keyword = $keyword;
$condition = "";
if (!empty($keyword)) {
$condition .= ' and (a.username like "%'.$keyword.'%" or like "%'.$keyword.'%" )';
if (defined('ROLE') && ROLE == 'agenter' )
$supper_info = get_agent_logininfo();
$condition .= ' and store_id='.$supper_info['id'];
$enabled = I('request.state',-1);
if (isset($enabled) && $enabled >= 0) {
$condition .= ' and a.state = ' . $enabled;
} else {
$enabled = -1;
$this->enabled = $enabled;
$list = M()->query('SELECT a.*,b.storename FROM ' . C('DB_PREFIX'). "lionfish_comshop_orderdistribution a"
. " left join ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_supply b on "
. " WHERE 1=1 "
. $condition . ' order by desc limit ' . (($pindex - 1) * $psize) . ',' . $psize);
if( !empty($list) )
foreach( $list as $key => $val )
$mb_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('member_id, username as nickname,avatar')->where( array('member_id' => $val['member_id'] ) )->find();
$val['mb_info'] = $mb_info;
$list[$key] = $val;
$total = M('lionfish_comshop_orderdistribution a')->where("1=1 ".$condition)->count();
$pager = pagination2($total, $pindex, $psize);
$this->list = $list;
$this->pager = $pager;
* 提现列表
public function withdrawallist()
$_GPC = I('request.');
$condition = ' ';
$pindex = max(1, intval($_GPC['page']));
$psize = 20;
if (!empty($_GPC['keyword'])) {
$_GPC['keyword'] = trim($_GPC['keyword']);
$condition .= ' and ( = '.intval($_GPC['keyword']).') ';
$store_id = 0;
$is_supply_status = 0;
if (defined('ROLE') && ROLE == 'agenter' )
$supper_info = get_agent_logininfo();
$store_id = $supper_info['id'];
$condition .= ' and co.store_id='.$store_id;
$is_supply_status = 1;
$starttime = strtotime( date('Y-m-d')." 00:00:00" );
$endtime = $starttime + 86400;
if (!empty($_GPC['time']['start']) && !empty($_GPC['time']['end'])) {
$starttime = strtotime($_GPC['time']['start']);
$endtime = strtotime($_GPC['time']['end']);
$condition .= ' AND o.addtime >= '.$starttime.' AND o.addtime <= '.$endtime.' ';
$this->starttime = $starttime;
$this->endtime = $endtime;
if ($_GPC['comsiss_state'] != '') {
$condition .= ' and o.state=' . intval($_GPC['comsiss_state']);
$sql = 'SELECT o.*,co.username FROM ' . C('DB_PREFIX') . "lionfish_comshop_orderdistribution_tixian_order o left join ".C('DB_PREFIX')."lionfish_comshop_orderdistribution co on o.member_id=co.member_id "
. "WHERE 1 " . $condition . ' order by desc ';
if (empty($_GPC['export'])) {
$sql .= ' limit ' . (($pindex - 1) * $psize) . ',' . $psize;
$community_tixian_fee = D('Home/Front')->get_config_by_name('distribution_tixian_fee');
//echo $sql.'
$list = M()->query($sql);
$total_arr = M()->query('SELECT count(1) as count FROM ' . C('DB_PREFIX') . 'lionfish_comshop_orderdistribution_tixian_order o left join '.C("DB_PREFIX").'lionfish_comshop_orderdistribution co on o.member_id=co.member_id WHERE 1 ' . $condition );
$total = $total_arr[0]['count'];
foreach( $list as $key => $val )
$member_info = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('username,avatar,we_openid,telephone')->where( array('member_id' => $val['member_id'] ) )->find();
$val['member_info'] = $member_info;
$list[$key] = $val;
if ($_GPC['export'] == '1') {
foreach($list as $key =>&$row)
$row['username'] = $row['member_info']['username'];
$row['telephone'] = $row['member_info']['telephone'];
$row['bankname'] = $row['bankname'];
if( $row['type'] == 1 )
$row['bankname'] = '余额';
}elseif( $row['type'] == 2 ){
$row['bankname'] = '微信零钱';
}elseif($row['type'] == 3){
$row['bankname'] = '支付宝';
$row['bankaccount'] = "\t".$row['bankaccount'];
$row['bankusername'] = $row['bankusername'];
$row['get_money'] = $row['money']-$row['service_charge_money'];
$row['addtime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row['addtime']);
$row['shentime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $row['shentime']);
if($row['state'] ==0)
$row['state'] = '待审核';
}else if($row[state] ==1)
$row['state'] = '已审核,打款';
}else if($row[state] ==2){
$row['state'] = '已拒绝';
$columns = array(
array('title' => 'ID', 'field' => 'id', 'width' => 12),
array('title' => '用户名', 'field' => 'username', 'width' => 12),
array('title' => '联系方式', 'field' => 'telephone', 'width' => 12),
