// lionfish_comshop/moduleB/rider/index.js var app = getApp(); var location = require("../../utils/Location") Page({ data: { orderdistribution_info: {}, waite_get_count: 0, sending_count: 0, sended_count: 0, waite_send_list: [], sending_send_list: [], scale:'15', controls:'40', latitude:'', longitude:'', markers: [], }, onLoad: function (options) { this.getMyLocal(); }, onReady: function (e) { this.mapCtx = wx.createMapContext('myMap') }, getMyLocal: function() { let that = this; location.getGps().then(ret=>{ that.setData({ scale: 12, longitude: ret.longitude, latitude: ret.latitude }) // wx.getLocation({ // type: 'wgs84', // success: (res) => { // console.log("getMyLocal",res) // that.setData({ // scale: 12, // longitude: res.longitude, // latitude: res.latitude // }) // } // }); }).catch(()=>{ app.util.message('地图功能开启失败', '', 'error'); }) }, getMemberMarkers: function(listData) { var market = []; // 待取货 if(listData[0] && listData[0].length) { for (let item of listData[0]) { let marker1 = this.createMarker(item); market.push(marker1) } } // 配送中 if(listData[1] && listData[1].length) { for (let item of listData[1]) { let marker1 = this.createMarker(item, 1); market.push(marker1) } } return market; }, createMarker: function(point, type=0) { let latitude = point.shop_lat; let longitude = point.shop_lon; if(type==1){ latitude = point.member_lat; longitude = point.member_lon; } let marker = { iconPath: type==0?"../images/location-red.png":"../images/location-green.png", id: point.order_id+'_'+type, title: type==0?'待取货':'配送中', latitude, longitude, label:{ anchorX: -12, anchorY: 0, content: type==0?'商家':'客户' }, width: 30, height: 30 }; return marker; }, markertap: function(e){ console.log(e.detail) }, controltap: function(e) { this.moveToLocation() }, moveToLocation: function () { this.mapCtx.moveToLocation() }, regionchange: function(){ }, onShow: function () { this.getData(); }, getData: function () { let token = wx.getStorageSync('token'); app.util.ProReq('localtown.get_orderdistribution_info', { token }).then(res => { let { orderdistribution_info, waite_get_count, sending_count, sended_count, waite_send_list, sending_send_list } = res.data; let markers = this.getMemberMarkers([waite_send_list, sending_send_list]); this.setData({ orderdistribution_info, waite_get_count, sending_count, sended_count, waite_send_list, sending_send_list, markers }) }).catch(err => { console.log(err) app.util.message(err.msg || '请求出错', 'switchTo:/lionfish_comshop/pages/user/me', 'error'); }) }, goLink: function(event) { let link = event.currentTarget.dataset.link; var pages_all = getCurrentPages(); if (pages_all.length > 3) { wx.redirectTo({ url: link }) } else { wx.navigateTo({ url: link }) } }, // 接单状态切换 switchState: function(e){ console.log(e.detail.value) } })