user()->user_type == 'seller') { $user_id = auth()->user()->id; if (get_setting('product_approve_by_admin') == 1) { $approved = 0; } } else { $user_id = User::where('user_type', 'admin')->first()->id; } $tags = array(); if ($collection['tags'][0] != null) { foreach (json_decode($collection['tags'][0]) as $key => $tag) { array_push($tags, $tag->value); } } $collection['tags'] = implode(',', $tags); $discount_start_date = null; $discount_end_date = null; if ($collection['date_range'] != null) { $date_var = explode(" to ", $collection['date_range']); $discount_start_date = strtotime($date_var[0]); $discount_end_date = strtotime($date_var[1]); } unset($collection['date_range']); if ($collection['meta_title'] == null) { $collection['meta_title'] = $collection['name']; } if ($collection['meta_description'] == null) { $collection['meta_description'] = strip_tags($collection['description']); } if ($collection['meta_img'] == null) { $collection['meta_img'] = $collection['thumbnail_img']; } $shipping_cost = 0; if (isset($collection['shipping_type'])) { if ($collection['shipping_type'] == 'free') { $shipping_cost = 0; } elseif ($collection['shipping_type'] == 'flat_rate') { $shipping_cost = $collection['flat_shipping_cost']; } } unset($collection['flat_shipping_cost']); $slug = Str::slug($collection['name']); $same_slug_count = Product::where('slug', 'LIKE', $slug . '%')->count(); $slug_suffix = $same_slug_count ? '-' . $same_slug_count + 1 : ''; $slug .= $slug_suffix; $colors = json_encode(array()); if ( isset($collection['colors_active']) && $collection['colors_active'] && $collection['colors'] && count($collection['colors']) > 0 ) { $colors = json_encode($collection['colors']); } $options = ProductUtility::get_attribute_options($collection); $combinations = Combinations::makeCombinations($options); if (count($combinations[0]) > 0) { foreach ($combinations as $key => $combination) { $str = ProductUtility::get_combination_string($combination, $collection); unset($collection['price_' . str_replace('.', '_', $str)]); unset($collection['sku_' . str_replace('.', '_', $str)]); unset($collection['qty_' . str_replace('.', '_', $str)]); unset($collection['img_' . str_replace('.', '_', $str)]); } } unset($collection['colors_active']); $choice_options = array(); if (isset($collection['choice_no']) && $collection['choice_no']) { $str = ''; $item = array(); foreach ($collection['choice_no'] as $key => $no) { $str = 'choice_options_' . $no; $item['attribute_id'] = $no; $attribute_data = array(); // foreach (json_decode($request[$str][0]) as $key => $eachValue) { foreach ($collection[$str] as $key => $eachValue) { // array_push($data, $eachValue->value); array_push($attribute_data, $eachValue); } unset($collection[$str]); $item['values'] = $attribute_data; array_push($choice_options, $item); } } $choice_options = json_encode($choice_options, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); if (isset($collection['choice_no']) && $collection['choice_no']) { $attributes = json_encode($collection['choice_no']); unset($collection['choice_no']); } else { $attributes = json_encode(array()); } $published = 1; if ($collection['button'] == 'unpublish' || $collection['button'] == 'draft') { $published = 0; } unset($collection['button']); $data = $collection->merge(compact( 'user_id', 'approved', 'discount_start_date', 'discount_end_date', 'shipping_cost', 'slug', 'colors', 'choice_options', 'attributes', 'published' ))->toArray(); return Product::create($data); } public function update(array $data, Product $product) { $collection = collect($data); $slug = Str::slug($collection['name']); $slug = $collection['slug'] ? Str::slug($collection['slug']) : Str::slug($collection['name']); $same_slug_count = Product::where('slug', 'LIKE', $slug . '%')->count(); $slug_suffix = $same_slug_count > 1 ? '-' . $same_slug_count + 1 : ''; $slug .= $slug_suffix; if(addon_is_activated('refund_request') && !isset($collection['refundable'])){ $collection['refundable'] = 0; } if(!isset($collection['is_quantity_multiplied'])){ $collection['is_quantity_multiplied'] = 0; } if(!isset($collection['cash_on_delivery'])){ $collection['cash_on_delivery'] = 0; } if(!isset($collection['featured'])){ $collection['featured'] = 0; } if(!isset($collection['todays_deal'])){ $collection['todays_deal'] = 0; } if ($collection['lang'] != env("DEFAULT_LANGUAGE")) { unset($collection['name']); unset($collection['unit']); unset($collection['description']); } unset($collection['lang']); $tags = array(); if ($collection['tags'][0] != null) { foreach (json_decode($collection['tags'][0]) as $key => $tag) { array_push($tags, $tag->value); } } $collection['tags'] = implode(',', $tags); $discount_start_date = null; $discount_end_date = null; if ($collection['date_range'] != null) { $date_var = explode(" to ", $collection['date_range']); $discount_start_date = strtotime($date_var[0]); $discount_end_date = strtotime($date_var[1]); } unset($collection['date_range']); if ($collection['meta_title'] == null) { $collection['meta_title'] = $collection['name']; } if ($collection['meta_description'] == null) { $collection['meta_description'] = strip_tags($collection['description']??''); } if ($collection['meta_img'] == null) { $collection['meta_img'] = $collection['thumbnail_img']; } $shipping_cost = 0; if (isset($collection['shipping_type'])) { if ($collection['shipping_type'] == 'free') { $shipping_cost = 0; } elseif ($collection['shipping_type'] == 'flat_rate') { $shipping_cost = $collection['flat_shipping_cost']; } } unset($collection['flat_shipping_cost']); $colors = json_encode(array()); if ( isset($collection['colors_active']) && $collection['colors_active'] && $collection['colors'] && count($collection['colors']) > 0 ) { $colors = json_encode($collection['colors']); } $options = ProductUtility::get_attribute_options($collection); $combinations = Combinations::makeCombinations($options); if (count($combinations[0]) > 0) { foreach ($combinations as $key => $combination) { $str = ProductUtility::get_combination_string($combination, $collection); unset($collection['price_' . str_replace('.', '_', $str)]); unset($collection['sku_' . str_replace('.', '_', $str)]); unset($collection['qty_' . str_replace('.', '_', $str)]); unset($collection['img_' . str_replace('.', '_', $str)]); } } unset($collection['colors_active']); $choice_options = array(); if (isset($collection['choice_no']) && $collection['choice_no']) { $str = ''; $item = array(); foreach ($collection['choice_no'] as $key => $no) { $str = 'choice_options_' . $no; $item['attribute_id'] = $no; $attribute_data = array(); // foreach (json_decode($request[$str][0]) as $key => $eachValue) { foreach ($collection[$str] as $key => $eachValue) { // array_push($data, $eachValue->value); array_push($attribute_data, $eachValue); } unset($collection[$str]); $item['values'] = $attribute_data; array_push($choice_options, $item); } } $choice_options = json_encode($choice_options, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE); if (isset($collection['choice_no']) && $collection['choice_no']) { $attributes = json_encode($collection['choice_no']); unset($collection['choice_no']); } else { $attributes = json_encode(array()); } unset($collection['button']); $data = $collection->merge(compact( 'discount_start_date', 'discount_end_date', 'shipping_cost', 'slug', 'colors', 'choice_options', 'attributes', ))->toArray(); $product->update($data); return $product; } }