_shop_lat);
-					$distince = round($distince / 1000, 2);
-					if ($distince > $localtown_servvice_maxdistance) {
-						echo json_encode(array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '您与商家的距离过远,商家的配送范围是' . $localtown_servvice_maxdistance . 'KM内'));
-						die();
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			$seller_goodss[$supply_id][$key] = $val;
-			//$cart->removecar($val['key'],$token);
-			if ($is_vip_card_member == 1 && $val['is_take_vipcard'] == 1) {
-				$zanbi_total_money += $val['card_total'];
-			} else if ($val['is_mb_level_buy'] > 0 && $is_member_level_buy == 1) {
-				$zanbi_total_money += $val['level_total'];
-			} else if ($val['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $member_info['level_id'] > 0) {
-				$zanbi_total_money += $val['level_total'];
-			} else {
-				$zanbi_total_money += $val['total'];
-			}
-			//检测是否场景符合begin
-			if ($is_need_scene_check == 1) {
-				if ($val['isTradeComponts'] == 0) {
-					echo json_encode(array('code' => 2, 'msg' => $val['name'] . ':未提交小程序交易组件'));
-					die();
-				}
-			}
-			//检测是否场景符合end
-		}
-		//判断是否可以货到付款
-		if ($cashon_delivery == 1) {
-			$cashondelivery_data = D('Home/Front')->getCashonDeliveryAction($buy_type, $seller_goodss);
-			if ($cashondelivery_data['isopen_cashondelivery'] == 1) {
-				if ($dispatching == 'express' && $cashondelivery_data['isopen_cashondelivery_express'] == 0) {
-					echo json_encode(array('code' => 3, 'msg' => '货到付款未开启'));
-					die();
-				} else if ($dispatching == 'tuanz_send' && $cashondelivery_data['isopen_cashondelivery_communityhead'] == 0) {
-					echo json_encode(array('code' => 3, 'msg' => '货到付款未开启'));
-					die();
-				} else if ($dispatching == 'localtown_delivery' && $cashondelivery_data['isopen_cashondelivery_localtown'] == 0) {
-					echo json_encode(array('code' => 3, 'msg' => '货到付款未开启'));
-					die();
-				} else if ($dispatching == 'hexiao' && $cashondelivery_data['isopen_cashondelivery_hexiao'] == 0) {
-					echo json_encode(array('code' => 3, 'msg' => '货到付款未开启'));
-					die();
-				} else if ($dispatching == 'pickup' && $cashondelivery_data['isopen_cashondelivery_ziti'] == 0) {
-					echo json_encode(array('code' => 3, 'msg' => '货到付款未开启'));
-					die();
-				}
-			} else {
-				echo json_encode(array('code' => 3, 'msg' => '货到付款未开启'));
-				die();
-			}
-		}
-		//....看看有没有满多少才能下单begin
-		$open_man_orderbuy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('open_man_orderbuy');
-		$man_orderbuy_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_orderbuy_money');
-		//pindan (拼团商品单独购买)   pintuan (拼团)
-		if ($buy_type == 'pintuan' || $buy_type == 'pindan' || $buy_type == 'integral') {
-			$open_man_orderbuy = 0;
-		}
-		if (!empty($open_man_orderbuy) && $open_man_orderbuy == 1) {
-			if (!empty($man_orderbuy_money) && $man_orderbuy_money > 0) {
-				if ($man_orderbuy_money > $zanbi_total_money) {
-					echo json_encode(array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '满' . $man_orderbuy_money . '元才可以下单', 'is_forb' => 1));
-					die();
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		//....看看有没有满多少才能下单end
-		//清除购物车
-		foreach ($goodss as $key => $val) {
-			$cart->removecar($val['key'], $token);
-		}
-		/** 计算每个订单的优惠券占比end */
-		$pay_total = 0;
-		//M('order_all')
-		$order_all_data = array();
-		$order_all_data['member_id'] = $member_id;
-		$order_all_data['order_num_alias'] = build_order_no($member_id);
-		$order_all_data['transaction_id'] = '';
-		$order_all_data['order_status_id'] = 3;
-		$order_all_data['is_pin'] = $is_pin;
-		$order_all_data['paytime'] = 0;
-		$order_all_data['addtime'] = time();
-		$order_all_id = M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->add($order_all_data);
-		//暂时屏蔽积分商城模块
-		$integral_model = D('Home/Integral');
-		$order_ids_arr = array();
-		$del_integral = 0;
-		if (($buy_type == 'pintuan' || $buy_type == 'pindan') && $pintuan_model_buy == 0) {
-			$community_info = array();
-			$community_detail_info = array();
-		} else if ($buy_type == 'integral') {
-			$community_info = array();
-			$community_detail_info = array();
-		} else if (($buy_type == 'pintuan' || $buy_type == 'pindan') && $pintuan_model_buy == 1) {
-			$community_info = M('lionfish_community_head')->where(array('id' => $data_s['pick_up_id']))->find();
-			$community_detail_info = D('Home/Front')->get_community_byid($data_s['pick_up_id']);
-		} else {
-			$community_info = M('lionfish_community_head')->where(array('id' => $data_s['pick_up_id']))->find();
-			$community_detail_info = D('Home/Front')->get_community_byid($data_s['pick_up_id']);
-		}
-		$address_info = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where(array('address_id' => $data_s['address_id']))->find();
-		$is_open_fullreduction = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_fullreduction');
-		$full_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_money');
-		$full_reducemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_reducemoney');
-		$man_free_tuanzshipping = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_free_tuanzshipping');
-		$man_free_shipping = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_free_shipping');
-		if (empty($man_free_tuanzshipping)) {
-			$man_free_tuanzshipping = 0;
-		}
-		if (empty($man_free_shipping)) {
-			$man_free_shipping = 0;
-		}
-		if (empty($full_reducemoney) || $full_reducemoney <= 0) {
-			$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
-		}
-		if (($buy_type == 'pintuan' || $buy_type == 'pindan') && $pintuan_model_buy == 0) {
-			$man_free_tuanzshipping = 0;
-			$man_free_shipping = 0;
-			$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
-		} else if ($buy_type == 'integral') {
-			$man_free_tuanzshipping = 0;
-			$man_free_shipping = 0;
-			$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
-		} else if (($buy_type == 'pintuan' || $buy_type == 'pindan') && $pintuan_model_buy == 1) {
-			$man_free_shipping = 0;
-			$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
-		}
-		//预售不参与满减
-		if ($buy_type == 'presale') {
-			$man_free_tuanzshipping = 0;
-			$man_free_shipping = 0;
-			$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
-		}
-		$is_moban = false;
-		$cart = D('Home/Car');
-		$is_just_1 = 0;
-		$index_comment = 0;
-		$pay_goods_name = "";
-		$store_buy_total_money = 0;
-		$open_score_buy_score = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('open_score_buy_score');
-		$score_for_money = 0; //use_score
-		if ($buy_type == 'integral') {
-			$open_score_buy_score = 0;
-		}
-		//预售不参与积分抵扣
-		if ($open_score_buy_score == 1 && $use_score == 1 && $payment['score'] > 0 && $buy_type != 'presale') {
-			//计算能兑换多少钱
-			$score_forbuy_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('score_forbuy_money');
-			//只有兑换比例大于0才能允许兑换
-			if (!empty($score_forbuy_money) && $score_forbuy_money > 0) {
-				$score_for_money = sprintf('%.2f', $payment['score'] / $score_forbuy_money);
-			}
-		}
-		foreach ($seller_goodss as $kk => $vv) {
-			$is_just_1++;
-			$data = array();
-			$data['member_id'] = $member_id;
-			$data['name'] = $payment['username'];
-			$data['use_score'] = $use_score; //是否使用积分抵扣
-			$data['telephone'] = $data_s['ziti_mobile'];
-			$data['note_content'] = $data_s['note_content'];
-			$data['shipping_name'] = $data_s['ziti_name'];
-			$data['shipping_tel'] = $data_s['ziti_mobile'];
-			if ($dispatching == 'express' || $dispatching == 'tuanz_send' || $dispatching == 'localtown_delivery') {
-				$data['shipping_address'] = $address_info['address'];
-				$data['shipping_province_id'] = $address_info['province_id'];
-				$data['shipping_city_id'] = $address_info['city_id'];
-				$data['shipping_stree_id'] = 0;
-				$data['shipping_country_id'] = $address_info['country_id'];
-			} else {
-				$data['shipping_address'] = $community_detail_info['fullAddress'];
-				$data['shipping_province_id'] = $community_info['province_id'];
-				$data['shipping_city_id'] = $community_info['city_id'];
-				$data['shipping_stree_id'] = $community_info['country_id'];
-				$data['shipping_country_id'] = $community_info['area_id'];
-			}
-			$data['shipping_method'] = 0;
-			$data['delivery'] = $dispatching;
-			$data['pick_up_id'] = $pick_up_id;
-			$data['ziti_name'] = $community_info['head_name'];
-			$data['ziti_mobile'] = $community_info['head_mobile'];
-			$data['payment_method'] = $pay_method;
-			$data['address_id'] = $data_s['address_id'];
-			$data['voucher_id'] = isset($order_quan_arr[1]) ? $order_quan_arr[1] : 0; //目前都是平台券
-			$data['user_agent'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
-			$data['date_added'] = time();
-			$subject = '';
-			$fare = 0;
-			$order_total = 0;
-			$trans_free_toal = 0; //运费
-			$is_localtown_free_shipping_fare = 0;
-			$localtown_shipping_fare_total = 0; //同城配送费
-			$localtown_free_shipping_fare = 0; //满减的同城配送费用
-			$reduce_money = 0;
-			$man_total_free = 0;
-			$score_buy_money = 0;
-			$is_lottery = 0;
-			$is_integral = 0;
-			$is_spike = 0;
-			$is_hexiao = 0;
-			$total_weight = 0;
-			$total_quantity = 0;
-			$redis_has_add_list = array();
-			$is_free_shipping_fare = 0; //是否免除运费
-			$order_goods_total_money = 0;
-			$goods_data = array();
-			$is_moban = false;
-			//comment_arr comment_arr
-			$packing_fare = 0;
-			$iscan_fu_packing = 1;
-			if ('localtown_delivery' == $dispatching) {
-				$tmp_sellergd = array($kk => array('goods' => $vv));
-				$town_address = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where(array('address_id' => $data_s['address_id']))->find();
-				list($lon, $lat) = explode(",", $town_address['lon_lat']);
-				$localtown_shippingfare_arr = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->calc_shipping_fare($lon, $lat, $tmp_sellergd);
-				$trans_free_toal = $localtown_shippingfare_arr['total_shipping_fare'];
-				$localtown_shipping_fare_total = $trans_free_toal;
-				$packing_fare_arr = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->calc_packing_money(array($kk => array('goods' => $vv)));
-				$packing_fare = $packing_fare_arr['total_picking_fare'];
-				$localtown_shipping_fare = $localtown_shippingfare_arr['total_shipping_fare'];
-				$localtown_yl_shipping_fare = $localtown_shippingfare_arr['total_yl_shipping_fare'];
-				if ($localtown_shipping_fare != $localtown_yl_shipping_fare && $localtown_shipping_fare == 0) {
-					$is_localtown_free_shipping_fare = 1;
-					$localtown_free_shipping_fare = $localtown_shippingfare_arr['total_yl_shipping_fare'];
-				}
-				$data['localtown_add_shipping_fare'] = $localtown_shippingfare_arr[$kk]['localtown_add_shipping_fare'];
-			}
-			$data['expected_delivery_time'] = $data_s['expected_delivery_time'];
-			$data['packing_fare'] = floatval($packing_fare);
-			foreach ($vv as $key => $good) {
-				if ($kk == 0) {
-					if ($is_vip_card_member == 1 && $good['is_take_vipcard'] == 1) {
-						$store_buy_total_money += $good['card_total'];
-					} else if ($good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $member_info['level_id'] > 0) {
-						$store_buy_total_money += $good['level_total'];
-					} else {
-						$store_buy_total_money += $good['total'];
-					}
-				}
-				/**
-						 if($good['shipping']==1)
-						 {
-							 //统一运费
-							 $trans_free_toal += $good['goods_freight'];
-							 $trans_free = $good['goods_freight'];
-						 }else {
-							 //运费模板
-							 $trans_free = load_model_class('transport')->calc_transport($good['transport_id'], $good['quantity'], $good['quantity']*$good['weight'], $address['city_id'] );
-							 //$trans_free = D('Home/Transport')->calc_transport($good['transport_id'], $good['quantity']*$good['weight'], $address['city_id'] );
-							 $trans_free_toal +=$trans_free;
-						 }
-						 **/
-				$trans_free = 0;
-				//$trans_free_toal +=$trans_free;
-				//sku_str 
-				if ($is_vip_card_member == 1 && $good['is_take_vipcard'] == 1) {
-					$order_goods_total_money += $good['card_total'];
-					$order_total += $good['card_total'];
-				} else if ($good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $member_info['level_id'] > 0) {
-					$order_goods_total_money += $good['level_total'];
-					$order_total += $good['level_total'];
-				} else {
-					$order_goods_total_money += $good['total'];
-					$order_total += $good['total'];
-				}
-				$tp_goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('type')->where(array('id' => $good['goods_id']))->find();
-				$tp_goods_info['store_id'] = 1;
-				if ($tp_goods_info['type'] == 'lottery') {
-					$is_lottery = 1;
-				}
-				if ($tp_goods_info['type'] == 'spike') {
-					$is_spike = 1;
-					$is_pin = 0;
-				}
-				//暂时屏蔽积分商城模块
-				if ($tp_goods_info['type'] == 'integral') {
-					$is_integral = 1;
-					$is_pin = 0;
-					$check_result = $integral_model->check_user_score_can_pay($member_id, $good['sku_str'], $good['goods_id']);
-					if ($check_result['code'] == 1) {
-						echo json_encode(array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '剩余' . $check_result['cur_score'] . '积分,积分不足!', 'is_forb' => 1));
-						die();
-					}
-				}
-				//is_hexiao is_only_express
-				if ($good['is_only_express'] == 2) {
-					$is_hexiao = 2;
-					$is_pin = 0;
-				}
-				if ($good['shipping'] == 0) {
-					$is_moban = true;
-					//统一运费
-					$total_weight += $good['weight'] * $good['quantity'];
-					$total_quantity += $good['quantity'];
-				}
-				$fenbi_li = 1;
-				if ($zanbi_total_money > 0) {
-					if ($is_vip_card_member == 1 && $good['is_take_vipcard'] == 1) {
-						$fenbi_li = round($good['card_total'] / $zanbi_total_money, 2);
-					} else if ($good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $member_info['level_id'] > 0) {
-						$fenbi_li = round($good['level_total'] / $zanbi_total_money, 2);
-					} else {
-						$fenbi_li = round($good['total'] / $zanbi_total_money, 2);
-					}
-				}
-				//if( isset($comment_arr[$index_comment]) )
-				//{
-				//	$comment = $comment_arr[$index_comment];
-				//}
-				//$good['goods_id']
-				if (isset($comment_arr)) {
-					foreach ($comment_arr as $key => $var) {
-						if ($good['goods_id'] == $key) {
-							$comment = $var;
-						}
-					}
-				}
-				//监测库存数量
-				$quantity_flag = D('Seller/Redisorder')->check_goods_can_buy($good['goods_id'], $good['sku_str'], $good['quantity']);
-				if ($quantity_flag <= 0) {
-					if (!empty($redis_has_add_list)) {
-						D('Seller/Redisorder')->bu_car_has_delquantity($redis_has_add_list);
-					}
-					echo json_encode(array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '已抢光', 'is_forb' => 1));
-					die();
-				}
-				//如果是下单减库存,那么用占坑法来避免超库存---begin
-				$kucun_method = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('kucun_method');
-				if (empty($kucun_method)) {
-					$kucun_method = 0;
-				}
-				if ($kucun_method == 0) {
-					//$ret = $redis->rPush('city', 'guangzhou');
-					$check_redis_quantity = D('Seller/Redisorder')->add_goods_buy_user($good['goods_id'], $good['sku_str'], $good['quantity'], $member_id);
-					//注意要回滚
-					//$key = "user_goods_{$member_id}_{$goods_id}_{$sku_str}";
-					if ($check_redis_quantity == 0) {
-						//cancle_redis_user_list 
-						if (!empty($redis_has_add_list)) {
-							D('Seller/Redisorder')->bu_car_has_delquantity($redis_has_add_list);
-						}
-						echo json_encode(array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '已抢光', 'is_forb' => 1));
-						die();
-					}
-					$redis_has_add_list[] = array('member_id' => $member_id, 'goods_id' => $good['goods_id'], 'sku_str' => $good['sku_str'], 'quantity' => $good['quantity']);
-				}
-				//----------------redis   end
-				if ($good['can_man_jian'] == 1) {
-					//$man_total_free += $good['total'];
-					//begggg
-					if ($is_vip_card_member == 1 && $good['is_take_vipcard'] == 1) {
-						if ($good['can_man_jian'] == 1) {
-							$man_total_free += $good['card_total'];
-						}
-					} else if ($good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $member_info['level_id'] > 0) {
-						if ($good['can_man_jian'] == 1) {
-							$man_total_free += $good['level_total'];
-						}
-					} else {
-						if ($good['can_man_jian'] == 1) {
-							$man_total_free += $good['total'];
-						}
-					}
-					//eddddd
-				}
-				$pay_goods_name .= $good['name'];
-				if ($good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $is_vip_card_member == 0 && $member_info['level_id'] > 0) {
-					$good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1;
-				} else {
-					$good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 0;
-				}
-				$localtown_superposition_pickingmoney = 0;
-				$localtown_superposition_pickingmoney = isset($localtown_superposition_pickingmoney) ? $localtown_superposition_pickingmoney : 0;
-				$gd_packing_fare = 0;
-				if ($localtown_superposition_pickingmoney == 0) {
-					$gd_packing_fare = $good['packing_free'];
-				} else {
-					if ($packing_fare == $good['packing_free'] && $iscan_fu_packing == 1) {
-						$iscan_fu_packing = 0;
-						$gd_packing_fare = $good['packing_free'];
-					}
-				}
-				$goods_data[] = array(
-					'goods_id' => $good['goods_id'],
-					'store_id' => $tp_goods_info['store_id'],
-					'name' => $good['name'],
-					'model' => $good['model'],
-					'is_pin' => $is_pin,
-					'pin_id' => $good['pin_id'],
-					'header_disc' => $good['header_disc'],
-					'member_disc' => $good['member_disc'],
-					'level_name' => $good['level_name'],
-					'option' => $good['sku_str'] == 'undefined' ? '' : $good['sku_str'],
-					'quantity' => $good['quantity'],
-					'shipping_fare' => $trans_free,
-					'price' => $good['price'],
-					'costprice' => $good['costprice'],
-					'card_price' => $good['card_price'],
-					'levelprice' => $good['levelprice'],
-					'total' => $good['total'],
-					'packing_fare' => $gd_packing_fare,
-					'card_total' => $good['card_total'],
-					'level_total' => $good['level_total'],
-					'is_mb_level_buy' => $good['is_mb_level_buy'],
-					'is_take_vipcard' => $good['is_take_vipcard'],
-					'fenbi_li' => $fenbi_li,
-					'can_man_jian' => $good['can_man_jian'],
-					'soli_id' => $good['soli_id'],
-					'comment' => htmlspecialchars($comment)
-				);
-			}
-			$index_comment++;
-			//$total_weight = 0;
-			//$total_quantity = 0;
-			if ($dispatching == 'express') {
-				//结算运费新模式
-				$trans_free_toal = 0; //运费
-				//----开始计算运费
-				//ims_ 
-				$shipping_default = M('lionfish_comshop_shipping')->where("enabled=1")->order('isdefault desc,id desc')->find();
-				$seller_goodss_re = $seller_goodss;
-				$store_shipping_fare = 0;
-				if ($is_moban) {
-					$store_shipping_fare = D('Home/Transport')->calc_transport($shipping_default['id'], $total_quantity, $total_weight, $address_info['city_id']);
-				}
-				$trans_free_toal += $store_shipping_fare;
-				foreach ($vv as $kkc => $d_goods) {
-					if ($d_goods['shipping'] == 1) {
-						//统一运费
-						$trans_free_toal += $d_goods['goods_freight'];
-					}
-				}
-				if ($kk == 0 && !empty($man_free_shipping) && $man_free_shipping > 0 && $order_goods_total_money >= $man_free_shipping) {
-					//$trans_free_toal = 0;
-					$is_free_shipping_fare = 1;
-				}
-				//---结束结算运费 address_id
-				$data_s['address_id'] = $this->_add_address($token, $ziti_name, $ziti_mobile, $province_name, $city_name, $country_name, $address_name);
-			} else if ('tuanz_send' == $dispatching) {
-				$trans_free_toal = 0;
-				$delivery_tuanz_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_tuanz_money');
-				$community_info_modify = $community_info;
-				if (!empty($community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_method']) && $community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_method'] == 1) {
-					if (!empty($community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_fare']) && $community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_fare'] == 1 && $community_info_modify['shipping_fare'] > 0) {
-						$delivery_tuanz_money = $community_info_modify['shipping_fare'];
-					}
-				}
-				$trans_free_toal = $delivery_tuanz_money;
-				$data['tuan_send_address'] = $data_s['tuan_send_address'];
-				if ($kk == 0 && !empty($man_free_tuanzshipping) && $man_free_tuanzshipping > 0 && $order_goods_total_money >= $man_free_tuanzshipping) {
-					$is_free_shipping_fare = 1;
-					//$trans_free_toal = 0;
-				}
-			}
-			//$is_pin; is_lottery
-			//'pintuan', 'normal', 'lottery'
-			$data['type'] = 'normal';
-			if ($is_pin == 1) {
-				$data['type'] = 'pintuan';
-				if ($is_lottery == 1) {
-					$data['type'] = 'lottery';
-				}
-			}
-			if ($is_integral == 1) {
-				$data['type'] = 'integral';
-				$is_pin = 0;
-			}
-			if ($is_hexiao == 1) {
-				$data['type'] = 'virtual';
-				$is_pin = 0;
-			}
-			if ($is_spike == 1) {
-				$data['type'] = 'spike';
-				$is_pin = 0;
-			}
-			//礼品卡配送费0
-			if ($buy_type == 'virtualcard') {
-				$trans_free_toal = 0;
-			}
-			$data['shipping_fare'] = floatval($trans_free_toal);
-			if ($is_free_shipping_fare == 1) {
-				$trans_free_toal = 0;
-			}
-			//原先计算满减金额
-			/*if($is_open_fullreduction == 1 && $man_total_free >= $full_money )
-				  {
-					  $reduce_money = $full_reducemoney ;
-				  }*/
-			//多组满减金额计算
-			if ($is_open_fullreduction == 1) {
-				$reduce_result = D('Home/Front')->get_reduce_money($man_total_free);
-				$reduce_money = $reduce_result['reduce_money'];
-			}
-			$data['is_free_shipping_fare'] = $is_free_shipping_fare;
-			$data['store_id'] = $kk;
-			$data['order_goods_total_money'] = $order_goods_total_money;
-			$data['is_localtown_free_shipping_fare'] = $is_localtown_free_shipping_fare;
-			$data['localtown_free_shipping_fare'] = $localtown_free_shipping_fare;
-			$data['goodss'] = $goods_data;
-			$data['order_num_alias'] = build_order_no($member_id);
-			$data['totals'][0] = array(
-				'code' => 'sub_total',
-				'title' => '商品价格',
-				'text' => '¥' . $order_total,
-				'value' => $order_total
-			);
-			$data['totals'][1] = array(
-				'code' => 'shipping',
-				'title' => '运费',
-				'text' => '¥' . $trans_free_toal,
-				'value' => $trans_free_toal
-			);
-			$data['totals'][2] = array(
-				'code' => 'total',
-				'title' => '总价',
-				'text' => '¥' . ($order_total + $trans_free_toal - $reduce_money),
-				'value' => ($order_total + $trans_free_toal - $reduce_money)
-			);
-			$data['from_type'] = 'wepro';
-			//目前都是平台券
-			if ($data['voucher_id'] > 0) {
-				//暂时屏蔽优惠券,等待开启 
-				/**
-						 $voucher_info = pdo_fetch("select * from ".tablename('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list')." where uniacid=:uniacid and id=:id ", 
-												 array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'],':id' => $data['voucher_id']));
-						 $data['voucher_credit'] = $voucher_info['credit'];
-						 pdo_update('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list', array('ordersn' => $data['order_num_alias'],'consume' => 'Y','usetime' => time()), array('id' => $data['voucher_id'] ));
-						 **/
-				$voucher_info = M('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list')->where(array('id' => $data['voucher_id']))->find();
-				//检查优惠券指定商品或指定商品分类 优惠金额 begin
-				$voucher_list[0] = $voucher_info;
-				$voucher_list = D('Home/Voucher')->get_voucher_amout_bygoods($voucher_list, $goods_data, 0);
-				$voucher_info = $voucher_list[0];
-				//检查优惠券指定商品或指定商品分类 优惠金额 end
-				$data['voucher_credit'] = $voucher_info['can_vouche_amount'];
-				$bili = 1;
-				if ($zanbi_total_money > 0) {
-					$bili = round(($order_goods_total_money / $zanbi_total_money), 2);
-				}
-				$data['voucher_credit'] = $data['voucher_credit'] * $bili;
-				//判断是否超出订单商品金额,不算运费
-				//if($data['voucher_credit'] > $order_total+$trans_free_toal - $reduce_money )
-				if ($data['voucher_credit'] > $order_total - $reduce_money) {
-					$data['voucher_credit'] = $order_total - $reduce_money;
-				}
-				M('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list')->where(array('id' => $data['voucher_id']))->save(array('ordersn' => $data['order_num_alias'], 'consume' => 'Y', 'usetime' => time()));
-			} else {
-				$data['voucher_credit'] = 0;
-			}
-			$use_score_total = 0; //用掉用户多少积分了.
