@extends('seller.layouts.app') @section('panel_content')

{{ translate('Shop Settings')}} ({{ translate('Visit Shop')}}))

{{-- Basic Info --}}
{{ translate('Basic Info') }}
{{ translate('Browse')}}
{{ translate('Choose File') }}
@if (get_setting('shipping_type') == 'seller_wise_shipping')
@if (addon_is_activated('delivery_boy'))
{{ translate('Delivery Boy Pickup Point') }}
@csrf @if (get_setting('google_map') == 1)
  • {{ translate('Full Address') }}:
  • {{ translate('Postal Code') }}:
  • {{ translate('Country') }}:
  • {{ translate('Latitude') }}:
  • {{ translate('Longitude') }}:
@endif {{-- Banner Settings --}}
{{ translate('Banner Settings') }}
{{ translate('Browse')}}
{{ translate('Choose File') }}
{{ translate('We had to limit height to maintian consistancy. In some device both side of the banner might be cropped for height limitation.') }}
{{-- Social Media Link --}} @endsection @section('script') @if (get_setting('google_map') == 1) @include('frontend.partials.google_map') @endif @endsection