@@ -1,1372 +0,0 @@
-namespace Addons\LuojiangKaoping\Controller;
-use Mp\Controller\AddonsController;
- * 洛江考评微官网后台管理控制器
- * @author 大鱼
- */
-class WebController extends AddonsController {
- public function test()
- {
- //luojiang_achievement
- $all_list = M('luojiang_article')->select();
- Vendor('HyperDown.Parser');
- $parser = new \Parser();
- foreach( $all_list as $val )
- {
- $content = $parser->makeHtml($val['content']);
- M('luojiang_article')->where( array('id' => $val['id']) )->save( array('content' => $content) );
- //id
- }
- var_dump('success');
- die();
- //LuojiangKaoping
- }
- public function eventreport()
- {
- /**
- Vendor('HyperDown.Parser');
- $parser = new \Parser();
- $markdown = $parser->makeHtml("![](http://wx.mnw.cn/Uploads/Pictures/20180411/5acd6d78033a2.jpg)");
- Vendor('Michelf.Markdown');
- $html = \Michelf\Markdown::defaultTransform("![](http://wx.mnw.cn/Uploads/Pictures/20180411/5acd6d78033a2.jpg)");
- var_dump($markdown,$html);
- die();
- **/
- $custom = array(
- 'options' => array(
- 'lool_to_material' => array(
- 'title' => '处理上报事件',
- 'url' => U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/editeventreport', array('id'=>'{id}')),
- 'class' => 'btn btn-primary btn-sm icon-edit'
- ),
- 'edit_fans' => array(
- 'title' => '查看用户信息',
- 'url' => U('Mp/Fans/edit_fans_byid', array('fansid'=>'{fans_id}')),
- 'class' => 'btn btn-primary btn-sm icon-edit'
- )
- )
- );
- $this->addCrumb('洛江考评微官网', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/index'), '')
- ->addCrumb('业务导航', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/eventreport'), '')
- ->addCrumb('事件上报', '', 'active')
- ->setModel('luojiang_eventreport')
- ->setListOrder('addtime desc')
- ->setListMap(array('mpid'=>get_mpid()))
- ->setTip('<p id="msg_flush">暂无新消息</p>')
- ->setListSearch(array('nickname' => '会员名称'))
- ->addListItem('fans_id', '会员名称', 'callback', array('callback_name'=>'get_fans_name'))
- ->addListItem('event_type', '事件类型', 'enum', array('options'=>array('井盖缺失'=>'井盖缺失','道路破损'=>'道路破损','道路淘空'=>'道路淘空','陈年垃圾'=>'陈年垃圾','卫生死角'=>'卫生死角','公共设施'=>'公共设施','市容环境'=>'市容环境','其他情况'=>'其他情况')))
- ->addListItem('descript', '事件描述')
- ->addListItem('image_list', '图片列表', 'callback', array('callback_name'=>'get_images_str'))
- ->addListItem('video_file', '视频', 'callback', array('callback_name'=>'get_video_str'))
- ->addListItem('jiangli', '奖励')
- ->addListItem('id', '位置', 'callback', array('callback_name'=>'get_message_content'))
- ->addListItem('addtime', '创建时间', 'function', array('function_name'=>'date','params'=>'Y-m-d H:i:s,###'))
- ->addListItem('reply_info', '处理结果', '', array('placeholder'=>'<font color="red">未处理</font>'))
- ->addListItem('id', '操作', 'custom', $custom)
- ->addButton('导出', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/loadexcel'), 'btn btn-primary')
- ->common_lists();
- echo '<script src="/Public/Mp/js/checkflush.js"></script>';
- echo "<style>.table-striped > tbody > tr:nth-child(odd) > td, .table-striped > tbody > tr:nth-child(odd) > th{border-top:1px solid #000; ;border-bottom:1px solid #000;}</style>";
- }
- public function get_message_content($id) {
- $map['id'] = $id;
- $map['mpid'] = get_mpid();
- $message = M('luojiang_eventreport')->where($map)->find();
- if(!empty($message['location_addr'])){
- return $message['location_addr'].'<br/><button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-success" onclick="lookMap('.$message['lat'].','.$message['lng'].')">查看【位置】</button>';
- }else{
- return "未提供";
- }
- }
- public function downfile()
- {
- //.jpg mp4
- //$mp_message_info['msgtype'] == 'video'
- $file_url = urldecode( I('get.file_url') );
- $type = urldecode( I('get.type') );
- $file_url = str_replace('/Uploads/','Uploads/',$file_url);
- $file_name = $file_url.'.'.$type;
- $file_sub_path= "/data/web/wx.mnw.cn/";
- $file_path=$file_sub_path.$file_name;
- $filectime = filectime($file_path);
- if( strpos($file_name,'jpg') !== false )
- {
- $img_arrs = explode('.', $file_name);
- $file_name = '微信图片_'.date('Ymd',$filectime).'_'.$filectime.'.'.$img_arrs[1];
- }
- else if( strpos($file_name,'png') !== false ){
- $img_arrs = explode('.', $file_name);
- $file_name = '微信图片_'.date('Ymd',$filectime).'_'.$filectime.'.'.$img_arrs[1];
- }
- else if( strpos($file_name,'gif') !== false ){
- $img_arrs = explode('.', $file_name);
- $file_name = '微信图片_'.date('Ymd',$filectime).'_'.$filectime.'.'.$img_arrs[1];
- }
- else if( strpos($file_name,'jpeg') !== false ){
- $img_arrs = explode('.', $file_name);
- $file_name = '微信图片_'.date('Ymd',$filectime).'_'.$filectime.'.'.$img_arrs[1];
- }
- else if( strpos($file_name,'mp4') !== false ){
- $img_arrs = explode('.', $file_name);
- $file_name = '微信视频_'.date('Ymd',$filectime).'_'.$filectime.'.'.$img_arrs[1];
- }
- else if($mp_message_info['msgtype'] == 'voice' ){
- $img_arrs = explode('.', $file_name);
- $file_name = '微信语音_'.date('Ymd',$filectime).'_'.$filectime.'.'.$img_arrs[1];
- }
- $fp=fopen($file_path,"r");
- $file_size=filesize($file_path);
- //var_dump($file_size);die();
- //下载文件需要用到的头
- Header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
- Header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
- Header("Accept-Length:".$file_size);
- Header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$file_name);
- $buffer=1024;
- $file_count=0;
- //向浏览器返回数据
- while(!feof($fp) && $file_count<$file_size){
- $file_con=fread($fp,$buffer);
- $file_count+=$buffer;
- echo $file_con;
- }
- fclose($fp);
- echo $file_url;
- die();
- }
- /**
- * 获取视频
- * @author lyf
- */
- public function get_video_str($video_file)
- {
- if(empty($video_file))
- {
- return '暂无';
- }else{
