display(); } public function wl_xlmy() { $this->display(); } public function wl_baom() { $this->assign('kangurl', U('Index/wl_baom_ins')); $this->display(); } public function wl_baom_ins() { $username = htmlspecialchars($_POST['username']); $mobile = htmlspecialchars($_POST['mobile']); $sex = intval($_POST['sex']) == 1 ? '男': '女'; $area = htmlspecialchars($_POST['area']); $lbtype = htmlspecialchars($_POST['lbtype']); $note = htmlspecialchars($_POST['note']); $data = array('username' => $username,'mobile' => $mobile,'sex' => $sex,'area' => $area,'lbtype' => $lbtype,'note' => $note,'addtime' => time()); M('wl_bao')->add($data); echo json_encode(array('code'=>1)); die(); } public function wl_cbsx() { $list = M('wl_comment')->order('id desc ')->select(); $this->assign('list', $list); $this->assign('kangurl', U('Index/wl_cbsx_ins')); $this->display(); } public function wl_cbsx_ins() { //mess $mess = htmlspecialchars($_POST['mess']); $data = array('content' => $mess,'addtime' => time()); M('wl_comment')->add($data); echo json_encode(array('code'=>1)); die(); } public function subbaoview() { $ar = array('ret'=>0); $param = array(); $param['username'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['username']); $param['mobile'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['mobile']); $param['yixiang'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['yixiang']); $param['area'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['area']); $param['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('baoming')->add($param); if($rs) { $ar['ret'] = 1; } echo json_encode($ar); die(); } public function auth() { $secret = 'mnwjxpx20150826'; $openid = trim($_GET['openid']); $key = trim($_GET['key']); $ch_key = md5($secret.$openid); if($ch_key != $key) { echo ''; die();//这里以后放一片文章地址 } $user_info = M('user')->where("openid ='{$openid}'")->find(); if(!$user_info) { $param = array(); $param['openid'] = $openid; $param['addtime'] = time(); M('user')->add($param); } $this->redirect(U('Index/index','openid='.$openid)); } public function wan_notice() { $this->display(); } /** 从公众号进入的 **/ public function wan_index() { //$openid = 'DJKSDHUNCDNSDDSJDJH'; $secret = 'mnwjxpx20150826'; $openid = trim($_GET['openid']); $key = trim($_GET['key']); //$key = 'fa07413fdab048928525233486e78586'; $ch_key = md5($secret.$openid); //cookie('name',array('name1','name2')); if($ch_key != $key) { $user_info = cookie('wan_userinfo'); if(empty($user_info['openid'])) { $this->redirect(U('Index/wan_notice')); die();//这里以后放一片文章地址 }else { $openid = $user_info['openid']; } } $param = array( 'openid' => $openid, ); $info = M('mobile')->where(array('openid' => $openid))->find(); if($info) { $param['mobile'] = $info['mobile']; } else { $data_arr = array(); $data_arr['openid'] = $openid; $mobile = cookie('wan_other_mobile'); if(!$mobile) { $mobile = ''; } $data_arr['mobile'] = $mobile; $param['mobile'] = ''; M('mobile')->add($data_arr); } cookie('wan_userinfo',$param,86400*100); $item_list = M('item')->select(); $item_first = array_slice($item_list,0,1); $item_second = array_slice($item_list,1,1); $length = count($item_list); $del_item = array_slice($item_list,2,$length - 2); $this->assign('item_first', $item_first); $this->assign('item_second', $item_second); $this->assign('del_item', $del_item); $this->assign('item_list', $item_list); $this->assign('kangurl', U('Index/wan_openorder')); $this->assign('bindurl', U('Index/wan_bindmobile')); $this->display(); } /** 拆散情侣 绑定手机号 **/ public function cai_bindmobile() { $username = htmlspecialchars($_POST['username']); $mobile = htmlspecialchars($_POST['mobile']); $user_info = M('cais_user')->where( array( 'username' => $username,'mobile' => $mobile ) )->find(); $result = array('code' => 1); if($user_info) { $param = array(); $param = array( 'mobile' => $mobile ); cookie('cai_userinfo',$param,86400*100); } else { $data = array(); $data['username'] = $username; $data['mobile'] = $mobile; $data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('cais_user')->add($data); if(!