id; $userIds = User::where('user_type', 'seller')->where(function ($user) use ($pid) { $user->where('pid', $pid); })->pluck('id')->toArray(); $orders =Order::orderBy('id', 'desc') ->whereIn('seller_id', $userIds) ->select('') ->distinct(); if ( $request->payment_status != NULL ) { $orders = $orders->where('payment_status', $request->payment_status); $payment_status = $request->payment_status; } if ( $request->delivery_status != NULL ) { $orders = $orders->where('delivery_status', $request->delivery_status); $delivery_status = $request->delivery_status; } if ( $request->has('search') ) { $sort_search = $request->search; $orders = $orders->where(function ($query)use ($sort_search){ $query->where('code', 'like', '%' . $sort_search . '%')->orWhereHas("shop",function ($query)use ($sort_search){ $query->whereHas("user",function ($query)use ($sort_search){ $query->where('email', 'like', '%' . $sort_search . '%'); }); }); }); } $orders = $orders->paginate(15); return view('salesman.orders.index', compact('orders', 'payment_status', 'delivery_status', 'sort_search')); } // All Orders public function all_orders( Request $request ) { CoreComponentRepository::instantiateShopRepository(); $date = $request->date; $sort_search = NULL; $delivery_status = NULL; $orders = Order::orderBy('id', 'desc'); if ( $request->has('search') ) { $sort_search = $request->search; $orders = $orders->where('code', 'like', '%' . $sort_search . '%'); } if ( $request->delivery_status != NULL ) { $orders = $orders->where('delivery_status', $request->delivery_status); $delivery_status = $request->delivery_status; } if ( $date != NULL ) { $orders = $orders->where('created_at', '>=', date('Y-m-d', strtotime(explode(" to ", $date)[0])))->where('created_at', '<=', date('Y-m-d', strtotime(explode(" to ", $date)[1]))); } $orders = $orders->paginate(15); return view('backend.sales.all_orders.index', compact('orders', 'sort_search', 'delivery_status', 'date')); } public function all_orders_show( $id ) { $order = Order::findOrFail(decrypt($id)); $express = ''; if ( $order->express_info ) { $express = json_decode($order->express_info); } error_reporting(0); $order_shipping_address = json_decode($order->shipping_address); $delivery_boys = []; if ( isset($order_shipping_address->city) ) { $delivery_boys = User::where('city', $order_shipping_address->city) ->where('user_type', 'delivery_boy') ->get(); } return view('', compact('order', 'delivery_boys', 'express')); } public function show( $id ) { $order = Order::findOrFail(decrypt($id)); $express = ''; if ( $order->express_info ) { $express = json_decode($order->express_info); } error_reporting(0); $order_shipping_address = json_decode($order->shipping_address); $delivery_boys = []; if ( isset($order_shipping_address->city) ) { $delivery_boys = User::where('city', $order_shipping_address->city) ->where('user_type', 'delivery_boy') ->get(); } return view('', compact('order', 'delivery_boys', 'express')); } // Seller Orders public function seller_orders( Request $request ) { CoreComponentRepository::instantiateShopRepository(); $date = $request->date; $seller_id = $request->seller_id; $payment_status = NULL; $delivery_status = NULL; $sort_search = NULL; $admin_user_id = User::where('user_type', 'admin')->first()->id; $orders = Order::orderBy('code', 'desc') ->where('orders.seller_id', '!=', $admin_user_id); if ( $request->payment_type != NULL ) { $orders = $orders->where('payment_status', $request->payment_type); $payment_status = $request->payment_type; } if ( $request->delivery_status != NULL ) { $orders = $orders->where('delivery_status', $request->delivery_status); $delivery_status = $request->delivery_status; } if ( $request->has('search') ) { $sort_search = $request->search; $orders = $orders->where('code', 'like', '%' . $sort_search . '%'); } if ( $date != NULL ) { $orders = $orders->whereDate('created_at', '>=', date('Y-m-d', strtotime(explode(" to ", $date)[0])))->whereDate('created_at', '<=', date('Y-m-d', strtotime(explode(" to ", $date)[1]))); } if ( $seller_id ) { $orders = $orders->where('seller_id', $seller_id); } $orders = $orders->paginate(15); return view('backend.sales.seller_orders.index', compact('orders', 'payment_status', 'delivery_status', 'sort_search', 'admin_user_id', 'seller_id', 'date')); } public function seller_orders_show( $id ) { $order = Order::findOrFail(decrypt($id)); $order->viewed = 1; $order->save(); return view('', compact('order')); } /** * Display a single sale to admin. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ /** * Show the form for creating a new resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function create() { // } /** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store( Request $request ) { $carts = Cart::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id) ->get(); if ( $carts->isEmpty() ) { flash(translate('Your cart is empty'))->warning(); return redirect()->route('home'); } $address = Address::where('id', $carts[0]['address_id'])->first(); $shippingAddress = []; if ( $address != NULL ) { $shippingAddress['name'] = Auth::user()->name; $shippingAddress['email'] = Auth::user()->email; $shippingAddress['address'] = $address->address; $shippingAddress['country'] = $address->country->name; $shippingAddress['state'] = $address->state->name; $shippingAddress['city'] = $address->city->name; $shippingAddress['postal_code'] = $address->postal_code; $shippingAddress['phone'] = $address->phone; if ( $address->latitude || $address->longitude ) { $shippingAddress['lat_lang'] = $address->latitude . ',' . $address->longitude; } } $combined_order = new CombinedOrder; $combined_order->user_id = Auth::user()->id; $combined_order->shipping_address = json_encode($shippingAddress); $combined_order->save(); $seller_products = []; foreach ( $carts as $cartItem ) { $product_ids = []; $product = Product::find($cartItem['product_id']); if ( isset($seller_products[$product->user_id]) ) { $product_ids = $seller_products[$product->user_id]; } array_push($product_ids, $cartItem); $seller_products[$product->user_id] = $product_ids; } foreach ( $seller_products as $seller_product ) { $order = new Order; $order->combined_order_id = $combined_order->id; $order->user_id = Auth::user()->id; $order->shipping_address = $combined_order->shipping_address; $order->additional_info = $request->additional_info; $order->shipping_type = $carts[0]['shipping_type']; if ( $carts[0]['shipping_type'] == 'pickup_point' ) { $order->pickup_point_id = $cartItem['pickup_point']; } $order->payment_type = $request->payment_option; $order->delivery_viewed = '0'; $order->payment_status_viewed = '0'; $order->code = date('Ymd-His') . rand(10, 99); $order->date = strtotime('now'); $order->save(); $subtotal = 0; $tax = 0; $shipping = 0; $coupon_discount = 0; // 产品仓库的产品货款 $productStorehouseTotal = 0; //Order Details Storing foreach ( $seller_product as $cartItem ) { $product = Product::find($cartItem['product_id']); // 计算产品仓库的产品货款 $originalProduct = NULL; if ( $product->original_id ) { $originalProduct = Product::query()->find($product->original_id); if ( $originalProduct ) { $productStorehouseTotal += cart_product_price($cartItem, $originalProduct, false, false) * $cartItem['quantity']; } } $subtotal += cart_product_price($cartItem, $product, false, false) * $cartItem['quantity']; $tax += cart_product_tax($cartItem, $product, false) * $cartItem['quantity']; $coupon_discount += $cartItem['discount']; $product_variation = $cartItem['variation']; $product_stock = $product->stocks->where('variant', $product_variation)->first(); if ( $product->digital != 1 && $cartItem['quantity'] > $product_stock->qty ) { flash(translate('The requested quantity is not available for ') . $product->getTranslation('name'))->warning(); $order->delete(); return redirect()->route('cart')->send(); } else if ( $product->digital != 1 ) { $product_stock->qty -= $cartItem['quantity']; $product_stock->save(); } $order_detail = new OrderDetail; $order_detail->order_id = $order->id; $order_detail->seller_id = $product->user_id; $order_detail->product_id = $product->id; $order_detail->is_storehouse_product = $product->original_id ? 1 : 0; // 是否产品仓库产品 $order_detail->original_product_id = $product->original_id ?: NULL; // 原产品仓库产品ID $order_detail->original_product_price = $originalProduct ? $originalProduct->unit_price : NULL; // 原产品仓库产品价格(进货价) $order_detail->variation = $product_variation; $order_detail->price = cart_product_price($cartItem, $product, false, false) * $cartItem['quantity']; $order_detail->tax = cart_product_tax($cartItem, $product, false) * $cartItem['quantity']; $order_detail->shipping_type = $cartItem['shipping_type']; $order_detail->product_referral_code = $cartItem['product_referral_code']; $order_detail->shipping_cost = $cartItem['shipping_cost']; $shipping += $order_detail->shipping_cost; //End of storing shipping cost $order_detail->quantity = $cartItem['quantity']; $order_detail->save(); $product->num_of_sale += $cartItem['quantity']; $product->save(); $order->seller_id = $product->user_id; if ( $product->added_by == 'seller' && $product->user->seller != NULL ) { $seller = $product->user->seller; $seller->num_of_sale += $cartItem['quantity']; $seller->save(); } if ( addon_is_activated('affiliate_system') ) { if ( $order_detail->product_referral_code ) { $referred_by_user = User::where('referral_code', $order_detail->product_referral_code)->first(); $affiliateController = new AffiliateController; $affiliateController->processAffiliateStats($referred_by_user->id, 0, $order_detail->quantity, 0, 0); } } } $order->grand_total = $subtotal + $tax + $shipping; $order->product_storehouse_total = $productStorehouseTotal; if ( $seller_product[0]->coupon_code != NULL ) { // if (Session::has('club_point')) { // $order->club_point = Session::get('club_point'); // } $order->coupon_discount = $coupon_discount; $order->grand_total -= $coupon_discount; $coupon_usage = new CouponUsage; $coupon_usage->user_id = Auth::user()->id; $coupon_usage->coupon_id = Coupon::where('code', $seller_product[0]->coupon_code)->first()->id; $coupon_usage->save(); } $combined_order->grand_total += $order->grand_total; $order->save(); } $combined_order->save(); $request->session()->put('combined_order_id', $combined_order->id); } /** * Display the specified resource. * * @param int $id * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ /** * Show the form for editing the specified resource. * * @param int $id * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function edit( $id ) { // } /** * Update the specified resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param int $id * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function update( Request $request, $id ) { // } /** * Remove the specified resource from storage. * * @param int $id * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function destroy( $id ) { $order = Order::findOrFail($id); if ( $order != NULL ) { foreach ( $order->orderDetails as $key => $orderDetail ) { try { $product_stock = ProductStock::where('product_id', $orderDetail->product_id)->where('variant', $orderDetail->variation)->first(); if ( $product_stock != NULL ) { $product_stock->qty += $orderDetail->quantity; $product_stock->save(); } } catch ( \Exception $e ) { } $orderDetail->delete(); } $order->delete(); flash(translate('Order has been deleted successfully'))->success(); } else { flash(translate('Something went wrong'))->error(); } return back(); } public function order_details( Request $request ) { $order = Order::findOrFail($request->order_id); $order->save(); return view('seller.order_details_seller', compact('order')); } }