- return '<button type="button" class="btn btn-sm btn-warning icon-video" data-src="'.$video_file.'" onclick="lookVideo(this)">查看视频</button><a href="'.U('addon/HuianKaoping/web/downfile', array('type' =>'mp4', 'file_url' => urlencode($video_file) )).'" title="点击下载视频" target=_blank">【下载】</a>';
- }
- }
- /*
- * 导出
- */
- public function loadexcel()
- {
- header("content-type:text/html; charset=uft-8");
- if(IS_POST)
- {
- //date_added_begin:2017-08-02 0:00:00
- //date_added_end:2017-08-19 0:00:00
- $data = I('post.');
- $where = array();
- if(!empty($data['date_added_begin']))
- {
- $where['addtime'] = array('gt',strtotime($data['date_added_begin']) );
- }
- if(!empty($data['date_added_end']))
- {
- $where['addtime'] = array('lt',strtotime($data['date_added_end']) );
- }
- $s_time = strtotime($data['date_added_begin']);
- $e_time = strtotime($data['date_added_end']);
- if($s_time && $e_time)
- {
- $where['addtime'] = array('between',array($s_time,$e_time));
- }
- $list = M('luojiang_eventreport')->where($where)->order('id desc')->select();
- //$need_data = array( array('order_sn'=>1,'get_image'=>'http://wx.mnw.cn/Uploads/Pictures/2/2017-08-07/2_oA7ocv8o0sk-tPmG87fjPD25nQWs_1502095440.jpg'),array('order_sn'=>1,'get_image'=>'http://wx.mnw.cn/Uploads/Pictures/2/2017-08-07/2_oA7ocv8o0sk-tPmG87fjPD25nQWs_1502095440.jpg') );
- $need_data = array();
- $xlsCell = array(
- array('id','序号'),
- array('addtime','日期'),
- array('fans_id','微信名'),
- array('mobile','联系人电话'),
- array('jifen','积分'),
- array('descript','事件描述'),
- array('image_list','图否'),
- array('jiangli','奖励'),
- array('is_reply','反馈情况'),
- array('reply_info','反馈内容'),
- array('video_file','视频')
- /*
- array('contact_tel','联系电话'),
- array('jifen','积分'),
- array('nickname','微信名'),
- array('content','问题描述'),
- array('get_img','图否'),
- array('fankui','反馈情况'),
- array('fankui_tu','反馈图片'),
- */
- );
- $i = 1;
- foreach($list as $val)
- {
- $tmp_data = array();
- $tmp_data['id'] = $i;
- $tmp_data['addtime'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $val['addtime']);
- //openid
- $mp_fans = M('mp_fans')->field('nickname')->where( array('id' => $val['fans_id']) )->find();
- $tmp_data['fans_id'] = $mp_fans['nickname'];
- $tmp_data['mobile'] = $mp_fans['mobile'];
- if( empty($val['reply_info']) ){
- $tmp_data['jifen'] = 0;
- }else{
- $tmp_data['jifen'] = 2;
- }
- $tmp_data['jiangli'] = $val['jiangli'];
- //$tmp_data['title'] = $val['title'];
- $tmp_data['descript'] = $val['descript'];
- if( empty($val['reply_info']) ){
- $tmp_data['is_reply'] = '否';
- }else{
- $tmp_data['is_reply'] = '是';
- }
- $tmp_data['reply_info'] = $val['reply_info'];
- if(empty($val['video_file']))
- {
- $tmp_data['video_file'] ='否';
- }else{
- $tmp_data['video_file'] ='是';
- //$tmp_data['video_file'] ='http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].str_replace('./','',$val['video_file']);
- }
- //http://wx.mnw.cn/Uploads/Pictures/2/2017-08-07/2_oA7ocv8o0sk-tPmG87fjPD25nQWs_1502095440.jpg
- if(!empty($val['image_list']))
- {
- $img_arr = explode(',',$val['image_list']);
- if($val['image_list'] == ',undefined/undefined' || $val['image_list'] == 'undefined/undefined')
- {
- $img_url = '';
- $img_urls = array();
- }else{
- $img_urls = explode(',', $val['image_list']);
- foreach($img_urls as $kk => $vv)
- {
- $vv = str_replace('./','/',$vv );
- $vv = '/data/web/wx.mnw.cn'.$vv;
- $img_urls[$kk] = $vv;
- }
- //$img_url = str_replace('./','http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'],$val['image_list']);
- }
- $tmp_data['image_list'] = $img_urls;
- }
- $i++;
- $need_data[] = $tmp_data;
- }
- $expTitle = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
- export_excel($expTitle,$xlsCell,$need_data);
- }
- $this->display();
- }
- public function editeventreport()
- {
- $this->addCrumb('洛江考评微官网', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/index'), '')
- ->addCrumb('业务导航', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/eventreport'), '')
- ->addCrumb('处理上报事件', '', 'active')
- ->setModel('luojiang_eventreport')
- ->addFormField('jiangli', '上报奖励', 'text')
- ->addFormField('reply_info', '处理意见', 'text')
- ->setFormData( M('luojiang_eventreport')->find(I('get.id')) )
- ->setEditMap( array('id'=>I('get.id')) )
- ->setEditSuccessUrl( U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/eventreport') )
- ->common_edit();
- }
- public function opinionsuggestion()
- {
- $this->addCrumb('洛江考评微官网', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/index'), '')
- ->addCrumb('业务导航', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/eventreport'), '')
- ->addCrumb('意见建议', '', 'active')
- ->setModel('luojiang_opinionsuggestion')
- ->setListOrder('addtime desc')
- ->setListMap(array('mpid'=>get_mpid()))
- ->addListItem('fans_id', '会员名称', 'callback', array('callback_name'=>'get_fans_name'))
- ->addListItem('opinion_name', '建议人姓名')
- ->addListItem('contact', '建议人联系电话')
- ->addListItem('email', '邮箱')
- ->addListItem('title', '建议标题')
- ->addListItem('content', '建议内容')
- ->addListItem('image_list', '图片列表', 'callback', array('callback_name'=>'get_images_str'))
- ->addListItem('reply_method', '回复方式', 'enum', array('options'=>array('1'=>'网上',2=>'电话',3=>'当面')))
- //->addListItem('is_reply', '是否回复', 'enum', array('options'=>array(0=>'未回复',1=>'已回复')))
- ->addListItem('addtime', '创建时间', 'function', array('function_name'=>'date','params'=>'Y-m-d H:i:s,###'))
- ->addListItem('id', '操作', 'custom', array('options'=>array('edit_eventreport'=>array('处理意见建议', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/editopinionsuggestion', array('id'=>'{id}')),'btn btn-primary btn-sm icon-edit',''))))