$rs) { $result['code'] = 2; }else { $param = array(); $param = array( 'mobile' => $mobile ); cookie('cai_userinfo',$param,86400*100); } $param = array(); $param = array( 'mobile' => $mobile ); } echo json_encode($result); die(); } /** 拆散情侣 比赛结果入库 **/ public function cai_addrecord() { $score = intval($_POST['score']); //score:45 $result = array(); $user_info = cookie('cai_userinfo'); if(!empty($user_info['mobile'])) { $mobile = $user_info['mobile']; //cais_records $record = M('cais_records')->where( array('mobile' => $mobile) )->find(); if($record) { if ($record['record'] <= $score) { $data = array(); $data['record'] = $score; $data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('cais_records')->where( array('mobile' => $mobile) )->save($data); if($rs){ $result['code'] = 2;//更新成功 } else { $result['code'] = 3;//更新出错 } } } else { $data = array(); $data['mobile'] = $mobile; $data['record'] = $score; $data['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('cais_records')->add($data); if($rs){ $result['code'] = 2;//更新成功 } else { $result['code'] = 3;//更新出错 } } echo json_encode($result); die(); }else { $result['code'] = 1;//未注册过 echo json_encode($result); die(); } } /** 拆散情侣 排行榜 **/ public function cai_top() { $rank_list = M('cais_records')->order('record desc,addtime')->limit('100')->select(); $mobile = ''; $count = 100; $user_info = cookie('cai_userinfo'); if(empty($user_info['mobile'])) { $mobile = ''; }else { $mobile = $user_info['mobile']; } if(!empty($mobile)) { $info = M('cais_records')->where( array('mobile' => $mobile) )->find(); $count = M('cais_records')->where(' record> '.$info['record'])->count(); } foreach($rank_list as $key => $val) { $val['mobile'] = substr($val['mobile'],0,3).'****'.substr($val['mobile'],-3,3); $rank_list[$key] = $val; } $result = array('list' =>$rank_list,'count' => $count ); echo json_encode($result); die(); } /** 拆散情侣 检测是否注册过 **/ public function cai_checkmobile() { $result = array(); $user_info = cookie('cai_userinfo'); if(empty($user_info['mobile'])) { $result['code'] = 2;//需要弹窗绑定手机号 }else { $result['code'] = 1;//已经注册过了 } echo json_encode($result); die(); } /** 开始绑定手机号 **/ public function wan_bindmobile() { $result = array('code' => 0); $user_info = cookie('wan_userinfo'); if(empty($user_info['openid'])) { $result['code'] = 2;//需要跳转到授权页面 $result['url'] = U('Index/wan_notice'); echo json_encode($result); die(); } $mobile = htmlspecialchars($_POST['mobile']); $param = array( 'mobile' => $mobile ); M('mobile')->where( array('openid' => $user_info['openid'] ) )->save($param); $user_info['mobile'] = $mobile; cookie('wan_userinfo',$param,86400*100); $result['code'] = 1; echo json_encode($result); die(); } /** 帮忙别人砍价,绑定手机号 **/ public function wan_other_bindmobile() { $result = array( 'code' => 0); $mobile = htmlspecialchars($_POST['mobile']); cookie('wan_other_mobile',$mobile,86400*100); $user_info = cookie('wan_userinfo'); if(!empty($user_info) && empty($user_info['mobile'])) { $user_info['mobile'] =$mobile; cookie('wan_userinfo',$user_info,86400*100); } $result['code'] = 1; echo json_encode($result); die(); } /** 帮忙别人砍价 **/ public function wan_other_kang() { $result = array('code' => 0); $mobile = cookie('wan_other_mobile'); if(empty($mobile)) { $user_info = cookie('wan_userinfo'); if(!empty($user_info['mobile'])) { $mobile = $user_info['mobile']; } else { $result['code'] = 2;//需要绑定一下手机号 echo json_encode($result); die(); } } $order_id = intval($_POST['order_id']); $order_info = M('order')->where('id='.