var app = getApp(); var util = require('../../utils/util.js'); var status = require('../../utils/index.js'); Page({ mixins: [require('../../mixin/compoentCartMixin.js')], data: { classification: { tabs: [], activeIndex: 0 }, rushList: [], loadMore: true, loadText: "加载中...", loadOver: false, showEmpty: false, is_show_vipgoods: 1 }, pageNum:1, canLoad: 1, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function (options) { status.setNavBgColor(); this.getData(); this.getList(); }, /** * 授权成功回调 */ authSuccess: function () { let that = this; wx.showLoading(); this.pageNum = 1; that.setData({ needAuth: false, showAuthModal: false, classification: { tabs: [], activeIndex: 0 }, rushList: [], loadMore: true, loadText: "加载中...", loadOver: false, showEmpty: false }); }, /** * 授权成功回调 */ authSuccess: function () { let url = '/lionfish_comshop/moduleA/vip/upgrade'; app.globalData.navBackUrl = url; wx.redirectTo({ url }) }, /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示 */ onShow: function () { let that = this; util.check_login_new().then((res) => { if (!res) { that.setData({ needAuth: true }) } else { this.setData({ needAuth: false }); (0, status.cartNum)('', true).then((res) => { res.code == 0 && that.setData({ cartNum: }) }); } }) }, getData: function(){ wx.showLoading(); var token = wx.getStorageSync('token'); let that = this; app.util.request({ 'url': 'entry/wxapp/user', 'data': { controller: 'vipcard.get_vipcard_baseinfo', token: token }, dataType: 'json', success: function (res) { wx.hideLoading(); if ( == 0) { let { member_info, card_equity_list, card_list, is_open_vipcard_buy, modify_vipcard_name, is_vip_card_member, vipcard_unopen_headbg, vipcard_effect_headbg, vipcard_afterefect_headbg, vipcard_buy_pagenotice, vipcard_equity_notice, is_show_vipgoods, category_list // del_vip_day } =; wx.setNavigationBarTitle({ title: modify_vipcard_name || '会员中心' }) let params = { classification: {} }; category_list = category_list || []; if (category_list.length > 0) { category_list.unshift({ name: '全部', id: 0 }) params.isShowClassification = true; params.classification.tabs = category_list; } else { params.isShowClassification = false; }>{ let expire_day = item.expire_day.split('.'); return item.expire_day = expire_day[0]; }) that.setData({ member_info, card_equity_list, card_list, is_open_vipcard_buy, modify_vipcard_name, is_vip_card_member, vipcard_unopen_headbg, vipcard_effect_headbg, vipcard_afterefect_headbg, vipcard_equity_notice, del_vip_day: || '', is_show_vipgoods, ...params }) } else { app.util.message('未登录', 'switchTo:/lionfish_comshop/pages/user/me', 'error'); } } }) }, choosecard: function (t) { this.setData({ selectid: }); }, submitpay: function (t) { if (wx.getStorageSync("token")) { var rech_id =, token = wx.getStorageSync("token"); if (void 0 == rech_id) return wx.showToast({ icon: "none", title: "请选择要开通的会员类型" }); app.util.request({ url: "entry/wxapp/user", data: { controller: "vipcard.wxcharge", token, rech_id }, dataType: "json", success: function (res) { if( { wx.showToast({ title: "支付成功", icon: "none", duration: 2000, success: function () { setTimeout(function () { wx.redirectTo({ url: "/lionfish_comshop/moduleA/vip/upgrade" }); }, 2000); } }); } else { wx.requestPayment({ appId:, timeStamp:, nonceStr:, package:, signType:, paySign:, success: function (wxres) { wx.showToast({ title: "支付成功", icon: "none", duration: 2000, success: function () { setTimeout(function () { wx.redirectTo({ url: "/lionfish_comshop/moduleA/vip/upgrade" }); }, 2000); } }); }, fail: function (error) { wx.showToast({ icon: "none", title: "支付失败,请重试!" }); } }) } } }); } else{ this.setData({ needAuth: true }); } }, /** * 监控分类导航 */ classificationChange: function (t) { wx.showLoading(); var that = this; this.pageNum = 1; this.canLoad = 1; this.setData({ rushList: [], loadMore: true, loadText: "加载中...", loadOver: false, showEmpty: false, "classification.activeIndex": t.detail.e, classificationId: t.detail.a }, function () { that.getList(); }); }, /** * 获取商品列表 */ getList: function () { let that = this; let token = wx.getStorageSync('token'); let gid =; let community = wx.getStorageSync('community'); let head_id = community.communityId || 0; this.canLoad==1 && (that.canLoad=0), app.util.request({ url: 'entry/wxapp/index', data: { controller: 'vipcard.get_vipgoods_list', pageNum: this.pageNum, gid, token, head_id }, dataType: 'json', success: function (res) { wx.hideLoading(); wx.stopPullDownRefresh(); if ( == 0) { let oldRushList =; let h = {}, list =; if (that.pageNum == 1 && list.length == 0) h.showEmpty = true; if(list.length < 10) h.loadMore = false; let rushList = oldRushList.concat(list); let rdata =; let reduction = { full_money: rdata.full_money, full_reducemoney: rdata.full_reducemoney, is_open_fullreduction: rdata.is_open_fullreduction } h.rushList = rushList; h.reduction = reduction; h.loadOver = true; h.loadText = ? "加载中..." : "没有更多商品了~"; console.log(h) that.setData(h, function () { that.pageNum += 1; }) } else if ( == 1) { let s = { loadMore: false } if (that.pageNum == 1) s.showEmpty = true; that.setData(s); } else if ( == 2) { //no login that.setData({ needAuth: true }) } console.log('that.canLoad', that.canLoad); that.canLoad=1; } }) }, /** * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数 */ onReachBottom: function () { console.log('这是我的底线', this.canLoad); && (this.canLoad==1) && (this.setData({ loadOver: false }), this.getList()); } })