array('title' => '打款银行', 'field' => 'bankname', 'width' => 24),
array('title' => '打款账户', 'field' => 'bankaccount', 'width' => 24),
array('title' => '真实姓名', 'field' => 'bankusername', 'width' => 24),
array('title' => '申请提现金额', 'field' => 'money', 'width' => 24),
array('title' => '手续费', 'field' => 'service_charge_money', 'width' => 24),
array('title' => '到账金额', 'field' => 'get_money', 'width' => 24),
array('title' => '申请时间', 'field' => 'addtime', 'width' => 24),
array('title' => '审核时间', 'field' => 'shentime', 'width' => 24),
array('title' => '状态', 'field' => 'state', 'width' => 24)
D('Seller/Excel')->export($list, array('title' => '配送员佣金提现数据-' . date('Y-m-d-H-i', time()), 'columns' => $columns));
$pager = pagination2($total, $pindex, $psize);
$this->list = $list;
$this->pager = $pager;
$this->_GPC = $_GPC;
$this->is_supply_status = $is_supply_status;
public function agent_check_apply()
$_GPC = I('request.');
$commission_model = D('Home/LocaltownDelivery');
$id = intval($_GPC['id']);
if (empty($id)) {
$id = (is_array($_GPC['ids']) ? implode(',', $_GPC['ids']) : 0);
$comsiss_state = intval($_GPC['state']);
$apply_list = M('lionfish_comshop_orderdistribution_tixian_order')->where('id in( ' . $id . ' )')->select();
$time = time();
foreach ($apply_list as $apply) {
if ($apply['state'] == $comsiss_state || $apply['state'] == 1 || $apply['state'] == 2) {
$money = $apply['money'];
if ($comsiss_state == 1) {
switch( $apply['type'] )
case 1:
$result = $commission_model->send_apply_yuer( $apply['id'] );
case 2:
$result = $commission_model->send_apply_weixin_yuer( $apply['id'] );
case 3:
$result = $commission_model->send_apply_alipay_bank( $apply['id'] );
case 4:
$result = $commission_model->send_apply_alipay_bank( $apply['id'] );
if( $result['code'] == 1)
show_json(0, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ,'message'=>$result['msg'] ) );
else if ($comsiss_state == 2) {
M('lionfish_comshop_orderdistribution_tixian_order')->where( array('id' => $apply['id'] ) )->save( array('state' => 2, 'shentime' => $time) );
M('lionfish_comshop_orderdistribution_commiss')->where( array('member_id' => $apply['member_id'] ) )->setInc('money',$money);
M('lionfish_comshop_orderdistribution_commiss')->where( array('member_id' => $apply['member_id'] ) )->setInc('dongmoney',-$money);
else {
M('lionfish_comshop_orderdistribution_tixian_order')->where( array('id' => $apply['id']) )->save( array('state' => 0, 'shentime' => 0) );
show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ));
public function withdrawalconfig()
$_GPC = I('request.');
$supply_id = 0;
if (defined('ROLE') && ROLE == 'agenter' )
$supper_info = get_agent_logininfo();
$supply_id = $supper_info['id'];
if (IS_POST) {
$data = ((is_array($_GPC['data']) ? $_GPC['data'] : array()));
$data['distribution_tixianway_yuer'] = isset($data['distribution_tixianway_yuer']) ? $data['distribution_tixianway_yuer']:1;
$data['distribution_tixianway_weixin'] = isset($data['distribution_tixianway_weixin']) ? $data['distribution_tixianway_weixin']:1;
$data['distribution_tixianway_alipay'] = isset($data['distribution_tixianway_alipay']) ? $data['distribution_tixianway_alipay']:1;
$data['distribution_tixianway_bank'] = isset($data['distribution_tixianway_bank']) ? $data['distribution_tixianway_bank']:1;
$data['distribution_tixian_publish'] = isset($data['distribution_tixian_publish']) ? $data['distribution_tixian_publish']:'';
if($supply_id == 0){
}else if($supply_id > 0){
show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) );
if($supply_id == 0){
$data = D('Seller/Config')->get_all_config();
}else if($supply_id > 0){
$data = D('Seller/SupplyConfig')->get_all_config();
$this->supply_id = $supply_id;
$this->data = $data;
* 改变状态
public function change()
$id = I('');
if (empty($id)) {
$ids = I('request.ids');
$id = ((is_array($ids) ? implode(',', $ids) : 0));
if (empty($id)) {
show_json(0, array('message' => '参数错误'));
$type = I('request.type');
$value = I('request.value');
if (!(in_array($type, array('state')))) {
show_json(0, array('message' => '参数错误'));
$items = M('lionfish_comshop_orderdistribution')->where( array('id' => array('in', $id) ) )->select();
foreach ($items as $item) {
