keyword = $keyword; $this->state = I('request.state',''); $this->salesroom_id = $_GPC['salesroom_id']; $condition = ""; //姓名/手机号/会员名 if (!empty($keyword)) { $keyword = htmlspecialchars(addslashes(trim($keyword))); $condition .= " and ( like '%".$keyword."%' or o.telephone like '%".$keyword."%' or o.shipping_name like '%".$keyword."%' or o.order_num_alias like '%".$keyword."%') "; } if(!empty($this->state)){ if($this->state == 2){//已核销 $condition .= " and ogs.is_hexiao_over = 1 and o.order_status_id != 5 "; }else if($this->state == 1){//待核销 $condition .= " and ogs.is_hexiao_over = 0 and o.order_status_id != 5 "; }else if($this->state == 3){ $condition .= " and o.order_status_id = 5 "; }else if($this->state == 4){ $condition .= " and ogs.is_hexiao_over = 2 "; } } $starttime = strtotime( date('Y-m-d')." 00:00:00" ); $endtime = $starttime + 86400; if( isset($_GPC['searchtime']) && $_GPC['searchtime'] == 'create_time' ) { if (!empty($_GPC['time']['start']) && !empty($_GPC['time']['end'])) { $starttime = strtotime($_GPC['time']['start']); $endtime = strtotime($_GPC['time']['end']); $condition .= ' AND o.date_added >= '.$starttime.' AND o.date_added <= '.$endtime.' '; } $this->searchtime = $_GPC['searchtime']; } if(!empty($this->salesroom_id)){ $this->salesroom = M('lionfish_comshop_salesroom')->where( array('id' => $this->salesroom_id ) )->find(); $condition .= ' AND EXISTS(SELECT order_id FROM '. C('DB_PREFIX').'lionfish_comshop_order_goods_saleshexiao_record as osr WHERE osr.order_goods_id=og.order_goods_id and osr.salesroom_id='.$this->salesroom_id.') '; } if (defined('ROLE') && ROLE == 'agenter' ) { $supper_info = get_agent_logininfo(); $supply_id = $supper_info['id']; $condition .= " and o.store_id= ".$supply_id; } $this->starttime = $starttime; $this->endtime = $endtime; $sql = 'SELECT ogs.*,o.order_num_alias,o.member_id,o.store_id,o.head_id, as member_name,o.telephone,o.shipping_name,o.head_id,' . ' o.date_added,o.payment_code,o.order_status_id,og.goods_id, as goods_name,og.goods_images,og.quantity,og.shipping_fare,' . ' og.price,,ogs.refund_quantity,ogs.goods_quantity ' . ' FROM '. C('DB_PREFIX').'lionfish_comshop_order_goods_saleshexiao as ogs ' . ' left join '. C('DB_PREFIX').'lionfish_comshop_order as o on ogs.order_id=o.order_id ' . ' left join '. C('DB_PREFIX').'lionfish_comshop_order_goods as og on og.order_goods_id=ogs.order_goods_id ' . ' WHERE 1=1 '.$condition. ' order by o.date_added desc limit ' . (($pindex - 1) * $psize) . ',' . $psize; $list = M()->query($sql); foreach ($list as $k=>$v) { $list[$k]['date_added'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$v['date_added']); //团长信息 $community_info = D('Seller/Front')->get_community_byid($v['head_id']); $list[$k]['community_name'] = $community_info['communityName']; $list[$k]['head_name'] = $community_info['disUserName']; $list[$k]['head_mobile'] = $community_info['head_mobile']; $list[$k]['province'] = $community_info['province']; $list[$k]['city'] = $community_info['city']; //最后一次核销员信息 if($v['is_hexiao_over'] == 1){ $record = M('lionfish_comshop_order_goods_saleshexiao_record')->where( array('order_id' => $v['order_id'],'order_goods_id' => $v['order_goods_id'] ) )->order('id desc')->limit(1)->find(); $list[$k]['smember_name'] = $record['smember_name']; if($record['is_admin'] == 0){//不是后台核销 $salesroom_member = M('lionfish_comshop_salesroom_member')->field('mobile')->where( array('id' => $record['salesmember_id'] ) )->find(); $list[$k]['smember_mobile'] = $salesroom_member['mobile']; $list[$k]['salesroom_name'] = $record['salesroom_name']; } }else{ $record_count = M('lionfish_comshop_order_goods_saleshexiao_record')->where( array('order_id' => $v['order_id'],'order_goods_id' => $v['order_goods_id'] ) )->count(); if($record_count > 0){ $list[$k]['record_count'] = $record_count; } } } $total_count = M()->query('SELECT count(1) as count ' . ' FROM '. C('DB_PREFIX').'lionfish_comshop_order_goods_saleshexiao as ogs ' . ' left join '. C('DB_PREFIX').'lionfish_comshop_order as o on ogs.order_id=o.order_id ' . ' left join '. C('DB_PREFIX').'lionfish_comshop_order_goods as og on og.order_goods_id=ogs.order_goods_id ' . ' WHERE 1=1 '.