$(function (e) { 'use strict' // CHARTJS SALES CHART OPEN var ctx = document.getElementById('saleschart').getContext('2d'); new Chart(ctx, { type: 'bar', data: { labels: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'], datasets: [{ barPercentage: 0.1, barThickness: 6, barGap: 0, maxBarThickness: 8, minBarLength: 2, label: 'Total Sales', data: [19, 10, 15, 8, 6, 10, 13], backgroundColor: [ 'rgba(5, 195, 251, 0.2)', 'rgba(5, 195, 251, 0.2)', '#05c3fb', 'rgba(5, 195, 251, 0.2)', 'rgba(5, 195, 251, 0.2)', '#05c3fb', '#05c3fb' ], borderColor: [ 'rgba(5, 195, 251, 0.5)', 'rgba(5, 195, 251, 0.5)', '#05c3fb', 'rgba(5, 195, 251, 0.5)', 'rgba(5, 195, 251, 0.5)', '#05c3fb', '#05c3fb' ], pointBorderWidth: 2, pointRadius: 2, pointHoverRadius: 2, borderRadius: 10, borderWidth: 1 },] }, options: { maintainAspectRatio: false, plugins: { legend: { display: false, labels: { display: false } }, tooltip: { enabled: false } }, responsive: true, scales: { x: { categoryPercentage: 1.0, barPercentage: 1.0, barDatasetSpacing: 0, display: false, barThickness: 5, barRadius: 0, gridLines: { color: 'transparent', zeroLineColor: 'transparent' }, ticks: { fontSize: 2, fontColor: 'transparent' } }, y: { display: false, ticks: { display: false, } } }, title: { display: false, }, elements: { point: { radius: 0 } } } }); // CHARTJS SALES CHART CLOSED // CHARTJS LEADS CHART OPEN var ctx1 = document.getElementById('leadschart').getContext('2d'); new Chart(ctx1, { type: 'line', data: { labels: ['Date 1', 'Date 2', 'Date 3', 'Date 4', 'Date 5', 'Date 6', 'Date 7', 'Date 8', 'Date 9', 'Date 10', 'Date 11', 'Date 12', 'Date 13', 'Date 14', 'Date 15'], datasets: [{ label: 'Total Sales', data: [45, 23, 32, 67, 49, 72, 52, 55, 46, 54, 32, 74, 88, 36, 36, 32, 48, 54], backgroundColor: 'transparent', borderColor: '#f46ef4', borderWidth: '2.5', pointBorderColor: 'transparent', pointBackgroundColor: 'transparent', lineTension: 0.3 },] }, options: { maintainAspectRatio: false, plugins: { legend: { display: false, labels: { display: false } }, tooltip: { enabled: false } }, responsive: true, scales: { x: { ticks: { beginAtZero: true, fontSize: 10, fontColor: "transparent", }, title: { display: false, }, grid: { display: true, color: 'transparent ', drawBorder: false, }, categoryPercentage: 1.0, barPercentage: 1.0, barDatasetSpacing: 0, display: false, barThickness: 5, }, y: { display: false, ticks: { display: false, } } }, title: { display: false, }, elements: { point: { radius: 0 } } } }); // CHARTJS LEADS CHART CLOSED // PROFIT CHART OPEN var ctx2 = document.getElementById('profitchart').getContext('2d'); new Chart(ctx2, { type: 'bar', data: { labels: ['Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'], datasets: [{ barPercentage: 0.1, barThickness: 6, maxBarThickness: 8, minBarLength: 2, label: 'Total Sales', barGap: 0, barSizeRatio: 1, data: [10, 12, 5, 6, 3, 11, 12], backgroundColor: '#4ecc48', borderColor: '#4ecc48', pointBackgroundColor: '#fff', pointHoverBackgroundColor: '#4ecc48', pointBorderColor: '#4ecc48', pointHoverBorderColor: '#4ecc48', pointBorderWidth: 2, pointRadius: 2, pointHoverRadius: 2, borderRadius: 10, borderWidth: 1 },] }, options: { maintainAspectRatio: false, plugins: { legend: { display: false, labels: { display: false } }, tooltip: { enabled: false } }, responsive: true, scales: { x: { categoryPercentage: 1.0, barPercentage: 1.0, barDatasetSpacing: 0, display: false, barThickness: 5, gridLines: { color: 'transparent', zeroLineColor: 'transparent' }, ticks: { fontSize: 2, fontColor: 'transparent' } }, y: { display: false, ticks: { display: false, } } }, title: { display: false, }, elements: { point: { radius: 0 } } } }); // PROFIT CHART CLOSED // COST CHART OPEN var ctx3 = document.getElementById('costchart').getContext('2d'); new Chart(ctx3, { type: 'line', data: { labels: ['Date 1', 'Date 2', 'Date 3', 'Date 4', 'Date 5', 'Date 6', 'Date 7', 'Date 8', 'Date 9', 'Date 10', 'Date 11', 'Date 12', 'Date 13', 