-			$data['score_for_money'] = 0;
-			if ($kk == 0 && $score_for_money > 0) {
-				if ($order_total + $trans_free_toal - $reduce_money - $data['voucher_credit'] <= 0) {
-					//没必要扣积分了,单价已经是0
-				} else {
-					//只能抵扣扣除优惠券部分的金额
-					$del_money = $order_total - $data['voucher_credit'] - $reduce_money;
-					//var_dump($del_money, $score_for_money);die();
-					//score_for_money 会员能抵扣的最大金额
-					//计算多少积分了。
-					$score_forbuy_money_maxbi = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('score_forbuy_money_maxbi');
-					$score_forbuy_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('score_forbuy_money');
-					if (empty($score_forbuy_money_maxbi)) {
-						$score_forbuy_money_maxbi = 100;
-					}
-					//$max_dikou_money =  sprintf('%.2f', ($del_money * $score_forbuy_money_maxbi) /100);
-					$max_dikou_score = floor($del_money * $score_forbuy_money_maxbi * $score_forbuy_money / 100);
-					$max_dikou_money = sprintf('%.2f', ($max_dikou_score / $score_forbuy_money));
-					if ($max_dikou_money < $score_for_money) {
-						$score_for_money = $max_dikou_money;
-					}
-					//$score_buy_money = 0;
-					$data['score_for_money'] = $score_for_money;
-					//TODO...扣除会员积分,将积分分拆入每个商品订单,写入日志
-					//var_dump($data['score_for_money'], $max_dikou_money);die();
-				}
-			}
-			$data['comment'] = htmlspecialchars($comment);
-			$data['reduce_money'] = $reduce_money;
-			$data['man_total_free'] = $man_total_free;
-			//判断自提 dispatching:"pickup"
-			//dispatching, //express  pickup
-			if ($dispatching == 'express') {
-				$data['total'] = ($order_total); //+$fare - $data['voucher_credit']
-			} else if ('tuanz_send' == $dispatching) {
-				$data['total'] = ($order_total); // - $data['voucher_credit']);
-			} else {
-				$data['total'] = ($order_total); // - $data['voucher_credit']
-			}
-			//积分商城
-			//暂时屏蔽积分商城模块
-			if ($data['type'] == 'integral') {
-				$del_integral += $order_total; //扣除积分
-				$data['total'] = $order_total;
-			}
-			$data['buy_type'] = $buy_type; //判断预售使用
-			//万能表单数据
-			$data['allform_id'] = $allform_id;
-			$data['allform_list'] = $allform_list;
-			$oid = D('Home/Frontorder')->addOrder($data); // D('Order')->addOrder($data);
-			//暂时屏蔽自提模块
-			/**
-				  if($data['delivery'] == 'pickup')
-				  {
-					  $verify_bool = true;
-					  $verifycode = 0;
-					  while($verify_bool)
-					  {
-						  $code  = (ceil(time()/100)+rand(10000000,40000000)).rand(1000,9999);
-						  $verifycode = $code ? $code : rand(100000,999999);
-						  $verifycode = str_replace('1989','9819',$verifycode);
-						  $verifycode = str_replace('1259','9521',$verifycode);
-						  $verifycode = str_replace('12590','95210',$verifycode);
-						  $verifycode = str_replace('10086','68001',$verifycode);
-						  $pick_order = M('pick_order')->where( array('pick_sn' => $verifycode) )->find();
-						  if(empty($pick_order))
-						  {
-							  $verify_bool = false;
-						  }
-					  }
-					  $pick_data = array();
-					  $pick_data['pick_sn'] = $verifycode;
-					  $pick_data['pick_id'] = $pick_up_id;
-					  $pick_data['order_id'] = $oid;
-					  $pick_data['state'] = 0;
-					  $pick_data['ziti_name'] = $ziti_name;
-					  $pick_data['ziti_mobile'] = $ziti_mobile;
-					  $pick_data['addtime'] = time();
-					  M('pick_order')->add($pick_data);
-				  }
-				  **/
-			$order_ids_arr[] = $oid;
-			//$pay_total = $pay_total + $order_total+$trans_free_toal - $data['voucher_credit'];
-			if ($dispatching == 'express' && $data['type'] != 'integral') {
-				$pay_total = $pay_total + $order_total + $trans_free_toal - $data['voucher_credit'] - $reduce_money - $data['score_for_money'];
-			} else if ($dispatching == 'express' && $data['type'] == 'integral') {
-				$pay_total = $trans_free_toal;
-			} else if ('localtown_delivery' == $dispatching) {
-				$pay_total = $pay_total + $order_total + $packing_fare + $trans_free_toal - $data['voucher_credit'] - $reduce_money - $data['score_for_money'] + $data['localtown_add_shipping_fare'];
-			} else if ('tuanz_send' == $dispatching) {
-				$pay_total = $pay_total + $order_total + $trans_free_toal - $data['voucher_credit'] - $reduce_money - $data['score_for_money'];
-			} else {
-				$pay_total = $pay_total + $order_total - $data['voucher_credit'] - $reduce_money - $data['score_for_money'];
-			}
-			if ($buy_type == 'presale') {
-				//如果是预售,此处支付的就是定金
-				$presale_order_info = M('lionfish_comshop_order_presale')->where(['order_id' => $oid])->find();
-				if ($presale_order_info['presale_type'] == 1) {
-					M('lionfish_comshop_order_presale')->where(['id' => $presale_order_info['id']])->save(['presale_ding_money' => $pay_total]);
-				} else {
-					$pay_total = $presale_order_info['presale_ding_money'];
-				}
-			}
-			$pay_total = round($pay_total, 2);
-			$order_relate_data = array();
-			$order_relate_data['order_all_id'] = $order_all_id;
-			$order_relate_data['order_id'] = $oid;
-			$order_relate_data['addtime'] = time();
-			M('lionfish_comshop_order_relate')->add($order_relate_data);
-		}
-		$order_all_data = array();
-		$order_all_data['total_money'] = $pay_total;
-		M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->where(array('id' => $order_all_id))->save($order_all_data);
-		if ($order_all_id) {
-			$order = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(array('order_id' => $oid))->find();
-			$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('we_openid,account_money')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->find();
-			$is_yue_open = 0;
-			$is_yue_open = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_yue_pay');
-			if (empty($is_yue_open)) {
-				$is_yue_open = 0;
-			}
-			//检测是否需要扣除积分
-			if ($data['type'] == 'integral' && $del_integral > 0 && $is_integral == 1) {
-				$order_goods_tp = M('lionfish_comshop_order_goods')->field('order_goods_id')->where(array('order_id' => $oid))->find();
-				D('Admin/Member')->sendMemberPointChange($member_id, $del_integral, 1, '积分兑换商品', 'integral_exchange', $oid, $order_goods_tp['order_goods_id']);
-			}
-			$is_open_yinpay = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_yinpay');
-			$shop_domain = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_domain');
-			if ($order['type'] == 'ignore' || $pay_total <= 0 || ($is_yue_open == 1 && $ck_yupay == 1 && $member_info['account_money'] >= $pay_total)) {
-				//余额支付独立方法
-				D('Home/OrderV2')->carOrderYuerPay($order_all_id, $order, $pay_total, $ck_yupay, $buy_type, $is_integral, $is_spike, $is_just_1);
-			} else if ($buy_type == 'dan' && $cashon_delivery == 1) { //货到付款订单
-				//货到付款支付独立方法
-				D('Home/OrderV2')->carOrderCashonPay($order_all_id, $order, $pay_total, $cashon_delivery, $buy_type, $is_spike, $is_just_1);
-			} else if ($ck_yupay == 3) {
-				$lib_path = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/Lib/';
-				require_once $lib_path . "/Weixin/Wxfy.class.php";
-				$wxfy = new \Wxfy();
-				$appid = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
-				$notify_url = $shop_domain . '/notify.php?type=fyfyfy';
-				$out_trade_no = $order_all_id . '-' . time();
-				$body = $pay_goods_name; //'商品购买';
-				if (empty($body) || mb_strlen($body)>30) {
-					$body = '购物车商品合并支付';
-				}
-				// $body=iconv('GB2312', 'UTF-8', $body);
-				$nonce_str = nonce_str();
-				$fee = $pay_total;
-				$total_fee = $fee * 100;
-				$wxfydata=array();
-				$wxfydata['debug'] = false;
-				$wxfydata['filepath'] = $lib_path . 'Weixin/cert/';
-				$prefix = 1450;
-				$wxfydata['mchnt_order_no'] = $prefix . $out_trade_no; //商户订单号, 商户系统内部的订单号(5 到 30 个字符、 只能包含字母数字,区分大小写)
-				$wxfydata['random_str'] = $nonce_str;
-				$wxfydata['goods_des'] = $body;
-				$wxfydata['term_ip'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
-				$wxfydata['order_amt'] = $total_fee;
-				$wxfydata['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
-				$wxfydata['sub_openid'] = $payment['we_openid'];
-				$wxfydata['sub_appid'] = $appid;
-			//	$wxfydata['debug'] = true;
-				$resfult = $wxfy->createOrder($wxfydata);
-			//	$res = json_decode($resfult, 1);
-				M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->where(array('id' => $order_all_id))->save(array('out_trade_no' => $out_trade_no));
-					D('Home/Pin')->insertNotifyOrder($order['order_id']);
-					$time = time();
-//					$prepay_id = $res['session_id'];
-//					M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(array('order_id' => array('in', $order_ids_arr)))->save(array('perpay_id' => $prepay_id));
-					$data = array();
-					$data['code'] = 0;
-//					$data['appid'] = $res['sdk_appid'];
-//					$data['timeStamp'] = $res['sdk_timestamp'];
-//					$data['nonceStr'] = $res['sdk_noncestr'];
-//					$data['signType'] = $res['sdk_signtype'];
-//					$data['package'] = 'prepay_id=' .$prepay_id;
-//					$data['paySign'] = $res['sdk_paysign'];
-					$data['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-					//$data['total_fee']=
-					$data['is_go_orderlist'] = $is_just_1;
-                    $data['xml'] = $resfult;
-					$data['total_fee']=$total_fee;
-					//如果是微信小程序交易组件begin---新支付方法 wx.requestOrderPayment
-					$data['order_info'] = [];
-					$data['isRequestOrderPayment'] = $is_need_scene_check;
-					if ($is_pin == 1) {
-						$data['redirect_url'] = '../groups/group?id=' . $oid . '&is_show=1';
-					} else {
-						$data['redirect_url'] = '../orders/order_show_all?order_all_id=' + $order_all_id;
-					}
-			} else if (isset($is_open_yinpay) && $is_open_yinpay == 3) {
-				//begin
-				$fee = $pay_total;
-				$appid = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
-				$body = $pay_goods_name; //'商品购买';
-				$body = mb_substr($body, 0, 32, 'utf-8');
-				if (empty($body)) {
-					$body = '商品购买';
-				}
-				$mch_id = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_partnerid');
-				$nonce_str = nonce_str();
-				$shop_domain = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_domain');
-				$notify_url = $shop_domain . '/notify.php';
-				$openid = $payment['we_openid'];
-				$out_trade_no = $order_all_id . '-' . time();
-				//out_trade_no
-				M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->where(array('id' => $order_all_id))->save(array('out_trade_no' => $out_trade_no));
-				$spbill_create_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
-				$total_fee = $fee * 100;
-				//float(0.99999999999998)
-				$trade_type = 'JSAPI';
-				$pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
-				$post['appid'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_fuwu_appid'); // 'wx7c38e2f177e0af59';
-				$post['body'] = $body;
-				$post['mch_id'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_fuwu_partnerid'); //'1562705521';
-				$post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
-				$post['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
-				//$post['openid'] = $openid;
-				$post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-				$post['spbill_create_ip'] = $spbill_create_ip;
-				$post['sub_appid'] = $appid;
-				$post['sub_mch_id'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_sub_mch_id');
-				$post['sub_openid'] = $openid;
-				$post['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
-				$post['trade_type'] = $trade_type;
-				$sign = sign($post, $pay_key);
-				//var_dump( $notify_url );die();
-				$post_xml = '<xml>
-				   <appid>' . $post['appid'] . '</appid>
-				   <body>' . $body . '</body>
-				   <mch_id>' . $post['mch_id'] . '</mch_id>
-				   <nonce_str>' . $nonce_str . '</nonce_str>
-				   <notify_url>' . $notify_url . '</notify_url>
-				   <out_trade_no>' . $out_trade_no . '</out_trade_no>
-				   <spbill_create_ip>' . $spbill_create_ip . '</spbill_create_ip>
-				   <sub_appid>' . $post['sub_appid'] . '</sub_appid>
-				   <sub_mch_id>' . $post['sub_mch_id'] . '</sub_mch_id>
-				   <sub_openid>' . $openid . '</sub_openid>
-				   <total_fee>' . $total_fee . '</total_fee>
-				   <trade_type>' . $trade_type . '</trade_type>
-				   <sign>' . $sign . '</sign>
-				</xml> ';
-				$url = 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder';
-				$xml = http_request($url, $post_xml);
-				$array = xml($xml);
-				if ($array['RETURN_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS' && $array['RESULT_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS') {
-					D('Home/Pin')->insertNotifyOrder($order['order_id']);
-					$time = time();
-					$tmp = array();
-					$tmp['appId'] = $appid;
-					$tmp['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
-					$tmp['package'] = 'prepay_id=' . $array['PREPAY_ID'];
-					$tmp['signType'] = 'MD5';
-					$tmp['timeStamp'] = "$time";
-					$prepay_id = (string) $array['PREPAY_ID'];
-					M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(array('order_id' => array('in', $order_ids_arr)))->save(array('perpay_id' => $prepay_id));
-					//M('order')->where( array('order_id' => array('in',$order_ids_arr) ) )->save( array('perpay_id' => (string)$array['PREPAY_ID']) );
-					$data = array();
-					$data['code'] = 0;
-					$data['appid'] = $appid;
-					$data['timeStamp'] = "$time";
-					$data['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
-					$data['signType'] = 'MD5';
-					$data['package'] = 'prepay_id=' . $array['PREPAY_ID'];
-					$data['paySign'] = sign($tmp, $pay_key);
-					$data['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-					$data['is_go_orderlist'] = $is_just_1;
-					if ($is_pin == 1) {
-						$data['redirect_url'] = '../groups/group?id=' . $oid . '&is_show=1';
-					} else {
-						$data['redirect_url'] = '../orders/order_show_all?order_all_id=' + $order_all_id;
-					}
-				} else {
-					$data = array();
-					$data['code'] = 1;
-					$data['text'] = "错误";
-					$data['RETURN_CODE'] = $array['RETURN_CODE'];
-					$data['RETURN_MSG'] = $array['RETURN_MSG'];
-				}
-				$data['has_yupay'] = 0;
-				//end
-			} else {
-				$fee = $pay_total;
-				$appid = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
-				$body = $pay_goods_name; //'商品购买';
-				$body = mb_substr($body, 0, 32, 'utf-8');
-				if (empty($body)) {
-					$body = '商品购买';
-				}
-				$mch_id = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_partnerid');
-				$nonce_str = nonce_str();
-				$notify_url = $shop_domain . '/notify.php';
-				$openid = $payment['we_openid'];
-				$out_trade_no = $order_all_id . '-' . time();
-				//out_trade_no 
-				M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->where(array('id' => $order_all_id))->save(array('out_trade_no' => $out_trade_no));
-				$spbill_create_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
-				$total_fee = $fee * 100;
-				$trade_type = 'JSAPI';
-				$pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
-				$post['appid'] = $appid;
-				$post['body'] = $body;
-				$post['mch_id'] = $mch_id;
-				$post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
-				$post['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
-				$post['openid'] = $openid;
-				$post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-				$post['spbill_create_ip'] = $spbill_create_ip;
-				$post['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
-				$post['trade_type'] = $trade_type;
-				$sign = sign($post, $pay_key);
-				$post_xml = '<xml>
-				   <appid>' . $appid . '</appid>
-				   <body>' . $body . '</body>
-				   <mch_id>' . $mch_id . '</mch_id>
-				   <nonce_str>' . $nonce_str . '</nonce_str>
-				   <notify_url>' . $notify_url . '</notify_url>
-				   <openid>' . $openid . '</openid>
-				   <out_trade_no>' . $out_trade_no . '</out_trade_no>
-				   <spbill_create_ip>' . $spbill_create_ip . '</spbill_create_ip>
-				   <total_fee>' . $total_fee . '</total_fee>
-				   <trade_type>' . $trade_type . '</trade_type>
-				   <sign>' . $sign . '</sign>
-				</xml> ';
-				$url = 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder';
-				$xml = http_request($url, $post_xml);
-				$array = xml($xml);
-				if ($array['RETURN_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS' && $array['RESULT_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS') {
-					D('Home/Pin')->insertNotifyOrder($order['order_id']);
-					$time = time();
-					$tmp = array();
-					$tmp['appId'] = $appid;
-					$tmp['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
-					$tmp['package'] = 'prepay_id=' . $array['PREPAY_ID'];
-					$tmp['signType'] = 'MD5';
-					$tmp['timeStamp'] = "$time";
-					$prepay_id = (string) $array['PREPAY_ID'];
-					M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(array('order_id' => array('in', $order_ids_arr)))->save(array('perpay_id' => $prepay_id));
-					//M('order')->where( array('order_id' => array('in',$order_ids_arr) ) )->save( array('perpay_id' => (string)$array['PREPAY_ID']) );
-					$data = array();
-					$data['code'] = 0;
-					$data['appid'] = $appid;
-					$data['timeStamp'] = "$time";
-					$data['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
-					$data['signType'] = 'MD5';
-					$data['package'] = 'prepay_id=' . $array['PREPAY_ID'];
-					$data['paySign'] = sign($tmp, $pay_key);
-					$data['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-					$data['is_go_orderlist'] = $is_just_1;
-					//如果是微信小程序交易组件begin---新支付方法 wx.requestOrderPayment
-					$data['order_info'] = [];
-					$data['isRequestOrderPayment'] = $is_need_scene_check;
-					if ($is_need_scene_check == 1) {
-						$orderPamentResult = D('Seller/MpModifyTradeComponts')->getTradeOrderInfo($oid, $time, $pay_total);
-						//如果是微信小程序交易组件,提供订单信息 end
-						$data['order_info'] = $orderPamentResult['order_info'];
-					}
-					if ($is_pin == 1) {
-						$data['redirect_url'] = '../groups/group?id=' . $oid . '&is_show=1';
-					} else {
-						$data['redirect_url'] = '../orders/order_show_all?order_all_id=' + $order_all_id;
-					}
-				} else {
-					$data = array();
-					$data['code'] = 1;
-					$data['text'] = "错误";
-					$data['RETURN_CODE'] = $array['RETURN_CODE'];
-					$data['RETURN_MSG'] = $array['RETURN_MSG'];
-				}
-				$data['has_yupay'] = 0;
-			}
-			if ($is_pin == 1) {
-				$data['order_id'] = $oid;
-				$data['order_all_id'] = $order_all_id;
-			} else {
-				$data['order_id'] = $oid;
-				$data['order_all_id'] = $order_all_id;
-			}
-			$data['is_go_orderlist'] = $is_just_1;
-			$data['is_spike'] = $is_spike;
-			echo json_encode($data);
-			die();
-		} else {
-			echo json_encode(array('code' => 1, 'order_all_id' => $order_all_id));
-			die();
-		}
-	}
-	function requestAsHttpPOST($data, $service_url)
-	{
-		$HTTP_TIME_OUT = "20";
-		ksort(array_filter($data)); //删除数组中的空值并排序
-		$post_data = http_build_query($data);
-		$options = array(
-			'http' => array(
-				'method' => 'POST',
-				'header' => 'Content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=MD5',
-				'content' => $post_data,
-				'timeout' => $HTTP_TIME_OUT * 1000 //超时时间,*1000将毫秒变为秒(单位:s)
-			)
-		);
-		$context = stream_context_create($options);
-		$result = file_get_contents($service_url, false, $context);
-		return $result;
-	}
-	/**
-		   微信充值
-	   **/
-	public function wxcharge()
-	{
-		$_GPC = I('request.');
-		$token = $_GPC['token'];
-		$pay_method=$_GPC['pay_method']=='fypay'?$_GPC['pay_method']:"";
-		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where(array('token' => $token))->find();
-		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
-		if (empty($member_id)) {
-			echo json_encode(array('code' => 1, 'msg' => '未登录'));
-			die();
-		}
-		$money = $_GPC['money'];
-		$rech_id = isset($_GPC['rech_id']) && $_GPC['rech_id'] > 0 ? $_GPC['rech_id'] : 0;
-		$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('we_openid')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->find();
-		$give_money = 0;
-		if ($rech_id > 0) {
-			$rech_info = M('lionfish_comshop_chargetype')->where(array('id' => $rech_id))->find();
-			if (!empty($rech_info)) {
-				$give_money = $rech_info['send_money'];
-			}
-			$money = $rech_info['money'];
-		} else {
-			$recharge_get_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('recharge_get_money');
-			if (isset($recharge_get_money) && $recharge_get_money == 1) {
-				$rech_info = M('lionfish_comshop_chargetype')->where("money <= " . $money)->order('money desc')->limit(1)->find();
-				if (!empty($rech_info)) {
-					$give_money = $rech_info['send_money'];
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		$member_charge_flow_data = array();
-		$member_charge_flow_data['member_id'] = $member_id;
-		$member_charge_flow_data['money'] = $money;
-		$member_charge_flow_data['state'] = 0;
-		$member_charge_flow_data['give_money'] = $give_money;
-		$member_charge_flow_data['charge_time'] = 0;
-		$member_charge_flow_data['remark'] = '会员前台微信充值';
-		$member_charge_flow_data['add_time'] = time();
-		$order_id = M('lionfish_comshop_member_charge_flow')->add($member_charge_flow_data);
-		$shop_domain = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_domain');
-		$fee = $money;
-		$appid = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
-		$body = '会员充值';
-		$mch_id = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_partnerid');
-		$nonce_str = nonce_str();
-		$notify_url = $shop_domain . '/notify.php';
-		$openid = $member_info['we_openid'];
-		$out_trade_no = $order_id . '-' . time() . '-charge-' . $member_id;
-		$spbill_create_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
-		$total_fee = $fee * 100;
-		$is_open_yinpay = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_yinpay');
-		if($pay_method=='fypay'){
-			$lib_path = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/Lib/';
-			require_once $lib_path . "/Weixin/Wxfy.class.php";
-			$wxfy = new \Wxfy();
-			$notify_url = $shop_domain . '/notify.php?type=fyfyfy';
-			$nonce_str = nonce_str();
-			$wxfydata=array();
-			$wxfydata['debug'] = false;
-			$wxfydata['filepath'] = $lib_path . 'Weixin/cert/';
-			$prefix = 1450;
-			$wxfydata['mchnt_order_no'] = $prefix . $out_trade_no; //商户订单号, 商户系统内部的订单号(5 到 30 个字符、 只能包含字母数字,区分大小写)
-			$wxfydata['random_str'] = $nonce_str;
-			$wxfydata['goods_des'] = base64_encode($body);
-			$wxfydata['term_ip'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
-			$wxfydata['order_amt'] = $total_fee;
-			$wxfydata['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
-			$wxfydata['sub_openid'] = $member_info['we_openid'];
-			$wxfydata['sub_appid'] = $appid;
-			$resfult = $wxfy->createOrder($wxfydata);
-//			$fy_res = json_decode($resfult, 1);
-			if (false) {
-				$json = array();
-				$json['code'] = 2;
-				$json['msg'] = 'error:'.$fy_res['result_msg'];
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-		//	$prepay_id =(string)$fy_res['session_id'];
-			$data = array();
-			$data['code'] = 0;
-//			$data['appid'] = $fy_res['sdk_appid'];
-//			$data['timeStamp'] = $fy_res['sdk_timestamp'];
-//			$data['nonceStr'] = $fy_res['sdk_noncestr'];
-//			$data['signType'] = $fy_res['sdk_signtype'];
-//			$data['package'] = 'prepay_id=' .$prepay_id;
-//			$data['paySign'] = $fy_res['sdk_paysign'];
-			$data['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-            $data['xml'] = $resfult;
-			$data['pay_method']='fypay';
-			$data['total_fee'] =$total_fee;
-//			M('lionfish_comshop_member_charge_flow')->where(array('id' => $order_id))->save(array('formid' => $prepay_id));
-			$data['redirect_url'] = '../dan/me';
-			echo json_encode($data);
-			die();
-		}else if (isset($is_open_yinpay) && $is_open_yinpay == 3) {
-			$trade_type = 'JSAPI';
-			$pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
-			$post = array();
-			$post['appid'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_fuwu_appid'); // 'wx7c38e2f177e0af59';
-			$post['body'] = $body;
-			$post['mch_id'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_fuwu_partnerid'); //'1562705521';
-			$post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
-			$post['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
-			//$post['openid'] = $openid;
-			$post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-			$post['spbill_create_ip'] = $spbill_create_ip;
-			$post['sub_appid'] = $appid;
-			$post['sub_mch_id'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_sub_mch_id');
-			$post['sub_openid'] = $openid;
-			$post['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
-			$post['trade_type'] = $trade_type;
-			$sign = sign($post, $pay_key);
-			$post_xml = '<xml>
-				   <appid>' . $post['appid'] . '</appid>
-				   <body>' . $body . '</body>
-				   <mch_id>' . $post['mch_id'] . '</mch_id>
-				   <nonce_str>' . $nonce_str . '</nonce_str>
-				   <notify_url>' . $notify_url . '</notify_url>
-				   <out_trade_no>' . $out_trade_no . '</out_trade_no>
-				   <spbill_create_ip>' . $spbill_create_ip . '</spbill_create_ip>
-				   <sub_appid>' . $post['sub_appid'] . '</sub_appid>
-				   <sub_mch_id>' . $post['sub_mch_id'] . '</sub_mch_id>
-				   <sub_openid>' . $openid . '</sub_openid>
-				   <total_fee>' . $total_fee . '</total_fee>
-				   <trade_type>' . $trade_type . '</trade_type>
-				   <sign>' . $sign . '</sign>
-				</xml> ';
-			$url = 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder';
-			$xml = http_request($url, $post_xml);
-			$array = xml($xml);
-			//end
-		} else {
-			$trade_type = 'JSAPI';
-			$pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
-			$post = array();
-			$post['appid'] = $appid;
-			$post['body'] = $body;
-			$post['mch_id'] = $mch_id;
-			$post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
-			$post['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
-			$post['openid'] = $openid;
-			$post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-			$post['spbill_create_ip'] = $spbill_create_ip;
-			$post['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
-			$post['trade_type'] = $trade_type;
-			$sign = sign($post, $pay_key);
-			//sign()
-			$post_xml = '<xml>
-				   <appid>' . $appid . '</appid>
-				   <body>' . $body . '</body>
-				   <mch_id>' . $mch_id . '</mch_id>
-				   <nonce_str>' . $nonce_str . '</nonce_str>
-				   <notify_url>' . $notify_url . '</notify_url>
-				   <openid>' . $openid . '</openid>
-				   <out_trade_no>' . $out_trade_no . '</out_trade_no>
-				   <spbill_create_ip>' . $spbill_create_ip . '</spbill_create_ip>
-				   <total_fee>' . $total_fee . '</total_fee>
-				   <trade_type>' . $trade_type . '</trade_type>
-				   <sign>' . $sign . '</sign>
-				</xml> ';
-			$url = 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder';
-			$xml = http_request($url, $post_xml);
-			$array = xml($xml);
-		}
-		if ($array['RETURN_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS' && $array['RESULT_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS') {
-			$time = time();
-			$tmp = array();
-			$tmp['appId'] = $appid;
-			$tmp['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
-			$tmp['package'] = 'prepay_id=' . $array['PREPAY_ID'];
-			$tmp['signType'] = 'MD5';
-			$tmp['timeStamp'] = "$time";
-			M('lionfish_comshop_member_charge_flow')->where(array('id' => $order_id))->save(array('formid' => $array['PREPAY_ID']));
-			$data['code'] = 0;
-			$data['timeStamp'] = "$time";
-			$data['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
-			$data['signType'] = 'MD5';
-			$data['package'] = 'prepay_id=' . $array['PREPAY_ID'];
-			$data['paySign'] = sign($tmp, $pay_key);
-			$data['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-			$data['redirect_url'] = '../dan/me';
-		} else {
-			$data['code'] = 1;
-			$data['text'] = "错误";
-			$data['RETURN_CODE'] = $array['RETURN_CODE'];
-			$data['RETURN_MSG'] = $array['RETURN_MSG'];
-		}
-		echo json_encode($data);
-		die();
-	}
-	public function wxpay()
-	{
-		$gpc = I('request.');
-		$token = $gpc['token'];
-		$order_id = $gpc['order_id'];
-		$pay_method=$gpc['pay_method']=='fypay'?$gpc['pay_method']:"";
-		$scene = $gpc['scene'];
-		$is_need_scene_check = 0;
-		if (!empty($scene)) {
-			$is_need_scene_check = D('Seller/MpModifyTradeComponts')->sceneCheck($scene);
-		}
-		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where(array('token' => $token))->find();
-		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
-		if (empty($member_id)) {
-			echo json_encode(array('code' => 1, 'msg' => '未登录'));
-			die();
-		}
-		$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('we_openid')->where(array('member_id' => $member_id))->find();
-		$order = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(array('order_id' => $order_id))->find();
-		//order_status_id
-		if ($order['order_status_id'] != 3 && $order['order_status_id'] != 15) {
-			$json = array();
-			$json['msg'] = '商品已下架!';
-			$json['code'] = 2;
-			if ($order['order_status_id'] == 1) {
-				$json['msg'] = '订单已付款,请勿重新付款!';
-			} else if ($order['order_status_id'] == 5) {
-				$json['msg'] = '订单已取消,请重新选择商品下单!';
-			}
-			echo json_encode($json);
-			die();
-		}
-		//检测商品是否下架 begin
-		$sql = "select name,quantity,rela_goodsoption_valueid,goods_id from " . C('DB_PREFIX') . "lionfish_comshop_order_goods  
-					where order_id={$order_id} ";
-		$order_goods_list = M()->query($sql);
-		$goodsname="";
-		foreach ($order_goods_list as $tp_val) {
-			$tp_gd_info = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('grounding')->where(array('id' => $tp_val['goods_id']))->find();
-			if (empty($tp_gd_info) || $tp_gd_info['grounding'] != 1) {
-				$json['code'] = 2;
-				$json['msg'] = '商品已下架!';
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-			$goodsname.=$tp_val['name'];
-		}
-		//检测商品是否下架end   
-		//检测是否预售商品。预售商品不需要检测二次支付问题
-		$presale_info = [];
-		$presale_result = D('Home/PresaleGoods')->getOrderPresaleInfo($order_id);
-		if ($presale_result['code'] == 0) {
-			$presale_info = $presale_result['data'];
-		}
-		//检测是否已经支付过了begin
-		$order_relate_info = M('lionfish_comshop_order_relate')->where(array('order_id' => $order_id))->order('id desc')->find();
-		if (!empty($order_relate_info) && $order_relate_info['order_all_id'] > 0 && empty($presale_info)) {
-			$order_all_info = M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->where(array('id' => $order_relate_info['order_all_id']))->find();
-			if (!empty($order_all_info) && !empty($order_all_info['out_trade_no'])) {
-				$out_trade_no = $order_all_info['out_trade_no'];
-				$appid = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
-				$mch_id = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_partnerid');
-				$nonce_str = nonce_str();
-				$pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
-				$post = array();
-				if($pay_method=='fypay'){
-					//富友支付,写下去了
-				}else{
-					//主要是校验是否重复支付
-					$post['appid'] = $appid;
-					$post['mch_id'] = $mch_id;
-					$post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
-					$post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-					$sign = sign($post, $pay_key);
-					$post_xml = '<xml>
-								<appid>' . $appid . '</appid>
-								<mch_id>' . $mch_id . '</mch_id>
-								<nonce_str>' . $nonce_str . '</nonce_str>
-								<out_trade_no>' . $out_trade_no . '</out_trade_no>
-								<sign>' . $sign . '</sign>
-								</xml>';
-					$url = "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/orderquery";
-					$result = http_request($url, $post_xml);
-					$array = xml($result);
-					if ($array['RETURN_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS' && $array['RETURN_MSG'] == 'OK') {
-						if ($array['TRADE_STATE'] == 'SUCCESS') {
-							$json = array();
-							$json['msg'] = '商品已下架!';
-							$json['code'] = 2;
-							$json['msg'] = '订单已付款,请勿重新付款,请刷新页面!';
-							echo json_encode($json);
-							die();
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		//检测是否已经支付过了end  
-		//支付才减库存,才需要判断
-		$kucun_method = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('kucun_method');
-		if (empty($kucun_method)) {
-			$kucun_method = 0;
-		}
-		if ($kucun_method == 1 && (empty($presale_info) || $presale_info['state'] != 1)) {
-			/*** 检测商品库存begin  **/
-			//goods_id
-			foreach ($order_goods_list as $val) {
-				$quantity = $val['quantity'];
-				$goods_id = $val['goods_id'];
-				$can_buy_count = D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_count($member_id, $goods_id);
-				$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id, 'total_limit_count');
-				if ($can_buy_count == -1) {
-					$json['code'] = 2;
-					$json['msg'] = '您还能购买' . $goods_description['total_limit_count'] . '个';
-					echo json_encode($json);
-					die();
-				} else if ($can_buy_count > 0 && $quantity > $can_buy_count) {
-					$json['code'] = 2;
-					$json['msg'] = '您还能购买' . $can_buy_count . '份';
-					echo json_encode($json);
-					die();
-				}
-				//rela_goodsoption_valueid
-				if (!empty($val['rela_goodsoption_valueid'])) {
-					$mul_opt_arr = array();
-					//ims_ 
-					$goods_option_mult_value = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->where(array('goods_id' => $goods_id, 'option_item_ids' => $val['rela_goodsoption_valueid']))->find();
-					if (!empty($goods_option_mult_value)) {
-						if ($goods_option_mult_value['stock'] < $quantity) {
-							$json['code'] = 2;
-							$json['msg'] = '商品数量不足,剩余' . $goods_option_mult_value['stock'] . '个!!';
-							echo json_encode($json);
-							die();
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			/*** 检测商品库存end **/
-		}
-		$pin_order = array();
-		if (!empty($pin_order)) {
-			/**
-					 $pin_model =  load_model_class('pin');
-					 $is_pin_over = $pin_model->getNowPinState($pin_order['pin_id']);
-					 if($is_pin_over != 0)
-					 {
-						  pdo_query("delete from ".tablename('lionfish_comshop_pin_order')." where order_id = {$order_id} ");
-						  pdo_query("delete from ".tablename('lionfish_comshop_pin')." where pin_id = ".$pin_order['pin_id']." and order_id = ".$order_id);
-						 $order_goods_info = pdo_fetch("select goods_id from ".tablename('lionfish_comshop_order_goods')." where uniacid=:uniacid and order_id=:order_id ", array(':order_id' => $order_id,':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid']));
-						 //新开团
-						 $pin_id = $pin_model->openNewTuan($order_id,$order_goods_info['goods_id'],$member_id);
-						 //插入拼团订单
-						 $pin_model->insertTuanOrder($pin_id,$order_id);
-					 }
-					 **/
-		}
-		//单独支付一个店铺的订单
-		//M('lionfish_comshop_order_relate')->where( array('order_id' => $order_id) )->delete();
-		$order_all_data = array();
-		$order_all_data['member_id'] = $member_id;
-		$order_all_data['order_num_alias'] = build_order_no($member_id);
-		$order_all_data['transaction_id'] = '';
-		$order_all_data['order_status_id'] = 3;
-		$order_all_data['is_pin'] = $order['is_pin'];
-		$order_all_data['paytime'] = 0;
-		$order_all_data['total_money'] = $order['total'] + $order['shipping_fare'] - $order['voucher_credit'] - $order['fullreduction_money'];
-		$order_all_data['addtime'] = time();
-		$order_all_id = M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->add($order_all_data);
-		$order_relate_data = array();
-		$order_relate_data['order_all_id'] = $order_all_id;
-		$order_relate_data['order_id'] = $order_id;
-		$order_relate_data['addtime'] = time();
-		M('lionfish_comshop_order_relate')->add($order_relate_data);
-		if ($order['delivery'] == 'pickup') {
-			$fee = $order['total'] + $order['shipping_fare'] - $order['voucher_credit'] - $order['fullreduction_money'] - $order['score_for_money'] - $order['fare_shipping_free'];
-		} else if ($order['delivery'] == 'localtown_delivery') {
-			$fee = $order['total'] + $order['packing_fare'] + $order['shipping_fare'] - $order['voucher_credit'] - $order['fullreduction_money'] - $order['score_for_money'] + $order['localtown_add_shipping_fare'] - $order['fare_shipping_free'];
-		} else {
-			$fee = $order['total'] + $order['shipping_fare'] - $order['voucher_credit'] - $order['fullreduction_money'] - $order['score_for_money'] - $order['fare_shipping_free'];
-		}
-		//如果是预售 begin
-		if (!empty($presale_info)) {
-			if ($presale_info['state'] == 0) {
-				//首次支付,
-				$fee = $presale_info['presale_ding_money'];
-			} else if ($presale_info['state'] == 1) {
-				//第二次支付
-				if (!empty($presale_info['presale_deduction_money']) && false) {
-					$fee = $fee - $presale_info['presale_deduction_money'];
-				} else {
-					$fee = $fee - $presale_info['presale_ding_money'];
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		//end
-		$fee = round($fee, 2);
-		$appid = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
-		$body = $pay_goods_name; //'商品购买';
-		$body = mb_substr($body, 0, 32, 'utf-8');
-		if (empty($body)) {
-			$body = '商品购买';
-		}
-		$mch_id = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_partnerid');
-		$nonce_str = nonce_str();
-		$shop_domain = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_domain');
-		$notify_url = $shop_domain . '/notify.php';
-		$openid = $member_info['we_openid'];
-		$spbill_create_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
-		$total_fee = $fee * 100;
-		$trade_type = 'JSAPI';
-		$pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
-		$out_trade_no = $order_all_id . '-' . time();
-		$is_open_yinpay = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_yinpay');
-		$appid = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
-		//begin
-		if($pay_method=='fypay'){
-		//富友支付
-			$shop_domain = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_domain');
-			$lib_path = dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/Lib/';
-			require_once $lib_path . "/Weixin/Wxfy.class.php";
-			$wxfy = new \Wxfy();
-			$notify_url = $shop_domain . '/notify.php?type=fyfyfy';
-			$body = $goodsname; //'商品购买';
-			if (empty($body) || mb_strlen($body)>30) {
-				$body = '购物车商品合并支付';
-			}
-			// $body=iconv('GB2312', 'UTF-8', $body);
-			//富友一个订单号只能拉起一次支付,所以这里要改
-			M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->where(array('id' => $order_all_id))->save(array('out_trade_no' => $out_trade_no));
-			$nonce_str = nonce_str();
-			$wxfydata=array();
-			$wxfydata['debug'] = false;
-			$wxfydata['filepath'] = $lib_path . 'Weixin/cert/';
-			$prefix = 1450;
-			$wxfydata['mchnt_order_no'] = $prefix . $out_trade_no; //商户订单号, 商户系统内部的订单号(5 到 30 个字符、 只能包含字母数字,区分大小写)
-			$wxfydata['random_str'] = $nonce_str;
-			$wxfydata['goods_des'] = $body;
-			$wxfydata['term_ip'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];
-			$wxfydata['order_amt'] = $total_fee;
-			$wxfydata['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
-			$wxfydata['sub_openid'] = $member_info['we_openid'];
-			$wxfydata['sub_appid'] = $appid;
-			$resfult = $wxfy->createOrder($wxfydata);
-		//	$fy_res = json_decode($resfult, 1);
-			if (false) {
-				$json = array();
-				$json['code'] = 2;
-				$json['msg'] = 'error:'.$fy_res['result_msg'];
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-			}
-			//$prepay_id =(string)$fy_res['session_id'];
-			//M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(array('order_id' => $order_id))->save(array('perpay_id' => $prepay_id));
-			$data = array();
-			$data['code'] = 0;
-		//	$data['appid'] = $fy_res['sdk_appid'];
-		//	$data['timeStamp'] = $fy_res['sdk_timestamp'];
-		//	$data['nonceStr'] = $fy_res['sdk_noncestr'];
-			//$data['signType'] = $fy_res['sdk_signtype'];
-		//	$data['package'] = 'prepay_id=' .$prepay_id;
-		//	$data['paySign'] = $fy_res['sdk_paysign'];
-			$data['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-			$data['xml'] = $resfult;
-			$data['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
-			$data['pay_method'] = 'fypay';
-			if ($order['is_pin'] == 1) {
-				$data['redirect_url'] = '../groups/group?id=' . $order_id . '&is_show=1';
-			} else {
-				$data['redirect_url'] = '../orders/order?id=' + $order_id;
-			}
-			echo json_encode($data);
-			die();
-		}
-		elseif (isset($is_open_yinpay) && $is_open_yinpay == 3) {
-			$pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
-			$body = '商品购买';
-			$post = array();
-			$post['appid'] =D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_fuwu_appid');
-			$post['body'] = $body;
-			$post['mch_id'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_fuwu_partnerid');
-			$post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
-			$post['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
-			//$post['openid'] = $openid;
-			$post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-			$post['spbill_create_ip'] = $spbill_create_ip;
-			$post['sub_appid'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
-			$post['sub_mch_id'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_sub_mch_id');
-			$post['sub_openid'] = $openid;
-			$post['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
-			$post['trade_type'] = $trade_type;
-			$sign = sign($post, $pay_key);
-			$post_xml = '<xml>
-				   <appid>' . $post['appid'] . '</appid>
-				   <body>' . $body . '</body>
-				   <mch_id>' . $post['mch_id'] . '</mch_id>
-				   <nonce_str>' . $nonce_str . '</nonce_str>
-				   <notify_url>' . $notify_url . '</notify_url>
-				   <out_trade_no>' . $out_trade_no . '</out_trade_no>
-				   <spbill_create_ip>' . $spbill_create_ip . '</spbill_create_ip>
-				   <sub_appid>' . $post['sub_appid'] . '</sub_appid>
-				   <sub_mch_id>' . $post['sub_mch_id'] . '</sub_mch_id>
-				   <sub_openid>' . $openid . '</sub_openid>
-				   <total_fee>' . $total_fee . '</total_fee>
-				   <trade_type>' . $trade_type . '</trade_type>
-				   <sign>' . $sign . '</sign>
-				</xml>';
-			$url = 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder';
-			$xml = http_request($url, $post_xml);
-			$array = xml($xml);
-			if ($array['RETURN_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS' && $array['RESULT_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS') {
-				$time = time();
-				$tmp = array();
-				$tmp['appId'] = $appid;
-				$tmp['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
-				$tmp['package'] = 'prepay_id=' . $array['PREPAY_ID'];
-				$tmp['signType'] = 'MD5';
-				$tmp['timeStamp'] = "$time";
-				$prepay_id = (string) $array['PREPAY_ID'];
-				M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(array('order_id' => $order_id))->save(array('perpay_id' => $prepay_id));
-				$data['code'] = 0;
-				$data['timeStamp'] = "$time";
-				$data['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
-				$data['signType'] = 'MD5';
-				$data['package'] = 'prepay_id=' . $array['PREPAY_ID'];
-				$data['paySign'] = sign($tmp, $pay_key);
-				$data['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-				$data['is_pin'] = $order['is_pin'];
-				if ($order['is_pin'] == 1) {
-					$data['redirect_url'] = '../groups/group?id=' . $order_id . '&is_show=1';
-				} else {
-					$data['redirect_url'] = '../orders/order?id=' + $order_id;
-				}
-			} else {
-				$data['code'] = 1;
-				$data['text'] = "错误";
-				$data['RETURN_CODE'] = $array['RETURN_CODE'];
-				$data['RETURN_MSG'] = $array['RETURN_MSG'];
-			}
-			echo json_encode($data);
-			die();
-		}else{
-			$json = array();
-				$json['code'] = 2;
-				$json['msg'] = '没有支付方式';
-				echo json_encode($json);
-				die();
-		}
-		//end
-		$post = array();
-		$post['appid'] = $appid;
-		$post['body'] = $body;
-		$post['mch_id'] = $mch_id;
-		$post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
-		$post['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
-		$post['openid'] = $openid;
-		$post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-		$post['spbill_create_ip'] = $spbill_create_ip;
-		$post['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
-		$post['trade_type'] = $trade_type;
-		$sign = sign($post, $pay_key);
-		$post_xml = '<xml>
-			   <appid>' . $appid . '</appid>
-			   <body>' . $body . '</body>
-			   <mch_id>' . $mch_id . '</mch_id>
-			   <nonce_str>' . $nonce_str . '</nonce_str>
-			   <notify_url>' . $notify_url . '</notify_url>
-			   <openid>' . $openid . '</openid>
-			   <out_trade_no>' . $out_trade_no . '</out_trade_no>
-			   <spbill_create_ip>' . $spbill_create_ip . '</spbill_create_ip>
-			   <total_fee>' . $total_fee . '</total_fee>
-			   <trade_type>' . $trade_type . '</trade_type>
-			   <sign>' . $sign . '</sign>
-			</xml> ';
-		$url = 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder';
-		$xml = http_request($url, $post_xml);
-		$array = xml($xml);
-		if ($array['RETURN_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS' && $array['RESULT_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS') {
-			$time = time();
-			$tmp = array();
-			$tmp['appId'] = $appid;
-			$tmp['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
-			$tmp['package'] = 'prepay_id=' . $array['PREPAY_ID'];
-			$tmp['signType'] = 'MD5';
-			$tmp['timeStamp'] = "$time";
-			$prepay_id = (string) $array['PREPAY_ID'];
-			M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where(array('order_id' => $order_id))->save(array('perpay_id' => $prepay_id));
-			$data['code'] = 0;
-			$data['timeStamp'] = "$time";
-			$data['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
-			$data['signType'] = 'MD5';
-			$data['package'] = 'prepay_id=' . $array['PREPAY_ID'];
-			$data['paySign'] = sign($tmp, $pay_key);
-			$data['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
-			$data['is_pin'] = $order['is_pin'];
-			//如果是微信小程序交易组件begin---新支付方法 wx.requestOrderPayment
-			$data['order_info'] = [];
-			$data['isRequestOrderPayment'] = $is_need_scene_check;
-			if ($is_need_scene_check == 1) {
-				$orderPamentResult = D('Seller/MpModifyTradeComponts')->getTradeOrderInfo($order_id, $time, $fee);
-				//如果是微信小程序交易组件,提供订单信息 end
-				$data['order_info'] = $orderPamentResult['order_info'];
-			}
-			if ($order['is_pin'] == 1) {
-				$data['redirect_url'] = '../groups/group?id=' . $order_id . '&is_show=1';
-			} else {
-				$data['redirect_url'] = '../orders/order?id=' + $order_id;
-			}
-		} else {
-			$data['code'] = 1;
-			$data['text'] = "错误";
-			$data['RETURN_CODE'] = $array['RETURN_CODE'];
-			$data['RETURN_MSG'] = $array['RETURN_MSG'];
-		}
-		echo json_encode($data);
-		die();
-	}
-	/**
-	 * 获取购物车总数
-	 */
-	public function count()
-	{
-		$gpc = I('request.');
-		$data = array();
-		$token = $gpc['token'];
-		$community_id = $gpc['community_id'];
-		$cart = D('Home/Car');
-		$total = $cart->count_goodscar($token, $community_id);
-		$data['code'] = 0;
-		$data['data'] = $total;
-		echo json_encode($data);
-		die();
-	}

+ 6060 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,6060 @@
+ * lionfish 商城系统
+ *
+ * ==========================================================================
+ * @link      http://www.liofis.com/
+ * @copyright Copyright (c) 2015 liofis.com. 
