registerExceptionHandler(); * $error_handler->registerErrorHandler(); * $error_handler->registerShutdownFunction(); * * @package raven */ // TODO(dcramer): deprecate default error types in favor of runtime configuration // unless a reason can be determined that making them dynamic is better. They // currently are not used outside of the fatal handler. class Raven_ErrorHandler { protected $old_exception_handler; protected $call_existing_exception_handler = false; protected $old_error_handler; protected $call_existing_error_handler = false; protected $reservedMemory; /** @var Raven_Client */ protected $client; protected $send_errors_last = false; protected $fatal_error_types = array( E_ERROR, E_PARSE, E_CORE_ERROR, E_CORE_WARNING, E_COMPILE_ERROR, E_COMPILE_WARNING, E_STRICT, ); /** * @var array * Error types which should be processed by the handler. * A 'null' value implies "whatever error_reporting is at time of error". */ protected $error_types = null; /** @var \Exception|null */ private $lastHandledException; public function __construct($client, $send_errors_last = false, $error_types = null, $__error_types = null) { // support legacy fourth argument for error types if ($error_types === null) { $error_types = $__error_types; } $this->client = $client; $this->error_types = $error_types; $this->fatal_error_types = array_reduce($this->fatal_error_types, array($this, 'bitwiseOr')); if ($send_errors_last) { $this->send_errors_last = true; $this->client->store_errors_for_bulk_send = true; } } public function bitwiseOr($a, $b) { return $a | $b; } public function handleException($e, $isError = false, $vars = null) { $e->event_id = $this->client->captureException($e, null, null, $vars); $this->lastHandledException = $e; if (!$isError && $this->call_existing_exception_handler) { if ($this->old_exception_handler !== null) { call_user_func($this->old_exception_handler, $e); } else { throw $e; } } } public function handleError($type, $message, $file = '', $line = 0, $context = array()) { // // The following error types cannot be handled with a user defined function: E_ERROR, // E_PARSE, E_CORE_ERROR, E_CORE_WARNING, E_COMPILE_ERROR, E_COMPILE_WARNING, and // most of E_STRICT raised in the file where set_error_handler() is called. if (error_reporting() !== 0) { $error_types = $this->error_types; if ($error_types === null) { $error_types = error_reporting(); } if ($error_types & $type) { $e = new ErrorException($message, 0, $type, $file, $line); $this->handleException($e, true, $context); } } if ($this->call_existing_error_handler) { if ($this->old_error_handler !== null) { return call_user_func( $this->old_error_handler, $type, $message, $file, $line, $context ); } else { return false; } } return true; } public function handleFatalError() { unset($this->reservedMemory); if (null === $error = error_get_last()) { return; } if ($this->shouldCaptureFatalError($error['type'], $error['message'])) { $e = new ErrorException( @$error['message'], 0, @$error['type'], @$error['file'], @$error['line'] ); $this->client->useCompression = $this->client->useCompression && PHP_VERSION_ID > 70000; $this->handleException($e, true); } } /** * @param int $type * @param string|null $message * @return bool */ public function shouldCaptureFatalError($type, $message = null) { if (PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70000 && $this->lastHandledException) { if ($type === E_CORE_ERROR && strpos($message, 'Exception thrown without a stack frame') === 0) { return false; } if ($type === E_ERROR) { $expectedMessage = 'Uncaught ' . \get_class($this->lastHandledException) . ': ' . $this->lastHandledException->getMessage(); if (strpos($message, $expectedMessage) === 0) { return false; } } } return (bool) ($type & $this->fatal_error_types); } /** * Register a handler which will intercept unhandled exceptions and report them to the * associated Sentry client. * * @param bool $call_existing Call any existing exception handlers after processing * this instance. * @return Raven_ErrorHandler */ public function registerExceptionHandler($call_existing = true) { $this->old_exception_handler = set_exception_handler(array($this, 'handleException')); $this->call_existing_exception_handler = $call_existing; return $this; } /** * Register a handler which will intercept standard PHP errors and report them to the * associated Sentry client. * * @param bool $call_existing Call any existing errors handlers after processing * this instance. * @param array $error_types All error types that should be sent. * @return Raven_ErrorHandler */ public function registerErrorHandler($call_existing = true, $error_types = null) { if ($error_types !== null) { $this->error_types = $error_types; } $this->old_error_handler = set_error_handler(array($this, 'handleError'), E_ALL); $this->call_existing_error_handler = $call_existing; return $this; } /** * Register a fatal error handler, which will attempt to capture errors which * shutdown the PHP process. These are commonly things like OOM or timeouts. * * @param int $reservedMemorySize Number of kilobytes memory space to reserve, * which is utilized when handling fatal errors. * @return Raven_ErrorHandler */ public function registerShutdownFunction($reservedMemorySize = 10) { register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'handleFatalError')); $this->reservedMemory = str_repeat('x', 1024 * $reservedMemorySize); return $this; } }