4115198aaa44d1c83508b34e2a94fbf9fc7b81ab.php 18 KB

  1. <?php $__env->startSection('panel_content'); ?>
  2. <div class="aiz-titlebar mt-2 mb-4">
  3. <div class="row align-items-center">
  4. <div class="col-md-6">
  5. <h1 class="h3"><?php echo e(translate('Shop Settings')); ?>
  6. <a href="<?php echo e(route('shop.visit', $shop->slug)); ?>" class="btn btn-link btn-sm" target="_blank">(<?php echo e(translate('Visit Shop')); ?>)<i class="la la-external-link"></i>)</a>
  7. </h1>
  8. </div>
  9. </div>
  10. </div>
  11. <div class="card">
  12. <div class="card-header">
  13. <h5 class="mb-0 h6"><?php echo e(translate('Basic Info')); ?></h5>
  14. </div>
  15. <div class="card-body">
  16. <form class="" action="<?php echo e(route('seller.shop.update')); ?>" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  17. <input type="hidden" name="shop_id" value="<?php echo e($shop->id); ?>">
  18. <?php echo csrf_field(); ?>
  19. <div class="row">
  20. <label class="col-md-2 col-form-label"><?php echo e(translate('Shop Name')); ?><span class="text-danger text-danger">*</span></label>
  21. <div class="col-md-10">
  22. <input type="text" class="form-control mb-3" placeholder="<?php echo e(translate('Shop Name')); ?>" name="name" value="<?php echo e($shop->name); ?>" required>
  23. </div>
  24. </div>
  25. <div class="row mb-3">
  26. <label class="col-md-2 col-form-label"><?php echo e(translate('Shop Logo')); ?></label>
  27. <div class="col-md-10">
  28. <div class="input-group" data-toggle="aizuploader" data-type="image">
  29. <div class="input-group-prepend">
  30. <div class="input-group-text bg-soft-secondary font-weight-medium"><?php echo e(translate('Browse')); ?></div>
  31. </div>
  32. <div class="form-control file-amount"><?php echo e(translate('Choose File')); ?></div>
  33. <input type="hidden" name="logo" value="<?php echo e($shop->logo); ?>" class="selected-files">
  34. </div>
  35. <div class="file-preview box sm">
  36. </div>
  37. </div>
  38. </div>
  39. <div class="row">
  40. <label class="col-md-2 col-form-label">
  41. <?php echo e(translate('Shop Phone')); ?>
  42. </label>
  43. <div class="col-md-10">
  44. <input type="text" class="form-control mb-3" placeholder="<?php echo e(translate('Phone')); ?>" name="phone" value="<?php echo e($shop->phone); ?>" required>
  45. </div>
  46. </div>
  47. <div class="row">
  48. <label class="col-md-2 col-form-label"><?php echo e(translate('Shop Address')); ?> <span class="text-danger text-danger">*</span></label>
  49. <div class="col-md-10">
  50. <input type="text" class="form-control mb-3" placeholder="<?php echo e(translate('Address')); ?>" name="address" value="<?php echo e($shop->address); ?>" required>
  51. </div>
  52. </div>
  53. <?php if(get_setting('shipping_type') == 'seller_wise_shipping'): ?>
  54. <div class="row">
  55. <div class="col-md-2">
  56. <label><?php echo e(translate('Shipping Cost')); ?> <span class="text-danger">*</span></label>
  57. </div>
  58. <div class="col-md-10">
  59. <input type="number" lang="en" min="0" class="form-control mb-3" placeholder="<?php echo e(translate('Shipping Cost')); ?>" name="shipping_cost" value="<?php echo e($shop->shipping_cost); ?>" required>
  60. </div>
  61. </div>
  62. <?php endif; ?>
  63. <div class="row">
  64. <label class="col-md-2 col-form-label"><?php echo e(translate('Meta Title')); ?><span class="text-danger text-danger">*</span></label>
  65. <div class="col-md-10">
  66. <input type="text" class="form-control mb-3" placeholder="<?php echo e(translate('Meta Title')); ?>" name="meta_title" value="<?php echo e($shop->meta_title); ?>" required>
  67. </div>
  68. </div>
  69. <div class="row">
  70. <label class="col-md-2 col-form-label"><?php echo e(translate('Meta Description')); ?><span class="text-danger text-danger">*</span></label>
  71. <div class="col-md-10">