+ * @license   http://www.liofis.com/license.html License
+ * ==========================================================================
+ *
+ * @author    fish
+ *
+ */
+class CarController extends \Home\Controller\CommonController
+	//--------begin
+	public function reduce_car_goods()
+	{
+		$_GPC = I('request.');
+		$data = array();
+		$data['goods_id'] = $_GPC['goods_id'];
+		$data['community_id'] = $_GPC['community_id'];
+		$data['quantity'] = $_GPC['quantity'];
+		$data['sku_str'] = $_GPC['sku_str'];
+		if($_GPC['sku_str'] == 'undefined')
+		{
+			$_GPC['sku_str'] = '';
+			$data['sku_str']  = '';
+		}
+		$data['buy_type'] = $_GPC['buy_type'];
+		$data['pin_id'] = $_GPC['pin_id'];
+		$data['is_just_addcar'] = $_GPC['is_just_addcar'];
+		$data['soli_id'] = isset($_GPC['soli_id']) ? intval($_GPC['soli_id']) : '';
+		if( !isset($data['buy_type']) || empty($data['buy_type']) )
+		{
+		  $data['buy_type'] = 'dan';
+		}
+		$token = $_GPC['token'];
+		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where( array('token' => $token) )->find();
+		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
+		$is_just_addcar = empty($data['is_just_addcar']) ? 0: 1;
+		$goods_id = $data['goods_id'];
+		if( empty($member_id))
+		{			
+		    $result = array('code' =>4);
+		    echo json_encode($result);
+		    die();
+		}
+		if (isset($data['goods_id'])) {
+			$goods_id = $data['goods_id'];
+		} else {
+			$goods_id = 0;
+		}
+		$goods_param = array();
+		$product = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->where( array('id' => $goods_id ) )->find();
+		if( $product['grounding'] != 1)
+		{
+			$json['code'] =6;
+			$json['msg']='商品已下架!';
+			echo json_encode($json);
+			die();
+		}
+		$is_community = D('Seller/Communityhead')->is_community($data['community_id']);
+		if( !$is_community )
+		{
+			$json['code'] =6;
+			$json['msg']='该小区已经不存在!';
+			echo json_encode($json);
+			die();
+		}
+		//6 
+		if($is_just_addcar == 1)
+		{
+			if($product['pick_just'] > 0)
+			{
+				$json['code'] =6;
+				$json['msg']='自提商品,请立即购买';
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+		}
+		//商品存在
+		if($product){
+			$cart= D('Home/Car');
+			if (isset($data['quantity'])) {
+				$quantity = $data['quantity'];
+			} else {
+				$quantity = 1;
+			}
+			$option = array();
+			if( !empty($data['sku_str'])){
+			    $option = explode('_', $data['sku_str']);
+			}
+            $cart_goods_quantity = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id'] ,$token,$data['soli_id'] );
+			$key = (int)$goods_id . ':'.$data['community_id'].':';
+			if( !empty($data['soli_id']) )
+			{
+				$key .= $data['soli_id'].':';
+			}
+			if ($data['sku_str']) {
+				$key.= base64_encode($data['sku_str']) . ':';
+			} else {
+			   $key.= ':';//xx
+			}
+			$car_prefix = 'cart.';
+			if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'soitaire' )
+			{
+				$key = 'soitairecart.' . $key;
+				$car_prefix = 'soitairecart.';
+			}else{
+				$key = 'cart.' . $key;
+			}
+			$json=array('code' =>0);
+			$car_info = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where( array('carkey' => $key,'community_id' => $data['community_id'] ) )->find();
+			$tmp_format_data = unserialize($car_info['format_data']);
+			//$tmp_format_data['quantity']
+			if($tmp_format_data['quantity'] == 1 || $tmp_format_data['quantity'] <= $quantity)
+			{
+				$all_cart = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where( array('carkey' => $key ,'community_id' =>$data['community_id'],'token' => $token  ) )->delete();
+			}else{
+				$tmp_format_data['quantity'] = $tmp_format_data['quantity'] - $quantity;
+				M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where( array('id' => $car_info['id'], 'community_id' => $data['community_id'] ) )->save( array('format_data' => serialize($tmp_format_data) ) );
+			}
+			$cart= D('Home/Car');
+			$total=$cart->count_goodscar($token, $data['community_id']);
+			$json ['code']  = 1;
+			if( $data['buy_type'] != 'dan' )
+			{
+			    $json ['code']  = 2;
+			}
+			$cart_goods_quantity = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id'] ,$token);
+			$json['success']='成功加入购物车!!';
+			$json['total']=$total;
+			$json['cur_count']=$cart_goods_quantity;
+			$is_limit_distance_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_limit_buy_distance');	
+			$json['is_limit_distance_buy']=$is_limit_distance_buy;
+			$json['goods_total_count'] = 0;
+			if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'soitaire' )
+			{
+				$json['goods_total_count'] = $cart->get_wecart_goods_solicount($goods_id, $data['community_id'],$token, $data['soli_id'] );
+				$json['cur_count'] = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id, $data['sku_str'], $data['community_id'],$token,$car_prefix,$data['soli_id'] );
+			}
+			echo json_encode($json);
+			die();
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+		pintuan_newman_notice
+	**/
+	public function add_newcar()
+	{
+		$_GPC = I('request.');
+		$data = array();
+		$data['goods_id'] = $_GPC['goods_id'];
+		$data['buy_type'] = 'pintuan';
+		$data['community_id'] = $_GPC['community_id'];
+		$community_id= $data['community_id'];
+		$data['quantity'] = 1;
+		$token = $_GPC['token'];
+		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where( array('token' => $token) )->find();
+		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
+		$goods_id = $data['goods_id'];
+		if( empty($member_id))
+		{			
+		    $result = array('code' =>4);
+		    echo json_encode($result);
+		    die();
+		}
+		$goods_param = array();
+		$product = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->where( array('id' => $goods_id ) )->find();
+		if( $product['grounding'] != 1)
+		{
+			$json['code'] =6;
+			$json['msg']='商品已下架!';
+			echo json_encode($json);
+			die();
+		}
+		$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id , 'total_limit_count,one_limit_count,is_new_buy');
+		$pin_model = D('Home/Pin');
+		$iszero_opentuan = $pin_model->check_goods_iszero_opentuan( $goods_id );
+		if($iszero_opentuan != 1)
+		{
+			$json['code'] =6;
+			$json['msg']='非邀请团商品!';
+			echo json_encode($json);
+			die();
+		}
+		$cart= D('Home/Car');
+		if($product){
+			if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pintuan' )
+			{
+				$car_prefix = 'pintuancart.';
+			}
+            $cart_goods_quantity = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id'] ,$token,$car_prefix);
+			$json=array('code' =>0);
+			//$goods_model = D('Home/Goods');
+			$goods_quantity=$cart->get_goods_quantity($goods_id);
+			//检测商品限购 6 one_limit_count
+			/**
+			$can_buy_count = D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_count($member_id, $goods_id);
+			if(!empty($cart_goods_quantity) && $cart_goods_quantity > 0)
+			{
+				if($goods_description['one_limit_count'] > 0 && $cart_goods_quantity >= $goods_description['one_limit_count'] )
+				{
+					$json['code'] =6;
+					//$json['msg']='已经不能再买了';
+					$json['msg']='您本次只能购买'.$goods_description['one_limit_count'].'个';
+					$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['one_limit_count'];
+					echo json_encode($json);
+					die();
+				}
+				$can_buy_count = $can_buy_count - $cart_goods_quantity;
+				if($can_buy_count <= 0)
+				{
+					$can_buy_count = -1;
+				}
+			}
+			if($can_buy_count == -1 && $goods_description['total_limit_count'] >0)
+			{
+				$json['code'] =6;
+				//$json['msg']='已经不能再买了';
+				$json['msg']='您本次只能购买'.$goods_description['total_limit_count'].'个';
+				$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['total_limit_count'];
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}else if($can_buy_count >0 && $quantity >$can_buy_count)
+			{
+				$json['code'] =6;
+				$json['msg']='您还能购买'.$can_buy_count.'份';
+				$json['max_quantity'] = $can_buy_count;
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+			//已加入购物车的总数
+			if($goods_quantity<$quantity+$cart_goods_quantity){
+			    $json['code'] =3;
+			    if ($goods_quantity==0) {
+			    	$json['msg']='已抢光';
+			    }else{
+					// $json['msg']='商品数量不足,剩余'.$goods_quantity.'个!!';
+					$json['msg']='商品数量不足';
+					$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_quantity;
+			    }
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+			**/
+			//开始生产订单 TODO...
+			$payment = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id ) )->find();
+			$data = array();
+			$data['member_id']=$member_id;
+			$data['name']= $payment['username'];
+			$data['use_score']= 0;//是否使用积分抵扣
+			$data['telephone']= '0000';
+			$data['shipping_name']= '0000';
+			$data['shipping_tel']= '0000';
+			$data['shipping_address'] = '';
+			$data['shipping_province_id']=0;
+			$data['shipping_city_id']=0;
+			$data['shipping_stree_id']=0;
+			$data['shipping_country_id']=0;
+			$data['shipping_method'] = 0;
+			$data['delivery']='express';
+			$data['pick_up_id']=$community_id;
+			$data['ziti_name']='';
+			$data['ziti_mobile']='';
+			$data['payment_method']='yuer';
+			$data['address_id']= 0;
+			$data['voucher_id'] = 0;//目前都是平台券
+			$data['user_agent']=$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
+			$data['date_added']=time();		
+			$data['type'] = 'pintuan';
+			$data['shipping_fare'] = 0;
+			$goods_data = array();
+			$goods_data[] = array(
+				'goods_id'   => $product['id'],
+				'store_id' => 0,
+				'name'       => $product['goodsname'],
+				'model'      => '',
+				'is_pin' => 1,
+				'pin_id' => 0,
+				'header_disc' => 0,
+				'member_disc' => 0,
+				'level_name' => '',
+				'option'     => '',
+				'quantity'   => 1,
+				'shipping_fare' => 0,
+				'price'      => $product['price'],
+				'card_price' => 0,
+				'costprice' => 0,
+				'total'      => 0,
+				'card_total' => 0 ,
+				'is_take_vipcard' => 0,
+				'fenbi_li'      => 0,
+				'can_man_jian'  => 0,
+				'comment' => ''
+			);
+			$data['is_free_shipping_fare']= 0;
+			$data['store_id']= 0;
+			$data['order_goods_total_money']= 0;
+			$data['goodss'] = $goods_data;
+			$data['order_num_alias']=build_order_no($member_id);
+			$data['voucher_credit'] = 0;
+			$data['score_for_money'] = 0;
+			$data['reduce_money'] = 0;
+			$data['man_total_free'] = 0;
+			$oid = D('Home/Frontorder')->addOrder($data);// D('Order')->addOrder($data);
+			$o = array();
+			$o['payment_code'] = 'yuer';
+			$o['order_status_id'] =  2;
+			$o['date_modified']=time();
+			$o['pay_time']=time();
+			$o['transaction_id'] = '余额支付';
+			$o['type'] = 'ignore';
+			//ims_ 
+			M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where( array('order_id' => $oid ) )->save( $o );
+			//更新到0元开团订单类型
+			echo json_encode( array('code' => 0, 'order_id' => $oid ) );
+			die();
+		}
+	}
+	//end--
+	public function add()
+	{
+		$gpc = I('request.');
+		$data = array();
+		$data['goods_id'] = $gpc['goods_id'];
+		$data['community_id'] = $gpc['community_id'];
+		$data['quantity'] = $gpc['quantity'];
+		$data['sku_str'] = $gpc['sku_str'];
+		$data['is_just_addcar'] = $gpc['is_just_addcar'];
+		$data['soli_id'] = isset($gpc['soli_id']) ? intval($gpc['soli_id']) :'';
+		if($gpc['sku_str'] == 'undefined')
+		{
+			$gpc['sku_str'] = '';
+			$data['sku_str']  = '';
+		}
+		$pintuan_model_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('pintuan_model_buy');
+		if( empty($pintuan_model_buy) || $pintuan_model_buy ==0 )
+		{
+			$pintuan_model_buy = 0;
+		}
+		$data['buy_type'] = $gpc['buy_type'];
+		$data['pin_id'] = $gpc['pin_id'];
+		$data['is_just_addcar'] = $gpc['is_just_addcar'];
+		if( !isset($data['buy_type']) || empty($data['buy_type']) )
+		{
+		  $data['buy_type'] = 'dan';
+		}
+		else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'soitaire' )
+		{
+			$data['buy_type'] = 'soitaire';
+		}
+		else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pindan' )
+		{
+			$data['buy_type'] = 'pindan';
+		}else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pintuan' )
+		{
+			$data['buy_type'] = 'pintuan';
+		}
+		else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'presale' )
+        {
+            $data['buy_type'] = 'presale';
+        }
+        else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'virtualcard' )
+        {
+            $data['buy_type'] = 'virtualcard';
+        }
+		else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) &&  $data['buy_type'] == 'integral' )
+		{
+			$data['buy_type'] = 'integral';
+		}
+		$token = $gpc['token'];
+		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where( array('token' => $token) )->find();
+		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
+		$puis_not_buy =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('puis_not_buy');
+        $member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id) )->find();
+        if( !empty($puis_not_buy) && $puis_not_buy ==1 )
+		{
+			if($member_info['level_id'] == 0)
+			{
+				$json['code'] =6;
+				$json['msg']='普通会员不能购买!';
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+		}
+        //1、判断是否开启审核,2、如果开启审核,判断会员状态是否审核
+        $is_user_shenhe = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_user_shenhe');
+        //1
+        if( isset($is_user_shenhe) && $is_user_shenhe == 1 )
+        {
+            if( $member_info['is_apply_state'] != 1 )
+            {
+                $json['code'] = 6;
+                $json['msg'] = '会员未审核不能购买';
+                echo json_encode( $json );
+                die();
+            }
+        }
+		//团长休息
+		$community_id = $gpc['community_id'];
+		$group_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('group_name');
+		if( isset($community_id) && $community_id > 0 )
+		{
+			$is_can_buy = D('Seller/Communityhead')-> check_goods_can_community($gpc['goods_id'], $community_id);
+			if( !$is_can_buy )
+			{
+				$json['code'] =6;
+				$json['msg']='此商品在您所属'.$group_name.'不可参与!';
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+			// is_all_sale
+		}
+        $is_just_addcar = empty($data['is_just_addcar']) ? 0: 1;
+		$goods_id = $data['goods_id'];
+		if( empty($member_id))
+		{			
+		    $result = array('code' =>4);
+		    echo json_encode($result);
+		    die();
+		}
+		if (isset($data['goods_id'])) {
+			$goods_id = $data['goods_id'];
+		} else {
+			$goods_id = 0;
+		}
+		$product = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->where( array('id' => $goods_id ) )->find();
+		if( $product['grounding'] != 1)
+		{
+			$json['code'] =6;
+			$json['msg']='商品已下架!';
+			echo json_encode($json);
+			die();
+		}
+		$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id , 'total_limit_count,one_limit_count,oneday_limit_count,is_new_buy,is_limit_levelunbuy,is_limit_vipmember_buy,goods_start_count');
+		//is_limit_levelunbuy
+		//$is_default_levellimit_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_default_levellimit_buy');
+		//isset($is_default_levellimit_buy) && $is_default_levellimit_buy == 1 &&
+		if(  $goods_description['is_limit_levelunbuy'] == 1 )
+		{
+			// member_id
+			$mb_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('level_id')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id ) )->find();
+			if( $mb_info['level_id'] == 0 )
+			{
+				$json['code'] =6;
+				$json['msg']='默认等级不能购买,请联系客服';
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+		}	
+		//is_limit_vipmember_buy 付费会员专享
+		//$is_default_vipmember_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_default_vipmember_buy');
+		//isset($is_default_vipmember_buy) && $is_default_vipmember_buy == 1 &&
+		if(  $goods_description['is_limit_vipmember_buy'] == 1 )
+		{
+			$mb_vip = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('card_id,card_begin_time,card_end_time')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id ) )->find();
+			//当前时间
+			$present_time = time();
+			if( $mb_vip['card_id'] == 0 || ( $present_time > $mb_vip['card_end_time'] ) )
+			{
+				$is_pop_vipmember_buytip = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_pop_vipmember_buytip');
+				$is_open_vipcard_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_vipcard_buy');
+				$pop_vipmember_buyimage = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('pop_vipmember_buyimage');
+				$json['has_image'] = 0;
+				$is_open_vipcard_buy = isset($is_open_vipcard_buy) ? $is_open_vipcard_buy : 0;
+				if( isset($is_pop_vipmember_buytip) && $is_pop_vipmember_buytip ==1 )
+				{
+					if( isset($pop_vipmember_buyimage) && !empty($pop_vipmember_buyimage) )
+					{
+						$pop_vipmember_buyimage = tomedia($pop_vipmember_buyimage);
+						$json['has_image'] = 1;
+						$json['pop_vipmember_buyimage'] = $pop_vipmember_buyimage;
+					}
+				}
+				$json['code'] =7;
+				$json['msg']='付费会员专享,普通会员不能购买';
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}			
+		}
+		if( !empty($goods_description['is_new_buy']) &&  $goods_description['is_new_buy'] == 1)
+		{
+			$ck_buy_order = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->field('order_id')->where( "member_id={$member_id} and order_status_id in (1,4,6,7,10,11,12,14)"  )->find();
+			if( !empty($ck_buy_order) )
+			{
+				$json['code'] =6;
+				$json['msg']='新人专享!';
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+			$is_new_buy_limit = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_new_buy_limit');
+			$new_buy_limit_num = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('new_buy_limit_num');
+			if(!empty($is_new_buy_limit) && $is_new_buy_limit == 1){//新人专享限制
+				$goods_cate_count = D('Home/Car')->get_new_goods_count($token,$goods_id,$data['sku_str']);
+				if($goods_cate_count >= $new_buy_limit_num){
+					$json['code'] = 6;
+					$json['msg']='超出新人专享限制!';
+					echo json_encode($json);
+					die();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		//$data['community_id']
+		if( $data['buy_type'] == 'dan' || $data['buy_type'] =='soitaire'  || ($pintuan_model_buy ==1 && $data['buy_type'] != 'dan') )
+		{
+			$is_community = D('Seller/Communityhead')->is_community($data['community_id']);
+			if( !$is_community )
+			{
+				$json['code'] =6;
+				$json['msg']='该小区已经不存在!';
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+		}
+		//判断是否积分兑换
+		if( $product['type'] == 'integral')
+		{
+			//判断积分是否足够 member_id 暂时关闭以下代码
+			$integral_model = D('Home/Integral');
+			if (isset($data['quantity'])) {
+				$quantity = $data['quantity'];
+			} else {
+				$quantity = 1;
+			}
+			if(intval($quantity) < 1){
+				$json['code'] =6;
+				$json['msg']='数量不能小于1!';
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+			$check_result = $integral_model->check_user_score_quantity_can_pay($member_id, $data['sku_str'], $goods_id,$quantity);
+			if( $check_result['code'] == 1 )
+			{
+				$json['code'] =6;
+				$json['msg']='剩余'.$check_result['cur_score'].'积分,积分不足!';
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+			/****/
+		}
+		//6 
+		if($is_just_addcar == 1)
+		{
+			if($product['pick_just'] > 0)
+			{
+				$json['code'] =6;
+				$json['msg']='自提商品,请立即购买';
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+		}
+		//商品存在
+		if($product){
+			$cart= D('Home/Car');
+			if (isset($data['quantity'])) {
+				$quantity = $data['quantity'];
+			} else {
+				$quantity = 1;
+			}
+			$option = array();
+			if( !empty($data['sku_str'])){
+			    $option = explode('_', $data['sku_str']);
+			}
+			$car_prefix = "cart.";
+			if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pindan' )
+			{
+				$car_prefix = 'pindancart.';//cart.
+			}
+			else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'soitaire' )
+			{
+				$car_prefix = 'soitairecart.';
+			}
+			else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pintuan' )
+			{
+				$car_prefix = 'pintuancart.';
+			}
+            else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'presale' )
+            {
+                $car_prefix = 'presalecart.';
+            }
+            else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'virtualcard' )
+            {
+                $car_prefix = 'virtualcardcart.';
+            }
+			else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'integral' ){
+				$car_prefix = 'integralcart.';
+			}
+			//$data['soli_id']
+            if($data['is_just_addcar'] == 0){
+                $cart_goods_quantity = 0;
+            }else{
+                $cart_goods_quantity = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id'] ,$token,$car_prefix,$data['soli_id']);
+            }
+			$cart_goods_all_quantity = $cart->get_wecartall_goods($goods_id,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id'] ,$token,$car_prefix);
+			$json=array('code' =>0);
+			//$goods_model = D('Home/Goods');
+			$goods_quantity=$cart->get_goods_quantity($goods_id);
+            if(!empty($data['sku_str'])){
+                $goods_option_item_value = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->field('stock')->where(array('goods_id' =>$goods_id,'option_item_ids'=>$data['sku_str']))->find();
+                if(!empty($goods_option_item_value)){
+                    $goods_quantity = $goods_option_item_value['stock'];
+                }
+            }
+			//rela_goodsoption_valueid
+			if($goods_quantity < $goods_description['goods_start_count']){
+				$json['code'] =6;
+				$json['msg']='起售数量'.$goods_description['goods_start_count'].',库存不足,剩余'.$goods_quantity.'个';
+				$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['goods_start_count'];
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+			//起售数量判断
+			if($quantity+$cart_goods_quantity < $goods_description['goods_start_count'])
+			{
+				$json['code'] = 6;
+				$json['msg'] =  $goods_description['goods_start_count'].'份起售';
+				$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['goods_start_count'];
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+            //$can_buy_count = D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_count($member_id, $goods_id);
+			/**
+            //单次限购
+            if(!empty($cart_goods_all_quantity) && $cart_goods_all_quantity > 0 && $data['buy_type'] != 'pintuan' )
+            {
+                if($goods_description['one_limit_count'] > 0 && $cart_goods_all_quantity >= $goods_description['one_limit_count'] )
+                {
+                    $json['code'] =6;
+                    //$json['msg']='已经不能再买了';
+                    $json['msg'] = '您本次只能购买'.$goods_description['one_limit_count'].'个';
+                    $json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['one_limit_count'];
+                    echo json_encode($json);
+                    die();
+                }
+                $can_buy_count = $can_buy_count - $cart_goods_all_quantity;
+                if($can_buy_count <= 0)
+                {
+                    $can_buy_count = -1;
+                }
+            }
+            //每单限购
+            if($can_buy_count > 0 && $quantity > $can_buy_count)
+            {
+                $json['code'] =6;
+                $json['msg']='您每次只能购买'.$can_buy_count.'份';
+                $json['max_quantity'] = $can_buy_count;
+                echo json_encode($json);
+                die();
+            }
+            //每日限购 6
+            $can_buy_day_count =  D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_day_count($member_id, $goods_id);
+            if ($goods_description['oneday_limit_count'] >0){
+                if($can_buy_day_count == -1 || ($can_buy_day_count > 0 && ($cart_goods_all_quantity+$quantity) > $can_buy_day_count))
+                {
+                    $json['code'] =6;
+                    //$json['msg']='已经不能再买了';
+                    $json['msg']='您每天只能购买'.$goods_description['oneday_limit_count'].'个';
+                    $json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['oneday_limit_count'];
+                    echo json_encode($json);
+                    die();
+                }
+            }
+			//历史限购判断
+			if($can_buy_count == -1 && $goods_description['total_limit_count'] >0)
+			{
+				$json['code'] =6;
+				//$json['msg']='已经不能再买了';
+				$json['msg']='您还能购买'.$goods_description['total_limit_count'].'个';
+				$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['total_limit_count'];
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+			**/
+			$can_buy_one_count = D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_one_count($member_id, $goods_id);
+			/*$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id , 'total_limit_count,one_limit_count,oneday_limit_count,is_new_buy,is_limit_levelunbuy,is_limit_vipmember_buy,goods_start_count');
+			if($quantity < $goods_description['goods_start_count']){
+				$json['code'] = 6;
+				//$json['msg'] = '您本次只能购买'.$goods_description['one_limit_count'].'份';
+				$json['msg'] = $goods_description['goods_start_count'].'件起售';
+				$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['goods_start_count'];
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}*/
+			//单次限购判断
+			if($goods_description['one_limit_count'] > 0 && $quantity+$cart_goods_quantity > $goods_description['one_limit_count'])
+			{
+				$json['code'] = 6;
+				//$json['msg'] = '您本次只能购买'.$goods_description['one_limit_count'].'份';
+				$json['msg'] = '购物车总数已满或超出每次购买数量';
+                $json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['one_limit_count']-$cart_goods_all_quantity;
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+			$can_buy_day_count =  D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_day_count($member_id, $goods_id);
+			if($can_buy_day_count == -1 || ($can_buy_day_count > 0 && $quantity > $can_buy_day_count))
+			{
+				$json['code'] =6;
+				//$json['msg'] = '您今天只能购买'.$goods_description['oneday_limit_count'].'份';
+				$json['msg'] = '购物车总数已满或超出每天购买数量';
+				$json['max_quantity'] = $can_buy_day_count-$cart_goods_all_quantity;
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}else if($can_buy_day_count > 0 && ($quantity+$cart_goods_quantity) > $can_buy_day_count){
+				$json['code'] =6;
+				//$json['msg'] = '您今天还能购买'.$can_buy_day_count.'份';
+				$json['msg'] = '购物车总数已满或超出每天购买数量';
+				$json['max_quantity']=$can_buy_day_count-$cart_goods_all_quantity;
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+			$can_buy_all_count =  D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_all_count($member_id, $goods_id);
+            if($data['buy_type'] == 'pintuan' || $data['buy_type'] == 'pindan' || $data['buy_type'] == 'presale'){
+                $cart_goods_all_quantity = 0;
+            }
+			//历史限购判断
+			if($can_buy_all_count == -1 && $goods_description['total_limit_count'] >0)
+			{
+				$json['code'] =6;
+				//$json['msg']='您最多只能购买'.$goods_description['total_limit_count'].'份';
+				$json['msg'] = '购物车总数已满或超出历史购买数量';
+				$json['max_quantity'] = 1;
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}else if($can_buy_all_count > 0 && ($cart_goods_all_quantity+$quantity) > $can_buy_all_count){
+				$json['code'] =6;
+				$json['msg']='购物车总数已满或超出历史购买数量';
+				$json['max_quantity'] = $can_buy_all_count-$cart_goods_all_quantity;
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+			//已加入购物车的总数
+			if($goods_quantity < $quantity+$cart_goods_quantity){
+			    $json['code'] =3;
+			    if ($goods_quantity==0) {
+			    	$json['msg']='已抢光';
+			    }else{
+					$json['msg']='商品数量不足';
+					$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_quantity;
+			    }
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+			if(!empty($option))
+			{
+				$mul_opt_arr = array();
+				//ims_ 
+				//$goods_option_mult_value = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id,'option_item_ids' => $data['sku_str']) )->find();
+				$open_redis_server = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('open_redis_server');
+                if(!empty($open_redis_server) && $open_redis_server == 1)
+                {
+                    $goods_option_mult_value_stock = D('Seller/Redisorder')->get_goods_sku_quantity($goods_id, $data['sku_str']);
+                }else{
+                	$goods_option_mult_value = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id,'option_item_ids' => $data['sku_str']) )->find();
+                }
+				if( !empty($goods_option_mult_value_stock) )
+				{
+					if($goods_option_mult_value_stock<$quantity+$cart_goods_quantity){
+					    $json['code'] =3;
+						$json['msg']='商品数量不足,剩余'.$goods_option_mult_value_stock.'个!!';
+						$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_option_mult_value['stock'];
+						echo json_encode($json);
+						die();
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			//buy_type
+		   // $this->clear_all_cart(); $data['community_id']
+			$format_data_array = array(
+									'quantity' => $quantity,
+									'community_id' => $data['community_id'],
+									'goods_id' => $goods_id,
+									'sku_str'=>$data['sku_str'],
+									'buy_type' =>$data['buy_type'],
+									'soli_id' => $data['soli_id']
+								);
+			//区分活动商品还是普通商品。做两个购物车,活动商品是需要直接购买的,单独购买商品加入正常的购物车TODO....