$order_id)->find(); if(empty($order_info)) { $result['code'] = 3; echo json_encode($result);//订单不存在,非法操作 die(); } if($order_info['sy_price']<=0) { $result['code'] = 4; echo json_encode($result);//已成功 die(); } $item = M('item')->where('id='.$order_info['item_id'].' and num >0 ')->find(); if(!$item) { $result['code'] = 5; echo json_encode($result);//商品已经抢光了 die(); } $order_kang = M('order_kang')->where( array('mobile' => $mobile, 'order_id' => $order_id ) )->find(); if($order_kang) { $result['code'] = 6; echo json_encode($result);//您已经砍过了 die(); } //$order_kang $kang_arr = array(); $kang_arr['order_id'] = $order_id; $kang_arr['money'] = 1; if($order_info['item_id'] == 1) { $kang_arr['money'] = 3; } $kang_arr['mobile'] = $mobile; $kang_arr['addtime'] = time(); M('order_kang')->add($kang_arr); M('order')->where('id='.$order_id)->setDec('sy_price'); // if($order_info['item_id'] == 1) { M('order')->where('id='.$order_id)->setDec('sy_price'); // M('order')->where('id='.$order_id)->setDec('sy_price'); // } $order_info = M('order')->where('id='.$order_id)->find(); if($order_info['sy_price']<=0) { M('order')->where('id='.$order_id)->save( array('state' =>1) ); M('item')->where('id='.$order_info['item_id'])->setDec('num'); // } $result['code'] = 1;//砍价成功 $result['sy_price'] = $order_info['sy_price']; echo json_encode($result); die(); } //http://baby2015.mnw.cn/index.php?m=&c=Index&a=wan_detail&item_id=1 public function wan_detailover() { $item_id = intval($_GET['item_id']); $item_info = M('item')->where('id='.$item_id)->find(); $this->assign('kangurl', U('Index/wan_other_kang')); $this->assign('bindurl', U('Index/wan_other_bindmobile')); $pross = 100; $is_me = 1; $has_kang = 1; $jianglist = M('order')->where('item_id='.$item_id)->order('state desc,sy_price asc')->limit(20)->select(); $this->assign('is_me', $is_me); $this->assign('jianglist', $jianglist); $this->assign('has_kang', $has_kang); //$this->assign('kangurl', U('Index/wan_openorder')); $this->assign('bangurl', U('Index/wan_other_kang')); $this->assign('bindmobileurl', U('Index/wan_other_bindmobile')); $this->assign('pross', $pross); $this->assign('item_info', $item_info); $this->assign('is_over', 1); $this->display('wan_detail'); } public function wan_detail() { $item_id = intval($_GET['item_id']); $order_id = intval($_GET['order_id']); $item_info = M('item')->where('id='.$item_id)->find(); $order_info = M('order')->where('id='.$order_id)->find(); if(empty($order_info)) { $this->redirect(U('Index/wan_index')); die();//这里以后放一片文章地址 } $this->assign('kangurl', U('Index/wan_other_kang')); $this->assign('bindurl', U('Index/wan_other_bindmobile')); $pross = round(($item_info['price']-$order_info['sy_price']) / $item_info['price'] *100,2); if($pross > 100) { $pross = 100; } $is_me = 0;//是否是当前的人的 $mobile = cookie('wan_other_mobile'); $user_info = cookie('wan_userinfo'); if(!empty($user_info['openid'])) { $order_me = M('order')->where( array('openid'=>$user_info['openid'],'id' =>$order_id,'item_id' =>$item_id ) )->find(); if($order_me) { $is_me = 1; } if(empty($mobile)) $mobile = $user_info['mobile']; } //var_dump($is_me,M('order')->getLastSql());die(); //是否已经砍过 //$user_info['mobile'] $has_kang = 0; if(!empty($mobile)) { $order_kang = M('order_kang')->where( array('order_id' => $order_id,'mobile' => $mobile) )->find(); if($order_kang) { $has_kang = 1; } } //var_dump($has_kang,$mobile);die(); $jianglist = M('order')->where('item_id='.