where( array('store_id' => $store_id) )->sum('virtual_count'); $seller_count = M('goods')->where( array('store_id' => $store_id) )->sum('seller_count'); return ($vir_count+$seller_count); /** $sql = "select sum(quantity) as total_quantiry from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."order as o ,".C('DB_PREFIX')."order_goods as og where o.order_id=og.order_id and o.order_status_id in (1,2,4,6) and og.store_id = ".$store_id; $total_quantiry = M()->query($sql); return intval($total_quantiry['total_quantiry']); **/ } /** 获取商家评价 */ public function get_pingjia($store_id) { $sql=" select oc.* from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."order_goods as o ,".C('DB_PREFIX')."order_comment as oc where o.order_id =oc.order_id and o.store_id = {$store_id} "; $result = array('miaoshu' =>5,'jiage' => 5,'zhiliang' => 5); $comment_list = M()->query($sql); if( !empty($comment_list) ) { $total_count = count($comment_list); $total_miaoshu = 0; $total_jiage = 0; $total_zhiliang = 0; foreach($comment_list as $comment) { $total_miaoshu += $comment['star']; $total_jiage += $comment['star2']; $total_zhiliang += $comment['star3']; } $total_miaoshu = round($total_miaoshu / $total_count,2); $total_jiage = round($total_jiage / $total_count,2); $total_zhiliang = round($total_zhiliang / $total_count,2); $result = array('miaoshu' => $total_miaoshu,'jiage' =>$total_jiage,'zhiliang'=>$total_zhiliang); } return $result; } }