breadcrumb1='活动中心'; $this->breadcrumb2=''; $this->sellerid = SELLERUID; $this->subjecttype = array('normal' => '正常活动','zeyuan' => '0元试用','niyuan' => '9.9元','oneyuan' => '1元购','haitao' => '海淘'); } /** 普通主题活动 **/ public function subject(){ $model=new SubjectModel(); $now_time = time(); $type = I('get.type','normal'); //niyuan $where = " where type='{$type}' and can_shenqing =1 and begin_time< {$now_time} and end_time > {$now_time}"; $data=$model->show_subject_page($where); $this->assign('empty',$data['empty']);// 赋值数据集 $this->assign('list',$data['list']);// 赋值数据集 $this->assign('page',$data['page']);// 赋值分页输出 $this->state = $state; $get_status = 1; //'subject','zeyuan','niyuan','oneyuan','haitao' switch($type) { case 'normal': $get_status = 1; break; case 'niyuan': $get_status = 6; break; case 'oneyuan': $get_status = 7; break; case 'haitao': $get_status = 8; break; } $this->get_status = $get_status; $this->display(); } /** 搜索可报名的商品 **/ public function goods_search() { $goods_name = I('post.goods_name',''); $where = ' store_id='.SELLERUID." and type='normal' and lock_type='normal' and status=1 and quantity>0 "; if(!empty($goods_name)) { $where .= " and name like '%".$goods_name."%' "; } $goods_list = M('goods')->where($where)->limit(20)->select(); $this->goods_list = $goods_list; $result = array(); $result['html'] = $this->fetch('Activity:goods_list_fetch'); echo json_encode($result); die(); } /** 限时秒杀 **/ public function take_spike() { $id = I('','0'); $subject = M('spike')->where( array('id' => $id) )->find(); if(empty($subject)) { $this->redirect('Activity/spike'); die(); } $this->subject = $subject; $this->display(); } /** 报名主题活动 **/ public function take_subject() { $id = I('','0'); $subject = M('subject')->where( array('id' => $id) )->find(); if(empty($subject)) { $this->redirect('Activity/subject'); die(); } $this->subject = $subject; $this->display(); } /** 报名超值大牌活动 **/ public function take_superspike() { $id = I('','0'); $subject = M('super_spike')->where( array('id' => $id) )->find(); if(empty($subject)) { $this->redirect('Activity/superspike'); die(); } $this->subject = $subject; $this->display(); } /** 提交抽奖活动申请 **/ public function sub_lottery() { /** ["begin_time"]=> string(18) "2018-06-15 0:00:00" ["end_time"]=> string(18) "2018/06/16 0:00:00" **/ $begin_time = I('post.begin_time'); $end_time = I('post.end_time'); $voucher_id = I('post.voucher_id',0); $win_quantity = I('post.win_quantity',0); $is_auto_open = I('post.is_auto_open',0); $pin_hour = I('post.pin_hour',0); $real_win_quantity = I('post.real_win_quantity',0); $result = array('code' => 0); $data = I('post.goods_ids_arr'); /** array(1) { [0]=> array(3) { ["goods_id"]=> string(2) "27" ["pin_price"]=> string(4) "0.01" ["pin_count"]=> string(1) "2" } } **/ if($voucher_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '请选择退款时赠送的优惠券'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $can_bao = 1; $bao_count =0; foreach($data as $val) { $goods_id = $val['goods_id']; $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if(!$this->check_lottery_baom()) { $can_bao = 0; break; } $bao_count++; M('lottery_goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( array('state' => 3) ); $spike_data = array(); $spike_data['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $spike_data['state'] = 1; $spike_data['seller_id'] = SELLERUID; $spike_data['is_open_lottery'] = 0; $spike_data['voucher_id'] = $voucher_id; $spike_data['win_quantity'] = $win_quantity; $spike_data['is_auto_open'] = $is_auto_open; $spike_data['real_win_quantity'] = $real_win_quantity; $spike_data['quantity'] = $goods_info['quantity']; $spike_data['begin_time'] = strtotime($begin_time); $spike_data['end_time'] = strtotime($end_time); $spike_data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('lottery_goods')->add($spike_data); if($rs) { M('pin_goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->delete(); //begin_time end_time //添加拼团数据 M('pin_goods')->add( array('goods_id' => $goods_id,'customer_id' => SELLERUID, 'pin_price' => $val['pin_price'],'type' => 'lottery','begin_time' => strtotime($begin_time), 'end_time' => strtotime($end_time),'pin_hour' => $pin_hour,'pin_count' => $val['pin_count'],'addtime' =>time() ) ); M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( array('lock_type' =>'lottery','type' =>'lottery', 