- //->addListItem('id', '操作', 'custom', array('options'=>array('edit_fans'=>array('编辑粉丝资料', U('Mp/Fans/edit_fans', array('openid'=>'{openid}')),'btn btn-primary btn-sm icon-edit',''))))
- ->common_lists();
- }
- public function editopinionsuggestion()
- {
- $this->addCrumb('洛江考评微官网', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/index'), '')
- ->addCrumb('业务导航', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/eventreport'), '')
- ->addCrumb('处理意见建议', '', 'active')
- ->setModel('luojiang_opinionsuggestion')
- ->addFormField('reply_info', '处理意见', 'text')
- ->setFormData( M('luojiang_opinionsuggestion')->find(I('get.id')) )
- ->setEditMap( array('id'=>I('get.id')) )
- ->setEditSuccessUrl( U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/opinionsuggestion') )
- ->common_edit();
- }
- public function newsnenter_two()
- {
- $options = array(
- 'edit_fans'=>array('编辑', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/editarticle', array('id'=>'{id}') )
- ,'btn btn-primary btn-sm icon-edit',''),
- 'delete' => array(
- 'title' => '删除',
- 'url' => U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/deletearticle', array('id'=>'{id}')),
- 'class' => 'btn btn-danger btn-sm icon-delete'
- )
- );
- $this->addCrumb('洛江考评微官网', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/index'), '')
- ->addCrumb('业务导航', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/eventreport'), '')
- ->addCrumb('新闻中心', '', 'active')
- ->setModel('luojiang_article')
- ->setListMap(array('type'=>2))
- ->setListOrder('addtime desc')
- ->addListItem('title', '标题')
- // ->addListItem('logo', '图片', 'image', array('attr'=>'width=50 height=50','placeholder'=>__ROOT__ . '/Public/Admin/img/noname.jpg'))
- ->addListItem('cate_id', '所属分类', 'callback',array('callback_name'=>'get_cate_name'))
- ->addListItem('sendtime', '发布时间')
- ->addListItem('addtime', '创建时间', 'function', array('function_name'=>'date','params'=>'Y-m-d H:i:s,###'))
- ->addListItem('id', '操作', 'custom', array('options'=>$options))
- //->addButton('新增文章分类', U('addon/HuianKaoping/web/addarticlecate'), 'btn btn-primary')
- ->addButton('新增文章', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/addarticle_two'), 'btn btn-primary')
- ->common_lists();
- }
- public function newsnenter()
- {
- $options = array(
- 'edit_fans'=>array('编辑', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/editarticle', array('id'=>'{id}') )
- ,'btn btn-primary btn-sm icon-edit',''),
- 'delete' => array(
- 'title' => '删除',
- 'url' => U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/deletearticle', array('id'=>'{id}')),
- 'class' => 'btn btn-danger btn-sm icon-delete'
- )
- );
- $this->addCrumb('洛江考评微官网', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/index'), '')
- ->addCrumb('业务导航', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/eventreport'), '')
- ->addCrumb('新闻中心', '', 'active')
- ->setModel('luojiang_article')
- ->setListMap(array('type'=>1))
- ->setListOrder('addtime desc')
- ->addListItem('title', '标题')
- ->addListItem('logo', '图片', 'image', array('attr'=>'width=50 height=50','placeholder'=>__ROOT__ . '/Public/Admin/img/noname.jpg'))
- ->addListItem('cate_id', '所属分类', 'callback',array('callback_name'=>'get_cate_name'))
- ->addListItem('sendtime', '发布时间')
- ->addListItem('addtime', '创建时间', 'function', array('function_name'=>'date','params'=>'Y-m-d H:i:s,###'))
- ->addListItem('id', '操作', 'custom', array('options'=>$options))
- //->addButton('新增文章分类', U('addon/HuianKaoping/web/addarticlecate'), 'btn btn-primary')
- ->addButton('新增文章', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/addarticle'), 'btn btn-primary')
- ->common_lists();
- }
- /**
- * 删除关键词回复
- * @author 艾逗笔<765532665@qq.com>
- */
- public function deletearticle() {
- M('luojiang_article')->where( array('id' =>I('get.id') ) )->delete();
- $this->success('删除成功');
- }
- public function votecenter()
- {
- $this->addCrumb('洛江考评微官网', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/index'), '')
- ->addCrumb('业务导航', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/eventreport'), '')
- ->addCrumb('投票专区', '', 'active')
- ->setModel('vote')
- ->addListItem('title', '标题')
- ->addListItem('begin_time', '开始时间', 'function', array('function_name'=>'date','params'=>'Y-m-d H:i:s,###'))
- ->addListItem('end_time', '结束时间', 'function', array('function_name'=>'date','params'=>'Y-m-d H:i:s,###'))
- ->addListItem('addtime', '添加时间', 'function', array('function_name'=>'date','params'=>'Y-m-d H:i:s,###'))
- ->addListItem('vote_id', '操作', 'custom', array('options'=>array(
- 'edit_fans'=>array('编辑', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/editvote', array('vote_id'=>'{vote_id}') ) ,'btn btn-primary btn-sm icon-edit',''),
- 'add_votesubject'=>array('添加投票选项', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/addvotesubject', array('vote_id'=>'{vote_id}') ) ,'btn btn-primary btn-sm icon-edit',''),
- )))
- ->addButton('新增投票', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/addvote'), 'btn btn-primary')
- ->common_lists();
- }
- public function addvote()
- {
- if( IS_POST )
- {
- $data = I('post.');
- $vote_data = array();
- $vote_data['mpid'] = get_mpid();
- $vote_data['title'] = $data['name'];
- $vote_data['begin_time'] = strtotime( $data['date_added_begin'] );
- $vote_data['end_time'] = strtotime( $data['date_added_end'] );
- $vote_data['addtime'] = time();
- M('vote')->add($vote_data);
- $this->success('添加投票成功', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/votecenter'));
- die();
- }
- $this->addCrumb('洛江考评微官网', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/index'), '')
- ->addCrumb('业务导航', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/eventreport'), '')