+		    //is_just_addcar 0  1
+			if($data['buy_type'] == 'dan' && $is_just_addcar == 0)
+		    {
+				//$cart->removedancar($token);
+				//清空一下购物车
+				//singledel
+				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 0;
+				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
+		        $cart->addwecar($token,$goods_id,$format_data_array,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id']);
+				$total=$cart->count_goodscar($token ,$data['community_id']);
+		    }
+			else if($data['buy_type'] == 'dan' && $is_just_addcar == 1)
+			{
+				//singledel
+				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 1;
+				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
+				$cart->addwecar($token,$goods_id,$format_data_array,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id']);
+				$total=$cart->count_goodscar($token, $data['community_id']);
+			}
+			else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'soitaire' )
+			{
+				//清理单独购买的商品
+				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 1;
+				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
+		        $cart->addwecar($token,$goods_id,$format_data_array,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id'],$car_prefix,$data['soli_id']);
+				$total=0;
+			}
+			else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pindan' )
+			{
+				//清理单独购买的商品
+				$cart->removeActivityAllcar($token, 'pindancart.');
+				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 0;
+				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
+		        $cart->addwecar($token,$goods_id,$format_data_array,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id'],$car_prefix);
+				$total=0;
+			}
+			else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'pintuan' )
+			{
+				$pin_id = isset($data['pin_id']) ? $data['pin_id'] : 0;
+				if( $pin_id > 0 )
+				{
+					$pin_info_tmp = M('lionfish_comshop_pin')->where( array('pin_id' => $pin_id ) )->find();
+					if( !empty($pin_info_tmp) && $pin_info_tmp['is_newman_takein'] == 1 )
+					{
+						//检测是否新人
+						//检测是否购买过
+						$od_status = "1,2,4,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,14";
+						$od_buy_count = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where("order_status_id in ({$od_status}) and member_id=".$member_id)->count();
+						if( !empty($od_buy_count) && $od_buy_count >0 )
+						{
+							$json['code'] =3;
+							$json['msg']='新人专享';
+							echo json_encode($json);
+							die();
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				//清理拼团的商品
+				$cart->removeActivityAllcar($token, 'pintuancart.');
+				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 0;
+				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
+				$format_data_array['pin_id'] = $pin_id;
+		        $cart->addwecar($token,$goods_id,$format_data_array,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id'],$car_prefix);
+				$total=0;
+			}
+            else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'presale' )
+            {
+                //清理预售的商品
+                $cart->removeActivityAllcar($token, 'presalecart.');
+                $format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 0;
+                $format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
+                $cart->addwecar($token,$goods_id,$format_data_array,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id'],$car_prefix);
+                $total=0;
+            }
+            else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'virtualcard' )
+            {
+                //清理预售的商品
+                $cart->removeActivityAllcar($token, 'virtualcardcart.');
+                $format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 0;
+                $format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
+                $cart->addwecar($token,$goods_id,$format_data_array,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id'],$car_prefix);
+                $total=0;
+            }
+			else if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'integral' )
+			{
+				//清理拼团的商品 $data['pin_id']
+				$cart->removeActivityAllcar($token, 'integralcart.');
+				$format_data_array['is_just_addcar'] = 0;
+				$format_data_array['singledel'] = 1;
+		        $cart->addwecar($token,$goods_id,$format_data_array,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id'],$car_prefix);
+				$total=0;
+			}
+			else {
+		        //buy_type:pin  活动购物车。
+		        $pin_id = isset($data['pin_id']) ? $data['pin_id'] : 0;
+				//lottery
+				if( $product['type'] == 'lottery' && $product['type'] == 'lottery' )
+				{
+					/**
+					//等待把抽奖的活动打开
+					$now_time = time();
+					$lottery_goods_info =  M('lottery_goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find();
+					if($lottery_goods_info['end_time'] < $now_time)
+					{
+						$json['code'] =6;
+						$json['msg']='抽奖活动已结束';
+						echo json_encode($json);
+						die();
+					}
+					**/
+				}
+				//检测商品是否老带新,新人才能参团
+				if($pin_id > 0 )
+				{
+					//等待把老带新的活动打开
+					/**
+					if($product['type'] == 'newman')
+					{
+						$new_mamn_buy = $goods_model->check_goods_new_manbug($member_id);
+						if($new_mamn_buy>0)
+						{
+							$json['code'] =5;
+							$json['msg']='该商品只能新人参团';
+							echo json_encode($json);
+							die();
+						}
+					}
+					**/
+				}
+		        $format_data_array['pin_id'] = $pin_id;
+		        $cart->add_activitycar($token, $goods_id,$format_data_array,$data['sku_str']);
+				$total=$cart->count_activitycar($token);
+		    }
+			$carts = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where( array('token' => $token,'community_id' => $data['community_id'],'carkey' => 'cart_total') )->find();
+			if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'dan' )
+			{
+				if( !empty($carts) )			
+				{
+					$car_data = array();
+					$car_data['format_data'] = serialize(array('quantity' => $total));
+					$car_data['modifytime'] = 1;
+					M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where( array('token' => $token,'community_id' => $data['community_id'],'carkey' => 'cart_total') )->save($car_data);
+				} else{				
+					$car_data = array();
+					$car_data['token'] = $token;
+					$car_data['community_id'] = $data['community_id'];
+					$car_data['carkey'] = 'cart_total';
+					$car_data['format_data'] = serialize(array('quantity' => $total));
+					M('lionfish_comshop_car')->add($car_data);
+				}
+			}
+			//session('cart_total',$total);
+			$json ['code']  = 1;
+			if( $data['buy_type'] != 'dan' )
+			{
+			    $json ['code']  = 2;
+			}
+			$json['success']='成功加入购物车!!';
+			$json['total']=$total;
+			$cart_goods_quantity = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id'] ,$token , $car_prefix);
+			$json['cur_count']=$cart_goods_quantity;
+			//soitaire 
+			$is_limit_distance_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_limit_buy_distance');	
+			$json['is_limit_distance_buy']=$is_limit_distance_buy;
+			$json['goods_total_count'] = 0;
+			if( !empty($data['buy_type']) && $data['buy_type'] == 'soitaire' )
+			{
+				$json['goods_total_count'] = $cart->get_wecart_goods_solicount($goods_id, $data['community_id'],$token, $data['soli_id'] );
+				$cart_goods_quantity = $cart->get_wecart_goods($goods_id,$data['sku_str'],$data['community_id'] ,$token , $car_prefix, $data['soli_id']);
+				$json['cur_count']=$cart_goods_quantity;
+			}
+			echo json_encode($json);
+			die();
+		}	
+	}
+	//显示购物车中商品列表
+	function show_cart_goods(){
+		$gpc = I('request.');
+		$token = $gpc['token'];
+		$community_id = $gpc['community_id'];
+		$soli_id = isset($gpc['soli_id']) ? intval($gpc['soli_id']) : '';
+		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where( array('token' => $token) )->find();
+		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
+		$is_open_vipcard_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_vipcard_buy');
+		$is_open_vipcard_buy = !empty($is_open_vipcard_buy) && $is_open_vipcard_buy ==1 ? 1:0;
+		$modify_vipcard_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('modify_vipcard_name');
+		$is_vip_card_member = 0;
+		$is_member_level_buy = 0;
+		if( $member_id > 0 )
+		{
+			$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id ) )->find();
+			if( !empty($is_open_vipcard_buy) && $is_open_vipcard_buy == 1 )
+			{
+				$now_time = time();
+				if( $member_info['card_id'] >0 && $member_info['card_end_time'] > $now_time )
+				{
+					$is_vip_card_member = 1;//还是会员
+				}else if( $member_info['card_id'] >0 && $member_info['card_end_time'] < $now_time ){
+					$is_vip_card_member = 2;//已过期
+				}
+			}
+			if($is_vip_card_member != 1 && $member_info['level_id'] >0 )
+			{
+				$is_member_level_buy = 1;
+			}
+		}
+		$buy_type = isset($gpc['buy_type']) ? $gpc['buy_type']: 'dan';
+		if( empty($member_id) )
+		{
+			  //需要登录
+			  echo json_encode( array('code' =>5) );
+			  die();
+		}
+		$cart =  D('Home/Car');
+		$goods = $cart->get_all_goodswecar($buy_type, $token, 0, $community_id,$soli_id);
+		$seller_goodss = array();
+		$seller_goodss_mult = array();
+		//is_only_express
+		$tp_ar = array();
+		foreach($goods as $key => $val)
+		{
+			//$goods_store_field =  M('goods')->field('store_id')->where( array('goods_id' => $val['goods_id']) )->find();
+			//$seller_goodss[ $goods_store_field['store_id'] ]['goods'][$key] = $val;
+			$supply_id = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_supply_id($val['goods_id']);
+			if($supply_id > 0)
+			{
+				$supply_info = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_info($supply_id);
+				if($supply_info['type'] ==0)
+				{
+					$supply_id = 0;
+				}
+			}
+			$seller_goodss[ $supply_id ]['goods'][$key] = $val;
+			$tp_ar[] = $val['is_only_express'];
+			$seller_goodss_mult[$val['is_only_express']][ $supply_id ]['goods'][$key] = $val;//new 0719
+		}
+		$ck_goodstype_count = 0;
+		$vipcard_save_money = 0;
+		$level_save_money = 0;
+		//$max_can_orderbuy_money = 0 ;
+		foreach($seller_goodss_mult as $key => $seller_goodss_tp)
+		{
+			foreach($seller_goodss_tp as $store_id => $val)
+			{
+				//total
+				$seller_voucher_list = array();
+				$seller_total_fee = 0;
+				$total_trans_free = 0;
+				$tmp_goods = array();
+				$is_store_ck = false;
+				foreach($val['goods'] as $kk =>$d_goods)
+				{
+					$seller_total_fee += $d_goods['total'];
+					$total_trans_free  += $d_goods[$kk]['trans_free'];
+					$val['goods'][$kk] = $d_goods;
+					$tp_val = array();
+					$tp_val['id'] = $d_goods['goods_id'];
+					$tp_val['key'] = $d_goods['key'];
+					if($d_goods['singledel'] == 1)
+					{ 
+						$tp_val['isselect'] = true;
+						$is_store_ck = true;
+						$ck_goodstype_count++;
+						if($d_goods['is_take_vipcard'] == 1)
+						{	
+							$vipcard_save_money = $d_goods['total'] - $d_goods['card_total'];
+						}else if($d_goods['is_mb_level_buy']  == 1 ){
+							$level_save_money = $d_goods['total'] - $d_goods['level_total'];
+						}
+					} else {
+						$tp_val['isselect'] = false;
+					}
+					$tp_val['imgurl'] = $d_goods['image'];
+					$tp_val['edit'] = 'inline';
+					$tp_val['title'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($d_goods['name']);
+					$tp_val['finish'] = 'none';
+					$tp_val['description'] = 'description';
+					$option_arr  = array();
+					$option_str = "";
+					foreach($d_goods['option'] as $option_val)
+					{
+						//$option_arr[] = $option_val['name'].':'.$option_val['value'];
+						$option_arr[] = $option_val['value'];
+					}
+					if(!empty($option_arr))
+					{
+						$option_str = implode(';', $option_arr);
+					}
+					$tp_val['can_buy'] = D('Home/Pingoods')->get_goods_time_can_buy($d_goods['goods_id']);
+					$tp_val['option_can_buy'] = D('Home/Pingoods')->get_goods_option_can_buy( $d_goods['goods_id'], $d_goods['sku_str']);
+					$tp_val['goodstype'] = $option_str;
+					$tp_val['goodstypeedit'] = $option_str;
+					$tp_val['goodsnum'] = $d_goods['quantity'];
+					$tp_val['can_man_jian'] = $d_goods['can_man_jian'];
+					$tp_val['max_quantity'] = $d_goods['max_quantity'];
+					$tp_val['cartype'] = 'inline';
+					$tp_val['currntprice'] = $d_goods['price'];
+					$tp_val['card_price'] = $d_goods['card_price'];
+					$tp_val['levelprice'] = $d_goods['levelprice'];// 会员等级价格
+					$tp_val['is_mb_level_buy'] = $d_goods['is_mb_level_buy'];//是否可以会员等级价格购买
+					$tp_val['is_take_vipcard'] = $d_goods['is_take_vipcard'];
+					$tp_val['price'] = $d_goods['shop_price'];
+					$tp_val['is_new_buy'] = $d_goods['is_new_buy'];
+					$tp_val['goods_start_count'] = $d_goods['goods_start_count'];
+					$tp_val['store_id'] = $store_id;
+					$tmp_goods[] = $tp_val;
+				}
+				//$store_info = M('seller')->field('s_id,s_true_name,s_logo')->where( array('s_id' => $store_id) )->find();
+				//$store_info['s_logo'] = C('SITE_URL').'Uploads/image/'.$store_info['s_logo'];
+				$store_info = array('s_true_name' => '','s_id' => 1);
+				$s_logo = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shoplogo');
+				if( !empty($s_logo) )
+				{
+					$s_logo = tomedia($s_logo);
+				}
+				$val['store_info'] = $store_info;
+				$store_data = array();
+				$store_data['id'] = $store_info['s_id'];
+				if($is_store_ck)
+				{
+					$store_data['isselect'] = true;
+				} else {
+					$store_data['isselect'] = false;
+				}
+				$store_data['shopname'] = $store_info['s_true_name'];
+				$store_data['caredit'] = 'inline';
+				$store_data['finish'] = 'none';
+				$store_data['count'] = '0.00';
+				$is_open_fullreduction = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_fullreduction');
+				$full_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_money');
+				$full_reducemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_reducemoney');
+				if(empty($full_reducemoney) || $full_reducemoney <= 0)
+				{
+					$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
+				}
+				$store_data['is_open_fullreduction'] = $is_open_fullreduction;
+				$store_data['full_money'] = $full_money;
+				$store_data['full_reducemoney'] = $full_reducemoney;
+				$store_data['goodstype'] = 2;
+				$store_data['goodstypeselect'] = 0;
+				$store_data['shopcarts'] = $tmp_goods;
+				//起送价格
+				$localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney = 0;
+				//达到金额免配送费
+				$localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney = 0;
+				$localtown_fixed_list = array();
+				if($key == 3){//同城配送商品
+					$storename = "";
+					if($store_id == 0){
+						//配送费类型:0、固定金额,1、按距离收取
+						$localtown_delivery_moneytype = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_delivery_moneytype');
+						if($localtown_delivery_moneytype == 0){
+							$localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney');
+							$localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney');
+						}
+						$storename = "平台";
+					}else{
+						$isopen_localtown_delivery = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('isopen_localtown_delivery',$store_id);
+						//配送费类型:0、固定金额,1、按距离收取
+						$localtown_delivery_moneytype = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('localtown_delivery_moneytype',$store_id);
+						if($isopen_localtown_delivery == 1 && $localtown_delivery_moneytype == 0){
+							$localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney',$store_id);
+							$localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney',$store_id);
+						}
+						$supply_info_data = M('lionfish_comshop_supply')->field('storename')->where( array('id' => $store_id) )->find();
+						$storename = $supply_info_data['storename'];
+					}
+					$localtown_fixed_list['localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney'] = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney;
+					//if($localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney > $max_can_orderbuy_money){
+						//获取起送最大下单金额限制
+						//$max_can_orderbuy_money = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney;
+					//}
+					$localtown_fixed_list['localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney'] = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney;
+					$localtown_fixed_list['store_name'] = $storename;
+				}else if($key == 2){
+					if($store_id == 0){
+						$storename = "平台";
+					}else{
+						$supply_info_data = M('lionfish_comshop_supply')->field('storename')->where( array('id' => $store_id) )->find();
+						$storename = $supply_info_data['storename'];
+					}
+					$localtown_fixed_list['store_name'] = $storename;
+				}
+				$store_data['localtown_fixed_list'] = $localtown_fixed_list;
+				$seller_goodss_tp[$store_id] = $store_data;
+				$i++;
+			}
+			$seller_goodss_mult[$key] = $seller_goodss_tp;
+		}
+		foreach($seller_goodss as $store_id => $val)
+		{
+			//total
+			$seller_voucher_list = array();
+			$seller_total_fee = 0;
+			$total_trans_free = 0;
+			$tmp_goods = array();
+			$is_store_ck = false;
+			foreach($val['goods'] as $kk =>$d_goods)
+			{
+				$seller_total_fee += $d_goods['total'];
+				$total_trans_free  += $d_goods[$kk]['trans_free'];
+				$val['goods'][$kk] = $d_goods;
+				$tp_val = array();
+				$tp_val['id'] = $d_goods['goods_id'];
+				$tp_val['key'] = $d_goods['key'];
+				if($d_goods['singledel'] == 1)
+				{ 
+					$tp_val['isselect'] = true;
+					$is_store_ck = true;
+					$ck_goodstype_count++;
+				} else {
+					$tp_val['isselect'] = false;
+				}
+				$tp_val['imgurl'] = $d_goods['image'];
+				$tp_val['edit'] = 'inline';
+				$tp_val['title'] = $d_goods['name'];
+				$tp_val['finish'] = 'none';
+				$tp_val['description'] = 'description';
+				$option_arr  = array();
+				$option_str = "";
+				foreach($d_goods['option'] as $option_val)
+				{
+					//$option_arr[] = $option_val['name'].':'.$option_val['value'];
+					$option_arr[] = $option_val['value'];
+				}
+				if(!empty($option_arr))
+				{
+					$option_str = implode(';', $option_arr);
+				}
+				$tp_val['can_buy'] = D('Home/Pingoods')->get_goods_time_can_buy($d_goods['goods_id']);
+				$tp_val['goodstype'] = $option_str;
+				$tp_val['goodstypeedit'] = $option_str;
+				$tp_val['goodsnum'] = $d_goods['quantity'];
+				$tp_val['can_man_jian'] = $d_goods['can_man_jian'];
+				$tp_val['max_quantity'] = $d_goods['max_quantity'];
+				$tp_val['cartype'] = 'inline';
+				$tp_val['currntprice'] = $d_goods['price'];
+				$tp_val['price'] = $d_goods['shop_price'];
+				$tp_val['card_price'] = $d_goods['card_price'];
+				$tp_val['is_take_vipcard'] = $d_goods['is_take_vipcard'];
+				$tp_val['is_new_buy'] = $d_goods['is_new_buy'];
+				$tmp_goods[] = $tp_val;
+			}
+			//$store_info = M('seller')->field('s_id,s_true_name,s_logo')->where( array('s_id' => $store_id) )->find();
+			//$store_info['s_logo'] = C('SITE_URL').'Uploads/image/'.$store_info['s_logo'];
+			$store_info = array('s_true_name' => '','s_id' => 1);
+			$s_logo = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shoplogo');
+			if( !empty($s_logo) )
+			{
+				$s_logo = tomedia($s_logo);
+			}
+			$val['store_info'] = $store_info;
+			$store_data = array();
+			$store_data['id'] = $store_info['s_id'];
+			if($is_store_ck)
+			{
+				$store_data['isselect'] = true;
+			} else {
+				$store_data['isselect'] = false;
+			}
+			$store_data['shopname'] = $store_info['s_true_name'];
+			$store_data['caredit'] = 'inline';
+			$store_data['finish'] = 'none';
+			$store_data['count'] = '0.00';
+			$is_open_fullreduction = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_fullreduction');
+			$full_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_money');
+			$full_reducemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_reducemoney');
+			if(empty($full_reducemoney) || $full_reducemoney <= 0)
+			{
+				$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
+			}
+			$store_data['is_open_fullreduction'] = $is_open_fullreduction;
+			$store_data['full_money'] = $full_money;
+			$store_data['full_reducemoney'] = $full_reducemoney;
+			$store_data['goodstype'] = 2;
+			$store_data['goodstypeselect'] = 0;
+			$store_data['shopcarts'] = $tmp_goods;
+			$seller_goodss[$store_id] = $store_data;
+			$i++;
+		}
+		// 商家是否休息
+		$is_comunity_rest = D('Seller/Communityhead')->is_community_rest($community_id);
+		$open_man_orderbuy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('open_man_orderbuy');
+		$man_orderbuy_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_orderbuy_money');
+		//if($man_orderbuy_money > $max_can_orderbuy_money){
+			//$max_can_orderbuy_money = $man_orderbuy_money;
+		//}
+		$is_show_guess_like = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_show_guess_like');
+		// 免配送 man_free_tuanzshipping>0开启
+		$delivery_type_ziti = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_type_ziti');
+		$delivery_type_express = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_type_express');
+		$delivery_type_tuanz = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_type_tuanz');
+		$man_free_tuanzshipping = $delivery_tuanz_money = 0;
+		//暂时屏蔽,2020.02.13.14:57
+		/**
+		if($delivery_type_ziti!=1 && $delivery_type_express!=1 && $delivery_type_tuanz==1) {
+			$man_free_tuanzshipping = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_free_tuanzshipping');
+			if($man_free_tuanzshipping>1 && !empty($man_free_tuanzshipping)) {
+				$delivery_tuanz_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_tuanz_money');
+			}
+		}
+		**/
+		if($delivery_type_tuanz==1) {
+			$man_free_tuanzshipping = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_free_tuanzshipping');
+		}else{
+			$man_free_tuanzshipping =  0;
+		}
+		$open_tuan_ship = $delivery_type_tuanz;
+		//团长自定义配送开关
+		if($community_id&&$man_free_tuanzshipping>1) {
+			$community_modify_shipping = M('lionfish_community_head')->field('is_modify_shipping_method')->where( array('id' => $community_id) )->find();
+			$is_modify_shipping_method = $community_modify_shipping['is_modify_shipping_method'];
+			if($is_modify_shipping_method==1) {
+				$open_tuan_ship = 1;
+			} else if($is_modify_shipping_method==2){
+				$open_tuan_ship = 0;
+			}
+		}
+		$delivery_tuanz_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_tuanz_money');
+		$shopcar_tab_all_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shopcar_tab_all_name');
+		$shopcar_tab_express_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shopcar_tab_express_name');
+		$is_open_fullreduction = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_fullreduction');
+        if($is_open_fullreduction){
+        	$full_list = D('Home/Front')->get_fullreduction();
+        }else{
+        	$full_list[0]['full_money']= 0 ;
+        	$full_list[0]['full_reducemoney']= 0 ;
+        }
+        //同城配送信息
+        //配送费类型:0、固定金额,1、按距离收取
+        $localtown_delivery_moneytype = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_delivery_moneytype');
+        $localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney = 0;
+        $localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney = 0;
+        if($localtown_delivery_moneytype == 0){
+            //起送价格
+            $localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney');
+            //达到金额免配送费
+            $localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney');
+        }
+		$need_data = array();
+		$need_data['code'] = 0;
+		$need_data['carts'] = $seller_goodss;
+		$need_data['mult_carts'] = $seller_goodss_mult;
+		$need_data['is_comunity_rest'] = $is_comunity_rest;
+		$need_data['open_man_orderbuy'] = $open_man_orderbuy;
+		$need_data['man_orderbuy_money'] = $man_orderbuy_money;
+		//$need_data['max_can_orderbuy_money'] = $max_can_orderbuy_money;
+		$need_data['is_show_guess_like'] = $is_show_guess_like;
+		$need_data['man_free_tuanzshipping'] = $man_free_tuanzshipping;
+		$need_data['delivery_tuanz_money'] = $delivery_tuanz_money;
+		$need_data['is_member_level_buy'] = $is_member_level_buy;//当前会员折扣 购买,1是,0否
+		$need_data['level_save_money'] = $level_save_money;//会员折扣省的钱
+		$need_data['is_vip_card_member'] = $is_vip_card_member;//当前会员是否是 会员卡会员 0 不是,1是,2已过期
+		$need_data['vipcard_save_money'] = $vipcard_save_money;//vip能节约的金额
+		$need_data['is_open_vipcard_buy'] = $is_open_vipcard_buy;//vip能节约的金额
+		$need_data['modify_vipcard_name'] = $modify_vipcard_name;
+		$need_data['shopcar_tab_all_name'] = $shopcar_tab_all_name;
+		$need_data['shopcar_tab_express_name'] = $shopcar_tab_express_name;
+		$need_data['open_tuan_ship'] = $open_tuan_ship;
+		$need_data['is_open_fullreduction'] = $is_open_fullreduction;
+        $need_data['full_list'] = $full_list;
+		//平台和供应商 起送价格和免配送费价格
+		//$need_data['localtown_fixed_list'] = $localtown_fixed_list;
+        $need_data['localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney'] = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney;//起送价格
+        $need_data['localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney'] = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney;//达到金额免配送费
+		echo json_encode( $need_data );
+		die();
+	}
+	public function checkout_flushall()
+	{
+		$gpc = I('request.');
+		$token = $gpc['token'];
+		$community_id = $gpc['community_id'];
+		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where( array('token' => $token) )->find();
+		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
+		//dan soitaire
+		$buy_type  = isset($gpc['buy_type']) ? $gpc['buy_type'] : 'dan';
+		//$car_prefix = 'soitairecart.';
+		//buy_type和soli_id吗
+		$is_community = D('Seller/Communityhead')->is_community($community_id);
+		if( !$is_community )
+		{
+			$json['code'] =6;
+			$json['msg']='该小区已经不存在!';
+			echo json_encode($json);
+			die();
+		}
+		$data = array();
+		$data['car_key'] = $gpc['car_key'];
+		$data['all_keys_arr'] = $gpc['all_keys_arr'];
+		$data['cur_car_key'] = $gpc['cur_car_key'];
+		//car_key:cart.6:MTc0:,cart.13:MjcwXzI3Mw==:
+		//all_keys_arr:cart.6:MTc0:_1,cart.13:MjcwXzI3Mw==:_1
+		$car_key = explode(',', $data['car_key']);
+		$all_keys_arr = explode(',', $data['all_keys_arr']) ;
+		if(!empty($data['cur_car_key'])){
+			$car_key = array($data['cur_car_key']);
+		}
+		$save_keys = array();
+		if(!empty($all_keys_arr)){
+			foreach($all_keys_arr as $val)
+			{
+				$tmp_val = explode('_', $val);
+				$save_keys[ $tmp_val[0] ] = $tmp_val[1];
+			}
+		}
+		if( $buy_type == 'dan')
+		{
+			$all_cart = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where("community_id={$community_id} and token='{$token}' and carkey like 'cart.%'")->select();
+		}else if( $buy_type == 'soitaire' ){
+			$all_cart = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where("community_id={$community_id} and token='{$token}' and carkey like 'soitairecart.%'")->select();	
+		}
+		if(!empty($all_cart))
+		{
+			foreach($all_cart as $val)
+			{
+				$tmp_format_data = unserialize($val['format_data']);
+				$tmp_format_data['singledel'] = 0;
+				$tmp_format_data['quantity'] = isset( $save_keys[$val['carkey']] ) ? $save_keys[$val['carkey']] : $tmp_format_data['quantity'];
+				M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where( array('id' => $val['id'] ,'community_id' => $community_id) )->save( array('format_data' => serialize($tmp_format_data) ) );
+			}
+		}
+		if(!empty($car_key)){
+			foreach( $car_key as $key )
+			{
+				$car_info = M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where( array('community_id' => $community_id,'carkey' => $key ,'token' => $token) )->find();
+				if( !empty($car_info) )
+				{
+					$tmp_format_data = unserialize($car_info['format_data']);
+					$tmp_format_data['singledel'] = 1;
+					$quantity = $tmp_format_data['quantity'];
+					$sku_quantity_one = $tmp_format_data['quantity'];
+					$goods_id = $tmp_format_data['goods_id'];
+					$sku_str = $tmp_format_data['sku_str'];
+					//同一个商品不同规格 总数量合计
+					$sku_quantity = $this->_check_goods_sku_quantity($community_id,$key,$token);
+					if($sku_quantity > $quantity) {
+						$quantity = $sku_quantity;
+					}
+					$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id , 'goods_start_count');
+					//起售数量判断
+					if($sku_quantity_one < $goods_description['goods_start_count'])
+					{
+						$json['code'] = 6;
+						$json['msg'] =  $goods_description['goods_start_count'].'份起售';
+						$json['max_quantity'] = $goods_description['goods_start_count'];
+						echo json_encode( $json );
+						die();
+					}
+					$check_json = $this->_check_can_buy($member_id, $goods_id,$quantity);
+					if($check_json['code'] != 0)
+					{
+						$tmp_format_data['quantity'] = $check_json['count'];
+						M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where( array('id' =>  $car_info['id'], 'community_id' => $community_id) )->save( array('format_data' => serialize($tmp_format_data) ) );
+						echo json_encode( array('code' => 6,'msg' => $check_json['msg']) );
+						die();
+					}
+					//check sku is ok 
+					$check_json = $this->_check_goods_sku_canbuy($goods_id,$sku_str);
+					if($check_json['code'] != 0)
+					{
+						echo json_encode( array('code' => 6,'msg' => $check_json['msg']) );
+						die();
+					}
+					$check_json = $this->_check_goods_quantity($goods_id,$sku_quantity_one,$sku_str);
+					if($check_json['code'] != 0)
+					{
+						echo json_encode( array('code' => 6,'msg' => $check_json['msg']) );
+						die();
+					}
+					M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where( array('id' => $car_info['id'], 'community_id' => $community_id) )->save( array('format_data' => serialize($tmp_format_data) ) );	
+				}		
+			}	
+		}
+		$is_limit_distance_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_limit_buy_distance');
+		echo json_encode( array('code' => 0, 'data' => $is_limit_distance_buy) );
+		die();
+	}
+	public function _check_goods_sku_quantity($community_id,$key,$token){
+		$quantity = 0;
+		$key_array = explode(":",$key);
+		$key_result = "";
+		foreach($key_array as $k=>$v){
+			if($k < 2){
+				if(empty($key_result)){
+					$key_result = $v;
+				}else{
+					$key_result = $key_result.":".$v;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		$sql = "SELECT format_data FROM ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_car "
+			 . " WHERE carkey LIKE  '".$key_result."%' and community_id = '".$community_id."' "
+			 . " and token='".$token."'";
+		$cart_goods_list = M()->query($sql);
+		if(!empty($cart_goods_list)){
+			foreach($cart_goods_list as $val)
+			{
+				$tmp_format_data = unserialize($val['format_data']);
+				$quantity = $quantity + $tmp_format_data['quantity'];
+			}
+		}
+		return $quantity;
+	}
+	public function _check_goods_sku_canbuy($goods_id,$sku_str)
+	{
+		$json = array('code' => 0);
+		$goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('goodsname as name')->where( array('id' => $goods_id ) )->find();
+		if(!empty($sku_str))
+		{
+			$goods_option_mult_value = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->field('stock as quantity')->where( array('option_item_ids' => $sku_str,'goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find();
+			if( empty($goods_option_mult_value) )
+			{
+				$json['code'] =3;
+				$json['msg']=mb_substr($goods_info['name'],0,4,'utf-8').',规格已失效,删除后再结算';
+			}
+		}
+		return $json;
+	}
+	public function del_car_goods()
+	{
+		$gpc = I('request.');
+		$token = $gpc['token'];
+		$community_id = $gpc['community_id'];
+		$carkey = $gpc['carkey'];
+		M('lionfish_comshop_car')->where( "community_id={$community_id} and token='{$token}' and carkey='{$carkey}'" )->delete();
+		echo json_encode( array('code' => 0) );
+		die();
+	}
+	public function _check_goods_quantity($goods_id,$quantity,$sku_str)
+	{
+		$gpc = I('request.');
+		$goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('goodsname as name')->where( array('id' => $goods_id) )->find();
+		$goods_quantity= D('Home/Car')->get_goods_quantity($goods_id);
+		$json = array('code' => 0);
+		if($goods_quantity<$quantity){
+			$json['code'] =3;
+			$json['msg']= mb_substr($goods_info['name'],0,4,'utf-8').'...,商品数量不足,剩余'.$goods_quantity.'个!!';
+		}else if(!empty($sku_str)){
+			$mul_opt_arr = array();
+			$goods_option_mult_value = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->field('stock as quantity')->where( array('option_item_ids' => $sku_str,'goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find();
+			if( !empty($goods_option_mult_value) )
+			{
+				if($goods_option_mult_value['quantity']<$quantity){
+					$json['code'] =3;
+					$json['msg']=mb_substr($goods_info['name'],0,4,'utf-8').'...,商品数量不足,剩余'.$goods_option_mult_value['quantity'].'个!!';
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		return $json;
+	}
+	private function _check_can_buy($member_id, $goods_id,$quantity)
+	{
+		$gpc = I('request.');
+		//$can_buy_count =  D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_count($member_id, $goods_id);
+		$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id , 'total_limit_count,one_limit_count,oneday_limit_count,is_new_buy,is_limit_levelunbuy,is_limit_vipmember_buy,goods_start_count');
+		//单次限购判断
+		if($goods_description['one_limit_count'] > 0 && $quantity > $goods_description['one_limit_count'])
+		{
+			$json['code'] = 6;
+			$json['msg'] = '您本次只能购买'.$goods_description['one_limit_count'].'份';
+			$json['count'] = $goods_description['one_limit_count'];
+			return $json;
+		}
+		$can_buy_day_count =  D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_day_count($member_id, $goods_id);
+		if($can_buy_day_count == -1 || ($can_buy_day_count > 0 && $quantity >$can_buy_day_count))
+		{
+			$json['code'] =6;
+			$json['msg'] = '您今天只能购买'.$goods_description['oneday_limit_count'].'份';
+			$json['count']=1;
+			return $json;
+		}else if($can_buy_day_count > 0 && $quantity > $can_buy_day_count){
+			$json['code'] =6;
+			$json['msg'] = '您今天还能购买'.$can_buy_day_count.'份';
+			$json['count']=$can_buy_day_count;
+			return $json;
+		}
+		$can_buy_all_count =  D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_all_count($member_id, $goods_id);
+		//历史限购判断
+		if($can_buy_all_count == -1 && $goods_description['total_limit_count'] >0)
+		{
+			$json['code'] =6;
+			$json['msg']='您最多只能购买'.$goods_description['total_limit_count'].'个';
+			$json['count'] = 1;
+			return $json;
+		}else if($can_buy_all_count > 0 && $quantity > $can_buy_all_count)
+		{
+			$json['code'] =6;
+			$json['msg']='您还能购买'.$can_buy_all_count.'份';
+			$json['count'] = $can_buy_all_count;
+			return $json;
+		}
+		$goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->where( array('id' => $goods_id) )->find();
+		$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id , 'per_number');
+		$can_buy_count =  D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_count($member_id, $goods_id);
+		$json = array();
+		if($can_buy_count == -1 || $can_buy_day_count == -1)
+		{
+			$json['code'] =6;
+			$json['msg']=mb_substr($goods_info['name'],0,4,'utf-8').'...,您本次只能购买'.$goods_description['per_number'].'个';