'status' => 1) ); } } $result['code'] = 1; $result['can_bao'] = $can_bao; $result['bao_count'] = $bao_count; echo json_encode($result); die(); } /** 检测抽奖商品是否有限制报名 **/ public function check_lottery_baom() { $now_time = time(); $where = " ( (state=0) or (state =1 and begin_time <{$now_time} and end_time > {$now_time}) )and seller_id = ".SELLERUID; $count = M('lottery_goods')->where($where)->count(); $subject_bom = M('config')->field('value')->where( array('name' => 'subject_baom') )->find(); if($subject_bom['value'] ==0 || $subject_bom['value']> $count) { return true; }else { return false; } } /** 提交限时秒杀 **/ public function sub_spike() { $subject_id = I(''); $data = I('post.goods_ids_arr'); $result = array('code' => 0); if( empty($data)) { $result['msg'] = '未选中商品'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $subject = M('spike')->where( array('id' => $subject_id) )->find(); $man_flag = 0; $bao_count = 0; foreach($data as $goods_id) { if(!$this->check_spike_goods()) { $man_flag = 1; break; } $bao_count++; $super_data = array(); $super_data['spike_id'] = $subject_id; $super_data['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $super_data['state'] = 0; $super_data['seller_id'] = SELLERUID; $super_data['begin_time'] = $subject['begin_time']; $super_data['end_time'] = $subject['end_time']; $super_data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('spike_goods')->add($super_data); if($rs) { $up_data = array('lock_type' =>'spike');//,'status' => 0 M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( $up_data ); } } $result['code'] = 1; $result['man_flag'] = $man_flag; $result['bao_count'] = $bao_count; echo json_encode($result); die(); } public function check_spike_goods() { // $now_time = time(); $where = " (state=0 or (state =1 and begin_time <{$now_time} and end_time>{$now_time}) ) and seller_id = ".SELLERUID; $count = M('spike_goods')->where($where)->count(); $subject_bom = M('config')->field('value')->where( array('name' => 'subject_baom') )->find(); if($subject_bom['value'] ==0 || $subject_bom['value']> $count) { return true; }else { return false; } } /** 提交超值大牌 **/ public function sub_superspike() { $subject_id = I(''); $data = I('post.goods_ids_arr'); $result = array('code' => 0); if( empty($data)) { $result['msg'] = '未选中商品'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $subject = M('super_spike')->where( array('id' => $subject_id) )->find(); $man_flag = 0; $bao_count = 0; foreach($data as $goods_id) { if(!$this->check_superspike_goods()) { $man_flag =1; break; } $bao_count++; $super_data = array(); $super_data['super_spike_id'] = $subject_id; $super_data['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $super_data['state'] = 0; $super_data['seller_id'] = SELLERUID; $super_data['begin_time'] = $subject['begin_time']; $super_data['end_time'] = $subject['end_time']; $super_data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('super_spike_goods')->add($super_data); if($rs) { $up_data = array('lock_type' =>'super_spike');//,'status' => 0 M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( $up_data ); } } $result['code'] = 1; $result['man_flag'] = $man_flag; $result['bao_count'] = $bao_count; echo json_encode($result); die(); } public function check_superspike_goods() { // $now_time = time(); $where = " (state=0 or (state =1 and begin_time <{$now_time} and end_time>{$now_time}) ) and seller_id = ".SELLERUID; $count = M('super_spike_goods')->where($where)->count(); $subject_bom = M('config')->field('value')->where( array('name' => 'subject_baom') )->find(); if($subject_bom['value'] ==0 || $subject_bom['value']> $count) { return true; }else { return false; } } /** 提交主题活动申请 **/ public function sub_subject() { $subject_id = I(''); $data = I('post.goods_ids_arr'); $result = array('code' => 0); if( empty($data)) { $result['msg'] = '未选中商品'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $subject = M('subject')->where( array('id' => $subject_id) )->find(); //type begin_time end_time price $bao_count = 0; $man_flag = 0; foreach($data as $goods_id) { $super_data = array(); if(!