- ->addCrumb('新闻中心', '', 'active')
- ->display();
- }
- public function addvotesubject()
- {
- $vote_id = I('get.vote_id');
- $this->vote_id = $vote_id;
- if( IS_POST )
- {
- $data = I('post.');
- if( isset($data['edit_votesubject']) )
- {
- $has_key = array();
- $del_key = array();
- foreach( $data['attr_title'] as $key => $val)
- {
- $has_key[] = $key;
- }
- $vote_sub_all = M('vote_subject')->where( array('vote_id' => $data['vote_id']) )->select();
- foreach($vote_sub_all as $vote_sub)
- {
- if( !in_array($vote_sub['sub_id'],$has_key ) )
- {
- $del_key[] = $vote_sub['sub_id'];
- }
- }
- //删除多余键
- if( !empty($del_key) )
- {
- M('vote_subject')->where( array('sub_id' => array('in', $del_key ) ) )->delete();
- //删除投票记录
- M('vote_record')->where( array('sub_id' => array('in', $del_key ) ) )->delete();
- }
- //开始更新和新增选项
- foreach($data['attr_title'] as $key => $val)
- {
- if( strpos($key, 'new') !== false )
- {
- //新增的模块
- $tmp_vote_subject = array();
- $tmp_vote_subject['vote_id'] = $data['vote_id'];
- $tmp_vote_subject['title'] = $val;
- $tmp_vote_subject['type'] = $data['type'][$key];
- $tmp_vote_subject['addtime'] = time();
- M('vote_subject')->add($tmp_vote_subject);
- $sub_id = M('vote_subject')->getLastInsID();
- $extra = $data['extra'][$key];
- $extra_arr = explode('|', $extra);
- foreach($extra_arr as $vv)
- {
- $xun_data = array();
- $xun_data['sub_id'] = $sub_id;
- $xun_data['titile'] = $vv;
- $xun_data['addtime'] = time();
- M('vote_xuan')->add($xun_data);
- }
- } else {
- //需要更新板块
- $tmp_vote_subject = array();
- $tmp_vote_subject['title'] = $val;
- $tmp_vote_subject['type'] = $data['type'][$key];
- M('vote_subject')->where( array('sub_id' =>$key ) ) ->save($tmp_vote_subject);
- //更新子内容
- //先判断原来有几个
- $vote_xuan_list = M('vote_xuan')->where( array('sub_id' => $key) )->order('xu_id asc')->select();
- $extra = array();
- $extra = $data['extra'][$key];
- $extra_arr = explode('|', $extra);
- foreach($vote_xuan_list as $xun_vo)
- {
- if( !empty($extra_arr) )
- {
- $tmp_xun = array_shift( $extra_arr );
- M('vote_xuan')->where( array('xu_id' => $xun_vo['xu_id']) )->save( array('titile' => $tmp_xun) );
- }else {
- //需要删除的
- M('vote_xuan')->where( array('xu_id' => $xun_vo['xu_id']) )->delete();
- }
- }
- //判断是否可以新增
- if( !empty($extra_arr) )
- {
- foreach($extra_arr as $vv)
- {
- $xun_data = array();
- $xun_data['sub_id'] = $key;
- $xun_data['titile'] = $vv;
- $xun_data['addtime'] = time();
- M('vote_xuan')->add($xun_data);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $this->success('编辑投票选项成功', U('addon/HuianKaoping/web/votecenter'));
- die();
- }
- foreach($data['attr_title'] as $key => $val)
- {
- if( !empty($val) )
- {
- $tmp_vote_subject = array();
- $tmp_vote_subject['vote_id'] = $data['vote_id'];
- $tmp_vote_subject['title'] = $val;
- $tmp_vote_subject['type'] = $data['type'][$key];
- $tmp_vote_subject['addtime'] = time();
- M('vote_subject')->add($tmp_vote_subject);
- $sub_id = M('vote_subject')->getLastInsID();
- $extra = $data['extra'][$key];
- //vote_xuan
- $extra_arr = explode('|', $extra);
- foreach($extra_arr as $vv)
- {
- $xun_data = array();
- $xun_data['sub_id'] = $sub_id;
- $xun_data['titile'] = $vv;
- $xun_data['addtime'] = time();
- M('vote_xuan')->add($xun_data);
- }
- }
- }
- $this->success('新增投票选项成功', U('addon/HuianKaoping/web/votecenter'));
- die();
- }
- $vote_subject = M('vote_subject')->where( array('vote_id' => $vote_id) )->order('sub_id asc')->select();
- if( !empty($vote_subject) )
- {
- foreach( $vote_subject as $key=> $val )
- {
- $vote_xuan_list = M('vote_xuan')->where( array('sub_id' => $val['sub_id']) )->order('xu_id asc')->select();
- $xun_arr = array();
- foreach( $vote_xuan_list as $vv )
- {
- $xun_arr[] = $vv['titile'];
- }
- $val['xun_title'] = implode('|', $xun_arr);
- $val['vote_xuan_list'] = $vote_xuan_list;
- $vote_subject[$key] = $val;
- }
- $this->vote_subject = $vote_subject;
- $this->addCrumb('洛江考评微官网', U('addon/HuianKaoping/index'), '')
- ->addCrumb('业务导航', U('addon/HuianKaoping/web/eventreport'), '')
- ->addCrumb('新闻中心', '', 'active')
- ->display('editvotesubject');
- } else {
- $this->addCrumb('洛江考评微官网', U('addon/HuianKaoping/index'), '')
- ->addCrumb('业务导航', U('addon/HuianKaoping/web/eventreport'), '')
- ->addCrumb('新闻中心', '', 'active')
- ->display();
- }
- }
- public function loadachievement()
- {
- $type = I('type');
- if( IS_POST )
- {
- set_time_limit(0);
- if(isset($_FILES["file"]) && ($_FILES["file"]["error"] == 0)){
- $excel_dir = './Uploads/Pictures/' . date('Y-m-d') . '/';
- if (!file_exists($excel_dir)) {
- $dirs = explode('/', $excel_dir);
- $dir = $dirs[0] . '/';
- for ($i=1, $j=count($dirs)-1; $i<$j; $i++) {
- $dir .= $dirs[$i] . '/';
- if (!is_dir($dir)) {
- mkdir($dir, 0777);
- }
- }
- }
- $extension = pathinfo($_FILES['file']['name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
- $path = $excel_dir.'/'.md5($_FILES['file']['name'].mt_rand(1, 999)).'.'.$extension;
- $rs = move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"],$path);
- $file = $path;
- $type = pathinfo($file);
- $type = strtolower($type["extension"]);
- $type=$type==='csv' ? $type : 'Excel5';
- ini_set('max_execution_time', '0');
- vendor("PHPExcel.PHPExcel");
- // 判断使用哪种格式
- $objReader = \PHPExcel_IOFactory::createReader($type);
- $objPHPExcel = $objReader->load($file);
- $sheet = $objPHPExcel->getSheet(0);
- // 取得总行数
- $highestRow = $sheet->getHighestRow();
- // 取得总列数
- $highestColumn = $sheet->getHighestColumn();
- //循环读取excel文件,读取一条,插入一条
- $data=array();
- //从第一行开始读取数据
- for($j=1;$j<=$highestRow;$j++){
- if($j <=2) {
- continue;
- }
- //从A列读取数据
- for($k='A';$k<=$highestColumn;$k++){
- // 读取单元格
