// pages/my/account/account.js const app=getApp(); Page({ /** * 页面的初始数据 */ data: { show: false, recharge: [{ tit: '充600元', tips: '赠送300元', value: 600 }, { tit: '充300元', tips: '赠送100元', value: 300 }, { tit: '充100元', tips: '赠送20元', value: 100 }], active: 0, value: 0, balance:false, amount:0, is_online:1 }, amountList:[], /** * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载 */ onLoad: function (options) { this.setData({ is_online: wx.getStorageSync('is_online') }) this.getwallet(); }, showPopup() { console.log(this.data.recharge[0]) this.setData({ show: !this.data.show, active: 0, // value: this.data.recharge[0].price value: this.data.recharge.length>0?[0].price : 0 }); this.getrecharge(); }, showBalance(){ this.setData({ balance:!this.data.balance }) }, toDrtail(e) { var id=e.currentTarget.dataset.id wx.navigateTo({ url: '/pages/my/account/detail/detail?id='+id, }) }, changeCurrent(e) { let { index, value } = e.currentTarget.dataset this.setData({ active: index, value }) }, inputChange(e) { let { value } = e.detail console.log(value); this.setData({ value: value ? value : 0, active: -1 }) }, getwallet() { var that = this; app.api.useApi(app.globalData.baseAppUrl + "api/wallet", { }, "get").then(function (res) { if (res.code != 200) { wx.showLoading({ title: res.message.msg, }) setTimeout(function () { wx.hideLoading({ success: (res) => { }, }) }, 2000); } else { console.log(res.message.data); that.setData({ amount: res.message.data.balance, amountList:res.message.data.wallets.data }) } }).catch(function (err) { console.log(222); }) }, getrecharge() { var that = this; app.api.useApi(app.globalData.baseAppUrl + "api/recharge", { }, "get").then(function (res) { if (res.code != 200) { wx.showLoading({ title: res.message.msg, }) setTimeout(function () { wx.hideLoading({ success: (res) => { }, }) }, 2000); } else { console.log(res.message.data); that.setData({ recharge:res.message.data }) } }).catch(function (err) { console.log(222); }) }, wxPay(){ var that=this; var no=that.data.value app.api.useApi(app.globalData.baseAppUrl + "api/recharge/charge", { price: no, }, "post").then(function (res) { console.log(res) if (res.code != 200) { wx.showLoading({ title: res.message.msg, }) setTimeout(function () { wx.hideLoading({ success: (res) => { }, }) }, 1000); } else { var paydata=res.message.data wx.requestPayment({ timeStamp: paydata.timeStamp, nonceStr: paydata.nonceStr, package: paydata.package, signType: paydata.signType, paySign: paydata.paySign, success (res) { console.log(res); if(res.errMsg=="requestPayment:ok"){ that.getwallet(); wx.showLoading({ title:"支付成功。", }) setTimeout(function () { wx.hideLoading({ success: (res) => { }, }) }, 1000); // this. getwallet(); } }, fail (res) { wx.showLoading({ title: "失败,请重试!", }) setTimeout(function () { wx.hideLoading({ success: (res) => { }, }) }, 1000); console.log(res)} }) } }).catch(function (err) {console.log(err)}) } })