+		}else if($can_buy_count >0 && $quantity >$can_buy_count)
+		{
+			$json['code'] =6;
+			//$json['msg']=mb_substr($goods_info['name'],0,4,'utf-8').'...,您还能购买'.$can_buy_count.'份';
+			$json['msg']='本次最多购买'.$can_buy_count.'份';
+			$json['count']=$can_buy_count;
+		}else{
+			$json['code'] = 0;
+		}
+		return $json;
+	}
+	private function _add_address($token,$userName,$telNumber,$provinceName,$cityName, $countyName,$detailInfo,$latitude='',$longitude='',$lou_meng_hao='')
+	{
+		$_GPC = I('request.');
+		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where( array('token' => $token) )->find();
+		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];	
+		//  lionfish_comshop_area
+		$province_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where("name like '%{$provinceName}%' ")->find();
+		if( !empty($province_info))
+		{
+			$province_id = $province_info['id'];
+		}else{
+			$area_data = array();
+			$area_data['name'] = $provinceName;
+			$area_data['pid'] = 0;
+			$area_data['code'] = $max_dp['code']+1;
+			$province_id = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->add($area_data);
+			$up_data = array();
+			$up_data['code'] = $province_id;
+			M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where( array('id' => $province_id ) )->save($up_data);
+		}
+        $guding_arr = ['鞍山市'];
+        if( in_array($cityName , $guding_arr) )
+        {
+            $city_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where("name = '{$cityName}'")->find();
+        }else{
+            $city_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where("name like '%{$cityName}%'")->find();
+        }
+		//$city_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where("name like '%{$cityName}%'")->find();
+		if( !empty($city_info))
+		{
+			$city_id = $city_info['id'];
+		}else{
+			$max_dp = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->order('code desc')->find();
+			$area_data = array();
+			$area_data['name'] = $cityName;
+			$area_data['pid'] = $province_id;
+			$area_data['code'] = $max_dp['code']+1;
+			$city_id = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->add( $area_data);
+			$up_data = array();
+			$up_data['code'] = $city_id;
+			M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where( array('id' => $city_id ) )->save($up_data);
+		}
+		//city_name: 东莞市
+		if( empty($countyName)   )
+		{
+			if( $cityName == '东莞市' )
+			{
+				$countyName = '东莞';
+			}
+			if( $cityName == '中山市' )
+			{
+				$countyName = '中山';
+				//453
+			}
+		}
+		$country_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where( "name like '%{$countyName}%' " )->find();
+		if( $countyName == '中山' )
+		{
+			$country_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where( array('id' => 453 ) )->find();
+			//
+		}
+		if( !empty($country_info))
+		{
+			$country_id = $country_info['id'];
+		}else{
+			$max_dp = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->order('code desc')->find();
+			$area_data = array();
+			$area_data['name'] = $countyName;
+			$area_data['pid'] = $city_id;
+			$area_data['code'] = $max_dp['code']+1;
+			$country_id = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->add( $area_data );
+			$up_data = array();
+			$up_data['code'] = $country_id;
+			M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where( array('id' => $country_id ) )->save( $up_data );
+		}
+		$address_param = array();
+		$address_param['member_id'] = $member_id;
+		$address_param['province_id'] = $province_id;
+		$address_param['country_id'] = $country_id;
+		$address_param['city_id'] = $city_id;
+		$address_param['address'] = $detailInfo;
+		$address_param['name'] = $userName;
+		$address_param['telephone'] = $telNumber;
+		$address_param['lon_lat'] = '';
+		$address_param['lou_meng_hao'] = $lou_meng_hao;
+		if(!empty($latitude))
+		{
+			$address_param['lon_lat'] = $longitude.','.$latitude; 
+		}
+		$has_addre = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where($address_param)->find();
+		if(empty($has_addre))
+		{
+			$has_default_address = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where( array('is_default' => 1,'member_id' => $member_id) )->find();
+			$address_data = array();
+			$address_data['member_id'] = $member_id;
+			$address_data['name'] = $userName;
+			$address_data['telephone'] = $telNumber;
+			$address_data['lou_meng_hao'] = $lou_meng_hao;
+			if(!empty($latitude))
+			{
+				$address_data['lon_lat'] = $longitude.','.$latitude; 
+			}else{
+				$address_data['lon_lat'] = ''; 
+			}
+			$address_data['address'] = $detailInfo;
+			$address_data['address_name'] = empty($data['address_name']) ? 'HOME' : $data['address_name'];
+			if(!empty($has_default_address) && false)
+			{
+				$address_data['is_default'] = 0;
+			}else{
+				$data = array();
+				$data['is_default'] = 0;
+				M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id ) )->save($data);
+				$address_data['is_default'] = 1;
+			}
+			$address_data['city_id'] = $city_id;
+			$address_data['country_id'] = $country_id;
+			$address_data['province_id'] = $province_id;
+			$res = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->add($address_data);
+		}else{
+			$res = $has_addre['address_id'];
+		}
+		return $res;
+	}
+	public function checkout()
+	{
+		$gpc = I('request.');
+	  $buy_type = isset($gpc['buy_type']) ? $gpc['buy_type'] : 'dan';
+	  $pintuan_model_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('pintuan_model_buy');
+	  if( empty($pintuan_model_buy) || $pintuan_model_buy ==0 )
+	  {
+		  $pintuan_model_buy = 0;
+	  }
+	  $mb_city_name = isset($gpc['mb_city_name']) ? $gpc['mb_city_name'] : '';
+	  if($buy_type == 'undefined')
+	  {
+		 $buy_type = 'dan'; 
+	  }
+	  $community_id = $gpc['community_id'];
+	  $token = $gpc['token'];
+	  $voucher_id = isset($gpc['voucher_id']) ? $gpc['voucher_id'] : 0;
+	  $soli_id = isset($gpc['soli_id']) ? intval($gpc['soli_id']) : '';
+	  $use_quan_str = isset($gpc['use_quan_str']) ? $gpc['use_quan_str'] : '';
+	  $use_quan_arr = array();
+	  if($use_quan_str != '')
+	  {
+		  $use_quan_arr_tmp = explode('@',$use_quan_str );
+		  foreach($use_quan_arr_tmp as $val)
+		  {
+			 $tmp_arr = explode('_', $val);
+			 $use_quan_arr[$tmp_arr[0]] = $tmp_arr[1];
+		  }
+	  }
+	  $weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where( array('token' => $token) )->find();
+	  $member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
+		$is_open_vipcard_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_vipcard_buy');
+		$is_open_vipcard_buy = !empty($is_open_vipcard_buy) && $is_open_vipcard_buy ==1 ? 1:0; 
+		$is_vip_card_member = 0;
+		$is_member_level_buy = 0;
+		if( $member_id > 0 )
+		{
+			$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id ) )->find();
+			if( !empty($is_open_vipcard_buy) && $is_open_vipcard_buy == 1 )
+			{
+				$now_time = time();
+				if( $member_info['card_id'] >0 && $member_info['card_end_time'] > $now_time )
+				{
+					$is_vip_card_member = 1;//还是会员
+				}else if( $member_info['card_id'] >0 && $member_info['card_end_time'] < $now_time ){
+					$is_vip_card_member = 2;//已过期
+				}
+			}
+			if($is_vip_card_member != 1 && $member_info['level_id'] >0 )
+			{
+				$is_member_level_buy = 1;
+			}
+		}
+        //预售不开启会员卡
+		if($buy_type == 'pesale')
+        {
+           $is_member_level_buy = 0;
+          $is_vip_card_member = 0;
+        }
+	  if( empty($member_id) )
+	  {
+		  //需要登录
+		  echo json_encode( array('code' =>5) );
+		  die();
+	  }
+	$cart = D('Home/Car');
+	if ((!$cart->has_goodswecar($buy_type,$token,$community_id) ) ) {
+		//购物车中没有商品
+		echo json_encode( array('code' =>4) );
+		die();
+	}
+	$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id) )->find();
+	//soitaire
+	$goods=$cart->get_all_goodswecar($buy_type, $token,1,$community_id,$soli_id);
+	$address = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id) )->order('is_default desc,address_id desc')->find();
+	$add_old_order = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->field('address_id')->where(  " (delivery ='localtown_delivery' or delivery = 'express') and member_id = {$member_id} " )->order('order_id desc')->find();
+	if( !empty($add_old_order) && $add_old_order['address_id'] > 0)
+	{
+		$address = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where( array('address_id' => $add_old_order['address_id'],'member_id' => $member_id) )->find();	
+	}
+	$mb_city_id = 0;
+	if(!empty($mb_city_name))
+	{
+		$mb_city_info = M('lionfish_comshop_area')->where(" name='{$mb_city_name}' ")->find();
+		if( !empty($mb_city_info) )
+		{
+			$mb_city_id = $mb_city_info['id'];
+		}			
+	}
+	if($address){
+		//get_area_info($id)
+		$province_info =  D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($address['province_id']);// M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['province_id']) )->find();
+		$city_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($address['city_id']);//M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['city_id']) )->find();
+		$country_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($address['country_id']);//M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['country_id']) )->find();
+		$address['province_name'] = $province_info['name'];
+		$address['city_name'] = $city_info['name'];
+		$address['country_name'] = $country_info['name'];
+	}else{
+		$address = array();
+	}
+	$seller_goodss = array();
+	$show_voucher = 0;
+	//判断是否仅快递的配送方式  is_only_express
+	$is_open_only_express = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_only_express');
+	$is_only_express = 0;
+	if( !empty($is_open_only_express) && $is_open_only_express == 1)
+	{
+		$is_only_express = 1;
+	}
+	/**
+	if($is_vip_card_member != 1 && $member_info['level_id'] >0 )
+	{
+	    $is_member_level_buy = 1;
+	}
+	**/
+	foreach($goods as $key => $val)
+	{
+		//$goods_store_field =  M('goods')->field('store_id')->where( array('goods_id' => $val['goods_id']) )->find();
+		if( $is_only_express == 1 && $val['is_only_express'] != 1 )
+		{
+			$is_only_express = 0;
+		}
+		if($is_only_express == 0 && $val['is_only_express'] == 3 )
+		{
+			$is_only_express = 3;
+		}
+		if($is_only_express == 0 && $val['is_only_express'] == 2 )
+		{
+			$is_only_express = 2;
+		}
+		$supply_id = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_supply_id($val['goods_id']);
+		if($supply_id > 0)
+		{
+			$supply_info = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_info($supply_id);
+			if($supply_info['type'] ==0)
+			{
+				$supply_id = 0;
+			}
+		}
+		$val['name'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($val['name']);
+		$seller_goodss[ $supply_id ]['goods'][$key] = $val;
+	}
+	//begin 如果是同城配送 ,查一查有没有新提交的地址,如果有,按照新的来处理
+    $localtown_address = array();
+    if( $is_only_express  == 3 )
+    {
+        $localtown_old_order = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->field('address_id')->where(  array('delivery' => 'localtown_delivery','member_id' => $member_id) )->order('order_id desc')->find();
+        $localtown_id = 0;
+        if( !empty($localtown_old_order) && $localtown_old_order['address_id'] > 0)
+        {
+            $localtown_address = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where( array('address_id' => $localtown_old_order['address_id'],'member_id' => $member_id) )->find();
+            if(!empty($localtown_address))
+            {
+                $province_info =  D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($address['province_id']);// M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['province_id']) )->find();
+                $city_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($address['city_id']);//M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['city_id']) )->find();
+                $country_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($address['country_id']);//M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['country_id']) )->find();
+                $localtown_address['province_name'] = $province_info['name'];
+                $localtown_address['city_name'] = $city_info['name'];
+                $localtown_address['country_name'] = $country_info['name'];
+            }else if( isset($gpc['longitude']) && isset($gpc['latitude']) )
+            {
+                $localtown_address['lon_lat'] = $gpc['longitude'].','.$gpc['latitude'];
+            }
+        }else{
+            $address = array();
+        }
+    }
+    //end同城配送
+	$quan_model = D('Home/Voucher'); 
+	$pin_model = D('Home/Pin');
+	$voucher_price = 0;
+	$reduce_money = 0;
+	$cha_reduce_money = 0;
+	$is_pin_over = 0;
+	$is_moban =  false;
+	$is_open_fullreduction = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_fullreduction');
+	$full_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_money');
+	$full_reducemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_reducemoney');
+	if(empty($full_reducemoney) || $full_reducemoney <= 0)
+	{
+		$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
+	}
+	$show_voucher = 0;
+	$voucher_can_use =1;//目前都是平台券,
+	$man_total_free = 0;
+	$store_buy_total_money = 0;
+	$pin_id = 0;
+	$presale_goods_id = 0;//预售商品id
+    $presale_goods_total = 0;//预售商品价格
+	$is_zero_buy = 0;
+	$vipcard_save_money = 0;
+	$level_save_money = 0;
+	$today_time = time();
+	$arr = array('天','一','二','三','四','五','六');
+	//计算优惠券
+	foreach($seller_goodss as $store_id => $val)
+	{
+		$seller_voucher_list = array();
+		$seller_total_fee = 0;
+		$total_trans_free = 0;
+		$is_no_quan = false;
+		$total_weight = 0;
+		$total_quantity = 0;
+		$vch_goods_ids =  array();
+		foreach($val['goods'] as $kk =>$d_goods)
+		{
+		    //预售不参与会员卡
+			if($d_goods['is_take_vipcard'] == 1)
+			{	
+				$vipcard_save_money += $d_goods['total'] - $d_goods['card_total'];
+			}else if( $d_goods['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $d_goods['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $is_member_level_buy == 1)
+			{
+				$level_save_money += $d_goods['total'] - $d_goods['level_total'];
+			}
+			if( $is_vip_card_member == 1 && $d_goods['is_take_vipcard'] == 1 )
+			{
+				$seller_total_fee += $d_goods['card_total'];
+				if( $store_id == 0 )
+				{
+					$store_buy_total_money += $d_goods['card_total'];
+				}
+				if( $d_goods['can_man_jian'] == 1)
+				{
+					$man_total_free += $d_goods['card_total'];
+				}
+			}
+			else if( $d_goods['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $member_info['level_id'] >0 )
+			{
+				$seller_total_fee += $d_goods['level_total'];
+				if( $store_id == 0 )
+				{
+					$store_buy_total_money += $d_goods['level_total'];
+				}
+				if( $d_goods['can_man_jian'] == 1)
+				{
+					$man_total_free += $d_goods['level_total'];
+				}
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				$seller_total_fee += $d_goods['total'];
+				if( $store_id == 0 )
+				{
+					$store_buy_total_money += $d_goods['total'];
+				}
+				if( $d_goods['can_man_jian'] == 1)
+				{
+					$man_total_free += $d_goods['total'];
+				}
+			}
+			if($buy_type == 'pintuan' && $d_goods['pin_id'] > 0)
+			{
+				$is_pin_over = $pin_model->getNowPinState($d_goods['pin_id']);
+				if( $is_pin_over == 2 )
+				{
+					$is_zero_buy = $pin_model->check_goods_iszero_opentuan( $d_goods['goods_id'] );
+				}
+			}else if($buy_type == 'pintuan' && $d_goods['pin_id'] == 0)
+			{
+				$is_zero_buy = $pin_model->check_goods_iszero_opentuan( $d_goods['goods_id'] );
+			}
+			if( $buy_type == 'presale' )
+            {
+                $presale_goods_id = $d_goods['goods_id'];
+                $presale_goods_total = $seller_total_fee;
+            }
+			$tp_goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('type')->where( array('id' => $d_goods['goods_id']) )->find();	
+			$vch_goods_ids[$d_goods['goods_id']] = $vch_goods_ids[$d_goods['goods_id']] + $d_goods['total'];
+			//$is_no_quan = true;
+			//预售不开启优惠券 
+			if($tp_goods_info['type'] == 'integral' || $tp_goods_info['type'] == 'presale' )
+			{
+				$is_no_quan = true;
+			}
+			if($d_goods['shipping']==0)
+			{
+				$is_moban = true;
+				$val['is_moban'] = true;
+				$total_weight += $d_goods['weight']*$d_goods['quantity'];
+				$total_quantity += $d_goods['quantity'];
+			}
+			$d_goods[$kk]['trans_free'] = 0;
+			/**
+			if($d_goods['shipping']==1)
+			{
+				//统一运费
+				$d_goods[$kk]['trans_free'] = $d_goods['goods_freight'];
+			}else {
+				//运费模板
+				 if(!empty($address))
+				{
+					$trans_free = load_model_class('transport')->calc_transport($d_goods['transport_id'], $d_goods['quantity'],$d_goods['quantity']*$d_goods['weight'], $address['city_id'] );
+				}else{
+					$trans_free = 0;
+				}
+			   $d_goods[$kk]['trans_free'] = $trans_free;
+			}
+			**/
+			$total_trans_free  += $d_goods[$kk]['trans_free'];
+			//自提时间
+			$goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_good_common')->field('pick_up_type,pick_up_modify')->where( array('goods_id' => $d_goods['goods_id']) )->find();
+			$pick_up_type = -1;
+			if($pick_up_type == -1 || $goods_info['pick_up_type'] > $pick_up_type)
+			{
+				$pick_up_type = $goods_info['pick_up_type'];
+				if($pick_up_type == 0)
+				{
+					$pick_up_time = date('m-d', $today_time);
+					$pick_up_weekday = '周'.$arr[date('w',$today_time)];
+				}else if( $pick_up_type == 1 ){
+					$pick_up_time = date('m-d', $today_time+86400);
+					$pick_up_weekday = '周'.$arr[date('w',$today_time+86400)];
+				}else if( $pick_up_type == 2 )
+				{
+					$pick_up_time = date('m-d', $today_time+86400*2);
+					$pick_up_weekday = '周'.$arr[date('w',$today_time+86400*2)];
+				}else if($pick_up_type == 3)
+				{
+					$pick_up_time = $goods_info['pick_up_modify'];
+				}
+			}
+			$d_goods['pick_up_type'] = $pick_up_type;
+			$d_goods['pick_up_time'] = $pick_up_time;
+			$d_goods['pick_up_weekday'] = $pick_up_weekday;
+			$val['goods'][$kk] = $d_goods;
+		}
+		$val['reduce_money'] = 0;
+		//pindan (拼团商品单独购买)   pintuan (拼团)
+		//预售关闭满减 
+		if($buy_type == 'pindan' || $buy_type == 'pintuan' || $buy_type == 'integral' || $buy_type == 'presale')
+		{
+		    $is_open_fullreduction = 0;
+		}
+		//原来满级计算man_total_free
+		/*if($is_open_fullreduction == 1 && $man_total_free >= $full_money )
+		 {
+		 $val['reduce_money'] = $full_reducemoney;
+		 $reduce_money = $full_reducemoney;
+		 }else if($is_open_fullreduction == 1 && $man_total_free < $full_money)
+		 {
+		 $cha_reduce_money = $full_money - $man_total_free;
+		 }*/
+		/**
+		 * 新满减计算
+		 */
+		if($is_open_fullreduction == 1)
+		{
+		    $reduce_result = D('Home/Front')->get_reduce_money($man_total_free);
+		    $val['reduce_money'] = $reduce_result['reduce_money'];
+		    $reduce_money = $reduce_result['reduce_money'];
+		    $cha_reduce_money = $reduce_result['cha_reduce_money'];
+		}
+		$chose_vouche = array();
+		if(!$is_no_quan)
+		{
+			$vouche_list = $quan_model->get_user_canpay_voucher($member_id,$store_id,$seller_total_fee,'',$vch_goods_ids);
+			$vouche_list = $quan_model->get_voucher_amout_bygoods($vouche_list,$val['goods'],$reduce_money);
+			//var_dump(  $vouche_list );
+			//die();
+			if(!empty($vouche_list) && empty($use_quan_arr) ) {
+				$ling_vouche_list = $vouche_list;
+				if($voucher_can_use == 1)
+				{
+					$voucher_can_use++;
+					$show_voucher = 1;
+					reset($ling_vouche_list);
+					$chose_vouche = current($ling_vouche_list);
+					//$voucher_price += $chose_vouche['credit'];
+					$voucher_price += $chose_vouche['can_vouche_amount'];
+					//$seller_total_fee = round( $seller_total_fee - $chose_vouche['credit'], 2);
+					$seller_total_fee = round( $seller_total_fee - $chose_vouche['can_vouche_amount'], 2);
+				}
+			}else if( !empty($vouche_list) &&  !empty($use_quan_arr) )
+			{
+				foreach($vouche_list as $tmp_voucher)
+				{
+					if($tmp_voucher['id'] == $use_quan_arr[$store_id]) 
+					{
+						$show_voucher = 1;
+						$chose_vouche = $tmp_voucher;
+						//$seller_total_fee = round( $seller_total_fee - $chose_vouche['credit'], 2);
+						//$voucher_price += $chose_vouche['credit'];
+						$seller_total_fee = round( $seller_total_fee - $chose_vouche['can_vouche_amount'], 2);
+						$voucher_price += $chose_vouche['can_vouche_amount'];
+						break;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		$val['chose_vouche'] = $chose_vouche;
+		$val['show_voucher'] = $show_voucher;
+		$val['voucher_list'] = $vouche_list;
+		$val['total'] = $seller_total_fee;
+		if($val['total'] < 0)
+		{
+			$val['total'] = 0;
+		}
+		$val['trans_free'] = $total_trans_free;
+		$val['total_weight'] = $total_weight;
+		$val['total_quantity'] = $total_quantity;
+		$s_logo = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shoplogo');
+		$shoname = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shoname');
+		if( !empty($s_logo) )
+		{
+			$s_logo = tomedia( $s_logo );
+		}
+		$store_info = array('s_id' => $store_id,'s_true_name' => $shoname,'s_logo' => $s_logo );
+		if( !empty($store_id) && $store_id > 0 )
+		{
+			 $supply_info = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_info($store_id);
+			 //logo
+			 if( !empty($supply_info) )
+			 {
+				 $store_info['s_true_name'] = $supply_info['shopname'];
+				 $store_info['s_logo'] = tomedia( $supply_info['logo'] );
+			 }
+		}
+		$val['store_info'] = $store_info;
+		$seller_goodss[$store_id] = $val;
+	}
+	$trans_free_toal = 0;//运费
+	//delivery_type_ziti  delivery_type_express    delivery_type_tuanz  delivery_tuanz_money
+	$delivery_type_ziti = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_type_ziti');
+	$delivery_type_express = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_type_express');
+	$delivery_type_tuanz = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_type_tuanz');
+	$delivery_tuanz_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_tuanz_money');
+	//---
+	$man_free_tuanzshipping = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_free_tuanzshipping');
+	$man_free_shipping = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_free_shipping');
+	$delivery_express_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_express_name');
+	if( empty($man_free_tuanzshipping) || $buy_type == 'integral')
+    {
+        $man_free_tuanzshipping = 0;
+    }
+    //关闭团长配送费 免  预售 
+    if( empty($man_free_tuanzshipping) || $buy_type == 'presale' )
+    {
+        $man_free_tuanzshipping = 0;
+    }
+	if( empty($man_free_shipping) || $buy_type == 'integral' )
+	{
+		$man_free_shipping = 0;
+	}
+        //关闭快递配送费 免  预售 
+	if( empty($man_free_shipping) || $buy_type == 'presale' )
+	{
+		$man_free_shipping = 0;
+	}
+	//if( $buy_type == 'dan' )
+	if( $buy_type == 'dan'  || $buy_type == 'soitaire' || ($pintuan_model_buy == 1 && $buy_type != 'dan' && $buy_type != 'integral'  ) )			
+	{
+		//...判断团长是否开启自定义的情况 store_buy_total_money
+		$community_info_modify = M('lionfish_community_head')->field('is_modify_shipping_method,is_modify_shipping_fare,shipping_fare')->where( array('id' => $community_id) )->find();				
+		if( !empty($community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_method']) && $community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_method'] == 1 && $delivery_type_tuanz == 1)
+		{
+			//开启配送
+			$delivery_type_tuanz = 1;
+			if( !empty($community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_fare']) && $community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_fare'] == 1 && $community_info_modify['shipping_fare'] > 0 )
+			{
+				$delivery_tuanz_money = $community_info_modify['shipping_fare'];
+			}
+		}else if( !empty($community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_method']) && $community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_method'] == 2 )
+		{
+			//关闭配送
+			$delivery_type_tuanz = 0;
+		}
+	}else if( $buy_type == 'pindan' || $buy_type == 'pintuan' ){
+		if($pintuan_model_buy == 0)
+		{
+			$delivery_type_tuanz = 0;
+			$delivery_type_express = 1;
+			$delivery_type_ziti = 2;
+		}
+	}else if( $buy_type == 'integral' )
+	{
+		$delivery_type_tuanz = 0;
+		$delivery_type_express = 1;
+		$delivery_type_ziti = 2;
+	}
+	foreach($val['goods'] as $kk =>$d_goods)
+	{
+		if($d_goods['is_only_express'] == 1){
+			$delivery_type_express = 1;
+		}
+	}
+	$is_man_delivery_tuanz_fare = 0;//是否达到满xx减团长配送费
+	$fare_man_delivery_tuanz_fare_money = 0;//达到满xx减团长配送费, 减了多少钱
+	if( ( $buy_type == 'dan' || $buy_type == 'soitaire' ) && !empty($man_free_tuanzshipping) && $man_free_tuanzshipping > 0 && $man_free_tuanzshipping <= $store_buy_total_money )
+	{
+		//$delivery_tuanz_money = 0;
+		$is_man_delivery_tuanz_fare = 1;
+		$fare_man_delivery_tuanz_fare_money = $delivery_tuanz_money;
+	}
+	$is_man_shipping_fare = 0;//是否达到满xx减运费
+	$fare_man_shipping_fare_money = 0;//达到满xx减运费,司机减了多少运费
+	//----开始计算运费 //dispatchtype
+	if($delivery_type_express == 1)
+	{
+		//ims_ 
+		$store_trans_free_toal = 0;
+		 if($mb_city_id > 0){
+			$shipping_default = M('lionfish_comshop_shipping')->where(array('enabled' => 1))->order('isdefault desc,id desc')->find();
+			foreach($seller_goodss as $store_id => $val)
+			{
+				//$val['is_moban'] = true;
+				$store_shipping_fare = 0;
+				if(  isset($val['is_moban']) && $val['is_moban'] )
+				{
+					$store_shipping_fare = D('Home/Transport')->calc_transport($shipping_default['id'], $val['total_quantity'],$val['total_weight'], $mb_city_id );
+				}
+				$val['store_shipping_fare'] = $store_shipping_fare;
+				$trans_free_toal += $store_shipping_fare;
+				if( $store_id == 0 )
+				{
+					$store_trans_free_toal += $store_shipping_fare;
+				}
+				foreach($val['goods'] as $kk =>$d_goods)
+				{
+					if($d_goods['shipping']==1)
+					{
+						//统一运费
+						$trans_free_toal += $d_goods['goods_freight'];
+						if( $store_id == 0 )
+						{
+							$store_trans_free_toal += $d_goods['goods_freight'];
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}else if(!empty($address) && $mb_city_id == 0)
+		{
+			$shipping_default = M('lionfish_comshop_shipping')->where( array('enabled' => 1) )->order('isdefault desc,id desc')->find();
+			foreach($seller_goodss as $store_id => $val)
+			{
+				$store_shipping_fare = 0;
+				if(isset($val['is_moban']) && $val['is_moban'])
+				{
+					$store_shipping_fare = D('Home/Transport')->calc_transport($shipping_default['id'], $val['total_quantity'],$val['total_weight'], $address['city_id'] );
+				}
+				$val['store_shipping_fare'] = $store_shipping_fare;
+				$trans_free_toal += $store_shipping_fare;
+				if( $store_id == 0 )
+				{
+					$store_trans_free_toal += $store_shipping_fare;
+				}
+				foreach($val['goods'] as $kk =>$d_goods)
+				{
+					if($d_goods['shipping']==1)
+					{
+						//统一运费
+						$trans_free_toal += $d_goods['goods_freight'];
+						$val['store_shipping_fare'] += $d_goods['goods_freight'];
+						if( $store_id == 0 )
+						{
+							$store_trans_free_toal += $d_goods['goods_freight'];
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}else{
+			$trans_free_toal = 0;
+		}
+		//
+		if( !empty($man_free_shipping) && $man_free_shipping > 0 && $man_free_shipping <= $store_buy_total_money )
+		{
+			$fare_man_shipping_fare_money = $store_trans_free_toal;
+			$is_man_shipping_fare = 1;
+			//$trans_free_toal = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	//礼品卡配送费0
+	if( $buy_type == 'virtualcard' )
+    {
+        $trans_free_toal = 0;
+    }
+	//---结束结算运费
+	if( empty($delivery_type_ziti) )
+	{
+		$delivery_type_ziti = 1;//开启
+	}
+	if( empty($delivery_type_express) )
+	{
+		$delivery_type_express = 2;
+	}
+	if( empty($delivery_type_tuanz) )
+	{
+		$delivery_type_tuanz = 2;
+	}
+	//默认关闭同城配送
+    $delivery_type_localtown = 0;
+	//默认关闭核销商品
+	$delvery_type_hexiao = 0;
+	//is_only_express
+	if( $is_only_express == 1 )
+	{
+		$delivery_type_ziti = 2;
+		$delivery_type_express = 1;
+		$delivery_type_tuanz = 2;
+	}else if( $is_only_express == 3 )
+	{
+		//同城配送
+		$delivery_type_ziti = 0;
+		$delivery_type_express = 0;
+		$delivery_type_tuanz = 0;
+        $delivery_type_localtown = 1;
+	}else if( $is_only_express == 2 )
+	{
+		//核销商品
+		$delivery_type_ziti = 0;
+		$delivery_type_express = 0;
+		$delivery_type_tuanz = 0;
+		$delivery_type_localtown = 0;
+		$delvery_type_hexiao = 1;
+	}
+	$total_free = 0;
+	$is_ziti = 2;
+	$pick_up_time = "";
+	$pick_up_type = -1;
+	$pick_up_weekday = '';
+	$today_time = time();
+	$arr = array('天','一','二','三','四','五','六');
+	$pick_up_arr = array();
+	foreach($goods as $key => $good)
+	{
+		//暂时关闭
+		//ims_lionfish_comshop_goods
+		//ims_ lionfish_comshop_good_common
+		$goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_good_common')->field('pick_up_type,pick_up_modify')->where( array('goods_id' => $good['goods_id']) )->find();				
+		if($pick_up_type == -1 || $goods_info['pick_up_type'] > $pick_up_type)
+		{
+			$pick_up_type = $goods_info['pick_up_type'];
+			if($pick_up_type == 0)
+			{
+				$pick_up_time = date('m-d', $today_time);
+				$pick_up_weekday = '周'.$arr[date('w',$today_time)];
+			}else if( $pick_up_type == 1 ){
+				$pick_up_time = date('m-d', $today_time+86400);
+				$pick_up_weekday = '周'.$arr[date('w',$today_time+86400)];
+			}else if( $pick_up_type == 2 )
+			{
+				$pick_up_time = date('m-d', $today_time+86400*2);
+				$pick_up_weekday = '周'.$arr[date('w',$today_time+86400*2)];
+			}else if($pick_up_type == 3)
+			{
+				$pick_up_time = $goods_info['pick_up_modify'];
+			}
+		}
+		$goods[$key]['trans_free'] = $good['goods_freight'];
+		if( $is_vip_card_member == 1 && $good['is_take_vipcard'] == 1 )
+		{
+			$total_free += $good['card_total'];
+		}
+		else if( $good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1  && $member_info['level_id'] >0 )
+		{
+			$total_free += $good['level_total'];
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			$total_free += $good['total'];
+		}
+	}
+    //同城配送费
+    $localtown_shipping_fare = 0;
+    //包装费
+    $picking_fare = 0;
+    $picking_fare_arr = array();
+    $localtown_shipping_fare_arr = array();
+    $localtown_dispatchtime = 0;//预计一共需要配送多少分钟
+	$localtown_expected_delivery = array();//预计送达时间段
+	$localtown_modifypickingname = "";//包装费标题
+    if( $is_only_express == 3 )
+    {
+        $picking_fare_arr =  D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->calc_packing_money( $seller_goodss );// $seller_goodss;
+        $picking_fare = $picking_fare_arr['total_picking_fare'];
+        $localtown_dispatchtime = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->get_order_dispatchtime($seller_goodss);
+        if(  isset($gpc['latitude']) && !empty($gpc['latitude'])  &&  isset($gpc['longitude']) && !empty($gpc['longitude']) )
+        {
+            $lon = $gpc['longitude'];
+            $lat = $gpc['latitude'];
+            $localtown_shipping_fare_arr = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->calc_shipping_fare( $lon, $lat , $seller_goodss );
+            $localtown_shipping_fare = $localtown_shipping_fare_arr['total_shipping_fare'];
+            $trans_free_toal = $localtown_shipping_fare;
+        }else if( !empty($localtown_address) )
+        {
+            list($lon,$lat) = explode(',', $localtown_address['lon_lat'] );
+            $localtown_shipping_fare_arr = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->calc_shipping_fare( $lon, $lat , $seller_goodss );
+            $localtown_shipping_fare = $localtown_shipping_fare_arr['total_shipping_fare'];
+            $trans_free_toal = $localtown_shipping_fare;
+        }
+		//配送时间段间隔
+		$localtown_expected_delivery = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->get_expected_delivery($localtown_dispatchtime);
+		$localtown_modifypickingname = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_modifypickingname');
+		$localtown_modifypickingname = !empty($localtown_modifypickingname) ? $localtown_modifypickingname: '包装费';
+    }
+	//暂时关闭自提代码
+	/**
+	if(!empty($pick_up))
+	{
+		$pick_up = unserialize($pick_up);
+		$pick_up_ids = implode(',',$pick_up);
+		$pick_up_arr = M('pick_up')->where( array('id'=>array('in',$pick_up_ids)) )->select();
+	}
+	**/		
+	$pick_up_name = '';
+	$pick_up_mobile = '';
+	$tuan_send_address = '';
+	$order_note_content = '';
+	$tuan_send_address_info = array();
+	$shop_limit_buy_distance = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_limit_buy_distance');
+	if($is_ziti >= 1)
+	{
+		//寻找上一个订单的自提电话 自提姓名  
+		$last_order_info = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id,'delivery' => 'pickup') )->order('order_id desc')->find();
+		if(empty($last_order_info)){
+			$last_order_info = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id,'delivery' => 'hexiao') )->order('order_id desc')->find();
+		}
+		if(!empty($last_order_info))
+		{
+			$pick_up_name = $last_order_info['shipping_name'];
+			$pick_up_mobile = $last_order_info['telephone'];
+			$order_note_content = $last_order_info['note_content'];
+		}
+		//order_note_content
+		$last_tuanz_send_order_info = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->field('tuan_send_address,address_id,note_content,order_id')->where( array('member_id' =>$member_id,'delivery' => 'tuanz_send' ) )->order('order_id desc')->find();					
+		if(!empty($last_tuanz_send_order_info))
+		{
+			$tuan_send_address = $last_tuanz_send_order_info['tuan_send_address'];
+			if( !empty($last_tuanz_send_order_info['note_content']) && $last_tuanz_send_order_info['order_id'] > $last_order_info['order_id'] )
+			{
+				$order_note_content = $last_tuanz_send_order_info['note_content'];
+			}
+			if( !empty($last_tuanz_send_order_info['address_id']) )
+			{
+				if($shop_limit_buy_distance == 1)
+				{
+					$tuan_send_address_info = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where( "address_id=".$last_tuanz_send_order_info['address_id']." and lon_lat != '' " )->find();
+				}else{
+					$tuan_send_address_info = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where( "address_id=".$last_tuanz_send_order_info['address_id'] )->find();
+				}
+				if( !empty($tuan_send_address) && !empty($tuan_send_address_info['lon_lat']) )
+				{
+					$province_info =  D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($tuan_send_address_info['province_id']);// M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['province_id']) )->find();
+					$city_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($tuan_send_address_info['city_id']);//M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['city_id']) )->find();
+					$country_info = D('Home/Front')->get_area_info($tuan_send_address_info['country_id']);//M('area')->field('area_name')->where( array('area_id' => $address['country_id']) )->find();
+					$tuan_send_address_info['province_name'] = $province_info['name'];
+					$tuan_send_address_info['city_name'] = $city_info['name'];
+					$tuan_send_address_info['country_name'] = $country_info['name'];
+					$tuan_send_address = $tuan_send_address_info['address'];
+				}else{
+					//todo...