- $data[$j][]=$objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getCell("$k$j")->getValue();
- }
- }
- $result = $data;
- $get_data = array();
- if(!empty($result)) {
- foreach($result as $key => $val){
- //array(5) { [0]=> string(6) "村庄" [1]=> string(18) "2017-8月上半月"
- //[2]=> string(9) "小岞镇" [3]=> string(9) "新桥村" [4]=> float(92.5) }
- if(empty($val[0]))
- {
- continue;
- }
- //$val[1] = str_replace('上半月','01',$val[1]);
- //$val[1] = str_replace('下半月','15',$val[1]);
- //$val[1] = $val[1]->__toString();
- $val[1] .= ' 00:00:00';
- //$val[1] = str_replace('年','-',$val[1]);
- //$val[1] = str_replace('月','',$val[1]);
- $need_data = array();
- $need_data['name'] = $val[0];
- $need_data['kao_time'] = strtotime($val[1]);
- $need_data['zeren_danwei'] = $val[2];
- $need_data['stree'] = $val[3];
- $need_data['kaoping_dian'] = '';
- $need_data['chengji'] = $val[4];
- if(I('type') == 2)
- {
- $need_data['type'] = 2;
- }else{
- $need_data['type'] = 1;
- }
- if(empty($need_data['stree']))
- {
- $need_data['stree'] = '';
- }
- $need_data['paiming'] = 0;
- $need_data['addtime'] = time();
- M('luojiang_achievement')->add($need_data);
- }
- if(I('type') == 2){
- $this->success('导入成绩成功', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/achievementmanage_two'));
- }else{
- $this->success('导入成绩成功', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/achievementmanage'));
- }
- die();
- }
- }
- }
- $this->assign('type', $type);
- $this->addCrumb('洛江考评微官网', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/index'), '')
- ->addCrumb('业务导航', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/eventreport'), '')
- ->addCrumb('成绩管理', '', 'active')
- ->display();
- }
- public function editvote()
- {
- // /vote_id/1
- $vote_id = I('get.vote_id');
- if( IS_POST )
- {
- $data = I('post.');
- $data = I('post.');
- $vote_data = array();
- $vote_data['mpid'] = get_mpid();
- $vote_data['title'] = $data['name'];
- $vote_data['begin_time'] = strtotime( $data['date_added_begin'] );
- $vote_data['end_time'] = strtotime( $data['date_added_end'] );
- M('vote')->where( array('vote_id' => $data['vote_id']) )->save($vote_data);
- $this->success('编辑投票成功', U('addon/HuianKaoping/web/votecenter'));
- die();
- }
- $vote = M('vote')->where( array('vote_id' => $vote_id) )->find();
- $this->vote = $vote;
- $this->addCrumb('洛江考评微官网', U('addon/HuianKaoping/index'), '')
- ->addCrumb('业务导航', U('addon/HuianKaoping/web/eventreport'), '')
- ->addCrumb('新闻中心', '', 'active')
- ->display('addvote');
- }
- public function editachievement()
- {
- $id = I('get.id');
- $type = I('get.type');
- if( IS_POST )
- {
- $data = I('post.');
- $vote_data = array();
- $vote_data['name'] = $data['name'];
- $vote_data['kao_time'] = strtotime( $data['kao_time'] );
- $vote_data['zeren_danwei'] = $data['zeren_danwei'];
- $vote_data['stree'] = $data['stree'];
- $vote_data['content'] = ($data['content']);
- //$vote_data['kaoping_dian'] = $data['kaoping_dian'];
- $vote_data['chengji'] = $data['chengji'];
- //$vote_data['paiming'] = $data['paiming'];
- M('luojiang_achievement')->where( array('id' => $id) )->save($vote_data);
- if($data['type'] == 2)
- {
- $this->success('编辑成功', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/achievementmanage_two'));
- }else{
- $this->success('编辑成功', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/achievementmanage'));
- }
- die();
- }
- if($type == 2)
- {
- $this->setEditSuccessUrl( U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/achievementmanage_two') );
- }else{
- $this->setEditSuccessUrl( U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/achievementmanage') );
- }
- $this->assign('type', $type);
- $this->addCrumb('洛江考评微官网', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/index'), '')
- ->addCrumb('成绩管理', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/achievementmanage'), '')
- ->addCrumb('成绩管理', '', 'active')
- ->setModel('luojiang_achievement')
- ->addFormField('name', '类别', 'text')
- ->addFormField('kao_time', '考评时间', 'date')
- ->addFormField('zeren_danwei', '街道(乡镇)/责任单位', 'text')
- ->addFormField('stree', '抽评点', 'text')
- ->addFormField('content', '内容', 'editor')
- //->addFormField('kaoping_dian', '考评点', 'text')
- ->addFormField('chengji', '成绩', 'text')
- //->addFormField('paiming', '排名', 'text')
- ->setEditMap( array('id'=>I('get.id')))
- ->common_edit();
- }
- public function get_cate_name($cate_id)
- {
- $category_info = M('luojiang_articlecategory')->where( array('id' => $cate_id) )->find();
- return $category_info['name'];
- }
- public function editarticle()
- {
- $cateinfos = M('luojiang_articlecategory')->where( array('pid' => 0) )->select();
- $cate_arr = array();
- foreach($cateinfos as $val)
- {
- $cate_arr[$val[id]] = $val['name'];
- }
- $this->addCrumb('洛江考评微官网', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/index'), '')
- ->addCrumb('业务导航', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/eventreport'), '')
- ->addCrumb('编辑文章', '', 'active')
- ->setModel('huian_article')
- ->addFormField('title', '标题', 'text')
- ->addFormField('link', '外链', 'text')
- ->addFormField('logo', '图片', 'image')
- ->addFormField('sendtime', '发布时间', 'time')
- ->addFormField('cate_id', '所属分类', 'select', array('options'=>$cate_arr))
- ->addFormField('content', '内容', 'editor')
- ->setValidate(array(
- array('name', 'require', '标题不能为空')//,
- //array('logo', 'require', '请上传图片')
- ))
- ->setFormData( M('luojiang_article')->find(I('get.id')) )
- ->setEditMap( array('id'=>I('get.id')) )
- ->setEditSuccessUrl( U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/newsnenter') )
- ->common_edit();
- }
- public function addarticlecate()
- {