$item_id)->order('state desc,sy_price asc')->limit(20)->select(); $this->assign('is_me', $is_me); $this->assign('jianglist', $jianglist); $this->assign('has_kang', $has_kang); //$this->assign('kangurl', U('Index/wan_openorder')); $this->assign('bangurl', U('Index/wan_other_kang')); $this->assign('bindmobileurl', U('Index/wan_other_bindmobile')); $this->assign('pross', $pross); $this->assign('item_info', $item_info); $this->assign('order_info', $order_info); $this->assign('is_over', 0); $this->display(); } /** 开启一个砍价链接 **/ public function wan_openorder() { $result =array('code' => 0); $user_info = cookie('wan_userinfo'); if(empty($user_info) || empty($user_info['mobile'])) { //需要绑定手机号 $result['code'] = 1; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $item_id = trim($_POST['item_id']); $item = M('item')->where('id='.$item_id.' and num >0 ')->find(); if($item) { $in_order = M('order')->where( array('item_id' => $item_id,'openid' => $user_info['openid'],'state' => 0) )->find(); if($in_order) { $result['code'] = 3;//当前商品正在砍价中 $result['order_id'] = $in_order['id']; echo json_encode($result); die(); }else { $order_param = array(); $order_param['openid'] = $user_info['openid']; $order_param['item_id'] = $item_id; if($item_id == 1) { $order_param['sy_price'] = $item['price'] - 3; }else $order_param['sy_price'] = $item['price'] - 1; $order_param['mobile'] = $user_info['mobile']; $order_param['state'] = 0; $order_param['stattime'] = time(); $order_param['endtime'] = time(); $insrt_id = M('order')->add($order_param); //$order_kang $kang_arr = array(); $kang_arr['order_id'] = $insrt_id; $kang_arr['mobile'] = $user_info['mobile']; if($item_id == 1) { $kang_arr['money'] = 3; }else $kang_arr['money'] = 1; $kang_arr['addtime'] = time(); $rs = M('order_kang')->add($kang_arr); $result['code'] = 5;//自己砍价成功 $result['order_id'] = $insrt_id; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } else { $result['code'] = 2;//商品数量已经抢光 echo json_encode($result); die(); } } /** * 网站,服务器基本信息 * @return */ public function index(){ $openid = $_GET['openid']; $user_info = M('user')->where("openid ='{$openid}'")->find(); if(!$user_info) { echo ''; die();//这里以后放一片文章地址 } $cate_id = isset($_GET['cid']) ? intval($_GET['cid']) : 1; $p = isset($_GET['p']) ? intval($_GET['p']) : 1; $size = 10; $off_set = ($p -1) * $size; $is_ajax = isset($_GET['is_ajax']) ? true: false; $keyword = isset($_GET['keyword']) ? trim($_GET['keyword']) : ''; $now_time = time(); $where = 'begin_time<'.$now_time.' and end_time > '.$now_time; if(!empty($keyword)) { $where .= ' and (username LIKE "%'.$keyword.'%" or id Like "%'.$keyword.'%") '; } if($cate_id > 0) { $where .= ' and cid ='.$cate_id; } $tou_list = array(); $tou_list = M('toupiao')->where($where)->order('vote_count desc')->limit($off_set,$size)->select(); $tou_list_left = array(); $tou_list_right = array(); $i = 1; $result_list = array(); if(!empty($tou_list)) { foreach($tou_list as $tou) { if($i % 2 == 1) { $tou_list_left[] = $tou; } else { $tou_list_right[] = $tou; } $i++; } $result_list['tou_list_left'] = $tou_list_left; $result_list['tou_list_right'] = $tou_list_right; } if($is_ajax) { $result = array('ret' =>1); if(!empty($result_list)) { $result = array('ret' =>0); $result['list'] = $result_list; } echo json_encode($result); die(); } $this->assign('cate_id', $cate_id); $this->assign('result_list', $result_list); $this->assign('toup', U('Index/toupsub')); $this->assign('s_url', U('Index/index')); $this->assign('openid', $openid); $this->assign('siteurl', 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); $this->display(); } public function touview() { $openid = htmlspecialchars($_GET['openid']); $tid = intval($_GET['id']); $tou_info = M('toupiao')->where("id ='{$tid}'")->find(); $this->assign('toupsuburl', U('Index/toupsub','openid='.