$this->check_subject_goods()) { $man_flag = 1; break; } $bao_count++; $super_data['subject_id'] = $subject_id; $super_data['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $super_data['state'] = 0; $super_data['seller_id '] = SELLERUID; $super_data['begin_time'] = $subject['begin_time']; $super_data['end_time'] = $subject['end_time']; $super_data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('subject_goods')->add($super_data); if($rs) { if($subject['type'] =='normal') { $subject['type'] = 'subject'; } $up_data = array('lock_type' =>$subject['type']);//,'status' => 0 M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( $up_data ); } } $result['code'] = 1; $result['man_flag'] = $man_flag; $result['bao_count'] = $bao_count; echo json_encode($result); die(); } public function check_subject_goods() { // $now_time = time(); $where = " (state=0 or (state =1 and begin_time <{$now_time} and end_time>{$now_time}) ) and seller_id = ".SELLERUID; $count = M('subject_goods')->where($where)->count(); $subject_bom = M('config')->field('value')->where( array('name' => 'subject_baom') )->find(); if($subject_bom['value'] ==0 || $subject_bom['value']> $count) { return true; }else { return false; } } /** dan_lottery 将商品直接加入抽奖活动 **/ public function dan_lottery() { $voucher_list = M('voucher')->where( "store_id=".SELLERUID." and end_time>".time() )->select(); $this->voucher_list = $voucher_list; $goods_id = I('get.goods_id'); $goods = M('goods')->field('goods_id,name')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); $this->goods = $goods; $this->display(); } /** 将商品加入砍价活动 add_bargain **/ public function add_bargain() { $goods_id = I('get.goods_id'); $goods = M('goods')->field('goods_id,name')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); $this->goods = $goods; $this->display(); } /** 抽奖活动 **/ public function lottery() { $voucher_list = M('voucher')->where( "store_id=".SELLERUID." and end_time>".time() )->select(); $this->voucher_list = $voucher_list; $this->display(); } /** 超值大牌 **/ public function superspike() { $model=new SuperSpikeModel(); $now_time = time(); $where = " where begin_time< {$now_time} and end_time > {$now_time}"; $data=$model->show_superspike_page( $where ); $this->assign('empty',$data['empty']);// 赋值数据集 $this->assign('list',$data['list']);// 赋值数据集 $this->assign('page',$data['page']);// 赋值分页输出 $this->get_status = 4; $this->display(); } /** 限时秒杀 **/ public function spike() { $model=new SpikeModel(); $now_time = time(); $where = " where begin_time< {$now_time} and end_time > {$now_time}"; $data=$model->show_spike_page($where); $this->assign('empty',$data['empty']);// 赋值数据集 $this->assign('list',$data['list']);// 赋值数据集 $this->assign('page',$data['page']);// 赋值分页输出 $this->get_status = 5; $this->display(); } /** * 活动商品 */ public function activity() { $this->breadcrumb2='活动商品信息'; $model=new GoodsModel(); $filter=I('get.'); $search=array('store_id' => SELLERUID); if(isset($filter['name'])){ $search['name']=$filter['name']; } if(isset($filter['category'])){ $search['category']=$filter['category']; $this->get_category=$search['category']; } if(isset($filter['status'])){ $search['status']=$filter['status']; $this->get_status=$search['status']; } if(isset($filter['type'])){ $search['type']=$filter['type']; $this->type=$search['type']; }else { $search['type']='activity'; $this->type=$search['type']; } //type $data=$model->show_goods_page($search); $store_bind_class = M('store_bind_class')->where( array('seller_id' => SELLERUID) )->select(); $cate_ids = array(); foreach($store_bind_class as $val) { if( !empty($val['class_1'])) { $cate_ids[] = $val['class_1']; } if( !empty($val['class_2'])) { $cate_ids[] = $val['class_2']; } if( !empty($val['class_3'])) { $cate_ids[] = $val['class_3']; } } if(empty($cate_ids)) { $this->category = array(); } else { $cate_ids_str = implode(',', $cate_ids); $category=M('goods_category')->where( array('id' => array('in',$cate_ids_str)) )->select(); $category_tree =list_to_tree($category); $this->category = $category_tree; } foreach($data['list'] as $key => $goods) { $all_comment = M('order_comment')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods['goods_id']) )->count(); $wait_comment = M('order_comment')->where( array('state' => 0 ,'goods_id' => $goods['goods_id']) )->count(); $goods['all_comment'] = $all_comment; $goods['wait_comment'] = $wait_comment; $data['list'][$key] = $goods; } $this->assign('empty',$data['empty']);// 赋值数据集 $this->assign('list',$data['list']);// 赋值数据集 $this->assign('page',$data['page']);// 赋值分页输出 $this->display(); } ///Goods/delcomment/id/1 /** * 删除评论 */ public function delcomment() { $id = I(''); $goods_id = I('get.goods_id'); M('order_comment')->where( array('comment_id' => $id) )->delete(); //echo $result = array( 'status'=>'success', 'message'=>'删除成功', 'jump'=>U('Goods/comment_info', array('id' => $goods_id)) ); $this->osc_alert($result); } /** * 审核评论 */ public function toggle_comment_state() { $comment_id = I('post.comment_id'); $order_comment = M('order_comment')->where( array('comment_id' => $comment_id) )->find(); //state $state = $order_comment['state'] == 1 ? 0: 1; M('order_comment')->where( array('comment_id' => $comment_id) )->save( array('state' => $state) ); echo json_encode( array('code' => 1) ); die(); } /** * 商品评论信息 */ public function comment_info() { $goods_id = I(''); $model=new GoodsModel(); $search = array(); $search['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $data=$model->show_comment_page($search); $this->assign('empty',$data['empty']);// 赋值数据集 $this->assign('list',$data['list']);// 赋值数据集 $this->assign('page',$data['page']);// 赋值分页输出 $this->display(); } public function lotteryinfo() { $goods_id = I('',0); $lottery_goods = M('lottery_goods')->where( array('goods_id' =>$goods_id) )->find(); if(empty($lottery_goods)){ die('非法操作'); }//store_id $page = I('',1); $per_page = 4; $offset = ($page - 1) * $per_page; $sql = "select m.uname,m.avatar,p.pin_id,p.lottery_state,o.lottery_win,o.order_id,o.pay_time from ".C('DB_PREFIX')."pin as p,".C('DB_PREFIX')."pin_order as po, ".C('DB_PREFIX')."order as o,".C('DB_PREFIX')."order_goods as og,".C('DB_PREFIX')."member as m where p.state = 1 and p.pin_id = po.pin_id and po.order_id = o.order_id and o.order_id = og.order_id and og.goods_id and o.member_id = m.member_id and og.store_id =".SELLERUID." and og.goods_id = {$goods_id} order by p.pin_id asc limit {$offset},{$per_page}"; $list=M()->query($sql); $this->list = $list; $this->goods_id = $goods_id; $this->lottery_goods = $lottery_goods; if($page>1){ $result = array(); $result['code'] = 0; if(!empty($list)) { $content = $this->fetch('Goods:lottery_info_fetch'); $result['code'] = 1; $result['html'] = $content; } echo json_encode($result); die(); } $this->display(); } public function openlottery() { $goods_id = I('',0); $oids = I('post.oids'); $order_model = D('Home/Order'); $order_model->open_goods_lottery_order($goods_id,$oids,false); //$order_model->open_goods_lottery_order($goods_id,'',true); //$map['id'] = array('in','1,3,8') echo json_encode( array('code' => 1) ); die(); } public function lottery_shenqing() { $result = array('code' => 0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $spike_data = array(); $spike_data['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $spike_data['state'] = 0; $spike_data['quantity'] = $goods_info['quantity']; $spike_data['begin_time'] = 0; $spike_data['end_time'] = 0; $spike_data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('lottery_goods')->add($spike_data); if($rs) { M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( array('lock_type' =>'lottery') ); } $result['code'] = 1; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else{ $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function xianshimiaosha_shenqing() { $result = array('code' => 0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $spike_data = array(); $spike_data['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $spike_data['state'] = 0; $spike_data['quantity'] = $goods_info['quantity']; $spike_data['begin_time'] = 0; $spike_data['end_time'] = 0; $spike_data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('spike_goods')->add($spike_data); if($rs) { M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( array('lock_type' =>'spike') ); } $result['code'] = 1; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else{ $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function spike_sub() { $spike_id = I('post.spike',0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); $spike_info = M('spike')->where( array('id' => $spike_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $super_data = array(); $super_data['spike_id'] = $spike_id; $super_data['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $super_data['state'] = 0; $super_data['begin_time'] = $spike_info['begin_time']; $super_data['end_time'] = $spike_info['end_time']; $super_data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('spike_goods')->add($super_data); if($rs) { M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( array('lock_type' =>'spike') ); } $result['code'] = 1; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function chaozhidapai_sub() { $super_spike_id = I('post.super_spike',0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $super_data = array(); $super_data['super_spike_id'] = $super_spike_id; $super_data['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $super_data['state'] = 0; $super_data['begin_time'] = 0; $super_data['end_time'] = 0; $super_data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('super_spike_goods')->add($super_data); if($rs) { M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( array('lock_type' =>'super_spike') ); } $result['code'] = 1; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function oneyuansubject_sub() { $subject_id = I('post.subject',0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $super_data = array(); $super_data['subject_id'] = $subject_id; $super_data['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $super_data['state'] = 0; $super_data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('subject_goods')->add($super_data); if($rs) { M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( array('lock_type' =>'oneyuan') ); } $result['code'] = 1; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function niyuansubject_sub() { $subject_id = I('post.subject',0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $super_data = array(); $super_data['subject_id'] = $subject_id; $super_data['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $super_data['state'] = 0; $super_data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('subject_goods')->add($super_data); if($rs) { M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( array('lock_type' =>'niyuan') ); } $result['code'] = 1; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function mianfei_sub() { $subject_id = I('post.subject',0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $super_data = array(); $super_data['subject_id'] = $subject_id; $super_data['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $super_data['state'] = 0; $super_data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('subject_goods')->add($super_data); if($rs) { M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( array('lock_type' =>'zeyuan') ); } $result['code'] = 1; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function putongsubject_sub() { $subject_id = I('post.subject',0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $super_data = array(); $super_data['subject_id'] = $subject_id; $super_data['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $super_data['state'] = 0; $super_data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('subject_goods')->add($super_data); if($rs) { M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( array('lock_type' =>'subject') ); } $result['code'] = 1; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function haitaosubject_sub() { $subject_id = I('post.subject',0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $super_data = array(); $super_data['subject_id'] = $subject_id; $super_data['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $super_data['state'] = 0; $super_data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('subject_goods')->add($super_data); if($rs) { M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( array('lock_type' =>'haitao') ); } $result['code'] = 1; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function yiyuan_form() { $result = array('code' => 0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $subject = M('subject')->where('can_shenqing=1 and type="oneyuan"')->select(); $this->subject = $subject; $this->goods_id = $goods_id; $content = $this->fetch('Goods:goods_oneyuansubject_fetch'); $result['code'] = 1; $result['html'] = $content; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function jiukuaijiu_form() { $result = array('code' => 0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $subject = M('subject')->where('can_shenqing=1 and type="niyuan"')->select(); $this->subject = $subject; $this->goods_id = $goods_id; $content = $this->fetch('Goods:goods_niyuansubject_fetch'); $result['code'] = 1; $result['html'] = $content; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function lottery_form() { $result = array('code' => 0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $voucher_list = M('voucher')->where( "store_id=".SELLERUID." and begin_time>".time() )->select(); $this->voucher_list = $voucher_list; $this->goods_id = $goods_id; $content = $this->fetch('Goods:goods_lottery_fetch'); $result['code'] = 1; $result['html'] = $content; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function lottery_sub() { $voucher_id = I('post.voucher_id',0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); $win_quantity = I('post.win_quantity',0); $is_auto_open = I('post.is_auto_open',0); $real_win_quantity = I('post.real_win_quantity',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } if($voucher_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '请选择退款时赠送的优惠券'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $spike_data = array(); $spike_data['goods_id'] = $goods_id; $spike_data['state'] = 0; $spike_data['is_open_lottery'] = 0; $spike_data['voucher_id'] = $voucher_id; $spike_data['win_quantity'] = $win_quantity; $spike_data['is_auto_open'] = $is_auto_open; $spike_data['real_win_quantity'] = $real_win_quantity; $spike_data['quantity'] = $goods_info['quantity']; $spike_data['begin_time'] = 0; $spike_data['end_time'] = 0; $spike_data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('lottery_goods')->add($spike_data); if($rs) { M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->save( array('lock_type' =>'lottery') ); } $result['code'] = 1; echo json_encode($result); die(); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function putongsubject_form() { $result = array('code' => 0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $subject = M('subject')->where('can_shenqing=1 and type="normal"')->select(); $this->subject = $subject; $this->goods_id = $goods_id; $content = $this->fetch('Goods:goods_putongsubject_fetch'); $result['code'] = 1; $result['html'] = $content; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function haitaosubject_form() { $result = array('code' => 0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $subject = M('subject')->where('can_shenqing=1 and type="haitao"')->select(); $this->subject = $subject; $this->goods_id = $goods_id; $content = $this->fetch('Goods:goods_haitaosubject_fetch'); $result['code'] = 1; $result['html'] = $content; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function mianfeishiyong_form() { $result = array('code' => 0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $subject = M('subject')->where('can_shenqing=1 and type="zeyuan"')->select(); $this->subject = $subject; $this->goods_id = $goods_id; $content = $this->fetch('Goods:goods_mianfeishiyong_fetch'); $result['code'] = 1; $result['html'] = $content; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function chaozhidapai_form() { $result = array('code' => 0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $super_spike_list = M('super_spike')->where('begin_time>'.time())->select(); $this->super_spike_list = $super_spike_list; $this->goods_id = $goods_id; $content = $this->fetch('Goods:goods_chaozhidapai_fetch'); $result['code'] = 1; $result['html'] = $content; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function spike_form() { $result = array('code' => 0); $goods_id = I('post.goods_id',0); if($goods_id == 0){ $result['msg'] = '商品不存在'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $goods_info = M('goods')->where( array('goods_id' => $goods_id) )->find(); if($goods_info['type'] == 'normal' && !empty($goods_info)) { $spike_list = M('spike')->where()->select(); //$spike_list = M('spike')->where('begin_time>'.time())->select(); $this->spike_list = $spike_list; $this->goods_id = $goods_id; $content = $this->fetch('Goods:goods_spike_fetch'); $result['code'] = 1; $result['html'] = $content; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['msg'] = '已存在其他活动中'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function get_json_category_tree($pid,$is_ajax=0) { // {pid:pid,is_ajax:1} $pid = empty($_GET['pid']) ? 