- $this->addCrumb('洛江考评微官网', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/index'), '')
- ->addCrumb('业务导航', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/eventreport'), '')
- ->addCrumb('添加文章分类', '', 'active')
- ->setModel('luojiang_articlecategory')
- ->addFormField('name', '名称', 'text')
- //->addFormField('type', '类型', 'radio', array('options'=>array(1=>'普通订阅号',2=>'认证订阅号',3=>'普通服务号',4=>'认证服务号',5=>'测试号'),'value'=>4,'is_must'=>1))
- // ->addFormField('pid', '原始ID', 'text', array('is_must'=>1))
- //->addFormField('mp_number', '微信号', 'text')
- // ->addFormField('appid', 'APPID', 'text')
- // ->addFormField('appsecret', 'APPSECRET', 'text')
- //->addFormField('headimg', '头像', 'image')
- //->addFormField('qrcode', '二维码', 'image')
- ->setValidate(array(
- array('name', 'require', '名称不能为空'),
- ))
- ->setAuto(array(
- array('pid', '0'),
- array('addtime', 'time', 1, 'function')
- ))
- ->setAddSuccessUrl( U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/newsnenter') )
- ->common_add();
- }
- public function addarticle_two()
- {
- $cateinfos = M('luojiang_articlecategory')->where( array('pid' => 0) )->select();
- $cate_arr = array();
- foreach($cateinfos as $val)
- {
- $cate_arr[$val[id]] = $val['name'];
- }
- $this->addCrumb('洛江考评微官网', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/index'), '')
- ->addCrumb('业务导航', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/eventreport'), '')
- ->addCrumb('添加文章', '', 'active')
- ->setModel('luojiang_article')
- ->addFormField('title', '标题', 'text')
- ->addFormField('type', '1', 'hidden',array('value'=>2))
- //->addFormField('link', '外链', 'text')
- //->addFormField('logo', '图片', 'image')
- ->addFormField('sendtime', '发布时间', 'time')
- ->addFormField('cate_id', '1', 'hidden',array('value'=>1))
- //->addFormField('cate_id', '所属分类', 'select', array('options'=>$cate_arr))
- ->addFormField('content', '内容', 'editor')
- ->setValidate(array(
- array('name', 'require', '标题不能为空'),
- //array('logo', 'require', '请上传图片')
- ))
- ->setAuto(array(
- array('addtime', 'time', 1, 'function')
- ))
- ->setAddSuccessUrl( U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/newsnenter_two') )
- ->common_add();
- }
- public function addarticle()
- {
- $cateinfos = M('luojiang_articlecategory')->where( array('pid' => 0) )->select();
- $cate_arr = array();
- foreach($cateinfos as $val)
- {
- $cate_arr[$val[id]] = $val['name'];
- }
- $this->addCrumb('洛江考评微官网', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/index'), '')
- ->addCrumb('业务导航', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/eventreport'), '')
- ->addCrumb('添加文章', '', 'active')
- ->setModel('luojiang_article')
- ->addFormField('title', '标题', 'text')
- ->addFormField('type', '1', 'hidden',array('value'=>1))
- ->addFormField('link', '外链', 'text')
- ->addFormField('logo', '图片', 'image')
- ->addFormField('sendtime', '发布时间', 'time')
- ->addFormField('cate_id', '所属分类', 'select', array('options'=>$cate_arr))
- ->addFormField('content', '内容', 'editor')
- ->setValidate(array(
- array('name', 'require', '标题不能为空')//,
- //array('logo', 'require', '请上传图片')
- ))
- ->setAuto(array(
- array('addtime', 'time', 1, 'function')
- ))
- ->setAddSuccessUrl( U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/newsnenter') )
- ->common_add();
- }
- public function achievementmanage()
- {
- $this->addCrumb('洛江考评微官网', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/index'), '')
- ->addCrumb('业务导航', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/eventreport'), '')
- ->addCrumb('乡镇成绩管理', '', 'active')
- ->setModel('luojiang_achievement')
- ->setListOrder('addtime desc')
- ->addListItem('name', '类别')
- //->addListItem('kao_time', '考评时间', 'function', array('function_name'=>'date','params'=>'Y-m-d H:i:s,###'))
- ->setListMap(array('type'=>1))
- ->addListItem('kao_time', '考评时间', 'callback', array('callback_name'=>'get_date_hui'))
- ->addListItem('zeren_danwei', '街道办事处')
- ->addListItem('stree', '抽评点')
- //->addListItem('kaoping_dian', '考评点')
- ->addListItem('chengji', '成绩')
- //->addListItem('paiming', '排名')
- ->addListItem('addtime', '添加时间', 'function', array('function_name'=>'date','params'=>'Y-m-d H:i:s,###'))
- ->addButton('导入考评成绩', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/loadachievement'), 'btn btn-primary')
- ->addListItem('id', '操作', 'custom', array('options'=>array('edit_fans'=>array('编辑成绩', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/editachievement', array('id'=>'{id}','type'=>1)),'btn btn-primary btn-sm icon-edit',''))))
- ->common_lists();
- $cjcount = M('luojiang_achievement')->where(array('paiming'=>0,'type'=>1))->count();
- if($cjcount>0)
- {
- $paiming = array();
- $pagecount = M('luojiang_achievement')->field('kao_time')->where(array('type'=>1))->group('kao_time')->order('kao_time desc')->select();
- foreach($pagecount as $val)
- {
- $data = M('luojiang_achievement')->field('id,chengji')->where(array("kao_time"=>$val['kao_time'],"type"=>1))->order('chengji desc, id asc')->select();
- $chengji = $data[0]['chengji'];
- $order = 1;$num = 0;
- foreach($data as $key=>$subval)
- {
- if($key != 0){
- if($subval["chengji"] < $chengji){
- $order += 1;
- $chengji = $subval['chengji'];
- $order += $num;
- $num = 0;
- }
- else {
- $num++;
- }
- }
- $paiming[] = array('id'=>$subval["id"],'paiming'=>$order);
- }
- krsort($data);
- $chengji = $data[count($data)-1]['chengji'];
- $order = -5;$num = 0;
- foreach($data as $key=>$subval)
- {
- if($key != count($data)-1){
- if($subval["chengji"] > $chengji){
- $order += 1;
- $chengji = $subval['chengji'];
- $order += $num;
- $num = 0;
- }
- else {
- $num++;
- }
- }
- if($order == 0) break;