$openid)); $this->assign('tou_info', $tou_info); $this->display(); } public function weixinshow() { $cate_id = isset($_GET['cid']) ? intval($_GET['cid']) : 0; $p = isset($_GET['p']) ? intval($_GET['p']) : 1; $size = 10; $off_set = ($p -1) * $size; $is_ajax = isset($_GET['is_ajax']) ? true: false; $keyword = isset($_GET['keyword']) ? trim($_GET['keyword']) : ''; $where = '1=1'; if(!empty($keyword)) { $where .= ' and username LIKE "%'.$keyword.'%"'; } if($cate_id > 0) { //$cate_arr = array($cate_id=>$cate_arr[$cate_id]); $where .= ' and cid ='.$key; } $tou_list = array(); $tou_list = M('toupiao')->where($where)->order('id asc')->limit($off_set,$size)->select(); $tou_list_left = array(); $tou_list_right = array(); $i = 1; $result_list = array(); if(!empty($tou_list)) { foreach($tou_list as $tou) { if($i % 2 == 1) { $tou_list_left[] = $tou; } else { $tou_list_right[] = $tou; } $i++; } $result_list['tou_list_left'] = $tou_list_left; $result_list['tou_list_right'] = $tou_list_right; } if($is_ajax) { $result = array('ret' =>1); if(!empty($result_list)) { $result = array('ret' =>0); $result['list'] = $result_list; } echo json_encode($result); die(); } $this->assign('result_list', $result_list); $this->assign('toup', U('Index/toup')); $this->assign('s_url', U('Index/weixinshow')); $this->assign('siteurl', 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); $this->display(); } public function baommote() { $this->assign('baom', U('Index/baom')); $this->assign('toup', U('Index/toup')); $this->assign('siteurl', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); $this->assign('suburl', U('Index/baosubmote')); $this->assign('toupurl', U('Index/toup')); $this->assign('uppicurl', U('Index/uppic')); $this->display(); } public function baosubmote() { $data = $_POST; foreach($data as $key => $val) { if($key == 'team') { $data[$key] = $val == 1 ? '单人' : '组队'; } if($key == 'sex') { $data[$key] = $val == 1 ? '男' : '女'; } if($key == 'thumb_url' || $key == 'image_url' ) { $data[$key] ='http://baby2015.mnw.cn/'.$val; } $data[$key] = htmlspecialchars($data[$key]); } $result = array('code'=>1,'mes' => ''); $param = $data; $param['addtime'] = time(); $insrt_id = M('mote')->add($param); if($insrt_id) { $result['code'] = 0; $result['insrt_id'] = $insrt_id; $result['mes'] = '报名成功.'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['mes'] = '插入数据库失败.'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function baom2017() { $this->assign('baom', U('Index/baom')); $this->assign('toup', U('Index/toup')); $this->assign('siteurl', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); $this->assign('suburl', U('Index/baosub2017')); $this->assign('toupurl', U('Index/toup')); $this->assign('uppicurl', U('Index/uppic')); $this->display(); } public function baosub2017() { $username = trim($_POST['babyname']); $sex = intval($_POST['sex']); $parname = trim($_POST['parname']); $mobile = trim($_POST['mobile']); $area = trim($_POST['area']); $age = 0; $birthday = trim($_POST['birthday']); $weixin = trim($_POST['weixin']); $parship = trim($_POST['parship']); $cid = intval($_POST['cid']); $thumb_url = trim($_POST['thumb_url']); $image_url = trim($_POST['image_url']); $result = array('code'=>1,'mes' => ''); //$result['mes'] = '报名已结束'; //echo json_encode($result); //die(); if(empty($username)) { $result['mes'] = '姓名不能为空'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } if(empty($parname)) { $result['mes'] = '联系人姓名不能为空'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } if(empty($mobile)) { $result['mes'] = '手机号不能为空'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } if(empty($thumb_url)) { $result['mes'] = '请上传图片'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $where_param = array(); $where_param['parname'] = $parname; $where_param['username'] = $username; $where_param['mobile'] = $mobile; $idcard_info = M('toupiao2017')->where($where_param)->find(); if($idcard_info) { $result['mes'] = '该宝宝已经报名,请勿重复报名.'