0: intval($_GET['pid']); $is_ajax = empty($_GET['is_ajax']) ? 0:intval($_GET['is_ajax']); $goods_cate_model = D('Seller/GoodsCategory'); $list = $goods_cate_model->get_parent_cateory($pid,SELLERUID); $result = array(); if($is_ajax ==0) { return $list; } else { if(empty($list)){ $result['code'] = 0; } else { $result['code'] = 1; $result['list'] = $list; } echo json_encode($result); die(); } } function add(){ $model=new GoodsModel(); if(IS_POST){ $data=I('post.'); $data['goods_description']['tag'] = str_replace(',', ',', $data['goods_description']['tag']); $data['store_id']=SELLERUID; if($this->goods_is_shenhe()) { $data['status'] = 2; } $return=$model->add_goods($data); $this->osc_alert($return); } $parent_area = M('area')->where( array('area_parent_id' => 0) )->order('area_sort asc ,area_id asc')->select(); foreach($parent_area as $key => $val) { $child_ren = M('area')->where( array('area_parent_id' => $val['area_id']) )->order('area_sort asc ,area_id asc')->select(); $val['child'] = $child_ren; $parent_area[$key] = $val; } $this->parent_area = $parent_area; //库存状态 $this->stock_status=M('StockStatus')->select(); $this->cate_data = $this->get_json_category_tree(0); $this->action=U('Goods/add'); $this->crumbs='新增'; $this->display('edit'); } /** 商品是否需要审核 **/ function goods_is_shenhe() { $shenhegoods = M('config')->where( array('name' => 'shenhegoods') )->find(); $is_need_shen = 0; if(!empty($shenhegoods)) { $is_need_shen = $shenhegoods['value']; } return $is_need_shen; } function edit(){ $model=new GoodsModel(); $cate_data = $this->get_json_category_tree(0); if(IS_POST){ $data=I('post.'); if($this->goods_is_shenhe()) { $data['status'] = 2; } $data['goods_description']['tag'] = str_replace(',', ',', $data['goods_description']['tag']); $data['store_id']=SELLERUID; $return=$model->edit_goods($data); $this->osc_alert($return); } $goods_area = M('goods_area')->where( array('goods_id' => I('id')) )->find(); if(!empty($goods_area)) { $goods_area['area_ids'] =unserialize( $goods_area['area_ids_text']); } $this->goods_area=$goods_area; $parent_area = M('area')->where( array('area_parent_id' => 0) )->order('area_sort asc ,area_id asc')->select(); foreach($parent_area as $key => $val) { $child_ren = M('area')->where( array('area_parent_id' => $val['area_id']) )->order('area_sort asc ,area_id asc')->select(); $val['child'] = $child_ren; $parent_area[$key] = $val; } $this->parent_area = $parent_area; $this->crumbs='编辑'; $this->action=U('Goods/edit'); $this->description=M('goods_description')->find(I('id')); //库存状态 $this->stock_status=M('StockStatus')->select(); $this->goods=$model->get_goods_data(I('id')); $this->goods_images=$model->get_goods_image_data(I('id')); $this->goods_discount=M('goods_discount')->where(array('goods_id'=>I('id')))->order('quantity ASC')->select(); $this->goods_categories=$model->get_goods_category_data(I('id')); //transport_id if($this->goods['transport_id'] > 0) { $this->transport = D('Seller/Transport')->getTransportInfo(array('id' => $this->goods['transport_id'])); } //var_dump($this->transport);die(); $this->goods_options=$model->get_goods_options(I('id')); //dump($this->goods_options);die; $option_model=new \Admin\Model\OptionModel(); //选项值 foreach ($this->goods_options as $goods_option) { $option_values[$goods_option['option_id']] = $option_model->getOptionValues($goods_option['option_id']); } //dump($this->goods_options); //dump($option_values);die; $this->option_values=$option_values; $this->assign('cate_data',$cate_data);// 赋值数据集 $this->display('edit'); } function copy_goods(){ $id =I('id'); $model=new GoodsModel(); if($id){ foreach ($id as $k => $v) { $model->copy_goods($v); } $data['redirect']=U('Goods/index'); $this->ajaxReturn($data); die; } } function del(){ $model=new GoodsModel(); $return=$model->del_goods(I('')); $this->osc_alert($return); } } ?>