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  193. <?php echo $__env->yieldContent('modal'); ?>
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  277. $('.typed-search-box .search-nothing').removeClass('d-none').html('Sorry, nothing found for <strong>"'+searchKey+'"</strong>');
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  292. function updateNavCart(view,count){
  293. $('.cart-count').html(count);
  294. $('#cart_items').html(view);
  295. }
  296. function removeFromCart(key){
  297. $.post('<?php echo e(route('cart.removeFromCart')); ?>', {
  298. _token :,
  299. id : key
  300. }, function(data){
  301. updateNavCart(data.nav_cart_view,data.cart_count);
  302. $('#cart-summary').html(data.cart_view);
  303. AIZ.plugins.notify('success', "<?php echo e(translate('Item has been removed from cart')); ?>");
  304. $('#cart_items_sidenav').html(parseInt($('#cart_items_sidenav').html())-1);
  305. });
  306. }
  307. function addToCompare(id){
  308. $.post('<?php echo e(route('compare.addToCompare')); ?>', {_token:, id:id}, function(data){
  309. $('#compare').html(data);
  310. AIZ.plugins.notify('success', "<?php echo e(translate('Item has been added to compare list')); ?>");
  311. $('#compare_items_sidenav').html(parseInt($('#compare_items_sidenav').html())+1);
  312. });
  313. }
  314. function addToWishList(id){
  315. <?php if(Auth::check() && (Auth::user()->user_type == 'customer' || Auth::user()->user_type == 'seller')): ?>
  316. $.post('<?php echo e(route('')); ?>', {_token:, id:id}, function(data){
  317. if(data != 0){
  318. $('#wishlist').html(data);
  319. AIZ.plugins.notify('success', "<?php echo e(translate('Item has been added to wishlist')); ?>");
  320. }
  321. else{
  322. AIZ.plugins.notify('warning', "<?php echo e(translate('Please login first')); ?>");
  323. }
  324. });
  325. <?php else: ?>
  326. AIZ.plugins.notify('warning', "<?php echo e(translate('Please login first')); ?>");
  327. <?php endif; ?>
  328. }
  329. function showAddToCartModal(id){
  330. if(!$('#modal-size').hasClass('modal-lg')){
  331. $('#modal-size').addClass('modal-lg');
  332. }
  333. $('#addToCart-modal-body').html(null);
  334. $('#addToCart').modal();
  335. $('.c-preloader').show();
  336. $.post('<?php echo e(route('cart.showCartModal')); ?>', {_token:, id:id}, function(data){
  337. $('.c-preloader').hide();
  338. $('#addToCart-modal-body').html(data);
  339. AIZ.plugins.slickCarousel();
  340. AIZ.plugins.zoom();
  341. AIZ.extra.plusMinus();
  342. getVariantPrice();
  343. });
  344. }
  345. $('#option-choice-form input').on('change', function(){
  346. getVariantPrice();
  347. });
  348. function getVariantPrice(){
  349. if($('#option-choice-form input[name=quantity]').val() > 0 && checkAddToCartValidity()){
  350. $.ajax({
  351. type:"POST",
  352. url: '<?php echo e(route('products.variant_price')); ?>',
  353. data: $('#option-choice-form').serializeArray(),
  354. success: function(data){
  355. $('.product-gallery-thumb .carousel-box').each(function (i) {
  356. if($(this).data('variation') && data.variation == $(this).data('variation')){
  357. $('.product-gallery-thumb').slick('slickGoTo', i);
  358. }
  359. })
  360. $('#option-choice-form #chosen_price_div').removeClass('d-none');
  361. $('#option-choice-form #chosen_price_div #chosen_price').html(data.price);
  362. $('#available-quantity').html(data.quantity);
  363. $('.input-number').prop('max', data.max_limit);
  364. if(parseInt(data.in_stock) == 0 && == 0){
  365. $('.buy-now').addClass('d-none');
  366. $('.add-to-cart').addClass('d-none');
  367. $('.out-of-stock').removeClass('d-none');
  368. }
  369. else{
  370. $('.buy-now').removeClass('d-none');
  371. $('.add-to-cart').removeClass('d-none');
  372. $('.out-of-stock').addClass('d-none');
  373. }
  374. AIZ.extra.plusMinus();
  375. }
  376. });
  377. }
  378. }
  379. function checkAddToCartValidity(){
  380. var names = {};
  381. $('#option-choice-form input:radio').each(function() { // find unique names
  382. names[$(this).attr('name')] = true;
  383. });
  384. var count = 0;
  385. $.each(names, function() { // then count them
  386. count++;
  387. });
  388. if($('#option-choice-form input:radio:checked').length == count){
  389. return true;
  390. }
  391. return false;
  392. }
  393. function addToCart(){
  394. if(checkAddToCartValidity()) {
  395. $('#addToCart').modal();
  396. $('.c-preloader').show();
  397. $.ajax({
  398. type:"POST",
  399. url: '<?php echo e(route('cart.addToCart')); ?>',
  400. data: $('#option-choice-form').serializeArray(),
  401. success: function(data){
  402. $('#addToCart-modal-body').html(null);
  403. $('.c-preloader').hide();
  404. $('#modal-size').removeClass('modal-lg');
  405. $('#addToCart-modal-body').html(data.modal_view);
  406. AIZ.extra.plusMinus();
  407. AIZ.plugins.slickCarousel();
  408. updateNavCart(data.nav_cart_view,data.cart_count);
  409. }
  410. });
  411. }
  412. else{
  413. AIZ.plugins.notify('warning', "<?php echo e(translate('Please choose all the options')); ?>");
  414. }
  415. }
  416. function buyNow(){
  417. if(checkAddToCartValidity()) {
  418. $('#addToCart-modal-body').html(null);
  419. $('#addToCart').modal();
  420. $('.c-preloader').show();
  421. $.ajax({
  422. type:"POST",
  423. url: '<?php echo e(route('cart.addToCart')); ?>',
  424. data: $('#option-choice-form').serializeArray(),
  425. success: function(data){
  426. if(data.status == 1){
  427. $('#addToCart-modal-body').html(data.modal_view);
  428. updateNavCart(data.nav_cart_view,data.cart_count);
  429. window.location.replace("<?php echo e(route('cart')); ?>");
  430. }
  431. else{
  432. $('#addToCart-modal-body').html(null);
  433. $('.c-preloader').hide();
  434. $('#modal-size').removeClass('modal-lg');
  435. $('#addToCart-modal-body').html(data.modal_view);
  436. }
  437. }
  438. });
  439. }
  440. else{
  441. AIZ.plugins.notify('warning', "<?php echo e(translate('Please choose all the options')); ?>");
  442. }
  443. }
  444. </script>
  445. <?php echo $__env->yieldContent('script'); ?>
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  447. echo get_setting('footer_script');
  448. ?>
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