@extends('backend.layouts.app') @section('content')
{{translate('SMTP Settings')}}
{{translate('Test SMTP configuration')}}

{{ translate('Please be carefull when you are configuring SMTP. For incorrect configuration you will get error at the time of order place, new registration, sending newsletter.') }}

{{ translate('For Non-SSL') }}
  • {{ translate('Select sendmail for Mail Driver if you face any issue after configuring smtp as Mail Driver ') }}
  • {{ translate('Set Mail Host according to your server Mail Client Manual Settings') }}
  • {{ translate('Set Mail port as 587') }}
  • {{ translate('Set Mail Encryption as ssl if you face issue with tls') }}

{{ translate('For SSL') }}
  • {{ translate('Select sendmail for Mail Driver if you face any issue after configuring smtp as Mail Driver') }}
  • {{ translate('Set Mail Host according to your server Mail Client Manual Settings') }}
  • {{ translate('Set Mail port as 465') }}
  • {{ translate('Set Mail Encryption as ssl') }}
@endsection @section('script') @endsection