phone == null) { flash('Please add phone number to your profile')->warning(); return redirect()->route('profile'); } if (Auth::user()->email == null) { $email = ''; } else{ $email = Auth::user()->email; } if (get_setting('aamarpay_sandbox') == 1) { $url = ''; // live url } else { $url = ''; } $amount = 0; if(Session::has('payment_type')){ if(Session::get('payment_type') == 'cart_payment'){ $combined_order = CombinedOrder::findOrFail(Session::get('combined_order_id')); $amount = round($combined_order->grand_total); } elseif (Session::get('payment_type') == 'wallet_payment') { $amount = round(Session::get('payment_data')['amount']); } elseif (Session::get('payment_type') == 'customer_package_payment') { $customer_package = CustomerPackage::findOrFail(Session::get('payment_data')['customer_package_id']); $amount = round($customer_package->amount); } elseif (Session::get('payment_type') == 'seller_package_payment') { $seller_package = SellerPackage::findOrFail(Session::get('payment_data')['seller_package_id']); $amount = round($seller_package->amount); } } $fields = array( 'store_id' => env('AAMARPAY_STORE_ID'), //store id will be aamarpay, contact for test/live id 'amount' => $amount, //transaction amount 'payment_type' => 'VISA', //no need to change 'currency' => 'BDT', //currenct will be USD/BDT 'tran_id' => rand(1111111,9999999), //transaction id must be unique from your end 'cus_name' => Auth::user()->name, //customer name 'cus_email' => $email, //customer email address 'cus_add1' => '', //customer address 'cus_add2' => '', //customer address 'cus_city' => '', //customer city 'cus_state' => '', //state 'cus_postcode' => '', //postcode or zipcode 'cus_country' => 'Bangladesh', //country 'cus_phone' => Auth::user()->phone, //customer phone number 'cus_fax' => 'NotĀ¬Applicable', //fax 'ship_name' => '', //ship name 'ship_add1' => '', //ship address 'ship_add2' => '', 'ship_city' => '', 'ship_state' => '', 'ship_postcode' => '', 'ship_country' => 'Bangladesh', 'desc' => env('APP_NAME').' payment', 'success_url' => route('aamarpay.success'), //your success route 'fail_url' => route(''), //your fail route 'cancel_url' => route('cart'), //your cancel url 'opt_a' => Session::get('payment_type'), //optional paramter 'opt_b' => Session::get('combined_order_id'), 'opt_c' => json_encode(Session::get('payment_data')), 'opt_d' => '', 'signature_key' => env('AAMARPAY_SIGNATURE_KEY') //signature key will provided aamarpay, contact for test/live signature key ); $fields_string = http_build_query($fields); $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $fields_string); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); $url_forward = str_replace('"', '', stripslashes(curl_exec($ch))); curl_close($ch); $this->redirect_to_merchant($url_forward); } function redirect_to_merchant($url) { if (get_setting('aamarpay_sandbox') == 1) { $base_url = ''; } else { $base_url = ''; } ?>
opt_a; if ($payment_type == 'cart_payment') { return (new CheckoutController)->checkout_done($request->opt_b, json_encode($request->all())); } if ($payment_type == 'wallet_payment') { return (new WalletController)->wallet_payment_done(json_decode($request->opt_c), json_encode($request->all())); } if ($payment_type == 'customer_package_payment') { return (new CustomerPackageController)->purchase_payment_done(json_decode($request->opt_c), json_encode($request->all())); } if($payment_type == 'seller_package_payment') { return (new SellerPackageController)->purchase_payment_done(json_decode($request->opt_c), json_encode($request->all())); } } public function fail(Request $request){ flash(translate('Payment failed'))->error(); return redirect()->route('cart'); } }