  72. <textarea name="meta_description" rows="3" class="form-control mb-3" required><?php echo e($shop->meta_description); ?></textarea>
  73. </div>
  74. </div>
  75. <div class="form-group mb-0 text-right">
  76. <button type="submit" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary"><?php echo e(translate('Save')); ?></button>
  77. </div>
  78. </form>
  79. </div>
  80. </div>
  81. <!--<form action="<?php echo e(route('seller.shop.online_service_update')); ?>" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">-->
  82. <!-- <?php echo csrf_field(); ?>-->
  83. <!-- <input type="hidden" name="shop_id" value="<?php echo e($shop->id); ?>">-->
  84. <!-- <div class="card">-->
  85. <!-- <div class="card-header">-->
  86. <!-- <h5 class="mb-0 h6"><?php echo e(translate('Change Online Service')); ?></h5>-->
  87. <!-- </div>-->
  88. <!-- <div class="card-body">-->
  89. <!-- <div class="row">-->
  90. <!-- <div class="col-md-2">-->
  91. <!-- <label><?php echo e(translate('customer service link')); ?></label>-->
  92. <!-- </div>-->
  93. <!-- <div class="col-md-10">-->
  94. <!-- <div class="input-group mb-0">-->
  95. <!-- <input type="text" name="online_ervice" value="<?php echo e($shop->online_ervice); ?>" class="form-control mb-3" placeholder="<?php echo e(translate('Online Service')); ?>">-->
  96. <!-- </div>-->
  97. <!-- <div class="form-group mb-3 text-right">-->
  98. <!-- <button type="submit" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary"><?php echo e(translate('Save')); ?></button>-->
  99. <!-- </div>-->
  100. <!-- </div>-->
  101. <!-- <div class="col-md-2">-->
  102. <!-- <label><?php echo e(translate('Customer service backend address')); ?></label>-->
  103. <!-- </div>-->
  104. <!-- <div class="col-md-10">-->
  105. <!-- <div class="input-group mb-3">-->
  106. <!-- <input type="text" name="address" value="" class="form-control mb-3" readonly placeholder="<?php echo e(translate('Online Service')); ?>">-->
  107. <!-- </div>-->
  108. <!-- </div>-->
  109. <!-- <div class="col-md-2">-->
  110. <!-- <label><?php echo e(translate('Customer service login account')); ?></label>-->
  111. <!-- </div>-->
  112. <!-- <div class="col-md-10">-->
  113. <!-- <div class="input-group mb-3">-->
  114. <!-- <input type="text" name="name" value="<?php echo e($shop->server_name); ?>" class="form-control mb-3" readonly>-->
  115. <!-- </div>-->
  116. <!-- </div>-->
  117. <!-- <div class="col-md-2">-->
  118. <!-- <label><?php echo e(translate('Customer service login password')); ?></label>-->
  119. <!-- </div>-->
  120. <!-- <div class="col-md-10">-->
  121. <!-- <div class="input-group mb-3">-->
  122. <!-- <input type="text" name="name" value="<?php echo e($shop->server_password); ?>" class="form-control mb-3" readonly>-->
  123. <!-- </div>-->
  124. <!-- </div>-->
  125. <!-- </div>-->
  126. <!-- </div>-->
  127. <!-- </div>-->
  128. <!--</form>-->
  129. <?php if(addon_is_activated('delivery_boy')): ?>
  130. <div class="card">
  131. <div class="card-header">
  132. <h5 class="mb-0 h6"><?php echo e(translate('Delivery Boy Pickup Point')); ?></h5>
  133. </div>
  134. <div class="card-body">
  135. <form class="" action="<?php echo e(route('seller.shop.update')); ?>" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  136. <input type="hidden" name="shop_id" value="<?php echo e($shop->id); ?>">
  137. <?php echo csrf_field(); ?>
  138. <?php if(get_setting('google_map') == 1): ?>
  139. <div class="row mb-3">
  140. <input id="searchInput" class="controls" type="text" placeholder="<?php echo e(translate('Enter a location')); ?>">
  141. <div id="map"></div>
  142. <ul id="geoData">
  143. <li style="display: none;"><?php echo e(translate('Full Address')); ?>: <span id="location"></span></li>
  144. <li style="display: none;"><?php echo e(translate('Postal Code')); ?>: <span id="postal_code"></span></li>