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $param = array(); $param['created_at'] = time(); $param['updated_at'] = time(); $param['username'] = htmlspecialchars($username); $param['mobile'] = htmlspecialchars($mobile); $param['parname'] = htmlspecialchars($parname); $param['area'] = htmlspecialchars($area); $param['sex'] = htmlspecialchars($sex); $param['parship'] = htmlspecialchars($parship); $param['cid'] = htmlspecialchars($cid); $param['age'] = htmlspecialchars($age); $param['birthday'] = htmlspecialchars($birthday); $param['weixin'] = htmlspecialchars($weixin); $param['statu'] = 1; $param['idcard'] = time(); $param['image_url'] = htmlspecialchars($image_url); $param['thumb_url'] = htmlspecialchars($thumb_url); $insrt_id = M('toupiao2017')->add($param); if($insrt_id) { $result['code'] = 0; $result['insrt_id'] = $insrt_id; $result['mes'] = '报名成功.'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['mes'] = '插入数据库失败.'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function baom() { $this->assign('baom', U('Index/baom')); $this->assign('toup', U('Index/toup')); $this->assign('siteurl', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); $this->assign('suburl', U('Index/baosub')); $this->assign('toupurl', U('Index/toup')); $this->assign('uppicurl', U('Index/uppic')); $this->display(); } public function baosub() { $username = trim($_POST['babyname']); $sex = intval($_POST['sex']); $parname = trim($_POST['parname']); $mobile = trim($_POST['mobile']); $area = trim($_POST['area']); $parship = trim($_POST['parship']); $cid = intval($_POST['cid']); $thumb_url = trim($_POST['thumb_url']); $image_url = trim($_POST['image_url']); $result = array('code'=>1,'mes' => ''); //$result['mes'] = '报名已结束'; //echo json_encode($result); //die(); if(empty($username)) { $result['mes'] = '姓名不能为空'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } if(empty($parname)) { $result['mes'] = '家长姓名不能为空'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } if(empty($mobile)) { $result['mes'] = '手机号不能为空'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } if(empty($thumb_url)) { $result['mes'] = '请上传图片'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $where_param = array(); $where_param['parname'] = $parname; $where_param['username'] = $username; $where_param['mobile'] = $mobile; $idcard_info = M('toupiao')->where($where_param)->find(); if($idcard_info) { $result['mes'] = '该宝宝已经报名,请勿重复报名.'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } $param = array(); $param['created_at'] = time(); $param['updated_at'] = time(); $param['username'] = $username; $param['mobile'] = $mobile; $param['parname'] = $parname; $param['area'] = $area; $param['sex'] = $sex; $param['parship'] = $parship; $param['cid'] = $cid; $param['statu'] = 1; $param['idcard'] = time(); $param['image_url'] = $image_url; $param['thumb_url'] = $thumb_url; $insrt_id = M('toupiao')->add($param); if($insrt_id) { $result['code'] = 0; $result['insrt_id'] = $insrt_id; $result['mes'] = '报名成功.'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } else { $result['mes'] = '插入数据库失败.'