+					$tuan_send_address = '';
+				}
+			}else{
+				$tuan_send_address = '';
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	/**
+	**/
+	/**
+	tuan_region
+	store_buy_total_money
+	**/
+	//open_score_buy_score $shop_limit_buy_distance = load_model_class('front')->get_config_by_name('shop_limit_buy_distance');
+	/**
+	$delivery_ziti_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_ziti_name');
+	$delivery_tuanzshipping_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_tuanzshipping_name');
+	$delivery_diy_sort = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_diy_sort');
+	if(empty($delivery_diy_sort) || !isset($delivery_diy_sort)) $delivery_diy_sort = '0,1,2';
+	if( empty($tuan_send_address_info) )
+	{
+		$tuan_send_address_info = array();
+	}
+	//判断是否预售,给出预售的信息 begin todo
+    $presale_info = [];
+    if( $buy_type == 'presale' )
+    {
+        // $presale_goods_id
+        $presale_result = D('Home/PresaleGoods')->getCheckOutPresaleGoodsInfo( $presale_goods_id , $presale_goods_total );
+        if( $presale_result['code'] == 0 )
+        {
+            $presale_info = $presale_result['data'];
+        }
+    }
+	//end
+	$open_score_buy_score =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('open_score_buy_score');
+	if( empty($open_score_buy_score) || $buy_type == 'integral' )
+	{
+		$open_score_buy_score = 0;
+	}
+	$score_forbuy_money_maxbi = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('score_forbuy_money_maxbi');
+	if( empty($score_forbuy_money_maxbi) )
+	{
+		$score_forbuy_money_maxbi = 100;
+	}
+	$score_for_money = 0;
+	$bue_use_score = 0;
+	if( $open_score_buy_score == 1 )
+	{
+		if( $member_info['score'] > 0 )
+		{
+			$score_can_max = $store_buy_total_money - $voucher_price - $reduce_money;
+			//计算能兑换多少钱
+			$score_forbuy_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('score_forbuy_money');
+			//只有兑换比例大于0才能允许兑换
+			if( !empty($score_forbuy_money) && $score_forbuy_money >0 )
+			{
+				$score_for_money = sprintf("%.2f",$member_info['score'] / $score_forbuy_money);
+				if( $score_can_max < $score_for_money )
+				{
+					$score_for_money = $score_can_max;
+					$bue_use_score = floor($score_can_max * $score_forbuy_money);
+					$score_for_money = round($bue_use_score/$score_forbuy_money,2);
+				}
+				$max_store_buy_total_money = sprintf("%.2f",($score_forbuy_money_maxbi * $score_can_max) /100);
+				if($score_for_money > $max_store_buy_total_money)
+				{
+					$score_for_money = $max_store_buy_total_money;
+					$bue_use_score = floor($max_store_buy_total_money * $score_forbuy_money);
+					$score_for_money = round($bue_use_score/$score_forbuy_money,2);
+				}else if($bue_use_score <= $max_store_buy_total_money){
+				    $bue_use_score = floor($score_for_money * $score_forbuy_money);
+					//$bue_use_score = $member_info['score'];
+					if($bue_use_score > $member_info['score'] )
+					{
+					    $bue_use_score = floor($member_info['score']);
+					}
+					$score_for_money = round($bue_use_score/$score_forbuy_money,2);
+				}
+			}
+			//预售
+			//if($buy_type == 'presale'){
+			//	$sum_deduction_money =  $goods[0]["quantity"] * $presale_info['deduction_money'] ;
+			//}	
+		}
+	}
+	//score_forbuy_money score
+	$delivery_ziti_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_ziti_name');
+	$delivery_tuanzshipping_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_tuanzshipping_name');
+	$delivery_diy_sort = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_diy_sort');
+	if(empty($delivery_diy_sort) || !isset($delivery_diy_sort)) $delivery_diy_sort = '0,1,2';
+	if( empty($tuan_send_address_info) )
+	{
+		$tuan_send_address_info = array();
+	}
+	//判断是否预售,给出预售的信息 begin todo
+    $presale_info = [];
+    if( $buy_type == 'presale' )
+    {
+        // $presale_goods_id
+        $presale_result = D('Home/PresaleGoods')->getCheckOutPresaleGoodsInfo( $presale_goods_id , $presale_goods_total );
+        if( $presale_result['code'] == 0 )
+        {
+            $presale_info = $presale_result['data'];
+        }
+    }
+	//end
+	$need_data = array();
+	$need_data['code'] = 1;
+	$need_data['open_score_buy_score'] = $open_score_buy_score;//1开启积分抵扣
+	$need_data['score'] = $member_info['score'];//会员持有的积分
+	$need_data['score_for_money'] = $score_for_money;//会员能抵扣的金额
+	$need_data['bue_use_score'] = $bue_use_score;//会员能抵扣的积分数
+	$need_data['delivery_type_ziti'] = $delivery_type_ziti;
+	$need_data['delivery_type_express'] = $delivery_type_express;
+	$need_data['delivery_type_tuanz'] = $delivery_type_tuanz;
+	$need_data['delivery_type_localtown'] = $delivery_type_localtown;
+	$need_data['delvery_type_hexiao'] = $delvery_type_hexiao;
+	$need_data['delivery_express_name'] = $delivery_express_name;
+	$need_data['delivery_ziti_name'] = $delivery_ziti_name;
+	$need_data['delivery_tuanzshipping_name'] = $delivery_tuanzshipping_name;
+	$need_data['delivery_diy_sort'] = $delivery_diy_sort;
+	$need_data['presale_info'] = $presale_info;//预售信息
+	$seller_goodss_keys = array_keys($seller_goodss);
+	$need_data['delivery_tuanz_money'] = round($delivery_tuanz_money * count($seller_goodss_keys) , 2);
+	//$need_data['delivery_tuanz_money'] = $delivery_tuanz_money;
+	$need_data['man_free_tuanzshipping'] = empty($man_free_tuanzshipping) ? 0 : $man_free_tuanzshipping;//团长配送,满多少免配送费,0或者为空表示不减免
+	$need_data['man_free_shipping'] = empty($man_free_shipping) ? 0 : $man_free_shipping;//快递配送,满多少免配送费,0或者为空表示不减免
+	$need_data['address'] = $address;
+	$need_data['pick_up_time'] = $pick_up_time;
+	$need_data['pick_up_type'] = $pick_up_type;
+	$need_data['pick_up_weekday'] = $pick_up_weekday;
+	$need_data['is_pin_over'] = $is_pin_over;
+	$need_data['is_integer'] = 0;//$is_no_quan ? 1: 0;
+	$need_data['pick_up_arr'] = $pick_up_arr;
+	$need_data['is_ziti'] = 2;
+	$need_data['ziti_name'] = $pick_up_name;
+	$need_data['ziti_mobile'] = $pick_up_mobile;
+	$need_data['tuan_send_address'] = $tuan_send_address;
+	$need_data['tuan_send_address_info'] = $tuan_send_address_info;
+	$need_data['seller_goodss'] = $seller_goodss;
+	$need_data['show_voucher'] = $show_voucher;
+	$need_data['buy_type'] = $buy_type;
+	$need_data['address'] = $address;
+	$need_data['trans_free_toal'] = $trans_free_toal;
+	$need_data['is_limit_distance_buy'] = 0;
+	$need_data['limit_distance'] = 100;//km
+	$need_data['is_member_level_buy'] = $is_member_level_buy;//km
+	$need_data['level_save_money'] = $level_save_money;//km
+    //begin
+    $need_data['localtown_shipping_fare'] = $localtown_shipping_fare;//同城配送配送费
+    $need_data['pickingup_fare'] = $picking_fare;//包装费
+    $need_data['localtown_dispatchtime'] = $localtown_dispatchtime;//预计一共需要配送多少分钟
+    $need_data['picking_fare_arr'] = $picking_fare_arr;
+    $need_data['localtown_shipping_fare_arr'] = $localtown_shipping_fare_arr;
+	$need_data['localtown_expected_delivery'] = $localtown_expected_delivery;
+    //end
+	$need_data['is_vip_card_member'] = $is_vip_card_member;//km
+	$need_data['vipcard_save_money'] = $vipcard_save_money;//km
+	$need_data['is_open_vipcard_buy'] = $is_open_vipcard_buy;//km
+	if( !empty($shop_limit_buy_distance) && $shop_limit_buy_distance ==1 )
+	{
+		$latitude = 0;
+		$longitude = 0;
+		if( !empty($tuan_send_address_info) && !empty($tuan_send_address_info['lon_lat']) )
+		{
+			//lon_lat
+			$lon_lat_arr = explode(',', $tuan_send_address_info['lon_lat']);
+			$longitude = $lon_lat_arr[0];
+			$latitude = $lon_lat_arr[1];
+		}
+		if( isset($gpc['latitude']) && !empty($gpc['latitude']) )
+		{
+			$latitude = $gpc['latitude'];
+		}
+		if( isset($gpc['longitude']) && !empty($gpc['longitude']) )
+		{
+			$longitude = $gpc['longitude'];
+		}
+		if( !empty($latitude) && !empty($longitude) )
+		{
+			$shop_buy_distance = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_buy_distance');
+			$shop_buy_distance = $shop_buy_distance * 1000;
+			$community_info = M('lionfish_community_head')->field('lon,lat')->where( array('id' => $community_id ) )->find();
+			$distince = D('Seller/Communityhead')->GetDistance($longitude,$latitude,$community_info['lon'],$community_info['lat']);
+			$need_data['current_distance'] = $distince;
+			$need_data['shop_buy_distance'] = $shop_buy_distance;
+			if($distince > $shop_buy_distance )
+			{
+				$need_data['is_limit_distance_buy'] = 1;
+				$need_data['limit_distance'] = $distince/1000;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	$need_data['reduce_money'] = $reduce_money;
+	$need_data['is_open_fullreduction'] = $is_open_fullreduction;
+	$need_data['cha_reduce_money'] = $cha_reduce_money;
+	$need_data['is_man_delivery_tuanz_fare'] = $is_man_delivery_tuanz_fare; //是否达到满xx减团长配送费
+	$need_data['fare_man_delivery_tuanz_fare_money'] = $fare_man_delivery_tuanz_fare_money;	//达到满xx减团长配送费, 减了多少钱
+	$need_data['is_man_shipping_fare'] = $is_man_shipping_fare; //是否达到满xx减运费
+	$need_data['fare_man_shipping_fare_money'] = $fare_man_shipping_fare_money;	//达到满xx减运费,司机减了多少运费
+	$dispatching = isset($gpc['dispatching']) ? $gpc['dispatching']:'pickup';
+	//is_ziti == 2
+	if($dispatching == 'express')
+	{
+		$need_data['total_free'] = $total_free + $trans_free_toal - $voucher_price -$reduce_money;
+	}
+	else if( $dispatching == 'localtown_delivery' )
+    {
+        $need_data['total_free'] = $total_free + $localtown_shipping_fare + $picking_fare - $voucher_price - $reduce_money;
+    }
+	else{
+		$need_data['total_free'] = $total_free  - $voucher_price -$reduce_money;
+	}
+	if($is_ziti == 2)
+	{
+		$need_data['total_free'] = $total_free  - $voucher_price -$reduce_money;
+	}
+	//积分兑换 不算总金额,但是算总积分
+	if( $buy_type == 'integral' )
+	{
+		$need_data['total_free'] = $trans_free_toal;
+		$need_data['total_integral'] = $total_free;
+	}
+	if($need_data['total_free'] < 0)
+	{
+		$need_data['total_free'] = 0;
+	}
+	//判断是否可以余额支付
+	//暂时关闭 会员余额功能
+	/**
+	$is_yue_open_info =	M('config')->where( array('name' => 'is_yue_open') )->find();
+	$is_yue_open =  $is_yue_open_info['value'];
+	**/
+	$is_yue_open = 0;
+	$is_yue_open = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_yue_pay');
+	if( empty($is_yue_open) )
+	{
+		$is_yue_open = 0;
+	}
+	$need_data['is_yue_open'] = $is_yue_open;
+	$need_data['can_yupay'] = 0;
+	//暂时关闭 会员余额功能
+	if($is_yue_open == 1 && $need_data['total_free'] >=0 && $member_info['account_money'] >= $need_data['total_free'])
+	{
+		$need_data['can_yupay'] = 1;
+	}
+	//前端隐藏 团长信息
+	$index_hide_headdetail_address = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('index_hide_headdetail_address');
+	if( empty($index_hide_headdetail_address) )
+	{
+		$index_hide_headdetail_address = 0;
+	}
+	$need_data['index_hide_headdetail_address'] = $index_hide_headdetail_address;
+	//订单留言
+	$is_open_order_message = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_order_message');
+	$need_data['yu_money'] = $member_info['account_money'];
+	$need_data['goods'] = $goods;
+	$need_data['is_open_order_message'] = $is_open_order_message;
+	$need_data['is_zero_opentuan'] = 0;
+	//拼团特殊情况0元开团
+	if( $buy_type == 'pintuan' && $is_zero_buy == 1 )
+	{
+		//$need_data['total_free'] = 0;
+		//$need_data['trans_free_toal'] = 0;
+		//$need_data['is_zero_opentuan'] = 1;
+	}
+	//订阅消息begin
+	$is_need_subscript = 0;
+	$need_subscript_template = array();
+		//'pay_order','send_order','hexiao_success','apply_community','open_tuan','take_tuan','pin_tuansuccess','apply_tixian'
+		//$member_id
+		if( $buy_type == 'pintuan' )
+		{
+			//pin_tuansuccess
+			//send_order  parameter[weprogram_subtemplate_pin_tuansuccess]
+			//hexiao_success
+			$pin_tuansuccess_info = M('lionfish_comshop_subscribe')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id, 'type' => 'pin_tuansuccess' ) )->find();
+			//if( empty($pin_tuansuccess_info) )
+			//{
+				$weprogram_subtemplate_pin_tuansuccess = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('weprogram_subtemplate_pin_tuansuccess');
+				if( !empty($weprogram_subtemplate_pin_tuansuccess) )
+				{
+					$need_subscript_template['pin_tuansuccess'] = $weprogram_subtemplate_pin_tuansuccess;
+				}
+			//}
+		}else{
+			//pay_order
+			$pay_order_info = M('lionfish_comshop_subscribe')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id , 'type' => 'pay_order') )->find();
+			//if( empty($pay_order_info) )
+			//{
+				$weprogram_subtemplate_pay_order = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('weprogram_subtemplate_pay_order');
+				if( !empty($weprogram_subtemplate_pay_order) )
+				{
+					$need_subscript_template['pay_order'] = $weprogram_subtemplate_pay_order;
+				}
+			//}
+		}
+		//send_order
+		$send_order_info = M('lionfish_comshop_subscribe')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id, 'type' => 'send_order' ) )->find();
+		//if( empty($send_order_info) )
+		//{
+			$weprogram_subtemplate_send_order = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('weprogram_subtemplate_send_order');
+			if( !empty($weprogram_subtemplate_send_order) )
+			{
+				$need_subscript_template['send_order'] = $weprogram_subtemplate_send_order;
+			}
+		//}
+		//hexiao_success
+		$hexiao_success_info = M('lionfish_comshop_subscribe')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id, 'type' => 'hexiao_success' ) )->find();
+		//if( empty($hexiao_success_info) )
+		//{
+			$weprogram_subtemplate_hexiao_success = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('weprogram_subtemplate_hexiao_success');
+			if( !empty($weprogram_subtemplate_hexiao_success) )
+			{
+				$need_subscript_template['hexiao_success'] = $weprogram_subtemplate_hexiao_success;
+			}
+		//}
+		if( !empty($need_subscript_template) )
+		{
+			$is_need_subscript = 1;
+		}
+	//下单万能表单
+	$need_data['allform'] = D('Home/Allform')->getOrderForms();
+	//判断是否使用货到付款
+	$cashondelivery_data = D('Home/Front')->getCashonDeliveryAction($buy_type, $seller_goodss);
+	$need_data['cashondelivery_data'] = $cashondelivery_data;
+	//订阅消息end
+	$need_data['is_need_subscript'] = $is_need_subscript;
+	$need_data['need_subscript_template'] = $need_subscript_template;
+	//订单提交页面备注信息
+	$order_note_open = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('order_note_open');
+	$order_note_open = isset($order_note_open) && $order_note_open == 1 ? 1: 0;
+	$order_note_name = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('order_note_name');
+	$order_note_name =  !isset($order_note_name) || empty($order_note_name) ?  '店名' : $order_note_name;
+	$need_data['order_note_open'] = $order_note_open;//开启下单页面备注,仅 自提跟 团长配送时需要
+	$need_data['order_note_name'] = $order_note_name;//备注名称,默认是店名
+	$need_data['order_note_content'] = $order_note_content;//备注名称,默认是店名
+	$need_data['localtown_modifypickingname'] = $localtown_modifypickingname;//备注名称,默认是店名
+	//配送费类型:0、固定金额,1、按距离收取
+	$localtown_delivery_moneytype = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_delivery_moneytype');
+	//起送价格
+	$localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney');
+	//达到金额免配送费
+	$localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney');
+	//加价配送
+	$localtown_makeup_delivery_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_makeup_delivery_money');
+	//1、固定金额,订单价格超过起送价格 无加价配送费,2、按距离收取 无加价配送费 3、固定金额,起送价格为0 无加价配送费
+	if(($localtown_delivery_moneytype == 0 && ($localtown_shipping_fare_arr[0]['is_can_qisong'] == 1 || $localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney == 0)) || $localtown_delivery_moneytype == 1){
+	    $localtown_makeup_delivery_money = 0;
+	}else{
+		$localtown_makeup_delivery_money = 0;
+	}
+	$need_data['localtown_delivery_moneytype'] = $localtown_delivery_moneytype;
+	$need_data['localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney'] = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_deliverymoney;
+	$need_data['localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney'] = $localtown_moneytype_fixed_freemoney;
+	$need_data['localtown_makeup_delivery_money'] = $localtown_makeup_delivery_money;
+	$need_data['order_lou_meng_hao'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('order_lou_meng_hao');
+	$need_data['order_lou_meng_hao_placeholder'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('order_lou_meng_hao_placeholder');
+	echo json_encode($need_data);
+	die();
+public function sub_order()
+	$gpc = I('request.');
+    $buy_type = isset($gpc['buy_type']) ? $gpc['buy_type'] : 'dan';
+	$token = $gpc['token'];
+	$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where( array('token' => $token) )->find();
+	$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
+	$pintuan_model_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('pintuan_model_buy');
+	$allform_id = $gpc['allform_id'];
+	$allform_list = $gpc['allform_list'];
+	if( empty($pintuan_model_buy) || $pintuan_model_buy ==0 )
+	{
+		$pintuan_model_buy = 0;
+	}
+	$is_open_vipcard_buy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_vipcard_buy');
+	$is_open_vipcard_buy = !empty($is_open_vipcard_buy) && $is_open_vipcard_buy ==1 ? 1:0; 
+	$is_vip_card_member = 0;
+	$is_member_level_buy = 0;
+	if( $member_id > 0 )
+	{
+		$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id ) )->find();
+		if( !empty($is_open_vipcard_buy) && $is_open_vipcard_buy == 1 )
+		{
+			$now_time = time();
+			if( $member_info['card_id'] >0 && $member_info['card_end_time'] > $now_time )
+			{
+				$is_vip_card_member = 1;//还是会员
+			}else if( $member_info['card_id'] >0 && $member_info['card_end_time'] < $now_time ){
+				$is_vip_card_member = 2;//已过期
+			}
+		}
+		if($is_vip_card_member != 1 && $member_info['level_id'] >0 )
+		{
+			$is_member_level_buy = 1;
+		}
+	}
+	if($buy_type == 'presale')
+    {
+        $is_vip_card_member = 0;
+        $is_member_level_buy = 0;
+    }
+	//use_score = 1
+	$use_score = isset($gpc['use_score']) ? intval($gpc['use_score']) : 0;
+	$puis_not_buy =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('puis_not_buy');
+	if( !empty($puis_not_buy) && $puis_not_buy ==1 )
+	{
+		$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('level_id')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id) )->find();
+		if($member_info['level_id'] == 0)
+		{
+			echo json_encode( array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '普通会员不能购买') );
+			die();
+		}
+	}
+		//$buy_type == 'presale'
+	$data_s  = array();
+	$data_s['pay_method'] = $gpc['wxpay'];
+	$data_s['buy_type'] = isset($gpc['buy_type']) ? $gpc['buy_type'] : 'dan';
+	$data_s['pick_up_id'] = $gpc['pick_up_id'];
+	$data_s['dispatching'] = $gpc['dispatching'];
+	$order_note_open = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('order_note_open');
+	if($order_note_open == 1){
+		$data_s['note_content'] = $gpc['note_content'];
+	}else{
+		$data_s['note_content'] = '';
+	}
+	$data_s['soli_id'] = isset($gpc['soli_id']) ? intval($gpc['soli_id']) : 0 ;
+	if($data_s['dispatching'] != 'express' && empty($data_s['pick_up_id']))
+	{
+		$last_community = M('lionfish_community_history')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id) )->order('id desc')->find();
+		if( !empty($last_community) )
+		{
+			$data_s['pick_up_id'] = $last_community['head_id'];
+		}
+		//$data_s['pick_up_id']
+	}
+	//礼品卡不用配送地址begin
+	if( $data_s['buy_type'] == 'virtualcard' )
+    {
+        $data_s['dispatching'] = 'express';
+        $data_s['address_id'] = 0;
+    }
+    //end
+	if( $data_s['buy_type'] == 'dan' || $data_s['buy_type'] == 'soitaire' || $data_s['buy_type'] == 'presale' || ($pintuan_model_buy == 1 && $data_s['buy_type'] != 'dan' && $data_s['buy_type'] != 'integral'  ) )
+	{
+		D('Seller/Community')->in_community_history($member_id,$data_s['pick_up_id']);
+	}
+	//'express'  快递, 'pickup'  自提, 'tuanz_send'  团长配送)   tuan_send_address 
+	$data_s['ziti_name'] = $gpc['ziti_name'];
+	$data_s['quan_arr'] = $gpc['quan_arr'];
+	$data_s['comment'] = $gpc['comment'];
+	$data_s['ziti_mobile'] = $gpc['ziti_mobile'];
+	$data_s['tuan_send_address'] = $gpc['tuan_send_address'];
+	$data_s['ck_yupay'] = $gpc['ck_yupay'];
+	//是否货到付款
+	$data_s['cashon_delivery'] = $gpc['cashon_delivery'];
+	$data_s['province_name'] = isset($gpc['province_name']) ? $gpc['province_name']:'' ;
+	$data_s['city_name'] = isset($gpc['city_name']) ? $gpc['city_name']: '';
+	$data_s['country_name'] = isset($gpc['country_name']) ? $gpc['country_name']: '';
+	$data_s['address_name'] = isset($gpc['address_name']) ? $gpc['address_name']:'' ;
+	$data_s['latitude'] = isset($gpc['latitude']) ? $gpc['latitude']:'' ;
+	$data_s['longitude'] = isset($gpc['longitude']) ? $gpc['longitude']:'' ;
+	$data_s['lou_meng_hao'] = isset($gpc['lou_meng_hao']) ? $gpc['lou_meng_hao']:'' ;
+	$data_s['expected_delivery_time'] = isset($gpc['expected_delivery_time']) ? $gpc['expected_delivery_time']:'' ;
+	//$data_s['tuan_send_address'] .= $data_s['lou_meng_hao'];
+	//$data_s['tuan_send_address'] .= $data_s['lou_meng_hao'];
+	//tuan_send_address
+	$province_name = isset($data_s['province_name']) ? $data_s['province_name'] : '';
+	$city_name = isset($data_s['city_name']) ? $data_s['city_name'] : '';
+	$country_name = isset($data_s['country_name']) ? $data_s['country_name'] : '';
+	$address_name = isset($data_s['address_name']) ? $data_s['address_name'] : '';
+	//判断配送距离
+	/*if($data_s['dispatching'] == 'localtown_delivery'){
+		//服务距离
+		$localtown_servvice_maxdistance =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_servvice_maxdistance');
+		//商家经纬度
+		$localtown_shop_lon =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_shop_lon');
+		$localtown_shop_lat =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_shop_lat');
+		$distince = D('Seller/Communityhead')->GetDistance($data_s['longitude'],$data_s['latitude'], $localtown_shop_lon, $localtown_shop_lat);
+		$distince = round($distince/1000,2);
+		if($distince > $localtown_servvice_maxdistance){
+			//echo json_encode( array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '超出服务距离'.$localtown_servvice_maxdistance.'KM') );
+		    echo json_encode( array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '您与商家的距离过远,商家的配送范围是'.$localtown_servvice_maxdistance.'KM内') );
+			die();
+		}
+	}*/
+	$json=array();
+	$pay_method = $data_s['pay_method'];//支付类型
+	$order_msg_str = $data_s['order_msg_str'];//商品订单留言
+	$comment = $data_s['comment'];//商品订单留言
+	$comment_arr = array();
+	if( !empty($data_s['comment']) )
+	{
+		$comment_arr1 = explode('@EOF@', $data_s['comment']);
+		foreach($comment_arr1  as  $var){
+			$count = substr_count($var, '_');
+			$a = explode('_', $var);
+			for($i=1 ; $i<$count ; $i++ ){
+				$comment_arr[$a[$i]] =  $a[$count];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	$pick_up_id = $data_s['pick_up_id'];
+	$dispatching = $data_s['dispatching'];
+	$ziti_name = $data_s['ziti_name'];
+	$ziti_mobile = $data_s['ziti_mobile'];
+	//新增快递
+	$province_name = isset($data_s['province_name']) ? $data_s['province_name'] : '';
+	$city_name = isset($data_s['city_name']) ? $data_s['city_name'] : '';
+	$country_name = isset($data_s['country_name']) ? $data_s['country_name'] : '';
+	$address_name = isset($data_s['address_name']) ? $data_s['address_name'] : '';
+	$ck_yupay = $data_s['ck_yupay'];
+	$cashon_delivery = $data_s['cashon_delivery'];
+	if($dispatching == 'express')
+	{
+		$data_s['address_id'] = $this->_add_address($token,$ziti_name,$ziti_mobile,$province_name,$city_name, $country_name,$address_name);
+	}
+	else if( $dispatching == 'localtown_delivery' )
+    {
+        $data_s['address_id'] = $this->_add_address($token,$ziti_name,$ziti_mobile,$province_name,$city_name, $country_name,$address_name,$data_s['latitude'],$data_s['longitude'],$data_s['lou_meng_hao'] );
+    }
+	else if($dispatching == 'tuanz_send'){
+		$data_s['address_id'] = $this->_add_address($token,$ziti_name,$ziti_mobile,$province_name,$city_name, $country_name,$data_s['tuan_send_address'],$data_s['latitude'],$data_s['longitude'],$data_s['lou_meng_hao'] );
+		$data_s['tuan_send_address'] .= $data_s['lou_meng_hao'];
+	}
+	/**
+	pick_up_id: that.data.pick_up_id,
+	dispatching: that.data.dispatching, //express  pickup
+	ziti_name: t_ziti_name,
+	ziti_mobile: t_ziti_mobile
+	**/
+	$order_msg_arr = explode('@,@', $order_msg_str);
+	$quan_arr = $data_s['quan_arr'];//商品订单留言
+	$order_quan_arr = array();
+	if( !empty($quan_arr) )
+	{
+		if( !is_array($quan_arr) )
+		{
+			$quan_arr = array($quan_arr);
+		}
+		foreach($quan_arr as $q_val)
+		{
+			$tmp_q = array();
+			$tmp_q = explode('_',$q_val);
+			$voucher_info = M('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list')->where("consume='N' and id=".$tmp_q[1]." and user_id=".$member_id." and end_time >".time())->find();
+			if( !empty($voucher_info) )
+			{
+				//$order_quan_arr[$tmp_q[0]] = $tmp_q[1];
+				$order_quan_arr[1] = $tmp_q[1];
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	$msg_arr = array();
+	foreach($order_msg_arr as $val)
+	{
+		$tmp_val = explode('@_@', $val);
+		$msg_arr[ $tmp_val[0] ] = $tmp_val[1];
+	}
+	$cart= D('Home/Car');
+	// 验证商品数量
+	//buy_type:buy_type
+	$buy_type = $data_s['buy_type'];//I('post.buy_type');
+	$is_pin = 0;
+	if($buy_type == 'pintuan')
+	{
+		$is_pin = 1;
+	}
+	$goodss = $cart->get_all_goodswecar($buy_type,$token,1,$data_s['pick_up_id'], $data_s['soli_id']);
+	//付款人
+	$payment = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id) )->find();
+	//收货人
+	$addr_param = array();
+	$addr_param[':uniacid'] = $_W['uniacid'];
+	$addr_param[':member_id'] = $member_id;
+	//$addr_sql = "select * from ".tablename('lionfish_comshop_address')." where uniacid=:uniacid and member_id=:member_id order by  is_default desc,address_id desc limit 1";
+	//$address = pdo_fetch($addr_sql, $addr_param);
+	$seller_goodss = array();
+	/** 计算每个订单的优惠券占比begin */
+	$zanbi_total_money = 0;
+	//是否需要校验ticket 交易组件
+    $scene = $gpc['scene'];
+    $is_need_scene_check = 0;
+    if(!empty($scene))
+    {
+        $is_need_scene_check = D('Seller/MpModifyTradeComponts')->sceneCheck( $scene );
+    }
+	foreach($goodss as $key => $val) {
+		//单商户先屏蔽
+		//$goods_store_field =  M('goods')->field('store_id')->where( array('goods_id' => $val['goods_id']) )->find();