- $paiming[] = array('id'=>$subval["id"],'paiming'=>$order);
- }
- }
- foreach($paiming as $val)
- {
- $data['paiming'] = $val['paiming'];
- M('luojiang_achievement')->where(array("id"=>$val['id']))->save($data);
- }
- }
- }
- public function achievementmanage_two()
- {
- $this->addCrumb('洛江考评微官网', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/index'), '')
- ->addCrumb('业务导航', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/eventreport'), '')
- ->addCrumb('部门成绩管理', '', 'active')
- ->setModel('luojiang_achievement')
- ->setListOrder('addtime desc')
- ->setListMap(array('type'=>2))
- ->addListItem('name', '类别')
- //->addListItem('kao_time', '考评时间', 'function', array('function_name'=>'date','params'=>'Y-m-d H:i:s,###'))
- ->addListItem('kao_time', '考评时间', 'callback', array('callback_name'=>'get_date_hui'))
- ->addListItem('zeren_danwei', '部门')
- ->addListItem('stree', '考评对象')
- //->addListItem('kaoping_dian', '考评点')
- ->addListItem('chengji', '成绩')
- //->addListItem('paiming', '排名')
- ->addListItem('addtime', '添加时间', 'function', array('function_name'=>'date','params'=>'Y-m-d H:i:s,###'))
- ->addButton('导入考评成绩', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/loadachievement',array('type'=>2)), 'btn btn-primary')
- ->addListItem('id', '操作', 'custom', array('options'=>array('edit_fans'=>array('编辑成绩', U('addon/HuianKaoping/web/editachievement', array('id'=>'{id}','type'=>2)),'btn btn-primary btn-sm icon-edit',''))))
- ->common_lists();
- $cjcount = M('luojiang_achievement')->where(array('paiming'=>0,'type'=>2))->count();
- if($cjcount>0)
- {
- $paiming = array();
- $pagecount = M('luojiang_achievement')->field('kao_time')->where(array('type'=>2))->group('kao_time')->order('kao_time desc')->select();
- foreach($pagecount as $val)
- {
- $data = M('luojiang_achievement')->field('id,chengji')->where(array("kao_time"=>$val['kao_time'],'type'=>2))->order('chengji desc, id asc')->select();
- $chengji = $data[0]['chengji'];
- $order = 1;$num = 0;
- foreach($data as $key=>$subval)
- {
- if($key != 0){
- if($subval["chengji"] < $chengji){
- $order += 1;
- $chengji = $subval['chengji'];
- $order += $num;
- $num = 0;
- }
- else {
- $num++;
- }
- }
- $paiming[] = array('id'=>$subval["id"],'paiming'=>$order);
- }
- krsort($data);
- $chengji = $data[count($data)-1]['chengji'];
- $order = -5;$num = 0;
- foreach($data as $key=>$subval)
- {
- if($key != count($data)-1){
- if($subval["chengji"] > $chengji){
- $order += 1;
- $chengji = $subval['chengji'];
- $order += $num;
- $num = 0;
- }
- else {
- $num++;
- }
- }
- if($order == 0) break;
- $paiming[] = array('id'=>$subval["id"],'paiming'=>$order);
- }
- }
- foreach($paiming as $val)
- {
- $data['paiming'] = $val['paiming'];
- M('luojiang_achievement')->where(array("id"=>$val['id']))->save($data);
- }
- }
- }
- public function get_date_hui($kao_time)
- {
- $d = date('d',$kao_time);
- /**
- if($d == '15')
- {
- $kao_time = date('Y-m',$kao_time).'-下半月';
- } else {
- $kao_time = date('Y-m',$kao_time).'-上半月';
- }
- **/
- $kao_time = date('Y-m-d',$kao_time);
- return $kao_time;
- }
- public function usermanage()
- {
- //->addListItem('msgid', '消息内容', 'callback', array('callback_name'=>'get_message_content'))
- $this->addCrumb('洛江考评微官网', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/index'), '')
- ->addCrumb('业务导航', U('addon/LuojiangKaoping/web/eventreport'), '')
- ->addCrumb('用户管理', '', 'active')
- ->setModel('luojiang_eventreport')
- ->setListMap(array('mpid'=>get_mpid()))
- ->addListItem('fans_id', '会员名称', 'callback', array('callback_name'=>'get_fans_name'))
- ->addListItem('event_type', '事件类型', 'enum', array('options'=>array('0'=>'未知',1=>'事件类型1',2=>'事件类型2',3=>'事件类型3')))
- ->addListItem('title', '标题')
- ->addListItem('descript', '事件描述')
- ->addListItem('image_list', '图片列表', 'callback', array('callback_name'=>'get_images_str'))
- ->addListItem('is_reply', '是否回复', 'enum', array('options'=>array(0=>'未回复',1=>'已回复')))
- ->addListItem('location_addr', '位置', '', array('placeholder'=>'未提供'))
- ->addListItem('addtime', '创建时间', 'function', array('function_name'=>'date','params'=>'Y-m-d H:i:s,###'))
- ->addListItem('id', '操作', 'custom', array('options'=>array('edit_fans'=>array('编辑粉丝资料', U('Mp/Fans/edit_fans', array('openid'=>'{openid}')),'btn btn-primary btn-sm icon-edit',''))))
- ->common_lists();
- }
- function get_images_str($image_list)
- {
- $image_arr = explode(',', $image_list);
- $image_str = '';
- $image_need_arr = array();
- if( !empty($image_arr) )
- {
- foreach($image_arr as $img)
- {
- $img = str_replace('./Uploads/','/Uploads/',$img);
- $img = str_replace('//','/',$img);
- $imgtemp = explode('.',$img);
- //$thumb_img = $this->resize($img,100,100);
- $image_need_arr[] = "<div style='float:left;width:100px;margin-right:5px;'><img src='".$img."' width=100 height=100 'placeholder'= '".__ROOT__ ."/Public/Admin/img/noname.jpg' /><br/>【<a href='".$img."' target='_blank'>预览</a> | <a href='".U('addon/HuianKaoping/web/downfile', array('type' =>$imgtemp[1], 'file_url' => urlencode($img) ))."' target='_blank'>下载】</a></div>";
- }
- $image_str = implode(' ', $image_need_arr);
- }
- return "<div style='width:220px;'> ".$image_str."</div>";
- }
- //字符串截取
-function utf8_substr($string, $offset, $length = null) {
- // generates E_NOTICE
- // for PHP4 objects, but not PHP5 objects
- $string = (string)$string;
- $offset = (int)$offset;
- if (!is_null($length)) {
- $length = (int)$length;
- }
- // handle trivial cases
- if ($length === 0) {
- return '';
- }
- if ($offset < 0 && $length < 0 && $length < $offset) {
- return '';
- }
- // normalise negative offsets (we could use a tail
- // anchored pattern, but they are horribly slow!)