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } } public function toup() { $p = isset($_POST['p']) ? intval($_POST['p']) : 1; $size = 10; $off_set = ($p -1) * $size; $is_ajax = isset($_POST['is_ajax']) ? true: false; $tou_list = M('toupiao')->where()->order('vote_count desc')->limit($off_set.','.$size)->select(); if($is_ajax) { $result = array('ret' =>1); if(!empty($tou_list)) { $result = array('ret' =>0); $result['list'] = $tou_list; } echo json_encode($result); die(); } $tou_left = array(); $tou_right = array(); $is_left = true; foreach($tou_list as $val) { if($is_left) $tou_left[] = $val; else $tou_right[] = $val; $is_left = $is_left ? false : true; } $baom_count = M('toupiao')->count(); $toup_count = M('toupiao_record')->count(); $this->assign('baom_count', $baom_count); $this->assign('toup_count', $toup_count); $this->assign('siteurl', 'http://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']); $this->assign('tou_left', $tou_left); $this->assign('tou_right', $tou_right); $this->assign('baom', U('Index/baom')); $this->assign('toup', U('Index/toup')); $this->assign('toupsuburl', U('Index/toupsub')); $this->assign('tou_list', $tou_list); $this->display(); } public function toupsub() { //data:{bid_str:bid_str,cid:cid,openid:openid}, /** array(3) { ["bid_str"]=> string(40) "26,36,60,64,69,66,136,76,156,106,146,160" ["cid"]=> string(1) "1" ["openid"]=> string(28) "o0Vb0juyDM56F6ds32qv_cjiuCc8" } **/ $cid = intval($_POST['cid']); $bid_str = $_POST['bid_str']; $bid_arr = explode(',', $bid_str); $openid = htmlspecialchars($_POST['openid']); $user_info = M('user')->where("openid ='{$openid}'")->find(); $result = array(); $result['ret'] = 0; if(!$user_info) { $result['msg'] = '请关注闽南网,并点击菜单中宝宝投票,进入投票'; echo json_encode($result); die();// } if(empty($bid_arr)) { $result['msg'] = '请选择要投票的宝贝'; echo json_encode($result); die();// } if($cid != 1 && $cid !=2) { $result['msg'] = '非法操作'; echo json_encode($result); die();// } $ck_info = M('toupiao_record')->where(array('openid'=>$openid,'cid'=>$cid))->find(); if($ck_info){ $result['msg'] = '该组别您已经投过票了。'; echo json_encode($result); die();// } /** $end_time = '2015-09-30 23:59:39'; if(time() >= strtotime($end_time)) { $result['msg'] = '投票已结束,感谢您的参与。'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } **/ $tip = get_client_ip(); $ipkey = md5($tip.$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $no_time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d')); $need_arr = array(); foreach($bid_arr as $val) { if(empty($need_arr) || !in_array($val,$need_arr) ) { $need_arr[] = $val; $tid = intval($val); $param = array(); $param['tid'] = $tid; $param['tip'] = $tip; $param['cid'] = $cid; $param['openid'] = $openid; $param['ipkey'] = $ipkey; $param['createtime'] = $no_time; M('toupiao_record')->add($param); M('toupiao')->where('id='.$tid)->setInc('vote_count',1); } } $result['ret'] = 1; $result['msg'] = '投票成功'; echo json_encode($result); die(); } public function uppic(){ $upload = new \Think\Upload();// 实例化上传类 $upload->maxSize = 4194304;// 设置附件上传大小 $upload->exts = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg');// 设置附件上传类型 $upload->rootPath = './Uploads/'; // 设置附件上传根目录 $upload->savePath = ''; // 设置附件上传(子)目录 $upload->thumb = true; // 设置附件上传(子)目录 $upload->thumbMaxWidth = 640; $upload->thumbPath = './Uploads/'; $info = $upload->upload(); foreach($info as $key => &$val) { $image = new \Think\Image(); $image->open('./Uploads/'.$val['savepath'].$val['savename']); // 按照原图的比例生成一个最大为150*150的缩略图并保存为thumb.jpg $val['thumb_url'] = './Uploads/'.date('Y-m-d').'/'.md5(time()).'.jpg'; $thumb = $image->thumb(640, 640)->save($val['thumb_url']); } if(!$info) {// 上传错误提示错误信息 $this->error($upload->getError()); }else{// 上传成功 echo json_encode($info); } die(); } } ?>