+		$supply_id = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_supply_id($val['goods_id']);
+		if ($supply_id > 0) {
+			$supply_info = D('Home/Front')->get_supply_info($supply_id);
+			if ($supply_info['type'] == 0) {
+				$supply_id = 0;
+			}
+		}
+		if($data_s['dispatching'] == 'localtown_delivery'){
+			if($supply_id > 0){
+				$isopen_localtown_delivery =  D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('isopen_localtown_delivery',$supply_id);
+				if($isopen_localtown_delivery == 1){
+					//服务距离
+					$localtown_servvice_maxdistance =  D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('localtown_servvice_maxdistance',$supply_id);
+					//商家经纬度
+					$localtown_shop_lon =  D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('localtown_shop_lon',$supply_id);
+					$localtown_shop_lat =  D('Home/Front')->get_supply_config_by_name('localtown_shop_lat',$supply_id);
+					$distince = D('Seller/Communityhead')->GetDistance($data_s['longitude'],$data_s['latitude'], $localtown_shop_lon, $localtown_shop_lat);
+					$distince = round($distince/1000,2);
+					if($distince > $localtown_servvice_maxdistance){
+						echo json_encode( array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '您与商家的距离过远,商家的配送范围是'.$localtown_servvice_maxdistance.'KM内') );
+						die();
+					}
+				}
+			}else{
+				//服务距离
+				$localtown_servvice_maxdistance =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_servvice_maxdistance');
+				//商家经纬度
+				$localtown_shop_lon =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_shop_lon');
+				$localtown_shop_lat =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('localtown_shop_lat');
+				$distince = D('Seller/Communityhead')->GetDistance($data_s['longitude'],$data_s['latitude'], $localtown_shop_lon, $localtown_shop_lat);
+				$distince = round($distince/1000,2);
+				if($distince > $localtown_servvice_maxdistance){
+					echo json_encode( array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '您与商家的距离过远,商家的配送范围是'.$localtown_servvice_maxdistance.'KM内') );
+					die();
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		$seller_goodss[$supply_id][$key] = $val;
+		//$cart->removecar($val['key'],$token);
+		if ($is_vip_card_member == 1 && $val['is_take_vipcard'] == 1) {
+			$zanbi_total_money += $val['card_total'];
+		} else if ($val['is_mb_level_buy'] > 0 && $is_member_level_buy == 1) {
+			$zanbi_total_money += $val['level_total'];
+		} else if ($val['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $member_info['level_id'] > 0){
+			$zanbi_total_money += $val['level_total'];
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			$zanbi_total_money += $val['total'];
+		}
+		//检测是否场景符合begin
+		if( $is_need_scene_check == 1 )
+        {
+            if( $val['isTradeComponts'] == 0 )
+            {
+                echo json_encode( array('code' => 2,'msg' => $val['name'].':未提交小程序交易组件' ) );
+                die();
+            }
+        }
+        //检测是否场景符合end
+	}
+	//判断是否可以货到付款
+	if($cashon_delivery == 1){
+		$cashondelivery_data = D('Home/Front')->getCashonDeliveryAction($buy_type, $seller_goodss);
+		if($cashondelivery_data['isopen_cashondelivery'] == 1){
+			if($dispatching == 'express' && $cashondelivery_data['isopen_cashondelivery_express'] == 0){
+				echo json_encode( array('code' => 3,'msg' => '货到付款未开启' ) );
+				die();
+			}else if($dispatching == 'tuanz_send' && $cashondelivery_data['isopen_cashondelivery_communityhead'] == 0){
+				echo json_encode( array('code' => 3,'msg' => '货到付款未开启' ) );
+				die();
+			}else if($dispatching == 'localtown_delivery' && $cashondelivery_data['isopen_cashondelivery_localtown'] == 0){
+				echo json_encode( array('code' => 3,'msg' => '货到付款未开启' ) );
+				die();
+			}else if($dispatching == 'hexiao' && $cashondelivery_data['isopen_cashondelivery_hexiao'] == 0){
+				echo json_encode( array('code' => 3,'msg' => '货到付款未开启' ) );
+				die();
+			}else if($dispatching == 'pickup' && $cashondelivery_data['isopen_cashondelivery_ziti'] == 0){
+				echo json_encode( array('code' => 3,'msg' => '货到付款未开启' ) );
+				die();
+			}
+		}else{
+			echo json_encode( array('code' => 3,'msg' => '货到付款未开启' ) );
+			die();
+		}
+	}
+	//....看看有没有满多少才能下单begin
+	$open_man_orderbuy = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('open_man_orderbuy');
+	$man_orderbuy_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_orderbuy_money');
+	//pindan (拼团商品单独购买)   pintuan (拼团)
+	if($buy_type == 'pintuan' || $buy_type == 'pindan' || $buy_type == 'integral' )
+	{
+		$open_man_orderbuy = 0;
+	}
+	if( !empty($open_man_orderbuy) &&  $open_man_orderbuy == 1 )
+	{
+		if( !empty($man_orderbuy_money) && $man_orderbuy_money >0 )
+		{
+			if($man_orderbuy_money > $zanbi_total_money)
+			{
+				echo json_encode( array('code' => 2,'msg' => '满'.$man_orderbuy_money.'元才可以下单' , 'is_forb' => 1) );
+				die();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	//....看看有没有满多少才能下单end
+	//清除购物车
+	foreach($goodss as $key => $val)
+	{
+		$cart->removecar($val['key'],$token);
+	}
+	/** 计算每个订单的优惠券占比end */
+	$pay_total = 0;
+	//M('order_all')
+	$order_all_data = array();
+	$order_all_data['member_id'] = $member_id;
+	$order_all_data['order_num_alias'] = build_order_no($member_id);
+	$order_all_data['transaction_id'] = '';
+	$order_all_data['order_status_id'] = 3;
+	$order_all_data['is_pin'] = $is_pin;
+	$order_all_data['paytime'] = 0;
+	$order_all_data['addtime'] = time();
+	$order_all_id = M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->add($order_all_data);
+	//暂时屏蔽积分商城模块
+	$integral_model = D('Home/Integral');
+	$order_ids_arr = array();
+	$del_integral = 0;
+	if( ($buy_type == 'pintuan' || $buy_type == 'pindan') && $pintuan_model_buy == 0 )
+	{
+		$community_info = array();
+		$community_detail_info = array();
+	}
+	else if( $buy_type == 'integral' )
+	{
+		$community_info = array();
+		$community_detail_info = array();
+	}
+	else if( ($buy_type == 'pintuan' || $buy_type == 'pindan') && $pintuan_model_buy == 1 )
+	{
+		$community_info = M('lionfish_community_head')->where( array('id' => $data_s['pick_up_id'] ) )->find();	
+		$community_detail_info = D('Home/Front')->get_community_byid($data_s['pick_up_id']);
+	}else{			
+		$community_info = M('lionfish_community_head')->where( array('id' => $data_s['pick_up_id'] ) )->find();	
+		$community_detail_info = D('Home/Front')->get_community_byid($data_s['pick_up_id']);
+	}
+	$address_info = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where( array('address_id' => $data_s['address_id'] ) )->find();					
+	$is_open_fullreduction = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_fullreduction');
+	$full_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_money');
+	$full_reducemoney = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('full_reducemoney');
+	$man_free_tuanzshipping = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_free_tuanzshipping');
+	$man_free_shipping = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('man_free_shipping');
+	if( empty($man_free_tuanzshipping) )
+	{
+		$man_free_tuanzshipping = 0;
+	}
+	if( empty($man_free_shipping) )
+	{
+		$man_free_shipping = 0;
+	}
+	if(empty($full_reducemoney) || $full_reducemoney <= 0)
+	{
+		$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
+	}
+	if( ($buy_type == 'pintuan' || $buy_type == 'pindan') && $pintuan_model_buy == 0  )
+	{
+		$man_free_tuanzshipping = 0;
+		$man_free_shipping = 0;
+		$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
+	}
+	else if( $buy_type == 'integral' )
+	{
+		$man_free_tuanzshipping = 0;
+		$man_free_shipping = 0;
+		$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
+	}
+	else if( ($buy_type == 'pintuan' || $buy_type == 'pindan') && $pintuan_model_buy == 1 )
+	{
+		$man_free_shipping = 0;
+		$is_open_fullreduction = 0;
+	}
+	//预售不参与满减
+    if($buy_type == 'presale')
+    {
+        $man_free_tuanzshipping = 0;
+        $man_free_shipping = 0;
+        $is_open_fullreduction = 0;
+    }
+	$is_moban = false;	
+	$cart = D('Home/Car');
+	$is_just_1 = 0;
+	$index_comment = 0;
+	$pay_goods_name = "";
+	$store_buy_total_money = 0;
+	$open_score_buy_score = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('open_score_buy_score');
+	$score_for_money = 0;//use_score
+	if( $buy_type == 'integral' )
+	{
+		$open_score_buy_score = 0;
+	}
+	//预售不参与积分抵扣
+	if($open_score_buy_score == 1 && $use_score == 1 && $payment['score'] > 0 && $buy_type != 'presale')
+	{
+		//计算能兑换多少钱
+		$score_forbuy_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('score_forbuy_money');
+		//只有兑换比例大于0才能允许兑换
+		if( !empty($score_forbuy_money) && $score_forbuy_money >0 )
+		{
+			$score_for_money =  sprintf('%.2f', $payment['score'] / $score_forbuy_money);
+		}
+	}
+	foreach($seller_goodss as $kk => $vv)
+	{
+		$is_just_1++;
+		$data = array();
+		$data['member_id']=$member_id;
+		$data['name']= $payment['username'];
+		$data['use_score']= $use_score;//是否使用积分抵扣
+		$data['telephone']= $data_s['ziti_mobile'];
+		$data['note_content']= $data_s['note_content'];
+		$data['shipping_name']= $data_s['ziti_name'];
+		$data['shipping_tel']= $data_s['ziti_mobile'];
+		if($dispatching == 'express' || $dispatching == 'tuanz_send' || $dispatching == 'localtown_delivery')
+		{
+			$data['shipping_address'] = $address_info['address'];
+			$data['shipping_province_id']=$address_info['province_id'];
+			$data['shipping_city_id']=$address_info['city_id'];
+			$data['shipping_stree_id']= 0;
+			$data['shipping_country_id']=$address_info['country_id'];
+		}else{
+			$data['shipping_address'] = $community_detail_info['fullAddress'];
+			$data['shipping_province_id']=$community_info['province_id'];
+			$data['shipping_city_id']=$community_info['city_id'];
+			$data['shipping_stree_id']=$community_info['country_id'];
+			$data['shipping_country_id']=$community_info['area_id'];
+		}
+		$data['shipping_method'] = 0;
+		$data['delivery']=$dispatching;
+		$data['pick_up_id']=$pick_up_id;
+		$data['ziti_name']=$community_info['head_name'];
+		$data['ziti_mobile']=$community_info['head_mobile'];
+		$data['payment_method']=$pay_method;
+		$data['address_id']= $data_s['address_id'];
+		$data['voucher_id'] = isset($order_quan_arr[1]) ? $order_quan_arr[1]:0;//目前都是平台券
+		$data['user_agent']=$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
+		$data['date_added']=time();
+		$subject='';
+		$fare = 0;
+		$order_total = 0;
+		$trans_free_toal = 0;//运费
+		$is_localtown_free_shipping_fare = 0;
+        $localtown_shipping_fare_total = 0;//同城配送费
+		$localtown_free_shipping_fare = 0;//满减的同城配送费用
+		$reduce_money = 0;
+		$man_total_free = 0;
+		$score_buy_money = 0;
+		$is_lottery = 0;
+		$is_integral = 0;
+		$is_spike = 0;
+		$is_hexiao = 0;
+		$total_weight = 0;
+		$total_quantity = 0;
+		$redis_has_add_list = array();
+		$is_free_shipping_fare = 0;//是否免除运费
+		$order_goods_total_money = 0;
+		$goods_data = array();
+		$is_moban = false;
+		//comment_arr comment_arr
+        $packing_fare = 0;
+        $iscan_fu_packing = 1;
+        if('localtown_delivery' == $dispatching)
+        {
+            $tmp_sellergd = array($kk => array('goods'=>$vv) );
+            $town_address = M('lionfish_comshop_address')->where( array('address_id' => $data_s['address_id'] ) )->find();
+            list($lon, $lat ) = explode(",",$town_address['lon_lat'] );
+            $localtown_shippingfare_arr = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->calc_shipping_fare( $lon, $lat , $tmp_sellergd );
+            $trans_free_toal = $localtown_shippingfare_arr['total_shipping_fare'];
+            $localtown_shipping_fare_total = $trans_free_toal;
+            $packing_fare_arr = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery')->calc_packing_money( array( $kk => array('goods' => $vv ) ) );
+            $packing_fare = $packing_fare_arr['total_picking_fare'];
+			$localtown_shipping_fare = $localtown_shippingfare_arr['total_shipping_fare'];
+			$localtown_yl_shipping_fare = $localtown_shippingfare_arr['total_yl_shipping_fare'];
+			if($localtown_shipping_fare != $localtown_yl_shipping_fare && $localtown_shipping_fare == 0){
+				$is_localtown_free_shipping_fare = 1;
+				$localtown_free_shipping_fare = $localtown_shippingfare_arr['total_yl_shipping_fare'];
+			}
+			$data['localtown_add_shipping_fare'] = $localtown_shippingfare_arr[$kk]['localtown_add_shipping_fare'];
+        }
+		$data['expected_delivery_time'] = $data_s['expected_delivery_time'];
+        $data['packing_fare'] = floatval($packing_fare);
+		foreach($vv as $key => $good)
+		{
+			if( $kk == 0 )
+			{
+				if( $is_vip_card_member == 1 && $good['is_take_vipcard'] == 1 )
+				{
+					$store_buy_total_money += $good['card_total'];
+				}
+				else if( $good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $member_info['level_id'] >0 )
+				{
+					$store_buy_total_money += $good['level_total'];
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					$store_buy_total_money += $good['total'];
+				}
+			}
+			/**
+			if($good['shipping']==1)
+			{
+				//统一运费
+				$trans_free_toal += $good['goods_freight'];
+				$trans_free = $good['goods_freight'];
+			}else {
+				//运费模板
+				$trans_free = load_model_class('transport')->calc_transport($good['transport_id'], $good['quantity'], $good['quantity']*$good['weight'], $address['city_id'] );
+				//$trans_free = D('Home/Transport')->calc_transport($good['transport_id'], $good['quantity']*$good['weight'], $address['city_id'] );
+				$trans_free_toal +=$trans_free;
+			}
+			**/
+			$trans_free = 0;
+			//$trans_free_toal +=$trans_free;
+		   //sku_str 
+			if( $is_vip_card_member == 1 && $good['is_take_vipcard'] == 1 )
+			{
+				$order_goods_total_money += $good['card_total'];
+				$order_total += $good['card_total'];
+			}
+			else if( $good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $member_info['level_id'] >0 )
+			{
+				$order_goods_total_money += $good['level_total'];
+				$order_total += $good['level_total'];
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				$order_goods_total_money += $good['total'];
+				$order_total += $good['total'];
+			}
+			$tp_goods_info = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('type')->where( array('id' => $good['goods_id']) )->find();
+			$tp_goods_info['store_id'] = 1;
+			if($tp_goods_info['type'] == 'lottery')
+			{
+				$is_lottery = 1;
+			}
+			if($tp_goods_info['type'] == 'spike')
+			{
+				$is_spike = 1;
+				$is_pin = 0;
+			}
+			//暂时屏蔽积分商城模块
+			if($tp_goods_info['type'] == 'integral')
+			{
+				$is_integral = 1;
+				$is_pin = 0;
+				$check_result = $integral_model->check_user_score_can_pay($member_id, $good['sku_str'], $good['goods_id'] );
+				if($check_result['code'] == 1)
+				{
+					echo json_encode( array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '剩余'.$check_result['cur_score'].'积分,积分不足!' , 'is_forb' => 1 ) );
+					die();
+				}
+			}
+			//is_hexiao is_only_express
+			if($good['is_only_express']==2)
+			{
+				$is_hexiao = 2;
+				$is_pin = 0;
+			}
+			if($good['shipping']==0)
+			{
+				$is_moban = true;
+				//统一运费
+				$total_weight += $good['weight']*$good['quantity'];
+				$total_quantity += $good['quantity'];
+			}
+			$fenbi_li = 1;
+			if(  $zanbi_total_money > 0 )
+			{
+				if( $is_vip_card_member == 1 && $good['is_take_vipcard'] == 1 )
+				{
+					$fenbi_li = round($good['card_total'] / $zanbi_total_money, 2);
+				}
+				else if( $good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $member_info['level_id'] >0 )
+				{
+					$fenbi_li = round($good['level_total'] / $zanbi_total_money, 2);
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					$fenbi_li = round($good['total'] / $zanbi_total_money, 2);
+				}
+			}
+			//if( isset($comment_arr[$index_comment]) )
+			//{
+			//	$comment = $comment_arr[$index_comment];
+			//}
+			//$good['goods_id']
+			if( isset($comment_arr) )
+			{
+				foreach($comment_arr as $key => $var){
+				   if($good['goods_id'] == $key ){
+					   $comment = $var;
+				   }	
+				}
+			}
+			//监测库存数量
+			$quantity_flag = D('Seller/Redisorder')->check_goods_can_buy($good['goods_id'], $good['sku_str'],$good['quantity']);
+			if( $quantity_flag <=0 )
+			{
+				if( !empty($redis_has_add_list) )
+				{
+					D('Seller/Redisorder')->bu_car_has_delquantity($redis_has_add_list);
+				}
+				echo json_encode(  array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '已抢光' , 'is_forb' => 1) );
+				die();
+			}
+			//如果是下单减库存,那么用占坑法来避免超库存---begin
+			$kucun_method = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('kucun_method');
+			if( empty($kucun_method) )
+			{
+				$kucun_method = 0;
+			}
+			if($kucun_method == 0)
+			{
+				//$ret = $redis->rPush('city', 'guangzhou');
+				$check_redis_quantity = D('Seller/Redisorder')->add_goods_buy_user($good['goods_id'], $good['sku_str'],$good['quantity'],$member_id);
+				//注意要回滚
+				//$key = "user_goods_{$member_id}_{$goods_id}_{$sku_str}";
+				if($check_redis_quantity == 0)
+				{
+					//cancle_redis_user_list 
+					if( !empty($redis_has_add_list) )
+					{
+					    D('Seller/Redisorder')->bu_car_has_delquantity($redis_has_add_list);
+					}
+					echo json_encode( array('code' => 2, 'msg' => '已抢光' , 'is_forb' => 1) );
+					die();
+				}
+				$redis_has_add_list[]  = array('member_id' => $member_id, 'goods_id' => $good['goods_id'], 'sku_str' => $good['sku_str'],'quantity' => $good['quantity'] );
+			}
+			//----------------redis   end
+			if( $good['can_man_jian'] == 1)
+			{
+				//$man_total_free += $good['total'];
+				//begggg
+				if( $is_vip_card_member == 1 && $good['is_take_vipcard'] == 1 )
+				{
+					if( $good['can_man_jian'] == 1)
+					{
+						$man_total_free += $good['card_total'];
+					}
+				}
+				else if( $good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $member_info['level_id'] >0 )
+				{
+					if( $good['can_man_jian'] == 1)
+					{
+						$man_total_free += $good['level_total'];
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					if( $good['can_man_jian'] == 1)
+					{
+						$man_total_free += $good['total'];
+					}
+				}
+				//eddddd
+			}
+			$pay_goods_name .= $good['name'];
+			if( $good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1 && $is_vip_card_member ==0 && $member_info['level_id'] >0 )
+			{
+				$good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 1;
+			}else{
+				$good['is_mb_level_buy'] == 0;
+			}
+            $localtown_superposition_pickingmoney = 0;
+            $localtown_superposition_pickingmoney = isset($localtown_superposition_pickingmoney) ? $localtown_superposition_pickingmoney : 0;
+            $gd_packing_fare = 0;
+            if( $localtown_superposition_pickingmoney == 0  )
+            {
+                $gd_packing_fare = $good['packing_free'];
+            } else
+            {
+                if( $packing_fare == $good['packing_free'] && $iscan_fu_packing == 1)
+                {
+                    $iscan_fu_packing = 0;
+                    $gd_packing_fare = $good['packing_free'];
+                }
+            }
+            $goods_data[] = array(
+				'goods_id'   => $good['goods_id'],
+				'store_id' => $tp_goods_info['store_id'],
+				'name'       => $good['name'],
+				'model'      => $good['model'],
+				'is_pin' => $is_pin,
+				'pin_id' => $good['pin_id'],
+				'header_disc' => $good['header_disc'],
+				'member_disc' => $good['member_disc'],
+				'level_name' => $good['level_name'],
+				'option'     => $good['sku_str']== 'undefined' ? '':$good['sku_str'],
+				'quantity'   => $good['quantity'],
+				'shipping_fare' => $trans_free,
+				'price'      => $good['price'],
+				'costprice'  => $good['costprice'],
+				'card_price' => $good['card_price'],
+				'levelprice' => $good['levelprice'],
+				'total'      => $good['total'],
+				'packing_fare' => $gd_packing_fare,
+				'card_total' => $good['card_total'] ,
+				'level_total' => $good['level_total'] ,
+				'is_mb_level_buy' => $good['is_mb_level_buy']  ,
+				'is_take_vipcard' => $good['is_take_vipcard'],
+				'fenbi_li'      => $fenbi_li,
+				'can_man_jian'      => $good['can_man_jian'],
+				'soli_id'      => $good['soli_id'],
+				'comment' => htmlspecialchars($comment)
+			);
+		}
+		$index_comment++;
+		//$total_weight = 0;
+		//$total_quantity = 0;
+		if($dispatching == 'express')
+		{
+			//结算运费新模式
+			$trans_free_toal = 0;//运费
+			//----开始计算运费
+			//ims_ 
+			$shipping_default = M('lionfish_comshop_shipping')->where("enabled=1")->order('isdefault desc,id desc')->find();
+			$seller_goodss_re = $seller_goodss;
+				$store_shipping_fare = 0;
+				if($is_moban)
+				{
+					$store_shipping_fare = D('Home/Transport')->calc_transport($shipping_default['id'], $total_quantity,$total_weight, $address_info['city_id'] );
+				}
+				$trans_free_toal += $store_shipping_fare;
+				foreach($vv as $kkc =>$d_goods)
+				{
+					if($d_goods['shipping']==1)
+					{
+						//统一运费
+						$trans_free_toal += $d_goods['goods_freight'];
+					}
+				}
+			if( $kk == 0 && !empty($man_free_shipping) && $man_free_shipping > 0 && $order_goods_total_money >= $man_free_shipping )
+			{
+				//$trans_free_toal = 0;
+				$is_free_shipping_fare = 1;
+			}
+			//---结束结算运费 address_id
+			$data_s['address_id'] = $this->_add_address($token,$ziti_name,$ziti_mobile,$province_name,$city_name, $country_name,$address_name);
+		}
+		else if('tuanz_send' == $dispatching)
+		{
+			$trans_free_toal = 0;
+			$delivery_tuanz_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('delivery_tuanz_money');
+			$community_info_modify = $community_info;
+			if( !empty($community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_method']) && $community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_method'] == 1 )
+			{
+				if( !empty($community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_fare']) && $community_info_modify['is_modify_shipping_fare'] == 1 && $community_info_modify['shipping_fare'] > 0 )
+				{
+					$delivery_tuanz_money = $community_info_modify['shipping_fare'];
+				}
+			}
+			$trans_free_toal = $delivery_tuanz_money;
+			$data['tuan_send_address'] = $data_s['tuan_send_address'];
+			if( $kk == 0 && !empty($man_free_tuanzshipping) && $man_free_tuanzshipping > 0 && $order_goods_total_money >= $man_free_tuanzshipping )
+			{
+				$is_free_shipping_fare = 1;
+				//$trans_free_toal = 0;
+			}
+		}
+		//$is_pin; is_lottery
+		//'pintuan', 'normal', 'lottery'
+		$data['type'] = 'normal';
+		if($is_pin == 1)
+		{
+			$data['type'] = 'pintuan';
+			if($is_lottery == 1)
+			{
+				$data['type'] = 'lottery';
+			}
+		}
+		if($is_integral == 1)
+		{
+			$data['type'] = 'integral';
+			$is_pin = 0;
+		}
+		if($is_hexiao == 1)
+		{
+			$data['type'] = 'virtual';
+			$is_pin = 0;
+		}
+		if($is_spike == 1)
+		{
+			$data['type'] = 'spike';
+			$is_pin = 0;
+		}
+        //礼品卡配送费0
+        if( $buy_type == 'virtualcard' )
+        {
+            $trans_free_toal = 0;
+        }
+		$data['shipping_fare'] = floatval($trans_free_toal);
+		if($is_free_shipping_fare == 1)
+		{
+			$trans_free_toal = 0;
+		}
+		//原先计算满减金额
+		/*if($is_open_fullreduction == 1 && $man_total_free >= $full_money )
+		{
+			$reduce_money = $full_reducemoney ;
+		}*/
+        //多组满减金额计算
+        if($is_open_fullreduction == 1)
+        {
+            $reduce_result = D('Home/Front')->get_reduce_money($man_total_free);
+            $reduce_money = $reduce_result['reduce_money'];
+        }
+		$data['is_free_shipping_fare']= $is_free_shipping_fare;
+		$data['store_id']= $kk;
+		$data['order_goods_total_money']= $order_goods_total_money;
+		$data['is_localtown_free_shipping_fare']= $is_localtown_free_shipping_fare;
+		$data['localtown_free_shipping_fare']= $localtown_free_shipping_fare;
+		$data['goodss'] = $goods_data;
+		$data['order_num_alias']=build_order_no($member_id);
+		$data['totals'][0]=array(
+			'code'=>'sub_total',
+			'title'=>'商品价格',
+			'text'=>'¥'.$order_total,
+			'value'=>$order_total
+		);
+		$data['totals'][1]=array(
+			'code'=>'shipping',
+			'title'=>'运费',
+			'text'=>'¥'.$trans_free_toal,
+			'value'=>$trans_free_toal
+		);
+		$data['totals'][2]=array(
+			'code'=>'total',
+			'title'=>'总价',
+			'text'=>'¥'.($order_total+$trans_free_toal-$reduce_money),
+			'value'=>($order_total+$trans_free_toal-$reduce_money)
+		);
+		$data['from_type'] = 'wepro';
+		//目前都是平台券
+		if($data['voucher_id'] > 0) {
+			//暂时屏蔽优惠券,等待开启 
+			/**
+			$voucher_info = pdo_fetch("select * from ".tablename('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list')." where uniacid=:uniacid and id=:id ", 
+									array(':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid'],':id' => $data['voucher_id']));
+			$data['voucher_credit'] = $voucher_info['credit'];
+			pdo_update('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list', array('ordersn' => $data['order_num_alias'],'consume' => 'Y','usetime' => time()), array('id' => $data['voucher_id'] ));
+			**/
+			$voucher_info = M('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list')->where( array('id' => $data['voucher_id']) )->find();	
+			//检查优惠券指定商品或指定商品分类 优惠金额 begin
+			$voucher_list[0] = $voucher_info;
+			$voucher_list = D('Home/Voucher')->get_voucher_amout_bygoods($voucher_list,$goods_data, 0);
+			$voucher_info = $voucher_list[0];
+			//检查优惠券指定商品或指定商品分类 优惠金额 end
+			$data['voucher_credit'] = $voucher_info['can_vouche_amount'];
+			$bili = 1;
+			if( $zanbi_total_money > 0 )
+			{
+				$bili = round( ($order_goods_total_money / $zanbi_total_money), 2);
+			}
+			$data['voucher_credit'] = $data['voucher_credit'] * $bili;
+			//判断是否超出订单商品金额,不算运费
+			//if($data['voucher_credit'] > $order_total+$trans_free_toal - $reduce_money )
+			if($data['voucher_credit'] > $order_total - $reduce_money )
+			{
+				$data['voucher_credit'] = $order_total - $reduce_money;
+			}
+			M('lionfish_comshop_coupon_list')->where( array('id' => $data['voucher_id'] ) )->save( array('ordersn' => $data['order_num_alias'],'consume' => 'Y','usetime' => time() ) );
+		} else {
+			$data['voucher_credit'] = 0;
+		}
+		$use_score_total = 0;//用掉用户多少积分了.