'Date 14', 'Date 15', 'Date 16', 'Date 17'], datasets: [{ label: 'Total Sales', data: [28, 56, 36, 32, 48, 54, 37, 58, 66, 53, 21, 24, 14, 45, 0, 32, 67, 49, 52, 55, 46, 54, 130], backgroundColor: 'transparent', borderColor: '#f7ba48', borderWidth: '2.5', pointBorderColor: 'transparent', pointBackgroundColor: 'transparent', lineTension: 0.3 },] }, options: { maintainAspectRatio: false, plugins: { legend: { display: false, labels: { display: false } }, tooltip: { enabled: false } }, responsive: true, scales: { x: { categoryPercentage: 1.0, barPercentage: 1.0, barDatasetSpacing: 0, display: false, barThickness: 5, gridLines: { color: 'transparent', zeroLineColor: 'transparent' }, ticks: { fontSize: 2, fontColor: 'transparent' } }, y: { display: false, ticks: { display: false, } } }, title: { display: false, }, elements: { point: { radius: 0 } } } }); // COST CHART CLOSED // FLOAT CHART OPEN $.plot('#flotback-chart', [{ data: dashData10, color: 'rgba(255,255,255, 0.2)', lines: { lineWidth: 1 } }], { series: { stack: 0, shadowSize: 0, lines: { show: true, lineWidth: 1.8, fill: true, fillColor: { colors: [{ opacity: 0 }, { opacity: 0.3 }] } } }, grid: { borderWidth: 0, labelMargin: 5, hoverable: true }, yaxis: { show: false, color: 'rgba(72, 94, 144, .1)', min: 0, max: 130, font: { size: 10, color: '#8392a5' } }, xaxis: { show: false, color: 'rgba(72, 94, 144, .1)', ticks: [ [0, '10'], [10, '20'], [20, '30'], [30, '40'], [40, '50'], [50, '60'], [60, '70'], [70, '80'], [80, '90'], [90, '100'], [100, '110'], [120, '120'], ], font: { size: 10, color: '#8392a5' }, reserveSpace: false } }); // FLOAT CHART CLOSED // RECENT ORDERS OPEN var myCanvas = document.getElementById("recentorders"); myCanvas.height = "225"; new Chart(myCanvas, { type: 'bar', data: { labels: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"], datasets: [{ barThickness: 8, label: 'This Month', data: [27, 50, 28, 50, 28, 30, 22], backgroundColor: '#61c9fc', borderWidth: 2, hoverBackgroundColor: '#61c9fc', hoverBorderWidth: 0, borderColor: '#61c9fc', hoverBorderColor: '#61c9fc', borderRadius: 10, }, { barThickness: 8, label: 'This Month', data: [32, 58, 68, 65, 40, 68, 58], backgroundColor: '#f38ff3', borderWidth: 2, hoverBackgroundColor: '#f38ff3', hoverBorderWidth: 0, borderColor: '#f38ff3', hoverBorderColor: '#f38ff3', borderRadius: 10, }] }, options: { responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: false, layout: { padding: { left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0 } }, plugins: { legend: { display: false, labels: { display: false } }, tooltip: { enabled: false } }, scales: { y: { display: false, grid: { display: false, drawBorder: false, zeroLineColor: 'rgba(142, 156, 173,0.1)', color: "rgba(142, 156, 173,0.1)", }, scaleLabel: { display: false, }, ticks: { beginAtZero: true, stepSize: 25, suggestedMin: 0, suggestedMax: 100, fontColor: "#8492a6", userCallback: function (tick) { return tick.toString() + '%'; } }, }, x: { display: false, stacked: false, ticks: { beginAtZero: true, fontColor: "#8492a6", }, grid: { color: "rgba(142, 156, 173,0.1)", display: false }, } }, legend: { display: false }, elements: { point: { radius: 0 } } } }); // RECENT ORDERS CLOSED // DATA TABLE $('#data-table').DataTable({ "order": [ [0, "desc"] ], order: [], columnDefs: [{ orderable: false, targets: [0, 4, 5] }], language: { searchPlaceholder: 'Search...', sSearch: '', } }); // SELECT2 $('.select2').select2({ minimumResultsForSearch: Infinity }); // WORLD MAP MARKER $('#world-map-markers1').vectorMap({ map: 'world_mill_en', scaleColors: ['#6c5ffc', '#e82646', '#05c3fb'], normalizeFunction: 'polynomial', hoverOpacity: 0.7, hoverColor: false, regionStyle: { initial: { fill: '#edf0f5' } }, markerStyle: { initial: { r: 6, 'fill': '#6c5ffc', 'fill-opacity': 0.9, 'stroke': '#fff', 'stroke-width': 9, 'stroke-opacity': 0.2 }, hover: { 'stroke': '#fff', 'fill-opacity': 1, 'stroke-width': 1.5 } }, backgroundColor: 'transparent', markers: [{ latLng: [40.3, -101.38], name: 'USA', }, { latLng: [22.5, 1.51], name: 'India' }, { latLng: [50.02, 80.55], name: 'Bahrain' }, { latLng: [3.2, 73.22], name: 'Maldives' }, { latLng: [35.88, 14.5], name: 'Malta' },] }); }); function getCssValuePrefix() { 'use strict' var retuenValue = ''; //default to standard syntax var prefixes = ['-o-', '-ms-', '-moz-', '-webkit-']; // Create a temporary DOM object for testing var dom = document.createElement('div'); for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) { // Attempt to set the style dom.style.background = prefixes[i] + 'linear-gradient(#ffffff, #000000)'; // Detect if the style was successfully set if (dom.style.background) { retuenValue = prefixes[i]; } } dom = null; dom.remove(); return retuenValue; } // TRANSACTIONS var myCanvas = document.getElementById("transactions"); myCanvas.height = "330"; var myCanvasContext = myCanvas.getContext("2d"); var gradientStroke1 = myCanvasContext.createLinearGradient(0, 80, 0, 280); gradientStroke1.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(108, 95, 252, 0.8)'); gradientStroke1.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(108, 95, 252, 0.2) '); var gradientStroke2 = myCanvasContext.createLinearGradient(0, 80, 0, 280); gradientStroke2.addColorStop(0, 'rgba(5, 195, 251, 0.8)'); gradientStroke2.addColorStop(1, 'rgba(5, 195, 251, 0.2) '); document.getElementById('transactions').innerHTML = ''; var myChart; myChart = new Chart(myCanvas, { type: 'line', data: { labels: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "June", "July", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"], type: 'line', datasets: [{ label: 'Total Sales', data: [100, 210, 180, 454, 454, 230, 230, 656, 656, 350, 350, 210], backgroundColor: gradientStroke1, borderColor: "#05c3fb", pointBackgroundColor: '#fff', pointHoverBackgroundColor: gradientStroke1, pointBorderColor: "#05c3fb", pointHoverBorderColor: gradientStroke1, pointBorderWidth: 0, pointRadius: 0, pointHoverRadius: 0, borderWidth: 3, fill: 'origin', lineTension: 0.3 }, { label: 'Total Orders', data: [200, 530, 110, 110, 480, 520, 780, 435, 475, 738, 454, 454], backgroundColor: 'transparent', borderColor: "#05c3fb", pointBackgroundColor: '#fff', pointHoverBackgroundColor: gradientStroke2, pointBorderColor: "#05c3fb", pointHoverBorderColor: gradientStroke2, pointBorderWidth: 0, pointRadius: 0, pointHoverRadius: 0, borderWidth: 3, fill: 'origin', lineTension: 0.3 }] }, options: { responsive: true, maintainAspectRatio: false, plugins: { legend: { display: false, labels: { usePointStyle: false, } }, tooltip: { enabled: false } }, scales: { x: { display: true, grid: { display: false, drawBorder: false, color: 'rgba(119, 119, 142, 0.08)' }, ticks: { autoSkip: true, color: '#b0bac9' }, scaleLabel: { display: false, labelString: 'Month', fontColor: 'transparent' } }, y: { ticks: { min: 0, max: 1050, stepSize: 150, color: "#b0bac9", }, display: true, grid: { display: true, drawBorder: false, zeroLineColor: 'rgba(142, 156, 173,0.1)', color: "rgba(142, 156, 173,0.1)", }, scaleLabel: { display: false, labelString: 'sales', fontColor: 'transparent' } } }, title: { display: false, text: 'Normal Legend' } } }); function index(myVarVal, myVarVal1) { 'use strict' let gradientStroke = myCanvasContext.createLinearGradient(0, 80, 0, 280);; gradientStroke.addColorStop(0, `rgba(${myVarVal}, 0.8)` || 'rgba(108, 95, 252, 0.8)'); gradientStroke.addColorStop(1, `rgba(${myVarVal}, 0.2)` || 'rgba(108, 95, 252, 0.2) '); myChart.data.datasets[0] = { label: 'Total Sales', data: [100, 210, 180, 454, 454, 230, 230, 656, 656, 350, 350, 210], backgroundColor: gradientStroke, borderColor: `rgb(${myVarVal})`, pointBackgroundColor: '#fff', pointHoverBackgroundColor: gradientStroke, pointBorderColor: `rgb(${myVarVal})`, pointHoverBorderColor: gradientStroke, pointBorderWidth: 0, pointRadius: 0, pointHoverRadius: 0, borderWidth: 3, fill: 'origin', lineTension: 0.3 } myChart.update(); }