M('lionfish_comshop_orderdistribution')->where( array('id' => $item['id']) )->save( array('state' => $value) );
show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']));
public function deletedistribution()
$id = I('');
if (empty($id)) {
$ids = I('request.ids');
$id = (is_array($ids) ? implode(',', $ids) : 0);
$items = M('lionfish_comshop_orderdistribution')->field('id')->where( array('id' => array('in', $id) ) )->select();
if (empty($item)) {
$item = array();
foreach ($items as $item) {
if($item['has_send_count'] <= 0)
M('lionfish_comshop_orderdistribution')->where( array('id' => $item['id']) )->delete();
show_json(1, array('url' => $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']));
public function adddistribution()
if (IS_POST) {
$id = I('');
if( empty($id) )
$id = 0;
$data = array();
$data['username'] = I('post.username');
$data['mobile'] = I('');
$data['member_id'] = I('post.member_id');
$data['state'] = I('post.state');
$data['always_address'] = I('post.always_address');
if( empty($data['username']) )
show_json(0, array('message' => '请填写配送员姓名'));
if( empty($data['mobile']) )
show_json(0, array('message' => '请填写手机号'));
if( empty($data['member_id']) )
show_json(0, array('message' => '请选择关联会员'));
if (defined('ROLE') && ROLE == 'agenter' )
$supper_info = get_agent_logininfo();
$data['store_id'] = $supper_info['id'];
$ck_pes = M('lionfish_comshop_orderdistribution')->where( "member_id=".$data['member_id']." and id != " .$id )->find();
if( !empty($ck_pes) )
show_json(0, array('message' => '该会员已经关联配送员,请选择其他会员'));
if( $id > 0 )
M('lionfish_comshop_orderdistribution')->where( array('id' => $id) )->save( $data );
$data['has_send_count'] = 0;
$data['addtime'] = time();
M('lionfish_comshop_orderdistribution')->add( $data );
show_json(1, array('url' => U('Orderdistribution/index')));
$id = I('', 'intval',0);
if( $id > 0 )
$store_id = 0;
$distribution = array();
if (defined('ROLE') && ROLE == 'agenter' )
$supper_info = get_agent_logininfo();
$store_id = $supper_info['id'];
$distribution = M('lionfish_comshop_orderdistribution')->where( array('id' => $id,'store_id'=>$store_id) )->find();
$distribution = M('lionfish_comshop_orderdistribution')->where( array('id' => $id) )->find();
$this->distribution = $distribution;
$saler = M('lionfish_comshop_member')->field('member_id, username as nickname,avatar')->where( array('member_id' => $distribution['member_id'] ) )->find();
$saler['username'] = str_replace("'","",$saler['username']);
$saler['nickname'] = str_replace("'","",$saler['nickname']);
$this->saler = $saler;
* fish
* 同城配送配置方法
public function distributionconfig()
$supply_id = 0;
if (defined('ROLE') && ROLE == 'agenter' )
$supper_info = get_agent_logininfo();
$supply_id = $supper_info['id'];
if (IS_POST) {
$data = I('', array());
$data['goods_stock_notice'] = trim($data['goods_stock_notice']);
$data['goods_details_title_bg'] = save_media($data['goods_details_title_bg']);
if($supply_id > 0){
show_json(1, array('url'=> U('Orderdistribution/distributionconfig')));
if($supply_id > 0){
$data = D('Seller/SupplyConfig')->get_all_config();
$data = D('Seller/Config')->get_all_config();
$this->data = $data;
* 选择配送员
public function choosemember()
$_GPC = I('request.');
$kwd = trim($_GPC['keyword']);
$order_id = $_GPC['id'];
$is_ajax = isset($_GPC['is_ajax']) ? intval($_GPC['is_ajax']) : 0;
$order_info = M('lionfish_comshop_order')->where( array('order_id' => $order_id ) )->find();
$params = array();
$condition = ' 1 ';
if (!empty($kwd)) {
$condition .= ' and ( username LIKE "%'.$kwd .'%" or mobile like "%'.$kwd .'%" )';
if($order_info['store_id'] > 0){
$condition .= ' and store_id='.$order_info['store_id'];
$condition .= ' and store_id=0';
$page = isset($_GPC['page']) ? intval($_GPC['page']) : 1;
$page = max(1, $page);
$page_size = 10;
$ds = M()->query('SELECT * FROM ' . C('DB_PREFIX') . 'lionfish_comshop_orderdistribution where '
. $condition .
' order by id asc' .' limit ' . (($page - 1) * $page_size) . ',' . $page_size );
$total_arr = M()->query('SELECT count(1) as count FROM ' . C('DB_PREFIX') .
'lionfish_comshop_orderdistribution WHERE ' . $condition );
$total = $total_arr[0]['count'];
foreach ($ds as &$value) {
if($is_ajax == 1)
$ret_html .= '