+		$data['score_for_money'] = 0;
+		if( $kk == 0 && $score_for_money  > 0)
+		{
+			if( $order_total+$trans_free_toal - $reduce_money - $data['voucher_credit'] <= 0)
+			{
+				//没必要扣积分了,单价已经是0
+			}else{
+				//只能抵扣扣除优惠券部分的金额
+				$del_money = $order_total - $data['voucher_credit']  - $reduce_money;
+				//var_dump($del_money, $score_for_money);die();
+				//score_for_money 会员能抵扣的最大金额
+				//计算多少积分了。
+				$score_forbuy_money_maxbi = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('score_forbuy_money_maxbi');
+				$score_forbuy_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('score_forbuy_money');
+				if( empty($score_forbuy_money_maxbi) )
+				{
+					$score_forbuy_money_maxbi = 100;
+				}
+				//$max_dikou_money =  sprintf('%.2f', ($del_money * $score_forbuy_money_maxbi) /100);
+				$max_dikou_score = floor($del_money * $score_forbuy_money_maxbi * $score_forbuy_money / 100 );
+				$max_dikou_money =  sprintf('%.2f', ($max_dikou_score / $score_forbuy_money));
+				if($max_dikou_money < $score_for_money)
+				{
+					$score_for_money = $max_dikou_money;
+				}
+				//$score_buy_money = 0;
+				$data['score_for_money'] = $score_for_money;
+				//TODO...扣除会员积分,将积分分拆入每个商品订单,写入日志
+				//var_dump($data['score_for_money'], $max_dikou_money);die();
+			}
+		}
+		$data['comment'] = htmlspecialchars($comment);
+		$data['reduce_money'] = $reduce_money;
+		$data['man_total_free'] = $man_total_free;
+		//判断自提 dispatching:"pickup"
+		//dispatching, //express  pickup
+		if($dispatching == 'express')
+		{
+			$data['total']=($order_total);//+$fare - $data['voucher_credit']
+		}else if('tuanz_send' == $dispatching){
+			$data['total']=($order_total);// - $data['voucher_credit']);
+		}
+		else{
+			$data['total'] = ($order_total );// - $data['voucher_credit']
+		}
+		//积分商城
+		//暂时屏蔽积分商城模块
+		if($data['type'] == 'integral')
+		{
+			$del_integral += $order_total;//扣除积分
+			$data['total'] = $order_total;
+		}
+        $data['buy_type'] = $buy_type;//判断预售使用
+		//万能表单数据
+		$data['allform_id'] = $allform_id;
+		$data['allform_list'] = $allform_list;
+		$oid=  D('Home/Frontorder')->addOrder($data);// D('Order')->addOrder($data);
+		//暂时屏蔽自提模块
+		/**
+		if($data['delivery'] == 'pickup')
+		{
+			$verify_bool = true;
+			$verifycode = 0;
+			while($verify_bool)
+			{
+				$code  = (ceil(time()/100)+rand(10000000,40000000)).rand(1000,9999);
+				$verifycode = $code ? $code : rand(100000,999999);
+				$verifycode = str_replace('1989','9819',$verifycode);
+				$verifycode = str_replace('1259','9521',$verifycode);
+				$verifycode = str_replace('12590','95210',$verifycode);
+				$verifycode = str_replace('10086','68001',$verifycode);
+				$pick_order = M('pick_order')->where( array('pick_sn' => $verifycode) )->find();
+				if(empty($pick_order))
+				{
+					$verify_bool = false;
+				}
+			}
+			$pick_data = array();
+			$pick_data['pick_sn'] = $verifycode;
+			$pick_data['pick_id'] = $pick_up_id;
+			$pick_data['order_id'] = $oid;
+			$pick_data['state'] = 0;
+			$pick_data['ziti_name'] = $ziti_name;
+			$pick_data['ziti_mobile'] = $ziti_mobile;
+			$pick_data['addtime'] = time();
+			M('pick_order')->add($pick_data);
+		}
+		**/
+		$order_ids_arr[] = $oid;
+		//$pay_total = $pay_total + $order_total+$trans_free_toal - $data['voucher_credit'];
+		if($dispatching == 'express' && $data['type'] != 'integral')
+		{
+			$pay_total = $pay_total + $order_total+$trans_free_toal - $data['voucher_credit']- $reduce_money - $data['score_for_money'];
+		}
+		else if( $dispatching == 'express' && $data['type'] == 'integral' )
+		{
+			$pay_total = $trans_free_toal;
+		}
+		else if('localtown_delivery' == $dispatching)
+        {
+            $pay_total = $pay_total + $order_total+ $packing_fare + $trans_free_toal - $data['voucher_credit'] -$reduce_money - $data['score_for_money'] + $data['localtown_add_shipping_fare'];
+        }
+		else if('tuanz_send' == $dispatching){
+			$pay_total = $pay_total + $order_total+$trans_free_toal - $data['voucher_credit'] -$reduce_money - $data['score_for_money'];
+		}
+		else{
+			$pay_total = $pay_total + $order_total - $data['voucher_credit'] -$reduce_money - $data['score_for_money'];
+		}
+        if( $buy_type == 'presale' )
+        {
+            //如果是预售,此处支付的就是定金
+            $presale_order_info =  M('lionfish_comshop_order_presale')->where(['order_id' => $oid ])->find();
+            if( $presale_order_info['presale_type'] == 1 )
+            {
+                M('lionfish_comshop_order_presale')->where( ['id' => $presale_order_info['id'] ] )->save( ['presale_ding_money' => $pay_total ] );
+            }else{
+                $pay_total = $presale_order_info['presale_ding_money'];
+            }
+        }
+            $pay_total = round($pay_total, 2);
+		$order_relate_data = array();
+		$order_relate_data['order_all_id'] = $order_all_id;
+		$order_relate_data['order_id'] = $oid;
+		$order_relate_data['addtime'] = time();
+		M('lionfish_comshop_order_relate')->add($order_relate_data);
+	}
+	$order_all_data = array();
+	$order_all_data['total_money'] = $pay_total;
+	M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->where(  array('id' => $order_all_id) )->save($order_all_data);	
+	if($order_all_id){
+		$order = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where( array('order_id' => $oid) )->find();	
+		$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('we_openid,account_money')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id ) )->find();				
+		$is_yue_open = 0;
+		$is_yue_open = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_yue_pay');
+		if( empty($is_yue_open) )
+		{
+			$is_yue_open = 0;
+		}
+	    //检测是否需要扣除积分
+		if($data['type'] == 'integral' && $del_integral> 0 && $is_integral == 1)
+		{
+			$order_goods_tp = M('lionfish_comshop_order_goods')->field('order_goods_id')->where( array('order_id' => $oid ) )->find();
+			D('Admin/Member')->sendMemberPointChange($member_id,$del_integral, 1 ,'积分兑换商品', 'integral_exchange', $oid ,$order_goods_tp['order_goods_id']);
+		}
+		$is_open_yinpay = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_yinpay');
+		if( $order['type'] == 'ignore' || $pay_total<=0 || ($is_yue_open == 1 && $ck_yupay == 1 && $member_info['account_money'] >= $pay_total) )
+		{
+			//余额支付独立方法
+			D('Home/OrderV2')->carOrderYuerPay( $order_all_id, $order ,$pay_total , $ck_yupay ,$buy_type, $is_integral, $is_spike , $is_just_1 );
+		}else if($buy_type == 'dan' && $cashon_delivery == 1){//货到付款订单
+			//货到付款支付独立方法
+			D('Home/OrderV2')->carOrderCashonPay( $order_all_id, $order ,$pay_total , $cashon_delivery , $buy_type , $is_spike , $is_just_1);
+		}
+		else if( isset($is_open_yinpay) && $is_open_yinpay == 3 )
+		{
+		    //begin
+		    $fee = $pay_total;
+		    $appid = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
+		    $body =  $pay_goods_name;//'商品购买';
+		    $body = mb_substr($body,0,32,'utf-8');
+		    if( empty($body) )
+		    {
+		        $body = '商品购买';
+		    }
+		    $mch_id =       D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_partnerid');
+		    $nonce_str =    nonce_str();
+		    $shop_domain = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_domain');
+		    $notify_url =   $shop_domain.'/notify.php';
+		    $openid =       $payment['we_openid'];
+		    $out_trade_no = $order_all_id.'-'.time();
+		    //out_trade_no
+		    M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->where( array('id' => $order_all_id ) )->save( array('out_trade_no' => $out_trade_no ) );
+		    $spbill_create_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
+		    $total_fee = $fee*100;
+		    //float(0.99999999999998)
+		    $trade_type = 'JSAPI';
+		    $pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
+		    $post['appid'] =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_fuwu_appid');// 'wx7c38e2f177e0af59';
+		    $post['body'] = $body;
+		    $post['mch_id'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_fuwu_partnerid');//'1562705521';
+		    $post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
+		    $post['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
+		    //$post['openid'] = $openid;
+		    $post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+		    $post['spbill_create_ip'] = $spbill_create_ip;
+		    $post['sub_appid'] = $appid;
+		    $post['sub_mch_id'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_sub_mch_id');
+		    $post['sub_openid'] = $openid;
+		    $post['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
+		    $post['trade_type'] = $trade_type;
+		    $sign = sign($post,$pay_key);
+		    //var_dump( $notify_url );die();
+		    $post_xml = '<xml>
+				   <appid>'.$post['appid'].'</appid>
+				   <body>'.$body.'</body>
+				   <mch_id>'.$post['mch_id'].'</mch_id>
+				   <nonce_str>'.$nonce_str.'</nonce_str>
+				   <notify_url>'.$notify_url.'</notify_url>
+				   <out_trade_no>'.$out_trade_no.'</out_trade_no>
+				   <spbill_create_ip>'.$spbill_create_ip.'</spbill_create_ip>
+				   <sub_appid>'.$post['sub_appid'].'</sub_appid>
+				   <sub_mch_id>'.$post['sub_mch_id'].'</sub_mch_id>
+				   <sub_openid>'.$openid.'</sub_openid>
+				   <total_fee>'.$total_fee.'</total_fee>
+				   <trade_type>'.$trade_type.'</trade_type>
+				   <sign>'.$sign.'</sign>
+				</xml> ';
+		    $url = 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder';
+		    $xml = http_request($url,$post_xml);
+		    $array = xml($xml);
+		    if($array['RETURN_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS' && $array['RESULT_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS'){
+				D('Home/Pin')->insertNotifyOrder($order['order_id']);
+				$time = time();
+				$tmp=array();
+				$tmp['appId'] = $appid;
+				$tmp['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
+				$tmp['package'] = 'prepay_id='.$array['PREPAY_ID'];
+				$tmp['signType'] = 'MD5';
+				$tmp['timeStamp'] = "$time";
+				$prepay_id = (string)$array['PREPAY_ID'];
+				M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where( array('order_id' => array('in', $order_ids_arr)) )->save( array('perpay_id' => $prepay_id) );
+				//M('order')->where( array('order_id' => array('in',$order_ids_arr) ) )->save( array('perpay_id' => (string)$array['PREPAY_ID']) );
+				$data = array();
+				$data['code'] = 0;
+				$data['appid'] = $appid;
+				$data['timeStamp'] = "$time";
+				$data['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
+				$data['signType'] = 'MD5';
+				$data['package'] = 'prepay_id='.$array['PREPAY_ID'];
+				$data['paySign'] = sign($tmp,$pay_key);
+				$data['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+				$data['is_go_orderlist'] = $is_just_1;
+				if($is_pin == 1)
+				{
+					$data['redirect_url'] = '../groups/group?id='.$oid.'&is_show=1';
+				} else {
+					$data['redirect_url'] = '../orders/order_show_all?order_all_id=' + $order_all_id;
+				}
+			}else{
+		        $data = array();
+		        $data['code'] = 1;
+		        $data['text'] = "错误";
+		        $data['RETURN_CODE'] = $array['RETURN_CODE'];
+		        $data['RETURN_MSG'] = $array['RETURN_MSG'];
+		    }
+		    $data['has_yupay'] = 0;
+		    //end
+		}
+		else{
+			$fee = $pay_total;
+			$appid = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
+			$body =  $pay_goods_name;//'商品购买';
+			$body = mb_substr($body,0,32,'utf-8');
+			if( empty($body) )
+			{
+				$body = '商品购买';
+			}
+			$mch_id =       D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_partnerid');
+			$shop_domain = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_domain');
+			$nonce_str =    nonce_str();
+			$notify_url =   $shop_domain.'/notify.php';
+			$openid =       $payment['we_openid'];
+			$out_trade_no = $order_all_id.'-'.time();
+			//out_trade_no 
+			M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->where( array('id' => $order_all_id ) )->save( array('out_trade_no' => $out_trade_no ) );
+			$spbill_create_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
+			$total_fee =    $fee*100;
+			$trade_type = 'JSAPI';
+			$pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
+			$post['appid'] = $appid;
+			$post['body'] = $body;
+			$post['mch_id'] = $mch_id;
+			$post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
+			$post['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
+			$post['openid'] = $openid;
+			$post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+			$post['spbill_create_ip'] = $spbill_create_ip;
+			$post['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
+			$post['trade_type'] = $trade_type;
+			$sign = sign($post,$pay_key);
+			$post_xml = '<xml>
+				   <appid>'.$appid.'</appid>
+				   <body>'.$body.'</body>
+				   <mch_id>'.$mch_id.'</mch_id>
+				   <nonce_str>'.$nonce_str.'</nonce_str>
+				   <notify_url>'.$notify_url.'</notify_url>
+				   <openid>'.$openid.'</openid>
+				   <out_trade_no>'.$out_trade_no.'</out_trade_no>
+				   <spbill_create_ip>'.$spbill_create_ip.'</spbill_create_ip>
+				   <total_fee>'.$total_fee.'</total_fee>
+				   <trade_type>'.$trade_type.'</trade_type>
+				   <sign>'.$sign.'</sign>
+				</xml> ';
+			$url = 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder';
+			$xml = http_request($url,$post_xml);
+			$array = xml($xml);
+			if($array['RETURN_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS' && $array['RESULT_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS'){
+				D('Home/Pin')->insertNotifyOrder($order['order_id']);
+				$time = time();
+				$tmp=array();
+				$tmp['appId'] = $appid;
+				$tmp['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
+				$tmp['package'] = 'prepay_id='.$array['PREPAY_ID'];
+				$tmp['signType'] = 'MD5';
+				$tmp['timeStamp'] = "$time";
+				$prepay_id = (string)$array['PREPAY_ID'];
+				M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where( array('order_id' => array('in', $order_ids_arr)) )->save( array('perpay_id' => $prepay_id) );
+				//M('order')->where( array('order_id' => array('in',$order_ids_arr) ) )->save( array('perpay_id' => (string)$array['PREPAY_ID']) );
+				$data = array();
+				$data['code'] = 0;
+				$data['appid'] = $appid;
+				$data['timeStamp'] = "$time";
+				$data['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
+				$data['signType'] = 'MD5';
+				$data['package'] = 'prepay_id='.$array['PREPAY_ID'];
+				$data['paySign'] = sign($tmp,$pay_key);
+				$data['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+				$data['is_go_orderlist'] = $is_just_1;
+                //如果是微信小程序交易组件begin---新支付方法 wx.requestOrderPayment
+                $data['order_info'] = [];
+                $data['isRequestOrderPayment'] = $is_need_scene_check;
+                if($is_need_scene_check == 1)
+                {
+                    $orderPamentResult = D('Seller/MpModifyTradeComponts')->getTradeOrderInfo( $oid , $time , $pay_total );
+                    //如果是微信小程序交易组件,提供订单信息 end
+                    $data['order_info'] = $orderPamentResult['order_info'];
+                }
+                if($is_pin == 1)
+				{
+					$data['redirect_url'] = '../groups/group?id='.$oid.'&is_show=1';
+				} else {
+					$data['redirect_url'] = '../orders/order_show_all?order_all_id=' + $order_all_id;
+				}
+			}else{
+				$data = array();
+				$data['code'] = 1;
+				$data['text'] = "错误";
+				$data['RETURN_CODE'] = $array['RETURN_CODE'];
+				$data['RETURN_MSG'] = $array['RETURN_MSG'];
+				}
+				$data['has_yupay'] = 0;
+			}
+			if($is_pin == 1)
+			{
+				$data['order_id'] = $oid;
+				$data['order_all_id'] = $order_all_id;
+			}else{
+				$data['order_id'] = $oid;
+				$data['order_all_id'] = $order_all_id;
+			}
+			$data['is_go_orderlist'] = $is_just_1;
+			$data['is_spike'] = $is_spike;
+			echo json_encode($data);
+			die();	
+		}else{
+			echo json_encode( array('code' =>1,'order_all_id' =>$order_all_id) );
+			die();
+		}
+	}
+	function requestAsHttpPOST($data, $service_url){
+        $HTTP_TIME_OUT= "20";
+        ksort(array_filter($data)); //删除数组中的空值并排序
+        $post_data = http_build_query($data);
+        $options = array(
+            'http' => array(
+                'method'  => 'POST',
+                'header'  => 'Content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=MD5',
+                'content' => $post_data,
+                'timeout' => $HTTP_TIME_OUT * 1000 //超时时间,*1000将毫秒变为秒(单位:s)
+            )
+        );
+        $context = stream_context_create($options);
+        $result = file_get_contents($service_url, false, $context);
+        return $result;
+    }
+	/**
+		微信充值
+	**/
+	public function wxcharge()
+	{
+		$_GPC = I('request.');
+		$token = $_GPC['token'];
+		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where( array('token' => $token) )->find();
+		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
+		if( empty($member_id) )
+		{
+			echo json_encode( array('code' =>1,'msg' =>'未登录') );
+			die();
+		}
+		$money = $_GPC['money'];
+		$rech_id = isset($_GPC['rech_id']) && $_GPC['rech_id'] > 0 ? $_GPC['rech_id'] : 0;
+		$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('we_openid')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id) )->find();
+		$give_money = 0;
+		if( $rech_id > 0 )
+		{
+			$rech_info = M('lionfish_comshop_chargetype')->where( array('id' => $rech_id ) )->find();
+			if( !empty($rech_info) )
+			{
+				$give_money = $rech_info['send_money'];
+			}
+			$money = $rech_info['money'];
+		}else{
+			$recharge_get_money = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('recharge_get_money');
+			if(isset($recharge_get_money) && $recharge_get_money == 1){
+				$rech_info = M('lionfish_comshop_chargetype')->where( "money <= ".$money )->order('money desc')->limit(1)->find();
+				if( !empty($rech_info) )
+				{
+					$give_money = $rech_info['send_money'];
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		$member_charge_flow_data = array();
+		$member_charge_flow_data['member_id'] = $member_id;
+		$member_charge_flow_data['money'] = $money;
+		$member_charge_flow_data['state'] = 0;
+		$member_charge_flow_data['give_money'] = $give_money;
+		$member_charge_flow_data['charge_time'] = 0;
+		$member_charge_flow_data['remark'] = '会员前台微信充值';
+		$member_charge_flow_data['add_time'] = time();
+		$order_id = M('lionfish_comshop_member_charge_flow')->add( $member_charge_flow_data );
+		$shop_domain = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_domain');
+		$fee = $money;
+		$appid = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
+		$body =         '会员充值';
+		$mch_id =      D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_partnerid');
+		$nonce_str =    nonce_str();
+		$notify_url =   $shop_domain.'/notify.php';
+		$openid =       $member_info['we_openid'];
+		$out_trade_no = $order_id.'-'.time().'-charge-'.$id;
+		$spbill_create_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
+		$total_fee =    $fee*100;
+		$is_open_yinpay = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_yinpay');
+		if( isset($is_open_yinpay) && $is_open_yinpay == 3 )
+		{
+		    $trade_type = 'JSAPI';
+		    $pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
+		    $post = array();
+			$post['appid'] =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_fuwu_appid');// 'wx7c38e2f177e0af59';
+		    $post['body'] = $body;
+		    $post['mch_id'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_fuwu_partnerid');//'1562705521';
+		    $post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
+		    $post['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
+		    //$post['openid'] = $openid;
+		    $post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+		    $post['spbill_create_ip'] = $spbill_create_ip;
+		    $post['sub_appid'] = $appid;
+		    $post['sub_mch_id'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_sub_mch_id');
+		    $post['sub_openid'] = $openid;
+		    $post['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
+		    $post['trade_type'] = $trade_type;
+		    $sign = sign($post,$pay_key);
+		    $post_xml = '<xml>
+				   <appid>'.$post['appid'].'</appid>
+				   <body>'.$body.'</body>
+				   <mch_id>'.$post['mch_id'].'</mch_id>
+				   <nonce_str>'.$nonce_str.'</nonce_str>
+				   <notify_url>'.$notify_url.'</notify_url>
+				   <out_trade_no>'.$out_trade_no.'</out_trade_no>
+				   <spbill_create_ip>'.$spbill_create_ip.'</spbill_create_ip>
+				   <sub_appid>'.$post['sub_appid'].'</sub_appid>
+				   <sub_mch_id>'.$post['sub_mch_id'].'</sub_mch_id>
+				   <sub_openid>'.$openid.'</sub_openid>
+				   <total_fee>'.$total_fee.'</total_fee>
+				   <trade_type>'.$trade_type.'</trade_type>
+				   <sign>'.$sign.'</sign>
+				</xml> ';
+		    $url = 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder';
+		    $xml = http_request($url,$post_xml);
+		    $array = xml($xml);
+		    //end
+		}else{
+			$trade_type = 'JSAPI';
+			$pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
+			$post = array();
+			$post['appid'] = $appid;
+			$post['body'] = $body;
+			$post['mch_id'] = $mch_id;
+			$post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
+			$post['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
+			$post['openid'] = $openid;
+			$post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+			$post['spbill_create_ip'] = $spbill_create_ip;
+			$post['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
+			$post['trade_type'] = $trade_type;
+			$sign = sign($post,$pay_key);
+			//sign()
+			$post_xml = '<xml>
+				   <appid>'.$appid.'</appid>
+				   <body>'.$body.'</body>
+				   <mch_id>'.$mch_id.'</mch_id>
+				   <nonce_str>'.$nonce_str.'</nonce_str>
+				   <notify_url>'.$notify_url.'</notify_url>
+				   <openid>'.$openid.'</openid>
+				   <out_trade_no>'.$out_trade_no.'</out_trade_no>
+				   <spbill_create_ip>'.$spbill_create_ip.'</spbill_create_ip>
+				   <total_fee>'.$total_fee.'</total_fee>
+				   <trade_type>'.$trade_type.'</trade_type>
+				   <sign>'.$sign.'</sign>
+				</xml> ';
+			$url = 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder';
+			$xml = http_request($url,$post_xml);
+			$array = xml($xml);
+		}
+		if($array['RETURN_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS' && $array['RESULT_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS'){
+			$time = time();
+			$tmp= array();
+			$tmp['appId'] = $appid;
+			$tmp['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
+			$tmp['package'] = 'prepay_id='.$array['PREPAY_ID'];
+			$tmp['signType'] = 'MD5';
+			$tmp['timeStamp'] = "$time";
+			M('lionfish_comshop_member_charge_flow')->where( array('id' => $order_id) )->save( array('formid' => $array['PREPAY_ID'] ) );
+			$data['code'] = 0;
+			$data['timeStamp'] = "$time";
+			$data['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
+			$data['signType'] = 'MD5';
+			$data['package'] = 'prepay_id='.$array['PREPAY_ID'];
+			$data['paySign'] =   sign($tmp, $pay_key);
+			$data['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+			$data['redirect_url'] = '../dan/me';
+		}else{
+			$data['code'] = 1;
+			$data['text'] = "错误";
+			$data['RETURN_CODE'] = $array['RETURN_CODE'];
+			$data['RETURN_MSG'] = $array['RETURN_MSG'];
+		}
+		echo json_encode($data);
+		die();
+	}
+	public function wxpay()
+	{
+		$gpc = I('request.');
+		$token = $gpc['token'];
+		$order_id = $gpc['order_id'];
+        $scene = $gpc['scene'];
+        $is_need_scene_check = 0;
+        if(!empty($scene))
+        {
+            $is_need_scene_check = D('Seller/MpModifyTradeComponts')->sceneCheck( $scene );
+        }
+		$weprogram_token = M('lionfish_comshop_weprogram_token')->field('member_id')->where( array('token' => $token) )->find();
+		$member_id = $weprogram_token['member_id'];
+		if( empty($member_id) )
+		{
+			echo json_encode( array('code' =>1,'msg' =>'未登录') );
+			die();
+		}
+		$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('we_openid')->where( array('member_id' => $member_id) )->find();
+		$order = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where( array('order_id' => $order_id ) )->find();
+		//order_status_id
+		if( $order['order_status_id'] != 3 && $order['order_status_id'] != 15 )
+		{
+			$json = array();
+			$json['msg']='商品已下架!';
+			$json['code'] = 2;
+			if($order['order_status_id'] == 1)
+			{
+				$json['msg']='订单已付款,请勿重新付款!';
+			}
+			else if( $order['order_status_id'] == 5){
+				$json['msg']='订单已取消,请重新选择商品下单!';
+			}
+			echo json_encode($json);
+			die();
+		}
+		//检测商品是否下架 begin
+		$sql = "select name,quantity,rela_goodsoption_valueid,goods_id from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_order_goods  
+					where order_id={$order_id} ";
+		$order_goods_list = M()->query($sql);
+		foreach($order_goods_list as $tp_val)
+		{
+			$tp_gd_info = M('lionfish_comshop_goods')->field('grounding')->where( array('id' => $tp_val['goods_id'] ) )->find();
+			if( empty($tp_gd_info) || $tp_gd_info['grounding'] != 1 )
+			{
+				$json['code'] = 2;
+				$json['msg']='商品已下架!';
+				echo json_encode($json);
+				die();
+			}
+		}
+		//检测商品是否下架end   
+		//检测是否预售商品。预售商品不需要检测二次支付问题
+        $presale_info = [];
+        $presale_result = D('Home/PresaleGoods')->getOrderPresaleInfo( $order_id );
+        if( $presale_result['code'] == 0 )
+        {
+            $presale_info = $presale_result['data'];
+        }
+		//检测是否已经支付过了begin
+		$order_relate_info = M('lionfish_comshop_order_relate')->where( array('order_id' => $order_id ) )->order('id desc')->find();
+		if( !empty($order_relate_info) && $order_relate_info['order_all_id'] > 0  && empty($presale_info) )
+		{
+			$order_all_info = M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->where( array('id' => $order_relate_info['order_all_id'] ) )->find();
+			if( !empty($order_all_info) && !empty($order_all_info['out_trade_no']) )
+			{
+				$out_trade_no = $order_all_info['out_trade_no'];
+				$appid =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
+				$mch_id =      D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_partnerid');
+				$nonce_str =    nonce_str();
+				$pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
+				$post = array();
+				$post['appid'] = $appid;
+				$post['mch_id'] = $mch_id;
+				$post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
+				$post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+				$sign = sign($post,$pay_key);
+				$post_xml = '<xml>
+							   <appid>'.$appid.'</appid>
+							   <mch_id>'.$mch_id.'</mch_id>
+							   <nonce_str>'.$nonce_str.'</nonce_str>
+							   <out_trade_no>'.$out_trade_no.'</out_trade_no>
+							   <sign>'.$sign.'</sign>
+							</xml>';
+				$url = "https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/orderquery";
+				$result = http_request($url,$post_xml);
+				$array = xml($result);
+				if( $array['RETURN_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS' && $array['RETURN_MSG'] == 'OK' )
+				{
+					if( $array['TRADE_STATE'] == 'SUCCESS' )
+					{
+						$json = array();
+						$json['msg']='商品已下架!';
+						$json['code'] = 2;
+						$json['msg']='订单已付款,请勿重新付款,请刷新页面!';
+						echo json_encode($json);
+						die();
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		//检测是否已经支付过了end  
+		//支付才减库存,才需要判断
+		$kucun_method = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('kucun_method');
+		if( empty($kucun_method) )
+		{
+			$kucun_method = 0;
+		}
+		if($kucun_method == 1 && ( empty($presale_info) || $presale_info['state'] != 1 ) )
+		{
+			/*** 检测商品库存begin  **/
+			//goods_id
+			foreach($order_goods_list as $val)
+			{
+				$quantity = $val['quantity'];
+				$goods_id = $val['goods_id'];
+				$can_buy_count = D('Home/Front')->check_goods_user_canbuy_count($member_id, $goods_id);
+				$goods_description = D('Home/Front')->get_goods_common_field($goods_id , 'total_limit_count');
+				if($can_buy_count == -1)
+				{
+					$json['code'] = 2;
+					$json['msg']='您还能购买'.$goods_description['total_limit_count'].'个';
+					echo json_encode($json);
+					die();
+				}else if($can_buy_count >0 && $quantity >$can_buy_count)
+				{
+					$json['code'] = 2;
+					$json['msg']='您还能购买'.$can_buy_count.'份';
+					echo json_encode($json);
+					die();
+				}
+				//rela_goodsoption_valueid
+				if(!empty($val['rela_goodsoption_valueid']))
+				{
+					$mul_opt_arr = array();
+					//ims_ 
+					$goods_option_mult_value = M('lionfish_comshop_goods_option_item_value')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id,'option_item_ids' => $val['rela_goodsoption_valueid']) )->find();				
+					if( !empty($goods_option_mult_value) )
+					{
+						if($goods_option_mult_value['stock']<$quantity){
+							$json['code'] =2;
+							$json['msg']='商品数量不足,剩余'.$goods_option_mult_value['stock'].'个!!';
+							echo json_encode($json);
+							die();
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			/*** 检测商品库存end **/
+		}
+		$pin_order = array();
+		if( !empty($pin_order) )
+		{
+			/**
+			$pin_model =  load_model_class('pin');
+			$is_pin_over = $pin_model->getNowPinState($pin_order['pin_id']);
+			if($is_pin_over != 0)
+			{
+				 pdo_query("delete from ".tablename('lionfish_comshop_pin_order')." where order_id = {$order_id} ");
+				 pdo_query("delete from ".tablename('lionfish_comshop_pin')." where pin_id = ".$pin_order['pin_id']." and order_id = ".$order_id);
+				$order_goods_info = pdo_fetch("select goods_id from ".tablename('lionfish_comshop_order_goods')." where uniacid=:uniacid and order_id=:order_id ", array(':order_id' => $order_id,':uniacid' => $_W['uniacid']));
+				//新开团
+				$pin_id = $pin_model->openNewTuan($order_id,$order_goods_info['goods_id'],$member_id);
+				//插入拼团订单
+	            $pin_model->insertTuanOrder($pin_id,$order_id);
+			}
+			**/
+		}
+		//单独支付一个店铺的订单
+		//M('lionfish_comshop_order_relate')->where( array('order_id' => $order_id) )->delete();
+		$order_all_data = array();
+		$order_all_data['member_id'] = $member_id;
+		$order_all_data['order_num_alias'] = build_order_no($member_id);
+		$order_all_data['transaction_id'] = '';
+		$order_all_data['order_status_id'] = 3;
+		$order_all_data['is_pin'] = $order['is_pin'];
+		$order_all_data['paytime'] = 0;
+		$order_all_data['total_money'] = $order['total']+ $order['shipping_fare']-$order['voucher_credit']-$order['fullreduction_money'];
+		$order_all_data['addtime'] = time();
+		$order_all_id = M('lionfish_comshop_order_all')->add($order_all_data);
+		$order_relate_data = array();
+		$order_relate_data['order_all_id'] = $order_all_id;
+		$order_relate_data['order_id'] = $order_id;
+		$order_relate_data['addtime'] = time();
+		M('lionfish_comshop_order_relate')->add($order_relate_data);
+		if( $order['delivery'] == 'pickup' )
+		{
+			$fee = $order['total']+ $order['shipping_fare']-$order['voucher_credit']-$order['fullreduction_money'] - $order['score_for_money'] - $order['fare_shipping_free'];
+		}else if($order['delivery'] == 'localtown_delivery'){
+			$fee = $order['total'] + $order['packing_fare'] + $order['shipping_fare']-$order['voucher_credit'] - $order['fullreduction_money'] - $order['score_for_money'] + $order['localtown_add_shipping_fare'] - $order['fare_shipping_free'];
+		}else {
+			$fee = $order['total']+ $order['shipping_fare']-$order['voucher_credit']-$order['fullreduction_money'] - $order['score_for_money'] - $order['fare_shipping_free'];
+		}
+		//如果是预售 begin
+        if( !empty($presale_info) )
+        {
+            if( $presale_info['state'] == 0 )
+            {
+                //首次支付,
+                $fee = $presale_info['presale_ding_money'];
+            }else if( $presale_info['state'] == 1 )
+            {
+                //第二次支付
+                if( !empty($presale_info['presale_deduction_money']) && false )
+                {
+                    $fee = $fee - $presale_info['presale_deduction_money'];
+                }else{
+                    $fee = $fee - $presale_info['presale_ding_money'];
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        //end
+		$fee = round($fee , 2);
+		$appid = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
+		$body =  $pay_goods_name;//'商品购买';
+		$body = mb_substr($body,0,32,'utf-8');
+		if( empty($body) )
+		{
+		    $body =         '商品购买';
+		}
+		$mch_id =       D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_partnerid');
+		$nonce_str =    nonce_str();
+		$shop_domain = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('shop_domain');
+		$notify_url =    $shop_domain.'/notify.php';
+		$openid =       $member_info['we_openid'];
+		$out_trade_no = $order_all_id.'-'.time();
+		$spbill_create_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
+		$total_fee =    $fee*100;
+		$trade_type = 'JSAPI';
+		$pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
+		$is_open_yinpay = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('is_open_yinpay');
+		//begin
+		if( isset($is_open_yinpay) && $is_open_yinpay == 3 )
+		{
+		    $pay_key = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_key');
+		    $body = '商品购买';
+		    $post = array();
+		    $post['appid'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_fuwu_appid');
+		    $post['body'] = $body;
+		    $post['mch_id'] =  D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_fuwu_partnerid');
+		    $post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
+		    $post['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
+		    //$post['openid'] = $openid;
+		    $post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+		    $post['spbill_create_ip'] = $spbill_create_ip;
+		    $post['sub_appid'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_appid');
+		    $post['sub_mch_id'] = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('wepro_sub_mch_id');
+			$post['sub_openid'] = $openid;
+		    $post['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
+		    $post['trade_type'] = $trade_type;
+		    $sign = sign($post,$pay_key);
+		    $post_xml = '<xml>
+				   <appid>'.$post['appid'].'</appid>
+				   <body>'.$body.'</body>
+				   <mch_id>'.$post['mch_id'].'</mch_id>
+				   <nonce_str>'.$nonce_str.'</nonce_str>
+				   <notify_url>'.$notify_url.'</notify_url>
+				   <out_trade_no>'.$out_trade_no.'</out_trade_no>
+				   <spbill_create_ip>'.$spbill_create_ip.'</spbill_create_ip>
+				   <sub_appid>'.$post['sub_appid'].'</sub_appid>
+				   <sub_mch_id>'.$post['sub_mch_id'].'</sub_mch_id>
+				   <sub_openid>'.$openid.'</sub_openid>
+				   <total_fee>'.$total_fee.'</total_fee>
+				   <trade_type>'.$trade_type.'</trade_type>
+				   <sign>'.$sign.'</sign>
+				</xml>';
+		    $url = 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder';
+		    $xml = http_request($url,$post_xml);
+		    $array = xml($xml);
+    		if($array['RETURN_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS' && $array['RESULT_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS'){
+    			$time = time();
+    			$tmp= array();
+    			$tmp['appId'] = $appid;
+    			$tmp['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
+    			$tmp['package'] = 'prepay_id='.$array['PREPAY_ID'];
+    			$tmp['signType'] = 'MD5';
+    			$tmp['timeStamp'] = "$time";
+    			$prepay_id = (string)$array['PREPAY_ID'];
+    			M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where( array('order_id' => $order_id) )->save( array('perpay_id' => $prepay_id) );
+    			$data['code'] = 0;
+    			$data['timeStamp'] = "$time";
+    			$data['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
+    			$data['signType'] = 'MD5';
+    			$data['package'] = 'prepay_id='.$array['PREPAY_ID'];
+    			$data['paySign'] = sign($tmp, $pay_key);
+    			$data['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+    			$data['is_pin'] = $order['is_pin'];
+    			if($order['is_pin'] == 1)
+    			{
+    				$data['redirect_url'] = '../groups/group?id='.$order_id.'&is_show=1';
+    			} else {
+    				$data['redirect_url'] = '../orders/order?id=' + $order_id;
+    			}
+    		}else{
+    		        $data['code'] = 1;
+    		        $data['text'] = "错误";
+    		        $data['RETURN_CODE'] = $array['RETURN_CODE'];
+    		        $data['RETURN_MSG'] = $array['RETURN_MSG'];
+		    }
+		    echo json_encode($data);
+		    die();
+		}
+		//end
+		$post = array();
+		$post['appid'] = $appid;
+		$post['body'] = $body;
+		$post['mch_id'] = $mch_id;
+		$post['nonce_str'] = $nonce_str;
+		$post['notify_url'] = $notify_url;
+		$post['openid'] = $openid;
+		$post['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+		$post['spbill_create_ip'] = $spbill_create_ip;
+		$post['total_fee'] = $total_fee;
+		$post['trade_type'] = $trade_type;
+		$sign = sign($post,$pay_key);
+		$post_xml = '<xml>
+			   <appid>'.$appid.'</appid>
+			   <body>'.$body.'</body>
+			   <mch_id>'.$mch_id.'</mch_id>
+			   <nonce_str>'.$nonce_str.'</nonce_str>
+			   <notify_url>'.$notify_url.'</notify_url>
+			   <openid>'.$openid.'</openid>
+			   <out_trade_no>'.$out_trade_no.'</out_trade_no>
+			   <spbill_create_ip>'.$spbill_create_ip.'</spbill_create_ip>
+			   <total_fee>'.$total_fee.'</total_fee>
+			   <trade_type>'.$trade_type.'</trade_type>
+			   <sign>'.$sign.'</sign>
+			</xml> ';
+		$url = 'https://api.mch.weixin.qq.com/pay/unifiedorder';
+		$xml = http_request($url,$post_xml);
+		$array = xml($xml);
+		if($array['RETURN_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS' && $array['RESULT_CODE'] == 'SUCCESS'){
+			$time = time();
+			$tmp= array();
+			$tmp['appId'] = $appid;
+			$tmp['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
+			$tmp['package'] = 'prepay_id='.$array['PREPAY_ID'];
+			$tmp['signType'] = 'MD5';
+			$tmp['timeStamp'] = "$time";
+			$prepay_id = (string)$array['PREPAY_ID'];
+			M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where( array('order_id' => $order_id) )->save( array('perpay_id' => $prepay_id) );
+			$data['code'] = 0;
+			$data['timeStamp'] = "$time";
+			$data['nonceStr'] = $nonce_str;
+			$data['signType'] = 'MD5';
+			$data['package'] = 'prepay_id='.$array['PREPAY_ID'];
+			$data['paySign'] = sign($tmp, $pay_key);
+			$data['out_trade_no'] = $out_trade_no;
+			$data['is_pin'] = $order['is_pin'];
+            //如果是微信小程序交易组件begin---新支付方法 wx.requestOrderPayment
+            $data['order_info'] = [];
+            $data['isRequestOrderPayment'] = $is_need_scene_check;
+            if($is_need_scene_check == 1)
+            {
+                $orderPamentResult = D('Seller/MpModifyTradeComponts')->getTradeOrderInfo( $order_id , $time , $fee );
+                //如果是微信小程序交易组件,提供订单信息 end
+                $data['order_info'] = $orderPamentResult['order_info'];
+            }
+			if($order['is_pin'] == 1)
+			{
+				$data['redirect_url'] = '../groups/group?id='.$order_id.'&is_show=1';
+			} else {
+				$data['redirect_url'] = '../orders/order?id=' + $order_id;
+			}
+		}else{
+			$data['code'] = 1;
+			$data['text'] = "错误";
+			$data['RETURN_CODE'] = $array['RETURN_CODE'];
+			$data['RETURN_MSG'] = $array['RETURN_MSG'];
+		}
+		echo json_encode($data);
+		die();
+	}
+	/**
+	 * 获取购物车总数
+	 */
+	public function count() {
+		$gpc = I('request.');
+		$data = array();
+		$token = $gpc['token'];
+		$community_id = $gpc['community_id'];
+		$cart= D('Home/Car');
+		$total=$cart->count_goodscar($token, $community_id);
+		$data['code'] = 0;
+		$data['data'] = $total;
+		echo json_encode($data);
+		die();
+	}