- if ($offset < 0) {
- $strlen = strlen(utf8_decode($string));
- $offset = $strlen + $offset;
- if ($offset < 0) {
- $offset = 0;
- }
- }
- $Op = '';
- $Lp = '';
- // establish a pattern for offset, a
- // non-captured group equal in length to offset
- if ($offset > 0) {
- $Ox = (int)($offset / 65535);
- $Oy = $offset%65535;
- if ($Ox) {
- $Op = '(?:.{65535}){' . $Ox . '}';
- }
- $Op = '^(?:' . $Op . '.{' . $Oy . '})';
- } else {
- $Op = '^';
- }
- // establish a pattern for length
- if (is_null($length)) {
- $Lp = '(.*)$';
- } else {
- if (!isset($strlen)) {
- $strlen = strlen(utf8_decode($string));
- }
- // another trivial case
- if ($offset > $strlen) {
- return '';
- }
- if ($length > 0) {
- $length = min($strlen - $offset, $length);
- $Lx = (int)($length / 65535);
- $Ly = $length % 65535;
- // negative length requires a captured group
- // of length characters
- if ($Lx) {
- $Lp = '(?:.{65535}){' . $Lx . '}';
- }
- $Lp = '(' . $Lp . '.{' . $Ly . '})';
- } elseif ($length < 0) {
- if ($length < ($offset - $strlen)) {
- return '';
- }
- $Lx = (int)((-$length) / 65535);
- $Ly = (-$length)%65535;
- // negative length requires ... capture everything
- // except a group of -length characters
- // anchored at the tail-end of the string
- if ($Lx) {
- $Lp = '(?:.{65535}){' . $Lx . '}';
- }
- $Lp = '(.*)(?:' . $Lp . '.{' . $Ly . '})$';
- }
- }
- if (!preg_match( '#' . $Op . $Lp . '#us', $string, $match)) {
- return '';
- }
- return $match[1];
- * 递归生成目录
- */
-function RecursiveMkdir($path) {
- if (!file_exists($path)) {
- $this->RecursiveMkdir(dirname($path));
- @mkdir($path, 0777);
- }
-function utf8_strlen($string) {
- return strlen(utf8_decode($string));
-function utf8_strrpos($string, $needle, $offset = null) {
- if (is_null($offset)) {
- $data = explode($needle, $string);
- if (count($data) > 1) {
- array_pop($data);
- $string = join($needle, $data);
- return $this->utf8_strlen($string);
- }
- return false;
- } else {
- if (!is_int($offset)) {
- trigger_error('utf8_strrpos expects parameter 3 to be long', E_USER_WARNING);
- return false;
- }
- $string = $this->utf8_substr($string, $offset);
- if (false !== ($position = utf8_strrpos($string, $needle))) {
- return $position + $offset;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * 自动生成新尺寸 的图片
- */
- function resize($filename, $width, $height) {
- define(ROOT_PATH,'/data/web/wx.mnw.cn/');
- ///data/web/wx.mnw.cn/Addons/HuianKaoping/Controller
- $image_dir=ROOT_PATH;
- if (!is_file($image_dir . $filename)) {
- return;
- }
- $extension = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
- $old_image = $filename;
- $new_image = 'cache/' . $this->utf8_substr($filename, 0, utf8_strrpos($filename, '.')) . '-' . $width . 'x' . $height . '.' . $extension;
- if (!is_file($image_dir . $new_image) || (filectime($image_dir . $old_image) > filectime($image_dir . $new_image))) {
- $path = '';
- $directories = explode('/', dirname(str_replace('../', '', $new_image)));
- foreach ($directories as $directory) {
- $path = $path . '/' . $directory;
- if (!is_dir($image_dir . $path)) {
- @mkdir($image_dir . $path, 0777);
- }
- }
- list($width_orig, $height_orig) = getimagesize($image_dir . $old_image);
- if ($width_orig != $width || $height_orig != $height) {
- $image = new \Lib\Image($image_dir . $old_image);
- $image->resize($width, $height);
- $image->save($image_dir . $new_image);
- } else {
- copy($image_dir . $old_image, $image_dir . $new_image);
- }
- }
- return 'Uploads/image/' . $new_image;
- }
- public function get_fans_name($fans_id)
- {
- $fans_info = M('mp_fans')->where( array('id' => $fans_id) )->find();
- return $fans_info['nickname'];
- //return '<a href="'.U('Mp/Fans/edit_fans', array('openid'=>$fans_info['openid'])).'" target="_blank" title="点击查看用户信息">'.$fans_info['nickname'].'</a>';
- }