$condition ); $total = $total_count[0]['count']; $pager = pagination2($total, $pindex, $psize); $this->list = $list; $this->pager = $pager; $this->display('Salesroom_order/index'); } public function member_orders() { $pindex = I('', 1); $psize = 20; $_GPC = I('request.'); $keyword = I('request.keyword'); $this->keyword = $keyword; //核销员信息 $smember_id = $_GPC['smember_id']; $smember_info = M('lionfish_comshop_salesroom_member')->where( array('id' => $smember_id ) )->find(); $this->smember_info = $smember_info; $condition = ""; //姓名/手机号/会员名 if (!empty($keyword)) { $condition .= " and (o.order_num_alias like '%".$keyword."%' or like '%".$keyword."%' or o.telephone like '%".$keyword."%' or o.shipping_name like '%".$keyword."%') "; } $starttime = strtotime( date('Y-m-d')." 00:00:00" ); $endtime = $starttime + 86400; if( isset($_GPC['searchtime']) && $_GPC['searchtime'] == 'create_time' ) { if (!empty($_GPC['time']['start']) && !empty($_GPC['time']['end'])) { $starttime = strtotime($_GPC['time']['start']); $endtime = strtotime($_GPC['time']['end']); $condition .= ' AND o.date_added >= '.$starttime.' AND o.date_added <= '.$endtime.' '; } $this->searchtime = $_GPC['searchtime']; } if(!empty($smember_id)){ $condition .= ' AND EXISTS(SELECT order_id FROM '. C('DB_PREFIX').'lionfish_comshop_order_goods_saleshexiao_record as osr WHERE osr.order_id=o.order_id and osr.salesmember_id='.$smember_id.') '; } if(!empty($_GPC['payment_code'])){ $condition .= " and o.payment_code = '".$_GPC['payment_code']."' "; $this->payment_code = $_GPC['payment_code']; } $this->starttime = $starttime; $this->endtime = $endtime; $list = M()->query('SELECT ogs.*,o.order_num_alias,o.member_id,o.store_id,o.head_id, as member_name,o.telephone,o.shipping_name,o.head_id,' . ' o.date_added,o.payment_code,og.goods_id, as goods_name,og.goods_images,og.quantity,og.shipping_fare,' . ' og.price, ' . ' FROM '. C('DB_PREFIX').'lionfish_comshop_order_goods_saleshexiao as ogs ' . ' left join '. C('DB_PREFIX').'lionfish_comshop_order as o on ogs.order_id=o.order_id ' . ' left join '. C('DB_PREFIX').'lionfish_comshop_order_goods as og on og.order_goods_id=ogs.order_goods_id ' . ' WHERE 1=1 '.$condition. ' order by o.date_added desc limit ' . (($pindex - 1) * $psize) . ',' . $psize); foreach ($list as $k=>$v) { $list[$k]['date_added'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$v['date_added']); //最后一次核销员信息 $record = M('lionfish_comshop_order_goods_saleshexiao_record')->where( array('order_id' => $v['order_id'],'order_goods_id' => $v['order_goods_id'] ) )->order('id desc')->find(); $list[$k]['smember_name'] = $record['smember_name']; if($record['is_admin'] == 0){//不是后台核销 $salesroom_member = M('lionfish_comshop_salesroom_member')->field('mobile')->where( array('id' => $record['salesmember_id'] ) )->find(); $list[$k]['smember_mobile'] = $salesroom_member['mobile']; $list[$k]['salesroom_name'] = $record['salesroom_name']; } if($v['is_hexiao_over'] == 1){ $list[$k]['hexiao_time'] = $record['addtime']; } } $total_count = M()->query('SELECT count(1) as count ' . ' FROM '. C('DB_PREFIX').'lionfish_comshop_order_goods_saleshexiao as ogs ' . ' left join '. C('DB_PREFIX').'lionfish_comshop_order as o on ogs.order_id=o.order_id ' . ' left join '. C('DB_PREFIX').'lionfish_comshop_order_goods as og on og.order_goods_id=ogs.order_goods_id ' . ' WHERE 1=1 '.$condition ); $total = $total_count[0]['count']; $pager = pagination2($total, $pindex, $psize); $this->list = $list; $this->pager = $pager; $this->display(); } } ?>