  145. <li style="display: none;"><?php echo e(translate('Country')); ?>: <span id="country"></span></li>
  146. <li style="display: none;"><?php echo e(translate('Latitude')); ?>: <span id="lat"></span></li>
  147. <li style="display: none;"><?php echo e(translate('Longitude')); ?>: <span id="lon"></span></li>
  148. </ul>
  149. </div>
  150. <div class="row">
  151. <div class="col-md-2" id="">
  152. <label for="exampleInputuname"><?php echo e(translate('Longitude')); ?></label>
  153. </div>
  154. <div class="col-md-10" id="">
  155. <input type="text" class="form-control mb-3" id="longitude" name="delivery_pickup_longitude" readonly="" value="<?php echo e($shop->delivery_pickup_longitude); ?>">
  156. </div>
  157. </div>
  158. <div class="row">
  159. <div class="col-md-2" id="">
  160. <label for="exampleInputuname"><?php echo e(translate('Latitude')); ?></label>
  161. </div>
  162. <div class="col-md-10" id="">
  163. <input type="text" class="form-control mb-3" id="latitude" name="delivery_pickup_latitude" readonly="" value="<?php echo e($shop->delivery_pickup_latitude); ?>">
  164. </div>
  165. </div>
  166. <?php else: ?>
  167. <div class="row">
  168. <div class="col-md-2" id="">
  169. <label for="exampleInputuname"><?php echo e(translate('Longitude')); ?></label>
  170. </div>
  171. <div class="col-md-10" id="">
  172. <input type="text" class="form-control mb-3" id="longitude" name="delivery_pickup_longitude" value="<?php echo e($shop->delivery_pickup_longitude); ?>">
  173. </div>
  174. </div>
  175. <div class="row">
  176. <div class="col-md-2" id="">
  177. <label for="exampleInputuname"><?php echo e(translate('Latitude')); ?></label>
  178. </div>
  179. <div class="col-md-10" id="">
  180. <input type="text" class="form-control mb-3" id="latitude" name="delivery_pickup_latitude" value="<?php echo e($shop->delivery_pickup_latitude); ?>">
  181. </div>
  182. </div>
  183. <?php endif; ?>
  184. <div class="form-group mb-0 text-right">
  185. <button type="submit" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary"><?php echo e(translate('Save')); ?></button>
  186. </div>
  187. </form>
  188. </div>
  189. </div>
  190. <?php endif; ?>
  191. <div class="card">
  192. <div class="card-header">
  193. <h5 class="mb-0 h6"><?php echo e(translate('Banner Settings')); ?></h5>
  194. </div>
  195. <div class="card-body">
  196. <form class="" action="<?php echo e(route('seller.shop.update')); ?>" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
  197. <input type="hidden" name="shop_id" value="<?php echo e($shop->id); ?>">
  198. <?php echo csrf_field(); ?>
  199. <div class="row mb-3">
  200. <label class="col-md-2 col-form-label"><?php echo e(translate('Banners')); ?> (1500x450)</label>
  201. <div class="col-md-10">
  202. <div class="input-group" data-toggle="aizuploader" data-type="image" data-multiple="true">
  203. <div class="input-group-prepend">
  204. <div class="input-group-text bg-soft-secondary font-weight-medium"><?php echo e(translate('Browse')); ?></div>
  205. </div>
  206. <div class="form-control file-amount"><?php echo e(translate('Choose File')); ?></div>
  207. <input type="hidden" name="sliders" value="<?php echo e($shop->sliders); ?>" class="selected-files">
  208. </div>
  209. <div class="file-preview box sm">
  210. </div>
  211. <small class="text-muted"><?php echo e(translate('We had to limit height to maintian consistancy. In some device both side of the banner might be cropped for height limitation.')); ?></small>
  212. </div>
  213. </div>
  214. <div class="form-group mb-0 text-right">
  215. <button type="submit" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary"><?php echo e(translate('Save')); ?></button>
  216. </div>
  217. </form>
  218. </div>
  219. </div>
  220. <!--<div class="card">-->
  221. <!-- <div class="card-header">-->
  222. <!-- <h5 class="mb-0 h6"><?php echo e(translate('Social Media Link')); ?></h5>-->
  223. <!-- </div>-->
  224. <!-- <div class="card-body">-->
  225. <!-- <form class="" action="<?php echo e(route('seller.shop.update')); ?>" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">-->
  226. <!-- <input type="hidden" name="shop_id" value="<?php echo e($shop->id); ?>">-->
  227. <!-- <?php echo csrf_field(); ?>-->
  228. <!-- <div class="form-box-content p-3">-->
  229. <!-- <div class="row mb-3">-->
  230. <!-- <label class="col-md-2 col-form-label"><?php echo e(translate('Facebook')); ?></label>-->
  231. <!-- <div class="col-md-10">-->
  232. <!-- <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="<?php echo e(translate('Facebook')); ?>" name="facebook" value="<?php echo e($shop->facebook); ?>">-->
  233. <!-- <small class="text-muted"><?php echo e(translate('Insert link with https ')); ?></small>-->
  234. <!-- </div>-->
  235. <!-- </div>-->
  236. <!-- <div class="row mb-3">-->
  237. <!-- <label class="col-md-2 col-form-label"><?php echo e(translate('Instagram')); ?></label>-->
  238. <!-- <div class="col-md-10">-->
  239. <!-- <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="<?php echo e(translate('Instagram')); ?>" name="instagram" value="<?php echo e($shop->instagram); ?>">-->
  240. <!-- <small class="text-muted"><?php echo e(translate('Insert link with https ')); ?></small>-->
  241. <!-- </div>-->
  242. <!-- </div>-->
  243. <!-- <div class="row mb-3">-->
  244. <!-- <label class="col-md-2 col-form-label"><?php echo e(translate('Twitter')); ?></label>-->
  245. <!-- <div class="col-md-10">-->
  246. <!-- <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="<?php echo e(translate('Twitter')); ?>" name="twitter" value="<?php echo e($shop->twitter); ?>">-->
  247. <!-- <small class="text-muted"><?php echo e(translate('Insert link with https ')); ?></small>-->
  248. <!-- </div>-->
  249. <!-- </div>-->
  250. <!-- <div class="row mb-3">-->
  251. <!-- <label class="col-md-2 col-form-label"><?php echo e(translate('Google')); ?></label>-->
  252. <!-- <div class="col-md-10">-->
  253. <!-- <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="<?php echo e(translate('Google')); ?>" name="google" value="<?php echo e($shop->google); ?>">-->
  254. <!-- <small class="text-muted"><?php echo e(translate('Insert link with https ')); ?></small>-->
  255. <!-- </div>-->
  256. <!-- </div>-->
  257. <!-- <div class="row mb-3">-->
  258. <!-- <label class="col-md-2 col-form-label"><?php echo e(translate('Youtube')); ?></label>-->
  259. <!-- <div class="col-md-10">-->
  260. <!-- <input type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="<?php echo e(translate('Youtube')); ?>" name="youtube" value="<?php echo e($shop->youtube); ?>">-->
  261. <!-- <small class="text-muted"><?php echo e(translate('Insert link with https ')); ?></small>-->
  262. <!-- </div>-->
  263. <!-- </div>-->
  264. <!-- </div>-->
  265. <!-- <div class="form-group mb-0 text-right">-->
  266. <!-- <button type="submit" class="btn btn-sm btn-primary"><?php echo e(translate('Save')); ?></button>-->
  267. <!-- </div>-->
  268. <!-- </form>-->
  269. <!-- </div>-->
  270. <!--</div>-->
  271. <?php $__env->stopSection(); ?>
  272. <?php $__env->startSection('script'); ?>
  273. <?php if(get_setting('google_map') == 1): ?>
  274. <?php echo $__env->make('frontend.partials.google_map', \Illuminate\Support\Arr::except(get_defined_vars(), ['__data', '__path']))->render(); ?>
  275. <?php endif; ?>
  276. <?php $__env->stopSection(); ?>
  277. <?php echo $__env->make('seller.layouts.app', \Illuminate\Support\Arr::except(get_defined_vars(), ['__data', '__path']))->render(); ?><?php /**PATH /www/wwwroot/www.easybuyjp.shop/resources/views/seller/shop.blade.php ENDPATH**/ ?>